October 2020

CERN the Internet and the exploitation of selves

Posted on October 10, 2020 by ADMIN

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Shiva, the Destroyer, is a Hindu deity who in the statue shown below, dances on a demon named Apasmara. The name Apasmara means ignorance. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apasmara

Apasmara/ignorance is said to be in everyone and is the ego of l, me and mine. According to the above below. This is interesting that Shiva “the destroyer” is not dancing on earth as if to directly destroy that, but he is dancing on a man. Below is a statue of Shiva dancing in destruction form, over those he’s been empowered to do so, being the ignorant. And let us clarify here that ignorance doesn’t so much mean to be stupid, but more so those who ignore or refuse to acknowledge something. So there is not so much an innocence here as much as an avoidance of the truth hence “ingnorance”.

As stated in Romans 1. 18-42

In other words if this silly little man that Shiva is dancing upon, had not avoided the challenge to escape this juxtaposition he is in, to then become aware. Aware because awareness is the opposite of ignorance. If he had become enlightened, he would not be there on his belly sniffing dust. So goes the bulk of humanity fooled by the powers that be. They are fixated on looking down and stuck on earth as a series of  events unroll for their entertainment their containment and potential demise. But we who have acknowledged our heavenly calling are not on our belly but constantly have an elevated view.

If you are familiar with the Genesis chapter 3 account of the inversion of thinking that took place in the minds of Adam and Eve, the event we call “the fall”. This is when and where mankind fell, not so much in Eden but in the regions of their mind while they were in Eden. We know this because there were no skinned knees or bruised elbows but a broken in the invisible place of his thinking we call the spirit of the mind.

Adam and Eve are the prototypes and representatives of the whole of mankind who where tempted stealthfully by Satan, as Scripture says here;

14 So the Creator God said to (Satan in) the serpent:

“Because you have done this,
You are cursed more than all cattle,
And more than every beast of the field;
On your belly you shall go,                             (think of the statue above and who is on their belly?)
And you shall eat dust
All the days of your life.
15And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her Seed;

Scripture then goes on to say;.              He shall bruise your head, And                  you shall bruise His heel.”

But that is NOT what the statue above portrays. It presents the scenario but the other way around.

It is as if the persona of Satan expressed thru Shiva the Destroyer is saying ,not me on my belly and whose heal bruises whom? This is an act of defiance to The Almighty God of scripture! Here Satan is scoffing at the curse placed on him and showing his distain for God and His image, man by putting man underfoot while in truth he has things backwards.

This in reality is a blasphemous display, if you understand the account in the garden of Eden correctly.

Also in truth God had accounted for this act and Satans continual works as a resistance for those of us who know and use these skirmishes as an excersize for our own mastery in this age. In this way we put the snake back on his belly looking down being totally unaware that,,, he is doing exactly what he was designed to do. However his empowerment is the power he steels from the ignorant. In this way they bring it on themselves because he uses their energy with their permission by compliance.

Satan was designated to put a pressure on the elect for us to build up a resistance big enough to overcome him, much like a weekend strain of a virus builds up antibodies, so too Satan is just a bug

To present to us a resistance against us for our own fortitude, hence “get behind underneath me Satan for you are only mindful of man and not the things of God”.

To which we say, who is the ignorant ignorant and unaware now? Who is Aspasmara but you? Like a snake in a box perfectly contained and feeding off of ignorance.

Just as a side note here, mara (from Aspa-mara) means bitter in Hebrew. So who is bitter and dumb? Why are you on your belly looking down? And if you are on top, why can we see you for what you are and understand you for what you do and have you imprisoned to only go this far? Checkmate! We’ve got the victory already thanks to the Gospel message from the Son of God, in whom “we live and dwell and have our being.

