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** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.

Posted on August 15, 2020 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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The writer of The Revelation of Jesus Christ had these words to say to the faithful.

10 Because you have kept [g]My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. 11 [h]Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown”. 

However keep in mind that, just because God has promised to keep us from the hour of trial that comes upon the whole world, that doesn’t mean we can stop our pursuit from pressing in to God, because we may then be counted as a slothful steward of the things of God. And that is going backward. Especially when the time comes because you will need His strength. For some He comes as a thief. The giver becomes a taker and we don’t want to know Him that way.

Even as it says in another place, “let no one steal your reward”. A constant vigilance and participation in the things of God is required on your part to secure your inheritance with “the spirits of just men made perfect. (Hebrews 12)

Just as John the Apostle said in his second epistle, “Look to yourselves, that we do not lose those things we worked for, but that we may receive a full reward”. 

And some excerpts from Hebrews say “let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Yashua the author and finisher of our faith”and “For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise“. Meaning, to aquire the things that were said and laid out cryptically in scripture and made known by way of revelations, visitations and comings of Christ. Even as Paul said, the gospel I’ve made known to you I did not receive from man but by revelations from Yashua Christ”. And His Revelations are many. Hopefully you are being bombarded right now.

You see those who were counted as faithful was because in their efforts to persevere during the hardships and testings they endured in their daily lives, having been found undaunted and un-detoured from obtaining the promises of God, and having held their ground of standing on God’s Word through all the turbulence against them. Not being tempted by putting their faith in the provisions and providers of this age, but being found faithful, trusting “in Christ” not having their own righteousness, or ways of doing things, but the righteousness which is by faith in Christ for eternal Glory.

From this they did not sway but stayed strong in their reliance upon God. They endured as seeing Him who is invisible as being their sole provider. Even as Abraham said “I lift my hand to the Lord God, possessor of Heaven and Earth, that I will take not a stitch of clothing or a sandal strap from you lest you say you made me rich.”

Paul describes his work and reward like this “by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.” This is what Paul cooperated with.

And from 1st Peter, Blessed be the God and Father of Yashuah the Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Christ from the dead, to an inheritance [b]incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation (already) ready to be revealed in the last time.” It is not the salvation that is revealed in the last time, but those who possess it. Salvation came from the cross.

The saving from God comes by confession. That if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth you shall be saved. Once you receive the “saving” package, it is up to you to learn what it is, how to put it on, and how to be ready “for the salvation to be revealed in the last time. There are many who are ready already. They are on standby even now. These are the watchers and the Holy ones of the spirits of just men made perfect.

This concept is further developed by Jude who speaks of how “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, 15 to execute judgment on all, to convict (spell out their punishment) all who are ungodly”describing for us those who have aquired the full package of godliness before this age wraps up as evidenced by their participating in judging it before this age expires.

Even as Paul said “know ye not that we shall judge angels? How much more things that pertain to this life “. Yes those who “kept not their proper domain” shall be put in their place, their new place. The place we call “outer darkness” where”the worm never does” and the “unquenchable fire” never cools down.

And as Isaiah said “they shall go forth and look
Upon the corpses of the men
Who have transgressed against Me.
For their worm does not die,
And their fire is not quenched.
They shall be an abhorrence to all flesh.”

With these testimonies laid out for our preponderance, why then would it seam strange that us, having past the tests one skirmish after another, that we the Elect, could forgo the test that “comes upon the face of the earth to try those who dwell there in”? That testing happens to them in the end by mandate, however we did it willingly and ungrudgingly as we faced one trial after another. So we don’t need a crash course at the last moment.

Remember the account of Lot and his families extraction from Sodom? But Abraham was even more fortunate because him and Sarah were already detached from the megalithic monster of Sodom and Egypt, where also the Christ was hung. There are some like Lot in our day too.

And because we followed God’s Holy Spirit in judging ourselves first, then by observing mankind at large under the sway, persuasion of fallen angels with their obsessions, we learn to make a judgment and select a verdict. And based upon that verdict, God calibrates us along the way so that we will be ready to “judge angels” because we took the course and passed the test, “we know them by their works”, we know them better than they know themselves. Even those who hide behind masks of benevolence. We know who they are and what to do with them.

And as Paul said in Ephesians 3 to the intent that now the [d]manifold wisdom of God would be made known by the Eklesia (meaning us who are called) to the principalities and powers in the high places, 11 according to the eternal purpose.” We are those who they have been trying to detain, because the agencies they’ve stolen, belongs to us and they know it. They attempt to detain, to entertain and maintain people’s attentions here to keep them from their ascension. That is why Lot was found in the gates of the city enforcing his humanity as though that’s the prize. So for him, he was physically removed. As for his wife? She chose to turn back into the trap.

Do for those still in training? Ad Paul said, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.” Because this is our call to Godliness. To share in the Father’s works.

So we know what our purpose is.

We followed the command to “come out of her My people lest you partake of her sins and receive of her judgments”. We now know what her sins and judgments are.

Yes and “therefore cleanse yourself from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. And “come out and be ye separate saith the Lord and I will receive you. Then you shall be my son’s son daughters says The Lord.” And so we did, being flesh of His flesh and bone of His bone of Glorious Spirit and truth, we ascend to our inheritance “for the Father seeketh such”. (John 4) We were highly sought after that they tried to detain.

We are “in the world and not of the world”. So the rapid fire succession of events have no sway on us. We are of another per-sway-sion. Having been tried and tested and coming forth as gold while we willingly cooperated in “such a great salvation spoken by the Lord first and confirmed by those who heard it,” speaking of us and our confirmation. Our crossover is done and ascension is complete and now we are conscientious observers and onlookers as these things unfold. We are in the stands, not in the skirmishes, at Rest with the Father.

“God sent His Son into the world not to condemn the world but to save it”. Did you receive that saving? Because that has already been allocated and completed to those who have been tested. Those who reject that saving will be tried and judged accordingly.

What we went through voluntarily, is what others will have to take the cram course for with no repreave because the time is short. Hence the “rapid fire succession of events” made to “try those who dwell on the earth” who are still attached to the carnal associations, and failed to complete their cross over while there was time.

While faith is required, the doors are still open. When everything is seen, you won’t need faith, but faith is the door. Then this saying from the Revelation will be implimented that “11 He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him [e]be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.” Like musical chairs, when the music stops, the place you are at is the place that you stay. This is why Paul in essence  said to compete as one who wants first place.

Many are still in the middle of their preponderance and decision making but can not make the break. This testing is God’s last push to have you rescued. But you have to attentively cooperate, whole hearted.

Our crossover and pre-qualifying is complete and we have received the promise that “we are complete in Him who is the head over all principalities and powers”. So you can see why those below can’t touch us.

Even as scripture says “do not think it strange by the trial that is to try you as some strange thing is happening to you, but rejoice to the extent that as you participate in these things, you are partakers of the Divine nature, and escape the corruption that is in the world through lusts”. So you know what our tools are for departure.

We are counted as those closest to the Lamb with tall stature. Meaning we have oversight of these things. How else could we speak in such a matter if it were not true.

That “22 Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth [i]through the Spirit”. We have aquired something from God, by passing a test we need not repeat. We were called to follow Him where He is. And that place is in the ever present ubiquitous nature of Gods Holy Spirit, our Helper, Comforter our Teacher and new environment.

18 knowing that you were not redeemed with [g]corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, 19 but with (something much greater being) the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. 20 He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was [h]manifest in due time (in Greek, your own time) for you 21 who through Him believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.” As is your dependancy

Jesus Christ is the only human throughout all time, that has a grave with no body in it. There is a testimony from that one, that is qualified to instruct us. All other prophets and religious leaders can only speak of this life because they died. That’s where dead men take you. The testimony of Christ is that He ever lives, so He has some things for us others don’t.

And from 2nd Peter “by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these (promises) you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the [c]corruption that is in the world“. This is spoken as an established fact, and a foregone conclusion, of promises fulfilled of things we have received from the Son of God as written in His Word. So now you know where you need to go to aquire these provisions from the Father. To His Only Begotten and allocated to as many as receive Him.

For these are the implements for your passage and your safety and sanctification during your journey, for your crossover from here to there, so you are protected. As God said through Jesus Christ “be ye Holy as I am Holy. His scripture is the owners manual for those who are practicing godliness, meaning God-like-ness.

Welcome home my friends, if you are of this sort.

You have heard it said that “it will be as in the days of Noah”, that the fallen angels would be at work again? That they would be active again? The trap is laid, they are now being exposed for judgment and we are on standby. This service have all the Elect.

Remember Lot and his wife. Do not look back as though you left something behind. You won’t need it where you are going.

The Kingdom of God is at Hand.



** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul

Posted on August 5, 2020 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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In your patience possess ye your soul.

Jesus Christ said these words pertaining to a time that would come upon the whole world and test the hearts of people. Their affections for the things they have and the things they think they need, would distract them from what is really important, and the only thing they can obtain to keep, and the only real thing God is concerned about, being your invisible part that is uniquely designed to interact and cohabitate with Him called your heart, mind soul and spirit. Even as Jesus said “what does it profit a man to gain the world and loose his soul”, given that the world and all its embellishments will be removed for the eternal to be unhindered. (Hebrews 12.26) So you know what the real meaning of life is, to live eternally with the Father undistracted.

We use words  like soul, heart and conscience to define this expanse in spirit and occupied by those who are of “the body of Christ”. Not like the body of a man, but somewhat like a political body of edicts, but much greater, being a collective ownership of selves/cells that make up the Body of Christ. His body is a conglomeration of those who have obtained the things given to us described in scripture and called them their own, as co-owners and joint heirs of the things of God in Christ. We are the Elect and the purpose of this time is our preparation and maturation.

In possessing your soul, when there are those who seek to hurt or kill you, God said “not a hair on your head shall be lost” showing us that our physical body is not what we hold on to tightly. That is only a vessel, a container, a bag and a rag that gets put off and returns to the dust.

And again from Jesus “do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell”. Which shows us what really matters and it is not the flesh.

In truth, our new person is an embodiment like God is, and not confined to a time or place, but your physical body is. We don’t let that define or limit us. We know we don’t keep that. It was said of the Israelites that “seeing with their eyes they see not and hearing with their ears they hear not because it is with the heart that we must see and hear to understand the things of God”. So let’s be sure we don’t make the same mistake.

As Paul teaches in Colossians 3. That “we have put off the body of the sins of the flesh, and (we have) put on the new person who is just like Christ”. This was spoken as being operational and active for us today and not being crafted with elements specific to time and matter for that is completely unsuitable for eternal beings.

But our constructs are of eternal words, Gods words. These all collected together and re-assembled inside us. This qualifies us as “the Elect”, of those having received the gift of God seen in His Son through scripture then appropriated to us for the aquisition if the things unseen. As we read from 2 Corithians 4.18, 18 while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.”

Some prophets call Gods collection a “terrible crystal” and others “a sea of glass”, as being a congruant, harmonious transparency of saints and holy ones. Did you know the word holy means transparency, a clarity, to see clean through? That those who are called saints are a piece this? Even as Jesus said “be Holy as I am Holy”. He didn’t give us a task that He didn’t empower us to do.

To put off the body of the sins of the flesh, is to detach from the dependency, services and products of this age that appear to empower people, but have them bound by contracts, terms, conditions and services and such. Do not touch, handle or taste for those that do will perish with using them them. Stay clear of these and you can say like Jesus said “the god of this age comes and has nothing in Me” because we have put off the deeds of the flesh with all its glitter and embellishments, and put on true righteousness which is according to (or just like) Godliness. This is our task God willing.

There are no deposits we need to return, there are no contracts that we are beholden to, there are no balances of services we need to use or perform. All our accounts are paid in full. We remain paid in full with no real obligations but to love God and the souls God has given us. In doing so, we have come clean. The god of this age comes? Let him blow right on by. There are no entanglements for him to hold on to, to slow his fall.

This is why the Psalmist says “Our soul has escaped as a bird from the snare of the fowlers; The snare is broken, and we have escaped.” So you see maybe you have permission to do this too.

What a blessedness to be beholden to nothing but the grace of God. What a tender love.

Christ, when asked about His Kingdom He said “My Kingdom is not of this age” so we know what our inheritance is. It’s a timeless piece.

As a matter of fact, every time we were withheld from accomplishing and attaining to something in the world and denied, it is because God already gave it to us, but He reserved it for us in our rightful home with Him eternal in His Heavens. We have lost nothing. This is why Paul wrote to the Colosians “For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.” And not a moment sooner.

Where our treasure is, there our heart our heart is also? The things of this age comes and goes, but “the Word of the Lord endureth forever”. Word is what we keep. Word is our eternal consumable product that needs no preservatives and never wears out and needs no subscriptions, just persistence. Moses called it  “the burning bush that was not consumed”.  There is nothing in this age that’s good that doesn’t have a Heavenly counterpart that never wears out. That’s why we set our sights above where Yeshua sits.

For the things we were denied or stolen from us, in truth we were kept from spending our inheritance here. If you are of this sort, Thank you for your patience and perseverance, there is a reconning coming your way. Rejoice, your reward in Heaven is Great. And it is not that it is reserved in some far away place because we partake and participate with it even now. And it is not as if the reward is an it. It is a Him and we call it Christ and The Word of God. He is called Christ first because that is central to what He does, but He has many other names, like wonderful counselor, almighty God and King of kings.

The modern name Jesus has lost its true meaning, so we know Him as savior. He saves us from the rapid fire procession of distractions that try to pull on you as if to hold you back. But these things have no gravitational pull on us who are born of the spirit. We know what to let go of.

And from David in Psalms 11.

In the Lord I put my trust;
How can you say to my soul,
“Flee as a bird to your mountain”? As if to defy gravity? According to Isaiah some of us have done that. We know how to flee like a bird to His mountain. We have taken God at His Word as the rightful heirs and co-owners of the things of God, that He had before He ever said “let there be light. We are seated in the Heavenlies in Christ Jesus” the Originator and architect of all of creation. We know it as “that which is from the beginning” which is the same as all that is left after the dust of creation has been recalled. It served it’s purpose to some. God’s Word accomplished all His desire and we are done. Like bread in an oven. We have risen and been taken out. We are His desire of those that have made it home.

Does this all sound strange to you? Well think of the testimony of Enoch, By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, “and was not found, because God had taken him”; for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God.” This one was not distracted by the unfolding events in the place that is in constant change, creation. He rested by faith in the Everlasting. So can you. We call it The Rest of God. (Hebrews 4)

So you have to ask, why did God put that testimony of Enoch being taken in scripture? It is to entice you, to spur you on to “the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”. He is resting too “waiting for His prescious cargo called the Elect”.

Yes the action plan is in play and needs no more effort on His part. If Enoch obtained such a reward, so can we because we have the same composition, design and calling, providing that we stay focused and keep on growing in the knowledge of Him. This grants us access to Him and His things that are with Him beckoning us upward.

In this way the Kingdom of God is always at hand. It is a timeless call of a place that is always open. Where there is no need for a sun because the lamb of God is its light.

From Enoch to Moses, from David to Elijah, from to Joshua the high priest, and on to us in our day.

It is “The Kingdom prepared from the foundations of the world”,,, if you can receive it, then welcome home. Pull up a chair and join in the discussion because “22 you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, 23 to the [j]general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect,  (Hebrews 12)

The Kingdom of God really is “at hand”


*Our Inauguration,

Posted on July 30, 2020 by ADMIN

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With all the hype and fear of the potential death and sickness of viruses in our day, and the need of testings and vaccinations, there is a new presedence being set that overrides God’s design of immune systems and collective social immunizations for the benefit of humanity, in exchange for manmade mandated vaccines. That these are the new cures?

Oh contrare. Their insertions are a smorgasborg of animal dna like the bird flu, swine, bat, mad cow and the likes, and even have human baby DNA harvested during abortions. What sinister freakish imps thought of this? These vaccines and immunizations are designed to genetically transform and modify humans. They bypass the God given filters in the body by injecting these perversions straight into into the blood stream.

What you may not know is if you accept these, you may be signing yourself over to Satan and become irredeemable and unsavable by receiving their injection because it is likely to have a tracking chip in it as well, with all your health, banking and travel history on it, which is making yourself subject to the lower case gods of this age, and giving up your ability to achieve ownership of yourself.

You have to realize that God gave souls to the genetic combinations He ordained. If the genetic sequencing is changed, they gave no soul. They have no place with God. They are not of His choosing. This is why those who take the insertion, or what’s called “the mark of the beast, are irredeemable and insavable. They accepted the offer of Gods enemies. Let’s see if there vaccines and immunizations save them.

Welcome to “as in the days of Noah”.

That is why Noah was the only righteous in his generation. That  his genes, or genepool was righteous or clean. Unlike the GMO’s of our day, and this takes place in more than just the food. “As in the days of Noah? We are there. Altering DNA is a serious attempt to alter God’s creation for evil intent.

The demon designed, man-made vaccines override our God given immunity systems He designed for our health, safety and length of life.

They present their pharmacist to save us? Blasphemy. There is only one Savior, Jesus Christ. The word “pharmacy” comes from the Greek word “pharmakia” and rightfully means witchcraft. So you know what they are up to. This is a spell.

But we can have the one true innocultion from God as spelled out in the Bible, that if you believe in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in your heart, and confess with your mouth that He is Lord, you shall be saved”. This is the only vaccine you need.

These gouls use the term of “herd immunity”, as a means of separating and quarentining people from each other, in fake hopes that the pharmacuedical “industry” (a term meaning for profit) will develop a vaccine? That’s the ploy. If you accept this to save you, you reject the only real Savior. They are now in control and have userped from you, by your own acceptance, your health, welfare and safety from God.

Don’t give in to their threats

Woe to them if they harm you for scripture says “16 Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 17 If anyone [b]defiles the temple of God, God will destroy themFor the temple of God is holy, which templeyou are.” If you have separated yourself from them.

Why is it that homeless populations test high for being asymptomatic for this new desease, because they test for having the “desease” with no external symptoms.

COVID-19 Hasn’t Been a Catastrophe for the Homeless


Why is this? Because they have God designed immunity through social interaction. This is the way God intended sicknesses to be overcome.

It’s kind of ironic that it is the social outcasts, who are separated from healthcare, pharmacia and insurance, that developed herd immunity first.

I think the phrase ‘social immunity’ is more appropriate than herd immunity, because even in peoples appearant despotism, they are still made in the image of God. But of the homeless, being outcasts, I’m sure some look to the Savior for their needs, especially health and safety.

“Herd immunity” correctly defined is where the collective public through normal interaction with the environment and each other, overcome sicknesses collectively, without prescriptions, quarentines and vaccines

And yes I do take offense of people, made on the image of God, being considered of “the herd” by these fear mongers. This shows their contempt for God and humanity. We are not cows, as the satanist say “Goyim” which means cow in yidish, a slang, distorted form of Hebrew, of “those who say they are Jews but are not, they are of the synogouge of Satan” as we are warned of in scripture.

This viperous seed of Satan have no regard for mankind or the Elect. They want to see you sick and impoverished so they can control you in your weeknesses. They foment jealousy to us because God chose humans to select His offspring from and not angels. “For God has not put angels in subjection to the age to come of which we speak, but what is man that you have?”

This is why they waged war on humanity, pure jealousy. And they can only multiply where their is no real faith. Fear is faith in reverse and the reason why they promote fear through their gospel prophets today.

As a matter of fact, the plagues written in the book of “The Revelation” are given to those “who have not the seal of God written in their Foreheads” which is faith. How is it the plague happens only to those who don’t have God’s seal? Because fear is the activating agent for the plagues and viruses to be empowered.

So you know who God’s people are. They don’t take the vaccine, or cower in fear. Only the fearful minded do because “those who fear have not been made perfect in love because fear involves torment, (fear energizes the torment), those who fear have not been perfected in love”. God does not give us torment, and He has not appointed us for wrath. Fear and torment are for the rejecters of God in our day.

As with most human challenges, it is the collective working together of common people, that come up with solutions and NOT the act of obeying a quarentine and isolation, only having access to your favorite flavors of fear embellished by the www. all seeing eye in the sky with its constant, non stop presentations . Yes another imposter of the things of God. A false “all knowing” and fake ubiquitum. God alone is The Omnipotent that the www.eye in the sky seeks to imitate. Satan having no power but the power you give him who “is not, yet is, and must become” for one hour with the beast. Which is a man-made monsterous rendition of God called “the god of this age” over the fallen, lost human condition.

Being quarentined and isolated just garentees that mankinds immune systems will just get weaker and weaker over time, to ensure the need and dependancy for continued vaccinations and doctor interventions, sicknesses and deaths.

That is why they use the term “The Covid Industry”. Industry is all about profit. It is all about the money for these entities of which some are people. And that is why scripture says that “you cannot serve God and Mammon”. So you know how to identify them. There are payers and payees. No matter how much fear they try to generate, don’t give in to their threats and exaggerated scenerios designed to keep you under their control. Without fear they amount to nothing because you don’t do what they tell you. With the use of fear you forfiet you God given intelligence for another intel, and thereby alleige with another.

Even after all is said and done, scripture says of satan “is this the one who shook the world? Who opened not the prison doors? Yes a puney dispicable thing. Like the wizard in Oz behind the curtain. He only cast’s a big shadow.

Part 2 The Challenge

Because of this we would like to present the Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego Challenge, for you to be able to do what they did. For you to make your stand against the evil in our day and arise to your inheritance.

Even as Joshua was told at Jericho, “stand still and see the salvation of God”. That is why God has allowed opposition. Come let’s see.

If you remember, because Shadrach Meshach and Abednego, did not fear the magistrates with their mandates in their day. They were told that if they did not bow to their monster, they would be tossed into a burning fire. And the answer from these three? The same as ours should be when they try to threaten us if we don’t take their vaccine. Which is,

We have no need to answer you oh king “Our God is able to save us from your fire, but even if He doesn’t, we still will not bow in fear to your monster/beast”. In this case, it’s just a puny invisible manmade virus.

If you remember these three were thrown into the fire and “behold there was a forth one in the fire as well and His appearance was like that of “The Son of God”, and all four of them were dancing.

The three had this Testimony when they came out of the firery furnace, that “there was no hurt on them”. Why? Because they did not respond in fear but faith, trusting God’s invisible Word.

So if you want a jolly good time dancing with The Son of God? Let them try to carry out their schemes. If you remember, it was those responsible for the fire that got swallowed up and consumed by the fire. For them the fire was 7 times hotter than the usual torture.

Part 3 The Lesson

As for us, we know that “those who take captive will themselves go into captivity, and those who lead with a sword will perish by the sword”. (Revelation 13) And in this case, those who try to throw you into the fire, will themselves be consumed by the fire they started, and those who promote a plague will be plagued themselves by their own products.

God is just and will judge “each one according to their own works”. “As they have done, repay to them double”.

So we know the demise of those who hatch these demon schemes. These promoters of vaccines will themselves become their own victims.

