The Dispensation and The Dispersion of Judgement.
The soft sell in place of the one time “Mark of the beast”.
The first point we need to make is that the mark of the beast happened to the generation associated with the writing of The Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ saying “ Blessed are those that read, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand“. Indicating that, that book was for them back then, so that for us it is history. And the proof the The Revelation of Jesus Christ was for them back then and is history, is that not only did it open with that verse, it also closed with this “10 And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings in the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. To mean that the fulfillment of that whole book is within the timeframe of those who were there at that time.
That book was never meant to be considered a prophecy for future generations, to try to assimilate or figure out like they do today. That book was current news unfolding back then according to the phrase “AT HAND”. Which means, within reach and graspable for them back then.
Just like a set of book ends saying “the time is at hand”, The Book of the Revelation is expired having no future relevance beyond that generation as far as prophecy goes. In the same way “all the law and the prophets were till John the Baptist 13 For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. So that both “The Old Covenant” and up to and through “The book of the Revelation” has little relevance to us, other than for us to look for similarities, not in events so much, but by looking at the human condition.
Like we see in the time of Noah’s flood, and with the judgment of the Law and prophets era, and the Book of the Revelation, so too the Old Covenant has expired.”Now the Kingdom is preached and all are entering” were some of the first words of Christ after His baptism by John. And with “The Kingdom of God at hand” in this way, it was also said “and the violent take it by force” but not by war. Take what by force? The Kingdom of God at hand. That is why we don’t take NO for an answer to accept this gift, for Christ died to give us. That many were pressing into the Kingdom back then, as something other than and contrary to that Israel and that Jerusalem they were standing in. And for that matter, other than any new or any other Kingdom of God except the one that “was and is and is to come” and “they will say look here and look there but do not go after them because The Kingdom of God is within you”. That is why it is “at hand” anytime anywhere “two or more are gathered in My name? There am I in their midst”, were the words of our Savior and progenitor. In this way “we are His living stones built together a habitation for God in the Spirit”, of those “who worship God in Spirit and truth”, which precedes and supersedes any rendition of a physical Kingdom in creation. Otherwise, how could the Kingdom of God be at hand to everyone everywhere all the time in all it’s persons places and presentations if it is physical? For it is “The Kingdom prepared since before “the foundations of the world”, describing for us its ubiquitous nature.
As the early disciples were instructed to take that message to the ends of the earth and of the age, and they did. And they did without presenting to anyone a physical structure like they want to build today. And the Kingdom of God was at hand to all of them even back then, because of Him who said “lo I am with you always even throughout the ages”, meaning us too.
Introduction to The Soft Sell of the Mark of The Beast.
So then back to the title as having to do with a soft cell of the mark of the beast.
From the Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ, “concerning things that “must immediately take place”, was because of Satan’s haste back then. Even as Christ told Judas at his betrayal “what you do, do it quickly”. In the same way Satan tried to implement the Mark, his mark on people back then. He forced it, and he went too fast and had an immediate judgement. However, his long (1000 year) imprisonment gave him some time to figure out a better way to try and steal creation and creatures from the Creator God. If you remember the Book of the Revelation closed with the warning that after the thousand year reign, Satan would be released for a short season. For this the satans have had time to prepare, and they present a soft sell for the mark, a friendlier version to be implemented ever so slowly, one terms and conditions at a time until they cannot live without. That they take people’s God given sovereignty from them one by one with arbitrators hired by the providers through ungodly means. So that through those types of empowerment’s (your permissions) given to invisible entities, to opporate on the behalf of you the subscribers. You become their subjects.
These are what puts people under the powers and their provisions in competition with the promises given to humanity as seen in scripture.
God’s promises are the original source of safety, health, blessedness and prosperity. But the counterfeits reduces humanity into home-born slaves. But even worse then all this is that with each additional “terms and conditions” you accept, you also accept to opt out of any leagal protection. That you agree to use their arbitraitors for “arbitration”, for an unfavorable outcome to the subscriber because the arbitrators (traitor) are hired by the providers and bypass any real legal representation. And here is the scary part. When you give up legal representation even if only by the click of a button, you also give up protection from your Heavenly Father for He is a God of laws. And you can negate your own God given protection of opting out by subscribing to another “for our God is a jealous God”. That is the deception and you know who the father of that is. And that “opt out” is when you hire another, for you cannot serve God and Mammon. And when they say it is free, they mean cash, but their “benefits” cost you your God given freedom and derail your restoration into the image of God as NOT being a slave or Lorded over”.
