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God saving grace and personal volition

Posted on February 8, 2017 by ADMIN

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Volition is a word referring to a personal choice or choosing . For one to direct themselves by their own choices.
Volition is a good word to define that part in each person that they own and are responsible for. When God made man in His likeness He gave us our individual soverienty. God doesn’t take this away. It is our own thinking and choosing that we need to be saved from and not so much external enemies . This is why scripture says that the weapons of our warefare are not carnal but mighty through God for pulling down strongholds and everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.
Our own thinking is what is part of our Adamic nature. But to us who believe we have the mind of Christ. And it is His thoughts passed on to us by scripture that we dress the loins of our minds with that alleges us with God. Like Paul pleaded ” be ye reconciled “. So we do.
So here is the lesson of personal volition. Adam turned from God and started a trend of departures by building barriers of mental constructs. The first one was to distrust God and allege himself with another. Adam started receiving from another and in so doing cut his strand of provision from God, His faith and trust in God was his invisible embelical cord for blessings. He became a recipient from another source. There are not choices of good and better and best but positive and negative. Because Adam exercised his volition and turned from the best and the highest, he went doqn and started a cycle down. He rejected the positive associated with blessing and chose the negative which brings a curse.
God did not curse Adam but defined the spiritual law of departure saying “the earth shall no longer This is why we are gifted through the gospel with being seated in Christ at the right hand of the Father. This is the call of reconciliation. It is a series of departures adopted by mankind that need to be restored rescripted.
But mankind persists in his own soverienty and volition to be independent and continues to spiral into moral darkness into need of more and more drugs and programs. And because the fall of Adam did not happen to his body by sustaining bruises or broken bones, his fall was in the spirit of His mind which has a gravitational pull but no bottom or place to land whose end is utter darkness. This place is called outer darkness in scripture and is the conclusion to those who reject the light of God we call revelation, being an unstoppable radiance as “the light that shines in the heart of every man” indicating the invisible reality into side us.
If you can imagine an astronaut falling through space. He is drifting and his air supply breaks. He now has no tether to return. Such is a man who rejects God
So the fall accurately defined is man’s disconnect from God. Man does not receive the things of God and spirals out of control away from God. Being in a fallen state is being dead to the things of God. It is acknowledging this and repenting that stops the fall and reverses the effects of the Fall. We do this by renewing the Mind according to scripture. This is called the resurrection. It is like the astronaut yet having his Air Supply Severn who is been drifting out of control who is essentially classified as dead. and faith B&R umbilical cord to God when one turns to God by faith and believes but erasing the disbelief of his a damnit nature this one who believes is now a live. This is what it means when scripture says he who has the son has life he who has not the son has not life. And as it says in Romans a quote from Deuteronomy 33 that One Believes with the heart with the mouth confession is made for the saving.
And once the pronouncement is made the falling stops. The one who now believes has plateaued at the place where they are., this then becomes the reconciliation to God or better yet very connected to God. In the journey but this transformation takes us back to where Adam had fallen from.
Adam in the beginning had not become completed in his design until after he ate from the forbidden fruit for it was only then that God said no man has become like one of us to know good and evil and lest he put forth and eat of the Tree of Life there for Adam and Eve were discharged from the garden.
So as long as Adam was walking with God innate horizontal relationship being parallel and being equal the plan was not complete. It was part of God’s design that man should choose for if he had not chosen he had not awaken to his own volition. So volition without a choice without a contrast is not using it all and volition would have been dead. It is all volition and our ability to choose that makes it able to choose and be god-like or to choose not to be done like. And when we choose not God we choose the contrast of God being the lower because God is upper God is good God is love God is light. The choice is then the contrast in the abstracts of those truths.
So this place that we’ve just spoken of with the astronaut out of control is essentially the spirit of your mind. And this is the reason why it is said that the weapons of our Warfare are Mighty for pulling down strongholds and everything that exalts itself against the knowledge and an understanding of God. It is that these Concepts seemingly truths that are untrue that we are stubborn headed about that we hold onto dearly are the very things that stand in the way of us receiving the high degree in the upward calling in Christ Jesus which is a parallel existence a horizontal existence and not a vertical one. It is the gospel message that is vertical only till we come to an understanding come to the knowledge of the fullness and an exactitude of the Sun. It is here that we accept a polarity and a equal this with God becoming one with God and fully connected to God which is the purpose of the Gospel to disconnect us from the fall and reconnected to the father. And this is why the second coming message as such a destructive concept. For it takes the invisibility of God turns them into a carnal constructs and tells you it happens in a place in time on planet Earth and that cannot nor ever will be God because everything that can be shaken will be shaken and all the Earth in its work shall be burned for the Eternal to remain so that is where we shall be found.
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Visible vs the Invisible

Posted on January 17, 2017 by ADMIN

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The religiously carnal Christian and the orthodox Jew is at odds with God in this way. They are always trying to make visible the invisible things of God. This is how “the carnal mind is enmity against God”. They interpret scripture in a way to be seen. Be it Jerusalem or the temple or the sacrifices or the feasts or the man they call the 2nd coming Jesus, which is just a regurgitation of scripture by re-packaging Christ to the same perspective as the Jews were condemned for. These things will not be. All the law and the prophets are visible concepts to be sown corruptible in their carnal visual form, then raised incorruptible and invisible in understanding in the spirit of the mind which is their proper domain. Where they pre-exist.
It is us who are called not to look to the things that are seen but the unseen saying “since you are risen with Christ, seek the things that are above” and not below. Not the carnally visible. The seen are just shadows of eternal realities of “the Kingdom prepared from the foundations of the world”. They are shadows of the building blocks we construct with from before time and matter ever started. These are things above. For the things seen are shadows but not the essence. The shadows are temporal (on a time frame) but the things that are unseen are eternal. Meaning ubiquitous, anytime, anywhere.
It is “in Him whom we live, dwell and have our being”. He doesn’t need to reappear to the carnal senses to accomplish something as though He is not yet. He is “the one who was and is”, not the one “who is and is not and must become”. He is our prize and our prize is immorality.
This  is our calling home and our homeland.  We “look for the city whose builder and maker is God”, made of eternal and invisible to the human eye, building blocks and not something like stone or granite. This is our journey and sojourn-ship to arrive there.  This is our responsibility and our duty. We were redeemed with the incoruptible and not with corruptible things like silver and gold.
This is why Paul discarded a Pharisaic future earthly kingdom mindset and learned to say that “we are no longer strangers but citezines and fellow members of the household of God” now. Made of the things that are timeless, eternal, invisible and immortal. For the things that are seen will be shaken and removed for the carnally intangible to remain. This is the only thing real, true and enduring. This is our reality. All others fail. 2 Peter 3.10
Revelation 22.11 For the time is coming when He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous[e] still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.” 
It is us who have acquired things in the spirit, who retain the things we have received by faith as our real self. The new man imaged like God as seen in the face of Christ. 2 Cor 3.18
Ephesians 4.22 that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, 23 and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, 24 and that you put on the new man which was created according to (just like) God, in true righteousness and holiness.” attaining to all the eternal, invisible attributes given to us “in Christ”. This has nothing to do with a rapture. For “flesh and blood does not inherit the kingdom”.
We are no longer reckoned in the Adamic human race of the downward spiral but the spirit in Christ being as invisible “as He is so our we in this world”. Not as he was temporarily as a man, but made up of invisible things as is He. “For you are living stones having been built upon the foundation of the Apostles and the prophets Christ being the chief corner stone”. We who have assembled His self in us are the city of the living God being “living stones. “Where 2 or more are gathered in My Name, there I am” and so He is.
  Our new association never fades or gets old. It is the constantly new eternal in which we abide and retain by faith, which is our invisible imbecilic cord to the Almighty God. Which is our faith. This is true holiness being invisible. In this way we are saints pure, true and clear. We are in the world but not of the world, not of this creation being “a kind of first fruits (now) of His creation”. Being “born by a word of truth” and not another construct of time and matter.
If you are “the called” out to be “in Christ” this is your calling, purpose direction and destiny. This is for your glory. The Fathers glory given to us and we fulfill the words of Christ saying “Father that they may be with me where I am” and “I say that not only to these standing here today but also to those who believe in their words” and also “Father the glory you have given me,  I gave given them for the world to know” So we do. Christ said “I and the Father are one” and we are one with them. We are In Christ.
This is the gathering. “Oh Jerusalem how I would’ve gathered you as a hen gathers her chicks” and She does if you let Her. This is our gathering to these ubiquitous heavenly truths that never expire eternal in the heavens of your mind. For “the heavens cannot contain God” but the heavens of our mind can because this is what makes us the temple of the living God and not an earthen construct on earth called Jerusalem.
Didn’t Paul say that earthen Jerusalem is in bondage? But the Jerusalem above is the mother of us all”? Who is your mother? The one on earth? Or the one that comes down form heaven”?
Seek not the things below. That Jerusalem was given to be carnally sown corruptible then raised in understanding in concept to the spirit of the mind which is Her proper domain. We being born from above are not the kind belonging to water like a fish, or beasts of the field or birds of the air but a different kind. Not of the expanse of the sea or the air or the stars but the spirit.
Are you this kind? Spirit and truth? “If we show you earthly things and you do not understand, how can we show you the heavenly” invisible? For “seeing with their eyes they see not, and hearing with their ears they hear not because it is with the heart one must see and hear to understand the things of God.
Why does God have to go somewhere as though there is a place He is not, and why must He come again as though He ever left us for He is the “lo I am with you always”
The Kingdom of God is at hand,  right now


