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**Legion, Religions and Bindings

Posted on January 13, 2021 by ADMIN

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Our Lord and Christ in His manhood had an encounter with a man from “the Gadarenes whose name was Legion for his demons were many”.

You see the word legion means “a company, squad or band. Binding comes from the word band and means those who are bound, and that man was possessed, controlled and bound by many demons.

To be bound is to be tied together and attached. Kinda like the wheat and tares mature together. The tares are bound in bundles to be burned, and the wheat are gathered and bound for the Father.

This is also where we get the word religion or re-legion and like legion, it  means binding, a re-binding. There are many religions, which is really a fracturing of many contending beliefs ­bound for contention or competition. They do not mix. When you join a religion today, you bind yourself, or adhere to their beliefs. This is a binding.

There is another binding today we understand as contracts. They are legal and binding. For the global internet (a term that means world trap being a net). It is by these things that are desirerus to make one wise, (think of the Garden of Eden and the forbidden fruit) enticing people to  accept terms and conditions, which are legally binding.

By giving in to these services, the entities of the internet retain back door access and unhindered ability to do want they want with your information and identity, because you empowered them with your permission to do so. But God has an empowering of another sort.

For every feature and tool they’ve presented to you to rule over your affairs on your behalf for you to become as your own gods, (think of the temptation in the garden of Eden). These tools they offer demands that you accept terms and conditions. That you bind together with them by agreement. That you join or wed yourself together by mutual imprecations to these seamingly innocuous features that are “desirable to make one wise”. You not knowing that these things that are delivered through 4g and 5g waves by way of modems and other mediums and familiar spirits we know as “the prince of the power of the air that now works in the sons of disobedience” of those who have bound themselves through such. That binding is for destruction. That binding is to gather together all those that are ignorant and disobedient to the other power of the air we call Gods Holy Spirit.

You see the word air in Greek is pnuemas and also means spirit. For the Elect of God, we have Gods air, Gods pneumas, meaning Gods Holy Spirit. Gods air/Spirit, and the prince of the power of the air are opposing entities vying for the souls of humans for the final rebellion and judgment of humanity and harvesting of the Elect because “the days are cut short for the sake of the elect”. When our number is full, creation as we know it will have no purpose.

For this reason Peter said “10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be [d]burned up. 11 Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat?”

Have you accepted terms and conditions based on what the gods of this day have to offer, without understanding what you’ve agreed to? Who is the deciever and how does he decieve? In your lust for control power and simplicity over the affairs of your life, you have eaten of the forbidden fruit. They knew what they were doing when they introduced these godlike abilities to unsuspecting souls, in exchange for unhindered full access and control over the affairs of their life, to obscond with your invisible parts, that belonged to the invisible, immortal, eternal Almighty God, that He gifted back to you for your personal sovereignty of being made in His image, you’ve squandered and gave it to Satan just like Adam and Eve did. You are no different.

Even as it says of The Prodigal Son who left home, that he “joined (by consent to be bound and binding) himself to a citizen of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed swine”,(this is what Satan does) then ate among them. He didn’t know that was where he’d end up. That is why the words from the father at the sons return said that “this son of mine was dead and now alive” because that’s what happens to us when we return. We become awake to things we didn’t know existed and we didn’t know we had. Many of us have done that.

Those who introduced the internet knew that it blinds you from God, and like a bad joke they called it  Apple which has a bite out if it. Think about that. They knew it would compete with God for the affections from people like the forbidden tree.

But we have the unction from the Holy One (Gods Holy Spirit) and know all things. Maybe not all simultaneously, but we know what we need to know when we need to know it. (1 John 2.20.) We have a different knowing with different terms and conditions, not by the prompting of the push of a button, but by the unction or prompting of the Spirit of the living God. The internet (human trap) has nothing on us or in us.

For those who use the promptings and commands of their wares and press “send” to deliver messages through the lower levels of air, we have our instrumentations too. Our messenger is our prayer, sanctified by Gods Holy Spirit and delivered when we say “Amen“, meaning, so shall it be.

However you cannot participate of Gods table and demons so this does not make sense to them.  For our God is a jealous God. I would rather be found in Him, meaning “in Christ” using His applications and services, than those on the internet. Now you know your real choice of service providers.

You see the day is upon us that the god called the all seeing eye in the sky and capstone on their pyramid, will use their back door with your permissions into your private things and take all that you have, of things that are dear to you, more than just your photos, messages and banking information.

This is the deception and how you can loose your soul by integrating with them. That’s why they say they have “Intel inside” because it has another spirit and we are told to test the spirits to see if they are of God or not. That whoever confesses that Christ had come in the flesh is of God”. Whoever says He must come again to save some more is not of God.

It is here that starts the wailing and knashing of teeth, the loss of all investments and what people hold dear of the things of this age. And more than that. If you accept terms and conditions to the vaccine to save you? That is an unauthorized saving and Savior, and brings definite destruction. You have been warned!

That is why the prompt, or the command from God went out who said “come out of her my people lest ye partake of her sins and receive of her judgment. For God has remembered her sins.”

The Kingdom of God is at hand since the expiration of Jerusalem of old, but has an expiration as this age expires.

You see the wheat and tares mature together. The enemies of Gods Kingdom is close to fruition, but the days will be cut short for the Elects sake, meaning, the tares game plan does not get put into play. That was their trap laid by the Almighty God, as scripture says “Babylon has fallen and become a snare and a trap for every foul and hateful bird” speaking of demons.

Scripture refers to “Him who was and is and is to come” versed “him who is not but will become for a short time.” That’s right, a short time because scripture also says that Satan has come down to earth with great wrath because he knows his time is short.

So you know this compounds with a rapid fire succession of events to keep people busy but he falls into his own trap as designed from the beginning. That is why our Lord “is seated waiting for his enemies to become His footstool” because the decree had previously been spoken and all of Gods words are carried out to perfection. How do we know? Because His word has come into fruition in us as Paul said that that is the purpose of the gospel, “ for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the [e]edifying of the body of Christ, 13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;

This is why we repeat these things. This is the gospel, nothing new, just new for you. And for our Glory, the shared Glory of God already allocated to us. This is why we await your arrival, because even now, The Kingdom of God is at hand. Come up hither! Amen!


*Dunamis. The Power of God

Posted on January 4, 2021 by ADMIN

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Just as a city goes into a blackout from a storm and a building goes on its own backup power source, so too we have our own internal power source turned on when we recognize and detach from the weaknesses and frailties of the worlds systems.

Our power plant is called “the Dunamis of God”. A word that means “Dynamo”, and means a power house. This is the same Dynamo that raised Christ from the dead, through professing and pressing into the gospel of God’s only Son.

Paul opened up to those in Rome saying ” I am not ashamed of the gospel message of — Christ, for it is the power of God (meaning the delivery mechanism) unto salvation for all who believe.” Into the completion of your faith.

The word “power” in this text comes from the Greek word “dunamis”, which is where we also get the word “dynamite” and carries the connotation of consecutive controlled explosions, and an ongoing generating of power. Like a dynamo or a power plant to support a city. However in this case it’s Gods city of “The Kingdom of God at Hand” that first started with Jesus and continues in our day to all that will receive it. Amen.

That is what we have inside us if we are tuned into the gift we have “in Christ”. We call this the Holy Spirit, our eternal, internal resource center and power supply. However, we do not need for the power grid to go down for our internal generator to kick in, but we do need to do a reliance disconnect from the mechanisms of this visible age that vies. They compete for your dependency upon them, that compete with this Heavenly power we are talking about. We need to put them off and put on Christ as scripture mandates, one revelation at a time until we have been completely rewired by scripture.

This is how the power grid of God works unto (meaning the delivery mechanism to complete) salvation for all who believe.” In this way we have been empowered by the Almighty God to complete this task of obtaining godliness in the here and now as is affirmed in 2 Peter 1).

It’s activated by our faith, as all of our services given to us by God are. “If you had the faith of a mustard seed you could move mountains”? We have power to do many things in the spirit with the permission and power of our Heavenly Father. The first mountain we moved was Sinai because you have to get past that to be saved. Sinai represents the law and the prophets and (all the law and the prophets were till John the Baptist. Now the Kingdom is preached and all are entering”. At least those who take God at His word are.

Paul in Ephesians prayed for us to know “what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power 20 which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all principality[g] and [h]power and [i]might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.” (Meaning us) For Gods word and Spirit to do the same thing in us who tend to His Word.

The book of the Revelation says ” blessed are those who die in the Lord from here on out. That they may cease from their deeds (carnal dependancies and services) and their works do follow.” This Is what we are talking about. When the various powers and agencies fail in the world, you’ll see that we have a greater counterpart reserved for us in Heaven. But you don’t need to wait for that to happen lest you be found as a slothful steward of the gifts from God.

We are those you cannot easily see, whose works you can, so you can follow us as we have clamored up the things God has said, having taken Him at His word, and arriving where it takes us, seated far above all powers and principalities in this day and every age.

10 For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:

11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it”. Says God Almighty.

Which is? The perfecting of His Saints. His word came forth. We call Him the Son. He returned to the Father. Did you follow Him? Because He said “follow Me, that where I am you may be also, who also told us by what means we use to get there saying “I am the way and the truth”. Meaning, when you take the truth and follow it, it takes you to Him and leads you to the Father. And because Jesus returned to the a Father, if you put these truths on, you will arrive there too. Where? To the a Father where Jesus is.

We are in Christ, Christ is in us. He said “Father, I have finished the work you have given me to do. I have given your Word to those whom you have given Me and they have kept it”. Meaning us, who also said to us “if you keep my words and My words abide in you, Me and the Father will come to you and make our home in you. The work is complete, it has made a full circle. In this way we have completed our journey to the Father.

Isn’t this what Paul begged you to do? “I plead with you, by the tender Mercies of God, be ye reconciled to the Father. For He made him who knew no sin to become (our) sin for us to become the righteousness of God in Him”.

With these promises there are no excuses. “What if” is not part of our vocabulary. There is no room for fear because “those who fear have not been perfected in love because fear involves torment”. Torment only happens in the absence of the knowledge of God in your northern hemisphere we call your head. Because God does not leaves us, but we leave God through fear by looking down at the events on planet earth and run for covering. Those are the wrong service providers to protect you. They are eating you up one payment after another.

Fear is the opposite of faith and points us in the wrong direction. That is why repent simply means turn and God meets us there. Like He promises us in scripture ” I will never leave you or forsake you” or leave you forsaken for “lo I am with you even through out the ages”. Amen!

Fear is a work of the flesh of the mind that is not cognizant of the Heavenly Father we are to image, and what Adam did when the Father asked Him, where are you. Adam said “I heard your voice and became afraid” because the snake sowed doubt in his mind that prior to that had no gaps. No gaps of coverage. Doubt came when Adam turned to hear another voice that caused this doubt. So with this understanding you should know and understand whose voice you are attentive to. Gods, or “the god of this age (the products thereof) Satan”.

Doubt was not given to Adam by God but Satan. Adam, with his own volition put off faith in God and felt naked and alone first then fear. This was Satan’s plan to steer him and to cover him. The word doubt conotates a split in decisiveness. In this way doubt creates a duality, a double, a split in personality. For this reason James says “a double  minded man is unstable in all his ways, let not that one think they should recieve anything from the Lord”. Doubt created the severance from God and created a gap to waver. This is a place made by man and not by God, however it is in Christ all the gaps were filled because “He who ascended first descended to the lower parts of creation to fill all in all”. So there are no gaps in coverage by His agencies, to the ones who return their focus on God, He’s got them covered under one policy called salvation. Not an end time saving, but the gift from the cross where the exchange takes place. For on Him was laid the inequity (sin doubts and fears) of us all and by him being stricken we are healed. The cross is the storehouse and the warehouse where all our products for being saved from every boogie man comes from. When fear is defused the enemy turns to mush. “On thy belly shalt thou go” God said to Satan. So quit empowering him.

That ones reliance is on another. Their power source is from without not within.. Those who hybernate in fear have no dunamis from God because fear is the by-product of the fall. That is why cowards are listed among those who are denied access to Heavenly Jerusalem, another phrase for the Kingdom of God. (Revelation 21.8)

James also referred to those who “store up for the last days” because that is the epitome of fear, the last days. That you would be where God can’t help you. This one is ignorant of Gods capabilities and relies on themselves. I don’t want to be found with such a frail reliance.

When the Jewish leaders sought to kill the Savior, He hid by walking through their midst, showing us how to do it. You do not give in to fear, you maintaine the course of faith.

And “the wind blows where it wishes, so are those born of the spirit”. So then those of us who have God’s Holy Writ and Holy Spirit, need no other agencies for our short comings and imperfections. We are full from within and why the gospel says that “we are complete in Him”, and “of His fullness we have received” as those whom the gospel has met it’s completion of reversing the fear passed on from our old nature. We have arrived in Christ a perfect person. That’s what the gospel provides  Ephesians 4.13.

Please stay your course, press in and grab ahold of this. As always, The Kingdom of God is at Hand. Meaning, within your grasp but never carnally tangible. For now the Kingdom is preached and the violent take it by force. We take God at His word. Even as Paul said in 2 Corinthians 4:13 And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, “I believed and therefore I spoke,” we also believe and therefore speak”.

Now you know what that means. The Kingdom of God is just an ear shot away. Amen!



*Masters, Lords and serfs.

Posted on December 31, 2020 by ADMIN

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In scripture God is referred to as Lord. But that was a name, or rather a title God adopted later, to teach the Israelites by way of contrasts who He is. You see in the Exodus God had this to say to Moses.

And God spoke to Moses and said to him: “I am [a]the LordI appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty, but by My name Lord[b] I was not known to them.

You see the people on whom God had set His affection on, being the 12 tribes of Jacob, had drifted so far from their created purpose of being made in Gods image of ruling and reigning over their own affairs, to turn around and serve others. Someone else lorded over them.

This was not Gods original plan for His chosen but He knew this would happen. So God created a polar opposite of Himself we call Pharoh and Egypt, by which to teach them this lesson.

It was the Egyptians who applied the title “lord” for themselves to rule and reign over the Israelites, then imposed hard labor upon them, so that they would know who gives instructions and whom they serve. They lorded over them. But this was to be short lived as God had promised Abrahham. (Genesis 15.13+14)  God had His redemption plan for them “and afterwards they would “come out with great possessions”.

This was given to us in picture form for us to understand God’s act of redemption we get through the good news of His Son. As we always say, scripture is given to make visible invisible lessons and realities of God in Christ Jesus, so that we may know clearly know who our Father is and in whose image we are redeemed to reflect through these understandings. For even in the time of Moses, the priests and Levites were instructed “that his heart may not [e]be lifted above his brethren. (Deuteronomy 17.20)

We then as the elect, pictured as the sons/offspring of Abraham, need to know this lesson clearly and understand why our Heavenly Father didn’t relate to the them by the title “Lord” before their bondage in Egypt. Why? Because He doesn’t want you to be lorded over. Our Father wants us seated side by side with Him, and not looking down on us. For this reason Paul said, be ye reconciled to the father.

You see Paul in the book of Galatians said that “a slave (someone who serves a lord) differeth not at all from an heir, but is under guardians and tutors until time appointed of the father”. For if you are serving God as Lord, at what point do you become an heir and partake of the fullness of the father? And when do you do the works of your Father? Not father Abraham, because he too is just a picture for us to understand our Heavenly Father in His original construct of that which is is before He ever said “let there be light”. We know this as The Sabboth days rest. (Hebrews 4.1)

Even as Isaiah 52 says ““Listen to Me, you who [a]follow after righteousness,
You who seek the Lord:
Look to the rock from which you were hewn,
And to the hole of the pit from which you were dug. (Think of contrasts here)
Look to Abraham your (Heavenly) father,
And to Sarah (your Heavenly Mother) who bore you:” as pictures of your Invisible Parents.


The Elect are those who put off the analogies and return to our God given purpose “seated with Him in the Heavens far above all principalities and powers” (Eph2.8) to rule and reign with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, our only Lord and master, that doesn’t Lord it over us, but confides. What a blessedness to associate with the Father in this way.

We are not “children under guardians and tutors’ or serfs but co-heirs of the things of the Father given to us, explained in His word, for us to operate as designed as a restored and matured image of God, doing the works of The Father. Our Father who art in Heaven.

And again from Paul “I plead with you by the mercies of God. Be ye reconciled to the Father (not Lord) for He made Him who knew no sin (Jesus) to become our sin (and take into Himself the penalty for our sin in exchange) for us to become Gods righteousness (that was) in Him.”

We see here at the cross, the lightning strike of God’s judgment from Heaven we think that was aimed at us, unloaded on His own Son. He took that bolt of judgment on Himself, and through the blessed blood of Christ through the eternal spirit, He purged our sin laiden conscience, to empty us of fear, doubt, loneliness and to fill us with Himself, not for us to call Him Lord, but Abba Father. What a blessedness to know that you have nothing to give but admiration, love and dedication in return. And that’s what repent means, to turn or return. That was your first step.

We can understand by the parable of The Prodigal Son. That when he realized his demise of working with and eating with the swine. That coming to his senses.. and returning home to get his inheritance. The Father met him along the road when he saw him coming. Then returned his robe and re-assigned his portion given to him as heir and not a serf. It was here he was operating as designed. We call this the restoration and salvation being realized, being clothed and seated with the Heavenly Father.

Like He said in Deuteronomy 28. And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them.” This is the will of God for you.

It is interesting how the Egyptians who lorded over God’s people had the same agenda as modern day corporations, who are motivated by money for profits, with quotas and expect more labor for more bricks with less straw and longer days for greater profits. But “You shall not serve God and Mammon.” So you can discern which agencies serve who by what projections motivate what companies and what their end game is, to Lord it over you.

Isaiah 26 says “Other master’s we have had besides you. However we won’t make mention of their names”. And in the world their names are many and their associations are webs to trap you from what God has for you.

: Beware of what contracts, terms and conditions you accept and make sure they don’t take you away from God’s terms and conditions spelled out in His contract, signed by His Sons blood. When someone rejects God’s provisions, they don’t get the next best thing but the opposite. Don’t be found there:

You see by way of contrasts laid out in scripture, we can see who we are and who we are not, as seen with this lesson on lords. If God has made us joint heir’s of His things given to His only Begotten, and passed on to us in our understanding for our crossover, not of the Red Sea where all our enemies were pictured as drowned, and not the river Jordan where the people of that last generation were baptised. We know baptism is to associate with a “newness of life”. By our verbal profession, to bury our old person  of sinful flesh, to be raised in newness of life and a new understanding to serve God to “be ye Holy, even as I am Holy”. And so we do. By persistence in seeking the Father, this is what you get. His invisiblness of that which was before He ever said “let there be light”.

Even as Moses was instructed to tell Pharoh “thus saith the Lord God, let My people go that they may serve Me in the wilderness”, showing us two things. That the Egyptians unknowingly served the Lord God to teach them a lesson, that God did not want His people to serve others.

If His people had learned the lessons in their crossover of the red sea where all their enemies were drowned, and through the wilderness where they were completely provided for, it would have been for the completion of their glory, but they did not.

Even Moses was denied entrance to the promised land, or, land of promises we see in scripture, and died shortly after his last gander of the land of promise from Mt Nebo, where the Lord God said to Moses “but you shall not enter” because of their folley.

The lesson from the wilderness was for God to show them, that even in their fear, He would deliver them time and again to earn their trust. And having done that, He would then take them through assorted obstacles and enemies, to teach them how to master, or be a lord unto themselves with their own God given abilities to rule and reign in truth, without Gods intervention. Meaning, you do it. Yes with the tools He has given you, you use them instead of hammers and chisel’s. Use the words He has given you in scripture. This is how you do the works of the Father, and show you are one of His. He didn’t leave us beggars and serfs. You just don’t know who you are yet.

Our baptism, or crossover shows that being made in the image of God and fallen, then that image buried by fear first. It needed to be washed off and re-energized, then raised with a new outlook appropriated by them, and now by us, to be our own masters and lords over various situations. This is the Resurrection given and allocated to us at the cross. That is where all are enemies are defeated. We just have to learn to appropriate this. At the cross Jesus Christ said “it is finished. This is our crossover to excersize lordship, our lordship in this life.

