*Technology, The Knowing

Posted on May 11, 2021 by ADMIN

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Tech-nology is a knowing. Tech-know-logi

Etemology is a term for the origin and development of words. The origin of the word “technology” is interesting in that it has been re-purposed today for a new tech-nosis, or another knowing. So let’s go back to its origin, and the etemology of the word technolgy.

From; https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~funkk/Technology/technology.html&ved=2ahUKEwiXk-_sxsHwAhXEuZ4KHUghD5UQFjACegQIGxAF&usg=AOvVaw2IKG15PI64PBYE5wTpIi8F

The word technology comes from two Greek words, techne and logos. Techne means art, skill, craft, or the way, manner, or means by which a thing is gained. Logos means word, the utterance by which inward thought is expressed, a saying, or an expression.”

Tech is the art, craft or science of a thing. To know a thing, in this case word or words because that’s what logos means. Techno is a knowing. So techno-logi in it’s inseption, transcribed from Greek to English is “knowing word”.

When we look at New Covenant scripture in it’s origins, and at John 1.1, it says; In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.

Or more clearly put for our discussion today; In the beginning was the Logo, and the Logo was with God, and the Logo was The God.”

So to have tech-nology, was to have a knowing of Gods word, but more importantly to know Gods Word/logo as the very escence of God Himself because that’s all that was in the beginning was God.

Not that God is solely masculine, because in the beginning God made man in His image and likeness. In His image made He them male and female”. The male aspect is just the protective exterior or covering. And just as Adam had his counterpart called “the rib” hidden inside Him, so too the original Son of God has His hidden female and his counterpart hidden inside Himself called “Heavenly Jerusalem, the Mother of the All, as being the Elect of God. It is those of us who have entered into Christ to see Her there. Now we know why “no one unclean shall enter” Heavenly Jerusalem because she is covered “in Christ” as are we. We who are hidden “in Christ” see here what belongs to us and She is the Mother of us, the All, as Paul clearly conveyed in Galatians 4.26. How else would we be able to expound such things?

Therefore knowing the Word called God’s Son is the first unveiling of who God is, and the Word of God, the firstborn, is the first known of the things of God turned inside out. Adam, the first father had to be put into a deep sleep to see his hidden counterpart called “the rib”. In contrast, we are wide awake to the realities of The Almighty God, our Father.

For this reason His Son and Word is also referred to as “The firstborn over all creation” showing His importance of not being created, but being the first expression from the Godhead body, of something that pre-exists creation. This makes Him perfectly qualified to carry out creation “for by Him all things were created and by Him all things consist”.

The Word/Logo from God was slightly portrayed in Eden when the image of God called Adam, was splayed open to unveil the woman. So too Gods Son introduced as word explains the various components, elements and aspects of the Godhead body, by breaking Him down into mentally consumable pieces or sound bites (bits) for our consumption in the spirit of our mind, our knowing to know (nosis) God in His various aspects and features to become like Him.

Gods Only Begotten Son is the original meaning and objective of the word “technology”, which is to know logo, or more importantly the Logos and Word of God.

So technolgy is the art of knowing God by recieving the collection and re-assembly His words inside ourselves. This is what makes us a new creation for us to be able to appropriately say like Paul “old things have passed away, all things became new, and all things are from God the Father”. Who also said “be ye reconciled to The Father, for Christ who knew no sin, became (All The) Sin (upon Himself to give us the chance) for us to become The righteousness of God in Him”. This is our right doing and way of doing things, is to receive all Gods things gifted to us through the cross. For this reason Gods Word is His mechanism to convey, or bestow everything He has upon us by the tool of faith. That “one must first believe that He is, and that He rewards those who diligently seek (knowing) Him by faith. All other things set aside, that’s it. There is no need to be smug, not overly humble “For it’s the Fathers good pleasure to give you (who believe) the Kingdom. For this reason, and this reason only “The Kingdom of The One True God is at hand”. Not so much physically, but invisible with power to catapult you to be seated in Glory “far above all principalities and power” in the present age in our current condition.

This is why The Logos and Word if God became flesh. For you to believe that you can be full of Him while you have a physical body, and share in the eternal reality that “as He is, so are we (even while) we are in the world”.

If this doesn’t rock you to your knees, you should repent to the Heavenly Father to lift the veil from the eyes of your understanding (Ephesians 1.17) lest you walk away undaunted and un-changed because to have the veil of understanding pulled back this far, then to walk away to your old way of doing things, there is a harsh judgment. You’ve been warned. (Hebrews 6.)

So you know that “Logos” didn’t mean pretty little images that promote concepts and corporations. That is another sort of perversion of the things of God.

Logos are used today to promote feelings and cravings for actions and responses, mostly subliminal, but definitely coersive.

As believers we know God in this way. Gods word is God. Gods word is logos, the same Logos was in the beginning.

Tech means knowing. So for believers in the Son of God, introduced as the Word of God, and broken down into words for our rumination and consumption, He is our tech-nology and word-of-knowing that we know. Know is nosis.

So knowing this, there is another tech-nology today that seems to have obscured This Truth, this reality originated from and correctly belongs to God and His Son only.

Technology as used today in general, has grown. So much in fact that we have tech giants, and they all have logos.

Giants is another word with curious origins. We have a warning in scripture that the giants of old would be back in brutish and bullying ways. That it would be “as in the days of Noah” when there was giants in the land.

The etemology of giants from the Hebrew of which the old Testament was written.

The word “giants” in scripture comes from the words nephil and nephileem, and coralates with bully’s and tyrants.

The parent word “nephelee” means cloud, a type of spirit and corilates with “the prince of the power of the air” as warned if in Gods Word, for us to know these things.

