Covenants, testaments and contracts are tools between parties for terms and conditions outlining obligations and lresponsibilities. God outlined His covenants to us in Scripture.
The New Covenant, as spelled out in Jeremiah 31, is founded on better promises with the “I wills” of God and expired the “you shall”  in the Old Covenant. Something man does versus God’s gifts; things He does for us. This defined the difference from the old external Law culture, and the invisible laws motivated by the unction of the Holy Spirit of things written on the heart in contrast to the visible things written on the 2 tablets of stone.
There are, however, countless other contracts vying for your allegiance. They try to distract you from the work of God in you, and steal your God given sovereignty. Just as Adam anf Eve were tempted with the fruit of another, so today there are a multitude of temptations and distractions to keep from knowing what you already have inside of you. Intel inside? We have a higher order of intelligence then they.
The Apple computer logo with the bite missing out of it reminds us of another apple with a bite out of it.
Genesis 3. Then the serpent said to Eve “God knows that in the day you eat of it (the apple) your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
This is what Apple today, and other gods of this age offer. For you to be in control of your world with their goods. You become god-like with other powers but not the ones inspired by the Living God, but the ones that can be unplugged.
Adam and Eve who were made in the image of God, lost the autonomy of being like God by knowing something other than God, with the forbidden fruit called the apple. In the day you eat you shall surely die? Their eyes were opened to a new reality, a mirror of God’s reality but in contrasts. A new reality they hadn’t seen before, and it made them feel small and exposed instead of large and protected which was their first reality. So they covered their embarrassment with fig leaves. God didn’t give them the embarrassment and He design them to cover themselves. “For all things are open and exposed to the eyes of Him whom we must give an account.
Today we have much more elaborate ways to cover and cloak ourselves than a fig leaf, however all such coverings are frail and give you false senses of security. Like products from the internet but you cover yourself with apps to enhance what you see, hear, know and control in your alternate reality. You become masters of your universe, so you think. The thing that is not understood though is that every time you accept a new app or power to enhance yours computer self, you agree to terms and conditions that steal everything it can get it’s hands on. You don’t own anything on the internet, even the things you put on it becomes theirs, you only have permission to use them.
It is with these contracts and covenants that you give up your God given sovereignty. In doing so you distance yourself from the gift of godliness as outlined in scripture called “The New Covenant”.
God gave you an image and likeness of Himself and you are responsible for what you do with that. You insult God by giving yourself away to other powers. And it is not just with the internet, but with every service you subscribe to, every loan you take out, every insurance policy you think protects you, you put yourself at risk of various sorts of bondage and slavery, and giving up of freedom for security, showing that you do not know God or His Gift given through the Gospel, which builds us up in godliness, meaning God-like-ness. Meaning to be like God in relationship with God, you choose to relate to the gods of this age who generate fears, then sells you products to arm yourself from the fears they design. You trade your autonomy for slavery. They make out on this, just look at their corporate holdings.
It is your choice, the product of God’s initial gift of life, or provisions from the gods of this age. You are responsible wether you seek God and learn about His provisions for you or not. For each piece of self sovereignty you give up, you become more dead to the things of God. It is not that God cannot hear you, but you cannot hear Him who has “the still small voice”. You become the walking dead to the things of God, but wide awake of the things of this world.
In the day you eat of it you shall surely die? One limb and one capability at a time. Like Adam and Eve became dead to the things of God, symbolized by their departure from Eden. They chose the competition and took the proverbial bite out of the apple. And today many do one bit at a time. You have the ability to modulate more bits than a man made computer.
The author of this article is not an antagonist of computers. At the time of this writing it still contains unbiased uses.)
Scientists Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf developed Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol, or TCP/IP, a communications model that set standards for how data could be transmitted between multiple networks while working at Cern, a large subterranean Hadron Collider that is trying to reproduce the God particle. Hmm. Sounds like someone else’s responsibility. But, nevertheless, it is here at Cern that a hole has been opened up, to where? To the pit of hell and the bottomless pit. This project, whose image is the god Shiva, the Destroyer, whose logo is 3 white sixes on a black square background, laid one on top of the other, which is Satan’s mark. Cern’s claim is the Higgs Boson , “God” particle, whose objective is to integrate with “dark matter.” It is only dark to these demons because they know not the light. “For if the light that is in you is darkness? How great is that darkness? So they fumble around in their ignorance of Him who “holds all things together by the power of His word”. This is their brick wall. God. The God particle that is not a particle but an expanse, “For it is in Him we live and dwell and have our being”. To reduce God to a particle is blasphemous.
This is why Cern is destructive. The ancients call it Sheva, Abaddon, and Apollion the destroyers. (Revelation 9)
The sun that these try to block? Is the Son of God, the light of this world. And the air that is darkened by these? Is the ubiquitous airwaves of the www. that contend for the spirit of your mind, the recipient of darkness.
It is blasphemy against God the creator and His offspring whom they seek to imitate by offering you your own godlike persona.