Abraham’s Shield Part 2 Condemnation vs righteousness 5/25

Posted on September 17, 2016 by ADMIN

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Righteousness vs. Condemnation, Girding the loins of the mind and the priests head set.
What the preists symbolized for us by putting on their wordrobe represents for us what we do in the spirit of our mind. The head set is guarding the mind with correct thinking. This is the same as Nehemiahs building the wall first.  This was to protect the temple and we are the temple of God. This is our sanctification. Let nothing that defiles get in.
Righteousness is the absence of condemnation. Righteousness is right standing with God. Paul said “there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who walk not according to the flesh but according to the spirit.” The condemnation we are talking about is not condemnation from God so much as it is the self inflicted condemnation of the conscience. Condemnation is the main emotion and motivator in the mind that is taken into the cycle of addictions. This is what fuels the addictive cycle. This is the soul who is separate from God. The soul is the place where only God can fit. It is empty and wanting to be filled. They feel the pain of this emptiness and need to be anesthetized and therefore they are giving into all sorts of addictions, be they legal or illegal.  Religious duties are likewise addictive without reward.  It is the continual confessions at church on Sundays being an addictive cycle that never fills. The pain never goes away. Christ said “He who drinks of Me shall never thirst” and we are filled.
 It says in the book of Hebrews that all the blood of the bulls and goats only indicated that there was sin, but that Jesus Christ took sin away to perfect forever those who are coming to him. And “the conscience once purged would have no more conscientisness of sin”. And “blessed is the man in whom the Lord accounts no sin, blessed is the man whose lawless deeds are covered up”. This is us who receive this.  He is the great High Priest for this purpose. He is the only link between God and man of a broken relationship caused by transgressions and departures from the living God.
We see condemnation first with cane who said “my punishment is more than I can bear.” His countenance was fallen and was sick with scripture saying “if you do well it will be well with you but sin is like a demon crouching at your door whose desire is for you, to rule over you, but you must master it.”  People who do not do well by making their own definition of what well is, strive to compete and fight and struggle and lie and cheat at their core. This only increases self condemnation. It makes the struggle of addiction harder.
The tools that control people with a guilty conscience are condemnation, fear and intimidation. Any such relationship that uses fear and intimidation is designed only to control you by fear. Fortunate for us we can cleanse a fear-based conscience by the gospel. We can be renewed in the mind by the word. Even as scripture says that “we being delivered from the hands of our enemies and all that hate us are able to live all the days of our lives without fear before God in true holiness and righteousness”. Didn’t the Apostle John say “he who fears has not been made perfect in love because fear involves torment”.
 It is as we learn to walk with the Lord where there is no condemnation we see the enemy of fear coming. We learn that fear itself is much bigger than the thing that we feared. Like Jacobs fear of Esau. Upon the confrontation Jacob said “in your face  I have seen the face of God”.  And as the disciples showed in the boat that was rocking back and forth that immediately they receiving the Lord into the boat, the boat was immediately where they wanted to be. “In Christ”. This is our answer to the Rocky storms that fear brings in our life. This is the peace of God “the peace I give you not as the world gives give I to you”.
The fear of the unknown is perhaps the biggest monster in our lives from the kid who’s afraid to get out of bed in the middle of the night because of the monsters under the bed, to those who wonder what their end will be, who will feed them, and who will take care of them. We all fear these things but as the Lord told Abraham I am your Shield your exceedingly great reward. If we learn to apply this and walk in it, our enemies become our meat. It is our spiritual food for growth. Condemnation is a motivation by fear. This is the emotion of the fallen mind.
We are instructed to “take on the shield of Faith which is able to quench all the fiery darts of the enemy”, not just some. We see this over and over in scripture. We see David sling stones at Goliath and hitting him right between the eyes. We can do the same thing. We speak a word of Truth. “We Believe therefore we speak” as spoken by David and Paul quoted.  And the thing that we say becomes our new reality. Like Him who said “let there be light” and there was light”. This is the way we show  ourselves offspring of the Father. The Works of the father in us. We are His. There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ so there should be no fear motivating factors. The peace of God has spoken saying “My peace I give you not as the world gives therefore let your heart not be troubled or afraid.” If we are allowing condemnation to rule in our hearts, we are taken captive by the enemy to do his bidding. He is the accuser, and accusation produces condemnation in a mind that has not been purged by the blood of the lamb.
So we respond to condemnation with word. That is our tool of faith for those in the faith, for those who have had their conscience purged by the Word as directed by the Spirit. This is for us who represent “The Kingdom of God at hand “. Selah


John the Baptist and the Lamb of God 1/2/16

Posted on August 30, 2016 by ADMIN

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It was John the Baptist who said of Christ “here comes the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” for the renewal to commence.
John was a man sent forth by God. It was said of John the Baptist that of all the prophets he was the greatest, and he was the greatest because he spoke plainly something that all the other prophets just alluded to. And that is that “the Kingdom of God is at hand”. And he didn’t mean some silly city on earth called Jerusalem. That was turned “till not one stone was left upon another”. You see no other prophet put it so plainly and so clearly than that the kingdom of God is something to be grasped. “At Hand”. The disciples in Luke 11 were told to proclaim it and this command was never retracted.
All the law and the prophets were until John the baptist, from that time the Kingdom the Kingdom is preached and all are pressing in”? Yes! Because “all the law and the prophets were parables”. Yes they were pictures and play things to mimic the invisible ever ready, ubiquitous heavenly Kingdom at hand. The law and the prophets were visible things to learn of the invisible, to teach by carnal visuals of things we need to understand in the spirit of our mind of the “Kingdom prepared from the foundation of the world”.
The Kingdom of God is a pre-incarnate reality in the spirit that rules over all things. And “when that which is perfect has come”? This is the regenerate re-formatted mind of faith that co-rules and co-reigns in the Son who is with the Father. Rev 3 “He who overcomes shall rule with a rod of iron”? And so we do. And this happens how? 1 John 5 “how is it that we overcome the world? By faith. This is the overcoming by scripture and need not another earthly Jesus or another city called Jerusalem to do so. “He who overcomes shall be a pillar in the house of God”. Yes! An invisible construct to uphold the truth.
The church is called to overcome. But many are stuck in the visuals like the Jews did and were rejected saying “when does the Kingdom appear?
Visible things are not of faith but fact. They are not of the eternal in the spirit but of the building blocks of time and matter. But we are called to look to the invisible, to invest there. “while we look not to the things that are seen, for the things that are seen are temporary but the unseen is eternal” 1 cor 4.13 Look at this.
We are called to excersize faith in this way. We are taught to seek God in this way saying “since you then are risen with Christ, seek the things that are above”. So this is how we are risen.  A second coming Jesus doesn’t raise us, the gospel does. The invisible God does. Didn’t we just quote a verse that says that we are raised?
And “without faith it is impossible to please God”? Yes, and because God is invisible, we need to use the invisible tools of the trade. Faith. This is our imbelical cord to the Almighty. And we need to speak the word. These are the works of Christ. And these are the greater works we do.
Every clock has a starting point and an expiration date, but not the things of God. That is what eternal means and what we get. That which was before God ever said “Let there be light!” It is “that which was, and is, and is to come”. That changeth not”. You change. You change your mind. You are renewed in the spirit of your mind.
    So no visible city or king and kingdom on earth ever are the fulfillment of Gods word. Like Jesus said “My Kingdom is not of this world”. Not of time and matter.
Learn what this means ” Where there are prophecies they will fail, But when that which is perfect has come, that which is in part is done away with”. That is what this is.
When Moses was insrtucted to “make things according to the pattern you saw on the mount” he was to make visible the invisible from where “if even a man or a beast touches they will die”. This is the purpose of every true prophet. To make visible the invisible things of God and His Kingdom, A place where flesh and blood can’t go but only to the re-spirited mind of faith as touching the invisible. And this is the whole purpose of the gospel, that those who are born of the spirit, being those who receive the invisible to be more concrete than any substance of time and matter, that is those born of the spirit who see and enter the kingdom now for “all are pressing in”.  We don’t need  a 2nd coming Jesus.
 So here is the demise of John the baptist. He was beheaded. He said “are you the coming one or do we seek another?”Yes he was a parable too. He pictured that the only place man can take you to is the end of themselves, their time. The old mindset of the parable has to be cut off and replaced with “that which is perfect” which is perfect in understanding. That “God has given us everything that pertains to life and God-like-ness by the knowledge of Him who calls us to Glory”.
As Christ’s mind struggle was at Golgotha, the skull, so is ours. This is why it is said of John “There is no one born among women greater than he, but he who is least in the kingdom is greater than John, so we are. John failed as the greatest prophet and shown when he sent to Jesus saying “are you the coming one? This is why Jesus said “I do not recieve my testimony from man, for He knew what was in man. The need to be born again, of a different make up than time and matter. “To as many as recieved Him, to them He gave power to become His children. That is those who “are a kind of first fruits now and need not another Jesus to do this.
       They were all seeking a kingdom, and Jesus sent word back “tell him the things you see” So we do. Christ has come savior of the world and provided us the way. Himself saying “I am the way the truth and the light. And time must expire for eternity to begin
     Christ is the new and living. The old didn’t work. Remember “Father if there be any other way? Never the less thy will be done”. And He did. And He said “It is finished”. This is about as close to Thomas you will ever get. “Stick your fingers in my side and see” This is “That which we have heard, which we have seen and handled concerning the word of life”. And this is the “Word that became flesh and dwelled among us” who returned to the Father and calls us to Himself, the new and living way that expired the law and the prophets. They were put out of business by Jesus saying “Father that where I am they may be also” Him who said “I go away to the Father and you see me no more”? And Paul’s revelation “We once knew Christ of the flesh, henceforth we know Him that way no more”. Not ever again. The Word was in the beginning! The word was God! The Word was with God! The word Became flesh (not His natural composition) and dwelled among us” to return home like the parable of John 13.. So “to as many as received Him He gave power to become His children” is not those who recieved the man Jesus but the word. Which one is your Jesus? The man? Or the Word?
Look and behold it is Me and not another. Did I not say “Lo I am with you through the ages”? That “I will never leave you or forsake you? I am the same “Yesterday, today and forever”? Yes it is Me. It is I who “stands at the door and knocks”. Behold Me. I am the coming one coming through Word. I am Word in My natural composition and this is how I come. Not a first and a 2nd coming but over and over and over. Your “lord delays not His coming”.  For the Lord who does not tarry comes to you now in Word form. This is the bread of life that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. Recieve me this way and not a silly waffer. Or worse another coming man for another coming kingdom on earth. John sent forth word “Are you the coming one?” That mindset was chopped off showing the “putting off the body of sin of the flesh” to be renewed in thinking. This is your rapture and you being “translated into the kingdom”.
Any other gospel message that comes short of taking away the sins of the world is incomplete. Any other message that teaches of a future saving or a future victory over Satan, sin or death in any other way is a false gospel, a truncated gospel. But “we speak of what we’ve heard and testify to the things that we have seen that God has sent His Son as Savior of the world”. The victory of the Cross is sufficient for these things. The “blood of Christ through the eternal spirit” was enough. “PAID IN FULL!”
When John said  “The Kingdom of God is at hand”. That is as far as man goes. He can deliver the Word. The rest is up to you. “To as many as believed, to them He gave power to become His children”. Did you recieve that? Not the later coming Jesus but Me? Word? I gave you the keys to the Kingdom.  Use them and enter in.
The Kingdom of God is now at hand.


The art of sowing and reaping

Posted on August 23, 2016 by ADMIN

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The art of sowing and reaping

