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April 2016 – The name Jesus, is from Iēsous, Joshua and Yeshua, and means "salvation" The meaning is more important then the spelling. So we call Him The Christ.

April 2016

Paul. Resurrection by degree.

Posted on April 23, 2016 by ADMIN

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“To the degree you are able to receive”
 Paul said this to the Philippians that he presses on to lay hold of why Christ laid hold of him, that “if I may by any means attain to the resurrection of the dead.” Something end time seekers think is impossible.  To attain to the resurrection before his departure. That is what Paul strove for, and so should we. As he said “to as many as are mature have this mind”. And so we do. Anything short of this is a truncated gospel. For even the 12 tribes strove night and day in hopes to attain the resurrection too. (Acts 26.7) If you can learn to understand this then maybe you can see why Rehab laid the wood out in order in the attic where she hid the messengers.
    So it is the gospel that teaches us by degree we grow. We put Christ in in this way, including the resurrection. To the degree that we believe “let it be according to your faith”. And “to the degree” does not refer to a temperature like 80 or 90 degrees Fahrenheit but it still shows us that by increments, that as our faith grows and we walk in His light we apply new revelation to our conscience and our minds. This is our transformation and Transfiguration now. Paul said not that he has attained but he “reaches out to lay hold of why Christ laid hold of” him. Of which he said in the next chapter, that it was for equality to “let this mind be in you”. And it’s not just let it be in you but develop it by degree from one revelation to another, which is the unveiling, the pulling back of the curtain “for the eyes of your understanding to see” that we and all mankind were made in the beginning to show the likeness of God. From this we fell, to this we are restored. And it is through  the gospel “by degree” that we are fully restored.
   So when scripture says “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling ” it shows that salvation is not a once saved always saved and it is not a 2nd coming act from Christ.  Salvation is definitely not a down payment as you sit and wait for another coming of another Jesus at a Rapture for a future resurrection. That my friend is the Pharasitic belief that Paul was to graduate from through various degrees to find himself to have the same mind as Christ, who thought it not robbery to be equal with God.
  And when God made Adam in the beginning with him, there was equality. This is why scripture says that by salvation “we are joint heirs with Christ”.  And also “in Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead body, and “you are complete in Him who is the head over all powers and principalities” already so He need not come back to do so.
   It is by revelation of the word in the mind, and then the trial by fire in our lives that “brings us forth as gold” testing  the things of “hath God really said?” That we may be found of pure faith. This is what it means to be to a saint, and called to be holy. We are talking about putting on invisible attributes and not religiously Pious activity, behavior or attitude.
  Now when Christ was coming back down from his Transfiguration the disciples asked “why then do the scribes say Elijah must come first? And Jesus Christ answered them “Elijah has come if you’re able to receive it”. And it is in this way that Christ showed that if they were able to believe in to see and understand, they would move forward and receive the promise that was spoken “to the degree ye are able to attain” by implimenting your faith.
It is also said to “follow those who through faith and patience inherit the promises”?  Yes. These are invisible attributes that we talk about. Think of it like “the coat of many colors” of Joseph for that is what the coat portrayed. For is it is not a patchwork of fibers or fabrics, but a collection of truths and invisible realities we cloak ourselves with.
  You see Gods fulfilling of the promises are not dispensed by time as many think. They are not to be put on a calendar then wait for the event. It was the slothful steward who said; my lord delays his coming. Scripture says “you observe days, months, seasons and years. I am afraid that I have labored for you in vain.” And in this way 2nd coming end time fascinations hold you “in vain”.
