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The Lord coming in His Saints

Posted on July 23, 2017 by ADMIN

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He who said I will never leave you or forsake you, also said I am coming again, providing for us a choice. Some of us choose Him as He is. Spirit and truth. He who is ubiquitous, who fills all and all”, need not to appear physically to come to us for His comings are many. He is not just 1st and 2nd comings. Even now He stands at the door and knocks. To those who open up He feeds. To those who want to see Him visually He is a thief. They fail to receive Him as He is and He leaves them empty handed. What He has to give to them is Himself and this they reject and wait for another.
He who said “lo I am with you throughout the ages” need not be manifest in any other way. He whose name no man can say, is called “The Word of God”. He needs no other introduction. Any name you use of Him is from a truncated understanding of “Him who fills everything every where” all the time. (Eph 4.9) He is “the same yesterday, today and forever” (Hebrews 13.8) He need not become manifest visually to become something more than He already is. He is the Great I Am, and not the soon to be coming king.
He appeared to some behind closed doors in their midst.  Even as He said to Paul when He came to him “for this reason I have appeared to you”. Yes the Lord came in His natural construct of spirit “7 times brighter than the sun” . Of this Paul said “the gospel that I preach to you did not come by man, nor was taught by a man but by revelation of Jesus Christ “. Paul knew the Lord not as a carnal man saying “we once knew Christ in the flesh” as a man. “But from now on we know shim like that no more”. This agrees with the testimony of the Holy Spirit given to convict the world of sin. That Christ returned to the Father and we see Him no more (John 16.10) .Christ appeared as a man once at the end of the ages to put away sin and for us to see the attributes of the Father made understandable and manifest through Him. This is why Christ said “he who has seen Me has seen the Father”. Yes. He who is immortal,  eternal, and invisible displayed Himself in His Son. I and the Father are one”. They were in the same vessel.  Not that the vessel could contain God, but they can display God.
And this is what we are called to do.  We are called to display the Father the same way. In this way Christ is “the way” and we are the people of “the way”. (Acts 9.2,19.9,19.23,22.4,24.14,24.22)
We are called saints for this cause.  Saints meaning replicates of the Father. Holy and invisible. This is why “the world does not know us because it did not know Him” (1 John 3.1)
Saint means; holy ones who manifest the attributes of the Father. The Father by the Holy Spirit lives vicariously through us. These are the Lords delights.
It is the saints, the Holy ones who have been purified for good works of the spirit to be vessel of honor. He who used a donkey to speak to Balaam is more honored to use the Elect.
“Be careful lest you entertain angels unaware”. Those who carry on with the work of God. The message of salvation.  The message that was never detracted.
The Kingdom of God is at hand. The keys are given to enter.