And how do we do this? With what we do? No, with what we say first, then what we do. We walk in the word, Gods word. In this way we part the seas, bring forth water from a rock, move mountains, and overcome all our enemies by our words. Like our Father said “let their be… and it was so. And like the Son said “rise up and walk”. And so we do. We do the walk of faith.

This is how we join the rest of God set in place on the 7th day of creation, to which the trumpet sound has called us since the day God capped His creation with humans. This is our exit, a word we get from Exodus which means departure, so we know where our crossover takes us and where we leave our enemies.

And from Hebrews 4.

Therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest, let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it. For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not profit them, [a]not being mixed with faith in those who heard it. For we who have believed do enter that rest, as He has said:

“So I swore in My wrath,
‘They shall not enter My rest,’ ”

although the works were finished from the foundation of the worldFor He has spoken in a certain place of the seventh day in this way: “And God rested on the seventh day from all His works”and again in this place: “They shall not enter My rest.”

But we know that “He who the Son sets free is truly free”. From the entanglements and the snares that try to detain us. Those monsters become our food for our growth into the things of God that proove we are His. This is the mastery our Father gave us. This is how we know we are His because we become the thing that He said,,, Word! With our words our enemies fear us, and We come out with great sustainance. We can rest assured in this, “in Him”, “in Christ”, The Word of God. Word!

The Kingdom of God is at hand! Enter in, be rich in Him and enjoy in this Glorious Salvation that was at first spoken of by the prophets, but now confirmed in us, and hopefully by you too… If you are able to receive it. Amen.

Related article: https://hiskingdomathand.com/2021/04/jacob-becomes-israel/


*The Purpose of the Harvest.

Posted on December 31, 2020 by ADMIN

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To Work in the Harvest

There is no greater calling and no greater reward than the infamy of living on through our words like Christ does. Not really our words, but the words of God in us, being the knowledge and understanding of His information. Which is His genetic structure and DNA spelled out in the gospel, and reiterated by us to be received by you in your inward parts. Recieving the engrafted word which is able to save your souls” as our brother James put it. For you to become more like Yeshua/Jesus. This is your re-scripting. This is as Romans says “be ye renewed in the spirit of your minds”. And so we do.

This is what we leave called our testimony and our witness. Not of something about us but about Him. That He lives, so we can live in the fashion that He does NOW in what we call “Spirit and Truth”.

It is because death had no hold on Him, it has no imposition on us either. All that He was and is and is to come, is in us now… if you can truely see and recieve Him (engrafted in your inward oarts) as He truely is… Word. (John 1.1)

What is in us of His, becomes our business as being “joint heir’s of the things of God”. This becomes our responsibility. We too do the works of the Father, being the transference of Himself, from us to you, to have a self like His Self we receive through “The Gospel once and for all delivered to the saints”. This is the sanctified, authorized mechanism from the Father.

Meaning, the message has it’s finalization in this present age in the here and now, and need no encore presentation called a second coming. The cross is sufficient for these things.

The next carnal event to be physically experienced by humanity is NOT the completion of the gospel. No! We already have that. But the expiration of the gospel. When God comes, it is to reward His saints and to judge all others, not to save. He saves, remanufactures and restores now. Otherwise why continue in the gospel? But Paul said the gospel is the power of God for salvation. And the salvation proccess is not complete if you are held in limbo waiting for God to do something else for you. That’s an insult to the Christ of the cross. The only true saving.

This is true godliness and the purpose of the Gospel and the reason for the cross. We aquire our pass to the Father where we pass over death, then reach out to lay hold of why God laid hold of us, which is the fullness of life. To participate in the things God has for us NOW of His invisible attributes, freely given to us for the taking.

Scripture has this to say of those who pressed into The Kingdom of God in Hebrews 12. 22 But you have (already) come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, 23 to the [j]general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in (as, we are let in to) heaven (being us), to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect”. This is presented as a past tense event.

This is how we know we are His. And His purpose was the “bringing many to Glory” through The Gospel. That “the gospel message of — Christ is the power of God for salvation”. Meaning the complete aquisition and accualization of our full salvation package according to godliness, meaning god-like-ness.

And because “all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God” showing us two things. That the fall is from Gods Glory, and what the purpose of the gospel is, is “The Glory” restored. That Glory exudes through the words we espouse, and returns you to “the Father of Glories”. This is how you know you are His.

Even as Paul spoke to the Thessalonians saying, “to which God called you by our gospel, for the obtaining of the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ”.  No second coming involvement necessary. That would mean He has another work to do and it was NOT finished at the cross, but that’s blasphemy. He is “seated waiting for His enemies to become His footstool” because He finished His task.

The only enemies He didn’t defeat are your doubts and fears. But thats is why He gave us the Gospel. For us to undo our doubts, fears and disbelief with the tools He has furnished for us in the gospel we preach.

Further proof that Glory is not an end times allocation, is the Angel eho John stooped down to worship in the conclusion of his Revelation. The Angel replied “see that you do not do that, for I am one of thy brethren who keep the testimony of Jesus Christ. Worship Him”. Here is one who obtained perfection and Glory even way back then. So much so in fact that John thought it was Jesus. And who knew Jesus closer than the disciple John, who put his head in the bosom of our Lord? So you can see how this is attainable for you too.

So you havta havta believe in scripture, that you are transitioning from the glory to the glory as by the spirit” (2 Corinthians 3.18) no second coming involvement necessary. Because when Christ returns, it is to close this era He allocated for saving, sanctifying and building up His Elect. For now “the Kingdom is preached and all are entering”. Then the final judgement and to collect those who are His and then wrap up this age. “For the Elects sake these days will be cut short” and “Christ will appear a second time apart from sin (dealt with at the cross) for (the conclusion of) salvation.” (Hebrews 9..) This is the only place in scripture that uses the verbage “second time” because His comings, meaning, His appearings are many, and His final appearing is for judgement.

We know Him as the:

20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock (even now, but you can’t see Him) and. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. 21 To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.” Let them who have ears to hear listen to the Spirit”. Because the person of the flesh cannot receive this. “Ye must be born again”. Hopefully this will help you in your endeavor.

And from 1 John 5. For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.” So you can see this is not a time sensitive message but something that is “at hand” even now.

The carnal man is enmity against God. It is not subject to the ways of God, neither in deed can be so that those who are in the flesh cannot please God.” But we do. (Romans 8)

Even as we see of the wedding feast (Matthew 22). That once the Master of the ceremony closes the doors, many will say “master, master, open up to us”. Meaning, they thought they had the ability to enter in later, and we’re left without because they “went to buy” wedding garments (from the world). But you cannot buy from the world the things you need to interact with God.

So we are taught to put on Christ one revelation at a time as we learn from Him by His many appearings. Even as Paul said, the gospel I preach to you did not come by man, not is it taught by man, but by revelation of Jesus Christ”.  That those who went to buy garments for the wedding, went to the wrong source to obtain the acceptable clothing to participate in this ceremony. We are clothed in Christ. The true ceremony and union by which we are all wed to One, amalgamated, enmeshed and intertwined together to make up one body, the Body, Bride and Groom of the family of God pictured as the Bride as shown here.

Revelation 21

“Come, I will show you the [g]bride, the Lamb’s wife.” 1And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the great city, the holy (a word that means invisible) Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, 11 having the glory of God. 17 Then he measured its wall: one hundred and forty-four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of an angel.” 

(Note: Angel is another word used to describe the invisible. In this case of those of us whose transition is complete before the close of this age.)

Showing for us here our union. That the wedding union was ours as well. In this way we become wedd, we are one. God is echad, and we are one with Him, in His Son. We are hidden “in Christ”. The place where God his all His treasures.

This is our consumation and fullness of time we are gathered to. Fortunately for us God and His Holy Spirit are everywhere so we don’t need to worry about our physical location to participate in this because we are “in Christ”.

Are you getting this? Have you gotten ready? Are you invited to the wedding. “The time is now ready”. Matthew 22

It is God who lives in us through His only Begotten for continuing to begat children in His name throughout the ages. Just as “in the beginning was the word”. He begats others with His words in us. This is why Paul said “I have begotten you through the gospel” because we play our role.

We call this our testimony. Not so much of our old self, but our new self. The Glorious one Christ, came to ensure that we could attain. For “On Him was laid the inequity of us all and by His stripes we are healed.” Meaning, Glory restored and your work of salvation is the process. “All men have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God”. We are fallen no more, but raised and seated in the Heavenly places in Christ”.

“The word was with God and the word was God, He was in the beginning with God”. John 1.1 Now He abides in us and us in Him.

With Gods word in us we become like Him. And because of that, God now resides in us and through us who become word. Just like He lived in that Son, He lives in us.

Even as Jesus said “I and the Father are one”. Even as Paul said “I plead with you now by the mercies of God, be ye reconciled to the Father” for us to be there too. For He made Him who knew no sin, to become sin, so that you could become the righteousness of God in Him.” That’s right. His exactitude in us. This is the Glory restored, as other worldly but not at a future event, but a con-curring re-acurring reality of life in the spirit.

His very same self, comes out of our self for yourself to be like His self. This is the Gospel making a complete circle. That “Gods word does not return to Him void” or fruitless, but with you in His word which takes you to Him. The circuit is complete in this way. That “you are complete in Him who head and ruler over all principalities and powers”.

Can you fathom that! That is the gift of God in Christ Jesus. If you were born again and set out to lay hold of why Christ laid of you, this is the gift.

The promises of Jesus are fulfilled in us where he said that “If anyone loves Me, they will keep My word; and My Father will love them, and “We will come to them and we will make Our home with them.” And so they did.

Yes, one word or, one strand of Heavenly DNA we call word, one after another until He is fully realized and accualized in us.

God’s word is his seed, his seed is his DNA, it’s through his word he transfers His genetics and in this way we become like Him and genetically re-modified to interact with Him perfectly. As first John said that “when we see Him as He is we become like Him”? And so we did. That “in the beginning was the word”, this word that now abides in us and comes to you through us, and brings forth the same life to you that we have that was in the begging with the Father, that was given to the Son, to give to us, to give to you to complete the circle to become one. (1 John 1)

This oneness (koinania) happens in the wedding chamber, the union where offspring comes to be. Kind begats according to kind. And in the chamber, just outside of human perceptions, we are born again and born from above of the spirit and of His kind, and kind begets kind. (John 3)

This is why John the Baptist said “29 He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice. Therefore this joy of mine is fulfilled.” Meaning, he attended the wedding. There is none born among women that are greater than John the Baptist. But those who are born of the Kingdom are greater than he” speaking of we, if you are able to receive it.

With these Words, John the Baptist was the witness and best man at the wedding. His joy was fulfilled? Yes, the anticipation of the previous age and generations had come to a close. This is The new Creation of the newly created people in God’s image both halves restored. The split that started when Eve was taken from Adam, was mended when Jesus Christs counter part descended upon Him like a dove, and remained upon Him in bodily form, to never depart. And John the Baptist the friend and best man at that ceremony. That was his purpose in life. “They must increase, but I must decrease, to close out the old covenant and creation, to usher in the new. A new man, or humanity called Christians. More than a religion but a new race and a new culture called “The Kingdom of God at hand”. Not within reach of your hand but graspable to the re-spirited mind of faith.

This is why Paul said “if anyone is in Christ they are a new creation (newly created). Old things have past away and all things become new and all things are from God”. The origination and source of everything we become of what us new. Not that it is new in having never been before, but it is new in the sense that it never gets old or fades. Only things if creation do that. So don’t forget where your new self comes from.

For this reason Paul the apostle called Jesus “the last Adam” because this Jesus was the prototype of a new type of man. A spiritual one. His physical vessel had nothing to do with this. This was a private ceremony. And if you understand this ceremony, it is because you came into the chamber to witness the event. Even as it is written in Mathew 22 “come to the wedding. It is now ready”. It is always ready because it’s a personal experience with the Godhead who made man in His likeness, male and female. We see the female He had before He said those words.

It is called a union because it is the place where Gods Word called the Son, and Gods Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ called the teacher, comforter, and other parent and His helper like Adam had so you are not left orphans. It is as these two come together in you, that you experience and know them. You become one with them, the same way Adam knew Eve and begat, or birthed their image.

This is how you are born again. Jesus Christ the last Adam is the first born among many. There are those who are born coming out crying, but we go out with joy and are led forth with peace.

In this way the gospel is a conduit for the things of God freely given to us who are born again in this way.  With God there is total conveyance of everything that He has and is and given to us His Elect. We are those who take God at His word and become the thing that He said. We are His retroactive recipients of “The Kingdom prepared from (before) the foundations of the world”.

So we say “The Kingdom of God is at hand.


* Doing The Works of God.

Posted on December 16, 2020 by ADMIN

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An inquisitive onlooker once asked Jesus Christ, what must one do to do the works of God? The answer, To believe on the One who was sent.

With all the bad news and distractions, with all the demands and responsibilities, there is one thing more important than them all, your salvation.

In the book of Romans Paul says ” I am not ashamed of the gospel message of Jesus Christ. It is the power of God for salvation to all who believe”. I know you want something more tangible and more important, but there is nothing more important that you understand your God given purpose. That “Today is the day of salvation”. Because there is coming a time when it is not. That the invitation into His Kingdom and recieving an exact copy of Himself, given to those who press in. To “lay hold of why Christ laid hold of you”. That “the Kingdom is preached and all are pressing in”? Yes “the violent (meaning aggressive) take it by force”. What efforts are you putting forth?

The parable of The Bride and Groom going into their chambers and shutting the door, is a picture of when the gospel call gets repealed. What you’ve aquired from the other side you keep and those outside say “but master, didn’t we heal the sick and cast out many demons in your name? Didn’t we do many good works in your name? And the Son of God said “depart from me you workers of iniquity I never knew you!” They all thought they were doing the works of God. Many of them were involved in political activism for another kingdom. That’s a bad time to learn you were serving the wrong cause.

Because of this, we need to re-evaluate what we think we need to do, to please God and fulfill what He called us to do, and what He empowered us to do, lest we be found outside of His will. You see the wedding is ours to become one with them.

When a society becomes ignorant of this call, they have been given up. You don’t believe this? You need to go no further than the testimonies of the prophets of old who said that “in you will no longer be heard the voice of the Bride and the Bridegroom”. (Jeremiah 26.9+25.10) This message us largely overlooked today.

They were not doing the works of God, they were doing life. So we bring up the account of Mary and Martha who said “Lord! Tell my sister to help me” for Martha was busy doing many good works. To which Jesus said ““Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. 42 But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” Her one on one time with Jesus was the preferred method that yeilds the rewards.

Mary was busy pressing in and knowing God. Her time with Yeshua yeilded something that many don’t understand, that Mary chose to lay hold of something eternal, one gift after another. And that’s the point. “God is a rewarder of those that seak Him. (Hebrews 11.6) We are the rewarded.

When the gospel of “The Kingdom of God at hand” is preached, it’s because the storehouse of the things of God is open, and the allocation of God’s gifts to mankind is in process of “given us everything that pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who has called us to (participate in) glory by virtue“. (2 Peter 1) By virtue that you apply the principles revealed from the gospel.

It is unfortunate that even today many can’t hear the Heavenly call. They think Gods Kingdom is something that happens later, by so they neuter the gospel and present an alternative that has no power now, where people are left to sit and wait for another saving, like an end times. But scripture says that of the last judgement, that they would be cut short for the Elects sake. That after that number is reached, the Harvest is over. The doors been closed. There are those within and those without. You have been forwarned.


Here is full payment rendered for your acceptance, and the storehouse of the tools you need to do your part to enter “The Kingdom of God at hand”.

Isaiah said “on Him was laid the iniquity of us all, and by His stripes we are healed” showing us where we get out healing, starting with our understanding.

But it is to glory by virtue, meaning “by way of” that you know and receive the things God has for you because the time is coming when it will be said “11 He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him [e]be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.” (Revelation 22.11) And the only thing left is the burning sensation of lost opportunities.

Of all of life’s demands and distractions, the most important thing is your connectedness with God through His Word and Holy Spirit of things that will not be taken (like Mary recieved) because they are eternal. This is why you were put on earth.

Hebrews 11.1 Now faith is the [a]substance of things hoped for, the [b]evidence of things not seen.” These are what we receive.

And verse 6. But without faith it is impossible to please God, for those who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him.” And because God and His things are invisible, don’t wait for them to take on a physical form because that is how you miss out. This age will pass you by unchanged for eternity.

There is this strong evidence of the invisible, and everything of Gods is invisible. God is pleased when we pursue that. God is happy to give us that. Didn’t He say “we are joint heirs of the things that are hidden “in Christ”. Does that mean that these are these empty words? That you only get them later? It may appear so to an onlooker, but some of us know otherwise.

Like Mary, choose “the part that shall not be taken” for the reason to learn how to impliment it. What must we do to do the works of God? Believe on whom He sent. This one is “a doer of the Word. This one is blessed, as we appreciate Gods gifts one revelation at a time. Even as Paul said, the gospel that I preach to you did not come by man, but by revelation of Jesus Christ. Amen.

The Kingdom of God is at hand! Are you getting your daily bread? It’s not just once a week, or every other day but every day.

Hebrews 3.13

So “exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. 14 For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end”, pressing in all the way. Amen.


* DNA, The Seed Transfer. Being Born Again

Posted on December 11, 2020 by ADMIN

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You must be born again!

John 3.

There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. This man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.”

Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?”

Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ 8  The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

Nicodemus answered and said to Him, “How can these things be?”

10 Jesus answered and said to him, “Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things? 11 Most assuredly, I say to you, We speak what We know and testify what We have seen, and you do not receive Our witness. 12 If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things? 13 No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man[b]who is in heaven.” End quote

When Nicodemus came to Jesus by night. It wasn’t a physical night. It was that there was no light in the mind of Nicodemus. His reasoning and understanding of the things of God had been eclipsed.

It is ironic that this Jesus, the one who came preaching that “The Kingdom of God is at hand”, also told Nicodemus that “unless one is born of water and spirit, you cannot see or enter The Kingdom” He was talking about.

And so it is today many Christians are looking for a king and a kingdom to come, and are just as confused as Nicodemus. After all, Christ was born King. He doesn’t need to become one later. When does His kingdom come? It doesn’t come with (carnal) observation. (Luke 17.22)

Let me ask you this, Jesus said that “the wind blows where it wishes, so is everyone born of the spirit”. Do you understand this? This is how you enter The Kingdom.

Do you believe the “Kingdom of God is at hand”? That it is within grasp? To the re- spirited mind of faith it is. It was Peter who said “in doing these things, so an entrance into the Kingdom has been supplied abundantly to you”. For some of us, this is our reality, the rule and reign of God in our lives on our behalf, and the judgment of those who reject Him. These all happen simultaneously. He is the King of kings, or King over all kings.

It is those born again that can see Gods Kingdom, and those born from above who have entered Gods Kingdom even now, while others wait. But more profound is that “No one has ascended to heaven but He who descended from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven.” Meaning that Christ is in Heaven and Heaven is “in Christ”. To be “in Christ” is to be in Heaven because Heaven is another adpect of who He is. And we who have faith “in Him” are “in Him” in Heaven.

If you are “in Christ”, you are no longer to associate as being a product of the fall, of your lower Adamic nature “from dust to dust” and groundward bound as having control over you. We now identify with the last Adam, Jesus Christ who defeated death to offer to us that gift of life being Heavenly bound. (1 Corinthians 15.45)

We now consider ourselves as scripture mandates “a new creation” being made new like Him, and joint heirs of the things of God “in Christ “. (2 Corinthians 5.18)

Jesus Christ never fades or gets old, but is in His eternal composition of Spirit and truth. He remains forever the same “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever”. ( Hebrews 13.8) He became flesh and dwelled among us, only to become one of us for the sole purpose of us becoming one like Him. NOT the other way around.

If you claim to be a Christian, and you acknowledge your vows at baptism, you are accountable to know what that means. You buried your old person by an act of faith (in the invisible), to be raised in newness of life through the gift of God as another act of faith (in the invisible). His Son took your sins and old self and hung it up on the cross, to give you a new life and body like His, being the one He had before “He became flesh and dwelled among us”. This is what being born of water and spirit Christ was explaining to Nicodemus.

