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*Revelation, Revelations or Second Coming?

Posted on May 17, 2021 by ADMIN

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The Revelation of Jesus Christ predominantly taught today they commonly call “The Second Coming”, is a phrase NOT found once in scripture. They suppose a specific event when a man name Jesus comes back to “save His people from the Earth” to make right the wrongs and rescue (save) His people. With this theory they generally include “The Rapture” which is even more obscure in scripture.

There are variations of this but nevertheless they think God has another work to do to save humanity or just those waiting for a rapture to rescue, make safe and save them in a way other than the saving of the Cross of Christ as  “the gospel once and for all given to the saints”. (Jude 1.3)

This puts people in limbo waiting for another event to occur to help them out of their despotism. But scripture is clear that “today is the day of salvation” and “now is time and the acceptable year of our Lord”. (Hebrews 3)

So after a closer examination of scripture, the Only Begotten of the Father, meaning the only One who came forth from God in eternity, having Gods eternal attributes, invisible to the human senses, from a composition that is not of creation itself (that is what Eternal means). That is prior to creation, meaning not of this world.

Christ came to retrieve what Adam lost (being made in the image and likeness of God), and gives it back to as many as receive Him by faith, being the only tool that you have that can please God Hebrews 11.1.

In truth Christ comes to us numerous times in His original form of who He was before “He became flesh and dwelt among us”. If you remember, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. Before God ever said “Let there be!”

It was Christ who came here, went to the cross, then to the underworld “to fill all in all“. It is He who is now everywhere all the time and we can call upon Him for whatever we need. We now know Him as the “lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the ages” and reminds us this by way of revelations, meaning plural visitations and not a singular future event in some incalculable time. If His Kingdom is “at Hand”, then that means it takes on a form unnatural to you

The only real, singular event referred to as “His coming” in scripture, is to end salvation and wrap up this age of this creation of this time and matter that started in the beginning with “let there be light”. (Genesis 1.1) This ends with His visual coming. This however is not to save but to reap His final harvest and start anew as seen here from 2nd Peter 3

10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up”. This shows us that creation as we know it carnally, gets recalled. Peter goes to say;

11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,

12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat!”

So here Peter defines His last coming and only visibly tangible appearance not as savior, but the executor of judgement .

Let’s look at how He comes to us now before that judgment, because His appearances, revelations and manifestations are many.

It is Him who is everywhere all the time, except to the darkened mind that needs enlightened. That’s what a revelation is, it’s a new awareness.

We then ask, how does He appear to us now? Because if you expect Him to take on earthen elements of expendable, decaying materials specific to our world to believe He is talking to you, he appears in a construct that is not common to Him.

Well then if He appears in a form that is not originally who He is. This would be just something He puts on. Like when “He became flesh and dwelled among us”.

Beware: we were warned in scripture of a coming Messiah and Savior with all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the Elect”. This one will be manifest to suit your carnal fascinations, but will disappear in a puff of smoke as being the imposter and the distraction. The only saving given to humanity is emphatically the cross.

The promise and fulfilling of being saved, is not meant to save your physical person and well being. It is for you to take your old self to the cross for a trade in, for a body and life like the only Begotten had before time began. This is the gift of eternal life, your calling and salvation. It is for you to commence this life now, and not at a second coming. That mindset detains you. That is why it is “with all lying signs and wonders”. It’s a freak show.

Meaning, all would believe the coming of this Christ manifest as a man, except those who are exclusively His who know Him now in His true element of Spirit and Truth. This is how He appears to us now.

Knowing Him as He truly is, we would never go after another savior or saving of any sort. When God does things, He does them once and He does them right. This is why He is righteous. That is what righteous means.

So we need to make sure we know Him as He was before “He became flesh and dwelled among us” because the flesh is not His original, natural self. Paul told the Corinthians that “flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom”. There are those of us who know that the re-spirited mind of faith does because our minds have been reformatted and fit to interact perfectly with the living God. And the purpose of the gospel is just this. A supposed second coming cannot save you from anything! That would negate the cross. “For on Him was laid the iniquity of us all, and by His stripes you were healed”. This is Him saving you. You have your human existance to learn how to put this on.

It was the disciples who after the cross, and before Christs ascention back to the Father from where He came from, that they were “assembled together in the upper room behind closed doors” and Yeshua appeared to them “in their midst in another form”. What form may that be? Maybe your behind closed doors now receiving Him in the same way the disciples did back then. After all He does say “behold I stand at the door and knock. Those who open up (their understanding). I will come in and feed them. Revelation 3.

And of Paul who met Him on the road to Damascus in the noon day sun as a brighter light than the noon day sun? Earthen composition melts in that kind of heat.

The sun was created on the first day and Jesus is brighter than that, because He is the light the sun dimly emulates.

Isaiah and John in The Revelation, describe a place where the day that has no night, and the lamb that is the illumination that preceded creation as “The Lamb Slain from the Foundation of the world”.

He is the light that precedes and supercedes creation that shines even now like Paul saw.

The question is, if this light is shining even now, how do we access it?

If you remember Peter said of scripture, that “you do well to pay attention to it as a light that shines in a dark place, till the day (of this age) dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts”, then refers to the Holy Spirit as being the in-spiration.

Our access is simple, it’s by faith. Our faith is our invisible response to the invisible God, with all of the eternal persons, places and things associated with Him of His things that creation only points to.  Creation can never be Him. We change, we transform. The Word declares these things with clarity for your transformation into a being like Him.

Gods word is God’s Son (John 1.1) and the reason the Son said “if you have seen Me you have Seen the Father” and “From now on you have seen Him and Known Him”.

They are calling us out of the ordinary to see the extra-ordinary in an extraordinary way.

It was the bygone generations that were condemned and missed out because “seeing with their eyes they see not and hearing with their ears they hear not. For it is with the heart one must hear and see to understand (and assimilate) the things of God. This is why to some He appears as a thief in the night. To those who reject His light, the giver becomes a taker and you are left to yourself,,, unchanged.

So then those who suppose the Revelation of Jesus Christ to be a singular carnal event, you are missing out. You have to re-examine your belief lest the invisible one who wisks about you now wisks away and you remain un-changed.

We know Him as the “behold I stand at the door and knock” and the one who said “lo I am with you throughout the ages, even unto the end” and the “I will never leave you or forsake you”. That is our current reality.

So why must He take on a carnal form to convince you? That He must become man again? A human? A singularity? product of the dust?

Isn’t the purpose of creation for our transition not His.  Are we not “being transitioned into His self same image from the glory to the Glory as by the Spirit”? This is the Gospel. (2 Corinthians 3.18)

Our transformation and our transfiguration, both words that come from the Greek word metamorphosis. Think of a catapillar to a butterfly. This describes our transitioning into a form like Him. That’s what the transformation is about. That is why He revealed Himself to the disciples in His true form on the mount

The glorious thing is that this happens with our participation in our sojourning here. This is our journey. How? Not so much by a revelation, but by multiple revelations. As offen as you “press in to lay hold of why Christ laid hold of you. As often as we go to Him in the recommended way. We are given more of who He is, by way of these multiple revelations.

Even as Yeshua told Paul when He spoke to him in Hebrew as “the bright lite from heaven” and said “for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee;. Showing us that Christ’s appearings (Revelations) are many.

And of Paul’s Testimony of the revelations he experienced from Christ to those in Galatia,  For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it by man, but by the revelations of Jesus Christ”. He is not a man in the sense of the flesh, but the original all others are patterned after.

If God had ceased revelation with scripture, He would not have said “greater works shall you do”. It was to Daniel He said seal up vision and prophecy”. That was only because Daniel was trying to make sense of it in his day. With John in The Revelation of Jesus Christ, He said “do not seal the prophecies of this book for the time is at hand” meaning, they were happening. And to the disciples glorying over the buildings of Jerusalem whom our Lord said “not one stone shall be left standing that shall not be turned over”. And that “this shall be required of this generation”. Those things having transpired we have the firm foundation of the Apostles and the prophets with Gods Son the Chief cornerstone. And us as we build upon these previous revelations, present to you nothing that hasn’t been said before, but explaining it new to you for the first time, of things that never expire, but are forever in their eternal glory of being brand new everyday because eternal things never fades, decay or need remodeled, they just need to be realized.

The coming of our Lord is not an event but a reality. That is why The Kingdom of God is at hand, at least for now. But when the master of the feast rises up and closes the gate, make sure you are not left outside and He says “depart from Me you workers of inequity. I do not know you where you are from”. You never crossed over. You were left waiting for a carnal rendition of scripture. You took it out of context and in your mind you made Him a product of earth. A man of dirt. Like Adam. You failed to transform and transfigure and remained in yourself. The gospel fell on spiritually dead ears.

Lucky for you, The Kingdom of God is still, at hand. Amen! Why do you keep looking at the earth as though that gets better?


*Putting off the carnal body. The real Exodus

Posted on May 16, 2021 by ADMIN

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Paul the apostle spoke these peculiar words “when I was a child I thought like a child and spoke like a child. When I became a man I put away childhood things”.

This is the putting off the carnal Body, the Real Exodus and the ultimate purpose for the gospel in our lives, which is? Our Transfiguration.

Through Christ we have a new life according to godliness, meaning God likeness. It is for us to receive our own carbon copy image of God Himself, as seen through the gospel and His Holy Spirit. And the remarkable thing is that we can attain this before our departure from this carnal experience we now call life.

Paul in Ephesians 4 describes our purpose here saying “13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure and stature of the fullness of Christ”.

He goes on to tell us to put off our old ways associated with the Adam nature and ways of thinking and to “be renewed in the spirit of your mind, 24 that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.” As our notible quest of something attainable in the here and now.

We can also understand it like this, that “All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God”. To have this condemnation we have to have been given the ability to aquire that Glory to be judged for not having it. So this is of utmost importance.

Our new glorious body is the completion of Gods work in us before we leave this carnal experience.

You see it is God who instructed us by contrasts, night and day, wet and dry, up and down, for us to understand that, flesh and spirit are diametrically opposite in composition and design. So that we can see what we are and are not.

Our carnal body is known by physically visible external features, while in the Spirit we are known by what’s on our inside. That there is no longer carnally visible features that we rely on here. Hence “old things have passed away, all things become new, and all things are of Christ”. (2 Corinthians 5.18)

We who are truly in the son of God, see the things that are here that are His, that He has given to us to put on and own to become like Him.  What He has of Himself, He wants us to have for ourselves.  For us to be transfigured into His Self same image. And we do this “from the Glory, to that Glory as by the Spirit” from the things that we see in Gods Holy Writ. (2 Corinthians 3.18)

This all happens during our carnal life. It is now that we aquire Gods features with  instrumentations like He has, to be like Him. This is our Transfiguration, our metemophus. Wow!

These things cannot be conveyed through modern people, tools or agencies. Even as Paul said that “the gospel I preach to you, it did not come by man, nor was it taught by man (or his institutions) but by revelation of (one on one time with) Jesus Christ”. That “in Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead body, and you are complete in Him who is head over all principalities and powers” as Paul put it.

So we should not think that we were withheld something till after we die to become something we cannot aquire now. For this we have Gods Holy Spirit and the Gospel.

Does this sound impossible? That this can’t be? Think about the angel who spoke the Revelation to John who in chapter 21 John bowed to worship him. That angel said to John “see that you don’t do that, for I am one of thy brethren and of those who keeps the testimony of Jesus Christ, worship Him.

You see John saw a Glorified saint, giving us proof that the glorification is not with held from us, or to be allocated at some future event.

It was John the apostle who new Yashua/Jesus the best of all the disciples, who actually had mistaken this angel who delivered the testimony of Jesus Christ, to be Jesus Christ Himself, showing us that it is possible to be mistaken as Him. Why? Because this one looked just like the one Peter James and John saw on the mount of the transfiguration, as One who had been transfigured in front of the disciples to another image, just like our new image gifted to us through the gospel as something attainable before our Exodus and our departure from planet earth.

Meaning, when we are done here on earth, it is only the disappearance of our carnal features as being disposable, but what we’ve aquired from the other side of carnal perseptions while we were here in it. These we retain as our rewards for our acceptance of the gift of God according to godliness, meaning God-like-ness, and our perseverance to “put on Christ” as scripture mandates.

This is why 2 Peter 1 states

12 For this reason I will not be negligent to remind you of these things always (as primary importance), though you know and are established in the present truth. 13 Yes, I think it is right that as long as I am in this tent (human body), to stir you up by reminding you14 knowing this, that shortly (immediately and instantaneously) I will [g]put off my tent (human body), just as our Lord Yashua Christ showed me (on the mountain where He was transfigured, where He showed us how to do it). 

And this is the main point Peter was trying to make in his last communication.

He said  “We were with Him on the mount” where the Son of God showed them His real self, and how to put it on.

Peter here was leaving them, to never again interact with them in human form. Just like Jesus Christ showed them this capstone of faith called “The Transfiguration” right before He was crusified. So too, this is why Peter wrote his second epistle.

And for this same reason we wipe off the dust of the ages and re-present “The Transfiguration” for your aquisition as of utmost importance as well.

If our Transfiguration and our Glorification having to happen before our departure were not so, then Peter would NOT have wrote it as a death bed confession, as a thing to press on to attain to before your departure too.

In his last words he says:15 Moreover I will be careful to ensure that you always have a reminder of these things ( being of utmost importance) after my departure“.

As much as people wished they could have been at Christs transfiguration, this event was Not what Peter wanted us to focus on.

For this reason he said 19 [i]And so we have the prophetic word which is more sure than what we heard (when we were with Him at His transformation), which you do well to pay attention to it (the prophetic word) as to it as to a light that shines in a dark place (your understanding), until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts” as being the place this all happens. Wow!

It is the purpose of all scripture and what we do now through the agencies of Gods Word and Gods Holy Spirit transfused into us through the gospel. We are transformed and transfigured in this way only, and not at some illusive second coming or an afterlife whereby many are disqualified because they are waiting for a man from heaven like your man as your Messiah, and this opportunity passes you by.

That is a preposterous insult to the saving of the Christ at His cross, to deliver us from all the ills of this age, in exchange for a life “according to godliness”. A life just like He has right now seated in the Heavens, with your carbon copy of Him given to you, for you to put on now. Then maybe you too could be mistaken for Him as well. Just like the Angel at the end of the book of the Revelation that John thought was the Son of God. Are we His offspring or not? How remarkable!

You see the transition, crossover and Exodus now is ours not His. He paid the price and paved the way through that death. The rest is up to you. To take Him at His word and press in to lay hold of why He laid hold of you. If He could be fully human and God at the same time, then so can you. This is the gift given through the gospel.

Don’t put this down and walk away for there is certain retribution to come this far and count His word as a common thing, then walk away unchanged.

This is our primary purpose of this age that all other fascinations obscure. He is in His Eternal repose “seated waiting for His enemies to become His footstool” because He won the battle for us and showed us the way to the Father He is finished. This is what Paul means when he said, I plead with you by the mercies of God, be ye reconciled to the Father”.

He appears one last time to disolve this Creation as we know it, as having accomplished this task of knowing Him. (Peter 3.10)

The only enemies He didn’t defeat at the cross are your personal doubts, fears and hesitations.


It is the doubts and fears resident in those who are fallen or just asleep, that empower Satan and his wicked schemes.

Satans power now is the measurement of the unclaimed gift of godliness gifted to humanity and left unclaimed and unused because people don’t know what they have and how to use it.

Faith in reverse, turns into a negative, unclaimed power, that Satan is empowered by incerting himself between you and God as the default recipient of the things God gave you to put on, and you did not do it. This is what happened to Adam and Eve.

It is those who fail to trade their fears for faith and trust.

Peter said that Satan was like a lion seeking whom he may devour, experienced by those who are in the world, as those who do not make the crossover. That they themselves empowered Satan to torment them because they are in the world clinging to the tangible they associate with carnally while the invisible slips through their hands. It is “at hand” remember?

We are (visibily) in the world but not of the world and have overcome the wicked one. (1 John 2) And who is it that has overcome the world and the wicked one, but those who believe Christ has come in the flesh” and need not return to do anything else.

And also from 1 John “and what is it that overcomes the world but our faith. Being our invisible imbellical cord to the invisible God.


Peter goes o16 For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and (fully Glorified) coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His Majesty”.


o7 For He (Yeshua) received from God the Father, honor and glory when such a voice came to Him from the Excellent Glory: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” 18 And we heard this voice which came from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain.” 



*Technology, The Knowing

Posted on May 11, 2021 by ADMIN

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Tech-nology is a knowing. Tech-know-logi

Etemology is a term for the origin and development of words. The origin of the word “technology” is interesting in that it has been re-purposed today for a new tech-nosis, or another knowing. So let’s go back to its origin, and the etemology of the word technolgy.

From; https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~funkk/Technology/technology.html&ved=2ahUKEwiXk-_sxsHwAhXEuZ4KHUghD5UQFjACegQIGxAF&usg=AOvVaw2IKG15PI64PBYE5wTpIi8F

The word technology comes from two Greek words, techne and logos. Techne means art, skill, craft, or the way, manner, or means by which a thing is gained. Logos means word, the utterance by which inward thought is expressed, a saying, or an expression.”

Tech is the art, craft or science of a thing. To know a thing, in this case word or words because that’s what logos means. Techno is a knowing. So techno-logi in it’s inseption, transcribed from Greek to English is “knowing word”.

When we look at New Covenant scripture in it’s origins, and at John 1.1, it says; In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.

Or more clearly put for our discussion today; In the beginning was the Logo, and the Logo was with God, and the Logo was The God.”

So to have tech-nology, was to have a knowing of Gods word, but more importantly to know Gods Word/logo as the very escence of God Himself because that’s all that was in the beginning was God.

Not that God is solely masculine, because in the beginning God made man in His image and likeness. In His image made He them male and female”. The male aspect is just the protective exterior or covering. And just as Adam had his counterpart called “the rib” hidden inside Him, so too the original Son of God has His hidden female and his counterpart hidden inside Himself called “Heavenly Jerusalem, the Mother of the All, as being the Elect of God. It is those of us who have entered into Christ to see Her there. Now we know why “no one unclean shall enter” Heavenly Jerusalem because she is covered “in Christ” as are we. We who are hidden “in Christ” see here what belongs to us and She is the Mother of us, the All, as Paul clearly conveyed in Galatians 4.26. How else would we be able to expound such things?

Therefore knowing the Word called God’s Son is the first unveiling of who God is, and the Word of God, the firstborn, is the first known of the things of God turned inside out. Adam, the first father had to be put into a deep sleep to see his hidden counterpart called “the rib”. In contrast, we are wide awake to the realities of The Almighty God, our Father.

For this reason His Son and Word is also referred to as “The firstborn over all creation” showing His importance of not being created, but being the first expression from the Godhead body, of something that pre-exists creation. This makes Him perfectly qualified to carry out creation “for by Him all things were created and by Him all things consist”.