** Shiloh Prophesy and the Jews

Posted on June 24, 2017 by ADMIN

  1. ** Shiloh Prophesy and the Jews
  2. * Law: 1 Fulfilled
  3. Protected: All Israel rejects the promise to Abraham
  4. Law 3. Christ slew that which slays us
  5. For the Elect: Beyond the law
  6. The promises to the fathers have been fulfilled
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God’s people are Jews or Israelites?
The common thought today is that the Jews are the people of God. But somehow the other
11 tribes get overlooked.
                 Genesis 49
When the father Jacob who is also called Israel, was at the end of his life he said “Gather me my children and let me tell them what will befall them in their latter days”. He goes on to describe what would be the end times for the 12 tribes, their last days.  Their culmination, conclusion, completion and fulfillment. And when it came to the tribe of Judah, which is where the term Jew came from, he said that “the scepter and the law giver would not depart from Judah until Shiloh comes”. The thing is Shiloh did come because attached to that prophecy of Shiloh is that He would come riding on the foal of a colt as proof that it was their last days. And He did. Scripture attests to this.  This is what the Jews rejected when Christ rode into Jerusalem of old on a foal of a colt. He was Shiloh. The Jews refused to pass on the scepter to the new law giver. And in themselves by their own admission saying “crucify him. He is not our king”. They sealed the deal and cut themselves off from God. And they received damnation for doing so. The whole nation. “from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah shall be required of this generation.” And it was
Just like the parable of the wicked vinedressers. They killed the messengers so LAST  the owner sent His only Son and they said among themselves ” come let us kill him, and His Inheritance will be ours”.
The Son was the last one sent to the Jews.  “Therefore what will the owner of the vineyard do? He will come and destroy the vine dressers and give the vineyard to others.”  And so he did.  They lost favor with God. All the law and the prophets were till John. That’s all. “Now the Kingdom is preached and all are entering.”
And of the temple the Jews were in charge of? “The stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone”. Why?  Because they were suppose to be building with the souls of men and not with bricks hewn from stone. Because He is the invisible Stone and we are His living stones and not a thing made up from mortar and brick.
The great mountain Daniel described. “The kingdom that shall not be destroyed or left to another people” replaces the one that was condemned. The Jerusalem of old whose purpose expired saying “in the days of these kings God will set up His kingdom”.  The one that “cometh not with observation”. Christ’s whose “kingdom is not of this age”, the age of the Jews the lae and tge prophets.
The true Jew today knows these things and “knows those who say they are Jews, but are of the synagogue of satan”. Because that is why Jerusalem of old was condemned. Being a brood of vipers, sons of satan and whitener seplechers.
So those today who are looking at the new Jews as though they are something special are wrong. If God allows them to rebuild the city, laws and practises, it is because there is coming another damnation.  God is just and will treat them the same way. They wanted a man to be crowned their king in the city they made and reduce God to a Gene in a bottle. So who serves who? They recommit the same sin as the Jews of old. For “although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—
Because Shiloh came and expired that Prophecy and the end of the 12 tribes came as a means of being Gods instruments for salvation. This is why Jesus Christ said “all the law and the prophets are fulfilled” in him. Because he is all the prophecies wrapped up into one. He is the “Lo the volume of the book is writren of Me”. Not the Jews. The whole book describes Him. “You search the scriptures and in them you think you have life. But those are things written of Me” said Christ. He is the collection of all Gods things scattered on earth. But He collected them in Himself, in Christ. He is the gathering. He is echad. He was Shiloh. He is all the things the law eluded to. He replaced them with a New Covenant.
Paul in Romans refers to two different types of Jews, the circumsized in the flesh and the circumcised of the heart. That the true Jew isn’t the outwardly visible Jew but the circumcision of the heart, which is inward and invisible.
Of the physical Jew Paul said he wished he was cut off instead of them, acknowledging their demise. But he concludes with this saying about them “these also have now been disobedient, that through the mercy shown you they also may obtain mercy”. That is right. The exact same way as everone else. One at a time through faith with repentance. Not the city or the culture with its laws and practices. But each one individually.  Like us. No better, no worse.  Equal opportunity.  This us why before the throne of God are people from every nation tribe and tongue.  God is just. (Revelation 5.9) And Paul said “there is no longer Jew or barbarian, slave or free, male nor female”. These distinctions curry no favor with God but the one who has faith. This is the New Covenant.
The old Jewish purpose of salvation is just as expired as every other prophecy because Jews being of the tribe of Judah being one of the 12 tribes of Israel is expired.  All of the prophecies concerning the 12 have happened and expired their purpose. As we just quoted of Jacob, let me tell you what will befall you in your latter days. The end. That’s it. Start the New Covenant.  The old wine is not better.
This is why Christ said “time is fulfilled, the Kingdom of God is at hand “. And He wasn’t talking about that Jerusalem.He made no provision in that statement for anything else to be done. “It is finished” and not intermission for popcorn as you wait for another event.  There is no 3rd covenant.
There is therefore no need for a city on earth for God or His people for the kingdom of the New Covenant is at hand. There’s no need for a visible people for we are the children of God who worship Him in spirit and Truth, which is His proper Home “For the time that is coming is now when you will NOT seek God in Jerusalem”. Even back then. So we don’t. (John 4)
The faith chapter speaks of those who seek a homeland. That if they call to mind the old one they came out of they could return, but they desire the Heavenly one. The invisible one. And so we do. That’s why God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared the city for them.” (Hebrews 11.13-16) A heavenly one and not of earth.
There is  also no need for circumcision in a carnal way either as there is no need for the sacrifices to start again. The book of Hebrews says “if those sacrifices would have taken away sin they would not have been repeated however Christ himself now appears for us on our behalf not in a carnal way but in heaven not the physical temple but the one Eternal with God in heavenlies”. The one the physical was patterned after. It was a model for instructive purposes only.
To try and re-establish the old ways spits in the face of God and despises the blood of Christ. They reject the expiration and the fulfillment of the old. He has completely abolished sin in the flesh and it’s visible sacraments. For by that one offering He has perfected forever in an eternal way those who come to Him. We dont use the old. The old is a containment till faith comes.  It served as a contrast being bondage and death to be exchanged for the covenant of freedom and life.  He who the Son sets free is truly free.
The old ways are condemned. The temple was split from the top to the bottom, the earth quaked and the rocks were split”. (Matthew 27.51). How are you suppose to fix that?  It was demolished and put out of business. Like an unsafe building are all the instruments of the old covenant.  Hence it is old, expired, fulfilled and torn down till “not one stone shall be left upon another”  to never be rebuilt.
Paul seeking about the law said “if I rebuild the things that were torn down I make myself a transgressors”. Or better put a defector.
The old things are to be sown physically to be raised spiritually in your understanding. The temporal for the eternal. A trade takes place and all things become new, the old have passed away. The law written on stones have no bearing for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. Amen!
So a physical city a physical kingdom and the physical Jews with physical sacrifice and physical temples all had their purpose of only mirroring and mimicking with shadows the Eternal original counterpart they were patterned after. As Moses was instructed “see that you make all things according to the pattern”. And the pattern is a shadow, a contrast of things Eternal in the heavens being “the kingdom prepared from the foundation of the world.” The original. “In that day”. The day the ones of 24 hour increments mimics. It had no start. All of the elements and aspects of the characteristics of God are Eternal being flesh of his flesh bone of his bone of no flesh and no bone, but exactly like him in composition and design of spirit and truth as that being “from the beginning”. From before God said “let there be light.
Our bone is sound doctrine. At the cross there were no bones broken for this cause. And our flesh is our garments of His righteousness. And for those of us who have overcome? We are pillars in the temple of our God. (Rev 3) because we uphold these truths.
Just as the Heavenly Jerusalem comes down of God from Heaven being composed of His invisible matter. The Heavenly Jerusalem who is the Mother of us all” who are born from above of Her composition. (Galatians 4.26)
If you are waiting for a new Jerusalem on earth, who is your mother? And of whom are you born again from? Are you made with visible bricks? Or assembled to the chief cornerstone.
The second coming notion is comprised of expired and fulfilled scriptures pulled off the shelf to need to be redone with events for carnal satisfaction for those who want to see to believe. But it is a wicked and adulterous generation that needs these signs to receive the Kingdom because they just cannot believe it has existed from the before time.  They are a generation in whom there is no faith. Just like the Jews of old.
But there are many of us who have joined the family of faith who looked for a city whose Builder and maker is God, whose composition design and features are of God himself. And we found Her. For those still looking for a new Jerusalem on earth?  They are not entering and are not allowing those who are trying to do so because they want to see it.  They are the competitors.  With all lying signs and wonders. But we know better.
God said “yet once more I shake not only earth but heavens and earth. Yet one more indicates the removal of the things that are made so that the things that are Eternal May remain. So why wait for that event? Even now the eternal remains. But then it will be without competition. But the invitation will have expired.
So what shall happened to Judah in their later days? Their later days has happened. They are gone.
It is us that know those who say they are Jews and are not. They are of the synagogue of satan. Can you see them now? The antitrust is coming? Yes the counterfeit is looming. And “they came out from among us”? Yes. They use scripture to but in a bad way to delay your transfiguration.
For a related article read “Cast off the Bond woman and her son”.


