The Sophia (The Wisdom) of Jesus Christ
Intro. Christ told the disciples “I go to the Father and you no more so sorrow has filled your heart. Never the less it is expedient that I go. For if I do not go, I will not sen you My Helper, however when My Helper/Comforter, other parent so that you are not left orphans has come, she will teach you all things.
She is the purpose of the book and a clarification for us on whom the ends of the age have come of “the first shall be last and the last shall be first”. So we are right on time.
For you who have ears to hear? Enjoy!
The main object of this book is the ultimate coming to be, the coming into fruition and the full development of Gods fruit of the earth, who have come back to themselves,, of The Elect of God the Father. However much the book develops the Elect/aeons, they are not considered in the title? That as “The Wheat and the Tares grow together”, and “The first shall be last and the last shall be first”. For this reason the Disciples and Apostles in the time of Christ were called first fruits unto God. We are re-interpreting in part for the final harvest of whom this text addresses, us “On Whom The Ends of the Age Have Come!
This book was not for those back then but was sent forth for “Us on whom the Ends of the Age have come”. We know this because the stewards who are in these writings, were asking the right questions, but those who tried translate it did not understand the questions or the answers to properly convey its meaning. However even as the Books of Enoch say that they are for the last generation and that “there would be others (books) also”, that all of these books treated as Gnostic and taboo up till this point must now come back into question, and so we do. And however bold this statement may seem, each correction that is made to this text, is backed up by the scriptures canonized today, God never asked them to canonize scripture. Even as scripture says in John 7. 16-17 that “If anyone wants to do Gods will, they shall know concerning the doctrine (and books), whether it is from Him or whether they speak on their own authority”.
And so we do!
This may seem scary to most, but we each shall be judged accordingly. And to find more comfort with the status quo rather than God alone, puts people exactly where Satan wants them, in the mentality as the Jews who were destroyed were, and even many believers are today. Putting themselves behind someone elses beliefs. This is the blind leading the blind into a ditch and un-excusable.
To which we ask, Who is king James that God would need his help or permission to do this? And whoever from his cabinet has denounced any of the various books set forth from that time frame as taboo, were operating out of the same lack of spiritual authority.
To which one may ask, what makes us different? That is between you and Gods Holy Spirit. We all need to answer for ourselves for what we have done with the gospel.
So as you, let the harmony of the texts speak for themselves. However be careful about texts that you may feel are disharmonious to the greater body of bible teachings, for you see that scripture is progressive by design in that it takes you from one place to another. They are markers for us as sojourners and pilgrims for our progression. Even as “Abraham went out to a land not knowing where he was going”, He experienced the resurrection of Gods Son through the sacrifice of his only begotten son. But that comes far short of understanding our ascension, entering our rest and being seated far above all principalities and powers with Christ and God the Father Eternal in the Heavens back then, and so much more even now as the “greater are those who have not seen yet believed”?
That is us who have the smeared and be-smudged testimonies through the changes of time and translations from those doing the best they could do. However here at the fullness of time, with so may texts available, we are able to cross reference the various testimonies for greater accuracy.
And what makes it all work is the testimony of the Spirit/Comforter/Helper of God that works in us. Yes we have the Unction from the Holy One” we call the Holy Spirit and “we know all things”. She is the comforter, another helper and other parent we call here Sophia (the greek word for wisdom who (is judged by Her children”) so that we are not left orphans that Christ told us that He would send, and He did. If this were not true, we would not be able to so simply and succinctly expound this so easily from The Book of John, that none of our predecessors have done up till now. And She is just one of hundreds of authentications that comes through these various revelations. And as we said, they all are in the “approved texts” not because king james and such approved them, but because of the promise that Christ said “Lo I am with you, even to the ends of the age”. They can do nothing against Us.
We do not go against anything that was previously said but place them in their correct order for greater impact. Glory to God the Father who fulfills His saying of “Let us make man in our image and likeness”. Knowing this, that “the last shall be first” and we are right on time.