The Word/Logo from God was slightly portrayed in Eden when the image of God called Adam, was splayed open to unveil the woman. So too Gods Son introduced as word explains the various components, elements and aspects of the Godhead body, by breaking Him down into mentally consumable pieces or sound bites (bits) for our consumption in the spirit of our mind, our knowing to know (nosis) God in His various aspects and features to become like Him.

Gods Only Begotten Son is the original meaning and objective of the word “technology”, which is to know logo, or more importantly the Logos and Word of God.

So technolgy is the art of knowing God by recieving the collection and re-assembly His words inside ourselves. This is what makes us a new creation for us to be able to appropriately say like Paul “old things have passed away, all things became new, and all things are from God the Father”. Who also said “be ye reconciled to The Father, for Christ who knew no sin, became (All The) Sin (upon Himself to give us the chance) for us to become The righteousness of God in Him”. This is our right doing and way of doing things, is to receive all Gods things gifted to us through the cross. For this reason Gods Word is His mechanism to convey, or bestow everything He has upon us by the tool of faith. That “one must first believe that He is, and that He rewards those who diligently seek (knowing) Him by faith. All other things set aside, that’s it. There is no need to be smug, not overly humble “For it’s the Fathers good pleasure to give you (who believe) the Kingdom. For this reason, and this reason only “The Kingdom of The One True God is at hand”. Not so much physically, but invisible with power to catapult you to be seated in Glory “far above all principalities and power” in the present age in our current condition.

This is why The Logos and Word if God became flesh. For you to believe that you can be full of Him while you have a physical body, and share in the eternal reality that “as He is, so are we (even while) we are in the world”.

If this doesn’t rock you to your knees, you should repent to the Heavenly Father to lift the veil from the eyes of your understanding (Ephesians 1.17) lest you walk away undaunted and un-changed because to have the veil of understanding pulled back this far, then to walk away to your old way of doing things, there is a harsh judgment. You’ve been warned. (Hebrews 6.)

So you know that “Logos” didn’t mean pretty little images that promote concepts and corporations. That is another sort of perversion of the things of God.

Logos are used today to promote feelings and cravings for actions and responses, mostly subliminal, but definitely coersive.

As believers we know God in this way. Gods word is God. Gods word is logos, the same Logos was in the beginning.

Tech means knowing. So for believers in the Son of God, introduced as the Word of God, and broken down into words for our rumination and consumption, He is our tech-nology and word-of-knowing that we know. Know is nosis.

So knowing this, there is another tech-nology today that seems to have obscured This Truth, this reality originated from and correctly belongs to God and His Son only.

Technology as used today in general, has grown. So much in fact that we have tech giants, and they all have logos.

Giants is another word with curious origins. We have a warning in scripture that the giants of old would be back in brutish and bullying ways. That it would be “as in the days of Noah” when there was giants in the land.

The etemology of giants from the Hebrew of which the old Testament was written.

The word “giants” in scripture comes from the words nephil and nephileem, and coralates with bully’s and tyrants.

The parent word “nephelee” means cloud, a type of spirit and corilates with “the prince of the power of the air” as warned if in Gods Word, for us to know these things.

Tech giants today are eirily remenicent to the giants of old because of their associations with the power of the air in the first stratus above humanity in the clouds meaning Nephelee, and plural nepheleem. Yes the giants of old have bodies that span continents with god-like tentacles that reach into every appliance and mechanism of every home, building and transportation system.

Scripture warns us of “the prince of the power of the air that now works in the sons (or offspring) of the disobedient”, we know this as Satan, and the spirit of the anti-Christ. Anti means to be in contrast and in opposition to the One True God. It is “with all lying signs and wonders if possible to decieve the Elect”. So you know why it is the capstone of the pyramid. The all seeing www.eye in the sky, the internet that’s a web around the world like a fish net that holds everyone spell bound and captive through terms and conditions you accept for your empowerment from the god of this age.

So you know who their leader is. It is likely that they know everything about you and have your information with the approval to do with you as they wish because you’ve accepted terms and conditions for their services. And because you subscribed, or sub-scribed, you put yourself under, sub means under. Scribe is a writ of authorization. They have a copy of you in the cloud (Nephilee/nepheleem/giants( . You have no privacy there and they can manipulate you like a puppet on a string because they know (knowsis) your fetishes. This is their technology is knowing you. So much so in fact they pull your strings.

The pyramid logo capped with the www. eye in the sky, is a key logo. If you remember in the book of Daniel, there were two kingdoms associated with stone. That one was a mixture of clay and metal. We see this one as the pyramid because it is that mixture. That in the days of these Kings or rulers, the God of Heaven will crush and consume the pyramid culture, and they won’t see it coming. Even as it says in the Revelation, that “Mystery Babylon has become a trap for demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hateful bird”, including the Phoenix.

We are of the other kingdom  call “living stones built together s habitation for God in the Spirit” of those of us “seated in the Heavenlies in Christ, far above all principalities and powers” which is why we have this insite. Because we have oversite, they are below us.

And however true it may be that these self begotten, bullying entities of old were huge. It doesn’t mean they were physically big in terms of being big people. They could’ve been, but they didn’t have to be physically big. They have overarching presence, having great authority. Many of you went to them for refuge because of their seemingly broad coverages and policies, a word that comes from police and that is how they control you.

Have you ever pondered why they are able to implement mandates and policies that circumvent local laws and national constitutions? (Like mandates) That they are more powerful than elected politicians? It is only in embassies that there can be other powers, but even there it is limited. But these bullies buy people in power with another power called Mammon, whom our Christ called “the god of this age”. So you know they are part of the pyramid kingdom, in part because the pyramid logo is on the money in circulation in that body. Because they have the same power, or currency, like electricity they are empowered like such, but not by our God.

Humans did it. Each person did it by voting the best choice into office. With your permission by proxy, you elected a serroget to make your choices, but those who lobby don’t like you. You put them over you and they are part of the cloud, the nephelee, of the air which means pnumas and spirit. So they hide in plain site with your permissions.

So you are under their care for their providers and their coverings. And you did this once again because you’ve accepted terms and conditions. You’ve subscribed and empowered them by proxy, and in doing so, you are shielded from God. They own you, but you think the only true God uses them like He needs them. They are the gods of this age, the rulers of this age

We have large words disguised in logos today call tech giants that are bundled in contracts that separate you from them called contracts and terms and conditions. And what do they do with this?

They bind you with documents and terms with conditions that favor them and indemnify them from all outcomes and responsibilities. They are not obligated to perform but you are. Generally with a payment too, from your sweat and your blood. However Gods contract and His terms and His conditions required the sweat and blood if another, Jesus/Yeshuah Christ. That “we come to the light to clearly see that what is required by us is done by God”. (John 3.18) So you see who serves who, and you’d rather serve the lower case multiple gods of this age, to empower them on your behalf for your destruction. It’s totally opposite of Gods salvation, services and products given freely through the gospel message of Gods Savior.

He is our tech and our knowing and our tech-nology. The other? It’s the counterfeit.

But really, The Kingdom of God is at hand, opperational and active especially in our day. And as Daniel prophecied “in the days of these Kings, or powers, the God of Heaven will amalgamate His people to crush and consume the pyramid kingdom, of those people, businesses and services who empower Satan.

And just as an appetizer. Ezekiel is given these words to define another aspect of Satan’s kingdom with these words. ““You were the seal of perfection,
Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
13 You were in Eden, the garden of God;

“You were the anointed cherub who covers;
I established you;
You were on the holy mountain of God;
You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones.
15 You were perfect in your ways from the day that I created you,
Till iniquity was found in you”. 

(And of this iniquity?)

16 “By the abundance of your trading
You became filled with violence within,
And you sinned;

(Think of meritime law and slave labor for cheap goods.)

You defiled your sanctuaries
By the multitude of your iniquities,
By the iniquity of your trading;

Therefore I brought fire from your midst;
It devoured you,
And I turned you to ashes upon the earth
In the sight of all who saw you.
19 All who knew you among the peoples are astonished at you;
You have become a horror,
And shall be no more forever.” 

We will end with this explaination of the wheat and tares. The tares were bundled first to burn, of those bound by mutual imprecations by contracts, terms and conditions for services from the god of this age. This is the reason the mandate was given to “come out of her (mystery Babylon) My people, lest you partake of her sins and recieve of her judgments for God has remembered her”.  You have been forwarned!

The Kingdom of God is at hand, the gospel is preached and many are entering. When judgment starts, it’s because the doors will be closed. Like in the times of Noah and like the Parable of the wedding feast when the Master of the ceremony rises up to close the entrance and there were those outside pleading to get in. But they were told “depart from Me you workers (and collaborators) of inequity. I do not know you of where you are from”. As those who crossed over to the provisional cover if God in Christ.

The Kingdom of God is still at hand but seating is limited and the time is short.



*Why Jacob becomes Israel

Posted on April 30, 2021 by ADMIN

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The name Jacob means he “wrestled with God as a man and prevailed”. This is the reason for the name change because there was a change in character. Jacob had this testimony that he wrestled with God and won.

You see Jacob was forced to recon with the hauntings of his past. He had left Labon having obtained a notable prize, his wife Rachel. A name that means; the breath of God. And yes, she is a picture of Gods Holy Spirit. From the Hebrew; Ruach=Breath and EL =God. Ruachel in English is Rachel.

Jacob, having been tricked numerous times by Laban,  wrestled with him over every agreement of everything he said. Having honed his skills in wrestling with Laban, departing from their, now to return home with his new family and earnings to his father’s house.

However, Jacob feared his brother Esau would avenge him for leaving with the promise of the full inheritance of their father Isaac. You see Esau accused Jacob of stealing his inheritance, and he did. Jacob dressed like Esau, felt like Esau and had the right words to say to their flailing father Isaac and received the blessing that belonged to the firstborn which technically was Esau.

Jacob now being found as a man in-between without a country, he sought to return home. Oh, but wait. His brother Esau vowed to kill him for his theft. This was a deep seated fear Jacob had to reconcile with and the reason He sought God on this night to wrestle with.

Jacob had sent his servants and family to go homeward first with gifts to appease his brothers anger against him.

This night of wrestling with God was different though because it is with God that this wrangling takes place.

When we find ourselves in similar circumstances of wrestling with God. Trying to take Him at His word and making sense of what we believe, our faith and His promises. Maybe even trying to justify ourselves, our cause and our pursuence of the things God has said and we just don’t feel He is there for us and it is hard to move forward. This is where we wrestle with God. What is our part, what is Gods part and what to expect.

It is good to note here that “whoever loves their life will loose it, but whoever looses their life for My sake, gains life for eternity” says our God. Not that we can’t enjoy and love what we are experiencing in the here and now, but hold on loosely. Also don’t forget the mandate to put off the things of the world, so we know that we are wrestling for things Eternal.

This lesson from Jacob teaches us that when God challenges us in our reasoning, it is not to discourage us, but to build us up. You think “didn’t God say? And you ask, God, didn’t you assure me certain outcomes in my life? Well you are right where God wants you.

Are you willing to go toe to toe and wrestle with God as an equal? To not back down or bow out? To challenge Him to His face about His promises and how they apply to us now?

This is what he wants from you, an equal.  That’s what He gave you, a mirror image of Himself, and He wants you to learn how to use your new inheritance gifted to you from the cross where your vows were to bury your old person to start walking in newness of life. Don’t you think it’s time to start doing that?

What better way to do it than to spar with the Master. This is actually a compliment from Him that He would give you the unction (His Holy Spirit) to challenge Him. So don’t think you are not equipped, provided that you know scripture because you are instructed to put on the shield of faith and to pick up the sword of the Spirit so you know your instrumentations.

The Father brought you to this place for this cause for your personal development and growth in godliness, meaning God-like-ness, and not religious piety. He hates that.

The purpose of the gospel, is for God to bring forth offspring fitted like Himself. Isn’t that what Paul said was the purpose of the Gospel in Ephesians 4? “13 till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: 14 that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive (and detain us from working out our salvation). Till we become perfect and the full stature and image of God?”

That we, taking God at His word, as owning what He said He gave us, believing it and appropriating these things by faith and challenging the obstacles in front of us with the things He has said. Not “hath God really said” Like Satan said” But, God you said, it’s in your word, you promised, it’s been awhile and I’ve waited patiently. This was Jacob’s quest with both Labon and the Angel of God in human form that night, to aquire his inheritance. It is here that Jacob found something more grand than what his father had, his eternal inheritance from his Heavenly Father. That is who he verbally wrestled with. The Only Begotten is also called “The Word of God” and this is what God sees, His Son.

God wants you to spot light the things He said to you in His word and in conversation to your mind and challenge Him. All your thoughts and conversation with God is prayer, and We we’re told to “ask the Father anything in My name and He will do it”. Have you wrestled that match yet? Because He wants you too.

Here is a principle you must understand. You see the Son at His transfiguration with the Father, had His talk with Him and said “Father, I have given your word to those you have given me out of this world and they have kept it”.  And how does He know we kept it? Because it comes back out of our mouths at times like these where we call due the promises being the things He has said. You bring to remembrance the things He has said to your heart in prayer, not as though He forgot, but by re-iterating it as something you expect to obtain and own as co-heirs in Christ. This is taking God at His word and His willingness and His ability to perform, not in the form of arguing. It is better to just thank Him, and be specific for what. God is joyful to hear His promises come back out of our mouth. He knows you got it because there’s the proof. You reiterated His promise.

The seed He planted brought forth the fruit of your mouth. For all the promises of God are yes and amen, not in the world but “in Christ”. We are are hidden “in Christ” see the things that are hidden there that belong to us, because everything He has there, He gave to us. We are joint heir’s.

John 3 says that “we have come to the light to clearly see that what is required by us is done by God”. That the package of the giftings are with Him for the operating of these things to take place not in a carnal way. “Not by power or by might but by My Spirit says the Lord”.

Here is a principle you must understand. We are told that the Kingdom is preached and the violent/aggressive take it by force”. That is what Jacob was doing. With this you are taught to press in. To grab ahold and to attain to all the riches “in Christ”. Can you see that? Then you have eyes to see and ears to hear of another nature. These things are yours.

This is what that means.  You challenge Him. This is how you please God. He does not take your challenge as a threat or as disrespect, but gladly as a family member rising up to the challenge, He goes toe to toe. And you couldn’t have a better sparing partner.

And the good thing is that when you go to the Father to take a stand by upholding His word back to Him, He shows you how to do that yourself without Him. That is the purpose for the excersize. or verbal wrestling match, our transformation into Him.

This wrestling with God is orchestrated by Him, for you to realize your new self like His self and to use your tools of faith to overcome all your obstacles on your own. This makes the Father happy that you do what He does. This is what Christ meant when He said “I do the works of the Father” and “it’s the Father in me that does the work”. And “Greater works shall you do because I go to the Father. He said these for our cause and our development for perfection. As James said that “a perfect person is able to bridle their mouth”, and so we do.

The objective of your journey on earth is just this. Just as a family of lawyers or physicians or family business. When they get together for family gatherings and meals to talk about the family trade, the Father is most happy when all at the table are regarded as co-equal, same stature, same confidence snd same authority (Ephesians 4.13). To have a shared importance and talk about the business as equal partners. We too “must be about our Fathers business”. As the boy Jesus was found with the temple leaders questioning them about everything.

This is what our Heavenly Father desires from us, our participation in our shared inheritance. That we know what our full inheritance is and know how and when to use it as being joint heirs of the things of God in Christ.

This have all the Elect, of those who have taken God the Father at His word, and use the things He has said as their own. So much so in fact that an encounter with us could be mistaken as an encounter with Him.

Does this seem a little far fetched or out of reach? Well just look at this encounter John the apostle had in the last chapter of the Revelation. He stooped to worship an angel that showed him those revelations and the angels reply? “See that you don’t do that, for I am one of thy brethren of those who keep the Testimony of Jesus Christ (of those who took God at His word and own it is how we keep it). Worship Him”.

John encountered a glorified saint, a co-equal partner in the Fathers business, doing the work of the Father by cultivating and harvesting word. He was “one of thy brethren and also the one who unleashed the last 7 plagues. Just let that sink in. (Revelation 21.7 -22.9)

And you? Have you set out to “lay a hold of why Christ laid hold of you? Have you heard the full gospel of “the Kingdom of God at hand” as operational and opened for our use and habitation. That even now it’s at hand? Have you set forth to be about the Fathers business. Well today is the day of salvation and tomorrow might not be.

Well then continue to press in for your rightful due. With this challenge comes a name change because this is the new nature and a character change and that’s what we see in Jacobs wrestling match with the angel of God. God rewarded him that night and said “no longer shall you be called Jacob because you have wrestled with God as a man and prevailed. Now you shall by called Israel, because that’s what Israel means”.

After Jacob wrestled with God that night and prevailed, he advanced toward his brother and when he finally saw his brother Esau, Jacob said he beheld the face of God, not as an adversary but a friend and a brother. The whole picture came together. His enemies had been neutralized for him to walk in peace without doubting.

That is the point. We now have no enemies that were not defeated at the cross, except faith. That you learn to believe that. That you do not fear, but believe and trust that the journey and the outcome is secured for His Elect. That most of the obstacles we encounter are when we try to circumvent the plan.

For Jacob, his new name is Israel, and from the Hebrew language means “this one will rule like God”. This is the lesson. To rule like God because you wrestled with Him and prevailed because His work is perfected in you through these skirmishes.

That is what Adam was given from the beginning and lost for all born of him, that is restored to us who are born again of the word and spirit “in Christ” to exude our new nature.

Those who have obtained in the way that Jacob did to become Israel, we are more than offspring of Abraham, but also of the true Israel of God.

The Kingdom of God is at hand, for you to be a part of. Amen

Related article. https://hiskingdomathand.com/2020/12/masters-lords-and-serfs/




ABC’s The Building Blocks of Faith

Posted on April 20, 2021 by ADMIN

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The Last Will and Testament of God, called “The New Testament” is our foundation and starting point.

The New Testament is a Will and Testament. Like with any Will, for it to be in force, there must be a death before the heirs recieve the families treasures. That after the death, the goods are dispersed.

That death took place with Jesus Christ at the cross. He took not just our bad doings people call sins to the cross, but our whole old nature. Scripture says “on Him was laid the inequity of us all, and by His stripes (and death) we are healed. It was at the cross that all the judgment to every human being to ever live, was laid on that man. You see the judgment due each person there, because sin is a self imposed sentence.

When someone rejects God, they don’t get the next best thing but the opposite, so they are self condemned. “18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God”. The arms of Christ at the cross are wide open to everyone.

This is why as believers we are to associate once with His death and ours through Baptism where you take a vow to be buried with Him, to be raised in newness of life. The fear and the threat of death should have no power over you.

Christ died once so that we wouldn’t have to and to never approach Him again and talk about sin, because sin in Gods eyes is unbelief, and puts you back underneath the cross.

Just like a faucet that has been hooked to a new water source, the pipes have to be cleaned, but when the new source of water flows all residual dirt gets washed away. Multiple confessions don’t clean you, the cross does and the continual work of the Holy Spirit does. Your only real sin now is to not believe. Faith is the tool given to quelch doubt and fear.