But for us, we see with the eye of our understanding and receive by faith, then trial by fire, and presto. You get the thing that was promised. Which is? Another aspect of the nature of God given to us. You get it, then you move on to the next attribute to be attained by degree. So “to the degree you are able”? Yes, one revelation at a time for the full acquisition of the things that God said in His Son to become like Him. A perfect person in the likeness of His Son.
  This is proof that the gospel is progressive, and that Pauls messages map out for us his transfiguration for ours. “He who receives a righteous man receives a righteous mans reward,  he who receives a prophet receives a prophets reward” and he who is least in the kingdom is greater than these” and we say if you have been received into the Kingdom,  then you stand on the works of these men who are the foundation of the kingdom.  And maybe you can walk down from this high place with your own tidbit. This is our journey into the promise land, the land of faith.
And Paul’s main obstacle” “If I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.
   So you can realize Elijah can come for you today. Elijah represents the spirit or teaching of Elijah, and a perspective of the messenger that takes you up by degree in the spirit of Elijah, and to restore the hearts of the children to the father’s, not their dads but the father’s of faith like father Abraham.
In this way we can say, Paul must first come before the kingdom because you have to follow the spirit of His teachings to where Paul says “you are no longer strangers but fellow members and saints of the household of God. But Paul didn’t always see that. He used to believe in a future kingdom but he learned it in one of his consecutive revelations. Eph 3.3 “by revelation God  made known to me this mystery. “
 Elijah is said to  restore the sons to the father? That is what that spirit and teaching does. and has greater interpretation then generally understood. It is us, his offspring,  being restored to God the Father. Is not that the whole purpose of the gospel? “I plead with you therefore by the mercies of God that you be reconciled to the father” and with these words we say Amen.
 So we put on Christ, we walk in the things that he is showing us and given us and we go up by degree, pictorially speaking of ascending to the throne, or going up to Jerusalem “by degree”. And when Jesus Christ said “I and the father are one” He was showing for us that equality with the father is possible while we are incarnate, that Resurrection with him is possible while we are here on earth, that the Jewish belief of the future resurrection of the future time is at odds with those of us who are called to come up hither. So we do.
   So if you are able to receive these words then let it be according to your faith but even if not I’m sure God will show you that too.
It was Paul who was to deliver a gospel that would walk out for us a transition from a Pharasitical Resurrection and future Kingdom mindset to being resurrected with Christ and accept our new national status of being “fellow citizens in the Kingdom  and members of the house hold of God” now.
   Like Isaiah said “with His dead body our dead bodies will rise”? He bore our sins and “by his stripes we are healed” to what Adam Lost In the Garden of Eden. For those of us who believe? Some bear fruit, 10 fold some 20 and some 100-fold. It is in this way we grow by degrees and by increment to become more and more christ-like, more Godly more god-like.
The revelation of Jesus Christ is not at a one-time so-called public offering by a Second Coming but by a continual bathing in the Revelation through the word for He was the word that became flesh so that we in the flesh would become word. And the Word was with God and the Word was God”. We inherit all things in Christ. Everything that he has is ours including this mind that is equal with God. That is why Paul said “we go on to perfection, to a full stature and full measure of the son of God”. And it is because Paul had to transition from a physical resurrection and mindset to the correct resurrection and mindset. And he had to do this by degree. That he had to lay hold and teach to us as he showed us through his Epistles, the transitions. And this is why the more current or recent writings of Paul are more powerful and more clear and less Pharisaic then his first writings and preaching.
    So next we will talk about John the Apostle and show how his preaching is greater than any of Paul’s because Paul was to speak of things “yet to be revealed” and he chose to go up by degree, but John describes the full package. He talks about the overcomer and those who have overcome the world by faith and need not a second coming Jesus. In John the transition is complete therefore he has a greater message.
   It is here that we will conclude our messages of Paul and the resurrection
   The kingdom of God is at hand