Remember the words of Paul in Romans 8,

31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? 33 Who shall bring a charge against God’s Elect? It is God who justifies. 34 Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written:

“For Your sake we are killed all day long;
We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”

37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. 38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

What these demon beings, sons of Cain don’t know, is that they are designing their own torture chamber, because ” Babylon has fallen and become a snare and a trap for its own instigators, engineers and participants. That is why the edict was given to us to “come out of her my people lest you partake of her sins and receive of her judgment. When lighting strikes, you don’t want to have anything to do with that bunch. Even as Jesus said of them “they have nothing in Me”. So withdraw yourself. And as Paul said to the Ephesians, have nothing to do with the works of darkness but reprove them.

Part 4 The application

As for us, the Elect? The day is near for us to be commissioned. Our inauguration is at hand. Know ye not that we shall angels?

So how do we know how to do that? We just showed you how to do it. You repay double according to what they did to others.

And here again are instructions from Revelation 18, Render to her just as she rendered to you, and repay her double according to her works; in the cup which she has mixed, mix double for her. In the measure that she glorified herself and lived [e]luxuriously, in the same measure give her torment and sorrow”. These instructions are for those who were under the abuse, but danced with The Son of God. 

And because the weapons of our warfare are not of this age but mighty through God for pulling down strongholds and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God”. We know we have invisible instrumentation that defies modern warfare and carnal understanding.

As for those who would like to aquire this responsibility, you must persevere and press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”. And upon accomplishing this “having the rediness to avenge when your obedience is complete”.

We are asked to reach out to lay a hold of why God laid hold of us” as those who share in the action.

As we see here in Revelation 20.And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them.” Showing again the unification of the Elect for their Inauguration.

And this parrable from Jesus Christ.

“Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his master will make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of food [h]in due season? 43 Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes. 44 Truly, I say to you that he will make him ruler over all that he has.

This is a saying that has no limitations.




* The judgment of God, according to their works.

Posted on July 30, 2020 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
Download PDF

The judgment of God, according to their works.

Peter makes this peculiar statement in his first epistle, “for this reason the gospel was preached also to those who are dead, for them to be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit“. Showing us that those in the previous generations before Christ appearing, that did not know the gospel in its fullness, they had another opportunity to hear it in its entirety, so they could live in the same way as God.

They had another chance to respond more appropriately to the gospel invitation. That Christ after his bodily death descended down into Hades and gave to the spirits of humans a way out, that “they may live according to God in the Spirit” as we just quoted from Peter the Apostle. God had some unfinished business in the previous age.

We see some of a byproduct of this in Matthew 27

52 And the graveswere opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,

53 And came out of the gravesafter his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many”.

Even as Paul described of this event in Ephesians 4, that “Now that he (Christ) ascended, what is it but that (first) he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?

10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, in order for Him to fill all things.

Meaning, Jesus Christ saturated everything everwhere in His original construct of Spirit and Truth. This was all done while His human body was in a cavewith a stone placed in front of it.

This is why scripture says in Hebrews 4 that “13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight: but all things are naked and exposed unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do”. And of the Old Testament passage that “known to God from eternity are all His works. That God pre-played every outcome meticulously and His purposes are played out to perfection. All things make perfect sense on the other side of the veil of human reasoning, and what God planned for happens to a tee.

1. That the Elect obtain God’s Glory. 2. that wickedness is trapped and treated. 3. and God extends His forgiveness and forbearance to those made in His image. That all of His edicts are carried out to perfection. God is sovereign, and that “God does nothing but what He reveals to His servants and prophets”. How much more to us the Elect who are seated with Him in Heavenly places.

The Righteous Judgement of God.

We know according to scripture that God is just. Meaning that God is fair. That He judges and presides over everything. That any question anyone would have about fairness of the why’s, where’s and the when’s, that God is just and the justifier. He makes things right.

Even Peter says that, “God is not willing that any should perish but that all should repent (the individuals responsibility) and receive eternal life”. God abstains from annihilation and goes out of his way to do so as seen in the previous text and as evidenced by Christ at the cross where He paid the price for our short comings so we wouldn’t have to. A fair God wouldn’t do that. You would have to receive life based upon your own merit and you don’t have any.

God gives everyone ample opportunity to repent and come clean by being washed by His sacrificial lamb, a concept that Israel portrayed on holy days as a foretelling of the Christ that would come into the world. A just God wouldn’t do that. You don’t deserve a full pardon. Even during your best behavior on your best day, God owes you nothing on your own merit. That too is a testimony to His patience, in hopes that you will come clean in His prescribed way to receive eternal life.

To think that you could come clean on your own, is the sin of “self righteousness. That was the sin of the Jews. They thought they were the right for others to try to emulate when in reality they were a testimony to the patience of God “because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed” Romans 3.25. But then they too were judged.

Gods forbearance with the Israelites lasted a few thousand years. His testimony with the Jews was a show of His patience as shown here. “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, those who kill the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under herwings, but you were not willing!” God had patiently pleaded with a Israel through the mouth of the prophets for a few thousand years. And how many of them were found righteous . According to the Psalms and quoted by Paul “none no not one”. Romans 3.10

God need not answer anybody. When the account of things are finalized, everyone will see that God is more than fair, He witholds His judgment all along the way. He gives mercy and grace and extends His favors over and over and over.

God doesn’t need to explain anything to anyone, but He does to His Elect.

As we see Paul say in Romans “Eternal life to those who by a patient continuence of doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, but indignation, anguish and wrath on the soul of everyone who does evil. To the Jews first and also to the gentiles” meaning other nationalities as well. Even as we saw judgment with the Jews first, so shall it be to other people “for their is no partiality with God for He is no respecter of persons”. He loves all nationalities equally.

The Jews were given to show us that the patience of God has an end. And that God had consistent mercy on them for a few thousand years, and in Gods final judgment of the Jews how many were worthy? How many of them did what was right?

10 As it is written:

“There is none righteous, no, not one;
11 There is none who understands;
There is none who seeks after God.
12 They have all turned aside;
They have together become unprofitable;
There is none who does good, no, not one.”

We can understand more clearly the judgment of God from Paul here in his letter to the Romans, that they were [b]treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, who “will render to each one according to his deeds” eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality; but to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, to them  indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, on every soul of man who does evil, of the Jew first (as an example) and also of the [c]Greek; 10 but glory, honor, and peace to everyone who works what is good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. 11 For there is no partiality with God.”

So you can see a full pardon is offered to all of humanity indiscreetly. The Jews were used as an example but they have no preference with God.

We have to trust the processes and patience of God.

Your limited understanding should not triumph over God’s word in your decision making process. You have to trust what is written more than what is presented to your view through common events.

Paul puts it like this in Romans 2 saying “God in His forbearance had passed over the sins that were previously committed, 26 to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, for Him to be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.” Here again showing us that God has mercy, meaning He gives you favor you don’t deserve.

And again from Romans 3.

21 But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, 22 even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all [f]and on all who believe. For there is no difference; 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified [g]freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom God set forth as a [h]propitiation (a payment rendered) by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, (and levied against our soul) 26 to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, for Him to be just and the justifier of the one who has faith/trust in Jesus.

27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? No, but by the law of faith. 28 Therefore we conclude that a person is [i]justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law. 29 Or is He the God of the Jews only? Is He not also the God of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also, 30 since there isone God who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through faith.”

So the question is then, if God had that patience and forgiveness to the previous generations held in the earth, who were in the dark about God, will He not have the same Mercy to other generations and cultures in the same circumstances? The answer is yes, or God would be unfair.

David had this to say of his son from Bathsheba, that “I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.” This boy had no opportunity to be saved according to the gospel but was still seen in the place past time, with the potential to “live according to God in the spirit” like Peter talked about.

We see here another time given, like those souls Christ preached to in the underworld. There is another collection of souls who get the same opportunity at the end of the New Covenant era, to receive eternal life as spoken of in Revelation 20, 12 And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before [c]God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Bookof Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books”.

This was all done after God’s first fruits were already established in His presence as evidenced in Revelation 20, showing us that God harvests His elect to Glory first, then deals with each one “according to their works”. God is just, and judge of all His own works. God is supreme.

We see that God has a day of reconning for those who did not repent and seek to persue to attain to all the riches of Christ in their lifetime, but however they will recieve a reward based upon what they did attain. But be careful what you think you deserve because we see in Peter that “the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the earth and all man’s works shall melt with fervent heat, for the eternal to be clean.

Meaning that people’s kingdoms and everything they did in a carnal way has no place in God’s Heavenly Kingdom . He is concerned only about peoples invisible part of their mind, soul and spirit. After all that is the only part of you that can interact with God of being like His things. The emotions is the energy that motivates good deeds done by faith without mandates of laws. Not just the laws of Moses, but any law. God looks at the motives of the heart.

Christ used the parable of the loaves in fishes, when explaining what He collects. That when everyone was done eating bread, even all the fragments that were dropped were picked up. For us there are some people who are the fragments who are gathered up last. This is the final harvest of miscellaneous scraps with great importance to God. None were lost. Whatever God sowed into the earth, was harvested back to Him, even as He said through Isaiah, so shall My Word be that proceeded from My mouth. It shall not return to me void, but shall accomplish all My desire”. And what is God’s desire? That His Word in us, returns to Him, with us in it. Are you in His Word? Because that is the vehicle that takes you home. Word.

I personally would rather be found and counted with the Elect of God who ” attain to all the riches of Christ” while we are in this life, then to find myself on the other side regretting lost opportunities.

For those who ask “are there many or few that are saved?” Paul in Romans says this “as by one man’s disobedience manywere made sinners (Adam), so by the obedience of one, Christ, shall manybe made righteous. And “For as by one man’s disobedience manywere made sinners, so by the obedience of one, Christ, shall manybe made righteous.” Meaning more than are not.

God gives eternal life to as many as He wants. So even the Elect cannot be smug in a self righteousness.

Christ making “many righteous”, is the fulfillment of the promise given to Abraham to “Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be”. So is the seed of Christ of those who are born into Him. They are many like the stars of heaven. Blessed be God for His Glorious works of salvation. Not one crumb was missing from the several loaves, but all were collected, so don’t think “the world is going to Hell in a handbasket”. You can’t see what is taking place from down there on earth.

If God’s promise to Abraham is not enough, we need to go no further than to the Throne Room in the Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ, where people from every culture are present ‘for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, language, tongue, and people, and nation”. And may we add, throughout time, even to the end of creation.

But, Woe to those who collect people like trophies to validate their cause and denomination. To vindicate and justify themselves over others.

Even as Paul preached in Corinthians “one says I am of Appolos, are you not just acting like silly men? However there are many competing demons doing the same things, collecting people like trophies. However they will have nothing to brag about from the fire.

Paul expounded on this more in Romans

Since “no other foundation can be laid which Christ laid”, however we can build upon it, this shows for us that the things that we build physically would fall through because His Kingdom is Spirit and Truth. So the things that are built upon it are Spirit and Truth, being motivators of the heart and love.

So the kind deeds that many have done inhumanity, are not overlooked.  Even as Christ said, for in that you’ve done it to the least of one of these you’ve done it for me. Meaning that those who have sacrificed their lives for the souls and welfare of others, may get another piece of that pie in the sky we call Glory.


There are many that confess in Jesus, that are stuck at the crossed waiting for the second coming to save them. These are farther away from the kingdom then those that reject elements of modern Chritianity and still do what’s right in the spirit.

1st Corinthians 15 spells out that Jesus Christ is first, then the Elect being first fruits are next, then those who are Christs at his coming” as the order of those He collects.

The lesson from Peter discussing Christ going to the underbelly of the Earth to preach faith so the spirits of the dead can live according to the spirits of men, shows for us that everyone has equal opportunity. This should also strike at the root of modern-day Phariseeism, that if somebody doesn’t sit in the pews of your church doesn’t mean they’re going to hell. “God doesn’t dwell in buildings made with hands” but He does live in hearts filled with the love of God. They made a home for Him.

Just a note of caution: do not think you can hear deep things of God and go back to your old self. You are responsible for what you do with the revelations and understandings God has presented to you. I would not want to be found a lazy or pre-occupied servant where Christ said “take the talents from him who buried them and cast him into outer darkness where there will be wailing and knashing of teeth. Woe to them for failed opportunities. Hear what the Word of God says.

The Kingdom of God is at hand.


* The Elect coming in Glory.

Posted on July 29, 2020 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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The writer of The Revelation of Jesus Christ had these words to say to the faithful.

10 Because you have kept [g]My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. 11 [h]Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown”. 

However keep in mind that, just because God has promised to keep us from the hour of trial that comes upon the whole world, that doesn’t mean we can stop our pursuit from pressing in to God, because we may then be counted as a slothful steward of the things of God. And that is going backward. Especially when the time comes because you will need His strength. For some He comes as a thief. We don’t want to know Him that way.

Even as it says in another place, “let no one steal your reward”. A constant vigilance and participation in the things of God is required on your part to secure your inheritance.

Just as John the Apostle said in his second epistle, “Look to yourselves, that we do not lose those things we worked for, but that we may receive a full reward”. 

And some excerpts from Hebrews say “let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith”and “For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise“. Meaning, to aquire the things that were said and laid out cryptically in scripture and made known by way of revelations, visitations and comings of Christ. Even as Paul said, the gospel I’ve made known to you I did not receive from man but by revelations from Jesus Christ.

You see  they were counted as faithful because in their efforts to persevere during the hardships and testings they endured in their daily lives, having been found undaunted and undetoured from obtaining the promises of God, and having held their ground of standing on God’s Word. Not being tempted by putting their faith in the provisions and providers of this age, but being found faithful, trusting “in Christ” not having their righteousness, or ways of doing things, but the righteousness which is by faith in Jesus Christ for eternal Glory.

From this they did not sway but stayed strong in their reliance upon God. They endured as seeing Him who is invisible as being their sole provider. Even as Abraham said “I lift my hand to the Lord God, possessed of Heaven and Earth, that I will take not a stitch of clothing or a sandal strap from you lest you say you made me rich.”

Paul describes his work and reward like this “by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which waswith me.” This is what Paul cooperated with.

And from 1st Peter, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance [b]incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven foryou, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

This concept is further developed by Jude who speaks of how “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, 15 to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly”describing for us those who have aquired the full package of godliness before this age wraps up as evidenced by their participating in judging it before it expires.

Even as Paul said “know ye not that we shall judge angels”. Yes those who “kept not their proper domain” shall be put in their place. The place we call “outer darkness” and the “unquenchable fire”.

And as Isaiah said “they shall go forth and look
Upon the corpses of the men
Who have transgressed against Me.
For their worm does not die,
And their fire is not quenched.
They shall be an abhorrence to all flesh.”

With these testimonies laid out for our preponderance, why then would it seam strange, that us having past the test, one skirmish after another, that we the Elect, could forgo the test that “comes upon the face of the earth to try those who dwell there in”? That testing happens to them by mandate, however we did it willingly and ungrudgingly so we don’t need a do-over. And because we followed God’s Holy Spirit in judging ourselves first and applying mercy, then by observing fallen angels with their obsessions, we learn to sellect a verdict. And based upon that verdict, God calibrates us along the way so that we will be ready to “judge angels” because “we know them by their works”, we know them better than they know themselves, even those who hide behind masks of benevolence.

And as Paul said in Ephesians 3 to the intent that now the [d]manifold wisdom of God would be made known by the Eklesia (meaning us who are called) to the [e]principalities and powers in the heavenly places, 11 according to the eternal purpose.”

And again from Paul, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.” Because this is our calling. Godliness. To share in the Father’s works.

So we know what our purpose is.

We followed the command to “come out of her My people lest you partake of her sins and receive of her judgments”. We now know what her sins and judgments are.

Yes and “therefore cleanse yourself from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. And “come out and be ye separate saith the Lord and I will receive you. Then you shall be my son’s son daughters says The Lord.” And so we did.

We are in the world and not of the world. So the rapid fire succession of events have no swayon us. We are of another per-sway-sion. Having been tested and coming forth as gold while we willingly cooperated in this “great salvation spoken by the Lord first and confirmed by those who heard it, like us.

God sent His Son into the world not to condemn the world but to save it. Did you receive that saving? Because that has already been done. Those who reject that saving will be judged accordingly.

What we went through voluntarally, is what others will have to take the cram course for with no repreave because the time is short. Hence the “rapid fire succession of events” made to “try those who are on the earth” who are still attached to the carnal associations, and failed to complete their cross over while there was time. They were still in the middle of their preponderance and decision making. This testing is God’s last push to have you rescued. But you have to attentively cooperate, whole hearted.

Our crossover and prequalifying is complete and we have received the promise that “we are complete in Him who is the head over all principalities and powers”. So you can see why those below can’t touch us.

Even as scripture says “do not think it strange by the trial that is to try you as some strange thing is happening to you, but rejoice to the extent that as you participate in these things, you are partakers of the Divine nature, and escape the corruption that is in the world through lusts”. So you know what our tools are for departure.

We are counted as those closest to the Lamb with tall stature. Meaning we have oversight of these things. How else could we speak in such a matter if it were not true.

That “22 Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth [i]through the Spirit”. We have aquired something from God, by passing a test we need not repeat. We were called to follow Him where He is. And that place is in the ever present ubiquitous nature of Gods Holy Spirit, our Helper, Comforter and Teacher.

18 knowing that you were not redeemed with [g]corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, 19 but with (something much greater being) the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. 20 He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was [h]manifest in due time for you 21 who through Him believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.” As is your dependancy

Jesus Christ is the only human throughout all time, that has a grave with no body in it. There is a testimony from one, that is qualified to instruct us. All other prophets and religious leaders can only speak of this life because they died. The testimony of Christ is that He ever lives, so He has some things for us others don’t.

And from 2nd Peter “by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these (promises) you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the [c]corruption that isin the world“. This is spoken as an established fact, and a foregone conclusion, of promises fulfilled of things we have received from the Son of God as written in His Word. So now you know where you need to go to aquire these provisions from the Father. To His Only Begotten.

For these are the implements for your passage and your safety and sanctification during your journey, so you are protected. As God said through Jesus Christ “be ye Holy as I am Holy. His scripture is the owners manual for those who are practicing godliness, meaning God-like-ness.

Welcome home my friends, if you are of this sort.

You have heard it said that “it will be as in the days of Noah”, that the fallen angels would be at work again? That they would be active again? The trap is laid, they are now being exposed for judgment and we are on standby. This service have all the Elect.

Remember Lot and his wife. Do not look back as though you left something behind. You won’t need it where you are going.

The Kingdom of God is at Hand.


The Good News and The Bad

Posted on July 29, 2020 by ADMIN

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Jesus Christ said, I am the way to the Father. Those who have seen Me have seen the Father. From now on you have known Him and seen Him. Why do you seek another? God the Father is Spirit and Truth and seeketh such. Such are we who believe Him.

There are however lies and the Father of lies who has a mouth too. We have the good news and the bad news. Which one is your preference? If you don’t know how to answer that, you don’t know the truth. The truth is the good news is what the word “gospel” means, being the Gospel message from God who has good things for us. That God has sent His Son into the world not to condemn it, meaning those in it, but to save, meaning, God sent His Son into the world to save all who would listen and take Him at his word.

There is however other gospels, or other news agencies promoting other saviors with other savings from other threats to mankind as presented and preached by Satan and his minions. Their purpose? To drive people by fear. Where? Away from God. God’s message is Salvation, freedom, liberty and a life with satisfaction. That’s what saving is. This is The Good News.

Many have been duped into thinking that Christ will come later to save, but those of us who know that “God will never leave us or forsake us”, have no need to fear, run, hide, squirm or cower as if He is not here. Jesus Christ doesn’t have to come back to save us. This is accomplished as we apply His word to help us. Just read the Psalms and see His saving is incremental. It is daily.

Psalms Here

We have been given power to do that  We are right where we need to be until further instructed by God. We have been given love power and a sound mind, meaning rational, and not fear.

And it is not that bad news has any real substance, meaning it is unsubstantiated except by the mouth of the liar. It is not real. It is only empowered by fear from those who know not God, and those who give credence through their various embellished presentations to distract you and shuffle you around looking for help. Just look up. Even as God said through Moses for us to apply too as seen here. “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today”. And as listed throughout scripture “Today is the day of Salvation” Today God is ready to lead you through whatever challenge you may face.

Salvation is not an end time event as many suppose, but God working in our lives daily as a continual act of being saved, one test at a time, one event after another, testifying to God’s faithfulness. This is salvation. This is God’s saving for us. Stand still and see the saving of God day after day as you abide in Him, in Christ.

In the garden Adam first felt fear after listening to the snake in the tree and became afraid. So you know who has been informing you by how you feel. Fear paralyses, faith empowers. Faith stands firm on the promises of God. Has God really said? Yes, for all the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ”. Let us always be found there. How? By faith. As Paul taught, we reckon it to be so as our work of faith. This is how we stand firm in the faith.

We are saved and empowered by faith and knowledge in the living God, but most won’t go to the good news in the scripture, the Bible, God’s Holy Writ. That are enamored with another.

The book of the Revelation says of those who are denied access to God include those who loveth and believeth lies. So your self subscribed dillusion fool yourself.

Be careful how much power you give to the enemy, it’s your soul who drives you at will by fear.

The enemies of the Gospel have said “we will know our plan is complete when everything they know is a lie”. And when everything they believe is a lie. That means humanity has in large rejected God in truth, and put their trust, their hope and their confidence NOT in God. They may think they do, but if the product is fear, they don’t.

So examine yourself because God has given us love power and a sound mind. Do not be afraid of their threats or accusations for God has said “I will never leave you or forsake you”. But many in fear, run here and there and cannot hear “the still small voice of God”. Because many don’t know the Savior and saving from God, they believe the pundants and false prophets of our day, the perveyors of Satan’s wares, that presents another catastrophic event for humanity, a little invisible bug called a virus, with the need to be saved, to have their lives spared by another saving, an invisible solution called Thehe Vaccine, that will keep you from dieing. It will save you.

But our savior and our vaccine has said “those who believe in Me have past from death to life. So then those who have not excepted this public offering for salvation, see themselves as vulnerable and in need of some help.

So if you haven’t accepted God’s saving called His Son, you can still be saved from this wicked generation by accepting His innocultion as spelled out by the apostle Paul in Romans 10.

Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’ ” (that is, to bring Christ down from aboveor, “ ‘Who will descend into the abyss?’ ” (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith which we preach): that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” 

The Kingdom of God is at hand.


* Jacob and Esau, our inner and outer man

Posted on July 27, 2020 by ADMIN

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Jacob and Esau picture for us the struggle of our inner and outer person and who governs our thinking. They are twins but opposites, like the man in the mirror. One fueling the lower carnal nature, the other dependant upon the inner unctions of the spirit for personal development.

The two can be in opposition and carry contrasts in identification. One led by selfishness and fear, the other moved in strength by faith. One believes the things that are written in scripture, while the other one wants “just the facts please” and “what’s in it for me?”