Paul spoke about sowing and reaping in 1st Corinthians 15 for something to be sown corruptible raised incorruptible. First is the carnal, second is the spirit. It is these little jewels that we find in Scripture that we sow in our circumsized hearts that we process in the spirit of our mind to be raised in understanding.
 These constructs we talk about  are to be raised in understanding  and not laid out on a calender as Paul had learned saying “You observe days months seasons in years I am afraid for you that I have labored in vain”. It is not a one-time event of the body dying to be lifted back up or raised back up for it shall return to the dust. We learn by degree. We are transfiguredoing in this way.m
This is us putting on our new garments much like Joseph’s coat of many colors. He was thrown into a pit, his garments were ripped and passed out and he was left for dead like our Lord.  Or like Isaiah “shake yourself from the dust of the earth and put on your beautiful garments”.
Because God is eternal invisible and immortal, it is as we put on these things displayed for us by word, we become Godly.
When Christ became flesh and dwelt Among us, he demonstrated that God could coexist in a human body saying “for in him dwells the fullness of the godhead body”.  And “you are complete in him who is the head of all principalities and power”, giving us hope to set out for that task.
So it is as Paul says that “since we then be risen with Christ, which if you have received that scripture, you are. The resurrection is a foregone conclusion. Now that we are risen with Christ and “In Christ” we should seek the things that are above” to aquire and put on in the loins of your mind. As Paul frequently said to put on Christ, lest we be found naked. All the things we are asked to cloth ourselves with are invisible attributes. To cloth ourselves with Him, His garments.
It is as we look into the law and the prophets and the feast and the ceremonies, that we learn and understand of the invisible attributes of God in the way that he relates to us while we are in our humanity.
God is not going to become a construct of time and matter.  Oh contrare. We transform, meaning transfigure into Him. That is our whole purpose of faith. God is not a created thing of time and matter like the 2nd coming seekers suppose. It is us that put on eternal things.
 We are not prisoners  in our humanity. It is perfectly capable of experiencing the fullness of the Godhead because our mind being a greater expanse than the external heavens that houses the spirit of God in which we have communion.
Communion is to be one with God, to have all things in common with Him. “We are a new creation, and “all things become new” in our understanding by sowing and reaping. And the things we have in common with him is him. In this way we are heirs and Joint heirs with Christ Jesus. The forever things are unchangeable always new never fading. Creation fades. Creation will be burned for the eternal to remain. (2 Peter 3 ) Let us be found their clothed in Christ by what we have reaped.
So “we are being transformed into the same full image from the glory to the glory of the Lord as by the spirit”. This takes place now as “we behold the face and the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ”. What can’t be seen with the human eyes can be seen through God’s holy word.
So understanding this is the place of our transformation, our Galgatha, the battle of our mind. We see him as he is, we become like him. We become pure even as He is pure.
Pure meaning invisible. That is why John the Apostle in his first epistle said “the world does not know us because it does not know Him. And the part about us the world does not know is the part about him they could not know carnally. They reject the invisible attributes seen in the Son. We accept them and receive them. And it is these invisible attributes that we received that they reject because they want to see it with their physical eyes.
“No man has seen God at any time” but the Son declares Him. And it is written of the Holy Spirit that “will take what is Mine and manifest it to you”. Yes, but not in a carnal way. We are begotten anew by the Word and Spirit
Christ said “he who has seen Me has seen the Father”. This thing we are talking about is seen with a different set of eyes and ears of the composition of time and matter but our new eyes and ears. “To him who has ears to hear”. So we do.
The sowing that we do in the reaping that we do is in our hearts. These things are not planted in dirt. Our circumsized heart  becomes our Garden of Eden.
Paul in his discourse of sowing and reaping in 1 Corinthians 15 used a term “each one in their own order” showing us that it has nothing to do with a 2nd coming. Those who wait to transfigure in that way are neutralized from their growth and don’t understand that we are to “follow those who through faith and patience inherit the promises”. They think the inheritance is later. For it is “the slothful steward who says the Lord delays His coming”.
So He comes to us consecutively in His word for He is the Word of God manifest or unveiled in this way for a new understanding.
The Kingdom of God is at hand


Death Defined

Posted on July 30, 2016 by ADMIN

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Death is commonly defined by as a lifeless body. Something that is unable to move on its own having no responses and no senses, cold and limp. In a state of decay.
But God defines death in different terms saying to Adam at the tree “in the day that you eat of it you show surely die”. We know that physically his body lived on for some 900 plus years, but in the day that he ate of the tree he surely died because he lost the Spirit of God. For it was God having created Adam from dust then breathing in him stated that he became a living soul but of Adam when he fell he lost the Spirit of God in his soul and became dead. Like Jesus said of the prodigal son “this one who is dead has returned to me and now is alive therefore cloth him with the finest garments and apparel”.
It was Paul who said “you who once dead in your trespasses and sins, now you have been made alive in Christ.”
  This is what God does to us through Christ as he clothes us in Christ in the finest clothing and apparel being Christ himself, we put this on. This is our gift from God in Christ. We put on this righteousness and put off our Adamic self righteousness.
The first man was breathed into by God and became a living being.  When that man sinned he lost the Spirit of God and became spiritually dead. And so all humanity is dead to the things of the immortal eternal invisible God and Gods boundless timeless eternal always ready called the Kingdom at hand. To this we need to be made alive. To be quickened. This is the purpose for the gospel. To restore us to this position with Him. To be reborn of the spirit. “That which is flesh is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit, ye must be born again”. And “only those born of the spirit can see and enter the Kingdom”. John 3
This then is the reason why man must be born again to be like Adam before the fall. He needs to receive the breath of God and become a human being and a living soul. This is why Paul said we conclude that if one man died for all that all are dead. It is that man being born again, being born from above, is born of a new spirit. That’s what makes us new. We are then a new creation. That’s why Paul goes on to say “therefore we regard no one according to the flesh” that in Christ we are a new creation. “The old things have passed away all things become new”. And this “becoming new” is us being restored to what Adam lost receiving the breath of God and becoming alive. Becoming alive as it is “in Christ” saying “he who has the Son has life he who has not the Son has not life”. 1 John 5
So then the definition of what death is, is not by human standards of being a lifeless body but according to God’s standards, it is by not having his spirit and not having interaction with him through his spirit to His things in spirit for “God is spirit and truth and seeks such”. To become dead is to become separate from God in spirit. To loose the eternal spirit and return to the dust is the body’s destiny.
Man was removed from the garden saying “He drove man out of the garden and placed a flaming sword which turned every way to guard the tree of life, Lest he eat and live forever”.  Lest he become eternal. He lost the spirit and access to the fruit of life he became a walking dead. And so goes all humanity. They do not have the spiritual facilities to interact with the always present invisible God. The “lo I am with you always”. The Lord who says “I change not”. “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever”.
All the animals are dead to God. And this is what man became in the fall. Intuitively he fell from the ability to interact with God because he could not see or hear Him. This is why scripture speaks to those who “have ears to hear”. It is the fallen man who reads scripture that turns the message into religious observances for the human to do. But it is us who “come to the light to clearly see that what is required of me is done in God. (John 3.21) We receive the gift.
   It is through the religious observances that we can learn about God and redemption “but when that which is perfect comes, then that which is in part is done away with”. That which is perfect is a new understanding, and that is what expires the observances. As Paul described in Galatians that “we are under guardians and teachers until faith comes” not until a 2nd coming Jesus. There will never be a carnal conclusion like the 2nd coming gospel supposes. It was to the spirit that man fell and that is the redemption. Spirit. Scripture says that “flesh and blood will not inherit the Kingdom “. But our born again spirited man does rule over what used to be a lifeless body.
  This is the main conclusion in the book of Romans and chapter 8. It is the spirit of Him who raised Christ from the dead, who now lives in you who gives life to your dead body. That if we live by the mandates of the flesh we remain dead, but if by the spirit we put off the dead deeds of the body and put on the new man, we live while we have this decaying mortality. And as many as are led by the spirit? These are Gods offspring. So humanity is divided into two groups. Those “in Adam” of whom it is said “in the day that you eat you shall surely die, and those “in Christ”. In His day we shall surely live. This is resurrection of spirit which is life and not the body like a rapture for “flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom. (1 Corinthians 15)
So it is the carnal man who interprets scripture in a way that relates to his carnal senses that does not receive the things of God because ‘ the carnal man cannot understand the things of God because they must be spiritually discerned, comparing spiritual things with the spirit”.
It is in this way that the end time theories only temporarily appease the carnal senses. After the expiration of one theory they run to another and they totally miss out on knowing Him who wisks around us. He need not manifest Himself in a visible way for our calling is to become like Him. Our heavenly calling has to do with our invisible part. This is to become Godly. If He becomes visible then He would be a transgressor of His own immutable laws. He would become something that is foreign to Him. If He becomes a figure in time and matter He would destroy that too for we are called not to look at what is seen. For what is seen is temporary but that which is unseen is eternal”. Even as Peter says that “all things shall be burned so that what is eternal (invisible) will remain”. And those in the faith chapter “who look to the city whose building and maker is God”.
So it is those who do not “have ears to hear or eyes to see” who know Gods works but do not know His ways because they are looking to time and matter and not the invisible. These are dead to the things of God. “He who has the Son has life, he who has not the Son has not life” 1 John 5


Paul Transitions from Pharisee. PAMPHLET

Posted on July 20, 2016 by ADMIN

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It was the Pharisees who expected a physical Kingdom set up with a physical Savior and King on earth as seen in Luke 17.20+ saying “when does the Kingdom appear”. And Christs reply? “It cometh not with (carnal) observation for the Kingdomof God is within you”. Meaning it takes no physical form visible to the human eye. As it says in John 3 that only those born again can see the Kingdom of God. See they could not. The Pharisees were still looking without for something that is within