Manifest Sons of God Pt 1

Posted on April 21, 2016 by ADMIN

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Isaiah 8:17 “here am I in the sons whom God has given me, we are for signs and wonders”
   Here is a glimpse of what Isaiah saw, glorified Sons, replicates of the father. To those who have become a “perfect man to the full stature and measure of the Son of God” in the here and now. This is the purpose of the Gospel. (Eph 4.13) This is true godliness and the reason for our journey here on earth. Did not the Word of God become flesh on earth? He came in the likeness of a man but was filled with the Spirit and Father? It was Paul said “let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus Who coming in the form of man thought it not robbery to be equal with God”. And so we are.
    You see man was made in the image and likeness of God to be crowned with glory and honor, to interact with God perfectly. This is the gift, for “of His fullness we have received “. And he is glorified when we are glorified for that is the purpose of the Gospel “bringing many sons to glory”.
  It is through the gospel that we receive God’s genetic code, His invisible-ness on our invisible soul, mind and Spirit. These are our invisible parts and God is invisible. So it is our invisible parts that interact with God perfectly. This is why John said “the world does not know us because it did not know Him”. Because they cannot see him who is invisible and so they can’t see the invisible side of us, being Gods invisible attributes seen in Christ that we have put on.  The part of us that “not a hair on your head shall be hurt”. And this is how it is fulfilled  that “he who receives you receives me,  and he who rejects you rejects Me”. This is the equality. Can you receive this?
  Paul was trying to convey this when he said “now that you’ve been known by God (like Adam knew Eve) why do you seek the weak and beggarly elements of the Earth.” And this knowing Gods word is His genetic information and transformation saying “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.  We are reformatted and fitted with the very genetic code of the Living, eternal God in this way. We become holy, invisible. This part of us is like God.
   Each human being  has the ability to house not the external heavens  of the moon and stars  but to perfectly accommodate  the expanse of the Holy Spirit of the Living God, which is much greater than the heavens that can only “declare His handiwork”, but the heavens are not able to contain him or represent Him. Just point to Him.
   The heavens are just like the screen in a movie theater  showing the evidence of God  receiving light and images but not the very images they represent. The projector is God. It is the wisdom of this age that is foolishness with God. Did He not give the heavens to the Gentiles for “times and seasons?” That expanse is theirs. But ours is the expanse of the mind which is eternally greater than all creation. 
 As we adopt His word we are modified, not just for the capacity to interact with God but to be coequal with God. Does not scripture say that our bodies are the temples for the Living God?  Doesn’t scripture say “whoever keeps my word, we will come and make our home in you”? So we too can learn of His reality and say like a son  “I and the Father are one”
That is right. It is for the Father to be freely at home to cohabitate with us and in us. “For the Father is spirit and truth and seeketh such”. Our new members are these truths we talk about. This is our body, His body. With His dead body we arise. Come let us go up from here.
 Christ said “He who has seen me has seen the Father. He has interactions with us as co-equals being joint heirs in Christ . So much so in fact that we become a chip off the old block. As the man Jesus portrayed that he was made in the likeness of God taking on the form of man He was co-equal with God “for in him dwells all of the fullness of the God head body”, and “we are complete in him who is the head of all power and principality”.
So we too being in carnal form think it not robbery to be equal with God saying “let this mind be in you” and so we do. This is the gift no man can earn.
 Any father is most honored when his son can do what He does. Did not the Christ say “Greater Works shall you do for I go to the father?” Not that we do greater than God but the man Jesus.  And “the father is glorified when you bear much fruit”. And “the fruit that you bear will remain”. This is the upward calling of God in Christ. 
  The writer of Hebrews spoke of the spirits of just men made perfect saying “you have not come to a mountain that can be burned that as much as even a man or beast touch will die, but you have come to the Heavenly City to the Heavenly Jerusalem to an innumerable company of angels to the spirits of men just made perfect”. And it is the spirits of just men made perfect” who are not only carnal men but experience to perfection the spirit that equals eye to eye contact with the father.
In the beginning Adam had equality with the father in full fellowship. This is what he fell away from and this is what the gospel restores us to “for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” because that is the fall of Man and the departure of man from glory and equality. What man lost was the very nature and glory of God himself. We no longer fall short of the glory if you follow Christ who asked the Father “that where I am they may be also”. That word is fulfilled in us,  the elect.
That is why the redemptive value of each man is God himself. That God himself paid for the redemption the restoration and the conclusion of the Gospel all through the man Christ Jesus at the cross, scripture saying “God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the world to Himself and has committed to us this message of reconciliation”. Understanding this we can understand that there is no future payment no future battle no future work of God for he is “seated waiting for his enemies to become his footstool”. A 2nd coming is not the revelation of Christ.  The scriptures are.