And because Esau means red because he was “red and hairy all over”. The name Esua comes from Edom and has the same root word in the Hebrew language as the word earth and in the name Adam born of the dust, you know which ones are carnal. Adam and Edom.

This is why and how Esau lost his birthright. He chose to keep his lower nature fed at the cost of loosing his godlike inheritance. At a moment of being  faint, he chose to give away something he could not see, being his inheritance, for something that would bring him temporary and immediate gradification. He did this at the expense of another, instead of applying his own God given responsibility of seeking Him, he said to Jacob “feed me”, and so Jacob did.

The writer of Hebrews says “lest there be any fornicator or profane person like Esau, who for one morsel of food sold his birthright” so you know this was a big deal.

Esau was the first out of the womb by rule to be firstborn, but Jacob grabbed a hold of his heal to pull himself out in front to show who was the leader. This was a prophecy of what would follow in their lives.

The account goes like this “29 Now Jacob cooked a stew; and Esau came in from the field, and he was weary. 30 And Esau said to Jacob, “Please feed me with that same (repetitive) red stew, for I am weary.” Therefore his name was called [g]Edom.” Meaning red, an indication of his earthen, carnal composition.

Yes Esau was red and hairy at birth, and to maintain his lower nature he craved the same red stew showing what he fortified as being his original composition of the flesh, even as Adam was made from red clay, Esau identified with Adams birth of the (red) dust, of the earth and  appetites of repetitive cravings of carnage to feed his flesh, of the same things over and over of “the same red stew”.

Esua remained underdeveloped by holding onto old patterns and ways of thinking, trying to preserve his old self. In a spiritual sense he failed to transform.

Scripture instructs us to “put off our old man and put on the new person in the likeness of Christ”. Esua didn’t do that. He was only concerned with his carnal body and not the spirit. The spirit is our true heritage for those born of the spirit (John 3.3).

God is not interested in saving your kingdom, but saving you in His, the one that “cometh not with (carnal) observation”.

For this He is a jealous God. He wants us with Him now in this way. This is our Jacob or us as Jacob, the true heir of the things in Christ, our second born or twin.

The writer of Hebrews explains it this way saying ‘Let us move on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God” showing us what the red pottage is and what we need to make a break from, being the repetitions that are common with those who feel stagnant in their progression in the faith and just playing church without real change and power. Even as John said of Christ that “to as many as received Him, to them He gave power to become His offspring”. Because of this, there is no reason to hang out at the cross begging for forgiveness, because that is something He already gave you. That is NOT a work of faith.

That is us who are empowered for transition who are called pilgrims and sojourner for this reason. We are being developed like Him as evidenced by our growing Testimony of Jesus Christ.

Note: If you find yourself NOT growing in the knowledge of God and His provisions for your use now for growth in god-li-ness in this present age, and you do the same things over and over without change? Then this is for you.

We were not left helpless. Even as Jesus said “I will never leave you forsaken”. Do you feel like an orphan? He said he wouldn’t do that. John 16. We are being parented.

We are called to move on to perfection, indicating that we are empowered for a constant progression with a Heavenly destination before our physical death, becoming stronger and growing in the faith. For us to NOT do so, equates to the same thing Esau did. He craved the same red pottage of doing things over and over, without lasting results.

So then, what should be our focus, and how do we feed ourselves to accomplish this perfection? Well the answer is fairly simple, if you correctly understand the two nature’s. We need to go no further than back to the beginning. You see that is where the carnal nature was empowered, implimented and passed on to all first born of flesh and the need to be born again. Yes we get a do over.

Paul had finally concluded in Romans 7 where he separated his old man from his new man, the older from the younger with these words ”

22 For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man. 23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my carnal nature24 O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death25 I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!

So then, with my mind (inner man) I myself serve the law of God, but with (the outer man called) the flesh the law of sin.” These are his twins at odds with each other.

This is generally associated with law because the laws of doing good kills us over and over with guilt as often as you set out to engage with it. But there is even a greater principle than the law of guilt to be understood because the law was added hundreds of years later for preservation and instruction purposes only. We have “the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus that has set us free from the law of sin and death, because what the law could not do, Christ already did for us because we couldn’t do that, and He recons it to be so for us so please don’t insult the gift giver lest He become a taker and you’re found “poor blind and naked”.

Sin abounded in all born according to the flesh so to understand fully, we must go back to the original sin. The place of beginnings. To reverse this thinking style we adopt by carnal birth, and our need to be made new. Even as Paul exorted us saying “be ye renewed in the spirit of your mind”. This is where the new person is. It’s a new way of thinking. And it is the outer person that is in continuel decay, but the spiritual person is brand new every day and never is in decline but forever new.

It was in the beginning that Adam felt a new emotion. Meaning Adam had a new source of motivation that previously hadn’t existed. That is what emotion means, an internal motivator. You see when Adam sinned against God he felt fear. He took on the contrast of faith on his own, and the need for each person to be redeemed, or renewed on their own, “each one in their own order”. (1 Corinthians 15)

Fear became the filter by which he would interpret his reality. Excuses and confessionals became his line of defense to protect himself, instead of ownership for change. And if you think about it, God says “I change not” showing us that we must. Good thing He has given us the power to become his offspring to as many as receive and strive to emulate Him. Even as Jesus said in His day “the kingdom is preached and all are entering” and another text says “and the violent take it by force” showing us that it is no easy task to own and impliment our inheritance from Christ.

It is not the same red pottage like with Esau. It is one revelation after another of new things, stacked on top of each other, just like the stones Jacob stacked on top of each other and said “this is the city of God”. He finally understood that God’s kingdom is right here, right now. So you see Gods Kingdom was “at hand” even in Jacobs day.

But this realization had come through great consternation. No same red pottage here but a continuous pressing in to the fresh things of God, where everything gets changed, and we mean everything.

For even Jesus sweated great drops of blood during His consternation. Are you pressing in? Are you violently taking the Kingdom by force? Or are you stuck in the status quo? Yes the gift of life is free, but the ascension is not. It is here for the taking. “The Kingdom is preached and the violent take it by force”.

Question: Do you find yourself reinforcing the old patterns of going to church, to find yourself hungry toward the weeks end and looking forward to the next service for someone to feed you? Maybe you feel spiritually faint? That is your Esau. Your dedication of that sort is red pottage and God wants you to go to the source yourself. Him.

To be paralyzed in fear is the bad seed sown in humanity that keeps people occupied from faith in the Creator, the lover of our souls. As long as fear bears fruit in your life, you are out of control and unmanageable for the greater purposes of faith. Like someone flailing and drowning in water. The life guard is instructed to knock them out to bring them in so they don’t both drown. Because “those who fear ,have not been made perfect in love”. They are still motivated by fear because “fear fear involves torment”. The fear must be neutralized to save the victim. Then they can be saved. Until then, they are stagnant and just kept alive, just barely. Fortunately there is a savior for this too.

God has given us delivery from that if,,, we agree not to be motivated for self preservation and by the fears of this age, which are many. With each fear there is a promise for you in the gospel to use to overide that fear and rescript your mind with verses in scripture. That is the new you, imaged like God’s Son who “in the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God. You must become word too to do the works of the Father. This is how “even the angels behold the face of the Father in these little ones”.

Even as Paul prayed for the eyes of your understanding to be opened. Not that you would see something physical.  This is our eureka, your ah-hah! moment and eye opening experience. Even as Paul said “the gospel I preach to you did not come by man (or his carnal institutions for higher education) but it came by revelation of Jesus Christ.

Meaning, Jesus pulls back the darkened lining of our understanding for us to grasp things invisible. After all, isn’t that what God and His Son are, invisible? Even as Paul said about Christ to Timothy “whom no man has seen or can see”. And with God’s Sons own words “My Kingdom is not from here”. What’s here is red pottage. That’s the anchor that holds us down. That is our old self, our Esua.

But the most agregious form of fear, and the mother of all fear is “The End of the World” and all it entails. To focus on that keeps us looking for another day with another saving, when scripture is clear that “today us the day of salvation”. Today is the day when you appropriate the saving principles found in scripture, that we are expected to reiterate for their implimentation on our behalf.

We are judged by our every word, and God cherishes the moments we go to Him and He gives us something of His.

As with the testimony of Mary when Martha said to Jesus “tell her to help me”. With Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus and learning, she had this Testimony. According to Jesus, Mary chose the good part that shall not be taken”. In other words what Jesus was giving her in verbage, she would never loose. Yes, every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. The one who said “let there be light” has authorized us to do the same thing 

This is not “the same red pottage” that Esau craved. Mary’s reward endured. Like James said of those who “look into the perfect law of liberty, and walking away they forget what manner of person they are”.  For them God’s word has no personal relevance. To turn from walking by faith of the things God has said about you and think; nah, that can’t be. Returning to our old self we gain nothing. God’s word did not take root. We have to let the old habits die.

Even as with the parrable of the seed sown in a field. Those sown on hard ground took no root, and when the testing had come, and they do, the word did not sink in so the hearer had no change, but remained in their old self. Their own Esau, their old, unchanged person.

If you think about it, the book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ, says what the book is for. An unveiling of sorts, a Heavenly sort, Heavenly Jerusalem, the culmination and climax of the book and all Revelation. But many never make it to that conclusion. They like the fear and judgment of the book, not looking for the prize, being “The City of God” like Jacob said, they focus on the retribution.

The sad thing is that the New Covenant Gospel began with “The Kingdom of God is at Hand”. Meaning it was opened for business. Come claim your new citezineship, your new you, your Jacob.

Did you ever hear that the Kingdom invitation was retracted? That it was closed? Or that maybe it was taken away to be opened again in a future time? That “The Kingdom prepared from the foundations of the world” is closed for renovations?

Prepared means completed, ready and inhabitable, being of an eternal, unchangeable, Glorious sort.

Examine the scriptures. There is no other saving. There is no 3rd covenant. The blood covenant of Christ is in force, even for those like Jacob who received it by faith before the cross happened. The curse is reversed and all are entering. Well maybe it’s slowing down in our day.

All the better reason for us to confirm our reservation and “sit down in the Heavenlies in Christ Jesus”. Now the kingdom is preached and all are pressing in. That “ the violent take it by force”? Here is your call, your rapture “ come up hither”.

You see this is an endictment against modern men and religion. That they would choose to focus on, and embellish all the bad in the world, to motivate people by that fear, without using the same words Jesus used. And He instructed the disciples to go door to door saying “The Kingdom of God is Now, and Today is the day of salvation”. Today you can be saved from all the ills if the world through the saving works of Christ at the cross, who took on our curse to give us His blessing, who took on every fearful motivator, to prompt us to Glory. God’s Glory and our inheritance. Even as Paul said “the gospel is with Eternal Glory, even now.

However, many close their eyes and plug their ears. Choosing to feed their lower nature of fear, they give up their inheritance by eating the same red pottage. This is the sin of Esau. He disregarded his rightful inheritance for something less permanent. God does things once, Esau needed the same thing over and over. He just couldn’t get it.

The Kingdom of God is at hand. Really. Unless scripture is incorrect.


Appropriating Our Benefits Package

Posted on July 9, 2020 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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God’sBenefit Package for the Elect

David said in Psalms 116.12 “What shall I render to the Lord
For all His benefitstoward me?
13 I will take up the cup of salvation,
And call upon the name of the Lord.
14 I will pay my vows (our only payment due) to the Lord
Now in the presence of all His people”. 

It is Us the Elect that are called out of the world to secure our place “in Christ”. Being found “in Him”, having his righteousness, and his right doing. Meaning we have a better way of getting things done.

It is important for us to know how to appropriate our benefitspackage. “That we may know the thingsthat God has freely given us” to secure our residence with Him, using His machinations for our needs and short comings and not the counterfeits of the god of this age or crafty men.

We need to know how to effectively manage and use our tools from God, lest we be classified as “lazy stewards” of “the mysteries” of God”. It is required of a steward to be found faithful. Since God gave us His things, let Him not find them dormant.

You can be sure you will be tested, so make sure you correctly know how to apply what God has given you. You are gonna need them. Even as Paul said to the Ephesians “ Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day”. How can you do that if you don’t know what you have?

You must know word, Gods word. God calls His Son Word. In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God. It is when we adopt the things the Father says to call them our own, we become the adopted. And Jesus said “I will not leave you orphans” so He sent His comforter and His helper to complete that task. We are never alone.

Being adopted in this way we partake of the fullness of the Godhead body. We are complete in them and need no earthly surrogates to help. What we have are given to us for our benefit. This is our benifits package. You cannot add to it or take away from it. You reject it or accept it “to the degree you are able”.

God did not leave you orphans or forsaken to fend for yourself. He said “I will never leave you or forsake you”. We know this is true. We just gave you a clue on what you should use to overcome your tests. Word, Gods word He has written on your heart.

Like Satan said to Jesus in the wilderness “has God really said?” How well can you answer? How well do you know scripture?

God puts Us the Elect in precarious situations to see if We use the world’s safety nets in our apparent shortcomings, or if we apply God’s provisions made known to us in His word, being the collection of the Fathers words whom we call “The Son” and “The Only Begotten”. It is He that is the only element that came forth from the Father that completes us. He makes Himself known to us by words, which is why He is the Word of God before and after “He became flesh and dwelled among us’.

What the words describe are our choices and our options from our service providers from God, for our life, our health and and our safety plans for expressing godliness. Scripture says “when we see Him we shall be like Him”. This is how you do it.

And having found the coverages, providers and perveyors of the things of this age lacking, we accept the terms and conditions of The New Covenant signed with the blood of Christ as sufficient. In this  is way God is our sufficiency. Even as Paul said “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things,may have an abundance for every good work.”

Because of this, let us be found under God’s coverages and His service providers, that He makes known to us in scripture and clearly defined by the training of Gods Holy Spirit. That we may be found “in him” fully sanctified and protected, under His covering, and not in another health or safety provider. For “our God is a jealous God”. And He doesn’t respond kindly to us if we give ourselves to others for their services because our God is a jealous God, He’s got us covered.

It was Gods Holy Spirit in His Son who said “oh Jerusalem how I weep and morn for you. I would’ve gathered you as a mother hen gathers her chicks but you were not willing”. The question is, are you?

That is what “sanctified” means. That is why He says “be ye Holy as I am Holy”. To be of another sort, unearthly, putting on the things of God. To “put on Christ”. You can be sure if Jesus had, or did something, we can have it and do it too. And we should be able to do it as He did it because “as He is, so are we in this world” according to scripture. Not as He was when “He became flesh and dwelled among us” but we can be like Him as He is now in His pre-incarnate embodiment of “Spirit and Truth”. John 4.24 Let us be found here. This is the gift.

God forbid that I be found outside of His provisions and coverages by stepping underneath another’s. That is what spiritual adultery is. To put your trust in another provider.

Like with Adam and Eve in the garden. Having partaken of another, when He was tested. God said “Adam, where are you?” Adam thought, oops! And he felt ashamed for turning from God. Having believed anothers words for god-likeness, Satan, who said “You shall become like God” and actually took that likeness from Adam and Eve and now exercises himself as god over the unsuspecting.

That was mankind’s doing not Gods, and the reason a man had to undo it. This is the reason “the Son became flesh and dwelled among us. Let us be found in His lineage and not Adams.

It wasn’t so much that Adam put on, or subscribed to another provider and coverer, he did that too, but when he did that, he put off God’s protection to do so.You cannot partake of God’s table and demons. They just don’t mix. And don’t anger the Creator God for seeking protections elsewhere.

Adams discourse with Satan was a type of intercourse and made him feel cheap and naked. He was un-covered. He stepped out from underneath Gods safety and was exposed. The very thing he thought he got, is what he did not get. When you turn from God to various other providers, you don’t get the next best thing, but the exact opposite. That is why repent means do an about face and go the other way, to turn.

That is why in our day there are more insurance coverers, health care providers and services, but there is more sickness death and disease, anguish, depression and suicide than any time in the history of mankind. So much so in fact that these and other types of providers are counterfeits of things God has given us, that keep us from God.

These new providers are gobbling up most of the efforts of humanity measured by money, and turned into never ending payments for their profit. This is slavery. But don’t worry. When you really need to use them, they have ways to make you sicker, to kill you quicker. That’s the plan. Population reduction.

“In the day that you eat you shall surely die” were the words of God to Adam. And so too for all those that follow his lead, started their life of being dead to God, of trusting in others for their life, safety, health and quality of life,  one contract at at a time, one payment at a time, and by accepting terms and conditions one click at a time, untill you are fully enveloped in the worlds safety nets associated with the www.eye in the sky and not Gods.

You are in the world and of the world. Of this we are​ called to come out of “lest you partake of her sins and receive of her judgments” and truely trust in the living, loving God.

You have insulted God one rejection after another. Because you are covered by the Baal’s of the day, the  counterfeits and competitor service providers, but who serves whom?

You can’t understand the things God has for you. You are dead to the things of God. In the day you eat you shall die? Yes, many experience a slow death and denial being blind to Him who is “At Hand” ever ready to save you from all your woes, not just your last breath.

Everytime you accept another’s services to make yourself complete, the very thing you think you got, you didn’t get. If you did, you wouldn’t be beholden to them. You wouldn’t make continuel payments, or empowerments to them. That’s what payments do. God’s things are free, but you empower the competitor and insult the true God who made you “in His image and likeness”. But you would have none of it. Even as Satan said, surely you shall not die, but you shall become godlike, without God.

Satan knows that if you do a disconnect from God, he owns you. If he can lure you away from godliness according to the gospel, he can offer you counterfeits. So many so much in fact a collection of all his lies believed by others equals “the dillusion with all lying signs to be wondered, if possible to decieve the Elect. Why? Because it can be described as being godlike, being all knowing and all controlling. Hmm, that sounds like “the internet of things). But it cannot fool us who know that they have the replicant.

So if your provider is growing and getting bigger? You got the lie. This is “The wheat and tares mature together” God told us about. Are you Wheat? Or tares.

Here is a rule of thumb; If you are paying for it, it is not of God. If you are praying for it, it likely is, if it is according to faith in the Spirit. You cannot serve God and money. Even as James says, “you have not because you ask not. And when you do ask, it is to use it on your carnal nature”, showing that you are taking God’s word out of context. You cannot serve God and Mammon, and you cannot buy the things from God the owner of all things. For that it an insult to offer to God any sort of payment. “Your money perishes with you”. Even your own good works. For when you do that, you insult the Father and the Son because if your best efforts on your best day could please God, Jesus would NOT have signed The New Covenant with His blood. He spilled His blood so that you wouldn’t have to and to make good on His promise to provide for you a safe return to Himself. Which we do now if you are willing. That is what Gods word provides. The gospel with eternal Glory. No one else provides this product.

Even as Christ said at the cross “Father, if their be any other way, please let this task pass by me. Without a redirect from the Father, Jesus went forward with the plan, for you to be coveredby His plans and His coverings. Like abiding under the wings of The Almighty. As it was in the beginning.

Isn’t that what Jesus did? He said “oh Jerusalem! The one who stones and kills the prophets and all who are sent to you (including Himself). Oh how I would’ve coveredyou as a mother hen gathers her chicks, but you would have none of Me. Now this destruction is upon you”.  Showing us that they thought they were “in the good hands of God, but we’re really under the care of another. But they too were exposed to the very dangers they thought they were protected from.

If you have found a provision given to you in scripture, and you have the faith, then use it, because “God rewards those that diligently seek him”. Since we in our humanity know how to give good gifts to our children, how much greater gifts do we get from our heavenly father?

If you see a provision in scripture and don’t use it and you look to others, you insult the gift giver. “For if the word spoken to Angels proof steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received its just reward, what makes us think we will escape such judgment if we neglect such a great salvation”. Salvation, meaning saving, are Gods interventions for us on a daily basis. To have a dependency in Him and the things He has thought and said about us, to help us, to be there for us, to make us complete, with no gaps in coverages! We are complete in Him, no exposures, no other dependancies. We depend on Him. We truely trust God.

What shall I render to the Lord
For all His benefitstoward me?
13 I will take up the cup of salvation,
And call upon the name of the Lord.

Part 2. The test.

There iscertain retribution for those who have been opened up to know the mysteries of God and then walk away from them and count them as common things.

Jesus commended the widow for trusting in God for giving her last two pennies away. It was because she knew that she had a more enduring treasure.

The principals for using that treasure is that you have no back up plan for “just in case” as if Gods providers have lapse of coverages.

The widow gave what she had because she knew how to activate her real treasure. That it was opporational and active then, even as it is for us today, if we have that same kind of faith.

The way we aquire is not money.

Jesus Christ claimed to do the works of the Father, because He is The Word of God, and when we do as Jesus did with His words, the Father listens and answers us too. Because we come in the name of His Son, we are cut from the same cloth. “Even the angels see the face of the Father in these little ones” and obey them too.

This is what it means to be in Christ. God’s Words that come out of our mouths sounds like His Son because when we express these requests by faith, that pleases the Father. That is the conduit to receive a provision from God. And because God and Jesus Christ speak a word and it is so, so do we if we do it according to the principles of faith. God accepts no other form of payment.

Even as James says “a perfect person bridles their mouth, who also said to those who did not ask in faith, let not that person recieve anything from the Lord. But some of us ask and receive to move mountains “be thou moved into the sea and it shall be done for you”. So you know there are no obstacles too big to stop you.

Let’s look at our example of Jesus when “He became flesh and dwelled among us” before He finished His task and returned to the Father. Even as Jesus said to the Father “Father I have completed the task you have given Me. I have manifested My Word to those whom you have given Me out if the world and they have kept it. They know truly that I came forth from you, that I return to you, and that they see Me again no more” at least in a carnal way, yet they see Me as I (truly) am. An exact image of You because He who has seen Me has seen the Father. As long as they are not fixed upon the flesh, they can know Me, and they can know You”. And because God is Spirit and God is truth and seeketh such? Such are we. We take Him at His Word. We see Him as He is, and become like Him. And because We accept Him as He is, He accepts us and become the amalgamation of that one.

This is how and where we go to receive, assimilate and appropriate the things of God, so that we can enjoy the reality of who He is, and the blessedness of apprehending the gift of God according to Godliness. Even as John said of Jesus and us, that “in Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead body, and you are complete in Him who is Head over all powers and principalities”. This is true in this age and every age. You are only hindered because you don’t have the faith or the understanding. Faith comes by hearing the word of God because we become that Word, we read to become like God’s Son who “in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God”.

For us we receive Him in that form, we receive Him as He is and we are like Him. His Word in us equals our likeness of Him. Even as Christ condemned some saying “if you abide in Me and My words abide in you, you shall ask what you want, and it shall be done. Here are your tools to implement what God has given us. This is the currency we need to acquire these things. Not paper instruments with pictures of dead men, but to reiterate word, God’s Word, God’s Son in us. He sees Jesus. In this way we are in Christ, the owner and executor of The Estate, we are joint heirs of the Glory. And we beholding as in a mirror the Glory of the Lord, were transformed into His self-same image from the Glory, to the Glory as by His Spirit. That verse is expired in us. And because God is eternal, and God is complete, we don’t have to wait for anything for the allocation of this but perfect faith. Isn’t this what Paul acknowledged his purpose was? To bring us to this point? 13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; can you receive this?