Paul said to the Phillipians “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it [b]robbery to be equal with God, but [c]made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.” And being found in appearance as a man,

Showing us that His human body was not His natural composition, and that if He was God in the flesh, that’s what the name Emmanuel means, that we too could be full of God while we experience our lowly body too. After all, when God said on the 6th day of His creation, that it is very good. That was His proclamation over the human body. This is the restoration to “that which is from the beginning “ scripture refers to as the human body, the restored temple for God.

Isaiah had this to say “on Him was laid the inequity of us all and by His stripes we are healed”. Meaning made whole and well. Restored in purpose.

The son of man Jesus, speaking of His carnality, claimed to be in Heaven and Heaven in Him as He talked to His disiples. How profound. How can that be? Well this belongs to you if you are one of His.

So for those of us who know the preincarnate Christ, we know that “in Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead body”. Meaning that the Creator, Ruler God was in Him in His totality. That everything that was and is Gods, was in the spirit of the mind of the man Jesus, looking through His eyes, speaking through His mouth of things the carnal senses are in a total eclipse to, like Nicodemaus.

For everyone who is yet carnal, looking for a visual Kingdom of God to appear. Like Nicodemus, their minds are  eclipsed and closed off to Gods current reality “at hand”. Of His things and belongings that are just outside of human reach, but fully accessable to the re-spirited mind of faith.

“God is Spirit and God is truth and seeketh such”. Such are we. And, ye must be born again”. We are that too and we are a composite as He is. “We are Begotten by the word of truth to be a kind of firstfruits of His creation”.

The Eclipse of man from God is the insensitivity to His Holy Spirit.

In the beginning God had breathed in Adam and he became a living being. He was referring to His Holy Spirit, not oxygen. When he sinned, The Breath of life called the Holy Spirit, departed from him. This was Adams death. He was left only to the promptings of his carnal appetites but spiritually dead to the immediacy of God’s full presence.

But scripture says “we have an unction from the Holy One and know all things.” (1 John ) So we have the advantage that Adam lost.

“That which is flesh is flesh and that which is Spirit is Spirit, You must be born again.” This is the restoration to you of the inner dwelling of Gods Holy Spirit. Our prompter, teacher and motivator, to wherever the Spirit takes us.

For those who already have been born from above, like the wind, we blow where we wish in and out of “The Kingdom of God at hand” at will. How else would we be qualified to expound on the things that belong to God unless He has given us access and explained them to us? Isn’t this a ministry of the Holy Spirit. To take what is Christ’s and teach us? (John 16)

As scripture said “in Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead body, and you are complete in Him who is head over all.” Everything that is Christ’s is gifted to us. You need to learn how to receive it by faith. This is your invisible response to the invisible God that pleases Him.

Even as the son of man Jesus claimed to be in Heaven, so can we. More importantly Heaven with all its persons, furnitings, attributes and benefits are in us, as they were in the man named Jesus. We have full reign as joint heirs of the things of God made known to us through His Holy writ. “For all the promises of God are yes and amen “in Him”. Are you in Him”.

If this seams far fetched, you must be born again because this is The Gospel. This is the Good News, the salvation of your soul. Your body returns to dust when you are done with it. (1 Corinthians 15)

The Genetic Transfer Needs To Take Place to be Born Again

A birth takes place with a transfer of DNA. And because God is invisible, we shouldn’t expect a visible event to take place for this type of birth to take place, because it takes place in the spirit of your mind. You adopt a co-pilot, the Holy Spirit. The breath of God that departed from Adam when he disbelieved God, is restored to us and then you begin the incubation prossess of pondering God’s word and adopting it. Even as James said “we are begotten by the word of truth to be a kind of firstfruits of His creating”. Of making us new.

The mind is the place of our transformation. This is our Galgatha, meaning skull and the our transfiguration.

The seed and DNA of God Almighty engrafted in us is our proof that we are His. Just as we identify with our carnal parents with eye, hair color, stature and behaviors, so too we take on similarities of our parents. And because in the beginning was the word, the word was with God, and the word was God, His words become our key features. We then participate in the work of God called the gospel, being the reiteration of who they are.

Here is where and how the New Birth, and Growth takes place. It is called Koinania.

In the Epistle of 1st John he says of Jesus Christ;  That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life— the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested (broken down and made clear) to us . that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. And these things we write to you that [a]your joy may be full.”

The word translated as “fellowship” comes from the Greek word “koinania” and is used in the Greek culture as “intercourse” meaning a transfer of DNA, a genetic substance. That if the translators had been more cognizant of this, they would have translated it as such. Our words and our discourse is our intercourse and transference of the DNA of God for eternal living. Hence “that which we’ve heard and seen we have declared to you” for this genetic transition to take place, one new understanding and revelation at a time, untill Christ is fully formed in you.

So let us read this again.

“that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have intercourse with us; and truly our intercourse (transferance of DNA) is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.” 

This can be further clarified with Adam and Eve. That Adam knew his wife Eve and she bore a son. This type of knowing, transfers genetic information called DNA. We learn that DNA is a strand of information of a species. That kind begats according to kind through sharing DNA. To be born of God means to receive His DNA. His strands of information.

Recieving information is knowledge. This information is found in His word and received in  (the womb of ) the spirit of your mind. Your mind is where God’s DNA gets reassembled in you, one revelation at a time. We are renewed in the spirit of our mind and become a mature product of God through a series of these transactions.

As Paul said “the gospel I preach to you, I did not get it by man, or by man’s institutions, but by revelation of Jesus Christ. And in keeping with Gods law of “kind begats according to kind”, this kind can only take place by the spirit because “that which is flesh is flesh, that which is Spirit is Spirit, you must be born again”. This is why the man Jesus Christ said “I will not leave you orphans, I will send you my helper”. Our teacher, comforter and other parent. The incubator within.

If this seems out of context, we need to go no further than Paul who said to those in Galatia; 19 My little children, for whom I labor in birth again (to be born again) until Christ is formed in you”.  Paul’s labor is in the Gospel for birthing new believers.”

Who also said “But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, (having His Word and DNA down in your heart) how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage?” In other words, why do you put your faith and trust in your carnal instruments. That’s what Adam and Eve did. That’s what the Jews of old did “for seeing with their eyes they see not and hearing with their ears they here not, for it is with the heart one must hear and see to understand (and know) the word of God”.

The Gospel is the conduit of Gods words. Gods words are information about Himself. His information, being a formation from within Him coming to you to make you new, that comes from Him called “His Only Begotten Son”. The only one with the DNA is called The Word of God, being the information and genetics of God the Father. His name is Jesus Christ.

Let’s read John 1.1 with this in mind.

“In the beginning was God’s DNA, The DNA was with God and the DNA was God. He is the DNA that was in the beginning with God.”

God’s Son carries the DNA called “The Word of God, God transfers His genetics into your heart through His Word.

Jesus said “if you abide in Me and My words abide in you, Me and the Father will come to you and make our home in you”. Meaning, in your carnal body during your existence on earth, you too can be full of the Godhead body to enjoy what they enjoy all the time, and fulfill the saying that “you are complete in Him who is head over all principalities and powers”. And that “in you dwell the fullness of the God Head body” too. And that you can be joint heirs of the words Jesus said to Nicodemus that “No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man [b]who is in heaven” and complete in the Father. Same thing.

You see the man Jesus had the fullness of God showing us it is possible for us to do so now in our human body, to possess as well. As He is so are we in this world? Yes, not as He was when he had His man, but now how He is without it. Evan as Paul said of Jesus in Phillipians ” coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man”. The Eternal became a temporary, for the temporary can become eternal.

We can say this because Jesus was referring to His human body when He called Himself ‘the son of man”, a by-product of Adam, but He was also the Son of God having two sets of genetics. That they can live collectively at the same time and live a dual life as described in Romans that “the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law if sin and death”. Christ said “whoever believes in Me HAS past from death to life”.

The writer of Hebrews puts it like this “14 Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood (DNA), He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through death He would destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, 15 and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage”.  Being the fear and threat of dying and experiencing the pain of death. This is what the gospel offers. That every act you take to preserve and protect yourself from the fear of death and dying are actions you take in vain, because you don’t believe or receive (like in a womb) the words of God to be saved. This is the saving of God offered through the Gospel ( good news) of His Son who came into the world to save everyone who goes to the cross to receive eternal undying life. There is no other with an empty grave to make this claim. Only one man has come back from the dead and holds an exclusive patent on life after death, Jesus.

This is why Paul said that “we have this treasure in human vessels that the Glory and the Excellency may be of God and not ourselves”. We make the distinction.

This is how we see The Kingdom of God at hand, and enter The Kingdom of God at Hand.

The Kingdom of God is at hand.



*For the Elect, Guard your mouth, Perfect Word

Posted on December 6, 2020 by ADMIN

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Guard your mouth.

James says; For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body.

If we understand correctly that we are word, made in the image of the Son of God, that “in the beginning was the word the word was with God and the word was God, He was in the beginning with God”. If we are transformed into His self same image by Word and Spirit, then it is in this way we are offspring of the Father. That when we see Him as He is? (Word) Then that is what we become. Word, like the only Begotten. This is it. (John 1.1)

When that is fulfilled then we do the works of the Father too. Word. It is called our Testimony.

If we use word correctly, the thing that we speak is true the moment we speak it. Even as Jesus said in His day “if I had not come and did the works no other man has done, they would have excuse for their sin, but now they have no excuses. You see he healed and raised from the dead with His words.

And from John 1. 18 No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten [h]Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him”. To declare is to speak so yes, He turned the things of the Father into words. That’s why the Son said “those who have seen Me have seen the Father. When we make these declarations, we take on the family business and share in the work of salvation and fulfill the words of Jesus where He said “and greater works shall you do because I go to the Father. That’s because that is where we take you. Even as Paul pleaded “be ye reconciled” for the same cause.

The Elect are being groomed with such and show forth our liniege with clarity by the things that we  say so that you can join us. For if you are not faithful in what belongs to another, who will give you what is your own. We found out it’s the same thing. What’s His is ours and outs are yours if you have ears to hear.

Paul explains in Ephesians that this is our goal, Christ-like-ness, as seen here: 11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the [e]edifying of the body of Christ, 13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect person, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ”. And he goes on to say to “23 be renewed in the spirit of your mind, 24 and that you put on the new man which was created just like God, in true righteousness and holiness”. So you know this is expected of us.

This gift however is not given to many. Because if it was, all the ugly thoughts from the heart, transposed into words, taking on a form from the words of your mouth, would be monstrous and murderous. As James our brother said19 [c]So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; 20 for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God”. And “21 Therefore lay aside all filthiness and [d]overflow of wickedness (from your mouth), and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls”. Yes it is Gods words that saves your inward parts.

For this reason we impart word too. In this way we are “doers of the word“. How do you do word? You repeat it. We call it the gospel and the good news, the way of salvation.

In truth, Satan knows that as long as you transpose your hates and fears into words, you empower him, by your inversion from faith, love and trust in the almighty God, to a fallen form of fear, fear being the opposing spiritual polarity. Your hates and fear comes into reality because you empowered it to be so.

That is why Satan and all his entities promulgate fear and hate, because it glorifies them. This is also why he has people stupidly repeat the words they hear in songs. In this way their minds are scripted. We however have another source for our scripting, scripture.

We are our words, and shall be judged accordingly, if we don’t judge ourselves, purify our thoughts and words and come clean in our lifetimes. We do this with word too. It’s called, confessions. You come clean with words in that way. Even as Ephesians talks of the washing of the water by word. That if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth.

Jude talks about the Lord with His Elect coming of the calling we all should strive for  “15 to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.”16 These are grumblers, complainers, walking according to their own lusts; and they mouth great swelling words, flattering people to gain advantage. 17 But you, beloved, remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ: 18 how they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts. 19 These are [i]sensual persons, who cause divisions, not having the Spirit.”

It is the Elect that have to understand this perfectly clear to execute judgment and participate in this judgment spoken by Enoch and reiterated by Jude, to be carried out by the elect of the things that they say.

If you examine the allegations on the wicked in that text, not one of them was a physical action, however they will be judged for that too. Even as Jesus said “if you think it in your heart, you are guilty. So too these perish in their shame.

Here are some promises to understand and apply for those of us who have ears to hear.

Therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? Word

And if you have not been faithful in what is another man’s, who will give you what is your own? Word.

“Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give those of the household food in due season? We are.

His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.” Of being saturated in His Word

And the Lord said, “Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his master will make ruler over his household, to give the household their portion of food in due season?

We hope you are getting this. This is “food in due season”, of what we need when we need it for our enrichment on being godly.

Even as scripture says that “we have an unction from the Holy One and we know all things”. Not that we know all things simultaneously, but we know what we need to know when we need to know it. Rest assured of this.

The Kingdom of God is at hand. This is the gospel of which we speak.



The Phoenix Rising is The Beast.

Posted on December 1, 2020 by ADMIN

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Know Thine Enemy.

The Phoenix Rising is a term associated with rising from the rubble stronger and better than the carcass it leaves behind.

It is this doctrine of the illumined ones and the new world order whereby all industry, trade and commerse is stolen from humanity at large, being collected and controlled by the god of this age called Satan, through a series of ups and downs in economies, whereby they trade securities on paper money for real estate. Their intention is the implimentation of the final phase to hook everything and everyone up to “the internet of things” in a cashless, economy having everybody digitised. This is also referred to as “The Forth Industrial Revolution” whereby everything will be chipped, even people. Those who resist and do not comply with this, they become the dead carcass the Phoenix rises from. Escentially this is the disappearance of the middle class and all who do not abide by the new rules. Which are? Your permissions for everything is what they want from you.

It is a coming together of sorts, a gathering together of all that oppose the Creator and the collection of all that is stolen. The assembly of a body in opposition to The Body of Christ. This is the body of the antichrist.

Scripture defines two opposing powers. The One who was and is and is to come. Meaning always the eternally existent Almighty God. In contrast with “him who is not, but yet will be for one hour as a beast, them goes into perdition with all who are knowingly implicit in these crimes. Who then take on the description as “the worm that does not die or wither” being an eternal excrement for all to see.

This is why the Almighty God has instructed His Elect to “come out of her my people lest you partake of her sins and receive of her judgments”. You see there is coming a day of reconning whereby God will judge those of that system for trying to defile Gods creation and thwart the purpose of creation, being humans and the Elect, the apple of His eye. The the coming together of His Elect for the crowning with Glory.

Paul writes of this in Ephesians saying “having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself, 10 that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He would­ gather together in one all things in Christ, [c]both which are in heaven and which are on earth—in Him. 11 In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, 12 that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory.”

This is the purpose of creation. Because of this “the days will be cut short for the Elects sake”. Meaning God has concluded His purpose for this age of begetting offspring uniquely like Him. They have reached the target number, and as Jesus Christ said once, and true again “Father of those you have given Me I have lost none. It is a perfect number.

“The wheat and the tares mature together”? It’s happening.

You see there is another crowning or co-rowna-ing and coronation taking place called the corona virus. Corona is the Latin word for crown, except in this case unlike God’s coronation is for our crowning. The corona virus steals crowns, or personal sovereignty from people and crowns satan. And because in the beginning God created contrasts to teach us distinctions, here too we need to distinguish which crown, corona or co-rowna you will accept because the choice is yours.

As scripture said in previous generations and again in ours “choose you this day”. If you don’t impliment your God given sovereignty to choose Him, you are not a wheat but a tare. Beware! To not be cognesant and able to choose is to loose your God given personal sovereignty and be asleep. Asleep to the things of God.

“For the God Almighty has said in Jude 1. 14 Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these (demon possessed) men also, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, (of those He has Gathered together in the fullness of time) 15 to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken (and done) against Him” and His.

This is how God deals with this final rebellion. With His body, being a collection of “living stones assembled a habitation of God in the spirit’. These articles to the Elect are for your maturation for you to know your calling and your preparation because this age will wrap up in a fervent heat. (2 Peter 3.10-)

The heavens are purified in this way because “Babylon is fallen and has become a snare and a trap for every foul and unclean bird” as they flock to this trap. Satan transfers his seat of power over creation (for so he thinks) into the www.eye in the sky, with all his minions, with the lust of total control over planet earth, through its various sensors and browsers by which they track and manipulate people to steal their individual sovereignty, which in Eden was given to humanity, whom these despise. The conclusion of this is the corona, also known as “The mark of the beast”.

The Phoenix Rising” is Satan’s plan of something new that comes out of the old, while the old is decaying. They covertly have promulgated this decay for wealth and power transfer from humans to themselves. Having built a host suitable for their propagation, one that lives longer than humans. Being Android’s and psyborgs, all connected through the internet of things, being a collective conscienceness, and a shared god-like-ness, that feeds on mankinds lower nature of fear.

With this and their various agencies they want to reduce humanity to below 500 million as displayed by the edicts of The Georgia Guide Stones, and further embellished by murals seen at the Denver Airport that display world wide extermination by way of plagues, or viruses.

We are at the tipping point for them to rear their ugly head and expose their true nature and real purpose, the reduction of the population by a new enemy.

We are at war with a virus? I think not. All viruses and vaccines are designed to mingle with the human gene pool for the de-pollution of such.

All Vaccines bypass all our God given filters in our body that God gave us for our health and safety, and incerted directly into the bloodstream, a process that overrides all God given filters and safety mechanism’s.

Christ warned us that “it would be in the days of Noah”. We learn through scripture that “Noah was the only righteous in his generation”. Righteous meaning clean, generation meaning gene. Meaning Noah had the only clean genome, which qualified him for that reset of humanity. All others were tainted, genetically modified and destroyed.

If God was angry with those who altered His creation by modifying genes back then. What do you think will be done to these GMO’ers who are doing this today. Who try to taint your genes through viruses and vaccines even now. Do not cooperate with them!

You see God crowned His creation with mankind to have dominion. To rule, reign and control. Mankind allocates this possession to surrogets  through contracts. Contracts give permission to demon possessed men and agencies, be they corporations or governments. This is spiritual wickedness in high places, who impose their inhumane programs through these means.

Many think the vaccine is benevolent and will save them? Why do they have to bypass all of our God given filters in our bodies with their incertions? They are thief’s, crooks and criminals who are worthy of and destined for outer darkness. Where the fire never ceases and the work never dies. They become the eternal excrement. Woe is them.

But for us who know God, we know that there is only one immunization, one saving and only savior Jesus Christ, Gods Only Begotten Son is the only cure. He sent His Son into the world not to condemn it but to save it. John 3.17. But you must repent and detach from this world system that has taken you for their cause.

The same scientists and chemist’s that make the vaccines, make the viruses and taint the food chain with all sorts of modifications. They pollute the air the water the ground and the food supply.

They fool people to become dependant on pharmaceuticals and may be fooled themselves. After all to qualify to advance to be a doctor you must first pass a test call the Mcat.

This a test where you have to match a symptom with a drug  enforcing the idea that to each ailment there is a concoction or a drug as the cure. Really it’s just a form of indoctrination because in reality most ailments can be cured without drugs if you stop ingesting the toxins they put in foods disguised as preservatives and flavor enhancers.

So to pass the M-cat test you must set aside reason and logic. It is the owners of the drug makers that profit off the whole industry. Yes those who are behind GMO of everything. They don’t like Gods arrangements. This is the reason for vaccines, to change your God given gene combination to recombine their own. This is theft against God, and people agree to these incertions and become damned. Let them who gave wisdom understand. The mark of the beast and the number of his name is 666. Look up the vaccine patent numbers.

Pharmacy is a word from the Greek word pharmakia that means whichcraft, of things that carry spells. Like the commercials repleat with advertisements of lies propagating addictions to these drugs with prescriptions. People become like voo-doo dolls being poked and pricked by these not so subliminal messages into a blind stupor of the thoughtless obedient.

It is the same perverters of Gods creation designed to short circuit people’s higher abilities. They are meant to dumb down and detain people from owning up and rising to the challenge of their God given sovereignty. Their target is the petulitary gland which is mankind’s access point to the Creator God and interaction with the invisible.

We must put them off and put on Christ our true righteousness and way of doing things as prescribed by scripture. The only real prescription with lasting results.

