The physical body of itself does not have cognition’s or responsibilities of it’s own apart from the functions of the spirit of the mind. Because of this the body itself cannot be held guilty of wrong doing or sin, because it did not have it’s own motive. It is that the body is regulated by the mind which is the seat of emotions reactions, and cognitions, along with thoughts and memories. The body can only do what it is told to do and made to do up to a point of failure. The body and mind are subject to failure in this way. The body is subject to all kinds of sickness and disease where this union is out of sink.
The body is the recipient and sometimes an innocent bystander. The neglected body can punish the mind, not as a matter of obstinacy, but as a natural law of failing and reacting to the abuse created by adverse conditions. This opens up the body to all sorts of ailments and breakdowns both mentally and physically.
This is the first thing necessary to getting sick, with the exception of contaminationâs from consumer products. The old adage of “you are what you eat” is true here both physically and mentally. Whatever you ruminate on in either case becomes an influencing factor of overall health. This is the cause and the effect.
For this reason the only real cure must start with the mind first because that’s where the restoration takes place too, in the spirit of the mind. That is what affects the body and in turn has favor from the very creation itself to treat certain mindsets that direct favorable thoughts and behaviors that harmonize and coincides with creation. Hence “To the pure, all things are pure but to the defiled all things are despicable”. Yes there are other contributing factors but you get the gist of it.
Creation itself essentially mirrors back to a person their own inner disposition. It is all subject to interpretation. It is the self defensive, chronic complainers, and fear minded that spend their time and energy trying to change people and circumstances when the problem is within.
This is why Christ said that “The Kingdom of  God is within you”. That it has power to change your own peripherals. He was speaking of changing the things inside you first, then your outside would change too. That it would mirror back your inner contemplation’s and disposition.
It doesnât mean that there will be no challenges. Those had been put there for your exercises for you not so much to alter your surroundings. Yes it can do that too, but for the change recipient, it is for you to become greater now inside for what is coming upon your completion. This can be understood as the rewards in the spirit of those who “endured for a greater resurrection” and ascension. For those who “press in” to receive it . Philippians 3.12
We see in the Garden of Eden that when Adam fell, it was because he lost the Holy Spirit with the cognition’s of “the breath of God” that completed him. That which made Adam and Eve “a living being” they lost and became dead to the cognition’s they had from their Heavenly reflection. They only are able to identify with their carnal cognition’s associated with time and matter as a condition of the fall, that brought an inversion of thinking.
There is a reversal called “Salvation” where the wreckage from the fall gets sifted and re-assembled with the gospel and the re-introduction of The Holy Spirit. These are our new cognition’s, motivations, a knowing that â. But we have an unction from the Holy One and know all things
As a result of that, salvation takes place in the thinking first for our restoration. Because in the beginning God said of the human body that “.It was good, very goodâSo we cannot blame our innocent bystander, being our carnal body that participate’s in this salvation as a beneficiary.
The human body cannot be charged with something it was incapable of doing by itself as we just explained. It cannot be held accountable but the spirit of mind can. So when the spirit mind is  Washed and renewed by the regeneration of the Holy Spirit, then the body itself can start to heal and be restored to “that which is from the beginning” before the fall of having inverted cognitions’. This is the first step of real healing because it takes place in the mind, meaning the psych, where the sin first began. This is why “if someone is in Christ, old things pass away and all things become newâ. 2 Corinthians 5.17
Sin is thought of as a bad deed, but sin is a mental condition because they do not believe first. People act, do and behave certain ways because the sin is resident in them and when the spirit of the mind is corrected. Then the thoughts that create the behaviors go away. Like a water faucet delivering murky water to have a new source. The water from there becomes more and more clean with time and use. So too with our transition of faith. We learn to connect with our inter-dependency we call The Holy Spirit.