However you likely do not understand this because you call Christ Lord (associated with being under the Old Covenant) because to be associating with the Old Covenant Law and the old expired kingdom, is to deny the purpose and fruit of the cross of the Gift of godliness.
But you accept another form of godliness because you do not understand Gods laws. And you know what? You did that. For freebies you opt in for your own illusion of god-like-ness not with the Creator God’s but the gods of this fallen age. The gods of this age and the tools associated with “the prince of the power of the air that now works in the sons (and daughters) of disobedience.”
The Internet tools provide a false sense of being godlike over your affairs. And it is the Internet “crawlers” (think here of Satan’s curse of “on thy belly shalt thou go) that grope your invisible self, to map it out like a course, an intercourse. For free reign. It is here you can see that Satan’s release for his last deception after Christs thousand years on the earth, is because humanity submits (puts themselves under) a false sense of god-like-ness. And you know what? You did that. You re-empowered Satan and resurrected him by submission.
In Gods eyes, this is spiritual adultery for you to submit under other service providers. Even as Christ cried over Jerusalem saying “Oh how I morn for you, if you had only known the things that make up your peace? But now this destruction is upon you.” And as we are also told to come out of “Mystery Babylon” and “Egypt where Christ was slain, meaning the Old Covenant Jerusalem. Come back out!
This is the “lest you partake of her sins and receive of her judgments for God has remembered her”.
In this way, the internet is a trap. It is a net of capture. And for every new terms and conditions you sign up for to receive new powers? These are not from God or for your good but your entrapment. This will be the demise of humanity when creation as we know it gets burned up as His last act after His patience has expired ad seen in 2 Peter 3.10
And if this sounds too bazaar or creepy crawly. The Internet has a portrait of you. It was Satan and his minions that were cast “on thy belly shalt thou go, and dust of the earth you shall eat all the days of your life” as being the unrecovered expenditures of man who returned to the dust. It is these creepy crawlers who have been repurposed and elevated (a counterfeit resurrection) by the internet because you have put yourself under subjection to and under scrutiny to the modern day “watchers” in the same fashion as the old, by employing them to map out your profile and collect everything about you, all with your permission, once again putting you outside of the coverage and safety of the almighty God who says “let Me be your dread, let Me be your fear, but they would have none of Me.”
These are the reasons it is not necessary to force people to take a mark like with that beast. People are lining up for the new internet products as soon as they come out and NOBODY READS TERMS AND CONDITIONS, which is selling your soul to the gods of this age and Satan. You can be sure that for every promise in scripture, the gods of this age have their counterfeits. Most of them are free or mandatory (but without law). You have to do it if you want to use the internet and all its features that make you feel godlike over all your affairs. YO HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!
God created us in His image (godlike) making us self governing sovereigns, to accept and reject. For us to then turn and retract from learning how to use their God given likeness and image, to then employ internet companies, corporations and their various services for protection, prosperity, health, and about anything else you could think of.
Through the “Internet they have you covered. You are quite likely blinded by this nut in shell game, but just think of when Adam and Eve felt naked and incomplete. It was because Satan made them feel exposed and little. But they were Not exposed, they just hadn’t developed their own God given sovereignty and were enticed by another’s offer of a counterfeit sovereignty. And if there is anything that can make you feel godlike today, it is you orchestrating your world with your cell phone. Yes, that little box with all your stuff in it is a type of prison cell, called a “cell” phone.
You do not know it but humanity has the same abilities to be developed by pressing in to the Almighty God, His Word and Holy Spirit, to give us what is ours as a fo-over by accepting Christ’s one and only saving called the cross…., so that we don’t whore ourselves out for another’s services. Why do you think Babylon is the mother of harlots? It is because everyone who is given into her wares, have received counterfeit tools of blessings, safety, health and wealth from the opposition of God. And you will know if you have bought into “the coming One who is according to Satan with all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the elect”, because the services are that good.
So then, instead of being forced to take a mark to buy or sell”, you bought into the lie of a “soft sell” of the same Mark of the beast. And if you have wondered why God hasn’t done anything yet, it is because He wants you to wake up and “come out of her My people lest you receive of her judgments”.