The God of this age comes and he has nothing in me

Posted on June 24, 2017 by ADMIN

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The God of this age comes and he has nothing in me.
These were the words of Christ to the disciples. The two ages are diametrically different.  One visible. The other invisible . And so are the comings. The God of this age comes one way and Christ comes in another. The Pharisees were expecting a coming, and Christ told them it comes not with observation, meaning to the carnal senses. They wanted a physical coming and kingdom. They were looking without for that which is within and in this way rejected Him who is invisible.
Christ said “My Kingdom is not from here”. And so many persist even today in seeking a coming in a visual way. If God honors The 2nd coming seekers desire of a kingdom coming with observation, then He needs to apologize to the Jews for condemning them for the same thing  “till not one stone was left upon another”. They expect the same thing. The leaders of that view, the Pharisees, were called brood of vipers and sons of satan for spewing such garb. So be careful what you believe. What is the difference between the Jews view of the coming King and the second coming seekers? Why should one be condemned and the other rewarded? Is God unjust?
Are you expecting a 2nd coming and a physical battle to ensue to take over planet earth? Then you have the wrong Jesus. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God, pulling down strongholds and everything that exaults itself against the knowledge of God. This is our battle in the spirit. We started in the spirit snd accomplish nothing in a carnal way.
He who said “Let there be light” in the beginning could say “Let them be gone” and it would be over. But His purpose of harvest is not over and the wheat and tares mature together. All these things serve Gods purpose perfectly even the god of this age by providing the contrast. Light and darkness in a spiritual way.
Christ said My Kingdpm is not from here or my legions would fight. But a big battle is expected from the 2nd coming seekers. However Christ is seated with His enemies put under His feet, waiting for us to arrive there. It is finished for some, others must learn to appropriate this. The victory is given. Do you have yours yet or is satan still nibbling on you. Satan is experienced by the brotherhood in the world, but we are in Christ where in Him is no darkness at all.
The coming whose according to satan with all lying signs and wonders” is because it comes with carnal observation. It takes the invisible things of God and makes them of the elements of the carnal age. The God of this age comes and has nothing in Me, because it comes with observation. Creation itself is altered in purpose by that mindset. Instead of being used for God to birth His children into glory, it is perverted to make a man out of God. The creator becomes the created. But God is Spirit and truth and seekers such to transition there. This is our transfiguration. Such are we who know the truth. We know the way and the truth and we went there. From Him who said “no one comes to the Father except through Me”. And so we did. He also said “whoever serves Me let him follow Me to where I am that they may be also. And so we did.
The parable where the Master of the house rises then closes the door to have some on the outside saying Lord open up to me. The Masters reply was “No. I don’t know you  from where you are from.” If the Master had known them it would be because when He knocked on the door of their heart they opened up and Christ came in and supt with them. “I don’t know you where you are from “. They are earthen minded and did not cross over into the Spirit. They did not enter in to Him who is invisible. They stay seated in their lower nature waiting to see the next Jesus. The first one rode into Jerusalem appearing to be a pauper on a donkey fulfilling and  expiring all old covenant concepts. But some saw the contrast and worshipped. The others were  offended. And what about You? How will you except Him?
We accept Him as He is. His carnal coming already came and fulfilled all things. We have come to know and believe that God has sent His Son Savior of the world. We are those who confess that Christ came in the flesh and completed His works.  We are of God. (1 John) He does not appear that way again. “I go to the Father and you see Me again no more”. (John 16.9ish) as a carnal concept.
 Those who do stay outside by seeking the things outside when “the kingdom of God is within you. They could not take the visuals given for instructive purpose only, and expire them in the spirit of their mind. They want a physical manifestation and persue the illusion. A carnal unveiling. A physical revelation He is not. Paul said his understanding did not come by man but by revelation. The creator does not become the created. We become godly. Godlike.
So when the Master of the House rose up to close the door, there were some within and some without. Some on the inside, and others that didn’t make it. Those on the outside were enthralled with the things here on planet Earth and another coming man and never translated them into the spirit. These who are deceived wait for a physical translation but those of us who believe and know the truth know that “we have been translated into the kingdom of the son of his love”. We are those who are within and not those without because we opened up our heart in the king of kings came in. The Kingdom some are looking for in a carnal way, we see and we know and we have. We have the delicacies of who He is.  He who has seen Me has seen the Father. And so we have. What are you looking for? And how does he come? “The God of this age is coming and he has nothing in Me” said the Lord.
So there are those of us who see Christ with unveiled faces who are being and have been transformed into His self same image from the Glory to the Glory and in ourselves become Glorified.
The God of this age comes and has nothing in me because I am in Christ.

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Incognito Part 3

Posted on June 15, 2017 by ADMIN

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We the elect are of the amalgamation and the consummation in the One. We are the congregation, the general assembly and the church of the firstborn, the Confederacy of faith. We, the many are of the symposium and the consortium of the spirits of just men made perfect. The Harmonization of the offspring of the Heavenly Father, the collection of His words and testimonies passed down in us throughout the ages, and collected for the fullness of time when all things are ripe.
You can visually see wickedness abound in our day. There is an abounding taking place just outside of the view of human perseptions of epic proportions. This is “The wheat and the tares maturing together”? Because the wheat are those in this day, who have put off the old man and the deeds of the flesh, and have put on the new persona in the image of Christ as Colossians 3 instructs. Even as Christ said “if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father”. And “when you see Him as He is you will be like Him”, we see face to face. The first shall be last and the last shall be first? We are right on time.
It is the Elect who see Him as He is that became like Him as He had promised, no second coming involvement necessary. Who also said, when we see Him as He is we become like Him.  And “everyone who has this hope, purifies themselves even as He is pure”. We do this by pressing in to the Word and the Holy Spirit, which is our new composition. Don’t let the outward appearance fool you. This is walking incognito.
We participated with the building project of Gods Word and Spirit to as “living stones assembled a habitation for God in the Spirit. And as Paul said “I press in to lay hold of why Christ laid hold of me”. Yes we have taken God at His word, which is His Son, who in the beginning was word and still is word. We realized who He was “by degree” and put that on the loins of our mind to become like Him, like Them. Word, Spirit and The Source of all good called God.
We clothed the spirit of our minds with the word pictures He showed us to be, and with the unction and promting of Gods Holy Spirit, we beheld the Glory of the Lord, and were transformed by that very thing. To His Glory as by the Spirit.
Having taken God at His word, having clamored up the things He had said, seeing a seat empty there with our New Name on it, we sat down and fulfilled the word Jesus said “Father, I’d like for those whom you have given Me to be with us where We are. That they may be one with us (in harmony totally congruent and in unison with the One). And if the One who said “let there be light” and there was light” said this. Why do you think there should be a huge time lapse for this to be so? “Oh ye of little faith”. Remember, we can move mountains.
Jesus went on to say “and Father the Glory You have Given Me, I give to them” to complete the process. Just as simple as He divided the days from the nights, He established that fact and awaits your arrival. “All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God”. Since humanity can not be charged for something they could not accomplish, by this we found out what are target was. It was”The Glory of God” from the beginning. That’s what God “was and is and is to come” and always will be. This belongs to us as being “joint heirs of the things of God”. As Christ said, so do we. He said “The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works.” Because we are called to His likeness to be a simulude of who He is. A duplicate and a replica, being transfigured “from the Glory to the Glory as by the spirit” to the spirit. We have this exclusivity. It is the Father grown up inside of us that does the works in us like His Only Begotten who was given for us to pattern ourselves after. And because this rapturous event happens “in the twinkle of an eye”, which is a fraction of a blink. This happens undetectable by your carnal senses, we didn’t physically see this happen. We awoke to this, one revelation at a time one after another, by experiencing the same bright light that Paul did at his conversion on the road to Damascus. This is why he said “the gospel I preach to you I did not get by man nor was I taught by his physical institutions, but by revelations of the personification of Christ”. Hopefully lights are going off in your head like popcorn, for you may be of this sort.
For this reason we affirm Gods word is true, dependable and reliable  and become part of this plurality sanctified by God. This is what it means to be “in Christ “. Because Christ is in the Father, and we are in Christ, we see the originals all created things were patterned after. As He told Moses, “see that you make all things according to the pattern I showed you on the mount”. However we used Heavenly brick and mortar and not earthen components to accomplish this task, and we do this on a different mount called the transfiguration.
This is Gods building project we participate in. Like John the Revelator described God’s building blocks saying ‘ according to the measure of a man, that is, of (the composition of) an angel, of those taking on the invisible features of our Father. Now we are living stones built a house of God in the Spirit”. Something most presume to be later. We are more than recipients of the Resurrection. We are the product of the Ascention of those who take The Godhead at their word and take our seat in His presence, a reality some just cannot grasp. Ephesians 2.8
Yes the one who said “let us make man in Our likeness” is finished when we become part of that plurality. As scripture says “in Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead body, and you are complete in Him who is head over all principalities”. Angels having been made subject to Him in us “for even the angels in heaven behold the face of their Father in these little ones”. And of the fallen angels? They tremble and shake because we are their demise. They tricked the first man made in Gods image? They know they are on stolen time and their time is short. As Christ said “follow me that where I am you may be also. And “That which is flesh is flesh, that which is Spirit is Spirit. You must be born again, for the wind blows where it wishes. You can hear the sound of it, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it goes? So goes everyone who are born of the Spirit. Are you following us?
We put off the things of the flesh and put on the Things God gives us and flutter about as we desire. And the psalmist question. “How can you say to my soul to fly like a bird to your mountain?” We just answered that. You need to know this because the time is coming when the command will be in effect to “enter your chambers for a time, for the Lord comes down from His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth.”
As Paul said “These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power, 10 when He comes, in that Day, to be glorified in His saints and to be admired among all those who [d]believe, because our testimony among you was believed.” 
This has to be so because in the beginning it was told to Adam and Eve to “Go forth and have Dominion, go rule and reign. That command is the purpose of the created order of all things. That is the last chapter to be fulfilled. Gods purpose will not be denied.
The Adamic race was scrapped. This is the reason Jesus was called “the last Adam”. He took that image to the cross for us not to associate with that but “the new man created in the image of Christ”. Because man fell, a man had to rise and Jesus did that. And by returning to the Father He blew a hole through the stratosphere’s and called us there for this cause.
“Being made so much greater than the angels for He by inheritance has obtained a greater name”. So that those who are counted with Christ Jesus, the last Adam, may participate in these things as being made new in Christ. Yes this is the purpose of the gospel to be just like Him. (Ephesians 4.13) Can you receive this?
And now you know the rest of the story.  When you hear the spirit say “come My people and enter your chambers. For the Lord comes out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the world” you know how to do it. “And the slain of the Lord shall be many”.
But now you know, we were not born for the wrath but the Glory. Even as the Psalmist said “Let the saints be joyful in glory; Let them sing aloud on their beds. This is “The Rest of God”. This should give you great comfort and peace. This have all the saints. Yes, these are the saints, the watchers and the Holy Ones” who ceased from their works and fulfill this word that “‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’ ” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them.” This is not talking about a physical death of the flesh, but being dead to the world. Just as Adam in that day was told “in that day you shall surely die” and lost the breath of life we call the spirit and .  In this day is when we live with the Holy Spirit and die to the flesh, and accualize our vows at baptism.
These are all phrases of those who have aquired the things of the Father found in the Son. Because they are ubiquitous and invisible, so is our new self because we are like them. We are one. Those who have read this have seen The Father, The Son as The Holy Spirit whispers in the ears of The Spirits of just men made perfect, of things only we can hear.