Hebrews say “how much more the blood of Christ through the eternal spirit purge your conscience from dead works (sin focused thinking) to serve the living God”. To be un-detoured by the boogie men of the day, to receive the strength of Gods Holy Spirit for fearless godly living.

All conversation of sin becomes a denial of the cross and a distraction for mature believers. You become what you focus on, so we focus not on the cross and sin like many religions. We have a Heavenly calling

All the world’s Marvel’s, be they good or bad become distractions for you from the gift of God.

They do not know the resurrected, risen savior. That is the one saving act for all humanity where we who put our faith and affection in Him. The life that He gave us is who He is now and who He was before “He became flesh and dwelled among us”. This is what He gives us, Himself.

Any other such saving or Savior rejects the Savior of the cross. There are many reasons to seek a cures and a solutions, but Jesus/Yeshua is the cure and the solution for all of mankind. He bought, paid in full and redeemed humanity with the cross, and now offers a full pardon of a guilt free life to ALL would be believers as a result of that payment rendered on your behalf.

And however thankful we are for that moment, we are called to move forward, to maturity in the faith, to learn of what we have been given as a result of that death, then to impliment it and own it. He gave us Himself. A self like His Self for us to have an Eternal life. In this way we are the children of God.

As Paul put it to those in Corinth “16 Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the (old human nature called) flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh (in a form like us), yet now we know Him like that no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is “in Christ” (and not your old Adamic nature), they are a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new (in terms of thinking). 18 Now all (these) things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself (and all that He has) through Jesus Christ, and has given us this ministry of reconciliation, 19 that is that, God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not [d]imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us this word (message) of reconciliation.” This is THE gospel. Not a sin focused life, but a to live in harmony with God in spirit and truth. With this understanding sin looses its grip. If you focus on your wrong doings you are held captive to them. That is why that mindset cannot benefit you.

If you are waiting for another Jesus to help you or save you (savior), you reject His one time saving act of the cross. That is our inheritance and the storehouse where we get all our goods for Godly living, so don’t look back.

You see there is no mention of a third covenant or another death or payment for you to receive your reward but the one we are gifted by faith. For this reason it says in Hebrews 11. But without faith it is impossible to please (and receive from) God, for those who come to God must believe that He is, and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him.

For this reason scripture says that “we are joint heir’s of the things that are in Christ Jesus. That “in Him dwells the fullness of the God Head Body, and you are complete (have the whole package of who He is) in Him”. And “10 He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world did not know Him. 11 He came to His [c]own, and His [d]own did not receive Him. 12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave power to become the children of God, even to those who believe in His name: 13 who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. (John 1)

This power we have been given is called Gods Holy Spirit, for daily Godly living and constant association with the living God who says “I will never leave you or forsake you”. You just have to turn inward.

2 Peter says that “Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, 3 ­ through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature (now), having escaped (by giving you these tools) the corruption that is in the world through lust”. Lust being the passion of aquiring and possessing safety mechanisms to protect you from death.

Death no longer has a hold of those who received this promise of a new life.

This is really quite amazing given the fact that right now the world looks like it’s going to Hell in a hand basket. But Gods building project is going on quite well and “the gates of Hell will not prevail”.

You see creation serves the creator just fine. It all pans out in the end. For now trade your fear for faith, God is in control.

The Kingdom of God is at hand. Do not let anybody Rob you of this reward.


*The Knowing

Posted on April 4, 2021 by ADMIN

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God can be articulated to the intellect but he cannot be constructed. Nor can anything be constructed to house Him.

For God to need things manufactured for Him is an oxymoron and out of character for Him. For the Maker to be in need of somebody to make something for Him is nonsense. God cannot be manufactured but he can be articulated. That is why His Only Begotten became word for us. He declares the very essence and composition of The Father.

It is as we receive Word, we become like word. So much so in fact we become like Them. We become one. The Hebrew word for this is Echad (Deuteronomy 6.4), and the Greek words are Koinania (1 John 1-6) and Ekionos. This is a oneness of pluralities we are called to unite with.

Articulation is an invisible tool for the invisible God. His articulation is done by words. “John 1.In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.”

Words are Gods building blocks in the spirit of your mind. This word is defined as God’s Son. Why? Because not only is he the exactitude of the father, He is also the invisible embodiment of the very things of God and the delivery mechanism from Him to us. He said “I and the Father are one”. We become one with Him too.

The Son has the authority of the Father. He said “all things have been given Me in Heaven and on Earth. And because we have taken Him at His word, we become joint heir’s with Him of all things. But more importantly of His things, He has held nothing back. In this way we are authorized versions for others conversions. Not just to proclaim a name unto salvation, but the full message with all its steps unto the completion of the Gospel message all the way to Glory. There is no other mechanism to accomplish this than word, and the articulation of it. So we do. We call it the gospel. For not even a second coming adds to this. Christ’s only other appearing to the carnal senses is to remove all the things of the creation associated with the carnal senses because that becomes the great distraction. Gods only vested interest in creation is the Elect and salvaged souls. That’s it!

And it’s not just that historical references or things about God are passed on through this  articulation. Oh no, much greater than this. It is His very genetics and DNA of God contained and passed down through the gospel. This is for our Transfiguration from a created being to a spirit being like a catapillar to a butterfly, groundbound to airborne . Like it says in John 3: ye must be born again, to be borne of the Spirit. And “for the time that is coming is already here when you worship the Father in Spirit and Truth” different from creation whose relevance is for your conversion. Like currencies for countries, one for the other.

An elemental understanding of God is false because God is NOT made up of elements of constructs such are common to man. There are no borders or boundaries or restrictions that God is subject to, for if He were He would not be God. He is sovereign over His creation, and not subjected to it. He can access here and segway there without being discovered because of His superior suposition.

God is boundless in his ways unrestricted unfettered unhindered to whom alone belongs eternal glory amen, and our call to become one with for our participation and discovery.

No one has seen God at anytime but the Son declares Him with perfect articulation. He breaks Him down in bite size pieces for our understanding. No human has seen the Son either in His natural construct of who He was before “He became flesh and dwelled among us. Paul met Him as the light brighter than the noon day sun, a site NOT seen with carnal eyes, as evidenced by the blinding effect that brought Paul to his knees and said “who are you Lord”.

If we see the Son as He truly is being the accumulation of all the Father has said, we see the Father too. The two are indistinguishable and inside each other, as are we who have accepted them in their original precreation composition of Spirit and Truth. We are “hidden in Christ“ and see the things hidden here are for us who are born of the spirit.

The Son said “He who has seen Me has seen the Father. He was not talking about carnally visual aspects, or a physical potrait would be the testimony of the Son. So height, hair color, weight, nationality and skin color have zero relevance with the Almighty. Those are flesh coverings and flesh He is not. Height, gender and skin color have zero relevance here. So you should know it is incumbent upon you to learn how to put these off as we show you here.

It was Peter who instructed us saying “Yes, I think it is right, as long as I am in this (temporary) tent, to stir you up by reminding you, 14 knowing that shortly I must [g]put off my tent, just as our Lord Jesus Christ showed me. 15 Moreover I will be careful to ensure that you always have a reminder of these things after my departure” so we can follow in kind.

For this reason we spot light His Glory, for you to know what we’ve been given and what we are to become through the tools He has given us called the gospel. To do what? To put off our tents too. That is the main theme from 2 Peter. That and your full transfiguration. Same thing.

When the Son came to His own His own did not receive him, because they were expecting Him to become like them and cohabitate with them in the things they had made. Hmm! They have things backwards. But because the things made after the patterns, from Moses through to David, of things only to teach about the eternal. This they forgot and became idolatrous and adulterous and missed out on the vortex to the Father, provided by those mechanisms because they sought it not by faith. They were stuck on the visuals, expecting the facts. And facts only take on physical form and physical the Godhead body is not.

For this reason that previous generation at the time of Christ, was turned till “not one stone was left upon another”. This was God sifting through their ruble for the remnants. The left over rejects were ordered “not to depart from Jerusalem till you have the promise heard from Me. Upon receiving the Holy Spirit they were instructed to get out of Jerusalem. They took on the title of pilgrims and sojourners as a result and proof of their departure from the destruction of that adulterous Jerusalem.

As Christ prophesied that “on them was laid all the guilt from Righteous Abel, to Zechariah whom they murdered. This was required of that generation. The sins not appropriated at the cross was laid on them because they rejected the Only Begotten Sons payment for their sins, and God’s final warning!

They saw not the Eternal value in that one. But to as many as received Him, not his carnal nature but His spiritual, to them He gave power to become His children even those who believe in his Name, and continue to believe in Him even through the obstacles to the contrary they face along the way. This one pleases God.

If you are still with us, you must be of this sort, or horribly confused. Pray the Father for understanding, for He gives to all liberally who are desirerous of the truth.

Those who truely see Him as He is, see the Father in Him. This is why the Son said “He who has seen Me has seen the Father” and “From now on you have seen Him and Known Him”.

That it is us who see him as He is in His before time construct of Spirit and Truth, as touching the invisible. To this “We are being transfigured from the glory to the glory”. But to those who were fixed on the old testament teaching tools? They saw not his glory for they saw the robes and sandals only and thought He was like them. They judged the outward appearance and couldn’t see who was inside because they weren’t listening.

They thought the transformation was for Him. For Him to become like them, reduced to a singularity. That will never happen.

If that is so then who transforms into whom? And if “that which is flesh is flesh” and “flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom”? Why do many even today believe that the Only Begotten One must make a camio appearance to pull them out of their own destitution? To do what, save them? Didn’t He already do that?

If He “has given us everything that pertains to life and god-like-ness” already? What more must He do? The answer is nothing. You see He is seated waiting for His enemies to become His footstool”. You see, He already “defeated Satan sin and death” at His first and only saving. Their is no other saving but just a fearful judgment as spoken of here in Hebrews 10,

26 For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries. 28 Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29 Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood (and cross) of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace!”

There are those who were expecting a man in kingly attire on a studly horse. They we’re embarrassed by the Peasant on a donkey. The physical became a distraction and they saw him not as He is. But those of us who know Him as a contrast to the physical understood Him perfectly. Those who understood Him as Shiloh riding on the foal of a colt understood that the reign of the Jews was over. (Genesis 49.)

Those who speak of Him coming again, know Him not for He is already here in His original, pre-incarnate self. He is the “Lo I am with you always, throughout the ages even to the End”. He is the same yesterday today and forever. He did change when He became flesh and dwelled among us, but even then, in Him dwelled the fullness of the Godhead body”. And if you expect Him to appear again in bodily form, how can He be to us now the “behold I stand at the door and knock. To those who open up to Me, I will come in and feed them”. Hopefully you are open and willing for He is “at hand” even as we speak. Amen!

This is why He does not receive his testimony from man for he knows what’s in man. More carnal fabrications for fascinations and excuses.

But “we speak what we hear and testify to what we’ve seen”, for we have eyes and ears of a different nature. We “endure as seeing him who is invisible”.

He who was “born a King”, need not appear as a king just so you can believe. The Son did not come here to become anything, but to prove who he already was.

John the Apostle was explicit, that we know him who is from the beginning. He put on His man momentarily, then put it off. This is proof that he is unchangeable in character and in nature and construction, because He returned  ti Himself in the Father and invites us to participate too.

But there is a coming one who is not yet, whose coming is according to the working of Satan “with all lying signs and wonders” and duplicates. He is making a simulation of the invisible for he walked among the coals of fire. The coming one is the becoming one who is not yet but must be for a short time then go into perdition with all who fear him and obey his emmisaries.

He takes on the appearance of a Christ and the promises of a savior. But any carnal representation as such are counterfeits. He would love for you to think Jesus needs to come again, because he knows that all who reject the Saving of God that has already happened, will gather to the one that’s coming later. This is the end time gathering of those who want to be saved in a different way to protect their earthly status and carnal expectations of Heaven on earth.

The Sons purpose was to expire all the parables and attach the Elects affection on  what they represent. He proved this when he went to the father and said “father I have completed the work you have given me to do. I have given Those whom you’ve given me out of this world your word and they have kept it. The verbal articulation was completed in us. We call this salvation. In him dwells the fullness of the godhead body and because we have received His word and His Spirit, of his fullness we have received because Word is where it comes from, because Word came from the mouth of God, coupled with His breath. Not oxygen but the spirit of God we call the gift of life, the comforter and helper.

So we too can say that we all are collectively one in the father. This is true koinania, the genetic information we need to be like them is cryptically embedded in scripture for us to become the gift that is given.

The coming one is a becoming one as though he is not yet but must be and is there for disqualified as being eternal.

It is as we take all the concepts of God displayed in the law and the prophets and more clearly seen in the Son and expire them in the heavens being the regions of our mind the access is through the heart the very place of God.

The gospel message has its fulfilled purpose in us and need not take us any further. As Peter stated receiving the end of your faith the salvation of your soul of God’s work completed in you before your departure.

The salvation of the soul is to be restored to its proper purpose of full interaction with God. The soul, mind and heart is the only invisible element you have. It’s the only Eternal access point you have to the father and without this restoration there is no eternity.

As a seed in the dirt seems insurmountable and unimportant to the plant, for it sees no light and lives in dirt so too is the man of the Earth. But if it contains the genetics of the Living God sown in our hearts through the gospel being watered by the Holy Spirit it becomes enamored with another element. It’s sites and focuses are no longer in the shell, so too with the metamorphosis of a butterfly from a caterpillar. The two are constructs of different elements and feature in contrast to one another.

One crawls on the dirt the other flies in the air. So to those who have sown the words of God in their heart and water with it the Holy Spirit, this becomes the thing that is said. Which is word. Gods Word. The very genetics of God, sown in our heart. In this way we become Godly.

There is no such thing as life and an afterlife. It is those who in their carnal body being ignorant of the things of God are The Walking Dead, hoping for something later. They are dead to the things of God that are Ubiquitous and piercing all time and matter, without distorting them. If this were not so the Son would not of said “let the dead bury their dead”. And John the Apostle would not of said ” those who have the Son has life those who have not the Son have not life”. Those who have not the Son have the contrast. And the contrast will be taken out of the way for the Eternal to remain.

And it is also true that the dust returns to the Dust. Those who do not acquire the spirit acquire nothing. Those are fixed on a carnal fulfillment of the scriptures hope in vain. For this reason they are said to be poor blind and naked. Not knowing the riches in Christ they are poor not seeing the kingdom of God at hand. They are blind not putting on the cloaking of Christ they are naked.

Anything made of time and matter will be dissolved. That’s why those who hold onto a construct and a hope of God becoming a feature subject to time and matter, specifically the second coming, their hopes will be tarnished. Those who put on Christ now, put on the very words He spoke, and become the things that He has said.

The son said “father I have finished the work that you’ve given me to do I have given them your word and they have kept it”.  Nothing else needs to be said. This Son is the final say so. We just need to repeat it to be true for us. We are those who reverberate and echo the things that He said to be like Him.

We who have received the Son in this way as an embodiment of the concepts and attributes of God, are the offspring of God. It is us who speak the words to confirm who we are by where we have been and where we go, the very place we stay.

Christ said “no one has descended from heaven but he who descended from Heaven, that is the son of man who is in heaven” (speaking of Himself) So we too can take these words and expire them and fulfill them in ourselves in the same way. That just as He was and just as He is, so are we in the world. Because He was not a man in the world. He was himself in a human body, being the word the very exact expression of the Father as are we. And “no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again” and we see. And “no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born above” and so we were. “We are a kind of first fruits of his creation” being born of word and spirit of his kind of non-elemental spirit and Truth.

We testify of what we hear and speak of what we seen because of the place that we have been. So that makes us a visitor while we are here. We are the constituents of another Nation/Kingdom. We who are visitors from their called ambassadors. For who can be an ambassador from a country they’ve never had residence in. You could only be an ambassador and a representative of something that you are a part of otherwise you would just be a spokesperson.

This is what happens to those who speak of another coming Kingdom because the “Kingdom of God being at hand”. They quite obviously have not been to the place they are forecasting into the future. The term “at hand” has no relevance to them.

Like a baby bird in the nest who prefers a soft pre-chewed worm, so too a carnal believer is hooked on parables. This is the same as preferring the old wine for it is better, they reject the new.

Those who pay ties at the temple pay for building projects and give in to sacrifices. These are slow to receive the invisible for the visible. The things they did are of no Eternal value. If it does not serve as a crossover Point into the eternal it amounts to nothing but idolotry. For our Christ has entered into the heavens now not to Tabernacle made by hands but a tabernacle made by God, Eternal on the Heavens. That is the place of our homage, the place of our affections, and where our sacrifices and our givings go.

As God said through Isaiah “why do you trample My courts with your feasts and your sacrifices? Who has required this of you?” It is to receive God as He is and offered him the sacrifice of praise that is acceptable to him. The acceptable sacrifice is to present a mirror image of His Son back to Him, a sweet smelling savor.

If you appear at the altar to leave a gift and know not the Gift Giver, the Giver becomes a taker and you leave empty-handed.

To some people He appears as a thief, for even what they think they have shall be taken. And those who have an expectation of a future Jesus have nothing. If you knew the Gift Giver and the things He possessed you would receive immediately the things that you asked for. For this reason the son said to the disciples until now you have asked for nothing in My name ask for your joy to be full. Up till that point they were with of man named Jesus and they approached the man Jesus to ask the Father for things. Because their misconceptions of the Son, was they were denied access.

But we know the Gift Giver and we know the gift. All the gifts are in Gods Christ. All Things become new in Christ. You just need to figure out what All Things Are. They are Eternal.

You may look at some and think they are poor but they possess all things in this way. You may be “poor, blind and naked”. Poor, because you don’t have the riches of Christ. Blind, because you cannot see His Kingdom at hand. Naked, because you have not put on the loins of your mind the things He has said. You remain in your catatonic Adamic state of being of being naked of the things of God and driven by fear and shame.

For this reason John the Apostle said “love not the world nor the things of the world for those who love the world, the love of the father is not in them. But we love God.

There are those things that were with God from the beginning. These things are his. Everything else will be burned. (2 Peter 3.10)

If you really knew the Gift Giver in truth, you would not have to ask because the things have already been given. You would just thank Him instead. “We have been given everything that pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge of him who calls us to glory and virtue”. To share his virtue we are the called. We who know the Gift Giver in this way being the recipients and now ourselves gift-givers. As it is written “those who reject you rejects Me and those who receives you received Me”. We are His stewards and the conduit of the things that are His. We are the conveyors and the purveyors of the water that doesn’t cost money we are recipients of the Living Water and become Wells of Living Water as our Leader said “those who believe in Me, out of their being will spout out rivers of living waters”.  Who also said like effervescent water “shaken up, slapped down on the table, uncorked and spouting out”, so too will be those filled with Gods Holy  Spirit.