So as long as we back up our clarifications with the residual, accepted texts, this should be taken as a condemnation to those who have tried to truncate the will of God. But they be damned for doing so. But even in their efforts “The wheat and the Tares mature together. “The first shall be last and the last shall be first and we are right on time because we have been able to reassemble the Gospel message of “The Kingdom of God at Hand” as being living and as relevant as when Christ first spoke these words, and more so. why? Because the first-fruits had it and therefore were a foreshadowing of things to come”, meaning us. What they had, we’ve got for the final harvest. And we did it without the physical witnesses they had, but with their smudged testimonies because Christ had said “Lo I am with you throughout the ages” in His true form as spirit and truth, of which you cannot deny.
Therefor it is by the self same spirit in us that these testimonies come back to life. And because of this you may know that, we are the cusp of that generation and we know this because everything makes perfect sense for us “on whom the ends of the age has come”.
Now lets delve into the text in Question.
The Sophia/Wisdom of God.
His Feminine counterpart, teacher, comforter and other parent because we were not left orphans. Enjoy
After Christ rose from the dead, his twelve disciples and seven women continued to be his followers, and they were instructed to go to “9 And [a]as they went to tell His disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, âRejoice!â So they came and held Him by the feet and worshiped Him. 10 Then Jesus said to them, âDo not be afraid. Go and tell My brethren to go to Galilee, and there they will see Me.â (Matthew 28.9-10) (a city below sea level) to the mountain called âDivination and Joyâ (not a physical place but the introductory attributes of the Spirit of God and third person of the Godhead called Sophia, the Title of this writing).
When they gathered together (as one, (Hebrew Echad and Greek Koinania, one body) they were perplexed about the underlying reality (and purpose) of the universe and THE PLAN (to implement salvation), and the holy providence (Heavenly Jerusalem), and the power of the (up coming) authorities (called the elect), and about everything the Savior/Sophia is doing with them in the secret of THE HOLY PLAN, the Savior/Sophia appeared â not in His previous form (who became flesh and dwelt among us), but in the invisible spirit. (As His hidden person like Adam had called Eve and The Rib). And This likeness resembles a great angel of light (like He appeared to Paul). But this resemblance I must not try to describe (in human terms). No mortal flesh could endure it, but only pure, perfect flesh, like that which he taught (us) to put on when we were on the mountain called âOf the Olivesâ in Galilee. (concerning our new flesh as word like The Only Begotten. [John 1.1]. So we become too).
And He said: âshalom be to you, My shalom I give you!â (This peace meaning “shalom” and the city thereof Yahru-shalom, the mother of us all. Galatians 4.26. The teacher, comforter helper) And they all marveled and were afraid. The Comforter laughed and said to them: âWhat are you thinking about? Are you perplexed? What are you searching for?â
Philip said: âFor the underlying purpose of the universe and THE (ETERNAL) PLAN.â (And purpose of creation)
The Savior said to them: âI want you to know that all men are born on earth from the foundation of the world until now being dust, while they have inquired about God, who he is and what he is like, they have not found him. Now the wisest among them have speculated from the ordering of the world and (its) movement. But their speculation has not reached the truth. For it is said that the ordering is directed in three ways, by all the philosophers, (and) hence they do not agree. For some of them say about the world that it is directed by itself. Others, that it is providence (that directs it). Others, that it is fate. But it is none of these.
Again, of the three voices I have just mentioned, not one of them is close to the truth, and (they all originate) from man. But I, who came from Infinite Light, am here. (Christ speaks of Himself throughout this text in the third person form starting here) for I know him (The Light) â so that I can speak to you more precisely about the precise nature of truth. For whatever is from itself is a polluted life; it is self-made. Providence (and truth) has no wisdom in that. And (believing in)  fate does not discern (or participate in the course). But to you it is given to know; and whoever is worthy of this knowledge will receive (it) from those who have not been begotten in a common way (but by First Man) Who Was Sent, for He (the One who is speaking) is an immortal in the midst of mortal men.â (And begets those [us] such as Himself to immortalize them too).