If this is not true, then it could not be said of the Angel John encountered at the end of The book of his Revelation,Now I, John, [c]saw and heard these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel who showed me these things.

Then he said to me, “See that you do not do that.[d]For I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren the prophets, and of those who keep the words of this book. Worship God.” 10 And he said to me, “Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand. It is right now if you can receive it.

This right have all the Elect because “God has not put the Angels in subjection to the realm to come of in which We speak”. John did not encounter an angel but an Elect in his carnal body.

Even as Jesus Christ appeared after His resurrection as a Gardner to Mary, a stranger on the road to Jerusalem, a bright light from Heaven on the road to Damascus and to the disciples in the upper room with the doors closed He appeared in their midst in another form. Do you get that? That Jesus Christ lives in us common people. That “in Him dwells the fullness of the God Head body, and you are complete in Him. This have all the Elect

We are seated far above all principalities and powers and the time is now “at hand”. So we say too, Do not seal the sneak peaks of what you are seeing right now because you are going to need this assurance.

The glorified saint in Revelation went on to say “Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand. 11 He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him [e]be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.” Which classification are you in?

The door of salvation will be closed, what you aquired of God in this age you keep. So don’t be caught poor blind and naked from  these things.

Let it not be said of you “let him who is filthy be filthy still” because your cross over tools are taken away from you. Because when all this is evidence is factual to the carnal nature, when that which was invisible makes an appearance, and it does not take faith to believe, you get no reward. You are not going to like the regret and burning sensation of lost opportunities.

What you have is what you get because “without faith it is impossible to please God” and “God rewards those that diligently seek Him”. This you did not do.  These words have no reward when you are looking at the facts.

Hebrews 4.

Therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest, let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it. For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not profit them, [a]not being mixed with faith in those who heard it. For we who have believed do enter that rest, as He has said:

“So I swore in My wrath,
‘They shall not enter My rest,’ ”

although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. For He has spoken in a certain place of the seventh day in this way: “And God rested on the seventh day from all His works”and again in this place: “They shall not enter My rest.”

Since therefore it remains that some must enter it, and those to whom it was first preached did not enter because they couldn’t believe.” 

If this seems far fetched for you, or you are feeling remorseful, draw your strength from this promise also in Hebrews 4. 16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” You need to know were not left orphans to do this on your own.

do not despise the [c]chastening of the Lord,
Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him;
For whom the Lord loves He chastens,
And scourges every son whom He receives.”

If[d] you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten? But if you are without chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons. Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live? 

If you are getting this, we applaud your efforts as the gospel commends. The Kingdom of God is preached and the violent (proverbially) take it by force. Don’t let anybody take your reservation, your seat or your crown. You are the forethought of the Father and the Elect of God, the object of creation. For The Father of Glory to begat some offspring according to His kind. To say and do as He has said and done. Even as the Only Begotten from the Father said of us that “greater works shall you do because I go to the Father”. Who also said to “follow Me that where I am you may be also. Who then paved the way, calling it “a highway of holiness” saying “Father I want those whom you have given Me to be with me where I am, who immediately upon arrival gives us the Glory.
So if you want to follow, we just painted stripes on that road so you know where to go.

So we echo these words from Jesus,”

I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.”

Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?”

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

a“If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.”




Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones

Posted on June 10, 2017 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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Ephesians 4.24. We have put off the deeds of the old man and have put on the new man who was created according to God in true righteousness.” In the image of God, in the likeness of God.

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Pt 2 The god of this age

Posted on June 6, 2017 by ADMIN

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Christ said “the God of this age comes and has nothing in Me”.
Paul expounded on this saying “who’s coming is according to Satan with all lying  signs and wonders if possible to deceive the elect”.
The operative here is that “Satan is coming”. If we understand coming correctly we would know and understand that even now as Christ comes, so too does Satan, and we have a choice. Satan also comes to the spirit of our mind to the place of reason and understanding. This is why Paul said “ For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God”. Satan takes on the contrast of God being confusion and disorder having negative attributes. His favorite attribute is  fear.

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* Incognito part 1.