This is the trap laid down for them and how the heavens are purified. The heavens are cleansed from Satan’s impliments and set up on earth,a they seek to reinact them for their final rebellion, to be like God without God in their alternate reality called the “internet”. With their online all time, free public offering that is not free. It may cost you your soul. Let us show you how.
Isaiah 55 counterfeit. Come all ye that thirst for knowledge. Come delight yourself in the abundance of our provisions and be made whole”.
You cannot be made whole with the logos of this age, who obfuscate the logos and savior of God, giving you the illusion that they can save, protect you and make you whole. But you are integrating with the spirits of this age. Come and drink for free? And cheap is our additional protections. We’ve got you covered. Just agree to our terms and conditions. Which is the place from where the internet, the www. eye in the sky and the and the modern day God’s of this age colaborate.
But you see Adam and Eve were already given the ability to be godlike without their wares when God said âlet Us make man in our image and our likeness. They already had it to explore.
But the Apple is a different form of empowerment, or godliness than the one given for interacting with the living God for the interaction and the empowerment of another. The Almighty one âwho was, and is, and is to comeâ, being of a ubiquitous sort has a competitor of âhim who is not but yet is and will go into perditionâ according to scripture. And there you are forwarnded. forwarned.
in the garden represented a fruit of a different source “that was desirable to make one wise”. This apple provides for you godliness and mastery over all your affairs. How enticing, veluptuous and exciting! Yes you can become godlike in this age and rule over your realm, your alternate reality. You can be younger, smarter, better looking and nothing ever bad happen if you want. You can make yourself out to be who you want as long as they don’t meet you in person. There is an alternate you, a godlike you.
But not in the way God intended. By using the ubiquitum provided by Satan you actually loose yourself and become a slave to an illusion.
This is what the apple with the bite out of it offers you today. To become like God without God. I don’t think the spirit of Apple is ignorant of what they are doing.
Here is how you loose your God given sovereignty and self to another. This one âwho is not but yet isâ, this all seeing eye in the sky with eyes on your phones, tvs computers, street lights, cameras and recorders are everywhere. And the eye is the top symbol of the Babylonian empire called the pyramid. This eye which is seen all over is the chief logo of the God of this age and is fit squarely where it belongs on the back of the U.S. dollar, the blood source of the God of this age responsible for the murders and wars of the world, for âyou cannot serve God and mammon meaning money and Satan. These two are synonymous.
This new age of âTerms and Conditions,â the shield that protects the entities behind the internet, that must be accepted by the insuspectinging prior to proceeding with any new service. These contracts are designed by the gods of this age to strip you of your God-given individual sovereignty and autonomy of being made in His image. They entice you with godlike powers. When you agree to them, you are accepting enrollment into bondage to their rules. You loose a piece of yourself. It voids your God given sovereignty and voids your constitutional protection. The U.S. was endowed by the Creator, and pledged allegiance to Him to be “one Nation under God with unalienable rights.” These are God’s terms and conditions, but we have left them for another.
Having discarded alliance with God, people are now exposed to gods of many sorts. In this way our country lost its sovereignty, and each individual who accepts the software’s Terms and Conditions loses as they step out from underneath God’s care. They now tithe monthly fees to these new gods. These gods have not been know in other times. Somehow people feel safer now, but they have been robbed. What better protection can you have than God’s?
 Our God given protections have eroded. The erosion happens one decision at a time as you put yourself outside of the care and the provisions of the Almighty God and place it under the care of others. This transition happens slowly so when it is time to take the mark of the beast most people won’t even see it coming. They take one small step but one huge blunder after another until,,, a time comes when people realize this trap.
But we the elect are told. âBecause you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.’ Revelation 3.1.
So what is required of us to receive this provision from God?
 Abraham said,”I lift my hand to the Lord God possessor of Heaven and Earth that I will take neither a stitch of clothing nor a shoelace from you lest you say you made me rich.” (Genesis 14)
With that confession of faith the Lord came to Abraham and said, “Abraham, I am your Shield, your exceedingly great reward.” God meant, “I will guard, protect and bless you exceedingly.” What’s mine is yours.
What prompted God to say this? Because of Abram’s public oath and verbal pledge; similar to “The Pledge of Allegiance”. That day Abram publicly placed his dependency on the only one who could really protect and save Him. Which is? The King of kings and the Lord of lords. The possessor of heaven and earth, the owner and director of all therein that abounds. How did Abram do this? With terms and conditions? Contracts and signatures? No, but he lifted up his hand toward heaven and made a public pledge to God Almighty.
This is how our confession and faith expressed by word saves us even now. This is what a Savior does. The name Jesus means Savior and “God with us.” When traced back to the Hebrew language, the name Savior and the term Savior are spelled the same.
Scripture says, “If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth you shall be saved.” “God is able to save to the uttermost,” even in the most severe circumstances. That is what salvation means. To be spared from pending doom and impeding doom.
