We speak for the Glory of God to be revealed. This are the deeds of the Father.
We speak for the Glory of God to be revealed
Posted on August 27, 2015 by ADMIN
Posted on August 27, 2015 by ADMIN
We speak for the Glory of God to be revealed. This are the deeds of the Father.
Posted on August 16, 2015 by ADMIN
We all have a surname and they are usually passed on to us by our fathers. In times past it was also the trade or business of the father that was his name too. With names like Gardner Baker Smith Shoemacker and such. It was common that a son took over the Fathers business. The name was what they did.
It is from the first father Adam that we work in the” sweat of our face”. We do physically exertive tasks and spend physical energy for a ways and means. But there is a better way and it is called “the works of our Heavenly  Father”. This is what Jesus did saying that he “came and did the works no man can do” being word, speaking a thing and it coming to be. This is what is given to us saints. We work with words too. We call a thing that was previously dark and murky and it is set in order by the things that we say. Like “Let there be light”.
Christ said “I do the deeds of my Father” which is word. By this He showed that He was the new creation and the Son of God . He did not work on the “sweat of his face” which was inherited through Adam. Gods works are word and our conversion,  or better yet our transfiguration, and is a product of what He Said “from the beginning” and not an end time reality some call “the second comin”.  This Word spoken  is spoken in every generation of this creation through the agency of the gospel to which I am appointed.
In this way we show who our father is being the fallen nature of Adam or,,, the redeemed man in the image of Christ being re image by Him for He is the word of God. And Christ said to us “In this the Father is glorified that you bear much fruit” and ” Whatever you ask the Father (using words) in my name that He will do”. It is to the Glory of God the Father that your word bears fruit for in this age as the proof that you are one of His and share in His Glory now. And it is Christ who “brings many sons to Glory ” who shares His very Glory with us to be glorified with Him in the here and now being “seated in heavenly places, in “the Kingdom of God at hand” being at your fingertips. We join “the spirits of just men made perfect”  And if we accept this invitation and strive for this calling by participating in sanctification, then we receive the full gift as a work of word and spirit.
John the baptizer said “there is one coming after me and He will baptize you with fire”. Sanctification is that fire that purifies and makes Holy and burns away the dross of this age so you too can say of the God of this age that “he has nothing in me”. This is “For those who come to the light to clearly see that whats required by them are done in God”. John 3.21
This is a totally foreign concept to someone who is looking to be raptured and rescued by another Jesus. But even Paul said that he “strives to lay hold of why Christ laid hold of him”. This is it and this is the “upward call of God in Christ” that we strive for now. This is not a 2nd coming reward for those holding on to their old Adamic nature by their fingernails saying “Jesus save me”
For us who are “living stones” the proverbial saying of ” chip of the old block” applies here. We are joined “in Christ” who is the Chief cornerstone. It is He who determines all the angles, the foundation being the 12 apostles on which we stand. And this is how we participate in Gods Kingdom now. Through the gospel.
Like it says in scripture that “man was made in the image and likeness of God”. Yes in design and function for the redeemed, sanctified by the Holy Spirit born of Word, and restored to that which is from the beginning where it is said of creation that “it is good, very good”, so we do.  For those of us who have a new name, we do the deeds of our father with that name.  His name is our name, his deeds are our deeds, we work like Him in His image and His likeness, in His design and function being just like Him. This is what  it means to be in Christ.  This is what Jesus was teaching when He said “go tell the disciples that I have ascended to my God and your God and to My Father and your Father”. So we tell you. And as Paul said “be ye reconciled to the Father” This is that. In word and deed. This is why “your shall be judged by every word that proceeds from your mouth.
“If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, you can ask for anything you want and it shall be done for you”. If we do this the power of God displayed in the resurrection of Christ abIdes in us too.
In light of this examine your works and sdk yourself. Who is your father?
Posted on August 12, 2015 by ADMIN
Most people believe that all Scripture has equal relevance. Some see a difference between the  Old Testament and the New Testament. Some presume the Gospels to be part of the Old Testament for the blood was not yet shed, but it was Christ who said that “upon Me you shall see the angels of God ascending and descending upon”  equating himself with Jacob’s Ladder at Bethel which means the house of God being the Kingdom of God.  Christ being the Word of God being also in human form bringing with Him the Kingdom of God in God from. This is the Word that all revelation travels upon and it is Him in word form absorbed by us that are “the keys to the Kingdom.”
For more on Jacobs ladder read Pqrt 2Â https://www.hiskingdomathand.com/2015/11/jacobs-ladder-2-colossians-the-2nd-coming-and-rapture/
Posted on August 9, 2015 by ADMIN