Matthew spoke out and asked: âso Teacher, no one can find the truth except through you right? (As One who is from their) Therefore teach us truth.â
The Savior said: âAbout Him Who is ineffible. No principle knew him, no authority, no subject, nor any creature from the foundation of the world until now, except He alone, and anyone to whom He wants to make revelation to. It was Him who is from First Light. From now on (from the cross, the resurrection and on to the ascension), I am the Great Savior. For He (the great Savior) is (always) immortal and eternal. Now he is (only) eternal, having no (spiritual) birth; for everyone who has (just a physical) birth will perish (Having come from the dust to return to it). But He is un-begotten (not born again because He has always been what we are born again into), having no beginning; for everyone who has a beginning has an end. Since no one rules over Him,â he has no (sir) name. (Jesus and Christ were both titles for a task He had to perform. But after you receive Him as such? He is no longer saving you); for whoever has a (sir) name is the creation of another.â But His name is ineffable the name above all names. He has no human form; for whoever is only human form is the creation (of another).
âBut He has a semblance of His own â not like what you have seen and received (as a mortal), but a strange semblance that surpasses all things and is better than the universe. It looks to every side and sees itself from itself. Since He is infinite, He will never be fully comprehensible. He is imperishable and has no physical (likeness to anything that is of the creation). He is unchanging good. He is faultless. He is eternal. He is blessed. While He is not (fully) known, He ever knows Himself. He is immeasurable. He is untraceable. He is perfect, having no defect. He is imperishability (fully) blessed. He is called âFather (the One who brought forth) the Universe’â.
Philip said: âTeacher, how, then, did He appear to the perfect ones?â
The perfected Savior said to him: âBefore anything was visible of those that became visible, the majesty and the authority were in Him, since He embraces (and encompasses) the assembly of the totalities (of those fully developed “in Christ” called the Elect), while nothing embraces (encapsulates) Him. For He is all mind. And He is thought (and design) and considering and reflecting and rationality and power. They all (the Elect) are equal likenesses of His power. They are the sources (and distribution centers) of His totalities (of those who are full). And their whole race from first to last was (foreordained) in his foreknowledge (known as the Elect, and from that of) the infinite, unbegotten Father.â (Unbegotten, meaning He never came out because He encompasses everything. And we are begotten again by a word of truth to be a kind of firstfruit of His newly created as something different from the creation of the first 6 days.)
Thomas said to him: Savior, why did these (The Elect) come to be, and why were these revealed (last)?â
The perfect Savior said: âI came from the Infinite to tell you all things (Eternal). Spirit Who was and is, was the begetter, who had the power of Self replication and a form-giver`s nature, that the great wealth that was hidden in God was to be (given to them, meaning us too and revealed to us for our replication). Because of His mercy and His love, He wished to bring forth fruit of (likenesses of) Himself, to enjoy his goodness not alone, but with other spirits of the Unwavering Generation (who have grown up into Him who is Head over the all). Being the body (of Christ) with the fruit of glory and honor, in an imperishableness (as a reflection of Himself. Genesis 1.26) and His infinite grace, and for his treasure to be revealed by Self-begotten God, the father of every imperishableness and those that came to be afterward (of those who had already been in the mind of the father). But they had not yet come to visibility because of a great difference that existed among the imperishables. (That creation could not bare all at the same time).
So He called out, saying: âWhoever has ears to hear (of another nature) about the infinities, let them hear!â; and âI have addressed (only) those who are awake.â Still He continued and said: âEverything that came from the perishable (temporary creation) will perish (2 Peter 3.10), since it came from the perishable. But whatever came from imperishableness (of those who are able to receive it to be called The Elect) do not perish but (will) remain imperishable.
So, many men went astray because they had not known this difference (and could not apply it by knowing the distinction) and they died (before they could fully actualize the gift given as the fruit from the cross, thinking that there would be another installment many call a “second coming. A phrase not found once in Canonized Scripture either).