Posted on June 5, 2017 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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Pt 3 time sensitive spacial. So are we

Posted on May 13, 2017 by ADMIN

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For those of us who are “born again” we too are non-spacial nor time specific eternal beings. That is for those of us who are “in spirit and truth”. Like the woman at the well expecting a person and an event. The time that is coming now is! (John 4)
For those of us who know this, we are “hidden in Christ”.  And because we are “in Christ” we see all the things “hidden in Christ”,  our full inheritance is here. As Christ said “he who has seen Me has seen the Father” and so we do. It is us who see the Father face to face.  That “we are being transformed into the same full image as beholding our image in a mirror, are being transformed from the glory to the glory”. There is no other way. We are of the circumcised of the flesh who putting off the deeds of our flesh, worship God in spirit and in truth. We have no trust in our time spatial creature called the flesh. And as it was said of Christ “in him dwells the fullness of the God head body, that we are complete “in him’. We already have what you are looking for. That we have not been deprived of anything. The father has explicitly defined and described Himself in His Son. For those of us who are “hidden in Christ” we see “all the hidden treasures” there. Here.
It is those of us who’ve been “begotten again to a Living Hope” “begotten by the word of Truth” and by the Holy Spirit that become spirit and Truth. We have eternal life. We have immortality.
It is spoken about in Hebrews of those who “desired a Homeland” and if they wanted a Homeland that was of the earth, God would have given them the opportunity. But now they desire a better one an invisible and Heavenly one, being a non spatial and not time specific one. And Hebrews goes on to say “for this reason God is not ashamed to call them his children because they desire a Heavenly Kingdom. Not like our carnal body.
We “do not refuse the voice that speaks from heaven”. We hear the call and rise up even now. And because it has naught to do with the flesh and blood for that does not inherit the Kingdom. It is sown a physical body and raised up a spiritual one like the Lord. (1 Corinthians 15. 44-50) There is no rapture of the carnal body for this reason. Time sensitive special creatures do not inherit the Kingdom. You must be born again of spiritual composition. And if we speak to you early things and you do not understand how can we tell you plainly about the “immortal, eternal, invisible father?
For those of us who have acquired this we can say as the man Jesus did that “no one has ascended but he who descended and no one returns accepted the son of man who is in heaven”. Showing himself that in his carnality he was on earth fully in the kingdom and fully in heaven. This we can do too. This is our transformation and our transfiguration in a spiritual way only. God is spirit and Truth in the , His Word is spirit and truth and “seeketh such to worship Him”. The flesh profits nothing.
We who “behold as in a mirror the glory, are transforming into this Glory. We are not detained in any way from receiving the glory except for lack of faith and persistence, for it has been given. Father I the glory you have given Me I have given them. (John 17.22)
There are those of us who are completely awake from our Adamic slumber. We have risen from the dead in spirit that Adam passed on to us. We arise to the father that is passed on to us by our new nature “in Christ”. We see there the exactitude of the Father in the Son. And be holding them in this way we see gifted to us the exact same thing and received this. We see in the Son the Father and in the Son we see our selves, we are the elect. Because God is the Father of glories, until we receive our Glory we are not fully begotten. But we who are born of this way have transformed from time-sensitive special creatures into an exactitude of God in spirit and in truth. All of the gifts delicacies and pleasures that the Father has are ours even now. We have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies” our new home. Christ said “I go to prepare a place for you to be with Me where I am and He did. And so we are. He who said “let there be light” had an immediate response. What are you waiting for? A second coming?
Moses experienced a veiled Glory that was passing, but with us the veil is fully dissolved and there remains no more delusion. For “the vail is taken away In Christ”. (2 Corinthians 3.140
It is because of these things that it is clear and evident that a second coming being related to time and matter as being the fulfillment of God’s word and work is a strong dillusion if possible to deceive the elect. “We once knew Christ in the flesh”, in a carnal way, “but henceforth we know him that way no more”. A second coming Jesus is a time specific event for a carnally, visual Jesus who undeifies the image of God by removing Him from His element. And as the Jews were condemned for this saying “although they knew God they glorified him not as God but changed the glory of The Incorruptible God into the image of a corruptible man”, So these do and are self condemned by depriving themselves through vainglory of the purposes of God. Falling back underneath the veil of the prophets of old. Even as John the baptist was condemned saying “are you the coming one?” Christ did not reply to that absurdity. There was nothing that Jesus had to become that He was not already and therefore the absurdity was a great darkness of fear and grief. And so it is the second coming purveyors who persists in their way at denying the very words that we present to you today. They say it comes with carnal observation and denied that it does not. They say his kingdom is of this age and he must return to fight and deny his word where he said his king is not of this creation. And in many ways they persist in a headstrong way to deny the Chief Cornerstone as did the Jews and receiving themselves their just reward, which is? Absolutely nothing. They are poor blind and naked. These know not the father nor the son but their own delusion quite clearly. In scripture warns of these who try to steal the inheritance that we’ve described to you.
“For this reason God send forth a strong delusion that they may believe a lie to those who took pleasure in unrighteousness”. They take pleasure in this unrighteous age. They take expired, shelved and fulfilled scripture and lay them out on a timeline for a future fulfilling  of another savior and another saving in a carnal way and reject the first saving. “He who believes that Christ came in the flesh is of God, He who does not confess that Christ already came in the flesh is not of God”. So you judge. Who is the liar?
The message of the early disciples was “the Kingdom of God is now”. The people “of the way” of “the called” are the sojourners who arise inside with those who look for a city whose builder and maker is God made up of components, elements and features that are specific to Him and not specific to mankind. These are elementally different, but those born of the spirit can and do. And because the kingdom of God are elements of God himself and we are “in Christ”, we see these elements there and have the culmination of the Gospel. The gospel has its conclusion in us. We reach our destiny which is Him. We need to go no further. Paul pleaded for us to “be reconciled to the father.” We also fulfill the words that “old things have passed away and all things become new” because for us the transition has taken place. We seek no other transition for that is a lie. For those that believe that lie are poor blind and naked. But we sow physical things to acquire spiritual ones. One revelation at a time “till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; (Ephesians 4.13)
When John the Apostle said “the world does not know us because it does not know him”, it is here that they cannot understand the things of which we speak that are not just dead words. They carry with it the very essence of the things that are said which is God himself. And scripture attests to this saying “to as many as received him to them He gave power to become his children even to those who believe in his name. So we see the tools of our faith are our faith from Faith to Faith and our transition takes no form of time and matter at all. Our destiny is not time specific.
The kingdom of God is eternally and always at hand for those who know and believe the truth. Those words were first spoken by the son who became flesh and dwelt Among Us saying the “time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand”.


A few wiffs of the Spirit

Posted on May 10, 2017 by ADMIN

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A few wiffs we encounter of Him if we know Him not in  His natural element of Spirit and truth. He is the “behold I stand at the door and knock”. Where? The door of your heart. The place you need to let Him in, in spirit and truth. If you expect Him in physical content He will come upon you like a theif. If you do not understand the gift in Christ, the giver is is a taker. “He comes and His gift is with Him to award each one according to their faith or faithlessness”.

If the light in you is darkness, how great is that darkness? Well simply put. The darkness that appears light is the counterfeit of the eternal light. The eternal light that shines in the heart of every man” that takes no carnally visible form has a duplicate expectation for the carnally minded. “With all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the elect”. Why? Because it uses the same scriptures but manifests in a physical way.

The scriptures that are meant by God to define and describe Himself in His element of spirit. These are subverted to appease the carnal senses and they call it a 2nd coming.