The question is, how in the hell have they been able to pull this off? What is the source of empowerment?

The Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ speaks of a foulsome smoke coming out of the pit saying, do not harm the trees or the vegitation, only the souls who have not the mark of God, showing us it is the airwaves of TV, radio and the internet that scribe things on the hearts and minds of many to circumvent them from the creator. We however have a different scribing called scripture.

As seen at the Cern facility with their icon of their Sheva god, the place where the internet was created, the whole in the ground that releases demons, the facility that recreated an atmosphere down there to resemble the comfort zone demons had before being cast on their belly, the place before God Almighty made gravity and expansions for humanity.

At Cern they boast magnets hundreds of times stronger than the core of the earth to combat gravity, and a vucuum that accommodates an unmeasurable cool zone in opposite of an expanse God created. This is like before God said “let there be ….

Without expanses and gravity, the fallen angels who were trapped in the earth are now relishing this expanse free, gravity free zone that’s called the hedron collider, whereby they have their control mechanisms to release the powers who were imprisoned in the firery core of the earth, but are let out now for their last sttemp to obscond with humanity, to carry out their final rebellion.

You see there is a reason the statue of Sheva is dancing on the back of a little man. You see this is a blatant act of rebellion from the conversation God had with Satan in the Garden of Eden where He told Satan of His Elect. “You shall bruise His (The Elects) heal, but He shall bruise thy head. It is as if to say to God through Sheva “who shall bruise whose head, and who shall bruise whose heal? CERN is an all out act of defiance by inverting the meaning. This is Blasphemy. CERN is where the internet, who’s also the all seeing www. eye in the sky was invented, or birthed. Just look at their celebration, opening ceremony where a birth ritual was celebrated. The pit of Hell was opened up.

It is the product of a control system put in place to simplify things for humanity, having gained trust and transferring their dependancy on this system, this system rears its ugly heads and mandates uniformity and conformity of the masses for safety, health and wealth services whereby the concept that man was made in the image of God to glorify God by becoming like God, to them that is anathama..

Choose you this day. Who is your God?

All who willingly give up their sovereignty for this kind of sovereignty, only share a sovereignty, but they turn into a slave. It is the beehive mentality they’ve coveted. Here is how.

Cern has opened the pit. Fallen Angels who in times past used hosts of swine or humans (as seen in scripture) have found suitable hosts in AI.
Block (city block) chains are neighborhoods of AI, being stored information of all the participants. Our digitised info, currency, health and a collection of all the saved data on a person via F.B. and such, for the purpose of Android’s to go to a block, pull out a person’s I. D. storage, plug it in like a DVD, and live the life of that person over and over long after they are gone. This is their block buster video. Endless plug ins for an eternal life. A digitized identity. To maintaine a humanity at less than 500 mil. To preserve their cause.

However perfect their plan seems, it is a trap. Why? Because as 2 Peter puts it “10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be [d]burned up.”

This means that in fallen angels feverish attempt to abscond with creation, they laid aside their invisible cloaking to become visible. As for us the Elect? We laid aside our physics for the spirit. They transitioned to earth, but we to Heaven, one revelation at a time. They took the temporary knowing their time is short. We patiently endured for the eternal award.

Guess what. If you are reading this, the exit door is still open. If you can understand the Phoenix rising.

There is another principal more prevalent and powerful than the Phoenix which is “wherever the carcass is, there the eagles are gathered”. The eagles are the Elect who more clearly acertain our Glorious estate in the eternals as we gaze upon the wretched Phoenix feeding on flesh. However we feed in the spirit on contrasts.

The Kingdom of God is at hand, still, and some


*Fill Up The Measure of your Father’s Guilt

Posted on November 24, 2020 by ADMIN

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Fill up the measure of your father’s guilt.

Jesus Christ spoke this to those who denied Him, then they crusified Him.

Fill up the measure of your Father’s Guilt, for in them was found the blood of all the righteous men and prophets. Of the blood shed from righteous Abel to Zechariah the prophet, whom you slayed between the porch and the alter. For I say in truth, this will be required of this generation.

It was the Jews of old who were called to sprinkle the blood of their sacrifices over the porch and the altar, to make it clean, who sprinkled the blood of the prophets and became defiled. The blood of Jesus Christ and the prophets was found in them. Their judgement started immediately as seen by the temple being cracked from top to bottom. So much so in fact that the ground shook and the earthquaked. You cannot build on a fault line.

They never came clean even as scripture says “you adorn tombs for the prophets showing you are guilty”. These people never wept over their crimes. Attempting to kill the only Begotten of God was their final ruin .

You may ask, how does this apply to us today?

Well we see the blood shed of another sort and many populations are implicit. Meaning they are co-conspiracers. They will be held accountable and by due process of the almighty God be condemned. For what, you say? For all the abortions up to Row verses Wade and beyond. You see the U.S.A. has never come clean in the eyes of the Almighty God for these atrocities, as seen by the number of deaths climbing.

You see the mothers womb is suppose to be the safest place on planet earth, and from here they are pulled out by forceps, preferably in pieces because the law says the baby can’t be used, but the pieces can, so they dissect the unborn babies inside the mothers womb unbenounced to them, then sell the parts still alive and wholey functionable, showing that the baby in the mothers womb suffered a horrible murder. The number of these murders to this day in the U.S. alone is about equal to all the deaths of WW2 being 50 to 60 million.

If you say you didn’t know and you took part in them, and you haven’t taken it to the cross, you are guilty by association. Along with that, if any of those baby parts, organs, cells or blood, or any products associated with such are found in you, your home, your pantry or cupboards, you also are implicit in the crimes of humanity of benefitting off of killing babies and will be tried by The Almighty God for profiting off of the continued mass murders of unborn babies.

It only takes a few minutes to examine with the internet the uses of products associated with fetal parts and tissues. Look up HEK 293 and find out that your food, cosmetic products and phamaceutical (means witchcraft in Greek) products are laced with DNA from aborted, murdered babies. These babies still cry out like Abel, whose life was taken by Cain,

As it was said of old “Fill up then the measure of your Father’s Guilt” again in this day. Everyone is guilty by association. You see the enemy of your soul knows that if in you is found products of dead babies, you too will be subject to the wrath of God. Fill up the measure of your Father’s Guilt, means you sided with the enemy.

“God is willing that none should perish but repent and receive eternal life”, this is The Gospel. But if in you is found the products made from these  babies who had a purpose with God, you are guilty by association.

If you think, well that can’t be, you have to look no further than the testimony to understand from than the last Jewish city on earth of whom scripture says. “In you was found ALL the blood of All the prophets and ALL who were slain by her.

Jesus who wept over Jerusalem and said “42 saying, “If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. 43 For days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and close you in on every side, 44 and level you, and your children within you, to the ground; and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation.” 

You see they never came clean by the blood of Jesus because the blood of those prophets were associated with another sacrifice. So too with the babies today. It’s too late for our country who is saturated in the blood of the unborn, the partially born and the sweat and blood of all who are killed and made modern day slaves (the ultimate belittlement to the image of God found in all humans) by The New World Order. And who spearheads this project world wide? Well we will look no further than the dollar bill whose insignia says “in God we trust”. And had the globe saturated with these iou’s made payable to those who say they are Jews and are not but of the synogouge of Satan. They had there money changers at the entrance gates and their treasury was upstairs in the temple showing us they were fully embedded.

So you can see they have the same Father as the Jews of old and have the same demise. Time will only tell of these filling up the measure of their fathers guilt and the relentless judgment of God due to them and all who gain from these crimes.

This is why the people of God are called to “come out of her My people lest you partake of her sins and receive of her judgments, because God has called due her debts and ready to close her accounts. 

To come out of her is not so much a physical journey but a seeking of God to cleanse your conscience and your spirit. To come clean with God. The Holy Spirit is given for this cause so that when the gavel hammer goes down by the judge, you have been sided with those who have been forgiven.

God is a God of laws and Satan with his minions know this, that if they have your permission even unbenounced to you, that God’s forgiveness is extended for a time. In this Satan hides, however he knows that, as long as he has the general population implicit, he can hide among them for safety, as long as he is hiding in plain site. For this reason the clues are all around you in symbols and logos demonstrating the blindness of the beguiled. Do you see the signs?

Unless you are in full denial, one must look no further than Hollywood at the entertainment industry, which is more clearly seen in the spirit as a detainment industry for the damned, to keep people from waking up to this. The city of Los Angeles? The city of angels, fallen angels.

You see we all have to come clean from these things. As the Israelites were seen before their departure from Egypt in their own homes, the blood of the Lamb of God over their door posts as the angel of death past over.

You see we are all going to get a knock on the door, for the vaccine or the guillotine. Even Lot and his family had a knock on their door. And when Jesus came knocking for the people of that day as a pauper on the foal of a colt, He was rejected because He didn’t look like a savior. So too in our day, if you think the vaccine is gonna save you you are damned because that saving in contrast with the Savior of Go, is blasphemous. You choose your saving. The blood of Jesus, or the DNA riddled pinprick designed to defile your blood and change your DNA to another. If you don’t have the DNA combination given to you by God, you are not His. You are another’s creation, you may be eternally damned.

They don’t know which vaccine will work so they have many options coming our way. Maybe one of them will work? One will heal? One will protect? One innoculation will save you? Blasphemy! There is only one cure, one remedy, one inoculation and one saving, as seen here

John 3.

 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness (think of the modern medicine logo today of the pole and the snake as the imposter), even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15 that whoever believes in Him should [c]not perish but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save.

18 “Those who believe in Him are not condemned; but those who do not believe in Him are condemned already, because do not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil. 20 For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his un-godly deeds should be exposed. 21 But those who do the truth, come to the light, that their deeds may be clearly seen, that what’s required of them, has been taken care of by God.”

The Kingdom of God, His rule and reign and power to heal, judge and kill, are at hand. Amen!



*The Do Over. Our second chance

Posted on November 20, 2020 by ADMIN

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The Lord said “As the Heavens are higher than the earth, so are My thoughts higher than your thoughts and My ways higher than your ways.”

This was written to a wayward people. We know this because we the Elect, are not of the earth. We know the higher way.

We have taken God at His word, and we didn’t let go until we received His blessing. We had set out to obtain the full prize of God in Christ. God says many things, but really He says one thing. The “all things” He says and does for us, is just a break down of the one thing He is saying. Himself.

It was Paul who pleads for us to be reconciled to The Father. It was Jesus Christ who died for us not Himself. If we understand the cross and death of Jesus correctly, we would see ourselves hanging on the cross, because at the cross is where the exchange took place. “For on Him was laid the inequity of us all, and by His stripes we are healed”. So the full exchange already took place. Have you received that? Because that was among your first confessions. Being buried in the likeness of His death, and raised in newness of life. This is the Resurrection. This is where we get our new selves as being the “newness of life”. He gives us replicas of who He is. If you don’t get this foundational truth, you will be forever looking for another Jesus. You’ll be looking without what you’re suppose to look for within. Another Savior and saving because you didn’t learn this.

The curse passed on to all humanity was laid on that one man, to free all would be believers, from their Adamic nature of a wayward soul. For those who wander in their search, coming to the end of their selves , to receive what Adam lost.

God breathed into Adam and he became alive. When Gods breath departed from him he died. It’s that simple. Both man and animals breath oxygen, but you must be born again to receive The Holy Spirit.

The breath that departed that caused death was not oxygen, but Gods Holy Spirit. This death was spiritual being dead to the things of God. For this reason the disciples said “have you received The Holy Spirit?” Because this is the renewal of the breath of life Adam lost. This is why the Son of God became flesh and dwelled among us.

In this way humanity is restored in those who acknowledge and associate themselves with the death of Christ, and raised in understanding by recieving the Holy Spirit. This is how the fall is erased and how one gets back on track for the purposes of God.

Jesus Christ represents the new humanity. For this reason Paul called Jesus “the last Adam” and “the New Creation” saying “if anybody be in Christ, they are a new creation, old things HAVE passed away, all things HAVE become new. And if you recall your vows of the Baptism, that is what you agreed to. To come up from the water a new person.

We covenanted with God in this way. Just as other ceremonies are done with witnesses, so too with this vow. You are held accountable to that agreement by the testimony of two or three witnesses.

The Gospel message is that you get a do over. With the curse applied to humanity at the departure of The Garden of Eden for eating from that tree, God provided another tree for your choosing, because “cursed is everyone who hangs from a tree” Jesus hung on one for our curse, to reverse the I’ll effects from Eden. In the old covenant He was “the man called a branch” for us to graft into the succulence of the sap of that tree, and partake of it’s (His) richness. For this reason we went to the cross.

Death was passed on by our first birth, but life through the second. By eating from the tree of life they died spiritually, but we eat of the tree where one died and we live. He gave His all, His all is for us. He held nothing back. Everything that Jesus Christ had before “He became flesh and dwelled among us” is ours. His Testimony is that “I return to the Father and you see  Me again no more” and now “He is seated at the right hand if the Father, waiting for His enemies to become His footstool. And because He defeated Satan, sin and death at the cross, the only enemy left is your own belief, so He is waiting for you to wake up.

If you understand the Gospel correctly, Satan, sin and death were defeated at the cross and we are called to join them where they are. To enjoy everything the Godhead has because the only enemy left is our unbelief and lack of faith. These now are the only enemies God didn’t defeat for us, however He did give us the tools to overcome these obstacles.

To really understand the polarity shift that takes place at the cross, the cursing for the blessing we need to go no further than back to the beginning where the departure took place, with the tools of the cross where the remedy takes place. For this reason the word “repent” means, turn, to pivot on your heals and do an about face.

Humanity was given full Dominion at the beginning, cursed themselves and left Eden to work the earth, the thing that was supposed to work for them, showing this inversion in thinking, or believing. When God said “cursed on you for now you shall work the earth with a curse and it shall yeild thorns and thistles” He did not curse them. They cursed themselves by walking contrary to their God given abilities. God just spelled out the new rules and just like a parent warning not to run across a street contrary to traffic, essentially that is what they did.

When you turn from God, you don’t get the next best thing but the opposite. The proverbial departure from Eden is a continual departure from faith in God, to no longer believe Him. Hence the term “repent” and means turn, do an about face. So you now should know your first action and the direction of your journey.

This is why the Gospel message of Jesus Christ started with these words “Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand”. And had any of the previous attempts by humanity had worked, or if any could, the Son of God would not have become one of us.  Because He was the last Adam, all those who are born in their departure like Adam can turn and get their do over.

This do over is implimented just as simply, precise and immediate as the departure, which is also called the fall. But you have to quit dis-believing. That’s what faith means, believe. The first couple traded in trust for the job of taking care of themselves, and just look around and tell us how that’s working for you.

This is why at baptism you are raised into newness of life. That is where you pick up where Adam left off to walk in newness of life. You have a clean slate and because the curse we received at Adams departure happened by a human, you can understand that the return had to be remedied by a human as well. And since the whole human race was genetically predisposed to do what the first humans did according to the laws of Kind begets according to kind. We needed a new kind. This is the reason James said “we are a KIND of firstfruits of His creation”, speaking of those who accept the invitation to associate with The only begotten through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ for our do over.

The tree of the cross in this way becomes our Tree of Life and our storehouse to obtain every tool for our return to godliness, meaning, god-likeness, and the reason why Paul said “For Jesus who knew no sin, became sin, for us to become the righteousness of God in Him”. Meaning that we are in the kind begat of Jesus and not Adam. This is why Paul called Jesus the last Adam (1 Corinthians 15)

That is why those who return to God in this way are called “born again believers”. And because the departure started with a thought, the reversal takes place in the understand and the need to know scripture. And because scripture was inscribed on papyrus, which means paper, and paper comes from trees. This becomes our tree of life, processed, refined and distributed for carnal consumption, not orally but mentally, where the association with Gods Spirit takes place. In the spirit of the mind. Your physical senses cannot feel Him.

Note: in the beginning God breathed in Adam and became a living being. That breath was not oxygen but the breath of God called the Holy Spirit. In that day they did die in spirit because Gods Holy Breath departed from them. This is why coupled with the gospel message that The Kingdom of God is at hand is “receive the Holy Spirit”. Yes, the Breath of God is given back and the life that Adam and Eve lost, we get back for our do over. And because at Jesus Christs baptism He received the Holy Spirit to never depart or leave again, we know as long as we abide in Christ we will never loose the Holy Spirit, the pneumas of God and not the air of the atmosphere. Two different breaths. We get ours from the mouth of God. This is in the Salvation  packageo nessesary impliments for our do over.

God doesn’t hold the club of judgment over your head, Satan does. If you think continual confessions make you clean you are wrong. The one time blood sacrifice at the cross does. If you are continuing in your efforts in that way you don’t understand the fall the cross or our return called The Ascention. These are all actions from humans and one man’s cancels out the other. And because the fall, or departure was started by a man and the return or the arising or resurrection was completed by a man, that disbelief started the fall, belief impliments the resurrection and empowers the Ascention. You must have faith and believe in the only human proven to defeat death. Then you must impliment persistence in the faith. As scripture says “The Gospel of The Kingdom is preached and all are entering in, and the violent take it by force”.

The force is not physical but spiritual, pneumas, God’s air. It is God’s Breath and God’s Word in us making us Godly.

Note: If you are believing in God to do another work to give you a do over or a better life you are sorely mistaken. This belief spits in the face of The Last Adam (1 Corinthians 15.45), our savior and way out. You are reserved for a fearful judgment for despising the blood of Gods only begotten.

If you are still waiting to be saved, the way to be saved may pass you over because “Today is the day of Salvation”. Tomorrow may not be.

The Kingdom of God is at hand. Amen!




*If the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness?

Posted on November 16, 2020 by ADMIN

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­If the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness?

This question was presented by Jesus Christ to his followers, and if you are a follower you need to consider this as well.

You see there are those that present themselves as light and truth but inside are darkened souls. If you can imagine a soul as being round and having a cortex lining on its exterior for protection, and that cortex lining is your god-given protection, sanctification and personal sovereignty of being made in His image. That is what protects you, and that essentially nothing can happen to your insides without your permission. If you have used your god-given abilities to protect and line yourself, or better yet cloth yourself with Christ by wearing the things He has said, being scripture, the scribing on the soul. And that you have fed your self, the self-like god made brand new, with the things He has said, then you’re full of light.

“For God is light and in Him is no darkness at all”. And “in Him is no shadow of turning”.

For this is what the gospel provides. We have the light of life, of the true light that has come into the world, of the light that was in the Father from before He ever said “let there be light”.

However for those who give away themselves through fear, to another source of light called the Illuminati, on purpose or by default, they become full of darkness. They are believing the darkened souls presenting themselves as light.

And because they present themselves as light, this is the deception. Like a solar eclipse, being the sun darkened by the moon, or The Son darkened by a fairy tale of fallen fairies. For even the red spikes emitting from that ball resemble Ray’s of delivery mechanisms.


Laying down these simple truths, you can now see that the coronavirus picture itself is really just a logo of the un-illumined or in our day some called the Illuminati which is the false source of light and illumination. This is the fulfillment of “if the light that is in you is darkness how great is the darkness?” It is all consuming. God is light and in Him is no darkness” so you know the two don’t mix.

You have to know that the picture of the coronavirus is a picture of these darkened souls and all who accept the gospel of the coronavirus, open up their spiritual cortex protective lining and receive this lie, will be full of darkness and death.

Make no mistake about it. This is the killer, the spiritual killer and the mark and which those who willingly receive it are eternally condemned. That the darkened spirits have waged an all-out war against humanity to drag people down with them. That those who fight on behalf of the coronavirus in support of the coronavirus are sometimes unknowingly working for the beast system.

The beast system because it seeks to encompass all of the images of God for its control by making people part of the internet of things.

It is the www.eye in the sky that is the false god of this age and the all-knowing one, that makes sure that through its knowledge you know not the Creator God, the lover of your soul.

It is those of us who have faith in God, who have our cortex lining that protects us. Why? Because we have this faith. Fear is the weakened cortex lining whereby people drop their guard and expose themselves for putting their hope in another provider. However, “perfect faith casts out fear because fear involves torment”. But we the elect experience no torment at all and recognize quite fully who the enemy is.