Mary said to him: âTeacher, then how will we know that?â (So as not to die)
The perfect Savior said: âCome (you) from invisible things (that we have been talking about) to the end of those that are visible, and the very emanation of Thought will reveal to you how faith in those things that are not visible was found in those that are visible (who became the Elect), as those that belong to the Unbegotten Father. Whoever has ears to hear (of another nature), let them hear!
âThe Ruler of the universe is not called âFatherâ, but âthe Only Begottenâ, being the prototype of those that will (yet) appear, He is the beginningless only Begotten. Seeing Himself within Himself as in a mirror, he appeared resembling Himself, but His likeness appeared as Divine Self-Fathered, and a Confronter over the Confronting ones, First Existent Unbegotten Father. He is indeed of equal age with the Light that is before Him, but He is not equal to Him in power. (This was since the only Begotten became the Christ, took on that name/title for a certain purpose, but the name/,title expires with the completion of the task the title defines), however He is ever unchangeable and can appear in a form that pleases Him anytime He wants, as He did by being the Savior. (So the name/title of Christ was given to save. But He becomes so much more for us than that.)
âAnd so afterward the (true) name (was shared among the Elect and they were) revealed as a whole multitude of confronting ones, self-begotten (by Word and Spirit), equal in age and power, being in glory (2 Corinthians 3.18) and without number, whose race is called âThe Generation over Whom There Is No Kingdom (being a joint hierarchy of co-equal joint heirs of the things of God “in Christ”) from the One in whom (some of) you yourselves have appeared among these others (Elected before you called first fruits). And that whole multitude over which there is no kingdom is called âSons (joint heirs and co-equals) of the Only begotten (of the) Father, God, Savior, Son of God,â whose likeness is with you and in you (and will be with you throughout the ages), as you (grow and) collectively become (more fully) that very body (of Christ). Now He is (not fully knowable by the name/Christ Revelation 19.13-14 (and unspeakable with human lips), who is full of ever-imperishable glory and ineffable joy. They (who are) of the (one) body (of Christ, have ceased to struggle and) are all at rest âin Himâ, ever rejoicing in ineffable joy in his unchanging glory and (experiencing) measureless jubilation (My joy I give, not as the world, give I you); This had not been heard or known among all the aeons and their worlds until now.â
Matthew said to him: Teacher, how was (the eternal) Man revealed?â
The perfect Savior said: âI want you to know that He who appeared before the universe in infinity, who is the Self-grown, Self-constructed only begotten, being full of shining light and ineffable. In the beginning, when He decided to have His likeness become a great power, immediately (because that is how He does it) the principle of that Light appeared as Immortal Androgynous Man (male and female made He them in His likeness), that through that Immortal Androgynous Man for them to attain their salvation and awake from forgetfulness (as we have) through the interpreter (the teacher, comforter, helper, Sophia) who was sent (to them and us) and is with us until the end of the poverty (imposed on us) by the robbers. (When weâve fully recovered our losses and participate in the equality in the First Man and Only Begotten of the Father)
âAnd the consort (interpreter/teacher/comforter/helper) is the Great Sophia (Wisdom), who from the beginning (as brooding over the face of the waters, who) was destined to be âin Himâ The union (of Christ and His Bride all other weddings dimly portray, ordained) by Self-begotten of the Father (Isaiah 6.8), from Immortal (image of) Man, who appeared as First and divinity and kingdom, for the Father, who is called âMan, Self-Fatheredâ, revealed this. And He created a great aeon, whose name is Perfection, (as a reflection of) his own majesty (in whom He is well pleased).
âHe was given great authority, and He ruled over the creation of poverty. He created gods and angels, archangels and myriads without number for retinue (promulgation), from that Light and the triune Spirit, which is that of Sophia, his consort (Bride and Wife). For from this, God originated (His) divinity (to be born into His offspring like His Only Begotten, for “The Kingdom of God at hand”, to be in them and of them Therefore he was called âGod of godsâ and âKing of kingsâ (and Begetter of selves like His self). (Because all gods and kings can only faintly portray the original). (And God the Father has His look a likes who put on His Son one attribute at a time, until they became “complete In Him who is head over all principalities and powers.” Ephesians 4.13).