Tech giants today are eirily remenicent to the giants of old because of their associations with the power of the air in the first stratus above humanity in the clouds meaning Nephelee, and plural nepheleem. Yes the giants of old have bodies that span continents with god-like tentacles that reach into every appliance and mechanism of every home, building and transportation system.

Scripture warns us of “the prince of the power of the air that now works in the sons (or offspring) of the disobedient”, we know this as Satan, and the spirit of the anti-Christ. Anti means to be in contrast and in opposition to the One True God. It is “with all lying signs and wonders if possible to decieve the Elect”. So you know why it is the capstone of the pyramid. The all seeing www.eye in the sky, the internet that’s a web around the world like a fish net that holds everyone spell bound and captive through terms and conditions you accept for your empowerment from the god of this age.

So you know who their leader is. It is likely that they know everything about you and have your information with the approval to do with you as they wish because you’ve accepted terms and conditions for their services. And because you subscribed, or sub-scribed, you put yourself under, sub means under. Scribe is a writ of authorization. They have a copy of you in the cloud (Nephilee/nepheleem/giants( . You have no privacy there and they can manipulate you like a puppet on a string because they know (knowsis) your fetishes. This is their technology is knowing you. So much so in fact they pull your strings.

The pyramid logo capped with the www. eye in the sky, is a key logo. If you remember in the book of Daniel, there were two kingdoms associated with stone. That one was a mixture of clay and metal. We see this one as the pyramid because it is that mixture. That in the days of these Kings or rulers, the God of Heaven will crush and consume the pyramid culture, and they won’t see it coming. Even as it says in the Revelation, that “Mystery Babylon has become a trap for demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hateful bird”, including the Phoenix.

We are of the other kingdom  call “living stones built together s habitation for God in the Spirit” of those of us “seated in the Heavenlies in Christ, far above all principalities and powers” which is why we have this insite. Because we have oversite, they are below us.

And however true it may be that these self begotten, bullying entities of old were huge. It doesn’t mean they were physically big in terms of being big people. They could’ve been, but they didn’t have to be physically big. They have overarching presence, having great authority. Many of you went to them for refuge because of their seemingly broad coverages and policies, a word that comes from police and that is how they control you.

Have you ever pondered why they are able to implement mandates and policies that circumvent local laws and national constitutions? (Like mandates) That they are more powerful than elected politicians? It is only in embassies that there can be other powers, but even there it is limited. But these bullies buy people in power with another power called Mammon, whom our Christ called “the god of this age”. So you know they are part of the pyramid kingdom, in part because the pyramid logo is on the money in circulation in that body. Because they have the same power, or currency, like electricity they are empowered like such, but not by our God.

Humans did it. Each person did it by voting the best choice into office. With your permission by proxy, you elected a serroget to make your choices, but those who lobby don’t like you. You put them over you and they are part of the cloud, the nephelee, of the air which means pnumas and spirit. So they hide in plain site with your permissions.

So you are under their care for their providers and their coverings. And you did this once again because you’ve accepted terms and conditions. You’ve subscribed and empowered them by proxy, and in doing so, you are shielded from God. They own you, but you think the only true God uses them like He needs them. They are the gods of this age, the rulers of this age

We have large words disguised in logos today call tech giants that are bundled in contracts that separate you from them called contracts and terms and conditions. And what do they do with this?

They bind you with documents and terms with conditions that favor them and indemnify them from all outcomes and responsibilities. They are not obligated to perform but you are. Generally with a payment too, from your sweat and your blood. However Gods contract and His terms and His conditions required the sweat and blood if another, Jesus/Yeshuah Christ. That “we come to the light to clearly see that what is required by us is done by God”. (John 3.18) So you see who serves who, and you’d rather serve the lower case multiple gods of this age, to empower them on your behalf for your destruction. It’s totally opposite of Gods salvation, services and products given freely through the gospel message of Gods Savior.

He is our tech and our knowing and our tech-nology. The other? It’s the counterfeit.

But really, The Kingdom of God is at hand, opperational and active especially in our day. And as Daniel prophecied “in the days of these Kings, or powers, the God of Heaven will amalgamate His people to crush and consume the pyramid kingdom, of those people, businesses and services who empower Satan.

And just as an appetizer. Ezekiel is given these words to define another aspect of Satan’s kingdom with these words. ““You were the seal of perfection,
Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
13 You were in Eden, the garden of God;

“You were the anointed cherub who covers;
I established you;
You were on the holy mountain of God;
You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones.
15 You were perfect in your ways from the day that I created you,
Till iniquity was found in you”. 

(And of this iniquity?)

16 “By the abundance of your trading
You became filled with violence within,
And you sinned;

(Think of meritime law and slave labor for cheap goods.)

You defiled your sanctuaries
By the multitude of your iniquities,
By the iniquity of your trading;

Therefore I brought fire from your midst;
It devoured you,
And I turned you to ashes upon the earth
In the sight of all who saw you.
19 All who knew you among the peoples are astonished at you;
You have become a horror,
And shall be no more forever.” 

We will end with this explaination of the wheat and tares. The tares were bundled first to burn, of those bound by mutual imprecations by contracts, terms and conditions for services from the god of this age. This is the reason the mandate was given to “come out of her (mystery Babylon) My people, lest you partake of her sins and recieve of her judgments for God has remembered her”.  You have been forwarned!

The Kingdom of God is at hand, the gospel is preached and many are entering. When judgment starts, it’s because the doors will be closed. Like in the times of Noah and like the Parable of the wedding feast when the Master of the ceremony rises up to close the entrance and there were those outside pleading to get in. But they were told “depart from Me you workers (and collaborators) of inequity. I do not know you of where you are from”. As those who crossed over to the provisional cover if God in Christ.

The Kingdom of God is still at hand but seating is limited and the time is short.


His Kingdom At Hand

Kingdom at hand