Christ approached the woman in Samaria at the well and asked for water. Had she known the gift-giver she would have asked Him for water. She said “I know the Christ when he comes he shall tell us all things”. In response Jesus said I whom you are seeking, I am He. That was His  explanation of what people expect at a 2nd coming. She was filled enough to go tell the whole city. “This is the Christ”, not that He is going to be when He comes again.

In our age there are many still waiting. God does not repeat Himself. But fortunately we do. We call it the Gospel. This is the gospel and the good news. In this way, “The Kingdom of God is at hand”. Amen and Amen!


Paul digresses for the love of his countryman in the flesh

Posted on April 4, 2021 by ADMIN

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In the book of Romans,  Paul so eloquently taught of the resurrection by faith all the way up through chapter 8, to fall back into old covenant expectations of a future saving and Savior for his old cohorts.
In Romans Chapter 9, Paul pours out his heart for his flesh liniage in a dramatic fashion saying “I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit, that I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my [a]countrymen according to the flesh, who are Israelites”. Showing us that Paul is fully aware of their shortfall in purpose and ultimate demise. And here showing the distinction between flesh and spirit, faith and facts, that “But it is not that the word of God has taken no effect. For they are not all Israel who are of Israel”. 
And “That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God; but the children of the promise are counted as the seed.”
Paul correctly shows us the distinction between flesh and spirit and further clarifies the distinction by describing for us the remnant and the Election by faith as seen here, “31 but Israel, pursuing the law of righteousness, has not attained to the law [d]of righteousness. 32 Why? Because they did not seek it by faith”. They were caught up in the pictures and patterns, but never caught the purpose for what they defined of something invisible. But then in chapter11 Paul was trying to justify his countrymen according to the flesh, the Israelites. Paul now uses an old covenant concept to support his hopes for them to be saved saying 26 “The Deliverer will come out of Zion. And He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob; And 27 For this is My covenant with them when I take away their sins”.

But these are provisions, and promises given to us in The New Covenant, that were already in effect as of Pauls writing this. This is evidenced by him writing it after the cross where all the sin of humanity were already delt with as he wrote in previous chapters of the same book where he emphatically teaches the resurrection by faith, being the one act that catapolts you beyond sin and death saying,  For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. And “He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies [d]through His Spirit who dwells in you.”

This is the resurrection to life by faith. And also “if it is faith it is no longer works” or physically manifest because it is one or the other, faith of fact, carnal or spiritual. Or God is unjust.

However, then in chapter 11 Paul applies an old covenant promise toward his countrymen of a future saving saying that the deliverer will come out of Zion.

Paul is confused. He says this as tho this old covenant promise has a future fulfillment of another act for another payment for sin and another saving for his kinsman according to the flesh? “When I take away their sins?” Mmh. That is steeped in old covenant lingo that anticipated Gods sacrifice of His Son.

Jesus Christ said “all the Law and the prophets were till John the Baptist, now the Kingdom is preached and all are entering”. Jesus Christ came ushering in that Kingdom they anticipated. Now all the law and the prophets are fulfilled and expired documents. Meaning that the old covenant promises have no forward speaking relevance to us in the New Covenant era. We are the recipients of all the old testament promises and there is no 3rd covenant to supercede the one in force by the Only Begotten. There is no newer Covenant that could be used to verify Paul’s ascertstion here that “this is My covenant with them when I take away their sins”. There is no future dealing with sins but a judgement for those who’ve rejected the payment rendered for sin at the cross. Those people will have to answer for their own sins.
The old only testifies to what we now have. All the sins of humanity have been dealt with in regard to being resurrected and saved. That is your testimony and acknowledgment from your baptism by which you have covenanted with God’s new Covenant.
Everybody past present and future must go to the cross to receive forgiveness of sins for salvation unto newness of life. There is no other payment to be rendered. “This is My covenant with them when I take away their sins”. Yes, the blood of Christ. Any other hope is blasphemous.
Even Peter acknowledged the prophets “12 To them it was revealed that, not to themselves, but to [e]us they were ministering the things which now have been reported to you”. These are our testimonies, that they wanted. We have the deliverer, forgiveness of sins, salvation and the resurrected life or Christ died in vain. That’s what a Savior does. And God’s only Begotten does things right because He does them once. That is what righteous means. A right that needs no addendums, corrections, modifications or to be repeated.
And here from Peter explaining Paul’s writings “as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which some things are hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures”.
You must understand that Paul’s Epistles are progressive in nature. Meaning, he grew as he pressed in as do we. Just as our Christ told Paul at his conversion from the bright light from heaven “Paul I have appeared to you to testify to the things you have seen, and of the things I will yet show you” showing us that Christ is a progressive series of Revelations and Paul as well as us are in transition by these visitations from this bright light.
Next we will address the concept in Romans 13 that teaches us strict obedience to those in government and authority, a thing Paul did not do. Jesus called the god of this age and the usurper.
As always, The Kingdom of God is at hand. As our Lord said however “My Kingdom is not from here”.
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why Paul said to Timothy “I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all long-suffering, as a pattern (or a progression) to those who are going to believe on Him “
In this way Paul laid the necessary building blocks, or doctrines, that are necessary to give us a platform to build upon. Even as Paul said to those in Corinth, “According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it.” And that foundation is unto the resurrection. You cannot build in Gods Kingdom with your old nature.
This is the starting point of the New Covenant in the expiration of the old because the resurrection was where the old was suppose to take you as far as the old would take you.
In Acts 26 Paul was on trial with the Gentile King Agrippa, to defend himself from the punishment of death from the Jews. Paul testified to the resurrection as an Old Covenant objective saying “And now I stand and am judged for the hope of the promise made by God to our fathers. To this promise our twelve tribes, earnestly serving God night and day, hope to attain. For this hope’s sake, King Agrippa, I am accused by the Jews. Why should it be thought incredible by you that God raises the dead?” (Means resurrection.
Peter refered to Noah’s flood as a baptism. Then we have the Red Sea crossing after the Israelites (not Jews) painted the top of their front doors with blood so that the angel of death passed over. To then go through the water where all their enemies were drowned. Hmm, sounds like Baptism to me. Then also the second generation with Joshua crossed the Jordan River to cross over to possess the land of promises. These are all resurrection patterns to learn to walk in newness of life. This is the objective of baptism, and the book from Paul we call Romans.
And since the old way of walking it out didn’t work, God sent His Son to show us the “new and living way to the Father”.
 Warning: Anyone who has not received the resurrection as a foregone conclusion, has denied the Son of God and the purpose of the cross. I would not want to be found there. In other words, if you have not received the washing of sins unto the resurrection as a foregone conclusion already gifted to you from the cross, you are floundering in the faith and put yourself back under the old covenant. Because that’s what they were looking for too as we have just explained.
And what is worse than rejecting the gift of God by His Son, and more blasphemous, is to expect a second coming Jesus to save you from your sins and your woes and your shortfalls in your shortcomings as a human. This was the demise of the whole old testament, and why even the Jews said “it is expediant that one man should die for man’s sins.
It was Paul who opened up Romans saying that he was prepared to preach the gospel message of Jesus Christ which is the power of God for salvation. as not being a new testament concept alone. And it was Hebrews that says that the gospel message was preached to them as well as to us but did not profit them not being mixed with faith.
Paul was in transition and his Revelations at the time of Romans, was to solidify the Resurrection, a firm foundation to stand upon and build your faith. this is why the book of Romans was ranked first among the Pauline Epistles right after the book of Acts which would be better off called, the defense of the gospel. because that was what Paul was to do in that book and that is what it ended up and it’s conclusion with him in his own rented home preaching the kingdom of a hand as something he had never said before according to the book of acts.
The complete expiration of the old was still foreign to Paul for even the whole book of Romans primarily delt with the various concepts of the washing off the old man at baptism, the redemption, to be declared righteous, for justification unto the life of the resurrection. Of which all of these are foundation stones and primary principals of Gods Kingdom now.
The works up to baptism are all old covenant concepts. Think of John the Baptist. He was last and greatest because the resurrection is as far as the Prophets take you. Now you need new stuff to grow your faith in things of The Kingdom.
Even as David affirmed ““Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven,
And whose sins are covered;
Blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin.” (Romans 4)
We know these are the objectives of the old covenant because even Paul spoke of his countryman of the flesh about the resurrection. When Paul was on trial in Rome he said “Men and brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee; concerning the hope and resurrection of the dead am I being judged?” Paul went on to say of them “they strove night and day hoping to attain. They knew this.
It was the Pharisees that believed in the baptism of life to persue the resurrection as evidenced at the Red Sea where the angel of death passed over those who appropriated the blood, to eat the Passover in haste, to be baptised in the Red Sea which assayed their fears and killed all their enemies, to walk in a new life with a clean slate with new tools “to lay hold of” their inheritance. Even in the face of the giants, they failed to acquire because they refused to acknowledge Gods word as being strong enough to empower them to walk through their enemies and obstacles. For this they we’re rejected.
Hebrews chapter 2 warned us not to do what they did saying “Therefore we must give [a]the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away. For if the word spoken through angels proved steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just [b]reward, how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation.” As many of the Old Covenant seekers did.
And again  from Hebrews chapter 6. For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, [c]if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame.”
And “Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to [a]perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of the doctrine of baptisms, of laying on of hands, of resurrection of the dead, and this we will do if God permits”. This shows us the baptism and resurrection are first principals.
This is why the foundational Testimony of baptism is that, your old person with it’s sin is washed away to be raised (resurrected) to walk in newness of life. This is your starting point like it was for the Israelites at the Red Sea crossing, and again at the Jordan river with Joshua because the first generation failed.
For this reason, the book of Romans is foundational, a place to stand upright and righteous, meaning right standing with God or upright and raised (resurrected) up, to move on to reach out to lay hold of why Christ laid hold of you, which is Glory.
Paul affirms this in Romans 3 that ” all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” describing the object and completion of salvation. Being Gods Glory in each one of us. That the Glory is the objective of the gospel and your target after baptism. But there are many more steps, and fortunately for us, Paul goes through these in his other Epistles.
Paul affirms this in Romans 8 29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, for Him to be the firstborn among many brethren. 30 Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.”
There is however a big gap of missing pieces between being Justified and being Glorified that Paul does not discuss in the Epistle to the Romans. Which is again proof that the book of Romans teaches the first steps of faith into Baptism and the expiration of all the law and prophets because that is as far as they go as we just showed you with the Red Sea.
Part 2
This is why the Pharisees were chided by Jesus Christ, Him saying “you are not entering the kingdom not are you allowing those who are trying to do so” thereby being condemned and unfit. This is where Paul started out and consented to kill early believers.
there was only one sacrifice for all time as the writer of Hebrews put it,
26 He then would have had to suffer often since the foundation of the world; but now, once at the end of the ages.
 Paul had earlier on in Romans defined the true Jew with circumsion of the heart, and the remnants shall be saved, but not the circumsion of the flesh. So his eyes were opening.
By the time Paul wrote Galatians he wished those of the circumsision would just “cut themselves off”. Which is better rendered to “castorate themselves”. So Paul made his cut from that bunch but it wasn’t easy. For even after Paul’s 14 years in the winderness, he went to Jerusalem to speak to those who were apostles before him and was seen having Timothy circumsised showing us that even then Paul was confused from the start. But by the time he wrote Galatians not only did he break away from the mutilation, Paul goes on to plead for the castoration of that whole old testament culture saying ““Cast out the bondwoman and her son, for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman”.
It is now the modern Jews and their sympathizers that use these old covenant carnal saving concepts to justify another Jesus to come upon another Israel (m eroniously meaning a land and not the people) and another man-made temple for another man Messiah, to save the world, which spits in the face of the saving at the cross. Save, saving, savior, do you get it?
 So Paul defending his carnal liniage in Romans is from his old man.  He then in his own words says “even so these also have now been disobedient, that through the mercy shown to you (meaning the promise to the gentiles in Abraham) that they also may obtain mercy”.
 Which saying is true. But it is by faith to anyone. Faith has always been the method. But that doesn’t mean all who went before without faith, will receive what those who have faith do. At best they would be judged according to their works with the rest of mankind at the judgment after the thousand year reign when those who missed out on the elect of the age and are judged according to their works as seen here in Revelation 20, And they lived and reigned with Christ for [a]a thousand years. But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection”. Meaning us who received it. We’ve received a whole lot more. We have moved on from those basic tenants of the faith that the new covenant allows. 
In closing this topic of Paul trying to elevate his cohorts and predisessors of the flesh to resurrection status in Romans
nd of the seas, but Abr-ah-am seed was as the stars of Heaven, showing us the two seeds, Ishmael and Isaac. But the real seed that was to be blessed was from Genesis 12 to Abraham that “in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed. And that word seed meant singular referring to Christ. That the nations and the gentiles if all who except Christ by faith, are those who are “in Christ” as joint heir’s of the things that he has, and God is no respecter of persons.


*Sanctified, To Rest in Christ

Posted on March 16, 2021 by ADMIN

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To be sanctified is to be set apart, distinguished from, separated and apart from. To be without stain or imperfections, pure and holy, compliant with the Father.

In the creation account after God was done, scripture says “Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested (away) from all His work which God had created and made” so as not to intermingle. Gods rest was in Himself away from the physical constructs He had made. That is why when we go into Gods Domicile we take nothing of creation in with us.

You see God had a place other than the creation He had before hand, distinguishably different in composition and design by way of contrasts.

He made creation with concepts of light and dark, Heavenly to earthen, physical verses the invisible spirit, and He placed mankind there, but God preserved His place and shielded it away from creation and humans carnal functions. As He said of those fixed on the created “seeing with their eyes they see not, and hearing with their ears they hear not”. Because it is with the heart that one must see and hear to understand the things of God”.

Even as the Father spoke through Isaiah “For as the Heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts higher than your thoughts”.  However Gods Heavens are not the ones in the skys of the created realm. Those were created on the 4th day, but the Heavens we experience with the re-generated mind of faith, the place where the Holy Spirit abides. This is Gods Domicile, “for the kingdom of God is within you’.

This is why the 7th day was sactified for God. That God rested from His works and called us there to participate.  Because there could be no mixing of the two realities of Eternal and the temporal compositions.

When Adam sinned against God, he was sent forth from the Garden (God’s garden) and dispersed to work the earth. Our struggle was to get back to the garden for the veluptuois fruits of Gods Holy Spirit, of which we now enjoy through the redemption of Christ at the cross given to us. This is Gods tree of life, the place where we leave our old life and the reversal of the fall and the fruit of that dispicable tree. This is us un-fallen. Also understood as raised up or, resurrected. This describes the reversal of the curse past on to us by our first parents. Now we’ve become part of the family if God because of our adoption through His Son. In this way we are His kin and His kind. As James said “a kind of first fruit if His creation”. Or as Paul put it “old things HAVE past away, all things become new and all things are from God”. Selah! Meaning, let that sink in.

Because of this, we then the redeemed and the Elect are sent forth with the gospel introducing people into the Kingdom, to gather them to God. Instead of scattered and dispersed abroad the face of the earth to work the curse. The elect are gathered, selected and assembled together to another creation “in and of Christ”, to not be associated “in and of Adam”. To rest from their labors and to enjoy what God has given them from the beginning, of the things He has in Himself. Through one fruit of the Holy Spirit after another.

We then consume, assimilate then learn to activate them by faith. The garden with the goods that was called Eden, becomes “The  Kingdom of God at hand” alive in us. Even as Paul wrote “it is not I who live, but Christ lives in me. The life that I now live I live by faith in the Son of God who gave His life for me. If I live for any other cause, Christ’s death for me was in vain”.

This is our place of our rest and the sanctification that we are called to partake of now, and why we are called “a new creation (now) in Christ Jesus”. Not that it is new in the sense that it was just made. It is new in the sense that it never gets old, fades or wears out but is always in it’s Eternal Glory. It is “The forever new” and God already gave it to us. Let us not be found ignorant of this reality because after the recall, this is all that’s left, but it’s all that really matters because it’s everything eternal. Rest in this as seen in the beginning.

Genesis2.3 “Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested (away) from all His work which God had created and made.” The seventh day was not suppose to be associated with this creation, being mankinds reality on earth but Gods reality in Heaven, as something other dimensional they were to partake of from the beginning.

God gave us the Sabboth to experience Him incrementally, to the degree we are able, to grow in understanding Him, to learn to never leave His presence. After all He did say “I will never leave you or forsake you”. So we just learn to realize and participate in His reality more and more clearly with each successive visit.

Moses spoke these words about God to the Israelites “You will bring them in and plant them In the mountain of Your inheritance, In the place, O Lordwhich You have made For Your own dwelling, The sanctuary, O Lord, which Your hands have established.” Describing for us that Rest which is from the beginning.

And just in case you thought this place isn’t meant for us now, we need to look no further than the book of Hebrews

Therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest (away from the 7 days creation), let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it. For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not profit them, [a]not being mixed with faith in those who heard it. 3 For we who have believed (this promise) do enter that rest, as He has said:

“So I swore in My wrath,
‘They shall not enter My rest”. This God said because they wouldn’t take Him at His Word and enter in by faith. They are looking without for something from within.

In truth Gods place of rest has been His objective for His humanity from day one. Hebrews goes on to say “although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. For He has spoken in a certain place of the seventh day in this way: “And God rested on the seventh day from all His works”and again in this place:“They shall not enter My rest.”

Gods Rest then is at the core of the gospel.

Jeremiah Got it too. He writes in 17.12 “A  glorious high throne from the beginning Is the place of our sanctuary”. This is referred to as a current, concurring or re-occuring reality for them and not a product of some supposed second coming, like what is presented to the fold in these last times seekers mind. That is the illusion.
All the prophets taught the Rest of God and the Sabboth. For this reason the apostles and prophets are called the gates, and the gate keepers of the Kingdom of God because they are the 12 access points of entry into Gods Kingdom open for us now, At hand!
What qualifies all of Gods apostles and prophets is this, access into God’s presence in His domicile now, as being distinguishably different than all He had made.
In Christs Revelation He allocated to some who overcome this age, to be pillars in the House of God” as those of us who espouse and uphold these eternal truths because we have taken God at His word accepted the invitation and acted upon it with the tools He has given us. We have entered His rest and His sanctuary, and invite you to join us here. Here in the spirit of our mind free of physical obstacles.

This place being the one before God ever said a word is what we are talking about. And because “God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested, meaning retired from all His work” associated with our carnal world.

When we accept the invitation to rest, we retire there too from the wranglings and the distractions that detain people from entering in. This is the home He has for us whose full aspiration is to be like Him. This is true godliness and the perfection delivered to us by the gospel. There is no other delivery mechanism to accomplish this task but the gospel.

This becomes our highway to holiness, our sanctuary and santification.

The only place this can truly take place is in God with God. How else are we suppose to emulate and associate with such? With Gods Holy Word and Spirit.

It is that God spoke a word that went out and the only way to get back to the beginning is by Gods word and God’s breath. These are the two agencies that came forth from the mouth of the Father to make creation. This is why Christ is the only Begotten if the Father, not referring to His manhood, but His Godhood of containing the fullness of the Father.