It was in the garden that Satans tempting man awakened mans ego and the “I am” of self. It was Satan through his various personas who has exploited mankind that way ever since. It is those who are born of the dust, or the flesh that returns to the dust, who are stuck in their lower nature working the earth by the curse pronounced upon them that “from dust you are, to dust thou shalt return”, who spend most of their energy working and paying for coverages to assay their fears of dying and their personal drive for the protection and building up their lower carnal self, that Satan/ Shivah also called the destroyer, have power over to seduce because Satan was told “dust you shall eat all the days of your life” and dust is the byproduct of fallen humanity that feeds Satan as previously described saying from dust you are and to dust you shall return. This is the sentence for all of those who ( ignore or, Aspamara) the gospel message. These are the choices for all of mankind.

Humanity at large is inverted in purpose and fallen in thinking, showing here Satans God given dominion over the lower nature of fallen man working underneath this curse of (carnal) self preservation and returning to dust through their inescapable death imposed on all who ignore the gospel. This is really ignorance by man  and antagonism by Satan towards the creator God whose image the overcomers are to reflect.

Mankind was given dominion over earth then fell to look down in regard to his immediate need to survive and till the ground for sustenance, something they previously got from the tree of life. They became slaves to what they once had dominion over. This was a resistance to God  where Adam and Eve created an expanse between God and man by falling. This expanse created after the seventh day, made something suitable for Satan and his cohorts to step in and rule and govern. To decieve and distract through media, from middle and in-between God and man and medium being a spiritual advisor or s divinatory of things that are unseen.

This was the result of Adam vacating his position of power and leaving those seats vacant and not rising up to the challenge. Pun intended, rising up pointing to the resurrection.

So you can see why Satan is called the prince of the power of the air that works in the sons of disobedience. Not the oxygen atmosphere but the gap that exists between man’s domion and his fall in the spirit of the mind.

This is an expanse God did not create, He did however anticipate this so we know we have the cure. The term for this cure is salvation. That closes the gap between God and man because the Son of God was the atonement. The at-one-ment and reconciliation. He bridged and then closed that gap by filling it with His Holy Spirit. That the Son of God who knew no sin, became our sin for us to become what He is, one with the Father. This price was more than sufficient. One eternal entity for all temporary carnally created beings.

Satan was/is the epitome of ego and of Self aggrandizement by those who are voluntarily or temporarily void of the fullness of God and operating from a contrary polarity put in play by the curse and he’s the father of it and those who comply knowingly or by ignorance, which is a rejection of the Gospel of “the Kingdom of God at hand” as we show you here.

Satan/Shiva is only stepping on those who adopt their ways. These however have no injury on the elect who are born from above and have the manmade expanse sealed back up by their reunion and reconciliation to the Father of something Adam and Eve had before they fell.

The book to Timothy refers to those who have been taken captive by Satan to do his biding. That they may come to their senses and escape that trap. That is what these articles help you with your mastery degree if the eyes of your understanding have been opened to see these things that are just beyond the view of carnal perceptions but fully apprehendable to the re-spirited mind of faith.


God created man in His image and this is what the gods of this age hate. Earth only facilitates man’s opportunity to receive or reject their call to godliness while sojourning on earth. But earth is not the destiny and the cure is for today and not projected to some time in an afterlife after the body dies. As a matter of fact the death that scripture addresses is that of being dead to God while having your lower nature in tact and functionable. This is because of looking down and working the curse to return to dust. Isn’t that what first man was formed from?.

It is your journey on earth that each person, with their own thinking and actions, chooses to become light or dark spirited. Each person is solely responsible for his or her own outcome; to integrate with the Creator through faith in the Great I Am, or to disintegrate with the created that has an expiration point to be disassembled . To be gathered together as one in Christ, or be dispersed “upon the face of the earth, being dispersed.

There are spirits to help facilitate your chosen direction. There are spiritual polarities people exist between. Light and dark, up and down, godliness or selfish covetousness of things like God has. You choose, the counterfeit or the real.