Original Image of Man, has His unique mind, within, and thought â just as He is it (thought) â (and) considering, reflecting, rationality, power. All the attributes that exist (in Him) are perfect and immortal. In respect to the imperishable’s (that He brought forth), they are indeed equal. (But) in respect to power, they are different, like the difference between father and son <, and son> and thought, and the thought and the remainder. As I said earlier, among the entities that were defined, the monad (the top of the monarchy) is first.
âAnd after everything (was created), all that was revealed appeared from his power. And from what was created, all that was fashioned appeared; from what was fashioned appeared what was formed (no millions of years, no evolution); from what was formed, what was named.
Thus came the difference among the unbegotten ones from beginning to end.â (But the beginning came from nothing, then subsequently nothing became these things. And likewise, these in a flaming heat, will return to nothing.)
Then Bartholomew said to him: âHow (is it that) <he> was designated in the Gospel âManâ and âSon of Manâ? To which of them, then, is this Son related?â
The Holy One said to him: âI want you to know that First Man (that Adam was imaged after who) is called âBegetter, Self-perfected Mindâ. He reflected (as in a mirror) with Great Sophia, his (counterpart and) consort, and revealed himself first-begotten, androgynous son (like Adam had his rib still inside). His male name is designated âFirst Begetter, Son of Godâ, and his female (ribs) name is, âFirst Begettress Sophia, Heavenly Jerushalom Mother of the ALL (of those to be borne of the spirit) â.    Some call her âLoveâ.
Now The First-begotten is called âChristâ. Since He has saving authority from his father, and He (has borne) a multitude of (Elect) angels without number for retinue from Spirit and Light.â (As the Sages of the ages).
His disciples said to him: âTeacher, reveal to us about the one called (first)âManâ (the others were patterned after), so that we can know his glory more precisely.â
The perfect Savior said: âWhoever has ears to hear (of another nature), let them hear. The First Begetter Father is called, Eye of Light,â because he came from shining Light, and his holy angels, who are ineffable (and) shadowless, ever rejoice with joy in their reflecting, which they received from their Father. The whole Kingdom of Son of Man, who is called âSon of God,â is full of ineffable (ones with) shadowless joy, and unchanging jubilation, (being with Him they are) rejoicing over His imperishable glory, which has never been heard until now, nor has it been revealed in the aeons that came afterward, and their worlds. I came from Self-begotten and First Infinite Light, for the purpose of revealing everything to you.â (As an eye witness and first hand experience for those who have ears to hear.
Again, his disciples said: âTell us clearly how they (the Elect angels) came down from the invisibilities, and from the immortal to the world that dies?â
The perfect Savior said: â(The) Son of Man consented with Sophia, his consort (and counterpart), and revealed a great androgynous light. His male name/title is designated âSavior, and Begetter of The Allâ. His female (personage who is hidden within Himself (like Adams rib was) and revealed to the Elect), who is also called The All, from The Begettress Sophiaâ. (Pistisâ, comforter, teacher, helper and another parent for those who thought they were orphans. John 16)
All (these) who (are to) come into the world, like drops from the (First) Light, are sent by the Almighty, reserved and guarded by Him to manifest (their inward thoughts for rectification for them to become) who He Elected (them to be). To break (off) their bond of forgetfulness, and to bind them to the will of Sophia (as a replacement for forgetfulness), for (invisible) matter to be manifest through those (who are first) to(promulgate into) the whole world in poverty, concerning their previous arrogance, blindness and ignorance of who they were before. And I (likewise) came from the places above by the will of the Great First Light, and I escaped from that bond (trap); (on the behalf of the Elects, and) I came and cut off the work of the robbers (who manifest ignorance), And I have awakened that drop that was sent from Sophia, for it to bear much fruit through me, and (given for some to) be perfected and not again be defective, but be (perfectly re-joined to what they had before (the world, without knowing).