God is expressed by His Word. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God.” (John 1.1) He relates to us through His word. We receive His word and it transforms us. It transfigures us into the likeness of His Son. We reverberate His words back to Him and He rewards us with the fulfillment of those words.
Our oaths and pledges are pronounced by us in times of trials. We believe the thing that God said, more than the thing that we see. In this way we can move mountains. He is the God who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they do.” The thing that is said becomes our new reality. After all, that is what God does. He speaks, and things come into existence. God said, “Let there be light,” and it was so. We say a thing that God has revealed to us and receive the thing that is said. We donât need to speak a new thing but reverberate the thing that He said and ensure this. “Let God be true and every man a liar.”
When we speak the same way the Father does it shows we are His offspring. We do what our Father does. We believe, therefor we speak. (2 Corinthians 4. )
“He who gives life to the dead and calls the things that are not as though they are,” blesses us the same way. We hear what the Father says and we, the Elect, repeat it. This is the Gospel, the Good News. It is new in us, and fulfills the words spoken that say, “For the old things have passed away, behold all things have become new.” We are called sojourners and pilgrims for this reason. These are our travels. In this way we go up to Jerusalem. It is the invisible journey in our invisible Quest to rise up to Heavenly Jerusalem, our invisible city with the invisible God.
In order to communicate with other creatures you have to communicate with them at their level, in their element. So, too, with God. He is spirit and truth, and seeketh such. (John 4)
Paul said, “We have the same measure of faith, therefor we speak and believe.” This is how we exercise our faith like Abraham did. Here he was accounted as having faith, being faithful verbally and publicly, like our pledge of allegiance, like Abraham’s oath to the Almighty.
The Lord says, “Man will be judged by every word they utter.” How much more by action; the action of accepting contracts, terms and conditions?
Stepping out from underneath God’s protection, which was once accessed by the Pledge of Allegiance, people are spiritually naked and exposed to being covered by the god’s of this age. The god’s of this age they love it. How many insurance coverage’s do you need? Health care and accident coverage, home and auto coverage, travel and purchases? With all these, who needs God? If you have these coverage’s you are totally ignorant of what God offers us through the gospel. “I will never leave you or forsake you.” If God never leaves us, who could harm us?
It was because Abraham rejected free provisions, and acknowledged the owner of everything, and the possessor of everything, is God. He chose to place his allegiance with God and give Him preference. What is the reward? God said, “I am your shield and your exceedingly great reward. ” There is no better, thorough full coverage protection than Him. I am in the good hands of God.
That is the lesson for us today. We have reached an age where terms and conditions are mini contracts whereby people give up their ability to address grievances for supposed benefits while the thing they think they are subscribing to for service, leaves you no guarantee or necessity on there parts to have to perform.
There are so many things that are free or next to free or provide you with some kind of security that are packaged in terms and conditions. It is through these terms and conditions that people give up their god-given rights, they give up their states given rights and their constitutional rights and put themselves outside of the boundaries of those entities in are left to be raped and pillaged. The fact of the matter is nobody has given you anything that they’re not getting something greater in return. Do not be fooled. Let your “yes” be “yes” and your “no” be “no”.
Americans used to take an oath every morning and pledge allegiance to the United States under God with liberty and freedom. They gave up this prize which was bought with great blood. They have lost sight of personal Dominion, they become beggars. God does not like beggars. God does not like cowards. It is Americans today that are beggars and cowards by giving up their Christian rights for their National rights in their social status. Shame on them. Even as Abraham refused terms and conditions and was crowned by the Lord, so too, the opposite is true. By standing in line and taking out government handouts you set yourself outside of the provisions of God. You insult him. When trouble comes your way He will watch you in your demise because you previously had a choice, and you chose wrongly.
StopThe gene site collection centers in DNA sites specifically say that they can use this information to deny you Healthcare. So do you services are cheap or free? And you sign the terms and conditions? In this case there’s a greater mapping process whereby they want to call the herd. They’re looking for DNA splicing abilities to get rid of types of thinking and behaviors and make perfect little drones.
God will have mercy on His people who still refuse to take a shoelace or stitch of clothing or any freebie provision that is put before them. But, the others God is giving up to the grand illusion.
Babylon has fallen and has become a snare and a trap in a home every foul and unclean bird. Therefore come out of her my people less you partake of her sins and share in her judgments.
And the Lord said in my hearing. Because you kept my command to persevere, I will also save you from the hour of Temptation that will come upon the whole Earth.
And so to for us, in your patience possess ye your souls. For that is the only thing you really have that you are accountable to God for. Amen
The kingdom of God is at hand.
Abraham with his oath Allegiance himself to the Lord God possessor Of Heaven and Earth in rightly put ownership of all things in God’s hands and sought not another way.
As Christians we understand that we are in Christ. That in Christ is the possessor an owner of all things. Even as Paul had stated that God has given us richly all things to enjoy. Why do we need to ask another.