For the nay sayers and deniers, you haven’t really got it until it comes out of your own mouth. But here is the promise to those who can receive this.

When He comes, in that Day, to be glorified in His saints and to be admired among all those who believe, because our testimony among you was believed.

Come join us in examining and reciting these truths until you too are renewed in the spirit of your minds with scripture to become like us because there is no other way to the Father and there is no other way to implement the things, He has given us. Lest any of us fall short of the Glory of God, because that is what has been given to us.

The things that stand between you and the full acquisition of the benefits and coverages provided to us through the Christ of the cross, is by trusting in others and by not being renewed in the spirit of your minds and accepting all the gifts of salvation. For the time is coming when Rev 22.7

It that day many will say “Lord Lord, didn’t we do many good deeds in your name?” And maybe so, but you did not receive the provisions I have for you. Not only did you push the products of the gods of this age, but you did it in My Name, says the Lord. As if God has any association with such. You cannot partake of the Lords table and the table of demons. Even as the Lord says “come out from among them and be ye clean. Then I will receive you. (2 Corinthians 7.1)

You see if you are waiting for a second coming savior to deliver you from the gods of this age, you are deceived. That makes the Christ of the cross a liar. The Son of God came into the world to save is a hoax if He indeed did not accomplish that. And anyone who is waiting for the next Jesus to save them believes a lie and insults God and His Son who spilled His blood and implemented the last and final contract for all our needs called “The New Covenant”.

There is only one saving act and that is the cross of scripture is untrue because “God sent His Son into the world not to condemn those in the world but to save them”. And the Spirit testifies of the words of Jesus that “I go to the Father and you see Me again no more, at least as a human. Because if Jesus has to come again to perform another act to secure your place at the Throne with The Father, His previous Testimony is a lie. And that cannot be because lies are the attributes of Satan, because he has lied from the beginning and he is the father of lies.

So we know the things that are offered to us in this age for our safety, health, happiness and longevity, are illusions at best because “all the promises of God are yes and amen “in Christ” and not ‘in the world’.

So we must understand our distinction. We are those distinguish among Christ as being His guests and co-inhabitants of the Father, enjoying even now the things they enjoy being complete in themselves with no need for others, and so are we. That is why John says in his first epistle.

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life— the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us— that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have oneness with us; and truly our oneness is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. And these things we write to you that [a]your joy may be full”. And we are absolutely ecstatic.

So let us observe how Jesus implemented His benefits package so that we can learn to implement it ourselves as well.

Jesus Christ was tested in the wilderness to see if He would give in to the god of this age, Satan, whom we call the tempter. You see Jesus Christ had to go through a series of testings to help others through theirs. As it says in Hebrews, “For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted.” In this way Christ qualified Himself as the “Author and finisher of our faith” concluding that He is with us in our journey as the closer.

Hebrews also said of the Christ that He “was in all points tempted as we are, without sin. (Meaning He mastered sin) 16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need”. 

So we can understand that we are not alone with our journey, and because we can go to the storehouse of all things, being the Throne room of God, we can “find grace and help” and whatever tools we need to help us in our transformation.

I know some understand God’s throne by the thunder and lighting, but we have a simpler access point. Even as Jesus said while He was in the flesh “ask the Father anything in My name and He will do it, showing us that we have everything we need for any test that comes our way. Even as Peter affirms that “that according to these exceedingly prescious promises, we have been given everything that pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who had called us”.

And from Ephesians “we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the Heavenlies”.

So we see with Jesus in his wilderness test not succumbing to the god of this age but drawing upon the riches and promisesory provisions of God’s Holy Writ. That if God said a thing and Jesus repeated it as His own, we can be certain that if we reiterate His sayings too, that we would have the same results. Today these things are fulfilled in your hearing, because today is the day of salvation without surrogates.

Doesn’t scripture say that we are joint heirs of the things In Christ? That “it’s the Father’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom” with its safety features, health prosperity and fullness of joy?

The Kingdom of God is at hand!



* Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey

Posted on June 30, 2020 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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It was Mary who was first to the tomb where Jesus lay after His crucifixion and burial. The stone now rolled away, the tomb is empty and Christ has Risen from the dead.

Jesus Christ was Resurrected from the dead, however this is not what Jesus wanted Mary to focus on, as evident with His next words.

17 Jesus said to Mary, “Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.

Jesus Christ wanted to adjust their focus and ours as well, on the Ascention. To go to our God and our Father. Even as Paul pleaded with those in Corinth, to be reconciled with the Father. 

In other words do not affix yourself to the crusifixion, death or resurrection of our Lord so much but the Ascention that follows, be fixed on that as your Heavenly gaze. Even as Paul said he reached out to lay hold of why Jesus laid hold of him. To share in His Glory.

It was Adam and Eve who were told “in the day that you eat of the forbidden fruit, you shall die”. Just as simply and precise as that, they died to the things of God. Just as simple and immediate, from the cross we live. Even as it says in Galatians “cursed is everyone who hangs from a tree” meaning Christ who took our curse there, for us to have life in the spirit now. We no longer associating with Adams death, we associate with the life of God in Christ.

Hebrews says, to move past the resurrection with these words;

Therefore leaving the elementary principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on all the way to perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and this we will do if God permits.” So we know the Ascension as our special calling and priveledge

The resurrection is associated with “dead works”. It is an elementary first principal. It is base and foundational. This is why you are to publicly confess at Baptistism, to be buried in the likeness of Christ’s death, to be raised in newness of life right now. This is the main message from Paul in his Epistle to the Romans. If you can receive it. The book of Romans really is simple.

 Christ went to the cross for us to have eternal life. He packaged it and presented it to us as a gift of a debt free life of joy in the Holy Spirit, now being deposited to our account, being “paid in full”. Having defeated Satan Sin and Death, He gave that to us. We are now instructed to follow Him that “where He is we may be also”. Let us go up from here, standing on the resurrection like a platform. Let us be on our journey in the “upward calling of God in Christ Jesus”. Let us walk out our own Ascention as our work of faith..

When Jesus said “follow Me that where I am, you may be also” He ascended to the Father and calls us to Himself. Who also said “where I go you know and the way you know” so He expects us to know this. Who also said “I am the way the truth and the light”, and “no one comes to the Father except through Me”. And if He had not ascended to the Father, we could not have the Ascension as our goal. But even Paul pleaded with the Corinthians “be reconciled to the Father”, because Christ who committed no sin took on our sin for us to take on His self to be reconciled to The Father” as a free gift. Despise not the gift nor the gift giver.

A tremendous price was “paid in full” for you to enjoy unhindered access to everything in The Kingdom of God at hand. This is the objective of your journey as pilgrims and sojourners on earth. And the amazing thing is that, you can be both places at the same time because God is right here right nowq. You can follow us in and out and (proverbially) find pasture. (John 10)

This is why the writer of Hebrews says to some who finish their journey “For you have not come [g]to the mountain that may be touched and that burned with fire” speaking of the Old Covenant, it’s un-profitableness and need for the replacement.

The writer goes on to say “22 But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, 23 to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven (meaning you’ve checked into Heavenly Jerusalem like a hotel registery). You have come to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect (of those who have met their arrival), 24 to Jesus the Mediator of The New Covenant” as being implimentable and fully operational and active today. Today! If you can hear His voice, harden not your heart like the Hebrews did and were stuck in the wilderness for 40 years.

As a side note; the word “church” comes from the Greek word “Eklesia” and is correctly translated about us who are The Called out ones“, which is us who hear the voice saying “come up hither” meaning, to ascend.

Do you hear this ? “But you have come”? Jesus said “follow Me that where I am, Right Now, you may be also. Some of us have done that. It is a foregone conclusion. This is expected for you to arrive here and take your proverbial “seat in the Heavenlies in Christ Jesus far above all principalities and powers”. To rest in that fact throughout your daily challenges.

As Hebrews goes on to say “25 See that you do not refuse Him who calls you. For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, much more shall we not escape certain judgment if we turn away from Him who calls us from heaven. This is the Ascention that is largely overlooked with believers today. Today they don’t here His voice. Do you?

Jesus after He told Mary not to cling then said “Mary, go to My brethren and say to them, ‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father”. So we should not be confused at what direction we must go and what the price is. A

As our Lord would say while He was in the flesh, “let us go up from here”? So let us not rise do much like from the dead. That was our baptism. Let us ascend. Let’s follow our leader, the Author and Finisher of our faith and ascend to His voice. 

It The Son of God, also called The Word of God who became like us, for us in turn to become like Him and follow Him. Where? To our Father and your Father, to our God and your God. How? If Jesus was the Word, became human for a time, then returned to word to return, then it should be perfectly clear which direction you should go and which tools to use.

The Christ of the cross gifted us the resurrection. The Ascention is our focus, our new task and work, but not of human endeavor, but as it were by faith. We now use the Word of God at the behest of The Holy Spirit mingled with our faith to accomplish our tasks. Yes “if you have faith of a mustard seed you shall say to this mountain, be moved into the sea, and it shall be done for you”. We move mountains in the spirit, to arrive at our new domain.

Even Paul said that he sought out, if he may attain to the resurrection, as being the limited focus of the Fathers. But our calling is much higher. Why? Because Paul’s mission as he explained to Festis while he was on trial was that “it was our fathers objective to aquire the resurrection, think it strange we would too? The resurrection is our starting point thanks to the work of the cross and by the New Covenant explanations, this should be clear.

This is what makes believers Christians, the Eklesia and the called, and “People of the way”. They are on a journey but not a horizontal plain, but a verticle ascent.

It is us who build upon these works whose works are greater than his. Even Jesus while He was a man said “greater works shall you do than Me because I go to the Father“.  Because listened to Paul who pleaded with us to be reconciled to the Father, and we are, and we heard Jesus say “follow me that where I am you may be also” and we did. We are now invited to build upon their works, by inviting you to participate, as seen also with these words from Paul from 1 Corinthians 3.

Because“we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building. (Not some building on earth)10 According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the (invisible, proverbial) foundation, and another builds on it (in an invisible and real way). But let each one take heed how he builds on it. 11 For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12 Now if anyone builds on this foundation with (invisible proverbial) gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, 13 each one’s work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is. 

The greater works that we do are not more important, but they are higher in stature. Whoever builds upon these works shall receive a reward. With the foundation being so secure . Let us go up from here with some Old Testament style pictures.

Paul referred to these pictures when he said “When I was a Child, I thought like a child and played like a child and spoke like a child. When I became a man (mature in the faith) I put away childhood things.” And the Israelites were called children some 1200 times throughout their wanderings in the desert, showing for us they were not able to put away the old teaching mechanisms to advance.

The writer of Hebrews says “Today, if you will hear His voice,
Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion,
In the day of trial in the wilderness,
Where your fathers tested Me, tried Me,
And saw My works forty years.
10 Therefore I was angry with that generation, (for not advancing)
And said, ‘They always go astray intheirheart, showing us where our journey takes place
And they have not known My ways.” 

They deveated from the Heavenly Calling.

It was in Old testament times they would say let us go up to Jerusalem. However if you think about that, Jerusalem was not so much up. The Mount of Olives and Mount Zion as well as other places were higher than Jerusalem. Like many cities, Jerusalem was in a sprawled out flat. You could go down from Jerusalem which would take you ultimately to the Dead Sea which is the lowest elevation on Earth. From there you would have to go up.

The Dead Sea is also called the Sea of Galilee which Galilee means gentiles or the Sea of nations. showing for us that the Dead Sea is the sea of gentiles, because those who are without Christ are The walking Dead. It’s a sea of people.

It was for this cause that Jesus Christ recruited the disciples first from the Sea of Galilee/nations. Because his message was sent to the Gentiles, and it was the first disciples that were fishermen, and Jesus Christ said follow me and I will make you a fisher of men. This too was a parable, for without a parable spake he not to the people and this parable had direct reference to the Christ coming to all the Gentiles. To all the people. This is also indirect reference to the promise made to Abraham that “I will make you the father of many nations/gentiles or Galileans, and “in your seed (meaning Christ) all the nation’s/Gentiles of the earth shall be blessed”. This has always been God’s intended target, all nations.

A topographical map would show the progression from the lowest elevation on earth of the dead sea to Jerusalem as a non-written, functionable parable to walk out so that even if you can’t read, you could understand “the call” and “the way” of the Gospel of salvation, was to proverbially go up .

This is why there were many people from every nation, tongue and dialect who would proverbially come up to Jerusalem for the feasts. The conclusion of all the feasts is Resurrection and the Ascention.

It is a shame the forefather’s hope was stuck on the resurrection. The resurrection for us in New Testament nomenclature is the Baptism where we recon our old man dead so we can walk in newness of life. That we identify with the death of Christ, to be raised from the dead, as Romans and elsewhere teaches. It is our starting point.

So now you know “The Ascention”.

The Kingdom of God is at hand.


Nathaniel, The Fig Tree and The Messiah

Posted on June 21, 2020 by ADMIN

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John 1.47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward Him, and said of him, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit!”

48 Nathanael said to Jesus, “How do You know me?”Jesus answered and said to him, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.” 49 Nathanael answered and said to Him, “Rabbi, You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!” 50 Jesus answered and said to him, “Because I said to you, ‘I saw you under the fig tree,’ do you believe? You will see greater things than these.” 51 And He said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, hereafter[o] you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.”

You see, if you had known Old Testament scripture and if you had heard what John the Baptist said, that “here comes the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world”, you would’ve been able to associate that saying with the promise God made to the prophet Zechariah, that “I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day”, as being their day with “The Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. 

But you say, how can you conclude that? Well for Jesus to say “Because I said to you, ‘I saw you under the fig tree,’ do you believe?  In order for Jesus to have said that, both Him and Nathaniel had to be at the same function, and they were. How was it then that Nathaniel did not recognize Him? Could it be because Nathaniel saw Jesus, but not as a human? And that Nathaniel was some place in the spirit? I mean Jesus looked different then and scripture says “and The Word of God became flesh and dwelled among us. Could Nathaniel have known The Christ in His original composition of Spirit and Truth? We need to go no further than back to the text in Zechariah.

“Thus says the Lord of hosts:

‘If you will walk in My ways,
And if you will keep My command,
Then you shall also judge My house, And likewise have charge of My courts; (as being the one in heaven the carnal ones were pattered after. As God told Moses “see that you make all things according to the pattern you saw at Sinai”.

The Lord of Hosts goes on to say,
I will give you places to walk
Among these who stand here. (As being “the kingdom prepared from the foundations of the world)

‘Hear, O Joshua, the high priest,
You and your companions who sit before you,
For they are a[b] wondrous sign;
For behold, I am bringing forth My Servant the BRANCH.
For behold, the stone
That I have laid before Joshua:
Upon the stone are seven eyes.
Behold, I will engrave its inscription,’
Says the Lord of hosts,
‘And I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day. (Yes with the lamb of God)
10 In that day,’ says the Lord of hosts,
‘Everyone will invite his neighbor
Under his vine and under his fig tree. ”

This is the fig tree the Lord of Hosts was talking about. The Lamb of God takes away the sin of the world, and Nathaniel was invited under that fig tree indicating that he was one of the companions the Lord told Joshua about, who it was said, “I will give you places to walk
Among these who stand here.

You see that is thr connection to be made to qualify Nathaniel to have extra priveledges as being among those who are “a wonderous sign” and the special access point is “from now on you shall see the angels of God ascending and descending upon the son of man” as the account in John said.

Nathaniel had access to the throne of God and all the delicousies and priveledges associated with it.

The writer of the book of Hebrews put it like this, “ But you have come to Mount Zion (a current reality) and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, 23 to the [j]general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect”. And this is the perfection Paul talked about as being the purpose of The Gospel in Ephesians 4.13. 

For you see there is a place we are invited to that is “at hand” of something that is just out of reach to the senses of the human body, but completely within reach to the renewed mind of faith. 

So Nathaniel was under the fig tree as being among the trees in The Garden of God. Didn’t God promise this to the overcomers in The Revelation of Christ?

To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God.” 

And you thought that was later. Surprise! The Kingdom of God is at hand!!!



. Pt 5. Leaving Babylon, Luminaries, Angels and Satellites

Posted on June 9, 2020 by ADMIN

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Luminaries, angels and satellites.

The word “satellite” was coined when astronomers were trying to describe the several moons around Mars and their purposes.

There are several bright luminaries in the skies, and there are lesser important ones that have no light in themselves but only reflect. It is the ones that are closest to a planet that have lesser importance and lesser lumination that are described as satellites or moons.

Today a satellite is generally a man-made object put in the lower parts of the heavens, just far enough above earth not to easily fall but as close as possible to reflect things transmitted from Earth to bounce back down for broader coverage. Kind of how moons reflect light however satellites bounce down data.

Through a steady stream of information transmitted up to bounce back down having several different purposes but all fall under the guise of giving direction of some sort, and if aimed masterfully, it controls the masses.

Because of their temporal makings and their impermanence, they are of the least value in importance and not listed as a creation of God. However they do transmit information and a lot of it seems innocuous. Some of it is like poison packaged in candy.

Scripture talks of a deception “with all lying signs and wonders if possible to decieve the Elect”. So we must be all the more careful to use our God given discernment.

The broadcasting from the internet is similar to how we would describe angels. An angel is a messenger from a broadcaster that represents the sender, usually from God in the upper stratus, to man on earth. Scripture warns us of God’s counterfeits. God’s broadcasting is the gospel message of “peace and goodwill to mankind”. A message of a future with hope, of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

That the impetus and the responsibility is given to each person to grow in godliness. Which simply means being self empowered, made in the image of  God. You only need handouts if you’ve been duped. You only need caretakers and providers if you can’t see how to provide for yourself in relationship with the Almighty God. That’s the good news, that’s the gospel, and that’s what God’s broadcasting message proclaims.

There are also fallen angels with messages of their own whose intention is to steal people from God by shaping people’s minds first and instilling in their doctrines of fear.

Jesus Christ said, I am the way to the Father. Those who have seen Me have seen the Father. From now on you have known Him and seen Him. Why do you seek another? God the Father is Spirit and Truth and seeketh such. Such are we who believe Him.

There are however lies and the Father of lies who has a mouth too. We have the good news and the bad news. Which one is your preference? If you don’t know how to answer that, you don’t know the truth.

The truth is the good news. That is what the word “gospel” means, being the Gospel message from God who has good things for us. That God has sent His Son into the world not to condemn it, meaning those in it, but to save, meaning, God sent His Son into the world to save all who would listen and take Him at his word. To believe and trust in what He says and offers.

There is another gospel and other news agencies with other saviors and savings from other threats to mankind as presented and preached by Satan and his minions. Their purpose? To drive people by fear. Where? Away from God. God’s message is Salvation, freedom, liberty and the pursuit of life. That’s what saving is. Many have been duped into thinking that Christ will come later to save, but those of us who know that “God will never leave us or forsake us”, have no need to fear, run, hide, squirm or cower. Jesus Christ doesn’t have to come back to accomplish His word to help us. We have been given power to do that. We are right where we need to be until further instructed by God. We have been given love power and a sound mind, meaning rational with confidence and peace, and not fear.

And it is not that bad news has any real substance, meaning it is unsubstantiated except by the mouths of liars. It is not real. It is only empowered by fear from those who know not God, and those who give credence through their various embellished presentations to distract you and shuffle you around looking for help. Just look up and call out, God is here.

Even as God said through Moses for us to apply too as seen here. “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today, as long as you have not abused this promise.

Salvation is not an end time event as many suppose, but God working in our lives daily, as a continuel act of being saved, one test at a time, one event after another, testifying to God’s faithfulness. This is our salvation. This is God’s saving for us. Stand still and see the saving of God, day after day as you abide in Him, in Christ.

In the garden Adam first felt fear after listening to the snake in the tree and became afraid. So you know who has been informing you by how you feel. Fear parralizes, faith empowers. Faith stands firm on the promises of God. Has God really said? Yes, for all the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ”. Let us always be found there. How? By faith. As Paul taught, we recon it to be so as our work of faith. This is how we stand firm in the faith.

We are saved and empowered by faith and knowledge in the living God, but most won’t go to the good news in the scripture, the Bible, God’s Holy Writ. They are enamored with another.

The book of the Revelation says of those who are denied access to God include those who loveth and believeth lies. So your self subscribed dillusion fool yourself.

Be careful how much power you give to the enemy, it’s your soul who drives you at will by fear.

The enemies of the Gospel have said “we will know our plan is complete when everything they know and believe is a lie”.

That humanity has in large rejected God in truth, and put their trust, their hope and their confidence NOT in God. They may think they do, but if the product is fear, they don’t.

So examine yourself because God has given us love power and a sound mind. Do not be afraid of their threats or accusations for God has said “I will never leave you or forsake you”. But many in fear, run here and there and cannot hear “the still small voice of God” who says “be still and know that I am God!”

Many don’t know the Savior and saving from God, they believe the pundants and false prophets of our day, the perveyors of Satan’s wares, that presents another catastrophic event for humanity, a little invisible bug called a virus, with the need to be saved, to have their lives saving by another savior, an invisible solution called The Vaccine. You think that will keep you from dieing? Oh contrary. It is given to ensure your death and damnation. That is why the Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ warns of incertions with the capacity to change your DNA, something their solution gaurentees to do.

But our savior and our innoculation is Gods only Begotten Son, who has said “those who believe in Me have past from death to life.

So then those who have not excepted this public offering for being saved from all threats, see themselves as vulnerable and in need of some protection. There is no greater, safer more thorough protection then faith and trust in the God of scripture. And the innoculation we receive is His words of promise in our minded and hearts, to be used and implimented in the face of the threat. God honors all who do so.

So if you haven’t accepted God’s saving called His Son, you can still be saved from this wicked generation by accepting His innocultion and His incertion called Word, and spelled out by the apostle Paul in Romans 10.

Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’ ” (that is, to bring Christ down from above) 7 or, “ ‘Who will descend into the abyss?’ ” (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). 8 But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith which we preach): 9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.”

The Kingdom of God is at hand.





New post,?

Messengers and Angels

The word Angel in scripture is also translated messenger, defining their purpose as deliverery mechanisms from God.

In the beginning God created expanses, but it was man who created a casm in that expanse between humanity and God with a new sub-sector we call fear. Man departed his role to be godlike and empowered another by leaving his spot vacated. This casm exist in the lower part of the expanse just above carnal reasoning. This is the reason scripture says, that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal But mighty through God to pulling down strongholds and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Mankind left that expanse open by abandoning it. This is where Satan is, in the first expanse or casm and parallels what we call the atmosphere, which has the capacity to take captive the lower carnal thinking.