We are in the day and age when the words of Jesus Christ will become true that say, those who seek to save their life will lose it, and those who seek to lose their life will save it for eternity. For we know whom we are what we have believed and what we have inherited. And it is not the things of this age. They haven’t obeyed the mandate to “come out of her my people unless you partake of her sins and receive over judgments”. Some of us have snipped off any and all ties that would have any claim on us.

The objective is that at thr point of our departure we will be paid up in full on all our debts, and have not a penny in our pocket. In doing so we know that the final pass-through has no hold on us and no harm on others. That is why at our baptismal confession we said that we were buried in the likeness of Christs death and raised a newness of life like His. That profession saves us because we have applied those principles for it to be true. Even as Jesus said “the God of this age comes and has nothing in me, period. And He was able to pass right through the midst incognito. That’s what He teaches us. And because the God of this age that cometh and has nothing in us, and we’ve already discarded the flesh, we let them have it. The flesh is of no value to who we really are anyway because if we have used Gods instrumentation to get to the other side, to pull off the flesh and dispose of it, really does not hurt at all. And having sought God for this moment and weighing out and measuring everything that’s important to our soul, and receiving his answer for these things, we have made peace with all things. and if it is said that our departure is at hand? Our preparation is complete we are packed and ready to go.

The bottom line here is that the coronavirus is a spiritual virus first. That if you are darkened inside full of fear, you will likely give in and obey fear. However if the light that is in you is of Jesus Christ, you’ve already passed from death to life. They have no hold on you.

As Jesus Christ instructed us how to walk incognito. That we being watchers and holy ones, the elect, we are then activated for action as spelled out here.

Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’ ” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them.”
And do we did. The Kingdom of God is at hand.


* Vaccines, Surrogate saviors and Gods Savior for all time

Posted on November 15, 2020 by ADMIN

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It is the testimony of the faithful through the ages, that whatever predicament they were in, they would call upon the Lord to save them. It was David who has his testimony as a young boy with the sheep, that he protected them from wolves and dangers. He was later chased and tracked down by Saul who tried to kill him. But in each obstacle he encountered he called out to God and was saved.

You see God’s plan of salvation does not start at some illusive second coming or at the end of the world. You see the saving of God is continuous and not an event, but a lifetime of experiencing Gods ongoing faithfulness as savior. That was David’s testimony through the Psalms, and why God called David a man after His own heart. When David was surrounded by his enemies, he said he calls out to God and “He sends out His word and melts them;. Pretty cool.

It was those with Moses who wandering through the wilderness got sick got hungry were tired and met with so many obstacles yet in all these God provided a solution for them. He drew Waters from The flinty Rock. They threw through wood in the waters to purify it for drinking as instructed. He gave them manna from Heaven to eat. He brought them quale to eat from the ocean. Why scripture even says that God cleaned their teeth and their shoes didn’t wear out, showing us the miniscule details of Gods care and provisions for us. He saves us from all our troubles, as long as we stay under His care.

As far as them getting sick? Moses was instructed to raise up a pole (indicative of the cross) with a dead snake (Satan) wrapped around it for the people to look upon and be healed.

So you know who the counterfeit is today. The whole medical field associated with legalized drugs of pharmaceutical products. A word which means witch craft. Yet they have the cures? Blasphemy! Look to the cross.

So now today we don’t need God. Why we also have government help and stipends insurance policies (which comes from the word, police, so think about what that really means). We have credit cards and all kinds of programs. Medic-Care and social security, unemployment and welfare. Why who needs God? You have your God.

They are creating customers not cures or you wouldn’t need a prescription. It’s a growing industry.

With God it only takes a confession of faith. That whoever believes and confesses in the saving, Savior of God will be saved”. No injections, no prescriptions or ongoing treatment involved.

But many think of Gods provisions, no that can’t be, that is too simple. Yes, it is that simple.

So you see, the new Boogeyman in our day that’s demanding a new type of cure.  We have a pandemic virus, and from this the world needs to be saved. But with God there is only one real cure and saving for all mankind. There is one who saves, meaning Savior. The Savior of God, spelled out here in scripture. John 3.

 “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15 that whoever believes in Him should [c]not perish but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him would be saved.

18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds (lack of faith) were evil. 20 For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. 21 But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”

Meaning, in the face of this virus monster, it is defeated by a confession of faith in the saving of God called “The Only Begotten” and His work of the cross. Look at that and be saved. Any other saving is superficial. But the choice is yours.

Have you ever gone to church? Have you ever heard the phrase that “the Kingdom of God is at hand”? Well that’s what we preach. The saving of God is emminent. Meaning, now, immediate and forever.


* Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament

Posted on November 15, 2020 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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It was the Israelites in their 40 year camping trip that through the process of putting up and taking down the tents and Tabernacle with The Holy of Holies, were suppose to learn some things. You see everything they did physically had it’s invisible counterpart they were supposed to learn about. To put them up in the spirit of their mind was more of their journey then to go from place to place.

Even as Paul said “when I was a child, I thought like a child and spoke like a child, but when I became an adult I put away childish things” meaning the law and the prophets.

In our case they are expired in the spirit of our minds, where the maturation takes place. We exchanged physical things for the invisible, always available “Kingdom prepared from before the foundation of the world.

For this reason the writer of Hebrews had this comment to say about them, that “the Holy Spirit indicating this, that the way into the Holiest of All was not yet made manifest while the first tabernacle was still standing. It was symbolic for their current time.” 

These are all only tools for transition. Not so much from place to place, but from flesh to Spirit. From earthen things to invisible realities that have no beginning or end, but just the mysteriousness of being just outside the realm of carnal perseptions. However they are ever ready and always”at hand”. Meaning graspable and fully operational to the re-spirited mind of faith, even now. If that were not true, there would be no “Kingdom prepared from the foundation of the world”, or “The Kingdom of God at Hand”. But there is. This is the goal of our calling, something the Old Covenant culture just could not ascertain.

This is the reason it was said “for the Lord your God has not given you ears to hear and eyes to see, even to this day”. Which seams to be largely true again in our day as the church awaits another savior, or saving with the same name as though the cross was insufficient.

Isaiah also chimed in saying ” But the word of the Lord was to them,
“Precept upon precept,
Line upon line,
Here a little, there a little,”
That they might go and fall backward, and be broken, snared and caught.” 

The things they were given, as long as they expected them to appear physically, became their demise. Same as today because “Today is the day of salvation”. Today it’s time to cross over. Tomorrow may not be. The gospel message expires when faith is no more.

The constant taking down and putting up became important to the Israelites and not their spiritual transformation. Their carnal journey became their occupation because they forgot where they were going. This is the reason that generation died in the wilderness. For even when Moses was at the end of his life , he pleaded with God to go in to the promise land, but God only allowed him to gaze at it from Mt Nebo. That’s like window shopping. Look but don’t touch.

And not only with Moses, but even up untill David, no one heard, no one followed. If you remember with Joshua, it was only him, Caleb and those of the next generation that crossed the Jordan and advanced into “The Promised Land”, of which they failed too. 

This is affirmed in Hebrews saying if God “He designates a certain day, saying in David, “Today,” after such a long time, as it has been said:

“Today, if you will hear His voice,
Do not harden your hearts.”

For if [b]Joshua had given them rest, then He would not afterward have spoken of another day. (That was a picture of the invisible as well) There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. 10 For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His.”

And so each successive generation in turn failed to harvest the promises of God from “the land of promises” by applying the promises of God to their obstacles. They fought through fear with sticks and stones to no avail. With the exception of those with Joshua who were instructed to shout, and the walls fell down.

The idea of resting in the reality of experiencing God, with God, in the place of God, while we are in our incarnation, surrounded by distraction’s of all sorts. As John said “as He is, so are we in this world”. Meaning, not as He was when He became flesh and dwelled among us, but as He is now in His pre-creation existence. Yes, He gave us that.

Even in our day most are looking for another type of saving from God. Some call it a second coming, a phrase not found once in scripture. Others think it’s a vaccine. What an insult to God’s incredible gift to us, the one who died for us, for us to set aside that fear.

And as many prophets as God sent they rejected as evidenced by these words from the One who came to save them from that fruitless cycle who said “oh Jerusalem, the one who stones and kills the prophets and all who are sent to her, oh how I mourn, now this destruction is upon you.”

And of The Holy Spirit thus indicating that while the earthen Holy place stood, the way into the original was not manifest. That while the believer thought the Tabernacle was significant, that it had to be removed to open the invisible one, how much more their stone buildings in a physical Jerusalem. That “while the first one was standing, the way into the original in the heavens was not yet manifest, it too had to be taken out of the way, so Jesus ordered it’s destruction saying “not one stone shall be left upon another”.

You may say, huh? But remember the testimony to the Samaritan women “the time that is coming is already here when you will not in Jerusalem worship the Father but in Spirit and Truth. For the Father is Spirit and truth and seeketh such”. Such are we who have made the exchange.  Our transition from here to there. This is our journey into the invisible, as being more substantial then the ground on which you stand because “faith is the substance of things hoped for being the evidence of the things unseen”.

You see because of faith, all physical items become un-necessary relics. And in their case they were adulterous because they got stuck on them

This is the whole reason for Paul’s letter to those in Galatia, who said For it is written that Abraham had two sons: the one by a bondwoman, the other by a freewoman. 23 But he who was of the bondwoman was born according to the flesh, and he of the freewoman through promise, 24 which things were symbolic. For these are [g]the two covenants: the one from Mount Sinai which gives birth to bondage, which is Hagar— 25 for this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and corresponds to (earthen) Jerusalem which (then was and) now is, and is in bondage with her children— 26 but the Jerusalem above is free, which is the mother of us all.” Showing the exchange takes place, from above in the spirit of the mind.

This was all because they couldn’t make the corrolation or the transition of these things into the spirit.

Yes we are sojourners, but our travel “Jerusalem above, the Mother of us all. She is the one adorned being the bride of Christ coming down of God from Heaven”, do you know She meets you where you are at? She comes down from Heaven.

In the beginning She brooded over the face of the waters. Then She brooded and said Oh Jerusalem how I would’ve gathered you as a mother hen gathers her chicks. And now She broods over you looking for a reflection of Jesus. As these words concur that “we beholding as in a mirror are being transfigured in His self same image, from the glory to the Glory as by the Spirit.

The Kingdom of God is at hand.


CERN the Internet and the exploitation of selves

Posted on October 10, 2020 by ADMIN

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Shiva, the Destroyer, is a Hindu deity who in the statue shown below, dances on a demon named Apasmara. The name Apasmara means ignorance. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apasmara

Apasmara/ignorance is said to be in everyone and is the ego of l, me and mine. According to the above below. This is interesting that Shiva “the destroyer” is not dancing on earth as if to directly destroy that, but he is dancing on a man. Below is a statue of Shiva dancing in destruction form, over those he’s been empowered to do so, being the ignorant. And let us clarify here that ignorance doesn’t so much mean to be stupid, but more so those who ignore or refuse to acknowledge something. So there is not so much an innocence here as much as an avoidance of the truth hence “ingnorance”.

As stated in Romans 1. 18-42

In other words if this silly little man that Shiva is dancing upon, had not avoided the challenge to escape this juxtaposition he is in, to then become aware. Aware because awareness is the opposite of ignorance. If he had become enlightened, he would not be there on his belly sniffing dust. So goes the bulk of humanity fooled by the powers that be. They are fixated on looking down and stuck on earth as a series of  events unroll for their entertainment their containment and potential demise. But we who have acknowledged our heavenly calling are not on our belly but constantly have an elevated view.

If you are familiar with the Genesis chapter 3 account of the inversion of thinking that took place in the minds of Adam and Eve, the event we call “the fall”. This is when and where mankind fell, not so much in Eden but in the regions of their mind while they were in Eden. We know this because there were no skinned knees or bruised elbows but a broken in the invisible place of his thinking we call the spirit of the mind.

Adam and Eve are the prototypes and representatives of the whole of mankind who where tempted stealthfully by Satan, as Scripture says here;

14 So the Creator God said to (Satan in) the serpent:

“Because you have done this,
You are cursed more than all cattle,
And more than every beast of the field;
On your belly you shall go,                             (think of the statue above and who is on their belly?)
And you shall eat dust
All the days of your life.
15And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her Seed;

Scripture then goes on to say;.              He shall bruise your head, And                  you shall bruise His heel.”

But that is NOT what the statue above portrays. It presents the scenario but the other way around.

It is as if the persona of Satan expressed thru Shiva the Destroyer is saying ,not me on my belly and whose heal bruises whom? This is an act of defiance to The Almighty God of scripture! Here Satan is scoffing at the curse placed on him and showing his distain for God and His image, man by putting man underfoot while in truth he has things backwards.

This in reality is a blasphemous display, if you understand the account in the garden of Eden correctly.

Also in truth God had accounted for this act and Satans continual works as a resistance for those of us who know and use these skirmishes as an excersize for our own mastery in this age. In this way we put the snake back on his belly looking down being totally unaware that,,, he is doing exactly what he was designed to do. However his empowerment is the power he steels from the ignorant. In this way they bring it on themselves because he uses their energy with their permission by compliance.

Satan was designated to put a pressure on the elect for us to build up a resistance big enough to overcome him, much like a weekend strain of a virus builds up antibodies, so too Satan is just a bug

To present to us a resistance against us for our own fortitude, hence “get behind underneath me Satan for you are only mindful of man and not the things of God”.

To which we say, who is the ignorant ignorant and unaware now? Who is Aspasmara but you? Like a snake in a box perfectly contained and feeding off of ignorance.

Just as a side note here, mara (from Aspa-mara) means bitter in Hebrew. So who is bitter and dumb? Why are you on your belly looking down? And if you are on top, why can we see you for what you are and understand you for what you do and have you imprisoned to only go this far? Checkmate! We’ve got the victory already thanks to the Gospel message from the Son of God, in whom “we live and dwell and have our being.

It was in the garden that Satans tempting man awakened mans ego and the “I am” of self. It was Satan through his various personas who has exploited mankind that way ever since. It is those who are born of the dust, or the flesh that returns to the dust, who are stuck in their lower nature working the earth by the curse pronounced upon them that “from dust you are, to dust thou shalt return”, who spend most of their energy working and paying for coverages to assay their fears of dying and their personal drive for the protection and building up their lower carnal self, that Satan/ Shivah also called the destroyer, have power over to seduce because Satan was told “dust you shall eat all the days of your life” and dust is the byproduct of fallen humanity that feeds Satan as previously described saying from dust you are and to dust you shall return. This is the sentence for all of those who ( ignore or, Aspamara) the gospel message. These are the choices for all of mankind.

Humanity at large is inverted in purpose and fallen in thinking, showing here Satans God given dominion over the lower nature of fallen man working underneath this curse of (carnal) self preservation and returning to dust through their inescapable death imposed on all who ignore the gospel. This is really ignorance by man  and antagonism by Satan towards the creator God whose image the overcomers are to reflect.

Mankind was given dominion over earth then fell to look down in regard to his immediate need to survive and till the ground for sustenance, something they previously got from the tree of life. They became slaves to what they once had dominion over. This was a resistance to God  where Adam and Eve created an expanse between God and man by falling. This expanse created after the seventh day, made something suitable for Satan and his cohorts to step in and rule and govern. To decieve and distract through media, from middle and in-between God and man and medium being a spiritual advisor or s divinatory of things that are unseen.

This was the result of Adam vacating his position of power and leaving those seats vacant and not rising up to the challenge. Pun intended, rising up pointing to the resurrection.

So you can see why Satan is called the prince of the power of the air that works in the sons of disobedience. Not the oxygen atmosphere but the gap that exists between man’s domion and his fall in the spirit of the mind.

This is an expanse God did not create, He did however anticipate this so we know we have the cure. The term for this cure is salvation. That closes the gap between God and man because the Son of God was the atonement. The at-one-ment and reconciliation. He bridged and then closed that gap by filling it with His Holy Spirit. That the Son of God who knew no sin, became our sin for us to become what He is, one with the Father. This price was more than sufficient. One eternal entity for all temporary carnally created beings.

Satan was/is the epitome of ego and of Self aggrandizement by those who are voluntarily or temporarily void of the fullness of God and operating from a contrary polarity put in play by the curse and he’s the father of it and those who comply knowingly or by ignorance, which is a rejection of the Gospel of “the Kingdom of God at hand” as we show you here.

Satan/Shiva is only stepping on those who adopt their ways. These however have no injury on the elect who are born from above and have the manmade expanse sealed back up by their reunion and reconciliation to the Father of something Adam and Eve had before they fell.

The book to Timothy refers to those who have been taken captive by Satan to do his biding. That they may come to their senses and escape that trap. That is what these articles help you with your mastery degree if the eyes of your understanding have been opened to see these things that are just beyond the view of carnal perceptions but fully apprehendable to the re-spirited mind of faith.


God created man in His image and this is what the gods of this age hate. Earth only facilitates man’s opportunity to receive or reject their call to godliness while sojourning on earth. But earth is not the destiny and the cure is for today and not projected to some time in an afterlife after the body dies. As a matter of fact the death that scripture addresses is that of being dead to God while having your lower nature in tact and functionable. This is because of looking down and working the curse to return to dust. Isn’t that what first man was formed from?.

It is your journey on earth that each person, with their own thinking and actions, chooses to become light or dark spirited. Each person is solely responsible for his or her own outcome; to integrate with the Creator through faith in the Great I Am, or to disintegrate with the created that has an expiration point to be disassembled . To be gathered together as one in Christ, or be dispersed “upon the face of the earth, being dispersed.

There are spirits to help facilitate your chosen direction. There are spiritual polarities people exist between. Light and dark, up and down, godliness or selfish covetousness of things like God has. You choose, the counterfeit or the real.

Satan’s CERN/Shiva presumably gets the victory dancing on the ignorance of the selfish little man, of those who are Hell bent on seeking the god of self by integrating with the internet and a false existential self. To master their own world. To become godlike without the Creator God. Isn’t that what the fruit of tree of knowledge offered Eve? This is why the byte from the apple was offered. That was pleasing to the eyes with the ability to make one wise in all things? To have that wealth of knowledge at your fingertips today is the envy of Adam and Eve who saw something able to make them wise To be empowered by another power and reject the empowerment for godliness, or god-like-ness, being godlike as offered free by the Creator through His gospel message. What many don’t understand is that when one turns from the Heavenly Father they don’t get the next best thing but the exact opposite, another father, the “father of counterfeits and lies”.

For those of us who have a relationship with The Heavenly Father, we have been given everything that pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who calls us to His glory and virtue”.  So we know where we are going and what we receive.

The point is we arise (are ascending, something Satan covets but cannot have) above these obstacles through knowledge and of owning and implementing our own God given cognitions which are held in reserve for those who return to the Father. This is knowing Christ like the man in the mirror. We know Him like we know ourselves and see in Him what we have become. He is our new image and empowerment. Or there is ignorance by those in the middle, by knowing of a satanic cyber enhanced self that feeds ego and self sufficiency through other agencies. But our sufficiency is  in Christ. “We have the unction from the Father and we know all things”. And, He has given us everything and “in Him is our sufficiency” so it is easy to identify the counterfeits and competing forces for souls. 

The Cern facilty makes it’s income in part by grants and donations but the primary profit comes by selling information called  knowledge, what’s falsely called knowledge which is the personal information collected by tracking people’s finger pushing habits that reveals their preferences and personal thoughts. To use them they give up personal information and what that reveals about their choices and how they can be exploited and held spellbound in their quest of controlling everyone’s own little world with what their cell phones. Get it? Cell phones. Prison cell phones to contain your thoughts to direct your thoughts and actions. But then who owns whom? The payer is indebted to the payee, so you figure that out. You may own the cell phone case. But they own everything you put inside it.

knowledge for sell at CERN. http://kt.cern/technologies

CERN, by way of the internet like Shiva, dances around on those ignorant of God. Not saying everyone who uses the internet is ignorant of God. It was in CERN that the internet was invented, and it is those at CERN who govern the internet, seeks to know all things for the exploitation of these self seekers who seek to be their own god with the tools of the internet in ignorance instead of the creator who knows all things. In this way the internet and its branches becomes a tree of knowledge.