If you think about the judgment of Sodom an Gamorah. They only had sex with the same sex but today? Anything goes, and everything is protected by wayward governments of which the U.S. is chief.
Yes, the seemingly most powerful, influential, world currency, world wide military coverage and influence, Hollywood, healthcare and such. To have the most deprivation as a result of the plethora of services and influences. And as far as Mammon and Money. It is the Treasury Board that controls the country and countries. It controls other countries with tariffs and trade embargos.
We will stop here. But hopefully you get the picture. And if you want to avoid the same judgement as those of the hard mandate to take that mark of old. Reassess all your permissions, all of your services and tools that make you feel godlike over your affairs. To repent and return to the Creator and His Son who died to give you their form of Godliness. Let God be your dread, let God be your covering (think about the fig leaves here from Eden). Realize that the Gospel message of God’s only Begotten Son, is your starting point of Godliness according to scripture. That “God has (already) given us everything that pertains to life and Godliness through the knowledge of Jesus Christ”. Because as we know Him better, we know ourselves better because the gift of God given to us, is a self like His self. In this way we are re-imaged and re-empoweted. Unless you’ve bought into the lie of another coming Jesus “with all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the elect.
The Kingdom of God is still at hand.
…..We are NOT saying that the message of “The Kingdom of God at hand” is expired for Christ had said “Lo I am with you throughout the ages”, meaning, time without end.
The point here is that, if we re-allocate any exact verbiage from scripture itself as still needing to happen in the future, from the Old Covenant Law era, up to the timing of the end of [The Book Of The Revelation of Jesus Christ] until now, you are taking it out of context. For even the Matthew 24 verses about Jerusalem are taken out of context by allocating to the impostor Jews of today. Why do we call them impostors? Because they try to use all the expired verses to vindicate them by them re-allocating them again in our day for another rendition of an earthen Jerusalem. Aren’t we “living stones built up a habitation of God in the Spirit? And from the Revelation, Heavenly Jerusalem was “made up of the measure of a man who is of an angel?” And why Peter?Petros, meaning stone, was said by Christ “on this rock (meaning, living stone), I will assemble My Ekklisia, to mean “called out ones”, from the synagogues and churches, to be called into te body of Christ as “ye are his members built up for a habitation of God in the Spirit….
if you think that is yet to come too because Christ told them then “there are some of you standing here today that shall not taste death till (after you see The Son of God coming in great power and glory).
And these passages verify that they have all expired as well.
36 Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation.
34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
30 Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.
32 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.
So that their anticipated coming of Christ has come and gone leaving us with this passage from Revelation again that opens up with “ Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, even they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
To have it open with “6 And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done. 7 Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book 8Â And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things. 9 Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God. 10 And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.
In a world of organized crime, it is those at the top who shield themselves from conviction of crimes by allocating certain tasks to others, so that in the case of being discovered, the people from the ground up, being the people closest to the scene. That blame would start with them first to be diffused along the way to protect the instigator. The instigators and orchestra-tors use others as human shields to protect themselves, their cohorts and their agendas.
New,This is Satan’s realm, who is also called the “deceiver” and the “destroyer” as being the source (from sorcery) and the originator of such schemes and why he is also called the god of this age, having power over the un-redeemed. That those who have not yet accepted the personal care and the provisions available from the Almighty God and spelled out in scripture, are still under the care and the provisions from the gods of this age. And it is because “the wheat and the tares mature together”. We see the impersonators and impostors, and their track records of failures, and say, Thank you God fro protecting us from the alternate saviors. Alternate because their are many deceivers. If this was not true, then humanity should be healthier, livelier, more vibrant and more energetic than ever before. Why? Because we have more government, more health care and insurance policies (policia’s), with drugs and injections than in recorded history. But the number of unhealthy, sick, deceased and dying or more per capita, than of all history combined. And to add to that, the mandatory vaccines. We were better off without…
This all started when Adam and Eve turned from God to obey, or give credence (from credibility) to another. And in doing so, the power God gave to Adam and Eve, they gave that to Satan by putting themselves under him. You could say that this started a whole chain of “subscriptions” of “submissions” of serving somethings other than God in the place that belongs to God because to subscribe is to put yourself under another. This is spiritual adultery.