It is here that we make the connection of man-made Satellites as false luminaries in competition with God’s instant messaging and prayer. And because Satellites are manmade, you can see how Satan becomes empowered by mankind thru the assorted mechanisms and is in escence empowered by humans but exercising authority. Who authored that? Not God. The power God gave man, man in turn gives that same power to anyone who offers services. In so doing people becomes slaves to the new providers.

These angels, messengers, carriers and transmitters are working in full force today by dominating the air waves with their instrumentation from 1G to 5G and transmitting towers as well as all the other transmission agencies of cell phones TVs and The Internet of Things. God is everywhere and the internet with it’s Satellites is the counterfeit, who’s workings have an invisible element being of a spiritual sort, but not of God. God is truth, they are fanciful.

The internet logo is a globe wrapped in a net which is a dragnet catching every kind and has nafarious implications.

It is like God in that it is everywhere and knows everything, having the ability to answer billions of people all at the same time, in every language tribe and tongue according to their appetites, fueling each person’s illusions, having it’s espionage devises everwhere, and people think they are safe?

This is god-like and competes against God for the affection and souls of people who swear allegiance to them and sign there lives away one piece at a time through contracts called “terms and conditions”.

These devises provide a false sense of security called coverages, that actually blind people from the covering of God. And if you know Gods scripture, you would understand that Christ is the covering for man, man is the covering for his wife and their children, and God is where Christ gets His coverage. God is our shelter, provider and covering and where we get our wares to become godlike, or godly, is His Word. This is how we orchestrate our lives and not the internet.

Here is a question for you, have you made the symbolic connection between the pyramid and the all seeing eye, with the www. eye in the sky that sees you, tracks you and knows your every move, from when you awake to when you go to bed and everything in-between? Well you better take another long look at how they control you by knowing your appetites so when you step up to their table, they know what invisible food to feed you.

This is why scripture says that “You cannot partake of the Lord’s table and of the table of demons. 22 Or do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than He?” After all, who do you think is tracking you through these devises? God knows how to do that without their wares. That’s God’s realm and His natural habitat. They are the intruders.

We need to understand that the www.eye in the sky has the same powers as familiar spiritswarned about in scripture as seen here; “Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits (that collect and calculate your life) do not seek after them, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God’.

And here; The person who turns to mediums and familiar spirits, to prostitute them self with them (spiritual adultery), I will set My face against that person and cut him off”. How much more of a culture?

So you must be careful not to insult God by prostituting yourself by sharing your private self with another. If you belong to Christ your inward part belongs to Him plain and simple. If you are a temple of God, you are made Holy by the blood of Christ. You will not be found innocent to these charges if you keep pushing the “accept” button without examining what you might be forfieting of yourself because some of their services are counterfeits of services provided to you in The New  Covenant, or New Testament signed in the blood of Christ. Do not insult the Spirit of grace.

As God also says in His holy writ “for I am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers to the 3rd and the 4rth generations. You put those around you at risk too.

Also from scripture “the person who turns to mediums and familiar spirits, to prostitute themselveswith them, I will set My face against that person and cut them off”.So if you feel like you are not being heard by God, it  may be because you have willingly replaced the Creator Gods provisions with the gods of this age that orders and tracks your every move, and steers you away from God.

This is why the book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ talks about a smoke ascending from the bottomless pit that darkens the skies saying “do not harm the vegetation but only the minds of the men on who do not have the seal of God on them”.

Yes our skies are polluted in this way however not to damage the plant growth so much, but the airwaves that pollute the minds of the simple, being “the prince of the power of the air that now works in the sons of disobedience”.

Let them who read understand, that they may “cleanse themselves from all filthiness of flesh and Spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God”, which is our duty.

In this way Satan and his minions, or Messengers have been released from the bottomless pit as we are told of in John’s Revelation, to perform their final rebellion, and their infection is in the simple-minded of those who have rejected the true God with His coverage and His providers.


Scripture says that whoever recieves this mark in the wrist or the forehead will be forever, irredeemably cut off from the love of God. The chip grafts you into the interNET, being Satan’s dragNET. There is a reason it is called the interNET.

You should know that the fallen angels have no bodies with which to perform their final rebellion so they need the internet of things and unsuspecting willing humans to carry out this out.

Be re-scripted with scripture or be formatted by another source.

Just as a CD disc must be formatted to hold information, like a table without cups and saucers, liquid just runs off, so too scripture says “to be renewed in the spirit of the mind” we do this with scripture. However the repetition of lies from these fallen angels etch into your mind, validate yourself by feeding you your own brand of crazy, giving you a false sense of self and security, keeping you preoccupied from the truth that is found in scripture. You are formatted by another. Everytime you accept terms and conditions, you legally bind yourself to another and God is not going to break your contracts. You must do it. You are your own sovereign, you are responsible. You are made in the image and likeness of God.

Think about it. Who really is Siriand Alexa? When you call for themtheysay “did you summon me? That is a term used by spiritualist who call up the dead and familiarspiritsthrough saences. And what about googly hiveand amazonnest? These are infestationsof demons. These are familiar spiritsthat know things about you because you are contracted to them.



* PT 4. Leaving Babylon. Coverings, Companies and Corporations

Posted on May 25, 2020 by ADMIN

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Revelation 18 The Judgment of Mystery Babylon.

And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.

It is important for us the Elect of God, to know what we are to come out of,to make sure we don’t partake of the judgments that are unfolding on earth by a rapid fire succession of events to wrap up this age. Even as scripture says  “For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. 32 But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world”. So we know the things that are coming are not meant for us.

Coverings, Companies and Corporations.

Companies and corporations have contracts and agreements that define their relationships with people. In these contracts, terms and conditions they refer to themselves as “we” and “us” and people call them “they” and “them” showing us that they are entities, but they are not humanThey have wants, desires, preferences and acts of self preservation through contracts that protect themselves  and their accomplices are covered as well. These are all gathered in the spirit of collusion, being banded together for judgment.

The United States has a representative form of government, meaning our representations are elected officials empowered by those whom they represent. However true this may seam, it is corporations that also have representation in the form of lobbying. In truth, payoffs have more power than peoples votes in governments and many other institutions, showing who they serve, money. And scripture says “you cannot serve God and money”.

It is the corporations that operate as such that are implicit in crimes against humanity.

In their“terms and conditions” it says that you cannot hold themtheir agencies or their officers liable for any negative outcomes, showing who else they have power over. They are the true beneficiaries and the ones who are protected in these contracts. The subscriber humans are the real provider as outlined in their contracts.

If you are bound to themin contract, you provide for themsustanence in the form of money, usually on a monthly basis. Most of it goes to theircauses. Theyare the recipients. Theyspend it on themselves, theirprojects and theirreal estate holdings. It is through theirbrain washing with advertisements that keep people mesmerised by the spells theybroadcast on fear minded populations. Some of thempromote pharmacy which means witchcraft. Don’t be fooled. You are being forewarned so that you may distance yourself from them, which all are to parish with using.

It says of Jesus Christ in scripture that, through His death He destroyed him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, torelease those who through fear of deathwere all their lifetime subject to bondage”.

So it is us who put off the remedies of this age to secure our seat at the right hand of the Father, far above all powers, principalities or any other created thing, be it companies, corporations or governments.

All of theiragencies and services are empowered by the self preserving fears of people who say “but what if” and “but just in case” when reasoning why they need these modern day powers or gods. Even as Christ commended the old women tithing her last two pennies saying she truely trusted God. Do you think He let a hair on her head get hurt? But this they don’t understand.

Those who are bound by fears of death, health issues and various types of losses, are bound by contracts for services that promise protection from just about anything, if you are willing to pay for it, hoping they can have peace in life. This is how Satankeeps the masses in bondage. On one side hedevelopes a fear and on the other heprovides an illusion of safety nets through hisservice providers. These are entrapments blinding people from the provisions given to us by God as outlined in The New Covenant where God’s benefit package is spelled out to empower would be believers for faith and trust in Him and not the gods of this age, hence the command to “come out if her my people”.

Holding onto theirbenefit packages, is like holding on to a ground rod. When God lets his wrath come you will be shocked. No matter how much theycomfort you or pacify you, you must put themoff “lest you partake of their sins and receive of theirjudgments”.

If you really knew God and what He has given us, you wouldn’t need a backup plan as though God forgot something or something could sneak past Him. When God said “I will never leave you or forsake you” there are no loopholes in His covenant for you to have the need for backup plans for safety, security and health.That is an insult to God as though you can take care of your own “being saved”. There is only one real Savior and His saving starts right now by faith. By taking stock in The invisible.. That is why “The Kingdom of God is at Hand” and able to save you from whatever ails you even now. God is Sovereign in any age and every age.

But the time is coming when the unrighteous will stay  unrighteous but the righteous will be just. That happens when the judgment begins so there is no turning back, and why scripture says of those who take the mark in their hand or forhead, that they shall not be saved. The only place God has a hard time getting into is the darkened, fear driven mind that refuses to put their stock in Him. Money can’t buy this.

This is why it says in John 1 that “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not comprehend it. He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. 12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave power to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name”. Instead of the names of the numerous providers vying for you allegiance. Even as Abraham said “I lift my hand to the Lord God, possessor of Heaven and earth, that I will not take a sandal strap or a stitch of clothing from you lest you say you made me rich” showing us who provided for him.  

It is here that we recommend you to the grace of God by putting off the darkness cast over the masses by alternative providers and coverages. “God sent His Son into the world to save”. God’s saving for all of humanity is still spelled out in scripture being “The Faith once and for all delivered to the saints” that we contend for. Scripture is the best place you can see God’s services spelled out. They are all given and our proof is The Cross of Christ, and they are all free as spelled out in Isaiah 55. 

The worldly forms of self preservation are illusions and temporary at best. This is the reason why there are more services, providers, coverages, hospitals, medicines sicknesses, diseases vaccines and deaths now than at any other time in human history. Theydon’t work! Theydon’t create cures or solutions but customers. Put themoff lest you become one of theirstatistics.

Just a side note: When Satan was cursed by God He said “on your belly shall you go, and you shall eat  dustall the days of your life”. It is human efforts that are translated into money, then turned into payments that turn into dead works, that equals the dustof no real reward, by purchasing Satan’s wares. These primarily provide a false sense of safety and security, of being false saviorsand anti-christs. Most people don’t use themanywhere near the amount of payments that they pay to these false god’s.

You see if God gives you a provision in scripture, then you go out and buy additional coverages, it means you didn’t believe Gods word for His coverages, so you covenant with other powers through terms and conditions and contracts .

Scripture says “to please God, one must first believe that He is real, and believe that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him”. And what do we seek Him for? His promises of being our provider of goods that pertain to our safety, security, health and length of life on earth and beyond. He is our welfare and our wellness. All others are contending spirits that seek to steal you away from God’s covering over you for other coverages. But God is patient willing that none should perish but turn to Him for His methods and His provisions.

God’s covering over the Israelites was identified as The Cloud by day, and The Pillar of Fire by night that led them and followed them, preserved them, fed them and kept them free from sickness and desease as evidenced by Moses staff with a serpent wrapped around it.

Yes the modern day version of this symbol is used by the counterfeitsso you know who theyare. Also in the time of Jesus, He said “oh Jerusalem how I would’ve gathered you together and brooded over you as a hen broods over her chicks but you are not willing, your destruction is at hand”.  So we have to ask ourselves, are we willing?

It was Adam who was told “from dustyou came, to dustyou shall return. All of the fruit of humanities carnal efforts then spent on fears is spiritual decay, and Satan is the agency God empowered to accommodate this. Satan is mindful of the things of men by design and his drive of being jealous. Satan does not exist without being empowered by human fears. Because perfect love casts out fear, those who are motivated by fear, don’t know the love that God has for them. And they cannot hear the voice of God’s Holy Spirit because they are covered by and recieve services from a different cloud and another covering, or coverages.

Death equals human efforts, turned to money, then wasted on payments to these providers, with little to no real return. In other words death is not a singular event, but your efforts with no real gain or reward. These are dead works that return “from dustto dust“.  Theydon’t really give life but through the promise of it theygenerate bondage for the people opporating off of their upside down lower nature of fear.

The fears always have you looking for something more humanly tangable than the promises of the invisible God given to us in an invisible way as outlined in The New Covenant. Like “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?But seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and these things will be given to you.” This is a whole lot easier then going to the government for help or spending your hard earn profits for things that don’t really work. 

People are throwing their money away because the beneficiaries are not those who pay but those who are paid to. Throwing your hard earned pay after these, is people working the curse that returns their sweat to dust. This is the dustthey” (meaning providers) eat, showing you how Satan and his non-human entitiesare swallowing up your hard earned pay, to accomplish theirgoals. You finance all theirpet projects.

Satan’s providersare all living entities, however not one of themis from God’s 6 days of creation so theyare not His. If theywere, theywould have been spoken of there. To God theydon’t belong. Theyare artificial entities, meaning not natural, not of God’s doing.

In the time of Noah’s flood theywere wiped out. Theywere not of those counted male and female according to their kind, of those who where in the ark who escaped the flood, showing us that theywere unimportant and theywere antagonistic toward God and were judged. It’s going to happen again.

In other words, theywere condemned by God as being monsterousentities that are not part of God’s design. The flood wiped themout but theyare back in our day. As Jesus said “it will be as in the days of Noah? And so it is. We are in the time that He warned us of. We are in the last days.

When people agree to theirterms and conditions and render payments, they give up a piece of themselves and empower an artificial entityto operate on their behalf.

As it is with a financial loan, the borrower serves the lender. So too, the subscriber serves the provider. There is only an illusion of payoffs and cures, but most of those are in commercials and don’t really exist. However it makes people feel warm and fuzzy.

There are promises and acts of benevolence that comes from God as spelled out in scripture. But these other entities become competing forces offering opptional services, overlaps in coverages, securities and safety nets for the “what ifs” in life that drive people by fear. They drive them from God. They don’t believe God and feel naked so they seek another covering. This is what was portrayed in the garden of Eden with the fig leaf. Satan the accuser always points out people’s flaws and weaknesses for exploitation, but the blood of Christ covers them if you accept His provisions. That is why scripture says that “you are complete in Him who is head over all principalities and powers” because His miraculous gift is that big. His coverages are that extensive.

If you can now see the illusion you live in, that your coverages fall short, you can return to Gods covering and coverages who immediately forgives when someone re-turns to Him. That is what repent means, to do an about face.

Note: Fear was first experienced by Adam the moment he ate the forbidden fruit. When God asked him where he was, God knew. But God wanted Adam to analyze where he was, and to learn how to identify when he was opporating on his own or by anotherempowerment. This is why God tells us in scripture “I will never leave you or forsake you” and “I am with you, even throughout the ages” showing the broad range of His coverage. It reaches anyplace throughout time and eternity, so you don’t have to fear the restrictions of terms and conditions. And because God is eternal, you don’t have to worry about lapses in coverages or uncovered procedures. He’s got you covered if you turn from the competition. That is what repent means. To turn. To turn it over to the God who made you in the first place. He is the designer and the owners manual is the Gospel.

This  whis why those who sign up and subscribe to these various non human agencies, commit spiritual adultery. God is insulted by these copy cats.

Even as scripture says of God. The One who was and is and is to come, The Almighty. Meaning He is always God. But the competitor “is not, yet is, but must become” who was developed over time, “but must go into perdition”, meaning Hell, showing you what the competing forces are, and what their demise is. Beware lest you be found bound to them by contracts.

This is why the call was made to “come out of her My people lest you partake of her sins and receive of her judgment.

What Eve did is, she left her covering, Adam, whose covering is God and came under coverage from another. Adam and Eve received provisions of another, Satan, and became blind to the only one who can save them.

That is why scripture is clear that their is only one Savior. If you subscribe, or put yourself under the various competitors forms of savings, you put yourself out from under God’s care, and you shall receive what they promise, nothing tangible. You signed it, you accepted them. You cannot hold them liable or responsible? You are on your own.

Just as Adam was not present when Eve ate the wrong fruit, and Adam became guilty too, he was implicit. So too, your children and all who are under your care are exposed to the same outcomes.

This is what Paul means when he said “you cannot eat from the Lords table and the table of demon’s”. That’s what Adam and Eve did. They sought new providers and other coverages called The Forbiden Fruit. We can’t make it much plainer than this.

So we ask, what agencies give you coverages and  who are your service providers? And if you take your hard earned cash to pay them, mostly for something you may never or rarely need, especially like insurance who serves whom? And who is the real beneficiary?  The answer is the payor serves the payee. And because “you cannot serve God and Mammon, meaning money” this should give you a clue as to who your god is and under whose coverage you seek safety from and it is not the creator, Redeemer God.

There are so many artificial entities today and they all have a face of benevolence however scripture says you will know them by their fruit. The payoff from these entities is about the same as legalized gambling, and people are not the winners. There are more sick and dying with no cures, only paying patients and endless drugs. But because they are approved it’s okay? There is a reason they call them Pharmacy’s. That’s the Greek word for witchcraft, pharmacia. This is no coincidence.

Corporations are entities that hire trustees and board members to impose their will to pilfer the unsuspecting . After it is all said and done, and people come to their God given senses, they will see an eirey resemblance between the Corporate logos today, and the hydrogliphs of old, showing the two Babylons are one and the same. That the Babylon today is not so mysterious.

The Fall of Babylon the Great

18 After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory. And he cried [a]mightily with a loud voice, saying, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird! 

For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the [b]abundance of her luxury.”

And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins [c]have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Render to her just as she rendered [d]to you, and repay her double according to her works; in the cup which she has mixed, mix double for her. In the measure that she glorified herself and lived [e]luxuriously, in the same measure give her torment and sorrow; for she says in her heart, ‘I sit as queen, and am no widow, and will not see sorrow.’ Therefore her plagues will come in one day—death and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who [f]judges her.

But for now? The Kingdom of God is STILL at hand.


PT 3. Leaving Babylon, Generations, Genomes and The Mark of The Beast

Posted on May 19, 2020 by ADMIN

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In the beginning God designed and engineered every species. He completely mapped out his various creatures with their chains of DNA, accounting for each one in order for their own time. From the beginning to the end each one was mapped out. All would come to be in their own time.

However there would be a perversion of God’s creation, of creatures that were not allocated or authenticated by God. As the parable says “Lord, did you not sow good seed in the world? How then does it have weeds? The Lord said, an enemy has done this. The workers were instructed not to pluck them up, but to allow them to grow at the same time. At harvest time the bad would be bundled to burn and the good would be gathered to the Lord. Meaning, the alterations, and genetically modified could not change God’s plans and propose of those who are of His choosing. There is an Elect. God has a special place for those who are not His too.

God’s selection.

Genesis 2. 4 This is the [a]history of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown. For the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the earth, and there was no man (the object of creation) to till the ground; 

All things were created by God for Mankind. Untill man was in the picture, there was no reason for creation to function as evidenced by no rain.

From the beginning God had thought of, engineered and designed everything that would ever grow or live and accommodated for negative results. Meaning all the genetic sequencing, right down to the leaves on the trees and the blades of grass and fish of the sea that, God had genetically mapped all these out from day one to the end, as well as every insect and animal that would ever be. God in His foreknowledge and infinite wisdom, planned and forknew everything. God was very purposefully and selective in what He had made and it was good, very good. There was no shortages only an abundance.  At the end of the 6th and final day of His creating He stood back and said “it is good” and with a small pause He thought of all the variables, all the options, and all the attempts and all the negative outcomes, having concluded that nothing, and we mean absolutely nothing, could thwart, derail, detain or diminish God’s plan for His creation from day one to none. God is sovereign. His creation would accomplish all His desire without even the minutest detail being over looked or thwarted. His creation was “good, pause,,,, very good. Nothing was overlooked. For each potential variation He had a correction. God knew what to do with the strays and manipulations, for He had a plan for each one of them “in their own order” as well. However this was not good.

There would be other sellections and disruptions in His sequencing whereby everything would be genetically tainted, and modified, in attempts to hyjack Gods creation for devious means. Gods creation would not be detained from His original plan. For all deviations He already prepared, and the gates of Hell could not prevail..

The question we ask here is; if God mapped out and sequenced the genomes of all that would be, and they were altered, would that change the outcome? No! God foreknew this. We see a correction with The Flood of Noah.

When we get to the flood of Noah it says that God was grieved with what He had made. That mankind had corrupted themselves across the face of the Earth and God would have to do a reset.

There was one left who pleased God and that was Noah. Scripture says Noah was “the only one righteous in his generation“, which could be understand that Noah had the only right genes or clean genome. His gene pool and liniage would carry out the purposes of God, and this was the reason why his children were included in the ark for the reset. This is the reason 2 of every clean creature, meaning unmodified genomes, were in the ark. These creatures had the gene sequencing needed to fulfill all of Gods will.

We can then ask, how was it the generations or genomes were tainted? Scripture goes on to say that the fallen angles, beasts, or Giants, these self proclaimed sons of god, would go into the daughters of men and impregnate them to begat children of their choosing. Meaning genetic alterations to their liking. These disgusted God and we’re the reason for the reset we call the flood of Noah.

And if God had meticulously mapped out His various genepools, and they were mixed up or modified, would that change the outcome? And if mankinds genes were mixed with other genes, would there be a soul allocated from God to associate with the perverted sequencing? The answer to this is no. There would be other human bodies, but because there were no souls for those sequences, the fallen angels would inhabit those bodies.

This is why the fallen angels would come into, or inject into these unmarried female subjects, these were unprotected and were hyjacked to pervert the gene pool.

The truth of the matter is that another set of humans with a modified set of sequencing are subject to other spirits, or more specific, to the entities of the fallen angels and their spirits who roam the earth looking for host bodies.

Just as a side note, the fallen ones in scripture “who come into the Daughters of men and begat giants”. The Hebrew word for daughter is “bath” and depending on the context, is also interpreted into the words towns, companies, corporations and their branches. So you get a broader picture of where these darkened spirits roost. (Hebrew concordance number H 1323)

In many cases normal people could be visited by demons by opening up to them through incantations and invitations, with psycodelics or other chemicals or just even by participating with them through their deceptions to carry out their will of usurping God. Without this the fallen angels can only feel the flames of Hell pull on them.

Scripture says that Satan is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, he and his minions are roaming seeking who may be open, willingly or through ignorance. Another verse says “they have been taken captive by Satan to do his will and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the Devil”, showing that their must be an acknowledgement and an action on the part of the participant to turn back to God to escape judgment. This is why “repent” simply means to return, and that is the reset each person must do to escape Satan’s entrapments.

Timothy says that some would: come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.

So when Jesus Christ warned us in the gospels that it would be “as in the days of Noah”, we can understand that there would be the need for other judgments. That the genepools would again be perverted and mankind and all creatures would again be corrupted across the face of the Earth. That all these modifications (GMO’s), be it through humans or the environment, they would again  attempt to obscond with creation for unintended purposes.