Now Pauls starting point  was a Pharisee of Pharisees of the most religious sect so don’t be surprised that his writings started off with some of those concepts. Even as we see Paul try to have Timothy circumsized in Jerusalem after his encounter with Christ. Paul later taught that we are of the invisible circumsision of the heart as the true Jew and not of the physically flesh.
 Yes like all the Pharisees he was looking for a physical manifestation of a savior, King and Kingdom to appear on earth. From this he had to be transformed by the Spirit.
 The Pharisees also believed in the resurrection, but not the resurrection of faith but of fact. Terms like “the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, and the resurrection are all misunderstood by the Pharisaic mind as carnally experienced events for the eyes to behold. We have the same blindness among us today.
 As a Pharisee Paul believed in the resurrection and a physical savior in a physical City. From this Paul/Saul needed to be transformed in mind from and saved. He conveyed this to us saying “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind”. And he learned that “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God pulling down strongholds and everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God”. Where? In the mind and not as visible events played out on planet earth.
The book of Acts spells out the qualifications to be an apostle to replace Judas as “one who witnessed the resurrected Lord. And Paul did, but not the way you think. He did not witness the event at the cross or the events after the empty tomb. But on the way to Damascus he saw a light 7 times brighter than the sun, brighter than humanly possible. Jesus said “Paul, for this reason I have appeared to you”. He took no carnally visible form. This is what qualified Paul as the 12th by being one who had witnessed the resurrection and one who had seen the Lord not as a man but in His true construct of light unknowable to the human senses as “the light that shines in the heart of every man.” Yes Paul had “endured as seeing Him who is invisible.” (Hebrews 11)  Do you?
 Paul had persecuted the people of the Way for believing in a resurrection and a kingdom different than the physical one that was common to him as a Pharisee. The difference between the two views was so large in fact that Paul was qualified as an enemy of Christ.  He consented to the murdering the people of The Way. The people of the Way perused the Kingdom and the resurrection as attainable.  They were not of the crowd of “sit and wait”.
So as one who is qualified having seen the Lord to be a true apostle Paul had to become a witness unto the resurrection. Paul strove for just this cause as he explained to Harod “think it not strange that God raises the Dead?” who also pointed out that this was the resurrection that “the fathers strove night and day hoping to attain”.  Not an event to wait for or something to be experienced after the body dies.
Paul acknowledged in Philippians that he sought to “lay hold of why Christ laid hold of” him, to attain to the richness and the fullness of Christ, to become a perfect man, “to attain to the resurrection” one revelation at a time saying “to the degree so walk ye in it”. He said that all who are mature are seeking the resurrection. But the resurrection that he was seeking was not like he had thought when he was a Pharisee. They expected the physical body to rise, which is why he said later that “flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom”. The old mindset only made him at odds with the true Christ who said “why do you kick against the goads?
The purpose for Paul was to transform from a Pharisee expecting a physical kingdom to experience  revelation by degree, one revelation after the other until he attain to the resurrection, to attain his full status as “a fellow member and citezine of the house of God in the here-and-now for that was his calling and goal. This too is for us to learn from Paul’s journey “by degree”. Let us go up to Jerusalem in our understanding.
Paul was “chief among sinners”. The Word Chief is from the Greek Word “protos” which is where we get the Word prototype. Paul was a prototype for us to be able to make the same transition from expecting an earthly kingdom of God for a heavenly one.
saying “that Christ would show in me first a pattern, yes a progression, for all to believe “. For all with a Pharasitic mindset to transition out of that beleif.  To be saved from. Paul was saved from his old Jewish mindset, like the revisitation of the one even in our day. That one is not for God, but the anti-Christ.
  So Paul learned to understand that the Kingdom of God is not to carnally assimulate. He said “flesh and blood does not inherit the kingdom ” but the inner man of the Spirit does.  The one made in His image brought forth by word and spirit being “a kind of first fruits of His creation” of invisible components and of eternal composition.
This is the object of our faith. Anybody who seeks Christ in any other way than Paul encountered in the bright light is looking for God to appear in the construct that is not natural to him. Earth. As it is written “I am the Lord, I change not”. This is the very reason why if one does come in the way the Pharisees accept or expect of a physical Kingdom in a physical City they are misled and their leaders are Pharasees, sons of Satan and a brood of vipers, whited sepulchers full of dead mans bones. Those are the words of Jesus to that bunch. They are not entering the kingdom “At Hand” and are not allowing those who are trying to do so to enter”. And if God does honor the end time seekers desire of a visible Kingdom, than He would have to apologize to the Jews for condemning them for that very thing.
And so it is Christianity Today that predominantly proclaims another coming Christ with an earthen fabricated kingdom with another saving act like the Pharisees anticipated.  Being spiritually blind they never say what Christ told them to. “Go village to village and house to house proclaiming the kingdom of God is at hand”. They parallel and align themselves with the Pharisees of old having a mindset of Christ and His kingdom in an earthen construct saying “when does the Kingdom of God appear” and they call it a 2nd coming. With this they devise theories with raptures and resurrections and earthly destruction. So many in fact that it has scattered God’s flock all over the place. What confusion.  Who authored that?  It’s just a re-hash of expired and fulfilled parables designed only to help the mind understand the invisible realities of God in a way for us to be one with Him now. To be reconciled to Him as Paul pleaded “be ye reconciled to God”. He is “eternal, immortal and invisible ” So we shouldn’t expect Him to become physical to please our carnal senses. He is not physical for “the Father is spirit and truth and seeketh such. We are remade in the spirit of our mind to interact with Him perfectly. It is in this way that we are temples of the Living God.
The purpose of all the law, the sacrifices, the feasts and the prophets were only to clear the conscience and make visible the invisible components, concepts and attributes of the “lo I am with you always”. “Christ,  the same yesterday today and forever”. Hebrew 11.8
So it is those who reject God in this way wonder why there’s no power in their gospel. By expecting a physical Kingdom in this way they allege themselves with the Pharisees of old who were condemned, and come to the same conclusion. They regurgitate scripture and come up with the same conclusion saying the Kingdom comes with carnal observation and deny the saving of faith. They call it a 2nd coming. This is a phrase that is not found once in scripture.
The power to defeat death has now become a gospel to hold in limbo and wait for another. Isn’t that what the Pharisees were doing saying “when does the kingdom come?” Of whom the Christ answered “it cometh not with observation”. Their Christ was looking at them ready to save them then and they rejected, despised and killed Him.
If you believe what Saul/Paul did and you see this luminous revelation, you should commence your journey  and sojournship as pilgrims from a physical, visible Kingdom as did Paul. Depart from the end time seeker sit and waits and join the followers of The Way. Christ saying “I am the way, the truth and the light”.
 We are of those whom it was written of that “they looked for the city whose builder and maker is God”.  Whose construct is superior to time and matter being “the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundations of the world”. Even as Paul finally understood in Colossians that “if you then be risen with Christ, and we are, then seek the things that are above”. Yes where Christ sits. And “while we look to the unseen, for the things that are seen are temporal but the things that are unseen, the invisible,  are eternal. In this way Paul transitioned from being a Pharisee expecting a physical kingdom on earth, to entering the Kingdom in the here and now as should we.
If we follow Paul through the succession of Revelations “to the degree ye are able” then we too can hope to acquire the resurrection.  Not only that, but we can see by his consecutive revelations an exchange takes place. An old mindset for a new mindset. An old concept for a new concept a physical for an invisible.
That is why we are asked to be renewed in the spirit of our mind for that is our invisible place for the invisible God. In this way we are the temples of the Living God and not a construct of matter on planet earth called Jerusalem. We are complete in him who is the head of all principality and Power and “it is in Him we live and dwell and have our being”.  We are in CHRIST our destination. We do not  need a physical Jesus to be “raised and seated” meaning resurrected and empowered in the Kingdom for we have this (Eph 2.8) And As Isaiah said of the Lord.”with My dead body they shall arise”. And so we do.
We have to learn to quit seeing God as a 3rd party distant, disconnected entity needing to reappear physically to complete His work because “it is finished”. We do not need a 2nd coming physical appearing for saving. He is the “lo I am with you always”.
It was Paul who laboriously stated “be ye reconciled to God the Father” for this purpose for ‘today is the day of salvation.” And “the gospel is the power of God into salvation” and not another coming Jesus
 It is this article and this chapter as all subsequent chapters are meant to define and explain and reason without doubt that the kingdom of God is just as much at hand and available now as it was when Christ first proclaimed it. Amen
The Kingdom of God is at hand! He is present to perform His work in us now.


Abraham’s Shield Part 1

Posted on May 25, 2016 by ADMIN

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The father’s manifesto of himself is his son. His son has articulated him to perfection. The Son said it is finished.  Nothing else needs to be said. His life was the Fathers word broken down into mentally consumable bites called revelation. Here are some of His closing words to us said for our safety and security.
                    Our sanctification
Jesus Christ said father I pray not that you take them out of the world but that you keep them from evil.
Christ told Abraham the same thing saying “I am your Shield, your exceedingly great reward”. This defines our sanctification. This is what it means to be “in Christ”. We are shielded. We who have this are protected from evil by word. The same mind that said “let there be light” said “keep them from Evil” and God the Son in Word form went to Abraham and said “I am your Shield, your exceedingly great reward”. This is what Adam lost and departed from. This is part of the restoration. And if God is our Shield what can get past God?  As though he has a blind spot? As though our Shield has holes in it?
 This we have as long as we participate in our sanctification to become holy. And if we keep his word, He says He will come to us and make his home in US. For some of us he has already done that. We are equipped with him. WORD! We learn that we are complete in Him who is the “head of all principality and Power”. We are stamped with His certification of His Word and Spirit, “for even the angels in heaven behold the face of the Father in these little ones”. This is us. His offspring. We who are protected by his shield. We are in this place called sanctification.
Sanctification is easily understood in the words of Embassy and Ambassador. An embassy is like a little Island, a country within a country. Like when one goes to any Embassy to seek Refuge from the laws of that land. Christ is our refuge. He said “come unto me and i will give you rest”. This is seen in the promise given in the book of Luke “that we being delivered from the hands of our enemies and all that hate us, would be able to serve God all the days of our lives in true righteousness without fear”. Why? Because “He who fears has not been made perfect in love” because “perfect love casts out fear”.
We do not wait for another age for this to be accomplished. We ” work this out with fear and trembling” with Him who said “fear Me”! We believe His word for sanctification today. We are kept from evil in this way.
As with a defector, or a political dissident. The moment they entered the embassy they are immediately subject to the governing laws and powers of another land. They get asylum from that which was charged against them. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ”.This is our Embassy.  Here we have amnesty. “He who believes in Me does not come into judgment but has passed from death to life”. They are no longer bound to the former laws and requirements. They have full  amnesty and protection from what tormented them. They are free from the laws of the land. This is what we have. This is what divides between those born in Adam and those in Christ.
Paul said “Now that you have known God, or rather having been known by Him, why is it that you return  the week and beggarly elements of the earth”?  Meaning, now that you have received Gods invisible genetic code written on your circumcised heart, why do you subject yourself to the multiple time dispensed theories of another savior, another Jesus? The saving has happened for the sanctified.
Collisions 2 says “Let no one cheat you through philosophy or according to the basic principles of the world and not according to Christ”. Meaning Gods invisible nature and not  the building blocks of creation. That we are a part of something much greater than the substance of time and matter being “flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone” not of Adams flesh and bones but Christ’s invisible substance.The invisible building blocks of the unseen substance we call eternity. The origin and object of our faith “while we look not to the seen but what is unseen, the invisible “for that which is visible is temporary but that which is invisible is eternal”.
So in this way we are now “fellow citezine and members and saints of the house hold of God”. We do not suscribe to a future kingdom and reigning king. We are in asylum and the safety of the kingdom of God which is “at hand” if we hold fast to His words.
This defines for us our sanctification. Christ said “Father I pray not that you take them out of the world but that you keep them from evil”. That we are “in the world but not of the world”. We are not restricted to the things of EMC= square. So we are kept from evil, us who are born of God. As it says in 1st John that “we abide in His Word and the wicked one touches us not”. And those of us who know how to apply this principle “can go boldly to the throne room of Grace” for any purpose  anytime we want and have not only a asylum but our citezineship.
This place is not a throne room of Grace in a physical place, the one not built by hands of man but ” built by God Eternal in the heavens”. This is our Embassy. A safe place in any land. This is our sanctification. This is our provision from the father. As Christ prayed “keep them from evil” so he does. If we don’t know this principle we cannot apply it consistently. Or we can know it and walk away from it by not walking in the light of the revelation that the spirit is showing us. We get into trouble and not believe His word. We try to cover ourselves.
“Satan is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour experienced by our Brotherhood in the world” is the believers in the world that have left the embassy and set aside their Ambassadorship, their sanctification, and subject themselves to the things they were delivered from. In their own mind and their own will they violated their own sanctification. They stepped away from the provisions and protection afforded to us by word. And there are many that have not learned correctly to walk in sanctification. They don’t know how to apply faith sanctify themselves from their fallen entanglements and disbelieve the promises.
We are are to “follow those who through faith and patience inherit the promises”. The Lord who “delayed not His coming” comes to us even now by revelation “that where He is we may be also” as Christ prayed. We “walk in the light as He is light” “for in Him is no darkness at all”. And “in Him there is no sin, he who sins has neither seen Him or known Him”, but we know Him. And as Christ told Thomas “he who has seen me has seen the Father.  From now on you have seen Him and known Him. If we are “in Christ” as scripture says, we are in this place of sanctification. In this way we know God.
Sometimes the devil can be our own reflection in the mirror of self-condemnation. He is the persona that is the the contrast of God that brings condemnation in contrast of the righteousness afforded by faith and the blood of Christ. Scripture shows us when Jesus Christ rebuke Satan in Peter saying “get behind me” which is where he should be for us. The Roaring Lion in this way becomes a toothless roadkill. There’s no condemnation and in this way the accuser of the Brethren is cast down. By word.
When the disciples returned to Jesus from their mission of delivering the gospel that “the Kingdom of God is at hand” they said for “even demons are subject to us in your name”. To this Christ replied I beheld as Satan fell from heaven like lightning. In this way transformation had taken place in the heavens of their mind. In the twinkling of an eye the accuser of the brother was put under foot as incompetent, lifeless.
We are instructed to put on the shield of Faith which is able to quench all, I repeat, all the fiery darts of the wicked one. This is how we do it. This appropriately places your sinful nature at the cross and not on your self for “by his stripes we are healed”. Only the old man can walk in self-condemnation and inflict upon himself the accusations of another. Why? Because there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who walk not according to the flesh but according to the spirit. And what is the spirit? God’s opinion of you who believe. He is the “come unto me and I will give you rest from your toil”.
There is resident in religion today the idea that Christians need it in receive blame and false humility and make good on things sound reason says we need to make bridges for relationships to be rebuilt we are not to accept the wrong to prolong a bad relationship on him was laid the sin of us all and if we walk in sin and condemnation we reject the gift the Lord said Peace I give you not as the world gives give are you oh the joy and the peace in the blessedness of the justification of God blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute any sin blessed are those whose Lawless Deeds are covered up this is the righteousness of faith in the gift of God in Christ this is not giving us permission to do wrong but empowering us to be right
You see Satan knows that if he can keep you in condemnation and false humility, the continual confessing of sin,  that he can keep you at the foot of the cross. He can keep you in your lower nature, and he can keep all false religions alive.
It is said of our great high priest that “once we are purged we should have no more conscience of sins”. That we should no longer have a sinful conscious. This is what it means when 1st John says young men you have overcome the wicked one because the word of God abides in you. This is what it means. And those of the House of Moses who were instructed to look into the pole with the serpent wrapped around it, that this would make them whole thus signifying the Christ of the cross who bore our sins for us to be whole.
If you have committed a crime or a wrongdoing or damage to another person or his Goods you should repair for such as the law of the land but the things we speak are the laws of the mind and of the spirit. The kingdom of God is not in what you eat or what you wear but in righteousness peace and joy of the Holy Spirit. This we have in our sanctification the place behind the vail being shielded with faith to ward off the darts. This is peace with God this is acceptable to God.
Our justification becomes the building blocks for our sanctification this is the purpose of the book of Nehemiah to rebuild the wall around the city and that is why Tobias and Sanballat blamed and accused and ridiculed and took on the voice of the enemy for them to hasten to build the wall.
When the accuser of the Brethren is cast down, addictive patterns stop. You are no longer motivated in this way. Accusation and condemnation is powerless. For all the time, money and visits to the doctor for mental conditions, they can be cured by this one thing.
1 John 5.4 This is the victory that overcomes the world,  our faith”.
Our faith in His word contains all the tools we need for victory anytime, anywhere, if we are “in Christ”. This is our Embassy.  He is our Embassy. This is our sanctification, our shield, our exceedingly great reward”.
The Kingdom of God is at hand.