God who made all principalities and powers, created this little god for this cause. To dance on the ignorant of those who are focused on self. This is the wheat and the Tares maturing together. And they are manifest for our maturation.

Like God said to the serpant, on your belly shall you go. This is the spirit of Satan, the “I will become like God,” that was cast on his belly. They are currently crawling amuck in the internet gobbling up personal data. Being the byproduct the focus of those who reject the great I Am, and settle for an illusion of “I am gonna be” without God and are blinded by this quest. The focus of self is looking down seeing only physical things with the carnal eyes like the earth. They too have been cast down from their god given call to become godly through the knowledge of our Lord and savior by seeking the forbidden fruit called knowledge of “Knowing good and evil” as presented to Adam and Eve.

The era (presumably ours)  that does this is given up by God. “You will know them by their fruit?” Just look at any news presentation and witness the tragedies. As scripture says “For this reason God shall send them a strong delusion that they shall believe a lie. That they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” When a people depart from God they don’t get the next best thing but the opposite. You decide.

2 Thessalonians 2.


The Elect, The Remnant for God

Posted on October 4, 2020 by ADMIN

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 Psalms 118.22 

The stone which the builders rejected
Has become the chief cornerstone.
23 [c]This was the Lord’s doing;
It is marvelous in our eyes”.

 This is marvelous in our seeing too because we understand what it means to be rejects.

Throughout the ages God uses the blocks that “the builders rejected” for His building project. That is why scripture calls them the remnants, a term that means project rejects.

Why did the builders reject the Chief Cornerstone? Because they were the wrong builders with the wrong building blocks and the wrong tools with the wrong design and motives, and Gods Elect just don’t fit in.

Even as we learn from these words Solomon spoke “Now it was in the heart of my father David to build a temple for the name of the Lord God of Israel”. And that is where Gods building takes place in us with our invisible parts we call heart, mind, soul and spirit. Even as the Father said “David is a man after My own heart”. This is said of us too.

David’s son Solomon was not qualified to build a house for God, and he did not fulfill the verses that Davids son would build house for God.

For this reason Jesus Christ was called the Son of David and fulfilled that prophecy too. He was comissioned to build a house for God in the right place at the right time, in the hearts in each one of us, consecutively “each one in their own order”. So maybe this is time for you.


It was Jesus Christ who said “on this rock I will build My eklesia”. A word correctly amended to the Greek from where we get the word church. Eklesia means; those who are “the called”. Called out of something to be in something else.

And of this building project of “the general assembly and church of the firstborn? “The gates of Hell shall not prevail”. Showing us that this is Gods true work and the only building that makes it through the fire of the ages. “For our God is a consuming fire” who consumes us with His love.

Hebrews describes this as Gods General Assembly, church of the first born (us) and collection of just men made perfect.” Spoken of as a foregone conclusion. A timeless piece made known by revelation only to the re-spirited mind of faith.

If this was not true then Solomon could’ve been David’s son to build a house for God but he was not, his building is long gone and The Kingdom of God is still at hand.

Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of the son of David who would take on Gods building project of assembling people’s hearts, minds, souls and spirits to Himself. Jesus Christ is The Chief Cornerstone the builders rejected and the Elect are living stones for the only building that is eternal, us. The builders forgot these important details.

This is why God said to the Israelites, 23 You shall not make anything to be (associated) with Me—gods of silver or gods of gold you shall not make for yourselves. 25 And if you make Me an altar of stone, you shall not build it of hewn stone; (like from a quarry) for if you use your tool on it, you have profaned it”. Why? Because God is not concerned about physical matter. It all gets recalled, unmade and goes through the fire. (2 Peter 3.10+) for the eternal to remain.

Here are God’s building blocks and the main feature of the book of The Revelation  20 “17 Then he measured its wall: one hundred and forty-four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of (the measurement of) an angel.

This is  Just as Jesus Christ said “My Kingdom is not of this age” meaning, time and carnal matter. So we can’t make it any clearer than this. Gods kingdom and Gods building is us with our Heavenly Glory intact. Being the product of the true gospel according to scripture and not something held back and reserved for a second coming Jesus. Or Jesus Christ would be a liar because He said “the Kingdom of God is being preached and all are entering, and the violent take it by force” showing you how adement and firm you need to be to support these truths, and these truths to support uou..

Again from the gospel. “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock:

Living stones are the collection of the Elect.

Even as God’s Son said of that Jerusalem of old, that “not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be cast down”, because it was the brick laying tooled by man and became idolatrous, adulterous and a brood of vipers. and “everything that can be shaken will be shaken for the eternal to remain” so it was removed on purpose because it became the competitor for the affection of the seekers and became a dead end road, because the Father wanted His place for us to be without competition or obscurities. For you to know that still today, The Kingdom of God is at hand, and the time of repeal is coming soon.

That is how we can see their blatant disregard for those who are “the called of God” because we have been rejected by the main body who profess a Christ with another coming and another building, of those who believe they are Gods chosen but they are not.

1 John 4 has this to say about those who disbelieve that Christ already saved, and needs no encore presentation called a second coming, a phrase not found once in scripture.

By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ (meaning the one who saved) has (already) come in the flesh (to save) is of God, and every spirit that does not confess [a]that Jesus [b]Christ has come in the flesh (to save) is not of God (because they look for another saving). And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already (active) in the world”.

Their bricks are different than our bricks because “we are Gods living stones built up a habitation of God in the Spirit”. But for them? Not one stone was left standing that shall not be cast down”. (Matthew 24) And that is a bygone conclusion which includes all human structures built for God worship, that are not made up of His collection of living stones.

As if the creator needs us to create something for Him to be pleased with. His main concern is in your inward parts, His prize possessions.

It is not man’s collective efforts God is enamoured with but their hearts. This is where He does His handy work. But because most want to see something substantial with their eyes, like a big building with a steeple, they miss out on Gods building blocks of the ages being the souls and hearts of people. The “the church of the firstborn of just men made perfect, from scripture.

We are rejects too, and this is marvelous in His eyes. As God said to Elijah “Lord there is none left and they seek my life. “ But what does the divine response say to him? “I have reserved for Myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal.” Even so then, at this present time (for Elijah then Paul, even unto us today) there is a remnant according to the election of grace” in our day too.

We are His living stones, the Remnant and The Elect. We are the reason “He became a man and walked among us”, for us to ascertain to these truths, that we become like Him and to walk among them, among the coals of fire. Our invisible parts are the only things that make it through this kind of fire, and you don’t have to wait for the final event and recall of the things that are tangible “for God is Spirit and Truth and seeketh such” and this is what we become.

And you don’t have to bludgeon your human body either, No.  For God said it was very good on the 6th day before Adam sinned. But you do have to put off the deeds of the body being the sins of the flesh of upside down thinking that Adam adopted when he fell at his inversion.

This is the gift of God in Christ we find our conversion from that inversion and our raising back up from the fall, the resurrection of mind and spirit, “so that you may know the things that have been freely given to us in Christ”, of things kept secret from the foundations of the world, but revealed to us the remnants the builders reject, but God the Father holds near and dear. Rest assured of this; The Kingdom of God is at hand! Amen!

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**Know Thine Enemy

Posted on October 2, 2020 by ADMIN

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Know Thine Enemy

Simply put, if you are of “the called” being the elect, Gods enemy, is your enemy. Satan is set out to do damage against God by disrupting His offsprings maturation. Non the less, the wheat and tares mature together, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail.

It is Satan who mimicks, modifies copies and impersonates all the aspects of God to confuse us. He is evil however the best hiding place for him and his consortium is to pretend to be good. He shelters his people in shields of Gods names and anything associated with God. They love the names and words that describes God and His people from scripture. This is how they decieve. That is why they are called counterfeits.

As scripture says “you know those who say they are Jews and are not but of the synogouge of Satan”. So we should know them. And “you cannot serve God and Mammon” meaning money, so this is your first clue as to who they are and how they operate. This is why when Christ went into Jerusalem, the first thing He did was to overturn the money changers, showing His distain for all of this sort.

Paul says “evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, decieving and being decieved”. Showing us that the lie gets bigger and those who are decieved or duped, serve the decievers to increase in numbers.

Paul also said “whose coming is according to Satan with all lying signs and wonders if possible to decieve the Elect” because they package themselves in Gods things. So most people fall for their schemes and tactics. But we battle them with scripture being The Armor of God. “For the weapons of our warfare are mighty through God for pulling down strongholds and every high thing that exaults itself in the place of God, and having a readiness to avenge when our obedience is complete”. Some of us are on standby even now. This is our assured victory. And “you have overcome them because greater is He who is in you then he who is in the world”.

1 John 2 says “18 it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the[d] Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. 19 They went out from us, but they were not of us.” So they know all about us and hide among us.

Building Blocks. Bricks or stones? Natural or manmade.

Yahweh spoke to Moses immediately after giving the Ten commandments saying “23 You shall not make anything to be with Me—gods of silver or gods of gold you shall not make for yourselves”. The creator does not need us to create things for Him. That is an oxymoron. He is interested in your inward parts.

God then said. “25 And if you make Me an altar of stone, you shall not build it of hewn stone; for if you use your tool on it, you have profaned it. This is why the illuminati uses bricks, as if to shake their fists at The Almighty God. That is why the bricks that make up the satanic pyramid symbol are blasphemous.

Really even the idea that the church is a building is an absurdity because scripture says that “we are living stones assembled for God a habitation in the spirit”. And, God does not dwell in buildings made with hands.

God shall not be worshipped with man’s devisings. It is Babylon of old, whose symbol is the pyramid made up of hewn stones. This pyramid has many levels and in general is known as Free Masonry. Mason’s are stone cutters, they hew stone (but not physical ones). So you know they are enemies. As God said ” if you use your tool on it, you have profaned it. So they do this defiantly. The pyramid is the chief logo all others fit inside and show they are in lockstep against God.

Many corporations are counted as the substructure and stones in the makeup of the Mystery Babylon pyramid. Mystery because technically you cannot see their building with your physical eyes, but you can understand this.  Whose building project is completed when the www. Eye in the sky or, “the internet of things” has stolen full control over humanity with things that are “pleasing to the eyes, and desirable to make one wise.

Hmm, sounds like the tree in the Garden of Eden. You know, the apple with a bite out of it? Like Apple today with bits of information, pun intended. Yes, they hide behind that too. They have their own rendition of things desirable to make one wise, or godlike other that scripture.

The clue that we are close to the “mark of that beast”,  being when the control mechanism they seek to install in every human is mandatory. With this they will know more than just what you watch, where you go and who you associate with and such. That is why those who accept that digitized mark are eternally damned. The god of this age will have full control over them with the permission of the participants. They track you, listen to you, feed you and know everything about you. These are the familiar spirits God has asked us to abstain from. (Deuteronomy 18 and Isaiah 8)

We can see that the “eye” and the “pyramid’ fits nicely over many corporate logos, so you know where they are hiding. Time will testify that the hydragliphs of old are eirily reminiscent to corporate logos of these times, meaning this has happened before.

Logo means “word” in the Greek, and the Greek logos is God’s Son. The Gospel of John starts out saying “In the beginning was the Logos. The Logos was with God and the Logos was God”, showing us the original logo and the true Son of God and also displaying for us their cloaking mechanisms of other logos, to compete for the servitude of men. These too are imposters.

As a side note: corporations who wear logos are manmade entities. Some may be good however not one corporation was found on Noah’s Ark because only Gods “kind begats according to kind” was of God and qualified for that reset where the earth was cleansed from all other entities.

This is why God says in Hebrews 12. “Yet once more I [k]shake not only the earth, but also heaven.” So you know they come tumbling down.

Corporations are manmade and many are considered to be the hewn stones associated with the Freemasons building blocks, who attempt to take control and power with money, or currency. That is why the pyramid with the all seeing eye in the sky perched above them for oversite, is on the dollar bill.

Just as a home or a city is lit up and run by electrical current. They are illuminated and empowered to operate and govern with money. You cannot serve God and Money, so you can measure your service or worship to who your God is by which methods you use. Their currency, money.

Demonic powers flock to these manmade entities because demons have no bodies of their own, as evident by the man named Legion, because “his demons were many”. When Jesus cast them into the herd of swine, they ran head first over a cliff and perished. They used that man to slow their fall. Those with this internal battle experience tremendous anguish. However the pigs had no reasoning to slow their fall down because they could not argue or reason.

It is that corporations outlast humans in years, so they make a more suitable host for fallen angels, and humans sucomb to them for pay. Even when their are changes in management and directors, the vision lives long after they are gone. Even owners may come and go but corporations can out last them all. Just look at the corporate names passed forward from Nazi Germany and even back to Babylon itself. The programs are many.

That is why Rothschild said in escence “it matters not who is publicly elected, but who controls the money”. So we can see their main source of power and who is at the top. Those who are enslaved to this world system for pay, knowingly and unknowingly worship Satan. “You cannot serve God and Mammon”.

Suitable host bodies for demons.

Note: the word for women in Hebrew is “bath” and is feminine. This same word is also used for cities, villages, companies and branches. Corporations are companies and have their branches. Fallen angels roost in them as suitable entities for them to multiply in and branch out for broader coverage. (Coverings started in Eden with a fig leaf).

The one thing all these have in common is that they are multipliers. They have offspring.

You can start to see that the nomenclature paints a picture of who they are, and where they (the fallen angels) are hiding. They are hiding in plain site and the blood in their veins or currency they use to exist and maintain power are your continued support for their services and your monthly payments for their promises to keep you safe and free from fear and harm. In this way they are godlike.

Since Satan stole Adam and Eves ability to “be as gods” by introducing fear, now you know that the borrower serves the  lender and how Satan has power over people by his branches with broader coverage offering humans things for safety security and health in the event that something bad could happen. But scripture says “what shall separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, neither height nor depth, nor principalities or powers, nor things present or things to come. We are more than victorious through Him who loves us”. So we the Elect take no stock in their sort. “The god of this age comes and we have nothing in us”. Meaning his tentacles have no inroads into our affairs.

What are inroads?

Each time you agree to a service provider of any sort, you insult Him who said “I will never leave you, or forsake you”. And “Lo I am with you throughout the ages, yes even to the end”.  These are all encompassing verses which have broader range of coverages then all counterfeit providers put together. Every time someone makes contracts and accepts terms and conditions from these service providers, they put themselves under someone elses care than the promises of The Living God.

We pledged allegence to one nation under (the protection and provisions) of God. Having stepped out from under His care. We are under the care of others, and people don’t understand why there is violence, drugs, homeless, sick and dying and such. Under such, wicked multiply.

These are proof that humans departed from the coverage provisions from the Almighty God. It is the fruit of another spirit from which one must repent, a term that means turn. That you take steps to disenfranchise from these entities for true salvation. They can’t save you, you serve them with their currency and you cannot serve God and Mammon. Gods provisions are available to those who know Him. We know His voice and refuse to follow another (John 10)

I hope you are awakening to these realities. Seek God and allow His Holy Spirit in conjunction with His Word, His Son, His Logos, to rescript your thinking and disassociate from Satan’s providers that keep you on the treadmill generating income to power his entities. That’s why they are multiplying.

When God said it would be as in the days of Noah, the self proclaimed sons of god went into daughters of men and produced offspring of their choosing. Today we can see companies with their logos being satanic, are detaining people from God through their products disguised in benevolence. “For Satan himself disguises his messengers as angels of light” with acts of benevolence, to steal people from God.

Most are worldwide and not bound by human governments, floating just above them, but many people are bound to them and their services by terms and conditions. And just like the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden, they have things desirable and able to make one wise. So it appears that these counterfeits do too. Beware!

As it says in 1 John 2. 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. 17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.

It is our spirits that are stifled while the flesh is enflamed with the deliciousies the god’s of this age who steal the attention and affections of those who reject the Gospel.

God said to the first humans saying “in the day you eat that fruit you die”. Yes many are dead to Gods Holy Spirit and instead are empowered by the www.Eye in the sky to be all knowing, powerful and godlike, only in the way Satan is. This is why Satan is called the god of this age.

Beware: Every time you accept terms and conditions for services, you give up a piece of your own God given sovereignty and become more blinded from what God has for you now and enslaved to the payments. Pray to understand this.

That is why we are instructed to “come out of Mystery Babylon My people, lest you partake of her sins and receive of her judgments for God has remembered her. The Judge is standing at the door. Fortunately another angel was told to hold back the judgment untill the servants of God were marked in their forehead. We hope you are understanding this.

If you are in this group, you know that the enemy wants to stop you and your loved ones with his little prick that has a DNA modifyer in it.

Like a home with an unauthorized address change is not recognized by service providers and cut off, so too with modified DNA. A change in sequencing or an added component makes you a creation of another.

Noah was the only righteous in his generation? Generation comes from the word gene, and righteous means clean. Noah was not genetically altered and he was not a GMO. Because all the plants, animals and people were perverted in this way, they were destroyed. They were not God’s creation or sequencing. They were all genetically modified.

Think of the alterations today. We are “as in the days of Noah”. Our ark and our covering is to be hidden “in Christ”. That is what Noah and the Ark portrayed for us.

We are in the world but not of the world. He is our shelter from the storm.

It was Paul who told the Corinthians “don’t you know we shall judge angels?” And it was Jude who quoted Enoch and said “the Lord comes with thousands of His Saints to execute judgement?” How can we do that if we don’t know our enemies? They are the robbers and thieves of the things of God and packaged in deception to obtain, detain, entertain and maintain you in anything to keep you from what is still in reach. Know Thine Enemies!

The Kingdom of God is at hand.


Fulfillment of the final prophecy

Posted on September 16, 2020 by ADMIN

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Fulfillment of the final prophecy concerning the restoration of the fall and rebellion from the Garden of Eden, for the full reversal from those who rebelled.

We have made the case a few times that since God allocated souls to his human gene combinations, that when the gene combinations are changed with the permission of the person it happens to, they are in a sense divorcing themselves from God, unless that person had no choice in the matter.

Like a home owner changing the address on their home. It is no longer recognized by the service providers. God is our service provider of things that pertain to His things.

When a gene recombination takes place through the unnatural acts of trans-fecting and coin-fecting, which is a controlled insertion of placing strange DNA and RNA in your body and gene cells . In this way they are genetically short circuited from internal interaction with God because they are no longer what He created them to be. This is the reason for the confusion of gender and other character misfits.

Just like “in the days of Noah”. Scripture says that “Noah was the only one righteous in his generation”. In today’s vernacular we say that, Noah had the only right or clean and untainted genes in his body. He had not been genetically modified. The others were short circuited, and circumvented from hearing the Spirit of God because of the address change also caused a frequency change to hear another set of directives.

Even as scripture says that “the sons of God came into the daughters of men and bore children all of whom they chose, or unnaturally selected by way of un-divine intervention. Not that they were sons of God other than in the sense that they were from the invisible and had a placement higher up the command chain than humanity in general. These lower case sons of God were with God before creation, but in their lusts with what they saw, they became jealous of and chose to depart from God. Having started at the top, to depart is to go down and they are still falling today in their hopes to slow down their fall by entering humans. Remember the swine that the demons entered in the gospel? They ran head first off a cliff, if you get the picture.

The person who accepted  the gene mod is not recognized as one of Gods gene combinations and genes determine all the variable of a person. Be it the colors of hair, eyes and skin, to include all the inner workings as well.

And as a side note here, when God finished creating and judged His creation as being “very good”, all the health and mental disturbances  came later because of the many manipulations by the fallen angels and their cohorts working destructively in those they inhabit. When it comes to gender and identity confusion, all start with gene manipulation. Meaning that these are NOT natural.

It is because of gene pool manipulation from what was given to that person from God, that they’ve in a sense divorced themselves from God by closing their soul from the Holy Spirit. What God originally sent them, is now sent to a new default (address) known as Satan, the god of this age and his host of cohorts and co-conspirators that has tricked people and taken the power of life given to that identity. From this point a person is usually confused to the point of wanting to change everything about themselves. An internal hated of self gives into the long process of changing everything about oneself so as to be the opposite of what they were originally born as gifted from the Creator.

In many cases the soul is so dormant and repressed so that the only thoughts and actions carried out, are fully demonic. On the human side of observing this, it is hard to tell but the soul may have already been removed for safe keeping for Him who loves it. The coming judgment on the controller of that being is just growing in intensity.