This is an anti Christ, the counterfeit, is the light that uses scripture to establish an earthen parallel of the invisible eternal, being the “Kingdom prepared before the foundations of the world”. They say no it is now being built. They use scripture and develop an illusion. “For This reason God gave them a delusion that they may be condemned for those who reject the truth. As Christ said my kingdom is not from here or else I would fight. These Second Coming purveyors say Christ is coming again to fight and disregard the word already spoken. They regard a carnal concept presented by the Illuminati founded on distortions, murders and lies set in place in modern day Israel saying the scriptures have yet to be fulfilled. They fill the unsuspecting souls with an illusion that will never be for “all the earth and its works shall be consumed by fire for the eternal to remain.  For the counterfeit anti-Christ to be ectinguished. Then and only then does righteousness stand unhindered.

How great is that darkness? They are blinded by the god of this age. The coming according to satan with all lying signs. Did not Satan say in his heart I will Ascend on high and become like the most high I will become and sit on the sides of the North in the very place of the congregation.

 For the light shines into darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it. Do you? He came to His own and His own did not accept Him. That is right. Those who claim to know God deny Him in this way. “They turn the Glory of the invisible,  incorruptible God into the image of a city and kingdom of earthen elements cut out of stone with man’s devising for a man named Jesus”.

The lie that deceives is perfectly palatable to the carnal senses. This is why it cannot deceive the elect. We having been born again of Word and Spirit have “ears to hear and eyes to see” of a different nature. We spit out the lie as unpalatable to us who “worship God in spirit and truth “. His words are spirit and life” and in Him we live. In Christ. We are in the world but not if the world. Not of time and matter.

The God of this age comes and he has nothing in Me.  This age is elementally different just like the fish and the birds. As different as ether is from stench.

 The creator does not become the created. Oh contrare. We become godly.

God broke Himself down in word form for our spiritual consumption to become that word and fulfill the verse that says “will not return void

In the beginning God. That’s it. There was nothing else there. We who know God know this. There is nothing but Him. There is nothing to talk about but him. Not a future Jesus but the eternal savior.

John the apostle wrote. You know Him who was in the beginning. If that from the beginning abide in you”. It is not an end time thing at all. John said “we are in the last days”. We are not waiting for them. For the time us coming when time will be no more. When that which is unjust shall remain unjust and those who have down and reaped of the spirit retain the eternal goods they have acquired. Them everyone will be known for what they have believed. Your reward is what you have acquired and there are many poor blind and naked. When the light of this age is defused and the contrasts cease, many will see they have been running to the wrong light. They set their sights on the end. But we are those from the beginning.  

  • The Elect.


God is Knowledge

Posted on May 1, 2017 by ADMIN

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In the beginning was God before anything was made. In God was the design of all things. All things exist as a result of His design taking on positives and negatives of who He is. All things were made by God and for God and all things were made by the agency called His Son. His Son is His Word. God the Father is original thought that thought out design. The Son is the pre-spoken Word that carries it out. The Word existed in the pre-creative mind called The Father as an unspoken essence and perfect representation of The Father. It is in this way that we have The Father. “He who has Son has the Father also”. The Son is the invisible Word of God that carries the thoughts of God with the power to create with the agency called the Holy Spirit of God, or the Breath of God. The Spirit carries the Word. The word and breath come out of the mouth simultaneously.

Other ways to describe God the Father are thought, ingenuity, design, understanding and knowledge. Because God is the original designer and source of all things, God is understanding and knowledge of all things.

This is our topic today. God is the source of all knowledge. We can know things about God as a detached, distant, future coming 3rd person, or we can receive God in the spirit of our minds through knowledge. Him as He is now by knowing how He currently is.

So God in His original essence and substance is a compilation of all to be known. He is spirit and truth. To associate with God is to associate with this knowledge. 2 Peter says “we have been given everything that pertains to life and godliness (god-like-ness) through the knowledge of Him who calls us to Glory”. So God is knowledge, and we associate with Him like Him through knowledge. We assimilate Him through knowing Him by the re-scripting our minds with His words. And how do we gain this knowledge? Through the agency of the Fathers Word called The Son. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God, He was in the beginning with God”.
And “it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ”.
that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him,
till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God,
Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord
ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;
being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;
attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ,
Paul said of the Jews and Romans that although they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a debased mind. A mind void of God is at its core debased.
We can have knowledge of a thing maybe it’s color height Statue location. We can have a particular interest in a thing Moore’s personal specifics as far as birth dates favorite colors and such we can idolizer person by having this particular knowledge. But the idolized never connects you with that which you idolize because that can be done from a distance in a far. Many people idolize celebrities you could also know somebody more specifically being like a family member. These people you have direct contact in association with. You make it more personal. But to know God is even something deeper. Four does a collection of all these things because we know things about God correctly about God and we know God more intimately then any carnal Association. In the closest or than concept we could convey is that of Adam and Eve. That Adam knew Eve and she brought forth child. That they knew each other in this way with it was it ran a genetic transition
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Added… In the beginning before a word with spoke was God. So before God spoke that means there were no things  before God spoke nothing came into being. God existed alone. This is that from the beginning that John the Apostle beckons us to. All the genetic information for all the species subspecies plants and animals was in the mind of God waiting to be spoken. There was God and in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and the Word was unspoken. Before a planet was put in place before the galaxies were made there was God in the stars and planets are many but each one of their routes in each one of their calculations axis and rotations was in the mind of God. Be more before man ever took a step on Earth before he committed any action good or bad God saw them and predetermined them all. Not that God committed them but God created them and allowed them for their time in their season.
So when God spoke and created these things and said on the sixth day that it was good very good the calculations in the conclusions of all things had been predetermined and nothing was outside of the prove a of his will.
So because of these things we can see that God in his origin is complete design knowledge understanding engineering. And because God was the creator in the designer in the Builder of all these things and they pre-existed in his mind as a thought God is information knowledge and understanding. These are his invisible elements at the core of who he is.
It is because of this that we can say God is knowledge. And for the sake of understanding the scripture when it speaks of knowledge and knowing we are referring to this fact that God’s core element is knowledge. Not the ER than word of knowledge but a collective knowledge of all things. This is what God is.
People say that knowledge is power? To know a thing and to know about a thing and do understand a thing is awesome. But to know the source of these things as what we have. You can know about a thing or you can possess a thing and we have the mind of Christ.
I think it’s important to make this one point let’s God be blamed. When God said out all the Cycles circuits orbits and rotations he did not in there map out each step of man but put him in zones to be able to try out his choices. He has given each man their own expanse to experience their alternate reality so that they may in the end be equal to his. God did not create murderers thieves and Liars God created people and people are partially responsible for their own making by their own choices it’s called Free Will and that’s what distinguishes US above all other creations is our responsibility for our act and our actions of which we are accountable. So when God laid out the orbits the circles the Cycles in the seasons he did not ordained the steps of the murderer thief and liar
The sun existed with the father before he was spoken. It was when the word was spoken that there was an extraction taken place. And very similarly if we take a ray of light and deep fry it we can divide it in three pieces SO2 the Eternal godhead. This defragmentation is called the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. When the father spoke breath and word came out simultaneously. But it was the sun being the word of God that was defragmented into pieces into time and matter this word of God is the sacrifice of God is the defragmentation described as the bread of life that cometh into the world and gives life to the world. So this breaking down of the word of God is the lamb slain from the foundations of the world and just carnally scene at the cross. It is for those who absorbed the word of God who absorb the very DNA of God in the very elements of God being the word and be in the spirit. The two things that came out of the mouth of God are built up inside of us and we become Godly. We are born again of word and spirit to be a kind of first fruits of his creation. We are elementally different. The overlapping concentrix of time and space of orbits end of everybody’s alternate reality are then superseded. There are planes that break the sound barrier and we buy the word of God break the barrier of time and elements. We fulfill the word and ourselves that Christ spoke when he said father that they may be with us where we are. This is the same reason Paul could write that we have been seated far above all powers and principalities with them. And just as a fish has gills showing it’s a fish in a bird has feathers showing at flies we are Spirit. This is why Paul the Apostle greatly grieved to his followers saying You observe days months seasons and years I am afraid that I have labored for you in vain. He was not able to get them to cross the time and element barrier into spirit and Truth which is the purpose of the Gospel. That those being born above or born-again can see the kingdom of God and those who are born again can enter the kingdom of God and we are in Christ who is the kingdom of God.
So we join in with those who have received the second coming expectation, we have passed from judgement and we have passed death into life eternal life into the very presence and Glory being transfigured from the glory to the glory so we do these words are for you.
Taste and see that the Lord is good. Was this then a wafer, a cracker you tasted that you like and you return to? Or did you palette something with the spirit did you taste something somewhere else then your mouth? Do you see what we are talking about? Then you have eyes and ears and taste senses that are greater than a carnal nature. You have a new body. The concentrix of time in matter cannot hold
Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.