Posted on May 8, 2016 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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In the beginning was the word, the Word was with God and the Word was God. And the Word was an emination of pure thought we call the Father. Like us, our word is the product of our thoughts. God is ingenuity design and creativity and he is not limited to just these things, but these are the eternal expressions from before time and matter that we talk about. The thought expressed himself by word and the Word is His Son, an exact replica, an abstract of the Father. He who has the Son also has the Father  for the two are one. “He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son”. 2 John 1.9
 This is similar to how we are made in the image of God, our thoughts and our words. For this is how we shall be judged and what we are accountable for saying “you shall be judged by every word you utter”. A man is only as good as his word. The only begotton is Gods perfect Word and the first thing that came forth from thought. Original thought is God the Father, and his son is his word.
 His Son is Word and not a man. Gods word is His first extension that did not come to be when He was spoken for He pre-existed with the Father as pure thought. This is the “only begotton of the Father” the only one that came out. It is in this way that “we have the mind of Christ. Pure thoughts of the Godhead, Spirit and truth. “For the Father seeketh such” to interact like Him. This is what pleases God.
The only manifestation from God that is God is word. “No one has seen the Father at anytime, but the Son declares Him”. He makes the Father manifest. Gods manifesto of Himself is His Son. The Son is His declaration of who He is. In this way the word/Son of God made everything.  “All things were made by Him and for Him, And without him nothing that is made was made. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords.  All powers, be they visible or invisible are subject to Him even now. They can only do what they are suppose to do.
God cannot be caught off guard or surprised.  He planned for all mans departures. He has made them room for all of their individual alternate realities.
The word of God was in the beginning with God. It was the word of God that existed in the intellect of the father without Him speaking. The Son was not deprived of any aspect of the invisible intellect we call the Father “for in Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead body” being a body of principles,  intellect, ingenuity and design and not something tangible to the carnal senses. A man He is not. Without Word nothing that was made was made, be it powers and principalities visible and invisible. Everything that is made was made of word for it was word and spirit and the intellect being the father that coexisted equally before any created thing.
In the beginning was the Word, “and the Spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters”. These three are before the beginning and in this way they are harmoniously co-equal, co-creators. Pre-creation emination and reflections of the Father. Harmonious and inseparable but split for creation only in concept For us to grow and realize the Revelation that they are one.
 Christ saying “I and the Father are one”. They always have been. And of the Spirit He had “without measure”. The Son showed Himself to us in this way. He spoke and it was so. He said “Lazarus come forth ” And He Came Back From The dead. He did the works of the Father in this way.  He spoke a thing and immediately it was so.  Life is in the Son. “He who has the Son has life”. This is eternal life.
And it is not as though the word expresses only a meaning or a description. The Word carries with Him the very escense of the Father. “He comes and His reward is with Him”. All the attributes, personas and charecrtistics of the Father, being invisible attributes, which are impossible to separateExcept in creation where the godhead is broken down in concept for us to understand.
This is why creation was made for us. So that thru contrasts we could understand with clarity who the Father is with tangible things and to take the various concepts we learn about them and re-assemble the invisible witness of Him in ourselves to become godly. God-like. This is the calling to godliness.  God-like-ness.
It is that word conveys the very essence of the father and not just documents to be fulfilled 2000 plus years later as many suppose. That saving is subject to time which in fact is not God at all, for there would be something God is restricted by, and God is not restricted. The one who was and is and is to come is equally God in every time and anytime of every age and any age.
This is the gospel of God, “the power unto salvation” unfettered, unhindered and un-stoppable, even by time.”He came to His own and His own did not receive Him. They could have but they didn’t. But to as many as received him to them he gave power to become his children, even to those who believe in his name”. It is by the gospel of Christ that God starts and completes his work in us and in no other way. The author and finisher of our faith” has been written even unto completion of salvation. “God in these last days has spoken by His Son” then He sat down and is now waiting for His work to be accepted by you. Christ responded to John the Baptist “why do you seek another”. So we too must ask ourselves. What are we waiting for because “Today is the day of salvation”.
If a doctor give you a pill or a serum and says here take this and you will be healed, you believe him. But you reject the one who says to have faith in him because there’s no visible physical response you can handle or see so you doubt him. He whom you seek is standing at your door. “That which we’ve seen, heard and handled concerning the word of life. We write this so truly you can have koinania with us, oneness, with the Father and the Son. Gods Son took our infirmities and poorness for us to be rich now. He took our carnal bodies to the cross in order for us to put on a body like his now. One like his which is invisible.
So if we understand God in this way we can understand the word of God in his true composition of who he is. He is invisible thought before being spoken. He is the anatomy of God. He is Gods genetic code broken down into sound bites for our spiritual consumption to become like . We hear, we believe and we speak. Do you see what we are talking about? Then you have eyes to see. A new understanding. This is your new nature. Put this on.
 It was the word of God who put on Humanity temporarily saying “the word became flesh and dwelt among us”. And because of this we beheld the glory of the only begotten of the father, an exact replica. The Word was not originally a man. Christ temporarily became that. If we were to mimic the man we would all be wearing robes and sandals with our hands folded together in front of us. But He portrayed all of the Fathers invisible attributes for us to see with the eyes of our understanding. And as we see Him as He is in this way, we ingest Him and become what we eat. This is why He is “the bread of life that comes down from God out of Heaven” the place of pure truth and eternal light not visible to the human eye but made known by revelation through His Word in our hearts. This is the true light the 24 hour days only mimick. We see Him as He is and become more and more like Him. (1 John 3.2)  and John 14 He who has seen Me has seen the Father. We see the Son in the Father then we see ourselves there too. We are “in Christ “. This is the elect. We see that we too existed in the mind of the Father being predestined of this sort. We are “a kind of first fruits of His creation” as we put on word, meaning the genetics of God, we are transfigured in this way, one revelation at a time “to a perfected man”  (Eph 4)
“The Word became flesh” But his Humanity was short-lived because that is not his natural composition. It was said “a short work I will do on earth, and I will finish it in righteousness”. And He did saying “it is finished”. And if he appears again a man, he is not in his natural composition. And if He appears for another work, then He was not finished. And if we see Him a man, then into what are you being transformed? Into a man? A man He is not for He said “I go to the Father and you see Me again no more” speaking of His humanity. (John 16.10)
God the Father with God the son and God the spirit in their natural compositions are all Eternal Immortal and invisible and inseparable,  broken down only in concept by word for us to assimulate. This is how they can say “lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the ages”. Meaning any age in every age. They are in their true and natural composition always unperturbed and unfettered and perfectly insulated. This is the peace of God for those who know. It is for us to awaken there. This our full sanctification. To wake from our Adamic slumber where he was split. We can say like John the Baptist “He who has the Bride is the Bridegroom, therefore my joy is complete”. John’s purpose was accomplished saying “they must increase and I must decrease” (corrected from the Greek)
Even when Christ was in the flesh He was full of the Spirit and said “I and the Father are one” describing His invisibleness and ours too. “The world does not know us because it did not know Him. It did not know Him because they could not see Him.” They looked at the robe, sandals and the lowly colt and missed out on the invisible counterpart and contrast of Him on a white horse with His garments stained in blood whose name is…THE WORD OF GOD!
If we can understand the son pre-existed like this being thought of the father then we too can understand the elect. The elect are those who existed in the mind of the father as a thought. And as receiving word we return to the father in this way saying “My Word shall not return to Me void, but shall accomplish all My desire”. So we awaken. These are the elect. This is how as we look to the word as “be holding in a mirror the image of the Lord we are being transformed in the mind from glory to the Glory into his same full image. It is because of this we are the called. And having put on humanity we awake to the invisible things to God through the gospel. This is how we confirm that we are the elect. To realize we are in the world but not of the world.  we are of a different composition. We realize that “when that which is perfect is come that which is in part is done away with it” because we receive the things the father has thought for us to be imaged like His Son. We understand the counterpart of all the law, the feasts and the prophets is the Son. “Lo the volume of the book is written of Me” said the Son.
For those of us who have received God’s spirit and God’s word we lack nothing of the father. “For of His fulness we have received”. So as the Word prayed while he was human, He said “father that they may be with us where I am they may be also”.  If we have word and spirit that saying is fulfilled in us.
When we look into the mirror of the word with the reflection of the Holy Spirit, and we see His attributes compared to what we are, we are not satisfied until that reflection shows in us the same thing. The transformation has happened. We shall not be satisfied till we awakened in His likeness. (from the Adamic slumber) We become godly. God-like and that likeness. It’s not that we awaken from a 24 hour sleep. With that we awaken from the sleep on Humanity placed on Adam when he had his ribs removed we are awake and we are pre adamic pre-sleep adamic. And from Isaiah  “awake! Put on your beautiful garments! Arise and shake yourself from the dust of the earth.” And so we do. How beautiful are the feet who bring glad tidings”. That’s right. This is the gospel.
  It is in this way we are His image. God is not a body like we have as many suppose. And it is in this way we are instructed to put off the flesh. It is to realize that we too are not a physical body but an embodiment of principles and eternal truths. We just temporarily occupy this tent. If we have learned to put on the Word of God, we can say too that we are one with the Father and the Son (John 5) We have received the Word. This is putting on Christ. Paul said in Colossians 3 that we put off the body of the sins of the flesh. The embodiment of the thoughts we adopted from Adam.
So if we look to the word and we put word on, we are new embodiment of principles. Just like a political body. As the Constitution is an embodiment of principles that people stand on but we stand on the word of God and say like Him “everything is put underfoot. So if we understand that God is not a physicality,  we can put this on in the way that He is, invisibly by faith. This is our embelical cord to the Almighty.
When Adam sinned he did not put on different body in a physical way. He put on a body of disbeleifs. He disbelieved the Living God. These are the principles he put on not a different physical body. God created the physical body then said “it is good, very good”. it was the mindset that Adam adopted that breads fear and self-sufficiency as evidenced by the fig leaf. And that was his sin that Adam put on was an embodiment of principles of self sufficiency. This is what we need to put off is what was passed on to us by Adam. We need to put on that which was passed on to us by the man Christ. To be “in Christ” is an embodiment of principles and not a different carnality. Our old one gets renewed in purpose. We are no longer in Adam.