“In the beginning God said with His Word “let there be… And the spirit of God broaded over the face of the waters”. Showing us His two agencies, and that they are the prescribed method for our return as the only ones who came out of the proverbial mouth of God.

But you must use your tools of faith to enter in lest this opportunity pass you by.

We know Gods eternal word is His only Begotten. (John 1.1) and (Hebrews 13.8)

This is why God said through Isaiah “so shall my word be that proceeded out of My mouth, it (He) shall not return to Me void but accomplish all My desire”.

We are His desire because “in the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God, He was in the beginning with God” and He is now seated in sweet repose waiting for His enemies to become His footstool”. And because every human enemy hangs limp at the cross (Colossians 2), Gods only enemies that have not been neutralized at the cross, are those who refuse to believe and recieve to achieve the Rest of the 7th day. They would rather stay in their old nature and fight. Even 1 John 2 says “I have written to you, young men,
Because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you,
And you have overcome the wicked one.” As being a junior achievement for the young in faith.

We can know that Christ was pre-existing with the Father. And that when the Son said “follow Me that where I am you may be also” as God the Father also affirms “My word (His Son) shall not return to be void” (or in vain), but shall accomplish all My desire. We know that to follow Christ is to go to where word leads us. Which is where word originated from and where word returns, which is back to the Father having something with Him. That something would be us the Elect, of those who have taken God at His word, who are “in Christ” who planted Himself in us and we in Him. Who also said “if you keep My words and My words abide in you, the Father and I will come to you and make our home in you”. And so they did. But because their things are eternal, they don’t move in with old furniture. With them everything is Spirit and Truth and Eternally new and un-depleatable. This is why Paul called us a new creation of something we are now, not later. That is if you are able to receive it. Or better yet, recieve them.

There remains a rest to the people of God”. If you are waiting for Gods Rest or God’s Son to appear later, you will miss out just like the bygone generations. They like the old wine in old wine skins better. But we have “a new and living way”.

This why Hebrews says “there remains a rest to the people of God, for those who have entered that Rest have ceased from their works like God did from His.” And “let us fear lest anyone fall short of it” because there is a fearful judgment to those who don’t.

This is the place that God sanctified, set apart and spot lighted that place called the seventh day for all Eternity. It is the same day that scripture calls “that day” and “in that day”, “The Lord’s Day” and “in the day of the Lord” and “in Christ”.

This is the Kingdom of God at hand. Meaning within reach but not carnally assimilated. You can rest assured of this. Amen!


*Daniels Kingdom of Stone, Living Stone

Posted on March 3, 2021 by ADMIN

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Daniel Glorified God with these words.

Blessed be the name of God forever and ever,

For wisdom and might are His.
21 And He changes the times and the seasons;
He removes kings and raises up kings;
He gives wisdom to the wise
And knowledge to those who have understanding.
22 He reveals deep and secret things;
He knows what is in the darkness,
And light dwells with Him.

This was the praise to God that Daniel offered up for his debut before the king of Babylon, when he was there to demonstrate his God given ability to interpret dreams. You see the decree went out to all the astrologers, soothsayers, mediums and such, for them all to be killed if they could not tell the king his dream, and what the interpretation meant. After all of them were called out to be killed for failing this task, Daniel stepped forward to showcase his ability to beseech God Almighty for the interpretation.

Daniel started out in the presence of the king with that blessing to God showing who his King was, God Almighty.

Daniel then went on to describe a series of seemingly awesome carnal kingdoms, that in the end come to nothing, that they get crushed and spread into oblivion.

The purpose of this parable like all parables, is to take the invisible realities of God in the spirit, and teach us more about them with visual parables. That in the days during what we we’ll call, the visible kingdoms of chaff, in contrast there is a formation of a kingdom behind the scenes of carnal perceptions. God has His own building project going on as described here again from Daniel. This is the one That crushes and consumes all others. Daniel tells it like this.

44 And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall [n]break in pieces and [o]consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. 

However spectacular the carnal kingdoms that come and go may seem, there’s something more spectacular happening at the same time. And it was just out of view of carnal perceptions that the God of Heaven builds upon His own Kingdom with the souls of people and not visible objects.

If you understand the scriptures correctly, Jesus Christ is the Chief cornerstone, the apostles and the prophets are the foundations and the entrances, and we are the “living stones built up a habitation for God in the Spirit”. You can’t see this with your carnal eyes. This is the Kingdom that stands forever that consumes all others. It started with Christ’s invitation into “The Kingdom of God at hand”, a Kingdom still open today through the gospel.

The first feature.

We start this account with “The Chief cornerstone”. And may we say to you to set the story straight, when our Lord said to Peter “upon this rock I will build My church” He was NOT talking about Peter.

As we wipe away misunderstandings and concepts misconstrued by modern expositors and teachers, who build up carnal men, their churches, cathedrals and their carnal fascinations of expecting God’s kingdom to appear in a physical way. Or that their buildings please God. But the Kingdom of God does not come with carnal observations (Luke 17.20+). Did you see Christ get set up as the chief cornerstone? Well He is and this was marvelous in those who have eyes to see of a different nature, of those being born of the spirit.

Even as Christ told the Samaritan lady at the well, “the time that (you think) is coming is (already) here when you will NOT look to Samaria OR Jerusalem for Gods Kingdom, for God is Spirit and God is Truth and seeks such”. Such are we who are born of the spirit (John 3) because we are His building blocks of things that precedes and supercedes creation as you know it. Peter may have been among the first classified as a living stone, but he had no presidence over others. As a matter of spiritual truth, “the first shall be last and the last shall be first” in Gods economy.

And to set the record straight, Peter was NOT the foundation stone or he would be called The Chief Cornerstone, but he is NOT. Jesus Christ “is the Chief Cornerstone who the builders rejected” including those who ascribe that right to Peter, so be careful who you side with. For even in 2 Peter 2 he  acknowledged that.

Who are the ones who reject Christ? All who think the kingdom is a carnal kingdom to be installed later on planet earth, but Danials prophecy says “during the days of these kings” showing us this has already happened. If this were not true, Jesus Christ could not have said “The Kingdom of God is at hand” but opening soon or under renovation, but He did and it is, or He is a liar.  And as Jesus said it is to “those who overcome I shall make pillars in the house of my God”. And we are. We are the living stones “built upon the foundation of the apostles and the prophets with Jesus Christ the Chief cornerstone” and so we do. We can only be pillars in the House of the living God, if we are living stones and pillars, and we are because He said so (Revelation 3.12). And we are because we support and build with the things God has given us to include you. We build you up with word, Gods word. These are the tools for the project, and your invisible parts are the materials. Things like your heart, mind and soul. This is suitable for the things of God. All others burn. (2 Peter 3)

The one who said “I am the way and the truth”, He is that rock. As our Lord said “whoever builds upon My sayings is like the man who built his home on stone that withstood the winds and the waves.

And as the Jews were cited for rejecting “The Chief Cornerstone” in their day, so do these who build with earthen elements because they reject the true Jesus Christ again in our day. “Everything will be tried by fire for the eternal to remain”. Every earthly, carnal Kingdom will be consumed.

It was also the same Jews who were criticized by Christ with other buildings saying ”

29 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you build the tombs of the prophets and [m]adorn the monuments of the righteous, 30 and say, ‘If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.’

31 “Therefore you are witnesses against yourselves that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets. 32 Fill up, then, the measure of your fathers’ guilt. 33 Serpents, brood[n] of vipers! How can you escape the condemnation of hell? These are Christ’s words to those whose fascinations are physical structures for God. Examine yourself lest you be one of them.

You see our Lord say to those with Moses, when you build for Me of stone, you shall use no tools on it for in the day you do you have defiled it. This is their condemnation, they were Mason’s.

As also our Lord said to them “13 “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men (because the Kingdom was open for them too); for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in. therefore their condemnation was just”. Gods Kingdom is not built up on earth from earth, but “comes down of God from Heaven”, built up of the spirits of the just, of those who have been perfected, as quoted here from Hebrews 12. 22 But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, 23 to the [j]general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect”. Demonstrating that this building project is made with elements and features foreign to the carnal senses. “Flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom”? (1 Corinthians 15) But the re-spirited mind of faith does. We are the Elect.

It was Jesus who said “13 No one has ascended into heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven“. The Son of man who came down from heaven is the Son of God who put on the flesh being fully man and fully God, for us to become His composition while we are in our old.  That “of His fullness we have received”. His work was not to take us out of our body, but to put His on ours. To cover us with Him.

This is why Paul said that “we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the Glory and the Excellency may be of God and not ourselves”. It is His deposit in us of “spirit and truth”, being “living stones” our invisible part that God works with we call our heart, soul, mind and Spirit.

This is what John spoke of in The Revelation of these things when it was said of Heavenly Jerusalem “

“Come, I will show you the [g]bride, the Lamb’s wife.” 10 And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the [h]great city, the [i]holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, 11 having the glory of God. Her light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, clear as crystal. 12 Also she had a great and high wall with twelve gates, and twelve angels at the gates, and names written on them, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel: 13 three gates on the east, three gates on the north, three gates on the south, and three gates on the west.

14 Now the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the [j]names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.” 

This is what Daniel meant when he spoke of the coming Kingdom that would crush and consume the others. Gods Son said “The Kingdom of God is at hand” with Christ’s first invitation and has been being building on ever since.

As with any harvest that is common to mankind there is an end. Our Lord spoke this parable to put things into perspective for us saying. “Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.” Have you been gathered to His kingdom? Have you seen His Kingdom? Can you go in and out of His Kingdom? Well you should according to John 3. If you are not sure, you need to take this up in prayer with God. Even as Paul said “the gospel I preach to you did not come by man or his carnal institutions but by Revelations from Jesus Christ. And His revealings are many, and we hope you are getting these so that you too can have the Testimony of Jesus Christ. Which is?

The Kingdom of God is at hand. Amen!




The Kingdom of God is at hand” and the enemies of God are preaching another coming one with another coming Kingdom and put themselves at odds with the Creator God. They need to repent. Since God judged the Jews that harshly for expn is that Chief cornerstone that the whole building project draws upon his angles, plains, directions and purpose, to participate in the Kingdom of “The Living God”. Amen!

It is here we want to make another point. Human instruments with earthen compositions have nothing to do with Gods building project either. Daniel said “in the days (during their time) the God of Heaven shall build (assemble) his Kingdom. Meaning, NOT man. All the churches ever built will be among the destruction. As Paul said, each ones work shall be tried by fire”. And Paul said that we can all build upon Gods foundation, but let each one be careful on how they built.

Peter said “all the earth with all its works shall be burned for the eternal to remain”, showing us that the physical structures called churches, chapels, synagogues and parishes are counted as things that burn in the fire.

Be careful what you do for God because if He condemned the Pharisees for building tombs for the prophets showing they were sons of satan. If you adorn other persons or their accomplishments you are glorifying man. And as we see it, there is only one for our adornment, “the lamb of God who took away the sin of the world” (Revelation 4)

If you take offense at Gods things being built of man’s devising, we need to go no further then the Warning God gave in the days of giving the 10 commandments. Immediately following God told them “25 And if you make Me an altar of stone, you shall not build it of hewn stone; for if you use your tool on it, you have profaned it.” He does not want to be associated with such. This is why Christ said “wherever two or more are assembled together, there am I in their midst”. This is the general assembly and church of the firstborn cited in Hebrews 12.

Living Stones.

Our Lord had this conversation with the disciples saying I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.

You see if Peter was that rock that some denominations espouse, he would not have cleared this up himself. Here is what Peter wrote for our clarification;

2.4 Coming to Him (Christ) as to a living stone (not Peter himself or man-made churches), rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as (additional) living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices (not the work of your hands) acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. Therefore it is also contained in the Scripture,

“Behold, I lay in Zion
A chief cornerstone, elect, precious,
And he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame.”

Therefore, to you who believe, He is precious; but to those who [b]are disobedient,

“The stone which the builders rejected
Has become the chief cornerstone,”


“A stone of stumbling I
And a rock of offense.”

They stumble, being disobedient to the word, to which they also were appointed”. Segway here to there

Just a side note: the word church in the Greek is eklesia, correctly broken down means “the called out ones” meaning people and living stones.

Ek, means to call, klesia is the those who are the called. Paraklesia is the Holy Spirit. Para means over, like parachute. The Para Hoover’s over the Klesia, those who are called. The Holy Spirit who descended upon Yeshua at His baptism to remain, said through His mouth “oh Jerusalem, oh how I morn for you, oh how I would’ve gathered you as a mother hen gathers her chicks but you are not willing” showing us, that the term “church” is confusing because God is not interested in building projects. Further more, the word church has no real association with scripture.

The word “Church” comes from the keltic words cirse, circus, sorcery, circle, and curse. If you think about it when Yahweh spoke to the Israelites the ten commandments, He also said “And if you make Me an altar of stone, you shall not build it of hewn stone; for if you use your tool on it, you have profaned it.” Do not associate Me with such!

You can understand that our progeny has drifted from the purpose and power of God. So “we need to be more diligent to make our calling and election sure”. To make clear and simple. That we, having removed some boulders of falsehood;

Coming to Him as to a living stone (not Peter or man-made churches), rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as (additional) living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. Therefore it is also contained in the Scripture,

Behold, I lay in Zion
A chief cornerstone, elect, precious,
And he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame.”

Therefore, to you who believe, He is precious; but to those who [b]are disobedient,

The stone which the builders rejected
Has become the chief cornerstone,”


A stone of stumbling
And a rock of offense.

They stumble, being disobedient to the word, to which they also were appointed.”

So this should provide some clarity to what Daniel prophesied of Gods Kingdom of Stone, “to crush and consume” all other kingdoms. Even the writer of Hebrews said this, that “all things that can be shaken will be shaken for the eternal to remain”. That all earthen elements get recalled by the mouth of God, the One who said “let their be” their by granting limited existence.

Peter goes to explain the rest of Gods building, of those stones gathered together during the reign of the assorted kingdoms that dissipate like chaff saying,

“9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 10 who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.”

And this is a good time to interject here that the word “Holy” does not mean pious. It means invisible. That is why in scripture we read of  a “terrible crystal”. Topaz and such

And we see here in the book of Christ’s Revelation.

“Come, I will show you the [g]bride, the Lamb’s wife.” 10 And he carried me away in the (invisible,) Spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the [h]great city, the [i]holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, (not built up on earth) 11 having the glory of God. Her light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, clear as crystal. 

In God’s economy the Earth is His quarry that we are been in. through all the testings the trials and the sufferings of this age, we are being chipped and chiseled and fashioned into a shape that’s suitable to God, we are saints and members of the household of God.

Here we adjure you by the Almighty God, do not return to your previous preponderance of a Kingdom of God in carnal form on planet earth, and pass by the invitation into Gods Kingdom now. Because there is a time coming when all will see this Heavenly Kingdom. When that happens it is to late to enter because it can only be accessed through faith. When faith is no more, and the only thing that remains is eternal, and the gospel is expired, you may be found outside pleading to the Bridegroom and the Bride to let you in and they say “we don’t know you from where you are from” and all that is left is the burning sensation of lost oppertunities. All the Law and the prophets have been expired. There is no other work of God but to convince you of these invisible realities we call Spirit and truth, to enter in.

The Kingdom of God is (for now) still at hand.


Justification according to Paul verses James

Posted on February 22, 2021 by ADMIN

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Justification according to Paul verses James.

To enter into this discussion that has reeked havoc in churches for many generations, a topic that helped the motivation of the prodestant movement split, first we need to understand what justify means according to scripture.

In the book of acts Paul had this to say about our topic of the “justification” through the Christ.

“by Him everyone who believes is justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses”.

This shows us that justification is not a singular thing or a solo event but many things or a proccess.

Paul uses the words justify and justification differently than James, which causes confusion and splits among the greater body of believers. Paul uses the term “justify” in all its forms to mean aquited or exonerated from the charge of being a sinner as seen here; 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified [g]freely (from this charge) by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom God set forth as a [h]propitiation (payment to free from charge) by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, 26 to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, for Him to be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.” Meaning to stand for and defend against the charges of sin. The Son of God in this way obtained our aquital

James on the other hand uses the same term “justify” to mean confirm. In order to have the justification James talks about, there has to be a test. And because we participate in our salvation by “pressing in to lay a hold of why Christ laid hold of us”.  It is that God who gave us our sovereignty as being made in His image, does not take that back.

In order for salvation to work in our lives we have to cooperate with God. God can do anything He wants but what He wants is a relationship. And this relationship requires us to participate. We must “work out our own salvation with fear and trembling”. We have a responsiblity but not according to the Law of Moses, but to the law of faith.

Paul’s use of justification brings us out from underneath condemnation and judgement of that law. That “the law was added to make sin exceedingly sinful” by multiplying aquisitions against us. That one is aquited and exonerated from the charges of sin and justification here is to be free from these charges.

James uses the same word “justify” to mean “having passed a test“. Both of these mens concepts of having been aquited and having passed a test are appropriate and can be used for having been vindicated, also meaning to be proven.

Just as Hebrews 2.3 says “how shall we escape (charges, judgement and condemnation) if we neglect such great a salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him”.

The word confirm in this text is synonymous with vindicated and having been corrected. As if from standing on trial or under investigation and examination. Tobe free and clear is to be justified.

If someone asserts a thing to be true, they should be able to provide proof for it to be so. The proof provided by James is his use of the word ” justified’ by James. The proof is in the put in. When what was put in comes out, there is a confirmation that the thing has the thing that is said.

So when let’s say a bottle has a certain fluid in it, it can be verified by pouring it out and examining it to be true. Then there is a confirmation. And in the case James uses with Abraham to be justified in the faith, Abraham had to understand that God would send His Son into the world to save people from charges of sin. And he did.

The glorious thing about this account, is that when Isaac asked his father “where is the sacrifice” Abraham said “God will provide a sacrifice”, showing us that he knew God wasn’t going to let Isaac die. In this way Abraham received his own son back from the dead by faith, because for Gods promise to be true that from the loins of Abraham that “he would be the Father of many nations”, then God couldn’t let his son die. This was Abraham’s test and justification.

Just as Jesus Christ said “Father, I have finished the work you have given me to do. I have given those you have given Me your word and they have kept it.” (Let us now see the vindication and justification of the 11 disciples.)

They know that I have come forth from you and I go back to you and they see Me again no more”. (John 16.8 + 17.12) Yeshua/Jesus knew this because He asked them and they answered. (John 13) Kinda like a school teacher asking questions and getting correct answers. They know they did their job.

So too we see here again with James, My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces [a]patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be [b]perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” This is why God is  just and the justifyer of the one who has faith in His Son. Because God examines how well we follow Him and how obedient we are that we may be found worthy.

And if this seams strange to you, we need to go no further than to look to Peter speaking by the Holy Spirit saying “be ye Holy as I am Holy” and Paul doing the same thing said “therefore having these promises, let us work out our own salvation with fear and trembling” and “come out from among them and be ye separate and I will receive you and ye shall be My sons and daughters”.