But these monsters are just food for the Elect, and just carry out the will of the Father, unbenounced to them they serve us. They do know they have a final rebellion for which “the devil has come down to earth having great wrath because he knows his time is short. Therefore they are grabbing a hold of everything they can to take down with them.

However the gospel remains in effect for “bringing many sons (and daughters) to Glory. The first shall be last and the last shall be first and here we come for “The Lord comes with a myriad of His saints to convict the fallen angels and unjust men.

And we see before the throne of God “a thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, before the throne, worshipping the lamb saying “…

We see potential benefits from genetically altered goods and such, but then fail to connect the increase in disease and wickedness as being linked. Why even the earth at times reacts violently towards the inhabitants for the violence they do. And with more sickness and such, there is the mixing and the tainting of genepools through the science of medicine and vaccines. I mean there is a reason they call it “the swine flu”, or madcow disease and such. They sneak other animals genes inside humans and call them viruses, whose insertion was from the previous vaccination, in an attempt to taint God’s plan.  Where in the Hell does that come from? The pit of Hell.

Satan and his minions are having a hayday in our day all in the name of science and medicine, even as diagnoses multiply, it is there intension not to heal, but to make money, and the reason the gospel calls money “the god of this age that most are beholden to.

There are many cures and  coverings or coverages, presented  to humanity with a faces of care, concern and benevolence, presenting poisons called cures, remedies and vaccinations to save you. Which they really don’t save but pervert. There is only one Savior. Jesus Christ.

They mix species and genepools for opportunities to inhabit them and when their craft is mastered, when the implant is perfected, anyone who accepts this cure? Will be eternally placed outside the saving grace of God through His Son for the saving of another. This is each person’s choice. You can choose your outcome.

We were warned of the time coming with counterfeits and all lying signs, meaning things looking beneficial “able to make one wise” but inside is poisonous for spiritual death we call the second death. And that is what they inject into humans. “Do not fear those who can destroy the body, but fear Him who after the body is destroyed, He can throw you in Hell. Fear Him!

What is so bad about this , vaccine/implant?

Well first off, they have been using living organisms and tissues from aborted babies to harvest living sellect cells (yes the fetus was alive while they disected the parts that they wanted) where they insert animal and alien dna, packaged in babies cells, seemingly innocuous, to present them introvinrously in other bodies. These baby cell linings are readily accepted by the host body cell linings as friendly, then when the linings lock together, a transfer takes place with the human bodies genes interacting with the deceptive, counterfeit cell, a modification takes place. God’s sequencing has been altered.

In the laboratory they call it “transfection” in the doctors room they call it an “infection”, but it’s the same thing. It is an insertion of foriegn DNA into a place God had not intended.

The baby cell linings

Scripture says it is not what goes into us that defiles us, because we have mechanisms to process these, however when our God given purification processing is bypassed  with the use of needles, syrenges and vaccines, we lack a proper defense other than the human conscience.

This is the reason why, those who choose the implant, are put outside the saving of God, because they become an unintended gene sequence, by the acceptance of another. Not another creator but a perverter. Satan cannot create anything, and the only thing him and his followers have is what they’ve stolen or perverted.

If God had wanted us to accept things intravenously He would have given us an arterial port of some sort but He didn’t.

Scripture says the life is in the blood, and transfections through intervenious means is the means for mutations. Alien life forms are inserted in that way. And the final mutation that makes humans irretrievable for salvation, meaning, the saving of God, is “the mark of the beast”. The beast is the rogue government system, inplimenting their methods for control to be like God.

From this you cannot be saved as spelled out in The Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ. ”

16 He (the beast) causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads17 that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Inserted into them)

18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

It is here that the scripture is true that “those who seek to save their lives will loose it, and those who loose their lives for Christ’s sake gain life eternal.

For those who are Gods, here is your innoculation. Recieve this.

It is imperative that we understand the account of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego. When threatened with fire (tribulation) they were told to worship, obey and fear another they said “we have no need to answer you in this matter. 17 If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king. 18 But even if He doesn’t, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have” nor will we take your implants or insertions you provide. We have our own provider.

We stand with Abraham and repeat his words that “I lift my hand to the Lord God, possesor of heaven and earth, that I will take not a stitch of clothing not a shoelace lest you say you have made me rich, or that you have made me healthy or safe. My God is my health, my safety, and the insertion of His word, engrafted into my soul is my vaccination against all others. God is supreme. 

Romans 8.35

 Who and what shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written:

“For Your sake we are killed all day long;
We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”

37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. 38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

And of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in the fire? Nebuchadnezzar commanded that they heat the furnace seven times more than it was usually heated. And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, fell down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace. But lo and behold.

Then the guards said, did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the fire?” In their amazement they said “Look! I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.” You are not alone. “For I am with you, even to the end of the age”. And “I will never leave you or forsake you.

In this way “The Kingdom of God is at hand” even in the fire. In this way, we walk among the coals of fire, coming forth ad gold. “We are living stones”? God’s choice nuggets. Amen!



PT 2. Leaving Babylon, Hats, Coverings and Lordship

Posted on May 12, 2020 by ADMIN

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 Jesus Christ told the disciples, I have many things to say to you however you are not able to bear them. However the Spirit of Truth will come and teach you all things. These are of the things taught by The Spirit of Truth.

Paul speaks in 1st Corinthians 11, and asks them to follow the ordinances that he delivered to them. He told that that “I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonors his head. But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head. 

There is a reason women and children wear the family name as a last name passed on from the father. This is a picture of what it means to be “in Christ” who came in The Name of the Father. We wear His name of “Christians” as a banner for our family name. In this way “we are members of the household of God and joint heirs of the things in Christ”. We use the same methods as Jesus did and have access to our Heavenly Father. This is why Jesus said “ask the Father anything in My name and He will do it. He has us covered.

In 1 Corinthians 11, Paul was teaching them safe procedures of how to correctly pray and prophesy, of receiving from God to give to those under their care. They are secure and covered in this way. That if someone is not under the correct covering, protection, authority, or influence from God, there would be inherent dangers. That they would be opened up to intrusions and violations from familiar spirits and fallen angels.

Even as Paul said that “women should be covered because of angels”. This is more clearly understood in Genesis 6 where the fallen angels came into the uncovered, unprotected daughters of men. The unmarried and unprotected were opened and exposed to ungodly influences and entities because they were not covered correctly. They were left open and exposed to other powers with other names and logos.

This is why God wants us to apply His covering on a spiritual level, and the reason Paul said in that same chapter about wearing hats and scarves, that “the church had no such customs”. Meaning, to be covered is not a physical one of talking about hats and scarves so much as it is about leadership, authority and protection. Paul only uses hats and hair as symbols and analogies of the spiritual.

It is the invisible realm where these things apply. God is not happy with people only obeying the physical mandates outlined in the scripture, without understanding the invisible counterpart. And for those who wear hats and scarves without knowing this, they do them no good. They are “symbols of authority” but not the authority themselves. Same with all the articles of faith. The faith is in God not the article.

As we always say, scripture is given to make visible invisible realities.

Paul is talking about coverings and about not being open and exposed to other influences and competing spirits who seek to bring you under their coverage and for protection. In our day that is done with socially engineered contracts that bind you, and make you there prisoners. They call there prisoners customers. How nice of them.

This is why Paul said that “you cannot partake of the Lords table and demons”. Meaning, you cannot intermingle God’s wares and His provisions to us made known through the gospel, with those of the world that are supplied by the competition. It is spiritual adultery to go to the powers of this age for covering and protection, and then to think God uses those methods that you purchased with your money to protect you. You cannot serve God and Mammon. Therefore you are on your own, you made your choice and made a contract with other providers. You are under their care now.

This is why Jesus said of those who came to him in that day and said, Lord open up to us. Did we not cast out many demons in your name? To which He said “depart from me you workers with iniquity I never knew you from where you are from“. Meaning you’ve gone to others and placed your trust in them and there is a breach between you and Him. A breach of contract.

So learn what this means, we are in the world but of not the world. We have different instruments for our safety and we’ll being. You need to be careful whose products you use, the ones you’ve paid for from Mammon, or the ones you’ve prayed for from God. You cannot serve God and Money, nor can you serve two master’s for you will love one and hate the other” so you choose.

In God’s economy there is no valid use for the phrase “what if” or “just in case” because God has no gaps in coverage or short sightedness for you to be concerned. As if to say to God “no worries here God, I got this covered. You can stay there, I don’t need you on this one”. This is a departure , hence “I don’t know you from where you are from“.

You don’t need policy overlaps for broader coverage. God is light and in Him is no darkness. So gaps, shortages and forgetfulness are not shortcomings of His salvation package for us. He has is all covered. So much so in fact “Christ is the covering for the whole world” however many still reject Him.

The correct understanding of that phrase is that God covers those who are His without the world’s help.

There is only one currency in Gods economy and it doesn’t have pictures of dead man on them. Scripture says that if we ask anything in the name of Jesus, He will do it, because we wear His name, He has it covered. And because all things were made by the power of Gods word, we shouldn’t think that there is any better tool to get what we need out of life then to just ask God. “It’s the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom” along with everything that is in it. And it is all “good, very good”.

Even as scripture says, that the Heavenly Angels behold the father’s face in these little ones, therefore we should not be surprised if they do whatever we ask them. This is because we wear the name of the father. We are “in Christ”. He is our banner, and The Logos of God. Even as Jesus said “I am ascending to my God and your God, and My Father and your Father, showing us our new heritage and family name.

A point to be noted here is that when God made humanity in the beginning in His likeness. It is evident that He meant for there to be no other powers between humanity and Himself by telling Adam to go forth and have dominion, to rule and reign like His image. There was no other powers for Mankind to sucomb to than God. So any other powers that demand our allegiance for protection now, are userpers and liars. We get the reversal of the fall, our empowerment of being made in the image of God, and our inheritance that is on Christ.

The writer of Hebrews says that ‘angels are ministering agents sent forth to those who inherit salvation”. Meaning angels are subservient to God’s people, not the other way around. They are not suppose to charge for their services.

If you remember Jesus being tried by Satan trying to trick Him to hurt Himself because scripture says God has given angels charge over His safety and “‘In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.’ Showing us Jesus had all the insurance policies He needed.

Jesus stated “you cannot serve God and money”. So you know what tools you need to use to get your covering and coverage providers from and by which methods you use to get them, prayer or money, God’s instruments or man’s. Your choice. God’s table or demons.

It is the spiritual forces of darkness that seek wayward souls who are opened up and uncovered to carry out their wicked schemes.  This is what we are to be aware of. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through God for pulling down strongholds every lofty thing that sets itself up against the knowledge of God”. Against us knowing and applying God’s purposes in our lives to rule and reign now. This is what the gospel restored. And through proper coverings and headship God’s provisions are distributed correctly.

When Paul says that “women are to be covered because of angels”, he is directly speaking of things from Genesis chapter 6 where the self-proclaimed sons of God, went into the daughters of men, all whom they had selected. This is the need to be in the family of God and His authority under His covering with His provisions and policies.

The word “authority” comes from “author” and infers the idea that God is our author, and our authorization when we are under His care and tutalidge. This is what it means to be “in Christ”. He is the author and finisher of our faith.

When you go to use your alternate providers, you have to get their authorization to use their remedies because it may not be covered under the services you subscribed to.

It is that when someone opens up their vessels to pray, prophecy or transmit in the spirit, and they don’t have the right protection and authorization from God to do it, they can be opened up to receiving and transmitting all kinds of other spirits, or false coverings and protections, or protectors for deception and spiritual adultery.

This is what provokes the Lord to jealousy. That you esteem other services of protection to assay your fears of “what if” and “just in case” in place of the promises of God.

By trusting other providers and coverages, you remove yourself from the covering God gives you as defined by His word. You contract with another. You agree to services and terms and conditions that cover their hind side, not yours.

But God says “come out from among them (put them off) and be ye separate, and I will receive you. And you shall become My sons and daughters”. There are choices with responses we all need to take to work out our own salvation.

God also says “and come out and be separate”, is to go through a separation. It is to go through a divorce from those lower case gods that you glorify by trusting them and subscribing to their services with contracts and monthly payments. You are beholden to them. This is an unholy alliance because they are unclean. They have stolen your soul from God and you gladly accept it. You subscribe to, and put yourself under them. You are in agreement with them, you are in contract with them. You are under their coverage, you are covered by them. This is spiritual adultery and God says “I cannot hear you from where you are from. Someone else has you covered.

You are under a cloud and God just does not make sense to you. But don’t blame Him or think it’s God’s fault or His will when you feel abandoned. You brought it on yourself with your other powers, providers and lower case gods of this age. So “Come out from among them and be ye separate. If you subscribe to the views in scripture, and trust God at His word, go through your divorce to this world by throwing away your wares of this age, and put on the assorted promises of God from scripture. “Be ye renewed in the spirit of your mind that ye may know God’s good, acceptable and perfect will. If you are “in Christ” you are”in the world but not of this world”. Your tools are other worldly

The old Covenant picture shows the Israelites were followed by a cloud and that cloud was Christ. That cloud represents their covering, safety, provider, protectorant and their health. God fed them, clothed them and even cleaned their teeth. This does not mean you don’t have to do anything to be safe and healthy, but you do have to subscribe to the simple methods and cures offered to us as we follow the unction, or leading of the Holy Spirit. This is our teacher our comforter and God’s other parent as He said I will not leave you orphans. I will send you My Helper. Who also said “oh how I want to gather you ad a Mother Hen gathers her chicks” under her covering. This is a picture of what we have if we cooperate and place ourselves firmly underneath these promises. Be covered like this.



PT 1. Leaving Babylon, Vaccine and The Chip

Posted on May 2, 2020 by ADMIN

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In March of 2020 The United States government has declared war on the Corona-virus.

The United States previously declared war on terrorism. What a terrorist is, is ambiguous. A terrorist can be anyone they want, in any country they want at anytime they want. They can attack and make war at will and none can stop them.

The book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ references the beast saying “who can make war with him?” You know who the beast is by looking at the entity the rest of the nation’s fear, and there is a country that rules by military power with threats of sanctions and economic turmoil to all that resist, so you can identify the beast in our day. The modern day beast is aligned to Babylon of old. Ancient Babylon is known by its pyramids, so you will see this logo on their currency and incorporated into the various corporations that are akin to it. The spirit of the , beast, or the life source of the beast is the currency.

As electricity is the current of energy and life for it’s various inventions, so too money supplies life to anti-Christ entities. This is why our Lord said “you cannot serve God and money”. So we have to ask ourselves where do we get our life source, God, or money? Be careful for you will be tested on this later.

The U.S. government on March 21st announced that their global military ruling elite that was previously aimed at terrorism around the world, is now re-deployed to internal affairs by allocating the department of defense, national guard, coast guard and Homeland security in concerted efforts at home. Those who were warring with terrorist outside have redeployed their efforts on the enemy within. These would be seen as dissidents within their borders.

Donald Trump Is Filling Top Pentagon and Homeland Security Positions With Defense Contractors

The enemies called terrorist are secondary and the new Boogeyman is now defined as a virus. They have declared war on an invisible virus. Not an army with similar weapons, but a puny little virus blown out of proportion to instill fear. Fear is their main motivator.

Kind of like the Boogeyman at the end of the yellow brick road. When they got to the end and pulled back the curtain to see the monster, their stood a puny, feeble little man to afraid to look you in the eye. So too this enemy has no real substance. It is the negative current of fear that empowers this monster, but we have faith. No, God did not make a mistake by making the virus. Humans did that. And don’t let them bypass your God given protection to poke you in your vains with a supposed cure. The Gospel message of Jesus Christ is the cure. He is the Savior of the world. Not by an end time event. No, that is an illusion. “All that call upon the Lord shall be saved, for with the heart one believes and with the mouth one confesses faith in Christ unto salvation”. This is the only vaccination you need. In truth we are all carriers of viruses. That is what “Herd Immunity” really means. You have the virus, but you have no symptoms. You are immune.

So that virus is resident in U. S. Citezines, so any citezines could, by their definition, be called an enemy. Now those who vilified anyone abroad they wanted to, by calling them terrorist, whether they were or not. Now they vilify U.S. citezines by claiming they are infected with the virus, whether they are or not thereby making nationalized citezines the enemy. The general public are defined as those who have the virus, and those who refuse the vaccine, as though that’s the savior of the world.

Most symptoms from a sniffle to a cough are catagorized as Covid so the enemy is subjected to their opinion. They can arbitrarily call anyone an enemy to scare others to be poked with a vaccine They may start out suggesting the virus comes with a temperature, but by propogating fear, they will seek to test everyone. Everybody cough’s so and anybody can be an enemy to be removed from society.

And now in addition to beefing up agencies of internal governmental control over the public, they activate one million military reserves from Army, Navy and Air Force, to fight this enemy within. Would that be the virus? No, but those who are accused of being infected with it.

In other words, U.S. citezines they say are infected, will be their new target as the new enemies.


That’s brilliant. What a great way to silence the opposition of those who resist the implimentation of the coming New World Order and global, digital citezines with digital I.D.s and digital wallets, whose business is carried out with the www.eye in the sky, whose local implementation is conveyed thru 5g which has the ability to deliver messages or burn your eyes in their sockets. This is a totalitarianism which is akin to the Mark of the Beast, and something Hitler would be proud of. After all, his programs were stolen and shuffled into secret places in the U.S. being implimented today.

It is there that they were refined and re-presented with a shiney new package of fighting for humanity. They designed an invisible enemy with an invisible savior called The Vaccine. This is eriley reminecint, not to Him who was and is and is to come “The Almighty God”, but the counterfeit “who is not, but yet is, and must go to damnation”. It is and is not because in truth neither the virus or the vaccine are real, but take take form in the fear driven mind that is void of the living God. In this way fear empowers Satan’s plan.

Just as in the beginning Adam and Eve subscribed to the views of the competition of God and forfieted their God given sovereignty to have dominion, and gave that to Satan. Today they’ve traded the fear of God for the fear of a bug.

The fall of mankind has reached it’s lowest common denominator of being afraid for their life because of a supposed microscopic virus.

You know who the enemy is because they have “The Cure”. They have The Solution. One they can inject into your blood stream. The saving of humanity is in the expectation of “The Vaccine”.

Their gospel is that after each person receives the vaccine, everyone can have their life back. So the fearful hunker down and hide from this Boogeyman waiting to be saved. For this there is a saving, yes there is a savior, but it is not the Savior in scripture. No, it is a counterfeit saving “with all lying signs and wonders if possible to decieve the elect”. But we know there is only one Savior and one saving, The Cross. “God sent His Son into the world not to condemn it but to save it”. John 3.17

For true believers Satan was defanged at the cross. Do not be afraid of their threats for their planned destruction will only consume themselves. It is a trap. Even as scripture says “Satan is coming down to you with great wrath because he knows his time is short. And “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird!” Revelation 18. From this they shall not escape.

And I heard the call “come out of her my people lest you take part in her sins and receive of her judgments for her sins have reached up to God in the heavens and God has remembered her.”

These are the words from an Angel in The Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ. It is a call for those who know God, to withdraw from the Gospel of this age, the one who has solicited all efforts to fight their new enemy called a virus.

But the voice of God says “Do not be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled by their presentations. Let the Lord of Hosts be your dread and let Him your fear. He will be for you a sanctuary and your defense”.

And when they say to you listen to the media, to the pundits of today, to modern day prophets and soothsayers, to forcasters and prognosticators, to the mediums and wizards. Shouldn’t a people seek their God? Why do they seek the dead on behalf of the living? They are dead because you will know them by their works and they are defined by their assorted services. Isaiah 8


Vaccines, gene insertions and tainting the gene pools.

Posted on May 2, 2020 by ADMIN

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Part 1, As in The Days of Noah. Jesus Christ warned of a coming time when it would be “As in the days of Noah”.

It says of Noah that he “was the only righteous in his generation”. Or better yet, he had the only clean genome. All others were tainted. They were mixed and modified to pervert them from their God given purposes. This includes all forms of life, plant animal and human. Everything was subject to be a GMO, a genetically modified organizm. Everything but the things in the Ark with Noah.

That brings us to our time. Our bodies are made with specific safety features with specific ports for certain uses. However these have all been bypassed by means of injections for manmade vaccines. But you see, the Creator left no entry points directly into the blood stream so you have to question by whose authority do they do that with? Not God’s.

Scripture says “the life source is in the blood”. We have filters to protect what has access to main components like the brain and the heart and such, but these have all been bombarded with modern medicine and vaccines. This is why pharmacy comes from the Greek word “phamacia” and means “whichcraft”, not a craft of God’s devising

Today’s witch doctors (not all doctors) have perfected ways to get into the blood stream, but moreso, after they get into the blood stream, they can target important organs and incert foriegn/alien dna. Among their tools is a prossess called “transfection” described in the following video at the bottom of this article. We would naturally call them infections, but because it is done on purpose they use the term “transfection”. They both accomplish the same thing, a perversion.

This is the tip of the iceberg. This is an ability of every vaccine they inject into humans. To appear friendly to your natural genes, being disguised as a baby’s cell (that is where they harvest them from ) but having alien DNA inside. Like swine, and bat and bird flu.

You get the picture. God doesn’t do this because that was the purpose of the flood. To erase all un-natural gene modifications. Christ said “it will be like in the days of Noah”? Those days are here.

Even the book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ, warned us specifically, not to take the mark of The Beast. It is a genetically altering injection that changes your composition. You become a sequencing and creation of another.

God thought out all his sequencing from the beginning and allocated to them souls. The alterations done by the mark makes you a distortion from your original design. You have to ask yourself, are their souls allocated to these alterations?

Escentially God owns the patents on those made in His image. It is the “gene transfecting” that makes you a creation of another. Those who agree to these modifications used their last ounce of personal Sovereignty to accept the mark, to become a slave to The Internet of Things.

You become subject to a collective conscienceness but not God’s. You turn into a cog in the machinations of the www.eye in the sky.



The Reconciliation of James and Paul.

Posted on May 1, 2020 by ADMIN

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The Reconciliation of James and Paul.

The book of James has caused serious debate and splits with believers throughout the ages, primarily on the topic of justification by faith verses works.

It was Martin Luther who considered The Book of James to be an epistle of straw and not worthy to be in scripture because of this topic.

Paul teaches the righteousnes of Faith apart from the law and James talks of the Royal Law of Liberty and justification by works, but not the works of the Mosaic Law as some ascert. James uses a justification of so called works with the example of Abraham sacrificing his son. This was an act done before the Old Covenant law was even implemented, so that was no justification by that law, so all arguments of Justification by the Mosaic Law are eronious. However we shall further clarify.

Escentially, righteousness is the gift by God, justification is the gift received and applied by the believer, showing a change in behavior. You could say, the proof is in the put-in. Paul’s usage of righteousness is correct, and James usage of justification is correct also.

Some say it was with the Old Covenant Law that was the basis of Luthers ascertion of James and justification by works. They think that to be declared righteous, and to be justified are synonymous.