To sub-scribe is to submit by agreement, to be bound to and put under to terms and conditions as “subservient” meaning “under servitude and , in service to. Defining who is above and who is below in a relationship. This is why Christ told us to “let your yes be yes and your no be no, because what ever is more that this is from the devil”. Yes, the Devil and his cohorts sole obsession and objection is for total submission from the images of God called man. Yes they offer cash free services if you will allow them to put your soul under their powers. For in doing so, they trick you out of your own God given sovereignty by doing so. And when you put yourself under another’s authority by submission, to “terms and conditions that indemnify them and NOT you, not only do you loose sight of your own sovereignty, but you have erected a barrier between you and the Creator God who gave you an image and likeness of Himself, to in turn offer that to another for nothing. To become subservient and serve them. After all, you put yourself under another. And in doing so, you have made them a god or godsdependig how many you have given yourself away to. This is spiritual adultery for it is thr Almighty God who is a jealous God in that He has the want and the ability to take care of you without Him needing anything out of the deal to benefit Him.
For this reason they are called “coverage’s” and “coverings”, and why scripture defines Satan as “the prince of the power of the air that now works in the sons of the disobedient”. That all who “subscribe” to service providers of any sort, close off any interaction with the almighty God by doing so. Not that He can’t but He won’t help you where you already have hired or even just accepted another to operate on your behalf for that would be a breach of contract. But more importantly, God would be violating the very sovereignty He gave you as being an image of Him. For this reason God is a jealous God. And by subscribing to another is spiritual adultery, especially if God has in His word a promise or a provision that offers you the same protection as one of your service providers. So before you accept submissions and terms and conditions, you should first look at the promises of God and see if He has already got you covered. And if He does, acknowledge that with Him when you talk to Him, and let Him know that you are aware of His promise and thank Him for it. In doing so, it is like activating an agency and a power to do so. After all our God has said “I will never leave you or forsake you”. I think a better rendition of that would be God saying “I will never leave you to be forsaken”. That goes along with “I will not leave you as orphans”. That “I will send you another comforter, another Helper. That I will send you My Holy Spirit”. And in doing so “I will never leave you to be forsaken because “Lo I am with you throughout the ages, even to the end of all ages unto eternity. So unless you understand and implement The New Will and Testament, implemented at the cross. And like all “Will and Testaments”, there has to be the death of a testator to activate the Will and Testament. And for this reson CHrist went to the cross with these words “Eli,Eli, Lama sabachthanni” meaning “Father, oh Father, why have you forsaken Me?” was for us to know that He, the Christ took all our anxieties and fears with Him so that when the same questions of feeling alone and like you are an orphan without, you can take those feelings and paste them on the one hanging there on your behalf to bare that burden for you. Meaning, He has not left you alone and forsake you. And you draw upon the promises by enunciating them yourselves. In this way you Segway any ill effects and fears to the cross because that is where the Son of God personally experienced all the ill effects of all dangers, threats and fears that were to be experienced for all of humanity for all time. Yes that one who has no begging or end of days, if He had to hang there on the cross for a few millenia, He would more than qualify for a just payment because a forever being is worth that much. So yes his suffering and death is sufficient. For He even paid for all the sin and short comings even for those who don’t go to the cross to receive their pardon, cure and get out of jail card free for the cost of repentance. That sounds like a pretty good deal, That “On Him was laid the inequity of us all, and by His stripes we are healed”. And should also be understand that “by Him being stricken, we are set free”. Meaning any and all charges brought against us, become null and void. And knowing this, if you choose to hold on to guilt and blame, that is for your own ego and to do that insults the gift giver at the cross. That “He was stricken for us”, has to do with being guilty. But we know “those who the Son sets free are truly free” Or in another translation “are free indeed”. And if you can truly accept this gift of salvation, when the enemy Satan comes along, in one of his varied forms (think about Judas as an empty vessel that Satan stepped into), you do not need to answer him and if you do, you have just stepped away from your God given covering to do so, to engage with the enemy, you may have just put fuel on the fire. It was Christ who before His ministry and at His temptation who answered the Devil saying “Get behind Me Satan because you are not mindful of the things of God but of man”. To put Him back where he belongs. He never had to say that or engage with him again because of that. Other then to take on our short comings on our behalf so that we wouldn’t have to. For this reason “the accusor of the brethren has been cast down”. And we do this as an act of faith. Most acts of faith are not acts at all because our act is to suppress our desire to act. Your enemy is banking on that you do, and will manipulate everything he can to have you react to him. And when and if you do, it was you who empowered him to do so. But if you keep your old man at the cross, the fearful, short tempered one that demands its rights. You keep your foe alive and put yourself on the south side of the saving of the cross where Satan still has dominion. But we have the promise that “you have (already) overcome the wicked one because greater is the One that is in you than the one that is in the world”. This is as an act of faith by receiving the promise, or provision, same thing, to do so. This is the faith and the patience of the Saints. stop
We have been warned from scripture of “a coming one who is according to Satan, with all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the Elect”. So therefor it is the Elect who do not fear nor co-down to their demands and threats, but expose them. We say that because according to scripture “we have an anointing from the Holy One (the Holy Spirit) and we know all things”. Not that we know all things all the time, but that we are inextricably linked to the data base of “all things” as being the ubiquitous 3rd person of The Godhead body being The Holy Spirit.
