February 8, 2017

God saving grace and personal volition

Posted on February 8, 2017 by ADMIN

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Volition is a word referring to a personal choice or choosing . For one to direct themselves by their own choices.
Volition is a good word to define that part in each person that they own and are responsible for. When God made man in His likeness He gave us our individual soverienty. God doesn’t take this away. It is our own thinking and choosing that we need to be saved from and not so much external enemies . This is why scripture says that the weapons of our warefare are not carnal but mighty through God for pulling down strongholds and everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.
Our own thinking is what is part of our Adamic nature. But to us who believe we have the mind of Christ. And it is His thoughts passed on to us by scripture that we dress the loins of our minds with that alleges us with God. Like Paul pleaded ” be ye reconciled “. So we do.
So here is the lesson of personal volition. Adam turned from God and started a trend of departures by building barriers of mental constructs. The first one was to distrust God and allege himself with another. Adam started receiving from another and in so doing cut his strand of provision from God, His faith and trust in God was his invisible embelical cord for blessings. He became a recipient from another source. There are not choices of good and better and best but positive and negative. Because Adam exercised his volition and turned from the best and the highest, he went doqn and started a cycle down. He rejected the positive associated with blessing and chose the negative which brings a curse.
God did not curse Adam but defined the spiritual law of departure saying “the earth shall no longer This is why we are gifted through the gospel with being seated in Christ at the right hand of the Father. This is the call of reconciliation. It is a series of departures adopted by mankind that need to be restored rescripted.
But mankind persists in his own soverienty and volition to be independent and continues to spiral into moral darkness into need of more and more drugs and programs. And because the fall of Adam did not happen to his body by sustaining bruises or broken bones, his fall was in the spirit of His mind which has a gravitational pull but no bottom or place to land whose end is utter darkness. This place is called outer darkness in scripture and is the conclusion to those who reject the light of God we call revelation, being an unstoppable radiance as “the light that shines in the heart of every man” indicating the invisible reality into side us.
If you can imagine an astronaut falling through space. He is drifting and his air supply breaks. He now has no tether to return. Such is a man who rejects God
So the fall accurately defined is man’s disconnect from God. Man does not receive the things of God and spirals out of control away from God. Being in a fallen state is being dead to the things of God. It is acknowledging this and repenting that stops the fall and reverses the effects of the Fall. We do this by renewing the Mind according to scripture. This is called the resurrection. It is like the astronaut yet having his Air Supply Severn who is been drifting out of control who is essentially classified as dead. and faith B&R umbilical cord to God when one turns to God by faith and believes but erasing the disbelief of his a damnit nature this one who believes is now a live. This is what it means when scripture says he who has the son has life he who has not the son has not life. And as it says in Romans a quote from Deuteronomy 33 that One Believes with the heart with the mouth confession is made for the saving.
And once the pronouncement is made the falling stops. The one who now believes has plateaued at the place where they are., this then becomes the reconciliation to God or better yet very connected to God. In the journey but this transformation takes us back to where Adam had fallen from.
Adam in the beginning had not become completed in his design until after he ate from the forbidden fruit for it was only then that God said no man has become like one of us to know good and evil and lest he put forth and eat of the Tree of Life there for Adam and Eve were discharged from the garden.
So as long as Adam was walking with God innate horizontal relationship being parallel and being equal the plan was not complete. It was part of God’s design that man should choose for if he had not chosen he had not awaken to his own volition. So volition without a choice without a contrast is not using it all and volition would have been dead. It is all volition and our ability to choose that makes it able to choose and be god-like or to choose not to be done like. And when we choose not God we choose the contrast of God being the lower because God is upper God is good God is love God is light. The choice is then the contrast in the abstracts of those truths.
So this place that we’ve just spoken of with the astronaut out of control is essentially the spirit of your mind. And this is the reason why it is said that the weapons of our Warfare are Mighty for pulling down strongholds and everything that exalts itself against the knowledge and an understanding of God. It is that these Concepts seemingly truths that are untrue that we are stubborn headed about that we hold onto dearly are the very things that stand in the way of us receiving the high degree in the upward calling in Christ Jesus which is a parallel existence a horizontal existence and not a vertical one. It is the gospel message that is vertical only till we come to an understanding come to the knowledge of the fullness and an exactitude of the Sun. It is here that we accept a polarity and a equal this with God becoming one with God and fully connected to God which is the purpose of the Gospel to disconnect us from the fall and reconnected to the father. And this is why the second coming message as such a destructive concept. For it takes the invisibility of God turns them into a carnal constructs and tells you it happens in a place in time on planet Earth and that cannot nor ever will be God because everything that can be shaken will be shaken and all the Earth in its work shall be burned for the Eternal to remain so that is where we shall be found.
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