One problem with this view, is that it lends to the belief of “once saved always saved”, and this is just not true if there is no change of heart expressed with behavior. To continue to live in sin is an insult to the Living God and the price He paid. “Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity”. This is a work and proof that Christ in you is a changed life.

In Genesis chapter 15, The Lord spoke to Abraham some promises and “he believed God, and it was accounted (or credited) to him for righteousness“. However this is NOT Abraham’s act of justification. Justification came afterward, showing them to be two separate events in time.

Abraham’s Justification.

James reference to being justified comes from Genesis 22  “it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham“.

Abraham  was instructed by God to sacrifice his son, of which technically he did not, but he played it out as a test that he heard God correctly and as a prophecy of God sacrificing His only begotten Son. This is significant and of central importance to the Gospel message that “God sent His Son into the world that whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.” And “and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God” through the various obstacles.

Abraham only mimicked Gods sacrifice as proof that he understood what God was asking him to do, because even before Abraham offered his son on the alter he said “God will provide a sacrifice” showing us that Abraham knew his son wouldn’t be the one to die that day, and that by this act, Abraham had already received his own son back from the dead so to speak, by doing so. So knowing the resurrection of God’s Son was what Abraham had to receive and be tested on.

That so called work was the playing out of Abraham’s faith in order to pass the test to have the Test-imony and receive a reward. That he received the Word of God and heard the voice inside himself, to follow the unction of The Holy Spirit, and acted upon that. This was a work, but not of Law. It was the internal motivation of the Spirit of God that was important. You have to understand that there were no scriptures back then.

Upon Abraham accomplishing his task and work, God  said “By Myself I have sworn, says the Lord, because you have done this thing, (a work) and have not withheld your son, your only son17 blessing I will bless you” (with a reward). And so Abraham passed the test and was confirmed. Abraham was justified.

This is separate from the declaration of righteousness, having obedience to the inner prompting which replaced the outer commands.

This is why James says “Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? 22 Do you see that faith was working together with his works (actions), and by works (actions) faith was made [i]perfect? Which saying is true. There is nothing wrong with James acertation. This does not conflict with Paul.

Faith was perfected there because when God called on Abraham to use it, he did, and it came out in the form of an action from The Holy Spirit. It is okay to call this a work, without it being associated with the Old Covenant Laws of Moses or a work of the flesh, because the prompt was the Holy Spirit. So in truth James was not being legalistic by using that analogy.

The Universal Pattern is to be Tested.

We are all tested. Even as James explained “ My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” 

So there is an end to testing called perfection. God did not give us a life full of sorrow and grief to end in physical death, to realize our inheritance in an an after life. 

Some believe that because Abraham was earlier counted as righteous for believing, that to do a work would discredit God’s earlier declaration. But there is a difference from the gift given and it being activated then tested and confirmed. These are 3 different steps in our growth. The apprehension of the Glory is our final objective. And this can be experienced while we are in our bodies. After all our Savior did. “In Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead body and you are complete in Him.” And “as He is, do are we in this world”. Can you fathom this?

So then Martin Luther, and those who stay divided on this topic, are reading into James Testimony incorrectly, taking scripture out of context and jumping to the conclusion that James meant works of the Mosaic the law.

The Written Law verses God’s Law written on our hearts.

We agree that the Old Covenant Law no longer has relevance for us who have the internal scripting and the promptings of The Holy Spirit.

And yes in Luthers time they were mandating cathedral goers to participate in, and perform things that are catagorized as works mandated only from the church and not the unction of the Holy Spirit.

These are works of the flesh, being penance and punishments and vain repetitions that God is not pleased with. The works that please God are acts from His words and spirit planted in your heart that you are in agreement to, not as a slave, but as being liberated because this is what people were designed for from the beginning, and why James used the phrase “The Perfect Law of Liberty”. 

Jesus defines our work and duty.

It was as Jesus acknowledged “Father those you have given Me, have kept your Word”. And Christ knew this because His words came out of their mouths as a confession of faith  and turned into actions like Abraham did. This is not to be misconstrued as keeping the Law associated with the two clay tablets, but The Law of God written on the circumsized and tested heart, like pictured in Abraham “The Father of Faith. In this way we are all figuratively children of Abraham, if we follow his promptings and do his kind of works.

When we understand this, this is The Law of Liberty that enables us, because we are set up for success. God doesn’t give us a task He doesn’t empower us to do. That is the element of liberty that does not produce condemnation. We have a different (power) source of motivation as understood like this.

All The Old Covenant Laws are an exterior set of written principals  for those whose senses have not been tuned to hear the inner promptings of the Holy Spirit. They have not been perfected in the faith and need some help.

That doesn’t necessarily mean they are not saved. It means they are not confirmed, they may be working on it and being tested along the way. Even from Paul’s own words he promotes works saying to “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling”. Yes, confirm the thing that dwells in you. It should be alive and active.

We see with that Quote from Paul, that he did believe in works also, so to speak, because he too refers to actions as a means of validating and working out his own salvation, if for no one else than between God himself. God is the only one we seek to please.

There are two sets of principals. The Law of Moses on two clay tablets that produce sin and death, and the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus that sets us free from those.

The laws associated with love referred to by James is The Royal Law and The Law of Liberty. This is more correctly understood as being associated with the Sermon on The Mount with Jesus saying; it is written of old “27 “But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you”. He uses love as a filter by which you look through for all the motivations of the heart. This is the scribing of the finger of God. 

The writer of Hebrews put it like this “This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds I will write them,”.

If the Israelites understood this then no more laws would have been given because on the law of love hangs all the other commands. 

At Mt Sinai all the people said to Moses, you go up and talk to God. That is a fearful place. So the Israelites were happy with external promptings, looking for more to do. God gave them enough meat/things to do, to where it was coming back up from their stomachs through their nostrils. That sounds like a lot of fun because you see that is what that picture meant. They were puking.

That is why when the disciples urged Jesus to eat, He answered them “I have meat to eat of which you do not know.” who also said “My meat is to do the will (work) of The Father” and “are there not 24 hours in a day to work? I must work while it is day”. If we are to do what Yeshua does, then we do a work of faith too. Like the disciples said in Acts 4.20 We cannot help but to speak of the things we have seen and heard”. And no one could stop them.

It is us of The New Covenant that our food, is the bread of life, and just as Jesus was asked “what must one do to do the works of God?” And He said “believe in the One He has sent”. And we believe Him and follow Him by obeying the promptings of The Holy Spirit. “If you see a brother in and say, be warm and filled then walk away, how does the love of God live in you?

And our meat/work is to eat of His flesh because it was His body that was broken for us. He said “here take and eat, eat all of Me”. This is the bread of life that comes down from Heaven and not some silly little man made wafer somebody puts on your tongue.

The Law of The Spirit is Love, that supercedes and replaces all other law.

We saw that James referred to love as the highest motivator, we see here that Paul does too in Romans 13 saying  “Owe no one anything except to (act out of) love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled (validated, kept and confirmed) the law. For the commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” [b]“You shall not bear false witness,” “You shall not covet,” and if there is any other commandment, are all summed up in this saying, namely, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” as a fulfillment of all (external) laws.

This pretty much sums it up because that’s what pleased God. Love affirms that Gods work takes root in whoever acts out this way. This is a work or an action. It is a test to become a lifestyle. In this way to Love God and others are the core values, and “The Royal Law” and “The Perfect Law of Liberty”. Once again measured by the selfless motivation. When you are acting on love, stealing killing and self preservation don’t even enter your thoughts.

As far as the rest of the old laws that follow, turns out just to be a quagmire or a thicket of distractions. This is why at the justification of Abraham sacrificing his son, the sacrifice the Lord supplied was the lamb stuck in a thicket, because Jesus Christ was that lamb as seen here “13 Then Abraham lifted his eyes and looked, and there behind him was a ram caught in a thicket by its horns. So Abraham went and took the ram, and offered it up for a burnt offering instead of his son”. The lamb in the thicket was “the offering the Lord provided” and the reason Isaiah said of the Messiah, he was led forth like a lamb to a slaughter.

If you remember Abraham’s son was bound (what the law does) up above the wood stoked for the fire. But it was because of That Lamb that Isaac was loosed, and The Lamb offer in Isaac’s stead was the pleasing sacrifice for God. And with this sacrificial Lamb “the Lord provided” went all external laws.

That is why we proverbially offer up (a work) the same Lamb up to God in our stead and God is pleased with our sacrifice too because “on Him was laid the inequity of us all and by His stripes we are healed.

Jesus Christ was that Lamb, and the thicket represents the Old Covenant Law that everyone gets stuck in and the fire represents the judgment of the cross where Jesus took the Law to, to never have a hold on us again. We are free from law.

Paul says in Collosians that “the hand written ordanances that were written against us ( Mosaic Law) were taken out of the way and nailed to the cross”. They hang there dead at the same place we recon our old man dead as well. So we don’t need to get caught up in that thicket, ever again.

“The law was added to make sin exceedingly sinful”. God’s one time sacrifice of His Son concluded the whole law era. It has been satisfied and “fulfilled” then accredited to us who believe. Jesus Christ did this one work that no other person could do, then presents it as a gift to us as a finished package. You can not add to it, or take away from it. You can however store it inside and leave it dormant or you can integrate with it and assimilate it, activate it, and use it.  This is the works of New Covenant different from the old. Having invisible promptings and the power to perform it called The Holy Spirit.

This is why Paul said that The Gospel is the power of God unto Salvation. That word power from the Greek is “dunamis” and where we get the concept of a Dynamo. Or better yet, a generating plant. Meaning that if the Gospel is tested and confirmed is us, it is because it was this power of God in us, and the prompting of God’s Holy Spirit is us that we cooperate with, yhaty does the works in us. And like Jesus said “it is the Father in Me that does the works”, so say we. In this way we know we are the Elect.

Even as Jesus prayed Father, I desire that those whom you have given Me may be with Me where I am. That they may be one even as we are one.

So we should know when our faith has its maturation, by following The Holy Spirit with specific actions some may call works and not the law with all its enunciations as many suppose. “The law was added till faith comes”? Yes when the invisible rescriptions of the mind takes place, and the Holy Spirit has its home in you. You don’t need external promptings. You are completed. Your faith is confirmed. You are walking in Love.

Love is the bond of perfection.

James and his reference to the Royal law of Liberty and goes on to say 14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” 

This is really no different than when Paul said in Romans 13, Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law. For the commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” [b]“You shall not bear false witness,” “You shall not covet,” and if there is any other commandment, are all summed up in this saying, namely, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 10 Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.” And since love is the fulfillment of the law, then “justification’ is not a big stretch in terms because in essence it means a validation. Wasn’t that really what James was driving at? That Abraham’s faith was confirmed? 

Why even John the apostle in his first epistle drew upon the relationship between Cain and Abel as those who hate and those who love, (another pre-law picture) who concludes that “,But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God [a]is perfected in him”  showing that he is also in agreement with Jesus, Paul and James in reference to love as the standard. He also said that those who fear are not made perfect in love, showing us that love is a byproduct of perfection in the faith and essentially the proof of a maturation that does not need law. The inner law of love supercedes the need for any other law. 

Again with Paul in the love chapter, he says that we have all wisdom and have all knowledge, and if we have not love we are just clanging  symbols.

Probably the most important comparative that Paul the apostle had, was in Colossians 3 where when he speaks about putting on our new body, (most think they get it after they physically die) 12 Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; 13 bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you (is this a work of law too?), so you also must do?  But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. There you have it.

When we are gleaning through scripture, and the various behaviors and attributes that are available to us, we know which ones to put on that are more appropriate. But this should never be misconstrued as trying to keep the law, or doing a work itself because that cannot be done, at least not by carnal endeavor.

Recognizing our greater calling.

Paul says that we are called to settle our own discrepancies within the faith saying “Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unrighteous, and not before the saints? Do you not know that the saints shall judge the world ? And if the world will be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life.’

We have been given the tools to reconcile Paul and James. They are both necessary.

Paul sums it up like this ”

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not [b]puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, [c]thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is [d]perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.

11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.

13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”

And from John’s 1st epistle

“we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. 17 But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?

18 My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. 19 And by this we [d]know that we are of the truth, and shall [e]assure our hearts before Him.” 

This is The Kingdom of God at hand.



The Wedding Feast is Now Ready

Posted on April 14, 2020 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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The Psalmist said “My heart is overflowing with a good theme;
I recite my composition concerning the King;
My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”

You see this can only be if the King has a Kingdom, and the King has a Queen, or He is no King at all but a dreamer.

When Jesus Christ was on trial for blasphemy, which is impersonating concepts of God, they asked Him if He was a king. He answered saying “you have rightly said however My Kingdom is not from here”.

If you understand scripture correctly, you would know that Christ was born King in a manger and an eternal being doesn’t need to become something they already are. But He hid his Deity momentarily to become one of us to show us The way. Where? To His Kingdom. Not one that is in process associated with the world, but “The Kingdom prepared from the foundations of the world”. The one that presides in a place that is not time sensitive, whose construction is not from earthen specific materials. The one that never fades or needs remodeling, but is in Eternal Glory of being forever new.

It was the call of the prophet Joel who said “Blow the trumpet in  Zion, Consecrate a fast,

Call a sacred assembly;
16 Gather the people,
Sanctify the congregation,
Assemble the elders, and
Gather the children and nursing babes;

Why? Because of Joel’s next declaration.

“Let the bridegroom go out from His chamber,
And the Bride from her dressing room”. 

It is the Wedding of Christ and His Bride that are laid out in Old Testament literature because it was as relevant in their day, as it should be in ours because eternal things are not seasonal. They are packaged in picture form for our understanding, to reassemble them in the spirit of our minds.

The Wedding Feast is Central to the Gospel message. It is so important in fact that when a culture is blind to this feast, it is because they have forgotten about what is important to God.  This is The Kingdom of God at hand. They have been blinded from the full Gospel and cannot hear the invitation that “The Wedding Feast is now ready” as stated in Matthew 22. They are too busy with playing church and things on earth that distract them from pressing into This “Kingdom of God” and more clearly identifying with those who live there.

The Wedding Feast is an invitation that has not expired. It is part and parcel of The Kingdom of God at hand. However the invitation has an expiration point. Even as Jesus spoke of those who did not prepare for the Wedding in Matthew 25.10 that “while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut”.

Then afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’ 12 But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you. Where you are from.” They failed to cross over into Gods realm. Instead of preparing for the wedding with God’s things, they went to the world to buy. 

Science describes DNA as information, and we understand that scripture is God’s information. Understanding information is knowledge, and “we are begotten by a word of truth” to things of God. In this way we are like Him. You can’t buy these things.

Even as Paul spoke in Galatians “now that you know God, or rather are known by God”. Meaning like Adam knew Eve by transferring information about himself called genetics, and DNA and she bore Adam a son.

When God knows us, and we know God, there is genetic information that is transferred to us. Like Paul said “be ye transfigured by the renewal of your mind.” Be re-scripted by scripture so that “ye may know the things that have truely been given to those who are in Christ” in contrast to those who have preserved themselves in their old Adamic nature, called the flesh. It came from the dust, and returns to the dust. However there are those of us who are born from above that Jesus Christ was trying to explain to Nicodemus about in John 3.3.

So it is important to know from where we are born, and more importantly from whom we are born. That we have both Parents. Even as Jesus said before His physical departure “I will not leave you orphans”. He sent us His helper like Adam had a helper.

As Jesus spoke of the general assembly, and congregation in that day “to what shall I liken this generation? Hmm. It is like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling to their companions, 17 and saying:

‘We played the flute for you,
And you did not dance;
We mourned to you,
And you did not [b]lament.’

18  But John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon.’ 19 The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Look, a glutton and a winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!”

They could only see His outside, but there is something much greater within Him that we know in a different way. 

Jesus goes on to say “But Wisdom is justified by Her children.” Whose offspring we are if we understand correctly who our Parents are. Wisdom is the application of knowledge and a nickname for The Bride of Christ, the mother of us all. (Galatians 4.26) the Comforter and Helper like Adam had, being bone of Christ’s bone, and flesh of Christ’s flesh of Glorious Spirit and Truth. These are insights into The Kingdom.

The Lord spoke through the Old Covenant prophet Jeremiah saying this in his day “I will take away from them the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the Bridegroom and the voice of the Bride.” Showing us the eternal relevance of The Son of Gods Wedding Feast and that, a generation may be under judgement when the wedding seams so foreign to them. Hmm!

They were denied access to The Kingdom of God and the Wedding feast because of their assorted distractions.

Even as Christ scolded the antichrists in His day saying “Pharisees and hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are trying to do so”. Funny thing is they thought they were in God’s Kingdom in that day called Jerusalem on earth, but that was just a physical mimicker made of elements specific to time, whose notions became idolitrous because they failed to associate those things as teaching tools of things eternal.

Man-made things are totally unsuitable for the Creator. Earthen things can only symbolize things invisible. This they forgot, and for this they were rejected and judged. They thought God was earth bound, but oh contrare.

His chosen are on The Way, they are Heavenly bound. We are in transition, not God. God’s Son temporarily tabernacled with us, so we could follow Him back to where He came from.

This is why He is The Way, The Truth and The Light. Who also said Follow Me, that where I am you may be also. He is The Bread of life who left us bread crumbs to Himself. These crumbs we call verses. Let us go up from here. Let’s go into The Wedding Chamber with the correct attire from scripture.

Christ with his own words explained the invitation to The Wedding like this, 22.The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who arranged a marriage for his son, and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the Wedding; and they were not willing to come. Again, he sent out other servants, saying, ‘Tell those who are invited, “See, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and fatted cattle are killed, and all things are NOW ready. Come to the Wedding.” but they made light of it and went their ways, one to his own farm, another to his business. And the rest seized his servants, treated them [a]spitefully, and killed them. But when the king heard about it, He was furious. And He sent out His armies, destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city. Then He said to his servants, ‘The wedding is NOW ready, but those who were invited (those in Jerusalem on earth) were not worthy. Therefore go into the highways, and as many as you find (from the Gentiles), invite them to the wedding.’ 10 So those servants went out into the highways and gathered together all whom they found, both bad and good. And The Wedding hall was filled with guests.” Of all nations

If you have followed us this far and you have ears to hear, then this may be your access point to The Bridal chamber, for the gospel is not complete without this feast. 

We need to ask ourselves, if The Wedding Feast from God was proclaimed through the Prophets Joel and Jeremiah, then taken away because they didn’t listen, where does that leave us today in a time when this message seems so foreign to the church at largdy? Has it been taken away from us as well? I mean if it was central to the gospel in those ages, shouldn’t it be of monumental importance to us today as well? That The Wedding Feast is still Now still ready? Hmm.

If we can understand that scripture was given to make visible the invisible, concurring, eternal realities of God in Christ. That there was a “Kingdom prepared from the foundations of the world” as scripture says, that  “The Kingdom of God” is always at hand, that a Kingdom infers to us that there is a Kingdom and a King, a culture and a Queen, then we should accept the fact that the invitation to the Wedding of God’s only Begotten Son is relevant anytime. Think of the wise virgins who went into The Bridal chamber. (Matthew 22)

Why else did Jesus say when they asked if He was a king, that “you have rightly said that I am King, however My Kingdom is not from here” thereby distancing Himself from their Jerusalem and thereby polarizing our focus to focus on something way more substantial.

His Kingdom is not of this creation? So we shouldn’t expect Those who are of this sort to take on a form that is Earth like. “Flesh and bone does not inherit the Kingdom of God”, but the re-spirited mind of faith does. And because “God is Spirit and Truth and seeketh such”? (John 4)  Such are we. This is how we do it.

The Wedding Feast is the Bridal Chamber of Glory. It is about God’s Only Begotten Son being reunited with God’s Holy Spirit. She is the incubation chamber inside of us that God’s Word grows in. Where the two become one in us, and we are collectively assembled a habitation of God in the Spirit, in His comfort zone of His things inside us.

The Disciples come to this realization.

The disciples were instructed not to leave Jerusalem, but go and wait in the upper room “untill you receive My promise that you heard from Me. The promise that Christ would send His Comforter and His helper.

The Tabernacle in that Jerusalem expired and as Jesus said “destroy this Temple and I will rebuild it in three days, showing us that the temple is our human body, and more importantly, the upper room of our temple is the one on our shoulders. Our upper room is the spirit of our minds as being the only thing that we have that the invisible God is akin to. Our upper room becomes The Bridal Chamber where God’s Word and Holy Spirit become one with us and fulfill the scripture inside ourselves that says “and you are complete in Him” and “of His fullness we have received”.

God in the beginning was male and female, we accept God as such. We get the whole package. This is The Wedding Feast, if you are able to receive the bride and groom.

Gods image was split in the beginning when God put Adam into a deep sleep and extracted his rib called Eve. Adam was formed from the earth, Eve was not. She came from man, she was hidden inside him. She was there the whole time but Adam couldn’t see her. And with Jesus being “the last Adam” He has someone hidden inside Him too, and we learn to see Her as not visible as was Eve before she was extracted from Adam.

Here it wasn’t the atom that was split, but Adam. All that are born from them are born into the world and are in a deep sleep from the things of God and need a do over to erase the I’ll effects from the fall in the garden of Eden.

This is why Jesus said you must be born again. The split of Adam and Eve were a prophecy of something invisible because the real split of the image of God is when God first spoke. God said… And the Spirit of God brooded over the face of the waters. From the proverbial mouth of God came forth His Word/Son and His Breath/Spirit. They split when God spoke. To bring these back together in us is The Wedding. This takes place inside of us. Jesus said “The Kingdom of God is within you”, and here is the place God’s male and female components reunite and become one in us. And because the disciples assembled in the upper room, we can understand that the upper room where The Wedding takes place is the upper room on our shoulders, being “the spirit of our minds. Our bodies are the Temple of God, and our minds are our invisble domain suitable for the saturation of God’s Word and Holy Spirit we call “the unction”. These are our parents. And if you understand the contrasts of creation verse the eternal, you could see that all that are human are born out of from their mother crying, but we are born into the family of God with unspeakable joy. Even as scripture says that “we are hidden in Christ and that in Christ “are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge”.

So we who are hidden in Christ see Her here. We see The Bride with The Bridegroom and agree with John the Baptist who spoke of this and said “therefore my joy is fulfilled” ours is overflowing full as well.

The male and female aspects that came forth from the proverbial mouth of God in the beginning, find their union in us in this way. It is not so much that we are invited to the Wedding as much as it is we invite the Wedding to take place in us.

It was Jesus who said “destroy this temple and I will rebuild it in three days, speaking of His body. He was showing us that our body rescripted with scripture and refitted with The Holy Spirit is His temple too, and our mind is the upper room. When we join together around these truths, this is the oneness, the “koinania” 1st John talked about. This is what God said to the Israelites before He Gave them the Old Covenant. “The Lord your God is one” Echad!

Even as Paul said “we knew Christ once according to the flesh, but henceforth know we Him that way no more” meaning never again.