It is as we sift through the rubble of time, history and the translations of scripture, pursuing truth by the Spirit of truth, we have “all things” made known to us, as we are able to receive them. That we can only build on a firm foundation of beliefs. Scripture is not a Hodge podge of sayings to be dumped out on a table to try to put together like a puzzle, but intricately and inextricably linked information for us to assemble inside ourselves to bo able to interact with the Living God, whose Kingdom is at hand”. Not as immanent in that it could happen anytime, but imminent in the fact that it is all the time. That, The Kingdom of God is at hand for the taking as you follow the message. Just as with Jacobs ladder. He beheld the angels of God descending and ascending upon it. We know this ladder in New Testament terms as Christ, the word of God. Of whom John the Baptist said “I beheld and saw the angels (messengers) of God descending and ascending upon the son of man”, and more specifically the Christ. So that as we grow in the knowledge and understanding of God, having been refitted and reformatted to retreive and relay certain information, we too become the messengers. Even as the messenger to John in the Book of The Revelation spoke as John, thinking he was Christ, bent down to worship, and that angel/messenger said “see that you don’t do that for I am one of thy brethren and one of those who keep the testimony (and teachings) of Jesus Christ, worship Him”. That John who knew Christ the best, mistook that man because he was speaking of things still unknown by the now, Apostle John who had his head in the lap of The Christ, at the last supper of that fateful night. And because “John 1″. It is as we are transfigured and transformed into His self same image” of being “Word” as the identifiable features. Then we to become of some form of value. “To the degree to what you have obtained, so walk ye in it. That those stuck in the Old Testament,, speak of the old. Those who are in the New Testament, speak of the new. And those who have assembled them all to be honored to be “seated far above all principalities and powers, from this age and every age”. That we have full disclosure with a “birds eye view.
There are those (most) who flounder between covenants. There are few in the New, and even fewer who see the end. And what we’d like to talk about is the transition of what happens after “the thousand year reign where “Satan is released one last time to deceive the nations”, because, we are there. Yes the Old expired with the New, and the New has an expiration to as we understand in harvesting terms. To da da da then if not. Cut it down. That even the New Covenant has an expiration. And so you should ask, how will we know? The answer is fairly simple. When the condition of the people of the book and their interpretation of the scripture matches, or at least harmonizes with the views and expectations of the last day Jews.
The reason they had a reset, was quite obviously because, as Christ called them “you brood of vipers, sons of Satan” and “you do the deeds of your father” and “now this desolation?destruction and annihilation/genocide is upon you”. Why? Because you knew not your time of visitation”. And it is this last era, end of the New covenant time frame, that people look to a second coming Jesus, when He has said “I will never leave you or forsake you”. And “Lo I am with you throughout the ages”. And “where ever two or more are gathered in My name, there I am in their midst”. Yes this one who coined the term that “The Kingdom of God is at hand”. That the disciples were sent to all the world preaching this message. This can only be said of a forever beeing. And one of Christs introductions was John 1.1. In the beginning was The Word. The Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the Beginning with God. Who also said “Lo I am with you throughout the ages”. Showing us his ubiquitous nature, and also that He doesn’t leave us, but many leave, or never realy accept Him as He is as the “I will never leave you or forsake you. But these never the less still look for a physical appearing. And you know what? That is exactly what the Jews of old and those who claim to be Jews today believe, with their entourage of “end time believers.