 And we do this through the gospel. This is done as we are refitted and reformatted with the genetic information passed on to us in the gospel. For us to be reconstructed through knowledge to experience the glory of God at the moment of our understanding, at the moment we become transformed. As scripture says “we have been given everything that pertains to life and Godliness according to the knowledge of Him who calls us to glory by virtue”.
    Mentally we are capable of doing this and just as it is an insult for one strong man to see a weak man in false humility begging defiling the very image that he is by becoming subservient to elements and matter. Were we not made to have dominion? Were we not made in the image of God? In the likeness of God?  So the false humility of the religious pendants of the day are an insult to the gift of God. For the gift of God is himself as He displayed in his Son that when we see Christ, his reward is with Him because it is Him. Nothing more nothing less, but what more could you want. All things have been reconciled through the cross.
 So those religious leaders who keep you confessing in false humility at the base of the cross, keep you in your fallen nature looking at the fallen things that cannot help you. It is an insult to the Living God and the work of the Gospel for these men to behave in such a manner and for them to expect you to do that. The bludgeoning of the body and the false humility is of no sacrifice that is Honorable to the Living God. Get up like a man. Arise in understanding and awaken from your Adamic slumber.
It was in the beginning that mankind was made for dominion. And as soon as he started working with his hands, he fell from having Dominion because it was in this way that men now serve the creation that was supposed to serve him saying “go forth and have dominion”. Rule and reign. This is the way that creation itself groans because it to is not functioning as designed by letting you serve is it, in our mind and our spirit. That we are of “love power and a sound mind”. For “we have the mind of Christ” and the will of the Father.  We have no instability in us at all for we walk in the light as he is in the light if we walk in darkness at all”. If we walk in darkness, fear and uncertainty we lie and do not do the truth”. And those who walk in the false humility walk in a false understanding disrespecting the gift of God. It is “to as many as received him to them he gave the power to become his children even to those who believe in his name.” And when we say to those who believe in his name we are not talking about the pronunciation or a spelling for he is the one portrayed in Revelation on the White Horse who no man can pronounce or say who’s garment  is dipped in Blood and whose name is the word of God because his name is so much greater than any pronunciation or any spelling. His name is the culmination of all revelation.
    When you can truly understand who the Son is you can use any name or spelling that you want as long as the meaning in the heart is accurate. And those who know God in this way are the sons of God.
   So who was the angel that spoke to John the Revelator where for a moment John thought he was staring Christ in the face. He then bowed down to worship Him and the angel said to him “get up John why are you stooping to worship me?  I am one of your fellow brethren those of the Servants of God who keep the testimony of Jesus Christ.  It was John the Revelator who saw a glorified Son of God. And you know what?  There was no Second Coming involvement, there was no cataclysmic event, there was no rapture. And although all creation itself appeared to be silent the very heavens themselves with this principle and with these truths for the glory of God to appear to show us that this too can happen to those who are refitted and transformation by renewing their mind with this thinking to experience this very thing. And when we are called by the gospel to arise and to awaken to this very thing. Did not Paul the Apostle during his transformation saying that he “reaches out to lay hold of why Christ laid off hold of him?” Did he ask us to wait or enjoy the show until another Jesus comes? No! “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” for this is the purpose of the gospel and your sojourn ship here on Earth. For there Comes a time when those who are just she’ll be just those who are miserable will stay miserable. In the time of this era of Salvation will close and what you’ve become is what you will be. What Paul said of the Gospel “till  we all come to the fullness and stature of the son of God, to a perfect man”. To what Adam lost being “good, very good” before the fall. Can you hear this gospel? Can you receive it? And if I may borrow a phrase from Corinthians 15 “each one and their own order.” This is not about a collective event called a second coming that some suppose for “the kingdom of God is at hand” and the power of God has been given. Amen!
   Can you accept this call? Can you hear the voice that calls you from heaven? Do you hear the words now “come up hither”. Can you join John the Revelator who was in the Spirit on the Lords day while he was in his incarnation?  Then can you join the spirits of just men made perfect and see the angels before the Throne serving God.
    If you see a man falling down do you not reach out to help him? Can you see the hand of God? What was Leonardo’s portrait of?
Do not murmur and complain like those in the wilderness who were destroyed.  I see the glory of God. Do you? If you look at the earth and see if gloominess  and darkness,  shame on you. Not because I say so but because you deny the gospel. We join the man Christ and say “we speak of what we hear and testify to what we have seen.