 To think that we need to put off the carnal body is just a religious belief for God made it “good, very good”. The body can only do what the mind tells it to do. And if the mind is renewed the carnal body does what the new mind formatted by word tells it to do. It works harmoniously the way it was created to do in the beginning. Like we are insructed that we being raised with Him, we should walk in newness of life” so we do. Resurrected. Just like a gun that cannot kill by itself, the old man can be an instrument of murder. This was portrayed with Cain who slew his brother. The body like the gun can do nothing of itself.

 To “put off the body of the sins of the flesh” is to be put on a new awareness. It is in this way that we are raised in understanding. “Through the knowledge of Christ ” (2 Peter )  This is our resurrection. We put on a new awareness, a God awareness.
Paul had finally transitioned from the Pharasitic religious mindset of having to put off the body in a physical way to “putting off the sins of the flesh” being the sins of unbelief, fear, doubt and all that embodies. This is the true meaning of the resurrection and not the death of the flesh itself but the death old thought system of doubt and fear that disbelieving God breads. “Also put these off”
Just as the body is dead without the spirit, the body cannot live without the embodiment of principles of a spirit. In this way we have the mind of Christ. That is if we understand that Gods true self is an invisible embodiment. And we so are we if we can adapt. The physical body will follow. As John said “we are righteous even as He is righteous”. And “as He is so are we in the  not as he was. The declaration makes it so if you are able to receive it.
In Romans  6 Paul talks of how “we are buried with Christ through baptism so that we too can walk in newness of life “. Yes in newness of life in resurrection power. Just as Paul prayed for us to know “the great power that is in us is the same power that He used to raise Christ from the dead”. We just need to know how to use it. It is His Spirit in us that gives us life now if we can receive it. This is why Paul said “I strive to attain to the resurrection ”  who also said of those of the law “strove day and night hoping to attain. So we do. This should be our goal too. If we can see that it is an embodiment of principles and not a new physical body this is attainable. And it is or the word would not have put on flesh to prove it to us. Did He not say “I am the resurrection and the life” while He Co habit ed with humanity?
Just as any nationality or religion contains laws and principals, and that anybody that holds to those partakes of that political or religious body by beleiving them and claiming association with them to be one with them? In the same way we partake of the body of Christ. He is the word of God, and as we learn and are renewed in this way we become the word that transforms.
Another physical Christ is an illusion of the religious mind that distains the physicality that God made and said “it is good very good”. It is the csrnal mind thst is enmity against God in this way.
So when we take communion, we partake of His body and collectively announce newness of life. When we research writings of Christ, it is to put on Christ,  to recieve Word, the very body He truly is of being “the Word of God”. We see Him as He is invisible and cloth ourselves in this. This is how we are “in Christ ” in His embodiment of principles. Our current physicality is perfectly capable to do so and we fulfill the verse that says “as He is, so are we in this world.
   So like we’ve said. When Adam fell there were no broken bones or skinned knees. There was no lightnings or thunderstorms or cataclysmic events. He fell in spirit.  In understanding,  in doctrine and principals. This is the restoration the redemption the renewal and the resurrection.


Manifest Sons Pt 2

Posted on May 7, 2016 by ADMIN

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What God provided for Humanity in a repetitious way was to show us eternity. The things that we do over and over in a religious setting are to teach us the things that are done forever in the heavenlies. That is why it says of Moses, the temple and the sacrifices that Christ has appeared now for us not the temple made with hands but the one Eternal in the heavens prepared by the Lord. It wasn’t that the eternal was not available to the Israelites for that is what they “strove for day and night hoping to obtain the resurrection from the dead” spelled out by Paul in the book of Acts.

In the gospel message renewed in the figure of Christ for our “greater salvation” was no different. It is for us to understanding the repetitions in the gospel message renewed  in the figure of Christ was to learn of the eternal truths that are invisible, unshakable and unmoveable.  The children of Israel were suppose to learn by degree as they put up the temple and took it back down over and over to Learn of the invisible things of God, “while we look not to the things that are seen but the things that are unseen”. That with each new understanding and each new revelation they could exchange a temporary understanding for an eternal reality that is greater than everything in time and matter.
 Paul used the term “when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part shall be done away with”. It is this “perfect understanding” that  precedes and supersedes the physical.  This is what it means when John says “the world does not know us because it did not know Him” referring to Gods invisible attributes that we have put on, that we’ve seen in Christ and learned to emulate. This is our invisibleness, our holiness.  His holiness in us.
Paul talking about these repetitions called them “Guardians and tutors to keep us till faith comes” untill we receive the invisible counterpart. The Israelites were called children over 1100 times in scripture because they were playing with imitations. Paul said “when I was a child I spoke like a child and walked like a child but when I became a man I put away childish things. He laid aside the tpys called tge lae and the prophets. And this he did by degree. These things expire in understanding and not a second coming.
It is the work of faith that is our transitioning into this new understanding. It is not that we learn about something and we wait for Jesus to come back again or bring something to us. There is no perfection in that and there’s no transitioning in that or transformation. Your transfiguration is on hold if you’re waiting for a visual because it is the very visuals that we handle that teaches of the eternal. Much like a kid who would play with toys with cars with army men. He assimulates in understanding in order to mature. This is the purpose of the gospel.
So as we are instructed to work out our own salvation by degree to the ability that we are able to receive, having our sights set on participating in the resurrection buy this spiritual work that we do. It is in this way that we do the work and the will of the Father. And if there’s any one thing that you will be accountable for in your sojourn ship here on earth in your Humanity, it will be that for all the degrees and all the good things you do and all the memorials that you leave behind will go through fire and only the Eternal remains for the fire will burn everything of time and matter. What is left ee keep.
So it is our purpose through the things of repetition, to learn of the things that are eternal. This is the gift of eternal life. And it’s not as though like with a child who is done with the toys that he needs to go and destroy the playground because there are other people who are playing with those toys of faith. Just as Paul said “when I was a child I spoke like a child and I walked like a child, but when I became a man I put away childish things. So this putting away takes place in the region of the mind. And the transformation takes place there is an exchange.
It was referred to like somebody moving from one house to another. That if the plates or the utensils was not in perfect condition, they were to leave them, give them away, or throw them away because where they are going, everything is brand new.
And this is the gospel message that “all things are new old things have passed away” and that we are this new creation. So it is our responsibility and duty to participate in this transformation for our greater glory. It is not a carnal reality so for those who need to see something you have to wait a long time. 2000 years and counting.
The Kingdom Of God is At Hand


Revelation, Light 5/4/16

Posted on May 4, 2016 by ADMIN

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Pure unfettered word of God.
This is “the light that shines in the heart of every man”. And this light is not like the light of a 24-hour day, for God said in the beginning “let there be light”.  But there was a light that pre-existed the spoke. And the Light, this pre-existing light, is that which we testify to. This eternal light that shines everywhere all the time, that is not noticeable to the human eye, who “shines in the heart of every man who cometh into the world”. This is the Word of God, the very essence of God that brings us life. This is the very DNA of God broken down into fragments for our understanding, for our spiritual consumption to become godly,  Godlike. We call Him “the Bread of life that comes down and gives life to the world”.
This is the Light Paul encountered that was “7 times brighter than the sun”. Brighter than humanly ascertainable.
This is how God is light and “in him is no Darkness at all” For “the light shines into darkness and the darkness does not comprehend it, but to as many as to receive the light, to them He gave power to become the children of God even those who believe on the name”.
It is “the light that shines in the darkness that has shown in our hearts to bring to light the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ”.  And this shining is for our transfiguration into His realm “from the Glory to the Glory as by the Spirit” to the spirit.
The “Father of glories” begat us in this way to be “a kind of first fruits of His creation”. His creation of the eternal substance only pictured in the Law and Prophets.  Then more fully seen in the incarnate Christ , not being the robe and sandals but the invisible attributes of God seen in action.
This is that light. The light of God and the word of God are the pre creative substance that seeks you. And the Eternal Light, unlike the light we are familiar with. The light we are familiar with is a ray that has a starting and stopping point. But the light we are talking about is an explosion that emits in every direction. This is a light that cannot be deflected for it permeates everything.  “The lines  (rays) have gone out to the ends of the earth. The light of God is the very essence of God “for in him is no darkness at all”. That is why the light of God is knowledge because the light is another description of the intellect that the Word who became flesh exceplified.
It is this revelation light. “It is God who commanded light to shine out of darkness who has shown in our hearts to bring to light the knowledge of the glory of God I’m the face of Jesus Christ”. This is the eternal light and not the physical sun.
In him was the light of men we Behold Him he was crowned with death our death so that we could be crowned with life his life man was made to be crowned with Glory and Honor