So why would believers get involved in arguing over these terms to justify themselves over the other. For this reason Paul said ye are acting like foolish men. They were using common courts to settle issues, and these embarrass the body of Christ for driving in these wedged among fellow follower’s of Word.

May the God of Heaven keep you clean, clear, sanctified and justified, preserved and prooven “in Christ” where all the Heavenly deliciousies are kept. Amen!

The Kingdom of God is still at hand.


*Waking up from Adams deep sleep..

Posted on February 7, 2021 by ADMIN

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Adam was put into a deep sleep. You see after observing and naming all the creatures in the Garden, and seeing there was no counterpart for himself, he was put into a deep sleep. It was here that God extracted the rib we call Eve, or Khavah from Hebrew. You see the thing that he needed was from within himself.

We know this because God did not take another clump of clay to produce Adams counterpart. It was the very thing that he yearned for was something that was within himself. He just did not know it yet. This is the place where the real Adam/atom was split.

So we need to be careful not to try to satisfy our yearnings with things outside of ourselves so much, but of things that are within. Just as Paul called Christ the last Adam, that “in Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead body” and “ye are complete in Him who is head overall”. Ultimately that is where you are going to find the real fulfillment of everything you really need of who you really are, of the only things that really satisfy, of things that never wane or fade from Glory, of the things of God, of the things to be written on your heart through His holy writ, verified by His Holy Spirit, and we awaken from within, as we confess it to be real as we are showing you here how to do it here.

Gods things need no renewals, updates, prescriptions or expiration dates or terms and conditions to use. Only the loving arms of the Heavenly one who became flesh to fix the problem man had with God. If it was Gods doing it would’ve been fixed there. But now the problem is fixed with the saving from God we call the Only Begotten. He is our remedy from the ill effects from the garden of Eden, with His only Begotten becoming one of us, a composition un-natural to Him. He then took His carnal man to the cross to reverse the ill effects of the fall for our gain. He is Gods prototype for us to follow. For us to pattern ourselves after, to become godly.

So now we have safe passage to return to “that which is from the beginning”. The place where the first Word ever came from we know as eternity. God called this place His rest of the 7th day, the place before He ever spoke His breath and His Word and created all matter, back to the place we are to participate with them even now called “The Kingdom prepared from the foundations of the world” as being eternal.

The place before God ever said “let there be light, is what humanity is asleep to. So now we have the Gospel. God uttered His Son (John 1.1) and we re-iterate Him again today for the purpose to WAKE you Up to the things of God. For the Son of God even said “the Kingdom of God is within you”. (Luke 17.22) if you are of this sort.

So God has the market cornered on things that don’t need renewals, updates or upgrades because they are already in their eternal perfection of God like Glory. And you know what? They are free for the asking to the re-newed mind of faith. (Isaiah 55)

So God put a deep sleep on Adam and removed something that was inside him. As long as Adam had the thing that was in him we call the rib and Eve, to be now outside, he would remain in his catatonic state of sleep, or spiritual slumber, of being unresponsive to Gods promptings.

However being asleep, you are more alert to the bad news of the spirit of this age with carnal promptings. But we have the good news, in Greek it’s called the gospel. That means good news, that we wake up and see that the enemy and all his local news and bad news is the illusion and the distraction. That those who wake up have come to know and confess that “nothing shall separate us from the love of God that is in Yeshua Christ, neither height nor death, principalities or powers, nor things present or things to come. That we are more than conquerers through Him who loved us”. You see all the bad news is only as real as fear allows. To some it’s just a boogie man.

Fear was the first emotion Adam had when he felt something was missing, when he felt naked and ashamed. That is why God asked him, Adam where are you? You see Adam had tried on some words from another and experienced an emotion God did not give him, fear.

That’s the enemies plan for you and an emotion from the wrong gospel. If you fear God, the god of this age has no power on you because you have woken up.

Fear on steroids is terrorism and “those who fear have not been perfected in love because fear involves torment”. So you know how the powers that be try to detain you. To keep you paralyzed and earth bound. But we have a Heavenly calling.

For us who understand this, we look at the things outside, being the visuals with our carnal faculties, as temporary presentations to learn from, to wake us up to what we have inside us, our inheritance we possess of the things that are truely real, of things not made of dirt or elements associated with the 6 days of creation, but the eternal, invisible things we are to wake up to that existed before God ever said “let there be light”.

This is what Paul meant when he said “when I was a child, I thought like a child and spoke like a child. But when I grew up I put away childhood things”. He learned the distinction.

The things Paul associated with in a carnal way, taught him a new expression and a new association in Heaven of being godly. Not a religious piety, but a new body of beliefs, mindsets and fearless behaviors. So we learn to “put on the full armor of God”.

This is why we are instructed to put Christ on. If He were a man in the beginning I suppose we would just try to dress like Him. But those instructions were not left behind, unless you want to ride around town as a peasant on a donkey without a pillow and no place to lay His head. That was His dependancy on the things that are here.

For this cause Paul also said “a child is no different than a slave, but is under guardians and tutors until time appointed from the Father. Maybe this is your appointment for you to grow up in understand and awaken to the greater gift of God given in Christ.

The things of this age are given to wake us to what we already have inside and why we are told of Christ that “in Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead body and we are complete in Him who is over all” of those of us “who have put off the deeds of the flesh (the carnal thinking) and have (already) put on the new person (made as an exactitude) in the image of Him who created us. (Colosians 3)

In reality, Gods things are the only things that are really real and eternal, and why Peter said “10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be [d]burned up. So you wouldn’t fixate on the things below where you carnal person resides because you don’t get to keep that. It returns to the dust, so hold on loosely.

Christs coming is even now if you understand that He is the “behold I stand at the door and knock” and the “I am with you always, even to the end of this age”.

That is why Ephesians says: “Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead (from the things that detain you), And Christ will give you light.” So you can see where you are going.

This is what we pray for you. That you may wake up to the reality that is within you, the thing that you may grasp, not with your physical hands. No, because those instruments are for those who sleep, but with your invisible tools from the realm that’s real. Gods realm.

Even as Paul prayed that “17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, 18 the eyes of your [f]understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in (key opporative, in not out of) the saints, 19 and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power 20 which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places,21 far above all principality[g] and [h]power and [i]might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also all that are to follow.”

This however makes no sense to those who are still asleep that the resurrection power of God, lay within those who have His deposit. You just haven’t woken up to realize and recieve it yet, because your faith muscle is either asleep or dead. Faith is the substance of the things we hope for, the evidence that the things unseen are real. (Hebrews 11)

Adam persisted in his catatonic state of sleep and passed it on to all humanity, including you, of which the only way to wake up is through the gospel we espouse. Not speaking of another coming Jesus at a different time or a later date for human exposure to God, because His saturation is complete.

Even as scripture says “who is He who ascended, but He who also descended to Hell, in order to fill all in all. He is every where, all the time even now as the “lo I am with you always, even to the end of the ages”. So He is right here, right now, squaring up with you to see what you will do. Which is? Well we hope, WAKE UP.

That through your exposure to the things we possess and testify to of the things of God available to you by faith, to wake you up now to the fact and only real reality is “that which is from the beginning” being “The Kingdom of God at hand”, to those not with their carnal faculties but spiritual. That “God is Spirit and truth and seeketh such” to reverberate with. That now, today is the day to possess your inheritance today is the day of salvation, today is the day for the gospels completion. This is what true salvation is. Not like the i.o.u. presented to you by the decievers they call a second coming. This they do because they have no faith. That “one must first believe that He is, and that He rewards those that diligently seek Him”. And His rewards are many, but because His things are invisible, we can only convey them through words to your understanding to leave an impression for you to wake up.

This is why Paul wrote this in Romans “, knowing the time, that it is now high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. Well yah. It is at hand.

Now, the Rest of God, which is not a slumber, is the contrast to those who sleep from God. The place we associate with as having recieved our inheritance, revealed to us in His Holy writ and activated by faith, so that you can sit down with the Father, only when you learn to do this. No more wringing your hands and dwelling on the “what ifs” in life.

You can rest assured of this that this is the “Kingdom prepared, made ready, available and opened for business, from the foundation of the world. Think about it. If Gods things are eternal, how is it that some are looking for things to be made for Gods Kingdom to appear? They are asleep. We are awake in quite repose in that which is from the beginning. How simple.


While men slept



*In Your Patience Possess Your Soul

Posted on February 6, 2021 by ADMIN

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Psalms 24.3-6 Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord?
Or who may stand in His holy place?
He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol.
Nor sworn deceitfully.
He shall receive blessing from the Lord,
And righteousness from the God of his salvation.
This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him,
Who seek Your face. Selah  

In your patience possess your soul.

This was a phrase spoken to us by our Savior, of times that would try the human race, that “there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs and wonders” to test the soul those who dwell upon the face of the earth.

It is for the Elect that these things turn up opportunities for our testimonies, but “not a hair of your head will be lost”. That in these trying times we hold onto the only thing we really keep, that you take with you away from this carnal experience. “In your patience possess ye your soul“.

Fortunately for the elect, we have a partner in this endeavor because we considered our old person expired, taking our Fathers word to be raised in newness of life. The life we live now we live by faith in the Son of God who gave His life, for us to have His. Our life is not our own but His because we have partnered together.

In the beginning God said “let Us make mankind in our image and our likeness” of being our own personal soveriegns. Meaning we own the gift given to us at the cross.

The fall was loss of this. The gospel restores this one person at a time. To be raised far above all principalities and powers in Christ. (Ephesians 2)

To possess means to occupy, to be held, to be capable and to sit or reside. In terms of a place, it is to have possession or ownership. To sit is to rule and be in control. After all if you are not in control you do not possess.  You become the possessed. 

And the point here is, who is in control? Well you might say “me of course” but upon further review of the evidence this might not be the case. You may think, well I handle my own affairs quite well. That you have your products and services set in place so that at the push of a button you can act with impunity. That by using the tools offered by the powers of the day, you have become god-like on your own. That you are in control? You have your command center at your fingertips? This is the illusion.

Maybe you have stepped inside the trap and swallowed the bait. Have you shared everything you have and everything you are by subscribing to anothers services you believe to be harmless and benevolent? You may be out under their power. This is how they cast their spells on people. That “you may become like gods”.

What does that sound like? Think of the Garden of Eden.

You may have bought and own the gadget. But if you read the terms and conditions before you activated it, you would know that you own it, but anything you put in it belongs to them. This means all of your personal information. You may think that because you’ve denied subsequent requests for your information you are safe, but you are not. When you set up your phone you gave it all away. These new requests for your personal information just MAKE you feel safe. That too is by design.

By that one contract, they are the owners of your seamingly invisible person and information, regardless of your avitar or falsetto.

It’s like this. To subscribe. Sub means to put under. Scribe is a writ of authorization. That is why there are under writers. These outline who is to serve whom. Who is above and who is below. Who is subject to whom, and to who did you submit

To subscribe is to accept certain service providers to opperate on your behalf in your stead. Escentially an alternate you. It is with your signature or click of a button that you empower others to carry out actions on your behalf. Do you really know what they are doing with you?

It is good to note here that nothing is free. Just because there may not be an exchange of money, you can be sure you are loosing something somewhere, and it could cost you dearly. Be careful what you sign up for because an exchange does take place and you are now bound by those terms even in the eyes of God because He gave you yourself.

Kinda like of old. When a King would manage his kingdom, he would send out emissaries with a letter having the King’s sign or seal on it. It was as good and valid as if the King were standing right there. His authorization contained the edicts and the power to perform on behalf of the king.

This is what your signature does. That is what the click of a button does. It acts on your behalf as though you were there. Whoever has your acceptance on a document has your permission to do and carry out everything spelled out in that document as if it was you. Did you read before you agreed? Among these permissions are what’s called, terms and conditions. This spells (pun intended) out the subscribers obligation in the relationship. An exchange takes place, either by payment or offering them to use your personal information knowingly or not. They collect your information, familiarize (familiar spirits) themselves then sell your information to the highest bidder. God tells us specifically in His word “‘Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God.” Have they laid their inroads through you?

And: the person who turns to mediums and familiar spirits, to prostitute themselves with them, I will set My face against that person and cut them off.

As a king is bound by his word, and you are bound by signing and accepting, or sometimes just a click of terms and conditions and in a court of law, it would rule in favor of how the contract reads but in your haste to valuable information, you click away. These are legal and binding to the core of your soul, the only thing you have thats truly your own. DO NOT SHARE IT!

And because God gave you your own sovereignty, for YOU to rule over your OWN affairs, YOU are responsible to perform what YOU agree to by their services, knowingly or unknowingly, even if you didn’t read or understand what you signed. You have to satisfy your contracts to term. This is why scripture says “let your yes be yes and your no be no. For whatever is more than this is from the evil one. You have been warned.

This is escentially what Adam and Eve did. They put themselves under the authority of another to receive a form of godliness by eating the forbidden fruit.

God had already given Adam and Eve His form of godliness with his first declaration: let Us make man in Our image” and “in His likeness He made them male and female”. So it includes all of humanity.

We are each responsible for our soul, except for the young and weak. That is another topic having to do with coverings for care. “In your patience possess your soul”, is for the elect of self governing sovereigns made in Gods image and likeness.

This is why we have been mandated to “come out of her My people lest you partake of her sins and recieve of her judgments”. This is why we bring this up. We must dis-enfranchise ourselves and place ourself in our rightful due as outlined in the gospel of the Only Begotten, lest we be found entangled in other agreements. For then the judgements would reach into our affairs and maybe to your very soul. And if in nothing else, when the cards come crumbling down, we are not damaged by the debris, because in your patience you possessed your soul and removed yourself from all other attachments. We have taken no real stock with the powers that be of the gods of this age who come to nothing.

First we have to understand who “the prince of the power of the air, who now works in the sons of disobedience” is, lest we become one of his. This would be clear as the one in control through services that operate in the air, being the top of the pyramid if the www.eye in the sky, the net laid over the whole world. Let that sink in.

The Greek word for air is pneumas and means spirit, so you should know that there are two spirits. The Spirit of the Living God, which is mimicked by the prince of the power of the air that distracts those who don’t know God.

The book of Revelation talks of a foulsome smoke that comes out of the bottomless pit. It was instructed not to harm the trees or the vegitation, but only those who have not the seal of God in their forheads, showing us that this smoke is not in about polluting oxygen but airwaves, communications and electronic transmissions. This is the mind that is not occupied by the Holy Spirit of the living God. They have another source for invisible sustinance. Another spirit seemingly for control and direction and self management with tools other than the ones given to us from God Himself.

However we the elect, have an Unction from the Holy One (the Pnuemas of God) and we know all things”. Not that we know all things simultaneously, but we know what we need to know when we need to know it because we are connected to the command center of all things. It is there for the asking for the Elect.

The other power of the air offers alternate providers and overlaps of coverage with counterfeit coverages with terms and conditions. Instead of using your asker, or your mouth punctuated with an Amen, you use your finger on your keypad, tap,tap,tap. You then pay with money or personal information. This is spiritual adultery with God because you cannot partake of Gods things and demons. You would not press into God because the key stroke seamed easier.

For the elect of God we have access to Gods services spelled out by His terms and conditions we learn from in scripture. Where our savior said “ask anything from the Father in My name and He will do it”. And God cannot lie.

This is not to blab-n-grab to satisfy your lower carnal nature. However the god of this age being “the prince of the power of the air that now works in the sons of disobedience” being the mind void of God, of those who have subscribed to the gods, or service providers of thid age. Like a morphine pump, they can click away for the various ad ons and pleasures  till they loose their soul by becoming enamored and entrenched in another sort of a God like fashion of, “something good to behold and able to make you wise?

Hmm, this sounds like the Garden of Eden where they took a bite out of the apple for another all knowing. The question is, does your apple have a bite out of it too? Does it have features “pleasant to the eyes, and desirable to make one wise”? Can it help you “be like God knowing good and evil” and vertually everything? And things beautiful to behold? Is that really you on your profile? W

We the Elect look into a different mirror (2 Corithians 3.18)

Like with Adam and Eve, they were made to feel ashamed and naked needing to be covered so they used a leaf to hide their short fall. However the god of this age has plenty of different kinds of leaves to cover yourself with.

With each new leaf, paper, papyrus, contract, or terms and conditions you subscribe and agree to put them on, all those coverages and coverings only blind you from Gods protection for you, and to preoccupy you from doing that one thing you need to do. Which is to “in your patience possess ye your soul”. To take ownership of it. To un-subscribe from other powers who can only rob you and detain you. After all their are no what ifs, or just in case with God, as though He has a blind spot or has left us alone, for you to run for cover under another’s care, because He has said “I will never leave you or forsake you” and “lo I am with you always, even through the end of this age. How much more thorough can His providers be?

Are you under the terms and conditions of Gods terms and conditions signed in the blood of His Son. Or have you agreed to other providers. Check? Or checkmate?

The Kingdom of God is at hand. Not with a signature. Not by pushing a button for a new app or service. But by professing faith and trust in the Almighty God for His service providers spelled out by His terms and His conditions we call the New Covenant, contract , and Will and Testament we call scripture.



**Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit

Posted on February 5, 2021 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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Training for the Elect.

Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit.

The Son of God has this Testimony “For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created by Him and for Him.”

And He goes on to say this about His Elect that “you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power”. So there is nothing left undisclosed. That “all things are open and exposed in the eyes with whom we have to do” and as Christ said “all things I have from the Father I have made known to you”. John 15.15 So we have full disclosure from them.

Our purpose is to be in the command center with the Architect, the fabricator and Orchestrator of all things, to rule and reign with Jesus Christ.

Even as scripture says “know ye not we shall judge angels?” And “The Lord comes with thousands of His saints to execute judgment”?  So we know what the game plan is. This is our climb to the upper echelons of the spirit.

Since we are gifted with what Christ has right now as “joint heirs”, then we have a responsibility to respond and accept this call.  It is incumbent upon us to know what we have, where it takes us, and how to use it. We need to know when we are completed, then how and when it will be implemented. To be on standby for the charge.

As we navigate our way through The plateau’s of the Spirit, we must take note, lest we be found wandering and lost like the bygone law and the prophets, whose old expired testament was left as an example of how NOT to do it. (Hebrews 3.16+)

Even as Peter said, 10 Of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that would come to you, 11 searching what manner of time, the Spirit of Christ who was in them was indicating when He testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glories (His offspring) that would follow.”  Speaking of us.

In the beginning mankind was made in the image and likeness of God and then fell.

It was because it wasn’t a carnal fall. There were no broken bones or bruises, because it was in the spirit and in the mind that the fall took place. Mankind is still falling today, just look at the consequences. The disease, sickness, metal illness, murders and in-ardent passions all originate from the fall. These are NOT from God. This is what the world needed saved from and why it was said of The Christ in a blasphemous way “you saved others, now save yourself”. He is the remedy for all these.