Our Perfection and the Priesthood

Posted on April 20, 2016 by ADMIN

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Perfection. To become a perfect man is generally seen as something attainable only in the next age as though it is not yet but must become later after a 2nd coming but scripture says otherwise.


Hebrews 7.11 Therefore, if perfection were through the Levitical priesthood (for under it the people received the law), what further need was there that another priest should rise.

You see perfection has always been the objective of God in our lives. Hebrews 6.1 Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection”. So we do. It was the law and the priesthood that believers were to learn by contrast. What they did in the desert over and over, Taking the tent down and packing the articles to set it all back up again, wax on, wax off. God did once. They were to do the laws and services to engrave on their hearts what is forever in the spirit. The new covenant says that “I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; Paul says that we are living epistles of Gods laws written on our hearts known and read by all men. This is the New Covenant. Not tablets of stone but your invisible part. That is what God is interested in.
 God does nothing twice as though the first time He made a mistake. The repetition serves us as reminders. The law was our “guardians and tutors till faith comes” (Gal 4) and not a 2nd coming Jesus. “When that which is perfect comes, that which is in part is done away with”, the repetition stops. We receive the completion.
   We can say “Oh! I get it. Thank you God”. The services were not the thing that pleases God. Like He said in Isaiah 1 “When you come to appear before Me, Who has required this from your hand, To trample My courts?  Bring no more futile sacrifices; I cannot endure iniquity and the sacred meeting.” The learning of the lesson is what pleases Him. To do them and not learn from them disturbs the heavenly Father.
   This is what happens in many religious settings. They know Gods works but they don’t know His ways”. His ways are invisible and His true works are your salvation. For you to be complete. And “we are complete in Him who is the head over all”. If you can see this with your eyes of understanding than it can be said of you too.”That you have come to the light to clearly see that what is required by you is done in God. (John 3.21) It is a gift that God gives. Something He did for us. And you cannot add to make it better or take away from it to make it worse. But you can reject it. You can ignore it like many do. You can even do like the Israelite’s whose corpses died in the wilderness and just refuse to believe what we are saying. And if you are working for it? You may not know the working of faith of the one who said “follow Me that where I am you may be also”.  That is what the Jews did.
And the purpose of all the law, priesthood and prophets? For us to learn by their similes. To go onto perfection by what we learn. We are not perfected some silly man riding on a white horsey coming to rapture you. That was a simile, a parable. “For without a parable spake he not to them. It is for you to see heavenly, invisible, holy things that are accomplished “in Christ” for us to receive the gift of eternal life and all its benefits by what is revealed to us by His Word. By receiving in the heart, or in our soul. Our invisible part that remains after the body returns to dust.
19 for the law made nothing perfect; on the other hand, there is the bringing in of a better hope, through which we draw near to God. And this better hope is a living hope. It is the power of God unto salvation and salvation completed in us is perfection of the Fathers Word in us who have faith.
12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
   Yes. This all happens in our invisible part. The place of our transformation. To what end? Our perfection. “Till we come to a perfect man. To the fullness and stature of the Son of God”. And we can do this because we wait for the promise to come at a 2nd coming? No! The law made nothing perfect and neither does the 2nd coming, that is judgement. But the bringing of a new hope does. It brings in us perfection. The new priesthood does. The new covenant does. There is no 3rd covenant for the next Jesus for “He is seated waiting for His enemies to become His footstool. And He is waiting for this to happen because His word alive in you and applied by faith conquers. We have this New covenant that is in force when? When there is a death of the testator. And Christ died, the blood was shed for the redemption, the restitution. For the resusitation and resurrection of as many as will follow. The price was paid. “It is finished” He need not come back to fight or work. He came to do the work of salvation and the proof is that is what His name means. He is salvation. He is the savior. He is the performer of salvation. The author and finisher of our faith not our physicality. Our physicality declines but our inward man is renewed. It is not a constant renewal of just getting better. It is always brand new and does not decline or decay. Our inheritance reserved in heaven which is where our heart is