Manifest Sons of God Pt 1

Posted on April 21, 2016 by ADMIN

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Isaiah 8:17 “here am I in the sons whom God has given me, we are for signs and wonders”
   Here is a glimpse of what Isaiah saw, glorified Sons, replicates of the father. To those who have become a “perfect man to the full stature and measure of the Son of God” in the here and now. This is the purpose of the Gospel. (Eph 4.13) This is true godliness and the reason for our journey here on earth. Did not the Word of God become flesh on earth? He came in the likeness of a man but was filled with the Spirit and Father? It was Paul said “let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus Who coming in the form of man thought it not robbery to be equal with God”. And so we are.
    You see man was made in the image and likeness of God to be crowned with glory and honor, to interact with God perfectly. This is the gift, for “of His fullness we have received “. And he is glorified when we are glorified for that is the purpose of the Gospel “bringing many sons to glory”.
  It is through the gospel that we receive God’s genetic code, His invisible-ness on our invisible soul, mind and Spirit. These are our invisible parts and God is invisible. So it is our invisible parts that interact with God perfectly. This is why John said “the world does not know us because it did not know Him”. Because they cannot see him who is invisible and so they can’t see the invisible side of us, being Gods invisible attributes seen in Christ that we have put on.  The part of us that “not a hair on your head shall be hurt”. And this is how it is fulfilled  that “he who receives you receives me,  and he who rejects you rejects Me”. This is the equality. Can you receive this?
  Paul was trying to convey this when he said “now that you’ve been known by God (like Adam knew Eve) why do you seek the weak and beggarly elements of the Earth.” And this knowing Gods word is His genetic information and transformation saying “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.  We are reformatted and fitted with the very genetic code of the Living, eternal God in this way. We become holy, invisible. This part of us is like God.
   Each human being  has the ability to house not the external heavens  of the moon and stars  but to perfectly accommodate  the expanse of the Holy Spirit of the Living God, which is much greater than the heavens that can only “declare His handiwork”, but the heavens are not able to contain him or represent Him. Just point to Him.
   The heavens are just like the screen in a movie theater  showing the evidence of God  receiving light and images but not the very images they represent. The projector is God. It is the wisdom of this age that is foolishness with God. Did He not give the heavens to the Gentiles for “times and seasons?” That expanse is theirs. But ours is the expanse of the mind which is eternally greater than all creation. 
 As we adopt His word we are modified, not just for the capacity to interact with God but to be coequal with God. Does not scripture say that our bodies are the temples for the Living God?  Doesn’t scripture say “whoever keeps my word, we will come and make our home in you”? So we too can learn of His reality and say like a son  “I and the Father are one”
That is right. It is for the Father to be freely at home to cohabitate with us and in us. “For the Father is spirit and truth and seeketh such”. Our new members are these truths we talk about. This is our body, His body. With His dead body we arise. Come let us go up from here.
 Christ said “He who has seen me has seen the Father. He has interactions with us as co-equals being joint heirs in Christ . So much so in fact that we become a chip off the old block. As the man Jesus portrayed that he was made in the likeness of God taking on the form of man He was co-equal with God “for in him dwells all of the fullness of the God head body”, and “we are complete in him who is the head of all power and principality”.
So we too being in carnal form think it not robbery to be equal with God saying “let this mind be in you” and so we do. This is the gift no man can earn.
 Any father is most honored when his son can do what He does. Did not the Christ say “Greater Works shall you do for I go to the father?” Not that we do greater than God but the man Jesus.  And “the father is glorified when you bear much fruit”. And “the fruit that you bear will remain”. This is the upward calling of God in Christ. 
  The writer of Hebrews spoke of the spirits of just men made perfect saying “you have not come to a mountain that can be burned that as much as even a man or beast touch will die, but you have come to the Heavenly City to the Heavenly Jerusalem to an innumerable company of angels to the spirits of men just made perfect”. And it is the spirits of just men made perfect” who are not only carnal men but experience to perfection the spirit that equals eye to eye contact with the father.
In the beginning Adam had equality with the father in full fellowship. This is what he fell away from and this is what the gospel restores us to “for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” because that is the fall of Man and the departure of man from glory and equality. What man lost was the very nature and glory of God himself. We no longer fall short of the glory if you follow Christ who asked the Father “that where I am they may be also”. That word is fulfilled in us,  the elect.
That is why the redemptive value of each man is God himself. That God himself paid for the redemption the restoration and the conclusion of the Gospel all through the man Christ Jesus at the cross, scripture saying “God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the world to Himself and has committed to us this message of reconciliation”. Understanding this we can understand that there is no future payment no future battle no future work of God for he is “seated waiting for his enemies to become his footstool”. A 2nd coming is not the revelation of Christ.  The scriptures are.
 And we do this through the gospel. This is done as we are refitted and reformatted with the genetic information passed on to us in the gospel. For us to be reconstructed through knowledge to experience the glory of God at the moment of our understanding, at the moment we become transformed. As scripture says “we have been given everything that pertains to life and Godliness according to the knowledge of Him who calls us to glory by virtue”.
    Mentally we are capable of doing this and just as it is an insult for one strong man to see a weak man in false humility begging defiling the very image that he is by becoming subservient to elements and matter. Were we not made to have dominion? Were we not made in the image of God? In the likeness of God?  So the false humility of the religious pendants of the day are an insult to the gift of God. For the gift of God is himself as He displayed in his Son that when we see Christ, his reward is with Him because it is Him. Nothing more nothing less, but what more could you want. All things have been reconciled through the cross.
 So those religious leaders who keep you confessing in false humility at the base of the cross, keep you in your fallen nature looking at the fallen things that cannot help you. It is an insult to the Living God and the work of the Gospel for these men to behave in such a manner and for them to expect you to do that. The bludgeoning of the body and the false humility is of no sacrifice that is Honorable to the Living God. Get up like a man. Arise in understanding and awaken from your Adamic slumber.
It was in the beginning that mankind was made for dominion. And as soon as he started working with his hands, he fell from having Dominion because it was in this way that men now serve the creation that was supposed to serve him saying “go forth and have dominion”. Rule and reign. This is the way that creation itself groans because it to is not functioning as designed by letting you serve is it, in our mind and our spirit. That we are of “love power and a sound mind”. For “we have the mind of Christ” and the will of the Father.  We have no instability in us at all for we walk in the light as he is in the light if we walk in darkness at all”. If we walk in darkness, fear and uncertainty we lie and do not do the truth”. And those who walk in the false humility walk in a false understanding disrespecting the gift of God. It is “to as many as received him to them he gave the power to become his children even to those who believe in his name.” And when we say to those who believe in his name we are not talking about the pronunciation or a spelling for he is the one portrayed in Revelation on the White Horse who no man can pronounce or say who’s garment  is dipped in Blood and whose name is the word of God because his name is so much greater than any pronunciation or any spelling. His name is the culmination of all revelation.
    When you can truly understand who the Son is you can use any name or spelling that you want as long as the meaning in the heart is accurate. And those who know God in this way are the sons of God.
   So who was the angel that spoke to John the Revelator where for a moment John thought he was staring Christ in the face. He then bowed down to worship Him and the angel said to him “get up John why are you stooping to worship me?  I am one of your fellow brethren those of the Servants of God who keep the testimony of Jesus Christ.  It was John the Revelator who saw a glorified Son of God. And you know what?  There was no Second Coming involvement, there was no cataclysmic event, there was no rapture. And although all creation itself appeared to be silent the very heavens themselves with this principle and with these truths for the glory of God to appear to show us that this too can happen to those who are refitted and transformation by renewing their mind with this thinking to experience this very thing. And when we are called by the gospel to arise and to awaken to this very thing. Did not Paul the Apostle during his transformation saying that he “reaches out to lay hold of why Christ laid off hold of him?” Did he ask us to wait or enjoy the show until another Jesus comes? No! “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” for this is the purpose of the gospel and your sojourn ship here on Earth. For there Comes a time when those who are just she’ll be just those who are miserable will stay miserable. In the time of this era of Salvation will close and what you’ve become is what you will be. What Paul said of the Gospel “till  we all come to the fullness and stature of the son of God, to a perfect man”. To what Adam lost being “good, very good” before the fall. Can you hear this gospel? Can you receive it? And if I may borrow a phrase from Corinthians 15 “each one and their own order.” This is not about a collective event called a second coming that some suppose for “the kingdom of God is at hand” and the power of God has been given. Amen!
   Can you accept this call? Can you hear the voice that calls you from heaven? Do you hear the words now “come up hither”. Can you join John the Revelator who was in the Spirit on the Lords day while he was in his incarnation?  Then can you join the spirits of just men made perfect and see the angels before the Throne serving God.
    If you see a man falling down do you not reach out to help him? Can you see the hand of God? What was Leonardo’s portrait of?
Do not murmur and complain like those in the wilderness who were destroyed.  I see the glory of God. Do you? If you look at the earth and see if gloominess  and darkness,  shame on you. Not because I say so but because you deny the gospel. We join the man Christ and say “we speak of what we hear and testify to what we have seen.



Posted on February 24, 2016 by ADMIN

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From Hebrews 10.12; Christ, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God, 13 from that time waiting till His enemies are made His footstool. 14 For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.

Hebrews 1 discusses how that Christ is now seated waiting till His enemies are made His foot stool. So here is the glorious truth about the gospel “once and for all delivered to the saints”. It is as the gospel is received in us and appropriated by faith that it subdues our enemies. We see and believe and appropriate the word of God as scripture says “for who shall ascend into heaven to bring Him down? Or who shall descend to the depths to bring Him up that we may do it? (Or how long must we wait for a 2nd coming? ) But no, the word is very near to you that you may hear it and do it. It is even in your heart.That if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth…then you shall be saved. It is in this way that the words of God are actualized, initiated, and instituted by the working of faith “for the just shalllive by faith”. And it is in this way that Christ is seated with the Father waiting for us to join Him there with Him saying “follow methat where I am you may be also”. And how do we get there? By word. We appropriate His word.
You see the gospel message is a blue print for our transformation and transfiguration and not a survival guide for you to wait for a second coming.
There is no future saving or deliverance but the deliverance “once and for all delivered to the saints”. There is no future battle for the Father or Son because scripture says they “are seated waiting for His enemies to become His footstool“.
   The battle is in us now as we appropriate Gods promises by believing and confessing them into existence against the obstacles in our lives. This becomes our work of faith for God did not leave us here orphans or helpless, having to be saved from your fallen state or save you from a fallen world. We have been given the keys to the kingdom and the keys are His Word, the Son who was with the Father and became flesh for this “greater salvation”.
Hebrews 4.12 For the word of God is living and powerful (able to do this), and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
     So it is in this way that we put off the sin of the flesh and put on the new man who is the same image as Him who made us. Word.

     And this is the principle of faith, being the Word of God which is living and powerful in us, that we receive in our heart, believe it in our mind and speak it with our mouth, when the facts are contrary, when what we see doesn’t jive with what the spirit is saying and we choose to believe the word in spite of the physical proof screaming at us and tell us contrary to the spirit. “Hath God really said?” For those who follow God in this way? They are the children of God. (Romans 8)

You see there is no 2nd coming battle to wage for humanity as some suppose. Christ is seated waiting for His enemies to be subdued. Scripture makes no reference to a 2nd coming battle in a physical way. And scripture is clear that sin has been dealt with, that “the ruler of this world is judged” “satan has been cast down, Christ has been given authority over all flesh and “all things have been put under foot. The only enemy now is the sin of unbelief. (John 16.8)
So when scripture says “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we could think or ask according to the power that works in us… to Him be the Glory in this age and every age amen.., It is that the Father is glorified in us by us re-iterating His words and confessed by our mouth that become our new reality. If you are fighting against Satan sin and death other than by scripture, meaning, the word of God, then you are fighting in vain. You see the battle field is in our mind saying “For the weapons of our warfare are mighty through God for pulling down strongholds and everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God”. It was God who gave us the keys to the kingdom, being His words displayed on the pages of His book, to overcome the obstacles of our day saying “in the day of salvation I have heard and I have helped.Today is the day of salvation”. These are Gods words! Yes! And amen!
    This is how you overcome the obstacles you have. As much as we want to see a light from heaven and one ride in on the clouds to reach out to us and save us. The saving is done “in Christ “. Christ is “seated waiting for His enemies to become His footstool” subdued through you. In this way you show yourself a child of God by your words. His word active in you. This is the saving of the gospel by word and need not a second coming saving. Christ said “it is finished” and is seated victorious  in all authority, then gifting it to us who believe for us to become “the full measure and stature of Christ”. A duplocate of Christ to a perfect son “till we come to the full stature and likeness of Christ”.
This is for those of us who have returned to the Father, and what Paul was begging you to hear saying “16 Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. ( now and not at a 2nd coming)18 Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, 19 that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.

20 Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. 21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

This then is salvation and the eternal gospel “once and for all delivered to us” to take us into the presence of the Almighty in the here and now.


The Kingdom of God is at hand.