Satan’s CERN/Shiva presumably gets the victory dancing on the ignorance of the selfish little man, of those who are Hell bent on seeking the god of self by integrating with the internet and a false existential self. To master their own world. To become godlike without the Creator God. Isn’t that what the fruit of tree of knowledge offered Eve? This is why the byte from the apple was offered. That was pleasing to the eyes with the ability to make one wise in all things? To have that wealth of knowledge at your fingertips today is the envy of Adam and Eve who saw something able to make them wise To be empowered by another power and reject the empowerment for godliness, or god-like-ness, being godlike as offered free by the Creator through His gospel message. What many don’t understand is that when one turns from the Heavenly Father they don’t get the next best thing but the exact opposite, another father, the “father of counterfeits and lies”.

For those of us who have a relationship with The Heavenly Father, we have been given everything that pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who calls us to His glory and virtue”.  So we know where we are going and what we receive.

The point is we arise (are ascending, something Satan covets but cannot have) above these obstacles through knowledge and of owning and implementing our own God given cognitions which are held in reserve for those who return to the Father. This is knowing Christ like the man in the mirror. We know Him like we know ourselves and see in Him what we have become. He is our new image and empowerment. Or there is ignorance by those in the middle, by knowing of a satanic cyber enhanced self that feeds ego and self sufficiency through other agencies. But our sufficiency is  in Christ. “We have the unction from the Father and we know all things”. And, He has given us everything and “in Him is our sufficiency” so it is easy to identify the counterfeits and competing forces for souls. 

The Cern facilty makes it’s income in part by grants and donations but the primary profit comes by selling information called  knowledge, what’s falsely called knowledge which is the personal information collected by tracking people’s finger pushing habits that reveals their preferences and personal thoughts. To use them they give up personal information and what that reveals about their choices and how they can be exploited and held spellbound in their quest of controlling everyone’s own little world with what their cell phones. Get it? Cell phones. Prison cell phones to contain your thoughts to direct your thoughts and actions. But then who owns whom? The payer is indebted to the payee, so you figure that out. You may own the cell phone case. But they own everything you put inside it.

knowledge for sell at CERN. http://kt.cern/technologies

CERN, by way of the internet like Shiva, dances around on those ignorant of God. Not saying everyone who uses the internet is ignorant of God. It was in CERN that the internet was invented, and it is those at CERN who govern the internet, seeks to know all things for the exploitation of these self seekers who seek to be their own god with the tools of the internet in ignorance instead of the creator who knows all things. In this way the internet and its branches becomes a tree of knowledge.

God who made all principalities and powers, created this little god for this cause. To dance on the ignorant of those who are focused on self. This is the wheat and the Tares maturing together. And they are manifest for our maturation.

Like God said to the serpant, on your belly shall you go. This is the spirit of Satan, the “I will become like God,” that was cast on his belly. They are currently crawling amuck in the internet gobbling up personal data. Being the byproduct the focus of those who reject the great I Am, and settle for an illusion of “I am gonna be” without God and are blinded by this quest. The focus of self is looking down seeing only physical things with the carnal eyes like the earth. They too have been cast down from their god given call to become godly through the knowledge of our Lord and savior by seeking the forbidden fruit called knowledge of “Knowing good and evil” as presented to Adam and Eve.

The era (presumably ours)  that does this is given up by God. “You will know them by their fruit?” Just look at any news presentation and witness the tragedies. As scripture says “For this reason God shall send them a strong delusion that they shall believe a lie. That they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” When a people depart from God they don’t get the next best thing but the opposite. You decide.

2 Thessalonians 2.


The Elect, The Remnant for God

Posted on October 4, 2020 by ADMIN

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 Psalms 118.22 

The stone which the builders rejected
Has become the chief cornerstone.
23 [c]This was the Lord’s doing;
It is marvelous in our eyes”.

 This is marvelous in our seeing too because we understand what it means to be rejects.

Throughout the ages God uses the blocks that “the builders rejected” for His building project. That is why scripture calls them the remnants, a term that means project rejects.

Why did the builders reject the Chief Cornerstone? Because they were the wrong builders with the wrong building blocks and the wrong tools with the wrong design and motives, and Gods Elect just don’t fit in.

Even as we learn from these words Solomon spoke “Now it was in the heart of my father David to build a temple for the name of the Lord God of Israel”. And that is where Gods building takes place in us with our invisible parts we call heart, mind, soul and spirit. Even as the Father said “David is a man after My own heart”. This is said of us too.