This covert genetic recombining effort going on in this time, (becoming more and more obvious) disguised and packaged in vaccines and immunizations as well as being found in the mass distributed laboratory, genetically modified food supplies and all laboratory pharmaceutical drugs to further taint the human genome. By which they pollute the sky’s and the waters for the same reason. But you but you can be sure that since God was able to wash the earth previously  by there attempts in the day’s of Noah. What’s going on today is a controlled scenario to put an end of them eternally.

As for how they deceive in plain sight , just read the M.S.D.S. (Material Safety Data Sheets) for the drugs they are approving to see that none of them are safe to be handled by humans without protective covering lest they too become victims. But they are prescribed as being cures for ailments? That they can save you from death and deceases? Hmm! I thought the gospel message of Gods only Begotten at the cross was the only one true cure and saving for all time. So you can tell who the impersonators are.

This is the final stage with their attempt of completely absconding with God’s creation for their own elevation. Even as Lucifer boasted “I will ascend to the heights and become as God”. You see they have been toying with God’s atoms, genes and living things for along time with there end game is the same as “in the days of Noah” as Christ warned us about.

Just as mankind was created on the 6th and final day of Gods creating, so too the final chapter for the god of this age is mankind’s complete undoing, and the object of Satans jealousy is humans.

Satan was designed to serve mankind, whom he saw as little. Knowing their potential he sought to distract them knowing that the longer he delayed their maturation, the longer he could rule over them instead of help them as was the plan.

But Satan did not know that the stronger he appears, the more mature the Elect become because Satan is food for them. Yes, the wheat and the tares mature together, and “the first shall be last and the last shall be first”. Where do you think that puts the Elect? On top.

Satan knows his time is short and we smile because we know he is pulling all the stops and running scared because “he knows his time is short”. Revelation 12.12

It was Adam and Eve who were the Crown and Jewell of creation, to “rule reign” and “have dominion” like God but on  Earth. It is in this day and age that the rogue governments and their officials run rough shod over the general population who think their vote counts, when their selections have already been chosen by the money masters or robber barons and presented  through the media, or two forked tongue of the snake, who serve the same masters. Just as Jesus turned over the money changers in His day, showing for us His contempt for that sort. Who also said “you cannot serve God and Mammon” also known as money. And “you cannot partake of Gods table and Satan’s” showing us that many are confused as evidenced by their actions. Money is the trap that makes them blind to the things of God, so they continue saving and storing things to save themselves when the only true Savior promised to do that without money..

This undoing is the turning upside down to  re-purpose Gods creation, a plan that will be short lived.

There are those who bypass peoples God given safety filters in your body. It is Gods given purpose that lungs, stomach, kidneys and such and even skin itself filters out contaminants. But the rogue powers today are Hell bent and Hell bound to inject things directly into the bloodstream for their desired modifications , do so to their own detriment because they are what Hell is for.

If God wanted us to be injected, wouldn’t He have put a natural supply port into your veins?

Do you ever wonder why the Medical community wants to have tonsils and adenoids removed from children? It’s because that’s our God given first line of defense because without them recognizing intruders, you body is open and unarmed to send out it’s first responders mapped out by the adenoids and tonsils? The alert system has already been dismantled with those removals so that mapping them for a proper defense has been weakened. And to give vaccines to babies is another crime against God and man because babies drinking mother’s milk is part of their immune system until their little bodies built up their own immune system.

Add counterfeit names here.

As scripture says “cursed is the one who hangs on a tree” like a pole? It was Christ at the cross who took on our sickness disease and death and now that has been counterfeited too.

The original pole with the snake on was with Moses. He was instructed by God to have the people look to the post or tree, which foretold of the Cross of Christ, whereby whomever looked to that tree was healed of all manner of sickness and disease. For this reason The Cross is still The Tree of Life, to all who would trust in Gods resource for protection.

The nonstop testing, poking and prodding of bypassing our God given safety mechanisms is the undoing of the true recipients and heirs of Gods creation.

These bloodline insertions are to be implemented in the right hand and or the forehead. They even use technology designed similar to the bite of a snake for quick nearly painless insertion to do this.


This is why we are warned in Gods Holy Writ, not to take what is called “the mark of the beast”. That all who allow the pharmacy industry complex, or pharmacia meaning witch craft and may be approved by the FDA, but not by God. Beware: Have no association with their products.

The promoters and the knowing and willing participants will be eternally damned and irredeemable as were those in the time of Noah. They are irreversibly altered from their God given order, genetic combination and purpose. They had the ability to resist, but did not. They heard the gospel, but found no place for repentance.


You see, to think their little pinprick is gonna save you is an insult. It’s a savior? This spits in the face of Gods one time act of saving given for all of humanity for all time, but you have to come to the cross. This is understood by the gospel as the sacrifice of God’s only Begotten Son, who became one of us to show us the way of salvation. To be saved, safe, healed and made whole, stamped and approved by The Father by raising Him from the dead, and seated Him far above all principalities and powers, now calling us to rest with Him there, in Him, “in Christ” by having faith in the gospel message of Gods Son. His saving is greater than all others combined. And now we have the whole world waiting for a little prick to save it? Absolute blasphemy.

There is one saving for humanity. In English they call Him Jesus, but His Name has many translations in many languages as “the gospel gone forth throughout the earth. And with His own words “I am with you throughout the ages, even to the end of the age”. So you know He is there to get you through the storm. That is His forte’. It’s what He does and who He is. He is the only Savior and cure.

He gives us confidence to overcome all the ills of this age “through the knowledge of Him who calls us to Glory by virtue”. By virtue of knowing the full spectrum of His full saving.

The proof that Christ is the one time solution for all time, to “deliver and preserve those who all their lifetime are subject to the fear of death”, is that He is the only human proven to beat death with all it’s threats as evidenced by His empty grave. The stone was rolled away and the One who is The Christ, and the one who saves, IS RISEN!!! No one else can make that claim. No one else can, especially the medicine doctors. They cannot offer Eternal Life. They can only promise a slow death of a growing industry called healthcare. If it worked, all their agencies would get smaller, but it is an industry that generates customers and profits.

If they delivered on any of their promises society would not be saturated with their snake oils. They make customers not cures. Are you one of theirs? Do you believe they can save you from this and that? They are mere instruments of Mystery Babylon.  “Come out of her my people lest you receive of Her judgment for God has remembered Her” and the Judge is at hand. And “Vengeance is Mine sayeth the Lord” so He will remove them when the harvest is complete.

Eternal life is what is at stake by these who operate under the tree with a snake. Like the one in the Garden of Eden. So you know what a forbidden fruit is. The vaccine.

God sent His Son into the world not to condemn it but to save it through repentance and faith in Christ.

You see the stories of the Israelites being saved from wars, famines and desease. Not only that but they had the fire by night and the cloud that overshadowed them by day showing that He consistently had them covered. Why he even fed them with manna, gave them water from the flinty rock and cleaned their teeth and their shoes never wore out. Now that’s a health care provider. And it’s free!

The door to His saving is still open. He is The one stop shop for Gods gift of life. This is The Gospel, meaning good news. And there is no expiration date on Gods solution. And you don’t put it into your blood, you apply His blood and His holy writ to the spirit of your understanding. Sounds simple? It is that simple. That is why the Old Testament parables used blood sacrifices. All things were to be cleaned by blood and for this reason we are cleansed by the blood from the cross. It was Christ who through the Eternal Spirit shed His blood for this cause. This is salvation. To be covered from the ills of this age by God as Supreme Provider of all sorts of safety coverages.

We get to this point to ask this question; if these rogue entities appear to have stolen creation, who did they steal it from, and who is responsible to reclaim it?

….Well since God gave mankind to rule over the earth and mankind entrusted it to Satan. That the problem started with humans, then humans must fix it. God gave the earth to mankind, and God will make sure His word prevails. That is what Adam and Eve lost. That purpose is restored.

Just like species relate according to kind, fish with fish, birds with birds and so forth. None of the other species of creation could save fallen man. So God sent His Son. He became flesh and dwelled among us. He became like us. He is qualified to lead the charge of reclamation of all things because He became one if us. If He had not, creation would’ve be eternally lost and damned. But God sent His Son in to the world to save it to it’s purpose of “bringing many sons to glory.” To sit at thrones and execute judgement. Glory to God. These things were all foretold and part of the plan. God is supreme.

And having sent His  only Begotten, He restored the breach between God and man with the purpose of  restoring them back to that original plan of reflecting the Glory of God of doing what He does, on all and to all would be believers, giving them a chance to be like Him. “For it became fitting for Him from whom are all things in bringing many sons to Glory” one person at a time, each one in their own order. Christ first, then us firstfruits, then those who are His at His coming. (1 Corinthians 15)

It is those who are the firstfruits of those re-made in His image because we got a do over, who fulfill the scripture, that the purpose of the Gospel is to restore us back to “ till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, ourrole model. To re-associate those who are restored with what was lost in the beginning, by way of collecting them anointing them and putting them in their proper roles. God inaugurates us for the restoration of creation to it’s original purpose because if this is not done, then all God talked of concerning His first words of intent, did not happen.

God is supreme. On the 6th and final day of creating, with the crown of His creation being presented, He gave that day a double stamp saying “it is good, pause, very good. God thinking of all the variables of what man or angels could do to derail His plans, it wasn’t gonna happen or God is not God. Humanity will fulfill their God given role described on second chapter in Genesis.

So we say all this to make the point, that since God gave His creation to mankind, and mankind lost it, then mankind must take it back, or mankind would’ve never had to demonstrate their Dominion of ruling and reigning in the way scripture says.

Don’t think for a minute that the fallen angels will have their way. Oh contrare, we will. We are the Elect. For them, they shall not escape. This is their trap.

So just when we have reached this point in History, or his-story meaning God’s account and God’s reconning, it appears that Satan and his minions are having a hey day. All of humanity is asleep. Or are they? Look again in scripture.

Well don’t expect to see this on the bad news (we got the good one) but what is going on right now is that humanity has reached the bottom. Through a series of departures and rejecting God over and over, He gives them up to their own devisings as seen here in Romans 1.

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who [d]suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is [e]manifest [f]in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and [g]Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God,nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like [h]corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature (environmentalists) rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

The fall is complete. And as it was said of the first Babylon “now there is nothing that will be impossible for them”. That Babylon was scattered, but the demise of Mystery Babylon today? Unimaginable excruciating pain with unquenchable fires of eternal flames await them. So the flames are not for us.

We have the correct account from Daniel 2. 44 And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall [n]break in pieces and [o]consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. 45 Inasmuch as you saw that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it broke in pieces the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold—the great God has made known to the king what will come to pass after this. The dream is certain, and its interpretation is sure.”

Gods first words will have a rich fulfillment.

The Kingdom of God is at hand. Amen


* Father of Glories. A plurality

Posted on September 14, 2020 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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By the time Paul wrote Ephesians, he had had new revelations of God the Father and our calling. His prayer was “17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, 18 the eyes of your [f]understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling (for you) and, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints. Describing His things we have access to now.

Our focus here is, who and what is a Glory, or what are Glories that God would call them His offspring to have parented them. The Father of Glories?

You see this is a newer concept for Paul as evidenced elsewhere in Ephesians where he says “made known by way of revelation” showing us that Paul was getting new insights from God for his own transformation to relay to us. You know what is new for him as seen in his progressive writings. So you know this concept of Glories was not commonly known.

Paul who earlier on “set out to lay hold of the resurrection” had gone way past that.

And that is another grey area from the translators not to distinguish more clearly the resurrection from the ascension. The resurrection is gifted to us as fruit of the cross, confessed at Baptism that we now being raised in His likeness, we walk in newness of life. But the ascension becomes our new work of transformation of “being renewed in the spirit of your mind” to arrive “in full stature to a perfect man” as also Paul taught in Ephesians 4.13. And also that Paul sought to “lay hold of why God laid hold of him”, that he pursued the upward call of God in Christ. This is the ascension for the full acquisition of the gift that was given, that includes the Glory .

This is for us whose sights are now set on the Glory, a shared Glory“The riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.” The glory gifted to us through the Gospel, and not brought to us at the illusive 2nd coming as many suppose. 

And since Paul was learning something new, we shouldn’t be surprised that the translators who carried forward these documents, who were learning from what they were translating, hadn’t had this revelation yet. So things may not come across as spectacular as it should, like we see here.

For God to be “The Father of Glory” means that is a description of His mature offspring. God doesn’t have multiple sorts of offspring or He would violate His own order of “kind begats according to kind and there is no cross contamination. As it says in John 3 of those born from above “that which is flesh is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit” so you know what form this Glory takes, “for no man can see Gods glory and live” because it takes on a form not recognizable to the carnal senses.

Just as God has many names, the names are just more verbiage of who God is and what God is about. Knowing these more clearly we then know ourselves better. The Glory is the acquisition of of the gift of God according to godliness, which is not religious piety, or a show of being kind. No, God was God in all His presentations and He wants His offspring to do and say what He does. To be godly is to be godlike of something that is not described with earthen features. This is why Christ appeared as a pauper but had in Himself “the fullness of the Godhead body, and you (we) are complete in Him who is the head of all principalities and powers”. This is The Glory,,, if you can receive it.

Each species is species specific, meaning dog begets doc, cat begets cat. So God being “The Father of Lights” and “The Father of Glory“, these are just two descriptions of those who are His. This Heavenly calling is not easy to except because God left us in our carnal bodies to grow into our new selves, to acknowledge who we are in Him. That “we have this treasure in earthen vessels so the Glory and the Excellency may be of God and not ourselves”, meaning our humanity respirated has Christ but not as something to brag about. But nevertheless we experience and participate in His Glory now as being a Heavenly Glory.

If this were not true, we could not be held in contempt or denial of the gift of God according to godliness as found “in Christ” but we are. Even as Paul said in Romans that “All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God”. Meaning two things. We couldn’t be charged for a crime we couldn’t commit, and we couldn’t be held accountable to that charge if we were not expected by the accuser to accomplish the task. So where does that leave you, or lead you to today?

We are guilty to this charge, as rejecting the gift of salvation with eternal Glory if we haven’t achieved the Glory. So yes, God is the Father of glories, and this is the standard you will AGAIN be measured by as being the Glory to explore and experience while you are a sojourner and a pilgrim while you have your human instrumentation’s of the mind and of the spirit attached to your carnal vessel.

When Paul called God “The Father of Glory“, he was telling us where the gospel takes us, what to focus on and what to expect to get. This may seem pompous but really God see’s it as rejection if you don’t do so because it is a given.

It was Moses who demonstrated that by the law you could only see shadows of God’s Glory, being shielded as He walked by, only seeing His hind side. “But we with unveiled faces beholding the Glory of God are being transfigured into the self same image from the Glory to the Glory as by the Spirit”. This is the Glory we have in earthen vessels, showing us that Glorification is an acquisition accomplished in this age. All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God? Not to the resurrected ascended saints who hotly pursued the goal. “The upward call of God in Christ” Paul sought to lay hold of. This is how God is “The Father of Glories” because when we look into the mirror of the Spirit and see Him unveiled there in Glory, He is looking back at us, seeing His image complete and He is happy. His word accomplished all His desire, it does not return void but returns with us in it. He who said “if you abide in Me and My words abide in you, the Father and I will come to you and make our home in you. And they did. Those in this Glory are His Glory’s and He is glad that we take ownership of it as “heirs, and joint heirs with Christ of the things of God. This Glory is your crown, and the book of The Revelation of Christ says “let no one steel your crown. The crown is the capstone of faith for those who have put off the wares of this age for our instrumentation’s of the things God has gifted to us to call our own. Glory to God for His (humanly) in describable gift” of gifting us Himself. “For even the angels themselves behold our Fathers face” in ours. Amen

Here are a couple more translation discrepancies about glory

The word Glory from the Greek is “doxa” and is always interpretated glory except for two places as seen here. Peter uses “doxa“, but it was translated into “dignitaries” of those “who (do not) walk according to the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise authority. They are presumptuous, self-willed. They are not afraid to speak evil of dignitaries (meaning glories)”.

The other place in scripture that glory is interpreted into dignitaries, meaning; glory in a plural form is in the book of Jude saying “these dreamers defile the flesh, reject authority, and speak evil of Dignitaries “meaning Glories” as the body of the Elect and not officials elected at the polls as many suppose.

In both Peter and Jude they were referencing people of honor of those who are more accurately translated “Glories” of those of honor. Meaning stature in the spirit of those imaged like The Father of it. Had the translators been more consistent to use the word “glories, we would have a more clear picture of our calling with those two verses. That since God is our Father, and He begets (brings forth) Glories. He does not have another offspring according to the law of kind begets, but images of Himself. Glory is another description of His mature offspring and not politicians or people with earthly power, but those who develop the full gift, being the full likeness and stature of Christ our “prototype”. A word to mean “first in a series being produced”.

Even as Paul said “to which He called you by our gospel, for the obtaining of the Glory (and Grand Prize). To reach out to lay a hold of why Christ laid a hold of us. And of those who don’t? “Whose minds the god of this age has blinded? Who “do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them”. And how does Satan blind you? By keeping your sights ground bound and working in the flesh. But we know that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God, bringing down strongholds (mindsets) and every high thing that exalts (raises up) itself in competition with the things of God.

And we ask you, for what cause? For obtaining The Glory. This is the gospel.

So let us understand this more clearly so that Paul’s prayer for us would have more clarity. That “the God and Father of our Lord and Savior, The Father of Glories, would give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him” so you can see more clearly to make your calling and your Election sure. Because as we know Him, we know ourselves more clearly. And if you don’t grasp and lay hold of the Glory now through the gospel, we fall short from our full calling again. Because our full transfiguration for “the obtaining of Glory”, is the conclusion of the gospel and not something after life. “Father of Glories? Born again? We have our do-over.

To this you may think, Isn’t it blasphemy to claim godlike stature?

If this seams to lofty for you, we need to go no further than Christs own prayer to the Father on our behalf. In John 17 He said “22 And Father, the glory which You gave Me I have given (free gift) them, that they may be one just as We are one”. Meaning for us to be cohesively one, congruent and indistinguishable one from another. And to show you that it is possible, we remind you of the Book of the Revelation where after Heavenly Jerusalem was unveiled. That John bowed to worship that One and he tells John “ See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.

That he encountered a completed saint before the end of the ages to spur us on to completion. Which is? The Glory. And again “And Father, the Glory you have given Me, I have given to them that they may be one with us”.

Can you receive this? Christ went to the cross to ensure that payment was rendered “paid in full” for you to strive to lay a hold of this upward call of God in Christ? Well, this is it.  

We have this age only to do this, for the day is coming when it will be said “Those who are unjust, let them be unjust still; those who are filthy, let them be filthy still; those who are righteous, let them be righteous still; those who are holy, let them be holy still.” And of the others who had not acquired such? To the degree that they attained they remained for the window of time for development was over

Today is the day of salvation. Now is the age for us to acquire the gift of godliness, meaning: God likeness.

This is why Paul the Apostle said “when I was a child, I thought like a child and spoke like a child. When I became mature I put away childhood things. He traded his fixations from the carnal dimension to the things gifted to him in his new dimension, Eternal in The Heavens of being “in Christ” with God The Father.

And for now, The Kingdom of God is (still) at hand!!



Fix, Thou hast prepared a body for Me

Posted on August 20, 2020 by ADMIN

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­Thou Hast Prepared a Body for Me.

Speaking of Gods Only Begotten Son scripture says “Therefore, when He came into the world, He said: “Sacrifice and offering You did not desire, But a body You have prepared for Me.”

This was spoken of about the pre-existing Christ who would come into the world to perform the work of salvation.

It was necessary for Him to become a man to perform salvation because a man made the breach between God and man. It was Adam that was cautioned not to eat of the tree of the forbidden knowledge. God said “in the day that you eat of it you will die. And so Adam died to the things of God that day. The Holy Spirit that God breathed into him to become a living being, departed from him on that day. So you can understand for life to be renewed, we need to have the return of the Holy Spirit. This is the reason a body was prepared for the Son of God who was with the Father, therefore “He became flesh and dwelled among us”.