The Great Savior became one of us in order for our glory to be revealed (and to be shared among together), so that Sophia would also be justified in regard to (Her participation in correcting) that defect, for her sons to never again become defective but for them to attain honor and glory and go (back) up to their Father (having acquired His likeness along the way), and for knowing the words of the masculine Light. And you were sent by the Son, who was sent for you to receive (that) Light, (to guide) you to remove yourselves from the forgetfulness of the (self proclaimed) authorities, and for the Son to not have to come again in the appearance (in the flesh) for your sake, namely, the (wringing of the hands) that is from the (thought of the) fearful fire (called tribulation and pursecution) that came from their (fearful) fleshly part. (Now to) Tread under foot the malicious intent of the robbers.â (Of those who detain , detour and distract through deception and covert means)
Then Thomas asked Him: âTeacher Savior, how many are the aeons/Elect of those who surpass (and break through) the heavens (of whom you speak)?â
The perfect Savior said: âI praise you because you ask about the great aeons, for your roots (and purpose) are in the infinities (as an aeon). Now when those whom I have discussed earlier were (to be) revealed, He provided (them opportunity to prove their new selves. For some by clearing the way)…..
And Thomas also asked âHow many are the aeons of the immortals, born from the (heavens) infinities?â
The perfect Savior said: âWhoever has ears to hear, let them hear (and let them clarify these obscure texts) …..
The first aeon is that of Son of Man, who is called âFirst Begetterâ, who is called âSaviorâ, who (is before you now) has appeared. The second aeon (is) that of Man, who is called âAdam, Eye of Lightâ. Those who embrace these truths are the aeons over which there is no kingdom, (they are born of the Eternal Infinite God, the Self-begotten aeon of the aeons that are in it, they are the immortals whom I described earlier, (the aeon) above the Seventh, that appeared from Sophia, which is the first aeon. (These are they who took the Father at His word and owned it)…..
âNow the Immortal Man revealed aeons and powers and kingdoms, and gave authority (over them meaning us) to all who appear like him, for them to exercise their works (like the Son who is word) until the last of the All are all above chaos. For these (us) consented with each other and revealed every magnificence, even from spirit, multitudinous lights that are glorious and without number. These were called in the beginning, that is, the first aeon and <the second> and <the third>. The first <is> called âUnity and Restâ. Each one has its (own) name; for the <third> aeon was designated an âAssemblyâ from the great multitude that appeared: (gathered together,) in one, revealing themselves. Now because the multitudes gather and come to a unity we call them âAssembly of the Eighth (the always new).âIt appeared as androgynous and was name partly as male and partly as female. The male is called âAssemblyâ, while the female is called âLife Giverâ, for it to be shown that from a female was born the life for all the aeons. And every name was received, as spoken of from the beginning.
âFor from his concurrence with his thought, the powers very soon appeared who were called âgodsâ; and the gods of the gods from their wisdom revealed gods; <and the gods> from their wisdom revealed lords; and the lords of the lords from their thinkings revealed lords; and the lords from their power revealed archangels; the archangels from their words revealed angels; from them, semblances appeared, with structure and form and name for all the aeons and their worlds.
âAnd the immortals, whom I have just described, all have authority from Immortal Man, who is called âSilenceâ, because by reflecting without speech all her own majesty was perfected. For since the imperishabilities had the authority, each created a great kingdom in the Eighth, (and) also thrones and temples (and) firmaments for their own majesties. For these all came by the will of the Mother of the Universe.â
Then the Holy Apostles said to him: âSavior, tell us about those who are in the aeons, since it is necessary for us to ask about them.â
The perfect Savior said: âIf you ask about anything, I will tell you. They (from the eighth) created hosts of angels, myriads without number, for retinue and their glory. They created virgin spirits, the ineffable and unchangeable lights. For they have no sickness nor weakness, but it is will. [BG 115,14 adds here: And they came to be in an instant.]