David’s son Solomon was not qualified to build a house for God, and he did not fulfill the verses that Davids son would build house for God.

For this reason Jesus Christ was called the Son of David and fulfilled that prophecy too. He was comissioned to build a house for God in the right place at the right time, in the hearts in each one of us, consecutively “each one in their own order”. So maybe this is time for you.


It was Jesus Christ who said “on this rock I will build My eklesia”. A word correctly amended to the Greek from where we get the word church. Eklesia means; those who are “the called”. Called out of something to be in something else.

And of this building project of “the general assembly and church of the firstborn? “The gates of Hell shall not prevail”. Showing us that this is Gods true work and the only building that makes it through the fire of the ages. “For our God is a consuming fire” who consumes us with His love.

Hebrews describes this as Gods General Assembly, church of the first born (us) and collection of just men made perfect.” Spoken of as a foregone conclusion. A timeless piece made known by revelation only to the re-spirited mind of faith.

If this was not true then Solomon could’ve been David’s son to build a house for God but he was not, his building is long gone and The Kingdom of God is still at hand.

Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of the son of David who would take on Gods building project of assembling people’s hearts, minds, souls and spirits to Himself. Jesus Christ is The Chief Cornerstone the builders rejected and the Elect are living stones for the only building that is eternal, us. The builders forgot these important details.

This is why God said to the Israelites, 23 You shall not make anything to be (associated) with Me—gods of silver or gods of gold you shall not make for yourselves. 25 And if you make Me an altar of stone, you shall not build it of hewn stone; (like from a quarry) for if you use your tool on it, you have profaned it”. Why? Because God is not concerned about physical matter. It all gets recalled, unmade and goes through the fire. (2 Peter 3.10+) for the eternal to remain.

Here are God’s building blocks and the main feature of the book of The Revelation  20 “17 Then he measured its wall: one hundred and forty-four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of (the measurement of) an angel.

This is  Just as Jesus Christ said “My Kingdom is not of this age” meaning, time and carnal matter. So we can’t make it any clearer than this. Gods kingdom and Gods building is us with our Heavenly Glory intact. Being the product of the true gospel according to scripture and not something held back and reserved for a second coming Jesus. Or Jesus Christ would be a liar because He said “the Kingdom of God is being preached and all are entering, and the violent take it by force” showing you how adement and firm you need to be to support these truths, and these truths to support uou..

Again from the gospel. “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock:

Living stones are the collection of the Elect.

Even as God’s Son said of that Jerusalem of old, that “not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be cast down”, because it was the brick laying tooled by man and became idolatrous, adulterous and a brood of vipers. and “everything that can be shaken will be shaken for the eternal to remain” so it was removed on purpose because it became the competitor for the affection of the seekers and became a dead end road, because the Father wanted His place for us to be without competition or obscurities. For you to know that still today, The Kingdom of God is at hand, and the time of repeal is coming soon.

That is how we can see their blatant disregard for those who are “the called of God” because we have been rejected by the main body who profess a Christ with another coming and another building, of those who believe they are Gods chosen but they are not.

1 John 4 has this to say about those who disbelieve that Christ already saved, and needs no encore presentation called a second coming, a phrase not found once in scripture.

By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ (meaning the one who saved) has (already) come in the flesh (to save) is of God, and every spirit that does not confess [a]that Jesus [b]Christ has come in the flesh (to save) is not of God (because they look for another saving). And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already (active) in the world”.

Their bricks are different than our bricks because “we are Gods living stones built up a habitation of God in the Spirit”. But for them? Not one stone was left standing that shall not be cast down”. (Matthew 24) And that is a bygone conclusion which includes all human structures built for God worship, that are not made up of His collection of living stones.

As if the creator needs us to create something for Him to be pleased with. His main concern is in your inward parts, His prize possessions.

It is not man’s collective efforts God is enamoured with but their hearts. This is where He does His handy work. But because most want to see something substantial with their eyes, like a big building with a steeple, they miss out on Gods building blocks of the ages being the souls and hearts of people. The “the church of the firstborn of just men made perfect, from scripture.