Jacobs Ladder 4 The Purpose of Paul

Posted on February 15, 2016 by ADMIN

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The purpose of Paul

Paul was born in “due time”. To be an apostle he had to have seen our Lord. And he did. The 11 disciples thought Mathias was to replace Judas as “one who witnessed the resurrection”.  And he did. Mathias knew Christ in His in carnation, but it was Paul who saw Christ in His true self. Having seen a great light from Heaven he said “who are you Lord”. Paul later described that incident as having seen the Lord. Paul saw the “lo I am with you always” and not the one who has to come again.
     Paul was qualified but not like the 11. Paul did not witness the incarnation but as he said “the gospel I preach to you did not come by man (an incarnation) I did not receive it by man, nor was I taught it by man but by revelation of Christ”.  As Paul was on the road to Damascus he saw a great light that shone  brighter than the carnally visible sun and he said “Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecute. 16 But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you.
This is proof of who Christ is.  He is not a man. And this shows us that the revelation of Christ has not just 1st and 2nd comings but is progressive in nature, that scripture saying of the revelation “ both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you.” Paul was sanctioned to testify of the progressive revelations of Christ. Paul started preaching and became better and more clear by “the things which I will yet reveal to you.”
   This then is the proof that Paul witnessed the resurrection not as an event but a persona invisible to the naked eye. And it also shows that the revelation is progressive by multiple revelations not just 1st and 2nd comings. As Christ said of Himself “I am the resurrection”. Paul saw a resurrected, glorified Christ.  The very thing that the 2nd coming seekers look for in a carnal way. But that He is not. Paul meandered away from seeing Christ as a man needing to rule earth in a human form later saying “for it is God who commanded light to shine out of darkness who has shown in our hearts to bring to light the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” being Gods expressions snd behaviors . And he saw it first like that on the road to Damascus and circumvented the need for a 2nd coming to do so.
   It was because of this that Paul began his journey and transformation away from the Satanic antichrist way of thinking like the Jewish leaders who said “when does the Kingdom of God come?” The answer?  “It cometh not with (carnal) observation”. Luke 17.
This is why we need to see Paul’s letters as progressive and not all as having equal authority.  This is “rightly dividing the word of truth”.  We learn to see in the word who temporarily put on humanity,  the “lo I am with you always,  even to the end if the age”. The one who said “I will never leave you or forsake you”.  And if we can learn to see this we need not be preoccupied with another coming and another Kingdom because the  kingdom is now at hand.
     When the disciples were told “there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of God coming in power”? And this is what Paul experienced. A timeless event of a being outside of time. Some are delighting to see an event in time and matter.  Time and matter is unfit to fully display the One who is outside of time. The One who said “they shall not enter My rest. This one calls us outside of human boundaries like Paul said “You observe days months seasons and years.  I’m afraid for you that I’ve labored in vain “?
     Yes those who see the revelation of Christ as a physical event are in a scary mindset. It is not a 1st and 2nd coming but progressive revelations “until you come to a full measure and stature of Christ” through the gospel. The gospel defines the Full revelation through a series of smaller revelations for transformation, for transfiguration.  Your transfiguration.
     To be “the full measure and stature of Christ” is accomplished by faith which is our invisible embelical cord to the invisible God. Paul said ” I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe. And salvation is the full package from sanctification  to justification atoned and glorified saint of which you are called to be.
   It is that our new bodies are as invisible and ubiquitous as His. And his exactness is what is gifted to us by the cross. This is what John saw from the book of Revelation when he saw one of us and tried to bow down to worship him. That  glory said “see that you do not do that because I too am one who keeps the testimony of God.  Worship Him”. This one has a glorified body before a 2nd coming, which the 2nd coming mindset denies for they wait for another man Jesus.
   So it is by the gospel the work of God has it’s conclusion and not for those who wait for another conclusion for the saving called the 2nd coming.
     Paul is one of the 12 and counted as foundation stones of the Kingdom of God of which all who can receive the conclusion of their teachings, that  is all who stand on their finished works are counted as “living stones” built on the foundation and more clearly seen outside their parrabolic form that was visual on earth to the carnal senses. But we are members of the house hold of God now.
     So if we get stuck in our thinking and transfiguration at mid way points in Paul’s transformation and transfiguration, we stop short of the full message that he was developing through his epistles, Meaning if we see all scripture as equally relevant, we stop short of the full gospel message.
    People who see all scripture equal, use lessor verses to cancel greater verses that are designed by God to conclude the gospel of God unto salvation and the work of God to be accomplished in our own personal walk of faith as we reach for why Christ laid hold of us”. And I assure you that we are apprehended by the word of God for something much greater than to wait for a person at a 2nd coming for a purpose to be revealed now. That is Christ in you. The hope of Glory. The Glory working in us now that creation groans to see. That creation desires to honor. That God desires to see for “it is the Fathers good pleasure to give you the Kingdom” and “I give you the keys to the Kingdom” being the Word of the gospel. And you can have it while those who resist God walk about you.
     This is why 1 John says of us “The world does not know us because it did not know Him”.  This is us “as He is” is our invisible part that co-rules and reigns. Those of us who like Christ who “being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal to God”? Yes! We sit with Him in the heavenlies. We sit beside Him. The price of the blood is a sufficient price for this gift and it insults God for you to refuse the gift. The second coming seekers reject this gift and ascribe it to another Jesus. That is another gospel. And that is the gospel Paul started with. But I assure you he didn’t stop there.
    So stand on the finished works of Christ and the foundation of the kingdom and accept that “ye are saints and fellow citezines of the house hold of God” now. The other kingdom coming is the competition that is to be rejected.
The Kingdom of God is at hand! Operative and active today


Our Transfiguration

Posted on February 9, 2016 by ADMIN

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Tried, trued and transfigured
When Christ was with his disciples he told them assuredly I say to you there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom. It is here that Christ was saying that some of them would see him in his kingdom in great glory and power. And again but I tell you truly there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the kingdom of God. And it came to pass that Jesus took Peter James and John up to a high mountain and prayed and as He prayed the appearance of his face was altered and He became glistening white. So it was here that Christ showed himself as he truly is. He explained that they would see the Son of Man coming in great power and glory, meaning that while he was in his human body they would see him transfigured, that they would taste death and see something of the afterlife. And it was here that Christ showed his transfomation while He was incarnate for us to have hope of being transfigured in our incarnation. He showed them something all Second Coming seekers desire to see. What the Second Coming seekers desire to see is something not bound by time or those who were standing there that would see it before they would die would not see it because they too would have to wait for another coming of another Jesus and circumvent the words Christ just spoke. And this is what the Second Coming seekers do they circumvent the gospel. They neutralize the gospel. But it can be said of us as it was for them that there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see Christ transfigured.
   So if we can understand the Transfiguration as not being a spectacular carnal event called a second coming after the tribulation, that is if you can receive these words?  Then it is true for you, that you to not only can see the Transfiguration but that you can experience it for this is what we are asked to do. BE YE TRANSFIGURED! Romans 12
You see after the departure of Judas in his betrayal there was left an empty seat. And the 11 disciples drew straws and chose Mathias. But Mathias was short lived for along came the 12th born out of due time or better rendered from the Greek born in proper time and in his due order.
For one of the qualifications to be considered an apostle is to have seen the Lord. So along came another name Paul, the wicked man doing wicked works against the called. And this man’s account was he had seen a great light from heaven and asked him who are you lord why are you kicking against the goads? It was here that Paul saw the Lord. You see he had to see the Lord to be qualified as an apostle, and because he saw Christ as he truly is, not incarnate but as he truly is invisible. And this is the testimony of every true apostle.
   You see Paul was among the Jews who were expecting a coming king and a Co ming Kingdom like the 2nd coming seekers. Of which Christ represented and they rejected. But Paul experienced another King and another Kingdom, a non visual one. He saw him who is the same yesterday today and forever.
So the 11 saw Christ as a man and some saw him glorified king like the Second Coming concept even back in their day. Paul’s message was that the gospel I preach to you did not come by man nor was I taught by man but by revelation of Jesus Christ. And because he did not see the man Jesus but he saw Christ as he truly is? This is how he was qualified to be an apostle. Because he had seen the Lord but not the man Jesus
   So there are some things we need to understand about the Transfiguration for if we see Christ as a man, that is what we try to become like him but if we see him as he truly is? As he is eternal immortal invisible the only wise God? Then we can be transformed into that.
   The term Transfiguration only appears a few times in Scripture. Two of these times we already referenced in the man Jesus. There are two more times, one time in Romans 12. It says be ye transformed by the renewing of your min” and is rendered properly from the Greek be transfigured. And if we understand this correctly? We do not look for a carnal transformation a carnal or human Transfiguration. You see because we are instructed to be transfigured in our mind, this is the place of the Transfiguration and reasoning of our eternal parts being are circumcised heart and our soul. And from 2nd Corinthians 3:18 therefore we are being transformed or transfigured into his self same image from glory to glory as by the Spirit of the Lord. It is in this way that we become godly. We become godlike. And it is in this way that we become holy, that we become saints. This is our invisible part.
   It is in this way, by the renewing of the mind, that we put on Christ. It is in the mind, the interaction of the heart and the soul, are invisible parts, that we are clothed with what we see in Christ, when we behold him in glory. Like it says in Corinthians “transfigured  from glory to the glory as by the Spirit”. And the miraculous thing about this is that there is no human transformation visible. It is the mind. And if we cannot see him transfigured like those in the days of the man Jesus, if we cannot see him transfigured like Paul did as seeing him who is invisible, if we see Jesus as having to come back in power and glory before we can accept his transfiguration, then we cannot be transfigured either.  We subject all Scripture has having a fulfillment later to be glorified later and pass up a chance of our transfiguration now. If we think the transfiguration is a carnal thing like a rapture, our soul admits it cannot see him who is invisible. And you cannot be transformed. You cannot be transfigured. You reject the testimony that God gave of His son. That His son is a chip off the old block, identical to the Father. But you see a man and you commit the same blunder as the Jews.
    As it is said although they knew God they glorified him not as God but changed the glory of the incorruptible God into the corruptible man. So the Second Coming seekers do
They deny Christ and because they expect another incarnate Christ?  They become enemies of the gospel. And they are enemies because they reject the voice of him who calls us from heaven to heaven. This is the place of our calling and the reason why God sent His Son into the world? Was to show to us as we are in our humanity that the Incarnation and the Transfiguration can coexist. That “we have this treasure in earthen vessels” a disposable thing “that the glory and the excellence would be a god and not of ourselves”.
   So let us be about our Transfiguration. Let us renew our minds. Let’s let our minds be reformatted and fitted with the gospel. As Paul said “I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God unto salvation”. And if this is true as we describe, then there is no need for a second coming transformation. If there is a Second Coming transformation, or a Second Coming Transfiguration, same word in the Greek, then the gospel is weak and you do need another access point to the kingdom. But if you can reject that false gospel and reformat your brain with these truths? Then you too can have the thing that is said. It can be said of you too that “there are some standing here today who shall see the Son of Man coming in great glory and power before you die. This is the gospel Paul spoke of saying “the gospel I preach to you did not come by man but by revelation”. A new understanding. Paul experienced the revelation of Jesus Christ and he did not have to go through the seven year tribulation and a rapture to see another Jesus for this to happen.
   So we encourage you to be refitted and reformatted with these truths to receive the gift of God and eternal life. BE YE TRANSFIGURED! For “today is the day of salvation” and today “the Kingdom of God is at hand” if you can receive it.