If you can learn to see that sickness and sin is a spiritual problem first. It is because our psych  is an invisible component and the invisible is Gods business. Drugs can only suppress urges to do wrong temporarily while pressure builds up inside. Only then to explode into damage mode. Or otherwise to force someone into submission and a reliance on something else. This could be a drug or a program or religious rigor of some sort, striving for the appeasement of an angry God who is  NOT angry. That’s a fallen mindset that just fuels the fire of self condemnation of guilty feelings. This is why Christ went to the cross, for your guilty conscience and NOT because of an angry God. If you listened to His voice in the Gospel. He points to the cross and says, leave it there. Like the woman caught in the very act of adultery. After the voices had been silenced He said “woman where are your accusers?” Having this thorn of accusations removed, she was then able to forgive herself and forget. It is then that the guilty conscience becomes dead and “the accuser is cast down.
This is why scripture says that âThe carnal mind is enmity against God, it is not subject to the laws of God and neither indeed will be so that those who are in the flesh? These cannot please God”. And this is the sin that is the split from God that causes one to no longer be able to see good because God is good. Those who have not God in this way, cannot know good in a lasting way, and cannot receive the gift of being good from God, who credits our account with right doing, meaning “the righteous by faith” by receiving  it as a gift from God because they are totally inept at doing right without it being gifted to them.
The fallen thinking is not the recipient of the things of God but the re-Spirit mind of faith is. These are our new set of cognition’s from the Father. Our motivation factor is no longer a self preservation per-say, but to exude gratification to the Father and tolerance to others in their disposition as people given their opportunity in this age for the same thing as us. This is the gift of life from our Heavenly source as something we experience now in a cognitive way.
The definition of “cognition” says that it is; the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. However for those who have been re-spirited by God’s Holy Spirit, they work off of a different set of cognition’s. We have new  promptings that can over-ride the demands of the carnal urges. These are in control and responsible for themselves.
If you remember, Adam and Eve had been made in the likeness God  (Genesis 1.26) . This is a type of sovereignty, a personal responsibility and our self sovereign like our Heavenly Father that He intended in the beginning. This is our salvation, a restoration and our place in the resurrection. We return to our pre Adamic cognition’s and ways of thinking for getting things done from an inward, Heavenly perspective that does not give in to the external promptings that previously controlled us. Those are the tests of âhas God really said ???â. And the answer? Look inside because Christ said that “The Kingdom of God is within you“. As you re-script your mind with scripture, this is the new you because you chose to do so, you did it and rose above the obvious obstacles with this new empowerment you have inside.
Because “the carnal mind is subject to fear and fear involves torment”. And torment starts with fear governed by doubts, being two elements the Father didnât give to us. Those are the cognition’s inherited from Adam and Eve from which you need transfigured and transformed away from.
It is that true faith silences the fight or flight mechanisms of self preservation and the need to prepare for the boogie men in your lives. It does so in the regenerated and re-scripted mind with scripture because wherever there was a void filled with doubt or fear, in that big void we fill it with the Holy Spirit and plug the gaping hole with scripture. Like Christ said âI will never leave you or forsake you.  And âI am with you always, even throughout the agesâ. And “no weapon formed against you shall prosper” Isaiah 54.17 among thousands of other verses. Let these reside in you.
So upon clothing your mind with scripture, (we call this putting on Christ) you find that the accusations, the insults, the fault finding and such that’s hurled against you as unnecessary and not worth answering. These are all from the accuser. As scripture says that “the accuser of believers has been cast down”. To re-engage with him now is you re-energizing and re-empowering an old dead foe with your own energy. We call that, fighting the man in the mirror. Satan can only boomerang the energy you give him back to you. But you can, cease and desist!
“In Him you have also circumcised with the circumcision made (invisible) without hands, by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, 12. buried with Him in baptism, where you have also been raised with Him (invisibly) through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead. 13 And you (invisibly), being dead in your trespasses and the un-circumcision of your flesh, He has (invisibly) made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all your trespasses, 14 having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. 15Â having (invisibly) disarmed principalities and powers, He already made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it. Â So let no one judge you!!!
And we will add “who shall bring a charge against Gods Elect? Shall height or depth or principalities or powers or any other created thing?” No! It all falls on deaf ears because we are brands plucked from the fire and answer to One. (Romans 8.33
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, for you to be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 now then take up the whole armor of God, so you can withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 So then stand having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God”.
This is The Kingdom of God at hand and within reach, and how we are regenerated in the Spirit in this way. Amen!