What this means is that all who fall into this category align themselves with thise destroyed in the time of Christ. Remember “Oh Jerusalem, the one who stones and kills all the (true) prophets who are sent to her. Now this destruction is upon you because you did not know your time of visitation”. As something that had come and gone because they would not accept their salvation in any other but another man who exonerated them and their views. This is not where you want to be. Why? Because you are on the threshold of a similar judgment but worse. Why worse? Because not only do you have Old Testament, you also have the New you reject and that is more condemning. As it was said of those in Ninavah, “a greater than Solomon is here”. But it can be said today, you have all the New Testament, meaning new testimony that replaced the old. But maybe you, like the parable of the wine skins. Maybe you like the old wine better. And if you are looking for another Jesus? You have rejected His gospel of salvation of the cross, and look to a second coming savior or rapture. These present to you an alternate saving than the cross.
To which we say, if a rapture or a second coming would be the place for your hope of safety, security or whatever, then what was the cross for???
Our objective with that discourse is to put you on the right course. To have your affections and expectations to honor our Heavenly Father, His Son and Holy Spirit as being Our New Creation, our Heavenly Jerusalem… To cease from your works and wranglings and enter your rest “for the works have been finished from the foundations of the world”. Of the Christ who was slain from the foundations of the world”. As eternal realities that had their debut for carnal assembledge that like the not so foolish virgins entered the Bridal chamber long ago (Joel)
The dispersion of judgment is the doctrine of Satan to have human sheilds. That instead of forcing the “Mark of the Beast”. This time he will take a slower more friendly and noble aproach because that is what ssnakes do. They swallow their prey a little at a time. 2 steps forward, one step back until all your sovereiignty is gone. With the mark, it was take it or die. That put all the blame on him and his cohorts. However with their “1000 year” prison term, they came out with a new game plan.
And you may say, this is not fair because the last generation was damned the blatant push for the merk on the hand, and with this knowledge we are not safe till the Mark is re-presented because there will not be a mark. And this is a valid question. But the answer is that “but you have a word which is more sure than what we heard, and you do well to pay attention to it as to a light shines in a dark place.
But the point here is that we have better tools and insite today to retreive and protect the gift of godliness, bought, paid for and given at the cross for you to become godly. But you beleive in the lie that Jesus is going to come again at a second coming to save? You are wrong!
2 Peter states that the next event is 3.10. That is it. No more warnings, no more renewals. As Jude told us “to contend for the faith which was once and for all given to the saints”. That there are no adendums, compromises or special rewards just an open door with the invitation to “The Kingdom of God at hand”. As being ubuquitous and eternal. anywhere and everywhere and the reason why from the expiration of the Law era and that Jerusalem. That the 12 were instructed to leave all that and go preachng and teaching all that I hav ommaneded you. That “The Kingdom of God is at hand” from the one who said “Lo I amwith you always even to the ends of the ages”. Who also told the Jews when they put Him on trial before they murdered Him. He said “you have correctly called Me Kihng however My kingdom is NOT of this age”. To include old covenant and all of creation as being “the Kingdom preparred from before the foundations of the world. So we have to understand that it supercedes creation of everything that pertains to your physical senses, this it is not.
SO as long as you know this and enter that Kingdom to participate their. The beast the mark, satan and their minions cannot touch you because they have nothing to allure you with. Why? Because as Christ said “My Kingdom is not of tis age” of time and matter. We are fully vested there and have no confidence in the flesh and neither do we have any investment that we are attached to. Notdo we have any affiliates, services, subscriptions or alegiences that compete with the provisions from our Heavenly Father as though He overlooked something. There is nothing that can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ. Neither height, nor depth, nor powers or principalities. Except that maybe you are fully vested into the things of the gods of this age for the delicousies of this age as they have stolen your sovereighnty, one terms and condition at a time. One contract at a time. One social service provision at a time. Any coverages, savings and such all content for your submission to steal you away from the coverings provided through the gospel to cover you in every thing that you do for He has said “I will never leave you or forsake you. So why should we fear? What can men or demons do to me? Who shall separate me from the love of God given to us who are covered in Christ and refuse the coverages from the gods of this age, of the prince of the power of the air (waves) that now work in the sons of disobedience”. Yes the www. eye in the sky is a net of capture. Everytime you allow a cookie, you have given satan and his minions access to your private parts and our God is a jealous God