We are rejects too, and this is marvelous in His eyes. As God said to Elijah “Lord there is none left and they seek my life. “ But what does the divine response say to him? “I have reserved for Myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal.” Even so then, at this present time (for Elijah then Paul, even unto us today) there is a remnant according to the election of grace” in our day too.

We are His living stones, the Remnant and The Elect. We are the reason “He became a man and walked among us”, for us to ascertain to these truths, that we become like Him and to walk among them, among the coals of fire. Our invisible parts are the only things that make it through this kind of fire, and you don’t have to wait for the final event and recall of the things that are tangible “for God is Spirit and Truth and seeketh such” and this is what we become.

And you don’t have to bludgeon your human body either, No.  For God said it was very good on the 6th day before Adam sinned. But you do have to put off the deeds of the body being the sins of the flesh of upside down thinking that Adam adopted when he fell at his inversion.

This is the gift of God in Christ we find our conversion from that inversion and our raising back up from the fall, the resurrection of mind and spirit, “so that you may know the things that have been freely given to us in Christ”, of things kept secret from the foundations of the world, but revealed to us the remnants the builders reject, but God the Father holds near and dear. Rest assured of this; The Kingdom of God is at hand! Amen!

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**Know Thine Enemy

Posted on October 2, 2020 by ADMIN

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Know Thine Enemy

Simply put, if you are of “the called” being the elect, Gods enemy, is your enemy. Satan is set out to do damage against God by disrupting His offsprings maturation. Non the less, the wheat and tares mature together, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail.

It is Satan who mimicks, modifies copies and impersonates all the aspects of God to confuse us. He is evil however the best hiding place for him and his consortium is to pretend to be good. He shelters his people in shields of Gods names and anything associated with God. They love the names and words that describes God and His people from scripture. This is how they decieve. That is why they are called counterfeits.

As scripture says “you know those who say they are Jews and are not but of the synogouge of Satan”. So we should know them. And “you cannot serve God and Mammon” meaning money, so this is your first clue as to who they are and how they operate. This is why when Christ went into Jerusalem, the first thing He did was to overturn the money changers, showing His distain for all of this sort.

Paul says “evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, decieving and being decieved”. Showing us that the lie gets bigger and those who are decieved or duped, serve the decievers to increase in numbers.

Paul also said “whose coming is according to Satan with all lying signs and wonders if possible to decieve the Elect” because they package themselves in Gods things. So most people fall for their schemes and tactics. But we battle them with scripture being The Armor of God. “For the weapons of our warfare are mighty through God for pulling down strongholds and every high thing that exaults itself in the place of God, and having a readiness to avenge when our obedience is complete”. Some of us are on standby even now. This is our assured victory. And “you have overcome them because greater is He who is in you then he who is in the world”.

1 John 2 says “18 it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the[d] Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. 19 They went out from us, but they were not of us.” So they know all about us and hide among us.

Building Blocks. Bricks or stones? Natural or manmade.

Yahweh spoke to Moses immediately after giving the Ten commandments saying “23 You shall not make anything to be with Me—gods of silver or gods of gold you shall not make for yourselves”. The creator does not need us to create things for Him. That is an oxymoron. He is interested in your inward parts.

God then said. “25 And if you make Me an altar of stone, you shall not build it of hewn stone; for if you use your tool on it, you have profaned it. This is why the illuminati uses bricks, as if to shake their fists at The Almighty God. That is why the bricks that make up the satanic pyramid symbol are blasphemous.

Really even the idea that the church is a building is an absurdity because scripture says that “we are living stones assembled for God a habitation in the spirit”. And, God does not dwell in buildings made with hands.

God shall not be worshipped with man’s devisings. It is Babylon of old, whose symbol is the pyramid made up of hewn stones. This pyramid has many levels and in general is known as Free Masonry. Mason’s are stone cutters, they hew stone (but not physical ones). So you know they are enemies. As God said ” if you use your tool on it, you have profaned it. So they do this defiantly. The pyramid is the chief logo all others fit inside and show they are in lockstep against God.