In our humanity we were born under a trove of obstacles and with Gods gifts to us of His completeness offered to us through the Gospel according to the gift of godliness (God-likeness), it is our duty to shake ourselves from the dust of the earth by casting off the man made surrogates that detain humanity by taking them under their care. In this way they are held spellbound thinking that they are safe or saved.

We are to take on our new nature and our God given tools to rise up above the debris of the fall in Eden passed on to all of humanity, and through the grace of God the Father given to us who receive it, we can get back on track. This was a course even Adam and Eve were suppose to participate in of personal development for the challenge at hand. For even they were suppose to grow in godliness having been planted in the Garden of God.


With the fall being reversed at the cross, we who accept this opportunity, can now arise to our God given potential. In Christ we have our do over. “Therefore let us run the race with endurance, looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy set before Him”. (We are His joy.) “He endured the cross, despising the shame”. But He did it anyway, for He who called you is faithful” who paved the way. 


Scripture instructs us with these words “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood (of things we can see with our eyes and handle with our hands) but we wrestle against principalities, against powers, against the (invisible) rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places”. In various plateau’s of the spirit through which we must combat with scripture and Gods Divine Holy Spirit.

This shows us here that we are responsible to take on this challenge, because He gives us His tools and His Holy Spirit walks us through this, taking us from one platform to the next, of things that are invisible to the carnal senses. We learn that, it is really quite easy as shown for us here of how we are given the victory.

Also saying of Christ “Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.” So our enemies become just toothless road kill. That is unless you re-empower them by dialoging with them. DO NOT ANSWER THEM!

And from Hebrews “But you have need of endurance so that after you have done the will of God you may receive the promise” and “run in such a way that you may receive the prize”. And “do not be as one who beats the air but run with certainty”. So we know He gives us clarity, to be cognizant and alert. We need to be spiritually awake and mentally on guard. We wake from Adams deep sleep passed on to all humanity where he became cognizant of another and lost sight of his purpose. We call this the polarity reversal of being “ground bound and looking down”. However we have our re-inversion from the fall called “resurrection” to move on with “the ascension”.

Our Savior shows us how to overcome these obstacles so that they can become bygone relics of old skirmishes that become like stripes on the shoulders of Sargent’s and Lieutenants of tasks accomplished long ago.

If you remember our Christ battled for 40 days in the wilderness instead of 40 years, not for Himself, but for us, to show us how to complete the course in record time.


Christs ultimate battle and trophy as a man was the cross, of which it is written “Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it”. Showing us where He buried the enemies, which is the same place where we get our ascension empowerment.

This was not only His victory but ours also because it is His victory set before us that makes us complete upon our following His lead through the obstacles He has pushed over. As He requested “follow Me that where I am ye may be also”. He is calling us out of all earthly kingdoms. All! Why? Because “The Kingdom of God” that is “at hand”, is within reach in this way. Do not despise the gift giver!


Mankind fell in purpose in the stratus of the mind, and because man fell in position and power, a man had to fix the fall. For this reason God sent His only begotten Son into the world to become like us to obtain the resurrection, being a re-inversion, like a glass turned back up to receive. He then flew up through the various stratus all the way back to the Father. “He who ascended also descended (to the lower parts of the earth and the chamber of the dead. Who also rose up and ascended back to the Father and “sat down waiting for His enemies to become His footstool”, to fight no more. To “fill all and all” and thereby given us His tools for us to accomplish this same task before our carnal experience expires.

Meaning: it was God’s very composition who “became flesh and dwelt among us”  who reversed the ill effects of the fall. The world does not need to be redeemed. The problem was with the thinking in man. Creation just simply reflects to humanity their spiritual condition, outlook and standing with God. Creation does not fall or rise it reflects.  That is why Paul said “to the pure all things are pure”. So we can see without the distortions of fear, greed or condemnation coupled with guilt.


If you truly learn to sift through the various distractions presented to you through various sorts of misinformation, and take your rightful inheritance of being “seated far above all principalities and powers in the Heavens” then it could be said of you too that, you “sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.” Why? “For He has not put the realm to come if which we speak in subjection to angels, but what is man that you are mindful of him”. That God bestowed this upon us as a gift for those who access it through His cross. This is how we get to our perch and place of rest, seated with Him in the Heavens, above the turbulence of sin. Not that we bear the brunt like He did. It is that we find there our opening and access through His blood.


You have to understand that we were not left here to always fight against rulers in sub-sector stratus in the spirit. Or else how can you receive your completion, enter your rest and be on standby for the final trumpet call? For you to then be empowered for your debut performance? (Think here of Joshuah and his armies surrounding Jericho on standby to all SHOUT at the same time as one body.)

If you are looking for another act from God to help you through this time and your sojourning here on earth, you don’t really know the Salvation of God gifted to all would be believers. That “God sent His Son into the world NOT to condemn but to Save. And He does this one person at a time through the power of His Holy Spirit and the tools provided to us through the Gospel. That’s it. Herein lies the complete salvation package unto godliness. A shared god-like-ness given without merit but pursuit in the quest of The Kingdom AT HAND

For this reason we associate Not being of an Adam like nature of covering ourselves with fig leaves, insurance policies and such for just in case?? There are no surprises for the Elect “in Christ”, like Him being newly created in His image. Scripture saying “if anyone be in Christ they ARE a new creation. Old things HAVE passed away, all things HAVE become new and ALL THINGS ARE FROM GOD” not of earthen elements, tools or mindsets. You have to rise above that.

That’s what makes Him the Savior to all who would follow in His footsteps through the Plateau’s of the spirit and fulfill the words in yourself that “ YOU He made alive, who WERE dead in trespasses and sins, in which you ONCE walked (but no more) according to the [a]course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in those who are disobedient, among whom also we all ONCE (but no more) conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others”. The carnal leanings are of the bottom stratus of constant bombardments without Heavenly protection, is your distraction.

But the scripture goes on to say that “4 God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we WERE (enemies and) dead in trespasses, He made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus”.  This is a foregone conclusion if you are of His sort.

This is spoken as a foregone conclusion of those who ARE fully sanctified “in Christ” having PUT OFF our old person in the fashion of Adam and Eve, and have PUT ON our new nature, born of Gods Word and His Holy Spirit, that are totally and irrevocably, distinctively different and immeasurable superior to all sub-sectors of the lower heavens and earth, being elevated SO FAR ABOVE everything.

With Christ we are now seated “waiting for His enemies to be made His footstool” as the rippling effect of His salvation is played out unto completion of His full number of saints, those who were for-ordained.

That all the battles have been fought and won, the last enemy to be defeated is your unbelief, because Satan, sin and death hang limp, dead and powerless at the cross, to only intimidate those who haven’t made their own crossover and ascension.

The tools to become over-comer’s has been shown to you here, and with your cooperation in activating these tools on your own behalf, it can be said of you too. That we being seated in the Heavens in Christ, are now watching and waiting in a patient repose with and in The Godhead, for the events on earth to be played out into the completion of the Elect. These are not the first fruits, but the final harvest and greatest maturity. Then this age will close. But right now “The  Kingdom of God is at hand” still, and you must press in to obtain this prize that’s been given. So “do not be as one who beats the air, who fights with uncertainty”.

So we can learn from Paul who said “24 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may [i]obtain it. 25 And everyone who competes for the prize [j]is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable, invisible crown. 26 Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. 27 But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection”. Showing for you the seriousness of this matter of your cooperation and persistence to “lay ahold of why God laid ahold of you”.

Here we are cautioned:  “Therefore we must give [a]the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away. For if the word spoken through angels proved steadfast, and every transgression (departure) and disobedience received a just [b]reward, how shall we escape if we neglect ( and turn from) such a great salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by those (of us) who have heard Him” and repeated by us who are called to do so. 

This Testimony have all the Elect. Of those who accepted the challenge to obtain the gift and “do not insult the gift giver” by asking Him to do more. He is already with you every step of the way, you just cannot see Him visually. But He has said “I will never leave you or forsake you”. And “the Lord is my helper, what can man do into me?” So we take Him at His word.

For those who obtain the prize?

We proverbially take a bow and tip our hats (crowns), throw them  in the air and with jumps and shouts of jubilation we shout “Glory Hallelujah”. We are gathered around the Throne of That One, “The Lamb having been slain from the foundation of the world”. Showing us the access door has been there all along!

The Apostle John put it as simply and succinctly as this, “and who is it that overcomes the world? Those who believe that Christ came in the flesh”. Meaning the Savior came, the saving happened, we have a savior. His saving is complete. Therefore we who have taken on the obstacles with His tools (word and spirit) and clamored up the things that God has said, taking Him at His word, His invitation, we too “are complete in Him who is head over all principality and power. Amen.

This have all The Saints, The Elect. We are The Watchers and The Holy Ones. Same things, different verbiage, being “The Symposium of the Spirits of just humans made perfect”, gathered and Glorying around the thrown. Hebrews 12.22

So if you can learn to rest in this (this is the Rest of God) you can examine stratus levels in the spirit because ”

5  God has not put the world (realm) to come, of which we speak, in subjection to angels. (No we are much higher than they) But one testified in a certain place, saying:

“What is man that You are mindful of him, (that you thought of them like that)
Or the son of man that You take care of him? (Or bestow these privilege’s on them like that)
You have made him [d]a little lower than the angels; (regarding their humanity)
You have crowned him with glory and honor,
[e]And set him over (and outside of) the works of Your hands.
You have put all things in subjection under his feet”. So we did see Christ, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of (OUR) death crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, would taste death for EVERYONE.” Meaning, we don’t have to. Death has no hold on us.

With these truths made clear, let Him show us the subsectors of strata’s between God and humanity and those who struggle with these “high things that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God”. It is through this new understanding of who we are “in Christ” and owning the inheritance already given to us and outlined in The New Covenant, that we squelch all enemies and all fear subsides. We come to ourselves seated with Him in our right minds.

The Kingdom of God is at hand!  It’s of a Heavenly sort. Rev 22.  Then I, [a]John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” This is the Kingdom prepared from the foundations of the world we are called to participate in now.  Amen!


Building Blocks. Baptism Basics

Posted on January 27, 2021 by ADMIN

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Baptism. What the symbolism means.

The act of baptism itself does not save a person. It is the correct understanding of what it means and how to apply it that is important.
 With all feasts and ceremonies, we need to understand what they mean, and not just do them over and over and think that is what God wants.

 With the ceremony of baptism, the curse we all get from Adam and Eve gets erased, as you vow to accept Christ’s death in your stead, and put off your old person by faith and put on the new person in the image of Christ. In this way you get a do over.

For this reason Paul said in 2 Corithians 5. that ” 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 18 Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us this ministry of reconciliation, 19 to witness, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us this word of reconciliation”.

So what it means to be “in Christ” is to NOT be in Adam, or the old sinful self that lives according to the flesh
We are part of a new race of humans in the fashion of Jesus Christ. A whole new race being born again, or born from above. (John 3)
It is not what a person is on the outside that matters to God but the inside. This is why Paul said “26 For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 2There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one (and the same value) in Christ Jesus”.
Baptism and the re-gifting of the Breath of God we call the Holy Spirit.
Adam and Eve were told of the forbidden fruit, “in the day you eat you will die” and they did. At the beginning God breathed into Adam and he became a living being. He lived because the breath of God is His Holy Spirit. When he ate the apple The Holy Spirit left and he became dead to the things of God, because the breath of God departed.
At your  confession you received that  same Holy Spirit, the breath of God and became alive again. You got what Adam lost when he became dead and now you are alive. This is what Baptism symbolizes.
And because Jesus was fully man and fully God, we can be like Him in our human body and interact with God the way Jesus did. That is why scripture says that “in Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead body, and you are complete in Him who is head over all”. Because this is the gift of God that makes us like Him. Godly. Since God made all His creatures “beget according to kind”. We can understand that we are His kind. “A kind of firstfruits of His creation”.9
This is salvation and the resurrection as we understand from the baptism vows, that Adam fell and the resurrection is a reversal of the fall. To be raised back up. And because Adam had no breaks, bruises or cuts and needed no ambulance, it was not his body that fell. Because it was in the spirit of the mind, we can understand that the mind is where this all takes place, and why we are called to “be renewed in the spirit of your mind”.
The resurrection has nothing to do with our body or second coming events, or life after death. It is the body that is “from dust to dust”. And “flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom”. But the re-spirited mind of faith does.
We return to the condition humanity was before the fall, being raised in the place Adam fell called the spirit.

We have the Holy Spirit and are already restored to a human type that God said “it is good, very good”.

This is what we need to know about baptism. After all there are many people who may not have the opportunity or ability to actually get submerged. So that is just a subjective formality. But the act itself is just a reinforcement.

This is why “The Kingdom of God is at hand.


ABC’s, Building Blocks, The Last Will and Testament of God, our Inheritance

Posted on January 26, 2021 by ADMIN

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The Last Will and Testament of God, called “The New Testament”. Our foundation and starting point.

The New Testament is a Will and Testament. Like with any Will, for it to be in force, there must be a death before the heirs recieve the families treasures. That after the death, the goods are dispersed.

That death took place with Jesus Christ at the cross. He took not just our bad doings people call sins to the cross, but our whole old nature. Scripture says “on Him was laid the inequity of us all, and by His stripes and death we are healed. It was at the cross that all the judgment to every human being to ever live was laid on that man. You see the judgment due each person there, because sin is a self imposed sentence.

When someone rejects God, they don’t get the next best thing but the opposite, so they are self condemned. “18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God”. The arms of Christ at the cross are wide open to everyone.

This is why as believers we are to associate once with His death and ours through Baptism where you take a vow to be buried with Him, to be raised in newness of life. The fear and the threat of death should have no power over you.

Christ died once so that we wouldn’t have to and to never approach Him again and talk about sin, because sin in Gods eyes is unbelief, and puts you back underneath the cross.

Just like a faucet the has been hooked to a new water source the pipes have to be cleaned, but when the new source of water flows all residual dirt gets washed away. Multiple confessions don’t do that, the cross does and the continual work of the Holy Spirit does. Your only real sin now is to not believe. Faith is the tool given to quelch doubt and fear.

Hebrews say “how much more the blood of Christ through the eternal spirit purge your conscience from dead works (sin focused thinking) to serve the living God”. To be un-detoured by the boogie men of the day.

All conversation of sin becomes a denial of the cross and a distraction for mature believers. You become what you focus on, so we focus not on the cross like many religions who worship that Jesus.

All the world’s Marvel’s, be they good or bad become distractions for you from the gift of God.

They do not know the resurrected, risen savior. That is the one saving act for all humanity where we who put our faith in Him, the life that He gave us is who He is now and who He was before “He became flesh and dwelled among us”. Any other such saving or Savior rejects the Savior of the cross. There are many reasons to seek a cure it a solution, but Jesus/Yeshua is the cure for all of mankind. He bought, paid in full and redeemed humanity and now offers a full pardon to would be believers as a result of that payment rendered on your behalf.

And however thankful we are for that moment, we are called to move forward, to mature in the faith, to learn of what we have been given as a result of that death, then to impliment it and own it. In this way we are the children of God.

As Paul put it to those in Corinth “16 Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 18 Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, 19 that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not [d]imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.” This is THE gospel.

If we are waiting for another Jesus to help us or save us (savior), we reject His one time saving, the cross, our inheritance and the storehouse where we get all our goods for Godly living, so don’t look back.

You see there is no mention of a third covenant or another death for you to receive your reward but the one we get by faith. For this reason it says in Hebrews 11. But without faith it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him.

For this reason scripture says that “we are joint heir’s of the things that are in Christ Jesus. That “in Him dwells the fullness of the God Head Body, and you are complete (have the whole package of who He is) in Him”. And “10 He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world did not know Him. 11 He came to His [c]own, and His [d]own did not receive Him. 12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave power to become the children of God, even to those who believe in His name: 13 who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. (John 1)

This power we have been given is called Gods Holy Spirit.

2 Peter says that “Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, 3 ­ through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature (now), having escaped (by giving you these tools) the corruption that is in the world through lust”. Lust being the passion of aquiring and possessing safety mechanisms to protect you from death. Death no longer has a hold of those who received this promise of a new life.

This is really quite amazing given the fact that right now the world looks like it’s going to Hell in a hand basket. But Gods building project is going on quite well and “the gates of Hell will not prevail”.

You see creation serves the creator just fine. It all pans out in the end. For now trade your fear for faith, God is in control.

The Kingdom of God is at hand. Do not let anybody Rob you if this reward.


**The family of God and the steps of our upbringing.

Posted on January 19, 2021 by ADMIN

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DNA is information, understanding the information is knowledge. It is in this way that when we know God’s word we receive his DNA and become like him.

We are the congruency of the things of God, the collection of what He has He had given us. The things He has said we collect them, rebuild them and reassemble them inside ourselves to become like Him.

The Father is in the Son, the Spirit is in Son, we are in the Son, the Son is in the Father, the Father is in us, the circle is complete. Simply put, we are one. This is the Amalgamation and the consummation. Even as Paul pleaded, “be ye reconciled to the Father”. And  so we did.

1st John uses a Greek word of koinonia. Which means oneness, an amalgamation, being kneaded together like bread. In this way the Son is the bread of life from the Father.

Koinonia in Greek is an intercourse. In the context of scripture it means social intercourse. Meaning, a transfer of DNA and DNA is information. To know this information is to know God. In this way we are genetically predisposed to be like Him. This takes place as we press into His word. Taking Him at His word, we become word, Gods Word. That’s how He was introduced. John 1.1

This is why Peter said that “we have been given everything that pertains to life and god-like-ness by way of knowledge or, information. In this way we participate in the things of God, and “escape the corruption that is on the world thru lust” because we’ve been satisfied by another. (2 Peter 1)

And this takes place while we are in the world and in our human bodies, and not at some illusive second coming that’s suppose to happen in a carnal way, but “with the breath of His mouth and the Brightness of His coming”. That’s what Paul encountered on the road to Damascus, so that verse was fulfilled in his lifetime.

For those who know, we know that the kingdom of God is still at hand, for a short time.

And from Galatians “now that you know God, or rather you’ve been known by God”. Not that He didn’t know you already. But to be known by God is like when Adam knew Eve and there was a genetic transference with a new birth. It is when God transfers this understanding from Himself to us, His DNA gets imparted to us through words, because in the beginning was the word and the Word contains the Father. That is why the Son is called “the word of God”. When His work is complete in us, we become word too. We take the words that He said and expound on it. We simplify it and clarify it for you to become word too. This is your salvation

And from Paul again to the Galatians said “who I labor (meaning a birth) again for Christ to be formed in you. Meaning by accepting Word, the Son, in the spirit of your mind, the place of the incubation or the pondering of the things God has said and written down for you forage through.

We call this the preponderance of what God has said. We hope you are doing this, because this is your part. That you ponder his word, and integrate it into your being and into your thinking.

You are being transformed by the renewing of your mind. Transformed also is translated as transfigured, for the reasoning between your ears. That’s where this all takes place. This is why Mary was commended for pondering these things in her heart, her invisible part. This is the real place the birth of Christ takes place, in the invisible part in each one of us.