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If the light is in you is darkness? How great is that darkness?

Posted on April 29, 2017 by ADMIN

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A few whiffs we encounter of Him if we know Him not in  His natural element, the composition of Spirit and truth. He is the “behold I stand at the door and knock”. Where? At the door of your heart. Why? Because He is “the light that shines in the heart of every man who comes into the world”.  The place you need to let Him in, in spirit and truth. If you expect Him in a physical way, He will come upon you like a theif. If you do not understand the gift from God “in Christ”, the giver is is a taker. “He comes and His gift is with Him to award each one according to their work, their work faith or faithlessness”.
If the light in you is darkness, how great is that darkness? Well simply put. The darkness that appears light to the carnal senses is the counterfeit of the eternal light. Paul described that light as “being 7 times brighter than the sun”. The eternal light that shines in the heart of every man” that takes no carnally visible form has a duplicate expectation for the carnally minded. “With all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the elect”. Why? Because it uses the same scriptures but manifests in a physical way.
The scriptures that are meant by God to define and describe Himself. To make visible the invisible things of God. These are subverted to appease the carnal senses and they call it a 2nd coming. They attach all scripture to physical places and things, but physical entities God and His Son are not. The word from the beginning became flesh only momentarily. But flesh He is not or He could not be “the same yesterday, today and forever”. He would’ve been flesh before He was word.
The anti-Christ is the counterfeit. It is a light that uses scripture to establish an earthen parallel of the invisible eternal, being “the Kingdom prepared before the foundations of the world”. They say no, it is now being built. They use scripture and develop an illusion.  John said “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.” That is right. They manifest and present another coming one.  “For this reason God gave them an illusion to believe a lie, that they all may be condemned, for those who reject the truth. As Christ said my kingdom is not from here or else I would fight. These Second Coming purveyors argue with and say Christ is coming again to fight. They disregard the word already spoken. But we know Him who said “The ruler of this world has been judged”. (John 16..11) The Son need not repeat Himself nor does He need to perform a work or He couldn’t have said “it is finished”.
These filthy dreamers regard a carnal concept presented by an illumination  founded on distortions, murders and lies set in place in modern day Israel saying the scriptures have yet to be fulfilled. They fill unsuspecting souls with an illusion that will never be for “all the earth and its works shall be consumed by fire for the eternal to remain.  For the counterfeit anti-Christ to be extinguished. Then and only then does righteousness stand without a competitor.
How great is that darkness? They are blinded by the god of this age. “They speak things of the world and the world hears them”. Being a light of a false illumination. “Whose coming is according to Satan with all lying signs and wonders”. Did not “Satan say “I will Ascend on high and I become like the most high, I will sit on the sides of the North in the very place of the congregation”? To become like the Most High? A replica. An impostor, a mimicker, a wanna be and a counterfeit, an antithesis, The anti-Christ. The carnal fulfillment of Him who is “immortal, invisible, eternally blessed God
 For the light shines into darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it. Do you? He came to His own and His own did not accept Him. That is right. Those who claim to know God deny Him in this way. “They turn the Glory of the invisible,  incorruptible God into the image of a city and kingdom of earthen elements cut out of stone with man’s devising for a man named Jesus”.  But “we are living stones” and reject that lie.
The lie that deceives is perfectly palatable to the carnal senses. But we have “ears to hear and eyes to see” of a different nature. This is why it cannot deceive the elect. We having been born again of Word and Spirit. A different element of a different nature. We spit out the lie as unpalatable to us who “worship God in spirit and truth ” for “the time that is coming already is” (John 4). His words are spirit and life” and in Him we live. “In Christ”. We are in the world but not if the world. Not of time and matter. Our content being washed from our old nature professed at baptism is elementally different. “Old things have passed away, all things become new” now and not by another later, future concept. The illusion.
The God of this age comes and he has nothing in Me.  This age is elementally different just like the fish and the birds. As different as ether is from stench.
 The creator does not become the created. Oh cont-rare. We become godly. Gods DNA is encrypted in the Scriptures. The Son said “I come in the volume of the book to do your will oh God.” And, “you look to the scriptures and think you have eternal life, but those things speak of Me”. Said the Christ
God broke Himself down in word form for our spiritual consumption for us to become that word and fulfill the verse that says “will not return void
In the beginning God. That’s it. There was nothing else there. We who know God know this. There is nothing but Him. There is nothing to talk about but him. Not a future Jesus but the eternal savior.
John the apostle wrote. You know Him who was in the beginning. If that from the beginning abide in you”. It is not an end time thing at all. John said “we are in the last days”. We are not waiting for them. For the time is coming when time will be no more. When that which is unjust shall remain unjust and those who have sown and reaped of the spirit retain the eternal goods they have acquired. Then everyone will be known for what they have believed. Your reward is what you have acquired in space and time and there are many poor blind and naked.
When the light of this age is defused and the contrasts cease, many will see they have been running to the wrong light. They set their sights on the end. But we are those from the beginning. The before time, the elect. Those who have obtained.
Hebrews 12.22

22 But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, 23 to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, (not on earth) to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, 24 to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel.

Hear the Heavenly Voice

25 See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, much more shall we not escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from heaven, 26 whose voice then shook the earth; but now He has promised, saying, “Yet once more I shake[h] not only the earth, but also heaven.”[i] 27 Now this, “Yet once more,” indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made (carnally visible), that the things which cannot be shaken may remain.

28 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, (invisible) let us have grace, by which we may[j] serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. 29 For our God is a consuming fire.

So if the light that is in you is darkness how great is it? The light that shines in our hearts is a great illumination.