âThus the aeons were completed quickly in the heavens and the firmaments in the glory of Immortal Man and Sophia, his consort: the area from which every aeon and the world and those that came afterward took (their) pattern for their creation of likenesses in the heavens of chaos and their worlds. And all natures, starting from the revelation of chaos, are in the Light that shines without shadow, and joy that cannot be described, and unutterable jubilation. They ever delight themselves on account of their unchanging glory and the immeasurable rest, which cannot be described among all the aeons that came to be afterward, and all their powers. Now all that I have just said to you, I said for you to be able to shine in Light more than these (previous ones of whom were just described)
Mary asked Him: âHoly Teacher, where did your disciples come from, and where are they going, and (what) should they do here?â
The Perfect Savior said to them: âI want you to know that Sophia, the Mother of the Universe and the consort, desired by herself to bring these to existence without her male (consort). But by the will of the Father of the Universe, in order for his unimaginable goodness to be revealed, he created that curtain between the immortals and those that came afterward, for the consequence to follow âŚÂ [BG 118:] ⌠every aeon and chaos â for the defect of the female to be manifest, and for it to come about that Error (the unholy spirit) would contend with her (Sophia). And these became the curtain of spirit. From <the> aeons above the emanations of Light, as I have said already, a drop from Light and Spirit came down to the lower regions of Almighty in chaos, for their molded forms to appear from that drop, for it is a judgment on him, Arch-Begetter, who is called âYaldabaothâ. That drop revealed their molded forms through the breath, as a living soul. It was withered and it slumbered in the ignorance of the soul. When it became hot from the breath of the Great Light of the Male, and it took thought, (then) names were received by all who are in the world of chaos, and all things that are in it through that Immortal One, when the breath blew into him. But when this came about by the will of Mother Sophia â in order for Immortal Man to piece together the garments there for a judgment on the robbers â <he> then welcomed the blowing of that breath; but since he was soul-like, he was not able to take that power for himself until the number of chaos should be complete, (that is,) when the time determined by the great angel is complete.
âNow I have taught you about Immortal Man and have loosed the bonds of the robbers from him. I have broken the gates of the pitiless ones in their presence. I have humiliated their malicious intent, and they all have been shamed and have risen from their ignorance. Because of this, then, I came here, in order for them to be joined with that Spirit and Breath, [NHC III continues:] and for the two to become one, just as from the first, for you to yield much fruit and go up to Him Who Is from the Beginning, in ineffable joy and glory and honor and grace of the Father of the Universe.
âWhoever, then, knows the Father in pure knowledge will depart to the Father and repose in Unbegotten Father (called the rest). But whoever knows him defectively will depart to the defect and the rest of the Eighth. Now whoever knows Immortal Spirit of Light in silence, through reflecting and consent in the truth, let them bring me signs of the Invisible One, and they will become a light in the Spirit of Silence. Whoever knows the Son of Man in knowledge and love, let them bring me a sign of the Son of Man, in order for them to depart to the dwelling-places with those in the Eighth.
âBehold, I have revealed to you the name of the Perfect One, the whole will of the Mother of the Holy Angels, so that the masculine multitude would be completed here, that there would appear in the aeons, the infinities and those that came to be in the untraceable wealth of the Great Invisible Spirit, for them to all take from his goodness, even the inheritance of their Rest that has no kingdom/hiarchy over it. I came from the First Who Was Sent, to reveal to you Him Who Is from the Beginning, because of the arrogance of Arch-Begetter and his angels, since they say about themselves that they are gods. And I came to remove them from their blindness, to tell everyone about the God who is above the universe. Therefore, tread upon their graves, humiliate their malicious intent, and break their yoke and arouse/awake my own. I have given you authority over all things as Sons of Light, for you to tread upon their power with your feet.â (Genesis 3.)
These are the things the blessed Savior said, and he disappeared/departed from them. Then all the disciples were in great, ineffable joy in the spirit from that day on. And (as a result of this) his disciples began to (for the first time) preach the Gospel of God, the eternal, imperishable Spirit. Amen.
The Sophia of Jesus