So we speak of just 2 covenants. There is no mid point between covenants. And the New Covenant just restores to the pre-law order anyway for “the law was added till faith comes”. Do you have that? The only thing new about it is new souls. A renewed invisible part. A new heart with the genetic code given to us to be applied by the spirit through the baptism and trial of fire to transform us back to the likeness of the glory of God. This is what we were created for saying “go forth and have dominion”. Man had this in the beginning when God said of His creation “it is good, very good”. And so we are.
There is an account of the priesthood that “brought in perfection” that is generally misunderstood. It was in Gethsemane that the Son and the Father talked saying “Father if there is any other way, let this cup pass”. This passage is abused to create false humility and keeps people stuck in their sins at the base of the cross. If you remember the Israelite’s were suppose to eat the Passover in haste, why? God did not send His Son for you to wallow in endless confessions over personal failures as though the cross is ineffective to save and transform you. That would be no better than the law in repetitions. God does things once and the Son does the works of the Father. In this way the two are one. In this way we are too.
   Christ is our Passover we are to eat in haste. And we are called to “o on to perfection not laying the dead works of repentance and baptisms” and such. The conversation the Father and Son had that night was not about sins as a focus, but the taking away the sin stained conscience for you to move on to perfection in the here and now. When Christ said “Father if there is any other way?” The Father could have easily replied “Yes! Why don’t you do half the job now and finish it at a 2nd coming” but He didn’t. No where is it mentioned in scripture that there is a 2nd coming. It is non-scriptural. The phrase “2nd coming does not exist in scripture.
The”bringing in of a better hope by which we draw close to God” to bring us to perfection has happened and can be activated by faith.
   What the 2nd coming seekers look for will never be for they want a visual. But we are receiving a Kingdom that cannot be shaken”. (Heb 12.28) One that “cometh not with observation” meaning visible to the canal eyes.
Now this is the main point of the things we are saying: We have such a High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, a Minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which the Lord erected, and not man.” 
And may I add this is in the eternal. It is not a structure like we see but invisible components of the eternal almighty. He beacons us “come up hither”
Here is your non visual. What are you waiting for? A visual? Do you despise the precious blood of the lamb of God. His Son who offered himself with out spot or blemish acceptable to the Father. 
Allow “the blood of Christ through the eternal spirit to wash your conscience from dead works to serve the living God” From Hebrews 10.2 For the worshipers, once (purged) purified, would have had no more consciousness of sins”. So we don’t. And like it says in 1st John “he who sins has neither seen Him or known Him. Do you know Him like this?
 And this is to be like Him. To receive this gift.  He is the gift. “He comes and His reward is with Him”. It is Him. He gave Himself. He was broken down in word form from the beginning. All the law and the prophets, feasts and sacrifices were Him. He is the “Lo I have come in the volume of the book. It is written of Me”. This is Gods genetic code was replicated in this way for us to put Him on one word at a time, one revelation at a time for HIs coming are many. And He comes as a theif because you cannot see Him. But He comes continually or us to become godly, god-like, like Him. Not piously or religiously but God-Like for that is what Godly means. The Word became flesh for us to see that we can become godly while we are in the flesh. Jesus was. And “as He is so are we in the world”. This is perfection and this is the gift. For He comes and His reward is with Him” if you receive Him. But you must receive Him as He is in truth, as He is eternally “the same yesterday, today and forever. Not in human form which He used temporarily to show us the way.
So “follow those who through faith and patience inherit the promises”? The 2nd coming message says the fulfillment of the promises is when Jesus comes back to finish the work. He said ‘it is finished”. But you must believe it. If you are waiting for god like ness you are like the slothful steward who says; my lord delays His coming”. Slothful because that is a lazy posture. If we press on to lay hold of why Christ laid hold of us, we strive for the prize. We compete according to the rules. The rules of faith. That without faith it is impossible to please God. But if We seek Him in the spirit of our mind, “He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him”. And “eternal life for those who in patient continence in doing good seek for glory honor and immortality”. So this immortality we seek and He rewards us. And of this immortality? It is not mortally understood because it is not visible. That is why the Lord said “Seeing with their eyes they see not, and hearing with their ears they hear not. For one must see and hear with the heart to understand the things of God. So we do. 
We will discuss further what the perfect man does. Like Jesus said. “I do the works of my Father. So we do. We do the works of salvation.
“It is good that a student become like his teacher” So we do. We become lie Him. This is a perfect man.