Just as various genes when laid out under a microscope display the makeup and information of a creature, so too when we closely examine the information and make up of The Son of God, being The Word of God, of information about God, we use this for the transfiguration of our mind, being renewed in the spirit of our minds. Our minds being fit with Gods Word, then joined by the expansion of the Holy Spirit for incubating these truths of God, we become one with God. We are in agreement. That is why She was seen as a cloud by day and fire by night in the wilderness in the times of Moses, and she only brooded when all God’s things were assembled there. Where? In Spirit and Truth.

That is why She is The Brooder, Comforter and Christ’s other Helper, like Adam had a helper, “so that you are not left orphans. She is our embrionic sac for the expanse of the Spirit, with God’s word in us, this is our new creation, or us newly made. In this way we have our do over. We are born again.

The male aspect of God’s Word

The Word gene comes from the word Genesis. Genes are information, information received is knowledge. We receive God’s information through knowing Him through His Word. Peter says “we have been given everything that pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge of him who calls us. He is The Genetic strands laid out in our understanding for our conversion, which is where the word conversation comes from, indicating a translation from here to there, our own personal rapture that happens without carnal observation.

We adopt God’s Word and become adopted into the Family of God. We are His offspring with His genetics

Paul said, how is it now that you have known God, or rather been known by God, meaning like Adam knew Eve genetically, how is it that you seek to go back to the weak and beggarly elements of creation? Must I labor again until Christ is formed in you?

So when Nicodemus asked Christ “must we go back to our mother’s womb to be born again. Here is the answer.

The Female aspect of God for us now is The Teacher, Christs Helper and other Parent so that we are not orphans, that teaches us all things concerning Christ. ” She will take what is Mine and make it known to you”. The Brooder will take the Words of Christ we receive from the Gospel and rearrange it in our minds to perfect us.

Paul put it like this, 18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as [b]by the Spirit of the Lord.”

This is how and where the Collection of All God’s things, that follows the Joining of The Word of God with The Spirit of God take place. THIS IS THE WEDDING. We are Children of God. It is in our invisble parts we call our heart, soul and mind where this all takes place. Where God’s Word incubates in God’s Holy Spirit inside of you for “The Consumation of All Things” God specific takes place in you. This is The Wedding of God’s Son, and our personal invitation for our inauguration. Welcome to The Wedding.

Because in the beginning God was male and female and made Man In His image, and so he is in the end as well as always.

In this way The Kingdom of God is always at Hand!!!



* The People of “The Way”

Posted on April 13, 2020 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
Download PDF

It was John the Baptist who said of himself “I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness. Make straight the paths of the Lord”. With these words the proverbial baton pass was made from the last old Covenant prophet, to the bearer and institutor of The New Covenant, to expire the old way and to blaze “a New and Living Way to The Father“. Because the old way didn’t work.

You see it was after nearly 4 thousand years that the Israelites had failed to accomplish their journey that Christ at His last words to His Father before His crusifiction said “Father if there be any other way”. The answer was no. From this point forward it could not be said from anyone, that mankind could do this on their own. Their journey was always meant to be verticle one and not to stop short in some silly manmade kingdom for God on earth. That was never meant to be our destination.

The old covenant with it’s wanderings, sacrifices, buildings, laws and feast were only shadows of heavenly things used for explanatory purposes only. We have a Heavenly calling. Even as Paul said that “I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ”. So that Jerusalem was not to be their final destination.

It was this same Jesus who said “I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and The Way you know.” Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know The Way?Jesus said to him, “I am The Way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me”. Who also said “follow Me that where I am you may be also”. He who ascended to the Father said this for us to acknowledge our journey.

Jesus came to expire the old, so that we would recognize something new. The journey of the ages is now more clear, and the Jerusalem we seek is a Heavenly one. With the first one dismantled we should not be confused. As long as the counterfeit with all lying signs and wonders doesn’t blind you.

Jesus came to fulfill all the law and the prophets as well as that whole culture and give us a more clear direction. Meaning His followers had to depart from that Jerusalem because God was done with it. He said “if they persecute Me, they will persecute you also”, and so they did. They killed Him. They were not welcome there. They would soon be on The Way. Even the Israelites who escaped that time were called “the 12 tribes scattered abroad” and those of the disporia.

After Christs resurrection and right before He was taken up, He told the disciples not to depart from that Jerusalem “until you have heard from Me”. Then they were to depart because that Jerusalem had expired in purpose for God because it became idolitrous. The disciples were on The Way. Jesus Christ then said “go ye therefore unto all the earth teaching and preaching all I told you”. So you know they were called away from there.

Right before Paul’s conversion scripture says, Then Saul/Paul, still  breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of The Way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound (back) to Jerusalem” to stand trial. Of whom Christ in the spirit as “the light seven times brighter than the sun”, He immediately came to their defense and said “Saul why are you persecuted Me? Meaning, if you come against one of Mine you come against Me. Christ was defending the people of The Way. It was here followers of Christ were first called the people of The Way. The way that is still open for us in our day too.

Then there was a demon possessed girl who saw Paul after his conversion “and cried out, saying, “These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us The Way of salvation”. It was seen here first that Paul was converted and now known as one of those among the people of The Way.

A spiritual polarity shift had taken place in Saul/Paul, and now the persecutor became the persecuted, as seen by Paul being let down through a window in a basket on a rope to escape the Jews who took a vow to kill him because of his departure to The Way.

It was Aquila and Priscilla who explained to Paul “The Way of God more accurately”.

At Paul’s first visit to Ephesis he prayed for them “to receive the Holy Spirit, then he went into the synagogue and spoke boldly for three months, reasoning and persuading concerning the things of The Kingdom of GodBut when some were hardened and did not believe, but spoke evil of The Way”, showing us that the indwelling of The Holy Spirit and The Kingdom of God at Hand were part and parcel of the Gospel, and harmonious with the goals for the believers of The Way.

In Paul’s self defense to Felix the Gentile Governor he said “this I confess to you, that according to The Way which they call a sect, so I worship the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the Law and in the Prophets.” Meaning that the conclusion of The Old Covenant and it’s culture was their starting point, because it had all been fulfilled. Like a stale product on a shelf it was expired and rendered useless.

Peter in his writings acknowledged the people of “The Way“, by calling them “The pilgrims of the Dispersion” of those who departed from Jerusalem having heard from Jesus.

The message of The Way was to be preached to all the Nation’s as being something different from the old one that brought people to the Jerusalem they departed from. And it was the apostle James who called the people of The Way, The 12 Tribes scattered abroad.

The New Covenant started with the Judgment of that Jerusalem so their time frame was short. As scripture says that Christ did a short work on the earth and cut it short in righteousness.

For the many on The Way out from that Jerusalem, it was their persecution from the Jews that dispersed them like Paul participated in. But God chose Paul first from the Satanic bunch, as a prototype so that the other Jews could understand that it wasn’t too late to repent and that they could leave the coming persecution as well. If you remember that Jesus said to His disciples of that Jerusalem that ” not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be cast down” showing us that the destruction of Jerusalem was His intention.

If Paul could be saved from that brood of vipers, anyone could be. Which is important for us today too because Today we still preach The Way of salvation that Aquila and Priscilla taught to Paul for his conversion to another Jerusalem. The Heavenly one. So we must ask, which one do you put your hope in?

Even the writer of Hebrews attested to old testament people on the way calling them “strangers and pilgrims on the earth, which is alsi quoted from David who after finishing the temple preparations for his son Soloman said in prayer “we are aliens and pilgrims before You, (meaning God)
As were all our fathers;
Our days on earth are as a shadow”. So what we are explaining has always been Gods intention.

This shows us that David knew that his journey and Gods temple we’re of a Heavenly sort, for “they looked for a City whose builder and maker was God”, and not one made by David, Solomon or the Jews.

Didn’t Jesus fulfill the promise that David’s Son would build God a Temple? That in the time of Jesus they called Him “The Son of David” for that cause? He said, destroy this Temple and I will build it in three days and Jesus wasn’t talking about Solomon’s Temple or Herod’s as having any relevance or importance. He was talking about His body called “The Body of Christ, of which we become joint heirs of with the completion of our journey of as being “living stones, built up a habitation of God in the Spirit”, as our new domain, as being fellow citizens, saints and members of the household of God”. This is the objective of The Way. That you have a conscience interaction with the reality of the fullness of God even now?

So you see, when it comes to Jerusalem, He wasn’t talking about the Old Covenant one. He was talking about “The Kingdom of God at Hand” as being the objective of our journey of following Christ where He is that we may be also. It was David’s Son Solomon who at the dedication of his temple, acknowledging that “God does not dwell in temples made with human hands”, asking God to hear the voice of those who look at his temple as a memorial, finished his prayer saying “that You may teach them The good Way in which they should walk;  by which we may know and understand that they were on The Way even back then.

And even beggars in Jerusalem in the time of Christ said “son of David have mercy on me” for us to know that Christ fulfilled the prophecy, and that Jesus was the son of David that would build God a temple, and not Solomon. For even David looked for the City whose builder and maker is God”, whose composition and design was of a Heavenly sort.

It was the old Covenant wilderness wanderers, and those before the 10 commands, back to Abraham knew they also they were on a journey, and that it was a Heavenly quest. Flesh and blood doesn’t inherit the kingdom of God, so feet can’t take you there.

So knowing that the believers were called “The Way“. They were also called aliens, strangers, pilgrims and sojourners. The fact is none of Gods people took stock in this age. Like Jesus, we are in the world but not of the world.

To understand the meaning of the word church correctly, it comes from the Greek word Eklisia, which means “the called out ones” indicating that they were to leave and go. They were instructed to be on The Way because they were called to somewhere else. Like Jesus said, follow me. They knew they were going somewhere Heavenly. As their vision became clearer along The Way, they could see Heavenly Jerusalem coming down of God from Heaven. Heavenly Jerusalem, the Mother of “the all” as Paul put it in Galatians 4.26.

The writer of Hebrews had this to offer. After explaining all the law and the prophets purpose, he got to the main point by saying “Now this is the main point of the things we are saying: We have such a High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, a Minister of the [a]sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which the Lord erected, and not man.” Who then says “therefore, or, because of this, let us go boldly to the throne room of grace”. 

19 Therefore, brethren, having boldness[f] to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way which He consecrated for us.” Do not despise the gift or the gift giver.

Isn’t this the “follow Me that where I am ye may be” Jesus Christ was speaking about?

As always, The Kingdom of God is at Hand awaiting your arrival. Some of us “go in and out and find pasture”, some look on from a distance, some wait for another. How about you?

For those of you who have completed this journey and accepted this portion of the gospel, take note of the articles written To The Elect so you know what your next work and goal is as becoming a saint and a holy one, speaking of the aquisition of your “new person created in the likeness of Jesus Christ” gifted to you at the cross that you acknowledged at Baptist that you being dead in trespass and sin, are now raised in newness of life. Amen.

The Kingdom of God is at hand!


All things ARE Restored

Posted on March 6, 2020 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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In the beginning of the Book of Acts, Jesus Christ after His resurrection and before His acsention, now with His Disciples “And being assembled together with them, He commanded them to “do not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the Promise of the Father, of which you have heard from Me”. 

If you remember the disciples heard from Christ that He was going to the Father, and when “the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father who testifies of Me”.

Christ saying He would not leave them orphans, meaning without a Parent, that He was leaving and He would send them another Comforter, Helper and Teacher. That the replacement was on Her way. Up until now these features were dimly depicted in the Kingdom of Jerusalem on Earth of whom Christ’s Helper replaces.

If we understand things correctly, before Christ became flesh and dwelt among us, He was “The Word of God”. Meaning something from the mouth of God as being invisble and not a time based construct. Then we should not be surprised that Christ’s counterpart was “bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh”, of Glorious spirit and Truth. She too was from the mouth of God from the beginning, being the breath of God and not a time based construct either.

It was God the Father who said of His Son after His baptism where Christ was filled with The Holy Spirit “this is My Only Begotten Son in whom I am well pleased”. Christ is the Only Begotten of the Father, however we are Begotten in Christ throuth the Gospel to be “a kind of firstfruits of His creation”. This is why Christ said through the prophet Isaiah ” here am I and the offspring who God has given Me. We are for signs and wonders. Isaiah was testifying of Us and Our coming of age.

And why was the Father well pleased with His Only Begotten at His Baptism? Because for the first time since the beginning, the split that started with Adam and Eve, when Adams rib was extracted from him called his helper, this was mended in Christ when the Holy Spirit descended upon Him and remained in Him.

Adam, during his sleep, was halved male and female. At the Baptism from John, Christ is portrayed whole, having both parts in Him, fulfilling in Himself the command from the beginning for the two to become one. To be whole, full and wed together as one. This is why the Gospel says “in Him (Jesus) dwells the fullness of the Godhead body. Meaning “male and female God made them in His image”. The original Male and Female from God are in Christ.

He is the original Adam and Eve dimly portrayed by being turned inside out with the rib removed, Adam and Eve reveal invisible entities of The Godhead.. Now being outside in with the proverbial rib re-installed as displayed with the Holy Spirit descending upon Jesus to remain in Him.

Ever since the sin in the Garden of Eden creation has been off course of producing children of God. This is the need for all things to be restored to that which is from the beginning.

This is why Paul called Jesus “the last Adam” signifying that there was a new assembly line of offspring of those made in the image of God, that was previously allocated to Adam, but is now fulfilled “in Christ”. The Adamic race was eternally lost and going the wrong way without Christ. But that race was salvaged through repentance, meaning re-turning to God. This is what the Savior did. For this Christ is The Savior, to all that believe in His Name. “To them He gave Power to become His offspring. That Power is The Word joined with the Holy Spirit.

Jesus having received the Holy Spirit at His baptism, became The Restored image of God by having both parts male and female being The Word of God and The Breath/Spirit of God united in the man vessel called Jesus. Like us when we speak, our word comes out with the thrust of our breath by the will of the designer we call The Father.

They are all one in composition and design, and invisble. Then in the spirit of our minds they are melded and Wed together equalling the total fullness of God, both male and female as defined by the Father and why Christ said “I and the Father are one” meaning fully cohesive. Christ said “it is the Father in Me that does the works”  and showing they are totally congruent. 

It was John the Baptist who  performed Christs Baptism, of which John had said, it was necessary to fulfill all righteousness. (John 3.29) John then gave the formal announcement of the Newly Weds saying ” He who has the Bride is the Bridegroom; but the friend (and Best Man at the wedding) of the Bridegroom, who stands and hears Him, rejoices greatly because of the Bridegroom’s voice.” Meaning the Wedding event was accomplished at Christ’s Baptism where the two became one. The account from Luke says, The Holy Spirit descended upon Christ “in bodily form” and fit inside of him perfectly.

The terms bride and groom correctly associated are only valid with a wedding event and Newly Weds. They are totally unsuitable for the unwed or engaged or they would be Fiance’s. John goes on to say about the Newly Weds (here amending from the Greek word ekionos) “They must increase and I must decrease”. John was speaking of decreasing as the last old testament prophet in the succession of old Jerusalem’s prophets that were at their time of expiration. All the law and the prophets are emphatically fulfilled “in Christ”. That is why Jesus said, among those born among women there is none greater than John the Baptist, however those who are of the kingdom are greater than he, clarifying the demarcation line and speaking of Us who are brought forth through these things.

The prophets of old could only testify of a coming one, and Christ had come and closed that era. Christ is the conclusion of all they said. Even as Christ said to Nathaniel “I saw you when you were under the fig tree”, showing He was the “Man called The Branch” spoken from Zechariah to fulfill the last sign to perform to close that book.

This is why The Kingdom of God is at hand, of something un-graspable, but totally aprehendable to the renewed mind of the Spirit.

This is why the writer of Hebrews opens up with these words describing the prophets limited role in the things of God “ God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days (being The New Covenant era) spoken to us by His Son”. Spoken is a past tense term. There is nothing left to say but to repeat it. That is why it is called the Gospel, meaning good news, and the reason Jude says to “contend earnestly for the faith once and for all delivered to the saints”.

This verse from Hebrews shows the batton pass was completed from old to new. The Prophets of old speak of things expired because it is through the continual revelations of things in Christ is the full restoration of what they were talking about.

If you remember, Jesus said “it is not for you to know the things the Father has put under his own authority”. Meaning, the disciples who are still yet carnal and in their old testament thinking when Christ spoke that to them. Meaning if you are in the old, that could be true of you too. But We assure you that the new wine us better.

They could not understand that the restoration of all things is not an event on planet Earth but something each one of us experiences in our own order, of things we receive by The Teacher, comforter and other Parent who now dwells within us.

Even as Paul spoke of in 1st Corinthians 15. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. 23 But each one in their own order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christ’s at His (consecutive) comings”. The Gospel accommodates each one in their own order. So that each age would have a harvest. “If you can receive it”. Otherwise the verse is true for you too that “it is not for you to know the things that the Father has put in His own authority”. But Christ told some of us that “I have made known to you all things from the Father”. That’s why we speak with such clarity.

Christ said “Lo the volume of the book is written of Me”. And “Father I have finished the works you have given me to do” so that old Covenant is done. All things are restored to “That which is from the beginning”. Each according to their own order, showing that the Gospel is progressive according to what you were able to receive. No one is held back or in limbo because “Now the gospel of The Kingdom is being preached and all are entering”, and “the violent take it by force” meaning, we take the Father at His Word and We don’t take no for an answer, regardless what the obstacles may be. Like Joshua and Caleb, “if God gave as a thing, we are more than able to possess it” and We do. For “all the promises of God are (a resounding) yes and amen in Christ, the author and finisher of our faith, and He does not tarry.

Like fish coming out of the ocean, to swim up river to the spawning waters from which they were from, we clamour up the things God has said, taking Him at His Word and become heirs, joint heirs with Christ and the recipients of the things that are Heavenly. We come out of the Sea of Galilee, meaning nation’s, or gentiles, through the gush of the Living Waters, to receive the promises in Thr Gospel of the things the Father has said to Us. The Works are Finished? Yes, in us. Gods Word does what He said. We are those who have the full Testimony of Jesus Christ.

From The Beginning.

What Adam and Eve had lost, Christ regained. In the day they died, Adam and Eve lost the Holy Spirit and became dead to the things of God. When we receive God’s Word and Holy Spirit, we are made alive agian to the things of God. This is The Restoration of All Things for becoming children of God with “the image of God” corrected in us having the male and female components of God fully functional. You are in Adam, or in Christ. You are “In that day you shall surely die”, or in “The day of The Lord” and in “That Day” and “The Day of The Lord and “The Day of Christ”  all the prophets eluded to, that pointed to Christ’s on earth. By a man all sinned and by a man the fall was corrected. This why we are resurrected because we are “The Offspring of The Ressurection”. Being born of a new nature of The Word and Spirit, our Heavenly Parents. The Word of God is the seed sown in our hearts, and The Spirit is the embrionic sac that becomes an expanse greater than the heavens above the earth. And as a catapillar cannot understand the life and flight if a butterfly, so too the carnal man cannot receive the things of God, but The Elect have.

Even as Peter said “Of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched carefully, who prophesied of the grace that would come to you, 11 searching what, or what manner of time, the Spirit of Christ who was in them was indicating when He testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow”. We are those Glories.

You see in the beginning Adam was split in half when his counterpart called the rib, was separated and became Eve. This is why the quest was given for man and woman were called in Holy matrimony to be one.

Then to reunite the breath of God with the word of God in us, is a full collection of all that God is. Even as scripture said of Christ “for in him dwells the fullness of the godhead body, (male and female) and ye are complete in Him”. We have everything He has. This is because we accept Christ as he is, and we were not left orphans, He sent us His helper, our comforter who teaches us All (these) things that dwells in us now. And it is the Word of God and the Holy Spirit of God, in Us, that generates The Kingdom of God in Us. The Holy Spirit confirms to our spirit in Us that we are the Children of God.

Now the Kingdom of God that does not come with (carnal) observation is clearly seen with the eyes of our understanding, that the Kingdom of God is within us and not without. Spirit does not take on carnal form. This is why Paul prayed for the eyes of your understanding to be opened, because these things are not for the carnal minded. “The carnal mind is enmity against God, and us who have received.

Now we have the word & Spirit, that Wells up inside of us, and becomes a kingdom. This is what Christ meant when he said “the kingdom of God is within you”. If we adopt God’s Word and God’s Holy Spirit, we are the adopted.

The only way that Jesus Christ could have said that “The kingdom of God is at hand” and for it to be true, is if there is an Eternal Capital City, completely function and open for business. And there is. She is called “Heavenly Jerusalem, the Mother of us all” as Paul put it in Galatians 4.26. And “The Kingdom prepared from the foundations of the world.

I mean “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever”. So it is fitting that His counterpart is as well. And She is a component of “The kingdom prepared from the foundations of the world” because she too is just as eternal as Christ himself. She has an equal share in the Kingdom with the father in the Son. Is she really eternal? But of course, she was seen in the beginning during creation brooding over the face of the waters.

This is the same Brooder who spoke through Jesus to old Jerusalem “oh how I mourn for you, how I would have gathered you as a Hen gathers Her chicks but you were not willing. Showing us that the female aspect of God was present in Christ.

If that is not proof enough, then we can see Her brood over the Israelites in the wilderness as a cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night. When She swooped down on the disciples in old Jerusalem, they were seen with cloven tongues of fire.

The difference between the Israelites in the wilderness and the New testament believers was, for one the fire was above them and the others the fire came from within. Even as the disciples said on ­The Way to Emmaus as they discovered these things “Didn’t our hearts burn within us?”Doesn’t your heart burn within you?

Whereas some teachings used to come from Jerusalem on Sabbath days, now the full Gospel comes from the spirit as being the teacher.

Even as Paul had said, for we are being transfigured into the selfsame image from the glory to the glory as by the spirit. Showing what Her purpose is. Even as Christ said when the Holy Spirit My Helper comes, it is to break down the things of Mine and make them palatable to you, to help you understand them.

Now it is a sort of blasphemy to think that Christ’s counterpart and helper is another male, and The Father, Son and Spirit have no feminine? It is also blasphemy to think we could allocate a place on Earth to centralize the things of God for carnal fascinations. Be amazed in the Spirit of your mind!

Did not the Christ speak to the Jews “you are not entering the Kingdom, nor are you allowing those who are trying to do so? That is why that Jerusalem became “The Abomination that makes desolation”. And from the mouth of Jesus about the copy of Jerusalem on earth that became idolitrous and full of adulterers, ” Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down”. And of Her rulers? Jesus called them, brood of vipers, sons of Satan, how shall you escape the fires of Hell?

So we need to clearly understand who our Mother is and support Her cause lest we fix our eyes on something on earth and remain blind to these truths.

John the Revelator had this to say.

“Come, I will show you the bride, the Lamb’s wife.” 10 And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the great city, the [i]holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, 11 having the glory of God.

And I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. 23 The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light. 

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.