It is this kind of oneness with the father and with the Son and the Holy Spirit that we are made family. This is the koinonia, or oneness and social discourse we are talking about. This is how we collectively  become like them, the Father the Son and Holy Spirit. We are baptised into them and put them on one revelation at a time to injest them to become like Them.

This is more closely referred to as those in spirit and truth. This is the place we call “The Bridle Chamber”. This is where the genetic transfer takes place and we are made one. This is where the offspring (us) take on the genetics. This is the place reserved for family only. Even as the parable said “The Wedding Feast is now ready”. We attest to the reality that the wedding has been happening and we become new in their presence. We know who our Mother is. Heavenly jerusalem, a concurring and re-ocurring, non-stop eternal reality of experiencing the unchangeable, immutable Almighty God on His designated abode of “The Kingdom prepared from the foundations of the world. It was already there.

Yeshuah, the Christ, the same yesterday today and forever. (Hebrews 13.8) As is His Bride. In this way She is bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh of Glorious Spirit and Truth.

This is “the kingdom prepared from (before) the foundations of the world” the place that’s forever new, spotless and Glorious. This confuses many because they are still waiting for Gods Kingdom to appear in a fashion that suits their fleshly fascinations. But flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom. Only the re-spirited mind of faith does. You can only keep that which is now invisible because everything else burns. (2 Peter 3.10)

Galatians 4:26 calls Heavenly Jerusalem “the Mother of us all”, so She had to precede us.

And for those expecting a building of man’s devisings in what is called Jerusalem made of Earth? That one is not of Heaven and would be future and be disqualified as being eternal, then who is your mother? And how can you be born again?

Paul call Her “Heavenly Jerusalem, the Mother” as a concurring reality” and thereby denies the importance any earthen city. (Galatians 4.26)

We know who we are born of, where and how that happened. This is our new liniage. We are in Her this is true and She is in Christ. And because all eternal things are hidden in Christ, we then being born from above to be eternal, we too are hidden in Christ. We now see the things that are here that belong to us, and they are all eternal and “not of this world” as Christ on earth described His Kingship as higher than the Heavens and in total control over everything..

When we visit the Fathers house we take nothing in it. When we leave we take nothing out but our Testimony for you to believe too.

In the beginning Adam was split from his rib and called her Eve. That split is mended in Christ. It was God who told John the Baptist “on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain upon, this is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased”, because for the first time since Adams rib was removed, male and female made He them in His image”. Gods image was restored. The split that started with the removal of the rib was mended in Christ of whom are all things including the female aspect of Him who said “let make man in our image and likeness, and God made them male and female. This is the wedding feast of which John the Baptist said “29 He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears them, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice. (a newly married man). Therefore this joy of mine is fulfilled.” And in this way our joy is full.

And as Yeshua said “in that day no one shall take your joy from you”. This is that day, the day the Bridegroom has the Bride. A term that is unsuitable for a fiance or older married couple. Just the newly wed.

Yes, we testify with John the Revelator that Heavenly Jerusalem (that) comes down of God from heaven, “made up of the measure of the man that is of an angel”, referring to our invisible component and our assembly to Her, being much more certain than solid stone.

She is our inextricable link to the Father. He is the protecterant of the Kingdom, being Her. Just as Adam in the beginning had his protected inside His ribcage, his female counterpart was hidden inside himself, and sinse he was made in the image of God, “male and female made He them”. This is the revelation of the Bride of Christ as something hidden from carnal perseptions. There is no factual way to know “the Teacher”, the Comforter the other Parent so that you are not left Orphans. (John 14-16)

This is why Peter said of us”Coming to Him as to a living (invisible) stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious”. Also know by Ezekiel as “the terrible crystal” and the flame enfolding into itself. Also known as the consuming fire. referring to our transparency. Hence we are invisible stones, transparent as having been tried by fire to remove the impurities such as are common from Earth, and why we are told that carnal “flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom”. But for those of us that know, the re-spirited mind of faith does. This is “The New Creation”. Not that it is brand new. It is only need for you in your understanding because we’ve been gathering to Her for years. (Hebrews 12.22 plus)

So now can be true for you, “you also, as living (transparent) stones, are being built up a spiritual (transparent) house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual (transparent) sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ”. Showing us that our new composition is Spirit like Him.

Isn’t that what Jesus told the Samaritan lady at the well? For I tell you the time is already here when you will not worship the Father in Samaria or Jerusalem, but in spirit and truth” again as touching the invisible.

This is how Christ could appear as a Gardner outside the cave where the stone was rolled away, or as a stranger on the road to Emmaus. Does your heart burn within you too? He appeared on the road to Damascus as “the bright light from Heaven”. He even appeared in the upper room to the disciples after the doors were closed, in their midst “in another form”. This is how He comes as a thief to many. He comes in a form you don’t suppose.

How then do you expect the Limitless One to appear? Even now He says;

20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith”.

Because this is how He appears. In word form, carried by the spirit for the saturation of the mind.

John 1.1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

The same was in the beginning with God.

All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” 

The question is, do you?

For that reason we are not to equate God as locked into a specific time frame or locality, “but spirit and truth for the Father seeketh such”. This is why it can be true that as our Lord said “I will never leave you or forsake you”, but you have no physical proof.

Even as Paul said from Galatians, that when it pleased God to separate me from from my Mother’s womb to reveal His Son in me. Paul’s incubation time in physical Jerusalem was over, but he was still in process. We call this part now our “transfiguration” into our new association of God in the Spirit where we become one and the same.

Paul further explained his transfiguration in human terms saying “a son is no different than a slave but is under governors and tutors until time appointed by the Father.

Who also gave this allegory, that when I was a child, I thought like a child and spoke like a child. But when I became a man I put away childhood toys. Meaning the carnally experienced old covenant practices and procedures.

Paul then speaks of his adulthood of having offspring by saying this to the Galatians, My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you“.

It is those who deliver the Gospel, in it’s various levels, that participate in begetting Heirs of the Kingdom, and share in the reward.

God begats through Abraham.

When God told Abraham that he would be “the father of many nation’s” God was not referring to his human genetics so much, but those who adopted his faith through his testimony. For this reason God said Abraham’s seed would be “as the sands of the sea” and “as the stars of the sky”, showing us that Abraham had earthen and heavenly offspring. (From Ishmael and Isaac) Even as Jesus said of the Jews in His day. They may have been from Abraham’s carnal lineage but because they sought to kill Jesus, whom He said “you do the works of your father the devil”. That shows us that those who are of the Heavenly seed, these are God’s chosen and His elect, and not those who are of the sands of the sea.

For this reason Paul also said “just as Abraham “believed God, and it was accredited him righteousness.” Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham. And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand, saying, “In you all the nations shall be blessed.” So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham”. And not those of the carnal nature and works if the flesh as Abram did with Ishmael. And if you understand Galatians correctly, to cast off the bondwomen and her son referring to the carnal Israel and Jerusalem. And from Hebrews “the Holy Spirit thus indicating that the way into the Holy of Holys was not available while the first temple was standing”. Who also told us to “go boldly yyo the Throne room of grace”. And so we do because we have cast aside the carnal counterparts, given for our learning. Like Paul said “when I became a man I put away my childhood toys. That is the difference between a slave and an heir. We grow up. 

It is because “we are Begotten by a word of truth to be a kind of firstfruits of His creation” of invisible to the human eyes eternal matter, that we are Abraham’s seed “as numerous as the stars of the heavens”. Meaning a heavenly sort.

So the main point is, the Kingdom of God really is at hand. But many seek another. Isn’t that what John the Baptist asked? “Are you the coming one or do we seek another”. You see all the old covenant was anticipating a carnal Kingdom. For this John was beheaded as so should we in the sense that we need to cut off that mindset too. Let us not be found looking for another lest we get beheaded against our will too.

The Bridal Chamber is at hand! Amen.


*The law of necessity, Our Faith

Posted on January 16, 2021 by ADMIN

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When you come to the end of your rope and you lose all hope, this is where the power of God kicks in.

It was with the money changers and in the treasury of the temple that Jesus Christ did combat with his enemies. For the same reason it was Judas that was a penny pincher and the keeper of the money among the disciples, showing what matter of seed he was.

You see Judas whose identity was with the money, but it was the disciples in the book of acts, after our Lord was taken up who said, silver and gold have I none but in the name of Jesus Christ rise up and walk”. They knew what tools they were to use, and which account to make withdrawals from to do their tasks, and it wasn’t a bank.

The point of all this is to say that when all human efforts, endeavors and possibilities are rendered ineffective, that you feel empty and powerless, this is where faith kicks in. When you are at the end of yourself and things happen, this is for the Glory of God, because it couldn’t be you. God Glories in using this one, against all hope.

So you have to put off your dependancy and reliance on the things of this age, to experience God in this way and implement what God has given to you, so you can use them now. You see you cannot serve God and Mammon, and God doesn’t serve you until your reliance of Mammon is gone.

To pray for money is an insult to the living God. He doesn’t need the inventions of man, and neither does His Elect. Remember the fish with the coin in it for the temple tax?

Here is what Paul told Timothy,. “For the love of money is a root of all evil, for which some have strayed from the faith”.

And those in the book of Acts who thought they could buy the things of god, the disciples said “your money perishes with you” showing us two things, that if you hold on too tightly to what you have here, you will perish with it here, but if you hold on to the promises God has given us in scripture, you will have the thing that He said of something eternal. This involves faith and trust in the Almighty God.

And even as the Unction of God says to us in the book of the revelation, that “blessed are those who die from here on out in the Lord that they may cease from their deeds, and their works do follow”.

Now that has to strike your curiousity because how can your works follow when you cease from your deeds and die in the lord? The answer is you stop working off of your own energy grid and efforts and start working in faith at the behest of the Unction and the dunamis (power) of God. This is for His Glory. No human involvement. Flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom, nor can it participate for reward because “everything that can be burned will be burned for the Eternal to remain”. Not that the Eternal is later, but then it will be without competition.

Money is just stored up human labor anyway, and the reason humans are from the dust to the dust, and Satan eats dust. Dust is the spent human efforts, stored in the medium we call money. And who controls that? The god of this age, Mammon. This is what God meant when He told Satan “dust you shall eat all the days if your life”.

So when the things of this world cave in, and you lose what you have and what you’ve work for, don’t curse and blame God because he has something better for you, but “rejoice to the extent that as your partakers of the sufferings of Christ you also are partakers of the glory that follows”.

And that’s the purpose of the sufferings are for. When you are brought to the end of yourself and there is nothing left of you, there is God. This is to pass you through the other side undaunted.

For even Paul said of all he had before Christ “I count it all loss”, which means dung, or poop or crap from the Greek “that I may lay hold of the riches in Christ”. If you remember Paul being a Roman citezine was not a poor man.

Christ goes on to say “Those who seek to save their lives lose it, and those who lose their lives for My sake will gain eternal life.” So hold on loosely.

This is why John says ”

24 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.” 

(The corn are those who die in the Lord from here on out, that they may rest from their deeds and their works do follow, Rev 12) and

25 “ those that loveth this life shall lose it; and those that hate their life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.” These all describe this same principle.

You sacrifice one lifestyle for the other without the physical death. You see the body itself becomes just a tool and a container, and we become something much greater. Even as Paul said “for we have this treasure in earthen vessels for the Glory and the Excellency to he of God and not ourselves”.

When you’ve put off your dependancy of the things of this age that made you feel safe and sound and secure and you feel naked and vulnerable… You are right where God wants you.

That is what Adam felt with Satans first encounter. This is your victory over this age in that you don’t rely on them anymore. You put off the wares and coverings of this age to feel naked and exposed. Now you are full time faith. Don’t worry tho, just be spiritually prepared to spring into action. Those who have this mindset are sanctified, preserved and protected “in Christ”.

For those who feel safe and secure by being covered in the safety nets of the gods of this age, don’t know the covering and protection of God. Like Adam and Eve felt after their encounter with the snake and why they put on the fig leaf. They felt naked and ashamed. They were exposed to another climate.

However we are clothed in the righteousness of Christ, our comprehensive coverage God provides. It’s all inclusive.

Signed, Naked and Ashamed no more. At least from a humans point of view, because we are clothed in Christ. To others we may look exposed, but all of the things our God has for us are invisible.

This is why Peter said;

To those who have [a]obtained like[b] precious faith with us by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ:

Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the [c]corruption that is in the world through lust.”

Now let that sink in. In this way;  The Kingdom of God is at hand. Amen!


*The Last Will and Testament is now in effect Amen!

Posted on January 13, 2021 by ADMIN

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­When the word amen is said, it is an affirmative. An affirmation that a thing is true, reliable, dependable, accurate and agreed upon. To become an immutable deciding factor . No changes, alterations, complaints, arguments, no disputes. The thing is settled not to be subject to change or tried for authentication, not to be added to later. Like the signatures on a document, it is a done deal in relation to the Almighty God. So we say Amen!

Scripture defines a contract a covenant a will and testament from God, that is beyond contestation, no argument, rebuttal or negotiation. It may be studied, scrutinized, examined and embellished, but not altered, changed or modified in anyway. It is finished, done, settled in Heaven and on earth, then shelved for reference purposes only. We are referring to The New Covenant from the Almighty God to humanity. Are you under that contract? Because the Old Covenant had expired and there will not be a 3rd covenant to replace the New Covenant we have by the blood of Christ.

That is why The Savior of the world is the “Amen” of God. He was Gods final say so because the cross was the punctuation where He said “it is finished”. Christ is the last will and testament of the Father. As John states;

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

17 For God sent his Son into the world not to condemn it but to save.

18  Those that believeth on Him are not condemned: but those that believeth not are condemned already, because they have not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”

This is the saving and Savior from God. Gods last and final act of saving, His last Will and Testament Amen! No other cures, remedies, pills, vaccines or treatments needed for us to live eternally.

He demonstrated this while He was here by healing all manner of desease and sickness. He also raised the dead, showing us there is nothing He can’t cure.

With the blood dripping from His forehead from the thorns, from the lashings on His back and from the spear in His side. The blood running down His arm and off His fingertips to the ground below, He signed this will and covenant with His blood, then said “it is finished”. To which we say Amen. The saving and the solution from God to us from every thinkable evil foisted on humanity, is stopped with this one saving act that has no encore presentation. But you have to go to the cross to get it, and leave your old person there to exchange it for a new person re-imaged like the Only Begotten. (2 Corithians 5.17)

Some may try to fool you with a so called “second coming” savior or saving, a phrase not found once in scripture, for another deliverer, saving or Savior, because people just can’t believe that Christ  reversed the curse. Siding with the devil they say “has God really said?” Has He really sent His Son into the world to save, or does He save us later? It is a sort of blasphemy to look for a saving act of God than the Christ of the cross where the debt was paid and the curse was reversed.

Even as God told Moses to instruct the Israelites to look at his staff with the snake wrapped around it, showing us three things. Who the enemy is (the snake) and in whose hand he is subject to, meaning God, and what the cure was, the staff, meaning a pole or a tree. To this the Israelites looked to for their cures. The pole with a snake logo of our day is the impersonator.

Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree” and Christ took our place on the cross to defuse all our obstacles but faith. It was the Son who took our sin, the curse and the instigator Satan, and displayed them hung dead with his dead body on that piece of wood. That we who have accepted this payment on our behalf, of something we couldn’t do, so that we being free from that debt could have unhindered access to Him who is the store house for everything we could ever need, of the things that are His. We being joint heirs of what He has even now.

Like an ancestor who died long ago. As you review the will and testament, you learn of what you’ve been given so you can access your inheritance to use it the moment you realize you have it. This is what the gospel teaches us.

A will and testament is in force after the subject dies. Well Christ went to the cross for this cause. For you to share in the life that He had in the beginning and that He has now.

Have you claimed your reward? Most blessed are those who have aquired this free gift from God because “to as many as recieved Him, to them He gave power for them to become His children, even to those who believe and confess in the name of The Only Begotten from the Father.  To which we testify, Amen!

It is by the blood at the cross that Gods will and testament called His son, was ratified and signed into effect, being The final say so from God. The will and testament of God that we call The New Covenant.

With Christs last breath He said “it is finished, Amen”. No addendum, no revisions or modifications. If this were not so, he would’ve had to stay here to do so, or when He said it was finished and returned to the Father, He would be a liar and that can’t be.

With all the ill effects of the fall from Adam, being rectified and satisfied from Christ . This frees all would be believers from sin and doubt to accept a new debt free life. “Those who the Son sets free are truely free”. We call it the Resurrection. It is not a new physical body on planet earth in a future time but right now. It is a body of believes and truths that become our new nature.

Paul describes it like this in Colosians 2.

12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.

13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened (raised to life) together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;

14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;

15 And having spoiled principalities and powers (Satan and his minions), he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.” This is what believers profess at baptism. This is your starting point. Let us go up from here.

The salvation from God to humanity was complete, so much so in fact that the need for any other saving or Savior of any other sort for humanity, was irrefutably undeniably futile and useless. However you must press in to God to learn how to impliment the saving he has for you. Let us fear lest any of you fall short of the grace of God.

Attention: if you are offered any saving remedy of any sort, they are impostors. They deny the saving of the cross. If you reject the saving of God, you don’t get the next best thing but the opposite. Don’t believe it? Just ask Adam. He traded life for death. “In the day you partake you shall surely die?” Those who accept the false cure, vaccine, saving and Savior, are gaurenteed perdition.  You’ve been warned.

For this reason the scripture says of Gods Son, that when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high (we call our Father), who is now seated waiting for His enemies to become His footstool, because the only enemies He didn’t defeat are your doubts and fears. He did however give you the tools to do that also, in His last Will and Testament called scripture, of the things God has freely given to us who believe, so that we can appropriate His things with His words in His ways in our lives for His cause for our good, Amen! That’s it! No 3rd covenant, no other contract, no other saving act of God. You can’t alter or change this, you can only accept it or reject it. “Those who believeth not in Him is condemned already”? Yes, that is your starting point.

Romans 10 says ”

Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above (like a second coming:)

Or, Who shall descend into the deep? (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.)

But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Yeshua, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” That’s it. There is nothing left to say or do but to act upon that faith, and press into God for the prize. Paul said to compete like only one can win the prize. Not that everyone can’t obtain the same prize, but that however much you strive, when the door closes the opportunity to add to your portfolio will cease. Then you will be hit with the remorse of lost opportunities. Those waiting for another Jesus will be hit the hardest.

Really, it is blasphemous to think that God need to do any other work to secure salvation and your place with Him. It is your work to accept it, study it, and apply it. How? With what you say.

So that those who have taken God at His Word we call His Son, His will, Testament and covenant, signed in His blood, shall be saved from any and all enemies, monsters, Boogeyman or any other created thing.

This is why Paul asked us in Romans 8. What shall separate us from the love of God in Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?”

To which we say, nothing.

These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen

And, Amen! The Kingdom of God is at hand. Run in such a way to obtain the prize.