Paul testified the resurrection of faith

Posted on April 17, 2016 by ADMIN

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Paul was set out to testify of the Gospel of the Resurrection. And if it was for a future Resurrection, that would be no new testimony at all because even the Pharisees believed there was a resurrection, a future one. The Sadducee’s and Pharisees argued about this. But the testimony from Paul was to come out of that Pharisaic testimony of a future resurrection of time and matter and be transformed from that one into the one that “cometh not with observation”.
  When Paul was speaking to the Roman ruler Agrippa being a believer. Paul said “why do you think it’s incredible that God raises the dead” because it was not incredible that God raises the dead, for the Resurrection was a believe they already had. This is what the fat. What was incredible is that God raises the dead by the operation of faith. That a resurrection of the end times was a distraction. Having come out of that system he was to testify to a different resurrection. The Lord said to Saul/Paul at his conversion that he was “you will testify of what you have seen and the things I will yet reveal to you”.
   But it is the resurrection of faith we all confess at baptism that Paul was assigned to differentiate between the Pharisaic resurrection of a future last time event when the Lord said of these people “they will say look here and look there, but do not follow them”. It is  our profession and confession of faith that we are buried with Christ and then resurrected with him to walk in newness of life while we are in our human condition. (Romans 6)
“You shall be judged by every word that you speak”. Especially your public confessions, your baptism.
Heb 2 Therefor we must pay closer attention to what we have heard lest we slip, for if the word spoken through angels proved steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received its just reward, what makes us think we shall escape judgement if we refuse such a great salvation. And it is a great salvation. Our sojournment is our departure.
   So it is the second coming seeker false prophets of today who have no shame in believing the same Pharisaical testimony that Paul was told by Christ to depart from, that Paul was to transform from. These second coming seakers who confess at baptism to the resurrection with the risen Lord, then hypocritical turn and talk about another resurrection of another raising of another savior with another saving and make themselves as much and enemy of Christ as Paul was as a Pharisee when the Lord said “why are you kicking against the goads? In this way Saul/Paul was the enemy. At his conversion He saw Christ as a great light brighter than any humanly seen light for Paul saw Him as He is. To accept Christ in His original form and not as a man for Paul did not describe the pierced side or the nail holes in the hands. A man was Christs temporary form that He transitioned from to show us the way.
 It was Paul who learned by revelations, meaning a multiple appearings of Christ for Paul to grow by degree to say “I have been crucified with Christ yet I live but not I, it is Christ that lives in me. And the life that I now live I live by faith in the Son of God who gave himself for me. If righteousness or the resurrection, comes any other way, the cross is unnecessary. Was He not raised? Then we are raised with Him if we are “in Christ “. If it comes any other way, then Christ died in vain. If Christ only confirmed a future resurrection He accomplished no new thing and we are still in our sins wallowing in our old nature.
So like we said, it was the religious order of that day that believed in a future resurrection that Paul came out of. They believe in the resurrection but a future one and that is what he was in error with and antagonized beleivers for. It was Christ who proved he was the resurrection and the new life with the raising of Lazarus before Christ showed His resurrection at the cross. He did not become the Resurrection, He was the ressurection.
Paul prayed “that the eyes of our understanding would be opened that we would know the exceeding greatness of his power that is in US that he displayed when God raised the man Jesus from the dead and seated Him at His own right hand. And that is what we ask you to do. Didn’t Paul say that of us in Ephesians 2? That we are seated in the heavenlies in Christ”? That “we would know the exceeding great power that is in us that he displayed when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him far above all power and principality in this age and the coming age”. And that is the point. In the coming age is the one that is even coming as we speak for it cometh not with (carnal) observation, being the eternal that overlaps us now. This includes “today if you can hear His voice”and every day, to accomplish the task for you to be seated in him. For this reason Paul said that we are seated with him in Heavenly places far above all powers and principalities being rulers over all things.
   This is the testimony that he had to conclude and to agree with to be qualified an apostle as one who saw the Lord. And He did, but not seeing the nail holes or the pierce in His side Paul saw the great light from heaven. And I pray that you do too. And we can see Christ as He is with the eyes of our understanding as the light brighter than humanly possible.
 We do this to testify of the Resurrection of faith too. Can you believe this? Well this is what we are asked to do. Believe something we cannot (carnally) see, but we can experience by faith. For “without faith it is impossible to please God. You must first believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who” wait for a 2nd coming?  No! We diligently seek him now and what he rewards you with are things from where he is. Eternal things, invisible things. If you cannot get past pleasing him by faith, if you cannot get past the obstacles that your eyes see and your ears hear, to believe the truth, you cannot have this. But he is a rewarder of those that can believe this by applying faith. And you are asked to follow those who through faith and patience inherit the promises” and so we do. Not promises of a dead piece of paper but of those who receive the thing that is said “if you are able to receive it” are you? “He comes and His reward is with Him” Why? Because He is the reward. Him and nothing else because everything belongs to Him.
So like Paul we speak of what we hear and testify to what we have seen, and what Paul heard and saw was a great light from heaven with the voice of the Lord. And the operative here is “being from heaven”. Scripture saying the light that shines seven times brighter than that of the Sun. Paul was speaking of another dimension. One that transcends the ability of the carnal senses of sight sound and smell. This is why later Paul prayed that the eyes of our understanding would be opened.  Yes! The eyes and ears of our understanding is our invisible part that interacts with the “eternal, immortal, invisible God. In this way the Kingdom of God is at hand. Why seek ye another?
The Kingdom of God is at hand.