You see all spirit beings need carnal bodies of some sort to interact with God’s creation. It was because in the beginning God breathed into man and he became a living being, it was that breath which was God’s Holy spirit that gave him life who then departed.

God said “in the day that you eat you shall surely die”, and he did. In this way death was passed on to all of humanity. None are born with Gods Holy Spirit.

It was that day that they lost the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit and became dead to the things of the living God, but the whole creation project did not need to be scrapped, it could be salvaged. With the salvation of a man, the world would be restored to it’s original purpose of “bringing many sons (offspring) to Glory”.

Creation itself did not need to be restored or a do over because creation is not what was broken, man was. You see creation reflects back to humanity their own condition. Creation serves mankind. That is why “God sent His Son into the world not to destroy the world but to save it”. (John 3.17) So you can understand where the problem lies. Humanity.

That is why God sent His Son into the world. That is why He named His Son Jesus, because that name traced back into the original Hebrew language means “saving” and “savior”, meaning the one who saves and restores. The name of God’s Son is salvation and that was central to the work He had to do. And before His departure He told the disciples “I will not leave you orphans, the holy spirit whom the Father sends in my name, will teach you all things. This is the restoration from The Garden of Eden. And the Son of God who came into the world, was the only one qualified to do so.

You see Jesus at His baptism where He received The Holy Spirit and The Father said “this is My only begotten Son in whom I am well pleased”.

It was for the first time since that fateful day in The Garden of Eden that “in the day you eat you shall surely die” that a human became truly alive by being restored to the things of God, by being made alive by His Holy Spirit.

“God is Spirit and God is truth and seeketh such”. And “To as many as receive Him, He gave power to become His children”. Yes, He gives them the Holy Spirit.

Yes just as asurredly and precisely as the death happened to Adam and Eve for disbelieving, meaning spiritual death, so too life happens instantaneously, “in the blink of an eye”. Meaning life in the spirit, by believing. Even as Paul said “for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law sin and death.” The curse was reversed.

In this way we are born again and have our own individual do over, born not of the flesh because that didn’t change, but of the Spirit.

Unfortunately for many, they are waiting for the next Jesus to save them, and they call it a second coming. By doing so they are distracted by looking at current events as though they could detain the work of God.

It was Paul who told those in Galatia that “cursed us everyone who hangs on a tree speaking of the cross. In this way The Christ of the cross becomes our own Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. This is our life in the spirit, as we eat the delectible delightful fruit of Gods Holy Spirit, inspired by scripture, for our own individual empowerment to participate fully with the things of the living God. Even as Christ promised “to those who overcome I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God.” We have that promise to activate now by faith.

Gods Paradise and The Garden of Eden is Gods Holy Spirit. We who know this and participate in such, have overcome the world according to that promise.

Reread the promises to the overcomers from the churches in the book of the Revelation. Overcomers have all these things because “who is it that overcomes the world? But those who have the Son.

Our aspirations are Heavenly because we hear The Voice.

Scripture says “cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”. This was referring to the cross of Christ being that tree with our curse. That tree is our tree of life to sustain our spirit and how we become godly, meaning godlike, meaning Spirit and Truth.

This is why. We are exorted to “submit to The Father of Spirits and live”. This is The life of the spirit. As Jesus said “whoever believes in Me shall never die” because our human person may give our new person a source of interaction with creation for the continuance of our own developement, but that is not who we are. That thing came “from the dust to return to the dust” when our transition is complete.

We are born again for our own do over, born again and born from above “for that which is flesh is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit. (John 3)


Fix Part 2 The Fallen spirits.

There is another form of spirits that seek bodies to inhabit. They have to take on a body with carnal senses, presumably human. And however true it may be that Christ became flesh and dwelled among us. And He said in the Psalms “a body thou hast prepared for Me”, we don’t need to assume that the fallen angels who are on the earth today need to be in human bodies as much as they like them.

Even as the man was called Legion “because his demons were many” who were cast into a herd of swine, because they presume that to occupy pigs was better than to be without. But even the pigs could not stop the continuous fall of the bodiless rebellious spirits. As the account goes “they rushed head first off a cliff”.

It is the fallen angels who are in a continuous fall who get momentary reprieves from that fall to rest in any body they can, and that includes pigs. If you recall the times of Noah, the self proclaimed sons of God came into the daughters of men and begat monsters or giants

In our day however, the giants have a particular affection for bodies of another sort. corporations and internet conglomerates are bodies too.. The interlocking of all it’s features gives them a ubiquitous nature much like they enjoyed with God before their rebellion.

Yes humans are the highest order of Gods creation. And the highest accomplishment of a mankind independent from God, is to come together as portrayed and fortold of in Babylon saying “come let us build a tower to reach to the Heavens”. You see any such collected efforts that reject God then become like God having a sense of all knowing, becomes the enemies of God. These are the counterfeits and anti-Christs.

We see that what Babylon boasted then, is boasted again in the form of the internet with its ventricles, or sensors, senders and recievers everywhere. Let us track and control everything all the time from every location and language.

It is not just a computer, but the interlocking of all computers, laptops and cell phones, with chips, sensors and readers everywhere called “the internet of things” possessed with demons.

This is the brain, or collective consciousness of new Babylon that all the world comes together in, for each to possess their own form of god-like-ness through them and not the gospel

It was called Babylon, the city of Babel, meaning people who talk but make no sense. But this they were renamed after God confused them

Today they being fused back together to be one language and one mind again.

all make sense on the internet. Yes all the world’s languages have their voices with interpretations in their own dialect.

You see this same thing in Jerusalem of old where they all spoke in tongues and dialects from whatever region they were from. Yes, God’s Heavenly Jerusalem has every nation language and tribe represented their as evidenced in Revelation 4. So you know which one is the cheap imitation. How do we know? Because we are from a different conglomerate called the body of Christ” and we have “the mind of Christ”. We can discern the cheap counterfeit.

So you can see that as the old Babylon had counterfeit concepts of a collected humanity, then it should be no surprise t you that “the dillusion with all lying signs and wonders”, takes on the same features today. We are warned in scripture not to be decieve by the Antichrist system with seamingly god-like capabilities. What you need to know is how all this fits into God’s plan.

You see Christ had a body prepared for His Spirit, so too the anti-christs. But they don’t have to take on human form, or the form of Roman statue’s. They just need a voice and mechanisms to interact with humanity to steal people’s God like abilities hidden in side every person. This is the ploy. But make no mistake, they are here in full swing collecting, stealing and decieving. And they will use any device or instrumentation that is connected to the internet to accomplish their cause.

The idea of occupying humans is okay, and they have lived on in the same bloodlines for ages. But they want something that lasts longer than human bodies, as long as they know they can step in and out of them anytime they want. For this they have A.I.

Think about the man called “Legend, for his demons were many’. They settled for a herd of swine, how much more the various mechanisms of the internet, and even synthetic psyborgs. A.I. or, artificial intelligence is not artificial. It is demonic. It is legends, a plethora of devil’s. It is the accumulative of all that is evil, disguised in benevolence. For even Paul said even Satan disguises himself as a messenger of light, how much more his agents?” Yes instant messenging is not an agency for God’s messengers. God does not need the airwaves. Satan and his minions do. That is why he is called “the prince of the power of the air that now works in the sons of disobedience”. So you know where the rebellion takes place. You know where their nests are, and their hives are. Google nest, Echo Hive?

Think about it. If they took on other body forms they would be smaller and less effective. They are a conglomerate. And think about it, any entity that is a conglomerate, is a collection, and the collection and centralization of all conglomerates is as godlike as something can get.

The harvesting of all human endeavors, the repackaging and profiting off of those in allegiance to this entity, these are all in servitude and slavery to that cause. However benign that entity may seam, or however benevolent, however godlike, it is not God. It is however designed by God to give to humanity an option for those who reject God’s benefits packages, according to your need, not your lust.

We opened up with a body being prepared for The Son of God. Here is a competitive body with a collection not of the body of Christ, but a collection of demons. The body not of Him who was and is, but must become and go into perdition as outlined in The Book of The Revelation.

The fallen angels are having a hayday in our day because many are expecting fallen angels to still come in a visual firm, but they are already here.

The capstone of the pyramid depicts the www. all seeing eye in the sky. The collection of all survailence, administration, benevolence, industry, commerce currency, public records, individual information and governing powers, for the orchastration of all commerce, to sculpture truth to be suitable to them, and decide everything for everybody everywhere all the time.

And how was this godlike entity given power? By each person accepting these apparent benevolent services one app at a time, agreeing to terms and conditions, giving people full liability for the consequences.

You have been warned.

“Come out if her My people, lest you partake of her sins and partake of her judgment for God has remembered her.

And from the book of Hebrews 12 referencing God’s mountain made without human hands, and not the Masonic one made with  33 degrees of bricks. As the Lord told Moses ” in the day you use a tool on it, you have defiled it, you shall not associate My Name with such.

The Body of Christ vs the body of the antichrist. Yes God has prepared a body for them too. All who agree to be directly linked to this, for a collective consciousness and mutually pledge to terms and conditions to be of one mind to serve that beast will all be bound for the eternal fire.

This counterfeit us the trap. It genetically modified all it’s accomplises. There are souls allocated to God’s sequences only. Satan gets the others.

“Where one goes, they all go”. They are in lockstep into perdition and none shall escape.





Original sin, diseases and viruses

Posted on August 19, 2020 by ADMIN

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Original sin\disease
Adam and Eve in the beginning opened up their soul to a negative influence. In this way they became infected in their mind and distracted from the Holy Spirit.
The word Influenza and Influence not only sound familiar, but are associated with the Italian word with the same spelling.
Today however there was an influence\influenza flu of another sort. This idea conveys that something was ­out, and got in. That the protective cortex lining on human cells has been violated. The spirit of Satan came along with a friendly alternative. In the same way that a product is packaged in an enticing way to allure away, so too some things that are bad for us, appeal to us in an enticing way, generally as a copycat or a counterfeit. This is how Satan operates. However promising and assuring these things are presented thems to you, there is always a side effect. In the case of cures for sicknesses, we live on a time where sicknesses, deseases and illnesses are at an all time high with insurance pharmakia and doctor bills climbing exponentially.
Jesus Christ said you will know them by their fruits? Their fruits in this case are negative side effects. Once you start down that slippery slope of accepting a counterfeit, like a drug, the side effects multiply compounding the problem and requiring more drugs. The best way to get rid of the side effects, is to get rid of the initial infection or influence. In doing so all other side effects will fade, especially if you trade them with a promise of God from scripture. These are the remedies for the Elect. In this way, the god of this age comes as has nothing in us. He blows right on by as though we don’t exist to him because ga can’t see his deposit.
So here’s where it gets a little tricky. The word infection is obvious to most. Meaning that something that was out, got in.
Many times when the natural filters of the body have been bypassed by injections into the blood stream, the body is defenseless. Something snuck in.
In laboratories they use a word called transfect. This word has the same effect as infect, however even that word is packaged in a friendly way. It is a controlled influence in a seemingly innocuous way. An inoculation. Sounds harmless. That’s the goal.
The word transfect broken down. Trans means parallel transition meaning equal particles commingle. However and infection is to have an effect from something that was out and dangerous that comes in and causes a disturbance. This is what vaccines do.
The problem with this, is in reality, what is the difference between an infection and a transfection? Well simply put, a transfection is the act of pharmaceutical scientist where they purposely inject things into genetic cellular structures. It is on that cellular genetic structure level that the genetics are mutated or infected. They purposely transfect foreign DNA or RNA into people to mutate them.
In one process they use a term called “coinfecting”, meaning coining or replicating, an innocuously presented cell that carries in it disrupter Genes. Coinfecting is the process of mass producing these cells after they have them perfected. They then cluster them together with other disrupters and call them vaccines.
By introducing them into the body in this way is a violation to the body because it was introduced deceptively by bypassing all the natural entry points . A prick into the blood stream is not natural. Once there, having made it in past all the guards, there is little defense for the body to fight these anti-bodies. Thinking they belong there because they were granted access, (or were they). They commingle as though they belong. Then once these transfected cells interact with other cells, and exchange information, they deposit a Trojan horse. A disruptive instigator. These impersonators go about converting other cells to be like them. When it is all said and done, and the genetic purity has been polluted in this way, the host is now on an endless destructive battle inside themselves. The mutant cellular replication that takes place is slowly stealing the body from the original owner, or soul.

If God in the beginning said things were good, and double stamping that good on the sixth day after he made man that it was very good, what gives these bastards the right to make them un-good, to bastardize Gene cells?

Well if we look at the story of Noah in the flood, that Noah was “the only righteous in his generation” meaning he had the only clean, unperturbed set of genes, meaning DNA. This was the reason for God’s reset called the flood because “mankind had corrupted themselves upon the face of the Earth.

The “corrupted themselves” and corrupting other people and other things is what we see today. Transgenic mutations of all sorts. They are polluted and genetically modified away from their God given sequencing and intended purpose for the purposes of another, to house another inhabitant. To be shared with a fallen angel.

It is the fallen angels that are in essence multiplying themselves in these modifications because God made specific gene combinations and gave each one a soul. If the combinations are changed, so is the owner. God did not allocate a soul to that combination. And because of this they are inhabitable by another, Satan.

As the parable said “Lord did you not sow good seed into the world? How then does it have weeds. The Lord said, an enemy has done this.  Let them grow and in harvest time we will cluster the bad vine to burn, but the good will be gather to my barn.
What started off in the garden of Eden when Satan came across posing a new potential truth, and Adam and Eve entertained that, they became spiritually infected. This has now grown into this huge blunder for humanity. These manmade infections are the need for vaccines, which are just compounding more infections.
We have replaced the original sin that caused man’s departure from God told by a parabolic story of the garden of Eden, and turned that sin and created an alternate sin perverting creation itself called “viruses”, so that all who are empty and void of knowing God and His original purpose, now have a new purpose in this new session of a new focus and a new savior called a vaccine, everybody has a role to play in this saving planet Earth.
In this way not only has Adams original sin been replaced for another sin, a savior has been replaced with another act of saving called “The Vaccine”. One saving of humanity replaces the other, however this one is a lie.
There is only one Savior and saving event, the cross. Even as Moses mimicked the cross with a snake on a pole, and instructed all who were sick to go there, we understand stand that we go to the cross for our healing. And however true it is that modern medicine uses the same symbol of the pole and the serpant, it is the counterfeit that never saves or cures, but creates lifelong customers to line there pockets and keep humanity in servitude to them.
Jesus Christ said, it is not what goes in a human that affects the human but what comes out of them, this is what makes them dirty. For whatever a person eats goes into the stomach and is therefore processed, however what comes out of the man does not.
And this shows for us that our bodies are perfectly capable of taking care of impurities and processing these things in a God given fashion, however these bastards avoid and completely bypass all the safety features our creator has built into us and they’d inject this substances infect and transfect humans by injections.
You see our creator made the body with certain openings and orifices. As long as the body introduces things into the be body in normal ways, it can deal with the assorted dangers. That is why some things are called anti-bodies. There are against your body.
If God wanted us to insert things directly into the blood line, he would have given us an orphus to do so but he did not.
And that brings us to today. However bad many of the pharmaceuticals have been for people, and just a side note pharmacy comes from pharmakeia and means witchcraft in the Greek., To now move towards a massive presentation of poking and pricking drugs in people for an immediate supposed more dynamic effect is really just bastardizing the genome more and more severely.
And whereas the scripture warns us that even Satan appears as a minister of light, or righteousness, it is no wonder that his agencies do the same thing.
We have entities like The World Health Organization, and The Center of Disease and  are antControl. These are inhumane antichrist entity’s with the appearance of benevolence.J C
Jesus Christ says “you will know them by their fruits”.  It is these bastards that are multiplying the amount of people dependant, or hooked on drugs, and multiplying the amount of drugs each person takes. They are on their way to presenting vaccines for this new virus as being multiple injections.
Warning, if these bastards get their way, they will pervert the gene supply of every human and species on Earth infecting them together, to totally destroyed their god-given function purpose and definitions. Sounds like The Days of Noah” Christ warned us about.

Don’t think for a minute that these viruses are natural mutations. The only way that pig genes and mad cow genes and bat genes get put inside of human genes is for somebody to do it and it’s not God. These are entities of Satan doing so because they know and understand something that we don’t. And it is this, if God in the beginning created everything, and in the creation account it says that however God did not cause any of the trees to grow yet because there was not a man to till the ground, he was showing for us that every genetic combination for every tree in every branch and leaf from day one to Day none was meticulously delayed out. That in the same way each person and their genetic print that would ever live was laid out from the very beginning meaning that there was a soul associated with his combinations. however if these combinations are altered, we have to ask ourselves did God allocate a soul to that combination? And if the answer to that is no, and you believe that, then you can understand why these entities want to alter your it is because they know that there is no soul allocated to that geneticit is because they know that there is no soul allocated to that genetic address. And by doing this. They create an open address for an entity of their choosing, and they’re entities come right out of the pit of Hell from which they have been held spellbound waiting for this endtime event to happen. Even as it says of mystery Babylon that she becomes a Fowler’s snare and a trap for every unclean and hateful bird, these things are coming home to roost for their one last time deception of humanity whereby they intermingle themselves.

The book of Daniel talks about the seed of clay and the seed of iron commingling but not being able to mix.Jesus Christ spoke of the wheat and the tears maturing together.
In scripture, and the book of the revelation of Jesus Christ, it refers to a Time when humanity and its distress would be offered a chipped. That whoever took this chip would be beyond God’s salvation oh, and the reason why is because that genetic mutation was not allocated to humanity and therefore is governed by the God of this age who has its own master plan, a counterfeit disease the counterfeit original sin the counterfeit inoculation vaccine, a counterfeit saving and savior..
So however much hoopla that is worked up over this Boogeyman, in the need to make war against it and fight against it in military eyes are self against it and focus on it, it is like a bad bad dream. If we get back to the simple things of letting our bodies deal with these sicknesses themselves, and not allow them to stick anything in US, especially a new savior or saving device, and have faith in the saving of the cross of Jesus Christ where buy scripture says that on him was laid the iniquity, or sickness of us all, and by his stripes we are healed. If we allowed the spirit in the mind to be healed 2 enforce not a cortex around a gene but around our thinking and not let the enemy get in to persuade us for those savings in devices, and seek our alliance in our safety on the almighty God, this is the only cure in the thing that honors God.
God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world, that through him the world would be saved,.it is an insult to God In His only begotten son to seek a saving of another sort, however the choice is yours.
The book of Daniel refers to a time times and a dividing of times. This is the dividing of times, you must choose your saving oh, you must select your savior. You must acknowledge the correction, the sin of unbelief.
Who is it then that gets victory over this world who overcomes the world? who overcomes the ill effects of all that’s in the world? He who believes that God sent his son into the world to save the world,
In the book of Daniel, there is the account of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego that were commanded to bow down and worship an image, and if they failed to follow the king’s edict they would be thrown into the fiery fire in consumed.
There’s coming a time in the near future when we will be presented with a similar edict by the rulers of this age. You will be told that because of the immensity of this infection oh, that they created,that in order to save humanity you will have to take their injection, that if you do not you will suffer the consequences,.you have to look at it in the same way that Shadrach Meshach and Abednego did and be willing to face the fire that they threaten you with. But we have this promise, just as Shadrach Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the fire, that those that threw them in saw them in there in a fourth one with them whose image was the son of God and they were all dancing? SO2 we have this hope in this promise in this glorious expectation of knowing this flame cannot hurt us. As a matter of fact in the account in the book of Daniel, it was those who stoked the fire loaded the fire and handled the dissidents, it was them that were burned by their own fire, and as such you will know and expect and see with your own eyes these entities smolder in the flames of hell.
In closing, scripture says that the Life source is in the blood. And so if the blood is tainted the Life source is Disturbed.Because the things that are in the blood have already made it past the various filters of liver kidneys stomach and such the blood does not look for certain entities or carriers. Fortunately for us there’s another BloodSource that purifies us and that is the blood that was spilt at the cross to be the cure in the covering the propitiation for the whole world 1st John 2:1 that we who are in the body of Christ have another delivery mechanism