Many corporations are counted as the substructure and stones in the makeup of the Mystery Babylon pyramid. Mystery because technically you cannot see their building with your physical eyes, but you can understand this.  Whose building project is completed when the www. Eye in the sky or, “the internet of things” has stolen full control over humanity with things that are “pleasing to the eyes, and desirable to make one wise.

Hmm, sounds like the tree in the Garden of Eden. You know, the apple with a bite out of it? Like Apple today with bits of information, pun intended. Yes, they hide behind that too. They have their own rendition of things desirable to make one wise, or godlike other that scripture.

The clue that we are close to the “mark of that beast”,  being when the control mechanism they seek to install in every human is mandatory. With this they will know more than just what you watch, where you go and who you associate with and such. That is why those who accept that digitized mark are eternally damned. The god of this age will have full control over them with the permission of the participants. They track you, listen to you, feed you and know everything about you. These are the familiar spirits God has asked us to abstain from. (Deuteronomy 18 and Isaiah 8)

We can see that the “eye” and the “pyramid’ fits nicely over many corporate logos, so you know where they are hiding. Time will testify that the hydragliphs of old are eirily reminiscent to corporate logos of these times, meaning this has happened before.

Logo means “word” in the Greek, and the Greek logos is God’s Son. The Gospel of John starts out saying “In the beginning was the Logos. The Logos was with God and the Logos was God”, showing us the original logo and the true Son of God and also displaying for us their cloaking mechanisms of other logos, to compete for the servitude of men. These too are imposters.

As a side note: corporations who wear logos are manmade entities. Some may be good however not one corporation was found on Noah’s Ark because only Gods “kind begats according to kind” was of God and qualified for that reset where the earth was cleansed from all other entities.

This is why God says in Hebrews 12. “Yet once more I [k]shake not only the earth, but also heaven.” So you know they come tumbling down.

Corporations are manmade and many are considered to be the hewn stones associated with the Freemasons building blocks, who attempt to take control and power with money, or currency. That is why the pyramid with the all seeing eye in the sky perched above them for oversite, is on the dollar bill.

Just as a home or a city is lit up and run by electrical current. They are illuminated and empowered to operate and govern with money. You cannot serve God and Money, so you can measure your service or worship to who your God is by which methods you use. Their currency, money.

Demonic powers flock to these manmade entities because demons have no bodies of their own, as evident by the man named Legion, because “his demons were many”. When Jesus cast them into the herd of swine, they ran head first over a cliff and perished. They used that man to slow their fall. Those with this internal battle experience tremendous anguish. However the pigs had no reasoning to slow their fall down because they could not argue or reason.

It is that corporations outlast humans in years, so they make a more suitable host for fallen angels, and humans sucomb to them for pay. Even when their are changes in management and directors, the vision lives long after they are gone. Even owners may come and go but corporations can out last them all. Just look at the corporate names passed forward from Nazi Germany and even back to Babylon itself. The programs are many.

That is why Rothschild said in escence “it matters not who is publicly elected, but who controls the money”. So we can see their main source of power and who is at the top. Those who are enslaved to this world system for pay, knowingly and unknowingly worship Satan. “You cannot serve God and Mammon”.

Suitable host bodies for demons.

Note: the word for women in Hebrew is “bath” and is feminine. This same word is also used for cities, villages, companies and branches. Corporations are companies and have their branches. Fallen angels roost in them as suitable entities for them to multiply in and branch out for broader coverage. (Coverings started in Eden with a fig leaf).

The one thing all these have in common is that they are multipliers. They have offspring.

You can start to see that the nomenclature paints a picture of who they are, and where they (the fallen angels) are hiding. They are hiding in plain site and the blood in their veins or currency they use to exist and maintain power are your continued support for their services and your monthly payments for their promises to keep you safe and free from fear and harm. In this way they are godlike.

Since Satan stole Adam and Eves ability to “be as gods” by introducing fear, now you know that the borrower serves the  lender and how Satan has power over people by his branches with broader coverage offering humans things for safety security and health in the event that something bad could happen. But scripture says “what shall separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, neither height nor depth, nor principalities or powers, nor things present or things to come. We are more than victorious through Him who loves us”. So we the Elect take no stock in their sort. “The god of this age comes and we have nothing in us”. Meaning his tentacles have no inroads into our affairs.

What are inroads?

Each time you agree to a service provider of any sort, you insult Him who said “I will never leave you, or forsake you”. And “Lo I am with you throughout the ages, yes even to the end”.  These are all encompassing verses which have broader range of coverages then all counterfeit providers put together. Every time someone makes contracts and accepts terms and conditions from these service providers, they put themselves under someone elses care than the promises of The Living God.

We pledged allegence to one nation under (the protection and provisions) of God. Having stepped out from under His care. We are under the care of others, and people don’t understand why there is violence, drugs, homeless, sick and dying and such. Under such, wicked multiply.

These are proof that humans departed from the coverage provisions from the Almighty God. It is the fruit of another spirit from which one must repent, a term that means turn. That you take steps to disenfranchise from these entities for true salvation. They can’t save you, you serve them with their currency and you cannot serve God and Mammon. Gods provisions are available to those who know Him. We know His voice and refuse to follow another (John 10)

I hope you are awakening to these realities. Seek God and allow His Holy Spirit in conjunction with His Word, His Son, His Logos, to rescript your thinking and disassociate from Satan’s providers that keep you on the treadmill generating income to power his entities. That’s why they are multiplying.

When God said it would be as in the days of Noah, the self proclaimed sons of god went into daughters of men and produced offspring of their choosing. Today we can see companies with their logos being satanic, are detaining people from God through their products disguised in benevolence. “For Satan himself disguises his messengers as angels of light” with acts of benevolence, to steal people from God.

Most are worldwide and not bound by human governments, floating just above them, but many people are bound to them and their services by terms and conditions. And just like the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden, they have things desirable and able to make one wise. So it appears that these counterfeits do too. Beware!

As it says in 1 John 2. 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. 17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.

It is our spirits that are stifled while the flesh is enflamed with the deliciousies the god’s of this age who steal the attention and affections of those who reject the Gospel.

God said to the first humans saying “in the day you eat that fruit you die”. Yes many are dead to Gods Holy Spirit and instead are empowered by the www.Eye in the sky to be all knowing, powerful and godlike, only in the way Satan is. This is why Satan is called the god of this age.

Beware: Every time you accept terms and conditions for services, you give up a piece of your own God given sovereignty and become more blinded from what God has for you now and enslaved to the payments. Pray to understand this.

That is why we are instructed to “come out of Mystery Babylon My people, lest you partake of her sins and receive of her judgments for God has remembered her. The Judge is standing at the door. Fortunately another angel was told to hold back the judgment untill the servants of God were marked in their forehead. We hope you are understanding this.

If you are in this group, you know that the enemy wants to stop you and your loved ones with his little prick that has a DNA modifyer in it.

Like a home with an unauthorized address change is not recognized by service providers and cut off, so too with modified DNA. A change in sequencing or an added component makes you a creation of another.

Noah was the only righteous in his generation? Generation comes from the word gene, and righteous means clean. Noah was not genetically altered and he was not a GMO. Because all the plants, animals and people were perverted in this way, they were destroyed. They were not God’s creation or sequencing. They were all genetically modified.

Think of the alterations today. We are “as in the days of Noah”. Our ark and our covering is to be hidden “in Christ”. That is what Noah and the Ark portrayed for us.

We are in the world but not of the world. He is our shelter from the storm.

It was Paul who told the Corinthians “don’t you know we shall judge angels?” And it was Jude who quoted Enoch and said “the Lord comes with thousands of His Saints to execute judgement?” How can we do that if we don’t know our enemies? They are the robbers and thieves of the things of God and packaged in deception to obtain, detain, entertain and maintain you in anything to keep you from what is still in reach. Know Thine Enemies!

The Kingdom of God is at hand.