As always, The Kingdom of God is At Hand


God Broadcasts Himself into Darkness

Posted on April 23, 2017 by ADMIN

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In the beginning God. It was God before there was a beginning. And because God was there before there was a beginning God is there before there is an end because the end is attached to the beginning. All linear construct was created with a point of origin and a point of expiration.
So before the beginning there was God and nothing else. And God spoke into nothing else an essence of himself. In the beginning God sought to duplicate himself and he called these sons of Glory. For one to take on the characteristics of the invisible God, He had to make himself known. And even as a jewel is seen best on the backdrop of a black cloth so too these attributes of God are made known best on a backdrop. So God created contrasts. Through the contrasts of light and dark we can ascertain that God is light. For in the darkness there was nothing. But God said “let there be light, and it was so.
It is also written that “it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shown in our hearts, to bring to light the reflection of God in the face of Jesus Christ”. The place of God’s new creation is in our hearts. For when God made the creation of time and elements the first day and the last day were created at the exact same time. Even as the words confer that “the world that is now is held together by the word of God. So that the things that are made are made of things that are not visible”. God finished His work in 6 earth days then ceased from His work of creating because it was done 1st to last.
But this new creation that takes place in our hearts is that we “the called” are able to ascertain by the things that are made what is good, just and holy, the reflections of the Living God. God is light, God is love and these attributes are best seen in the backdrop of hate and darkness. “He who knows not love knows not God for God is love”. Just as God described the law of righteousness in the contrast of the law of sin and death of the law and the prophets.
So it is for us to ascertain God’s invisible attributes by the things that are made even his eternal power and godhead. And by judging so we hold on to the things that are holy, right, just and noble. This is our transformation, this is our transfiguration. We come out of nothing to something. We through contrast see the good, we see the bad, we see the light the dark the love and the hate. We see many other contrast and we hold on to the blessings and not the curse.
It is in this way that our transfiguration happens in this age of time and matter, where the contrasts are evident. That we choosing, become the chosen. That we prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are the elect. It is in this age of time and matter that we are to rise to our purpose. We see the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ and we become what we see of something invisible. “From the Glory to the Glory”. We learn to see ourselves there. That “in the beginning” we too were there. We were there in thought and design in the mind of God and had to take on our immortal clothing tp be cloaked with eternity as is He.
And because we understand these things we can agree with 1st John the chapter 3 that says “now we are the children of God”. And “the world does not know us because it did not know him”. And “they did not know him” because they look at His physical counterparts and “know not God”. It is us who saw the invisible counterparts and put them on and become the invisible things that are unknowable to the carnal senses. “The world does not know us because it does not know him and it does not know us or him because it does not know” the invisible. In this way “the carnal mind is enmity against God”. It wants facts and visuals, but that is not of faith.
The gospel message is replete with these words that “today is the day of salvation, today is now the day of transfiguration and transcending. This is why the Book of Revelation says at its closure ““Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand. 11 He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous[e] still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.”
“that which is holy will be holy that which is  unjust shall remain unjust. When this age expires everything will be set in eternal concrete. There will be no more transfiguration or transformation because there is no more contrast by which one may ascertain their Godly estate. But God is called the father of Glory’s for this purpose because in this time, in this age, in this day of salvation is transferring formation and no other age.
So when the words were used by Christ to “arise let us go up from here” He was not speaking of a physical climbing but a spiritual climbing in the regions and recesses of your mind. The expanse that is immensely greater than the carnally visual heavens. For those of you who have eyes to see and ears to hear of the new nature rise to your glorious estate now in perfect understanding.
God spoke into Darkness a likeness of Himself. This is why the Son of God, being the Word of God is called ‘The only begotton of the Father”. He carries with Him the very escence of God. And the Son is called “the Lamb slain from the foundations of the world” because it was when He came out of the mouth of the Father that He was begotten and not when He took on the rag we call the flesh. Mary did not begat God for she had not a preconcieved diety to do so. She brought forth a rag like we have. And “flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom “. Our spirit called the mind does.
So when scripture says “My Word shall accomplish all My desire” God had a purpose saying “My word shall not return to me void”. The word of God descends and ascends again. It is us who recieve Gods descending word in our hearts, the place where we keep His commands. It is in this way that we return to the Father. It is only as we take on the Word of God as our new nature that we earn the right of passage.
When Christ was ready to depart from this world He spoke to the Father saying “Father I have finished the work you have given me to do. I have given your word to those whom you have given me out of this world, They believe that I have come forth from you and that I am returning to you. These whom I have given your Word, they have kept your Word. They believe that I came forth from you and that I go back to you”. Christ said “I go away to the Father and you see me again no more”. Meaning in a carnal way. We recieve that word and go home. We have fulfilled in ourselves the promise from Christ when He said “whoever keeps my word, My Father and I will come to them and make our home in them”. That word is fulfilled.
So the Word that went out does not return void because it comes back with us, the elect. The word that boomerangs across creation returns with us on board to the sender.
The only thing that came out of the mouth of God was His Son, and the only thing that returns is also the Son. So the promise is for those of us who are in the Son, “in Christ”. We are with Him where He is
 We confessed at baptism to be raised incorruptible and so we are. “Seated in the heavenlies”. We refuse to sucomb to a lower estate of some future carnality when one is suppose to come and save planet earth and they call it a second coming. Earth does not get saved. “All the earth and all its works shall dissolve in a flaming heat. The soul is saved. As Peter said “receiving the end of your faith the salvation of your souls”. You see it is not a carnal thing at all.
And we will end with these words from the Son as he spoke to the Father. “Father I pray that they whom you have given Me may be with Us where We are, that they may behold My glory. And Father, those whom you’ve given me out of the world. I have given the glory that you have given me that they may be one”.
The purpose of the gospel is this. ” till we all come to the unity of the faith and  of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;”. A perfected man. And so we do. We please the Father who said “come up hither” and we did. The word did not return void for we are in it. We are “in Him”, “in Christ”. We received His word and He received us. We have no place else to go.
This then is our purpose and our cause and the conclusion of the matter that today is the day of salvation and in no other. We who know this are the elect.
The Kingdom of God is At Hand! Reletive and pertinent.


Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures

Posted on April 10, 2017 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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  1. In the beginning God.
God created time specific, spacial creatures when He created man. But of God, these are constructs He is not. Time and space has a start and an end. God is outside of these boundaries. He has none. He designed them for us. And because God is not a time specific, space associated being bound by the elements, He cannot be assimilated that way. He can be assimilated by the spirit in a specific order and He can be understood by the things that are made  (Rom 1) but the things that are made of building blocks of the elements subject to time can never be Him because they came after him. He is “that which is from the beginning.
To change Him from His element of Spirit and truth, is to un-deify Him and reduce Him to a creature. God was before time and is already there after time. His natural element is outside of time. To this we are “the called”. Called to inherit eternity. The boundary free element called the spirit. And because His words are spirit and life. It is in this way that we assimilate and absorb God, to a new realization through a renewed, rescripted mind. We put on word. His Son is Word. We put on word we are “in Christ”.
 The crime the Jews were condemned for is spelled out in Romans 1 saying “although they knew God they glorified him not as God and their foolish Hearts were darkened. They turned the glory of the incorruptible God into the image of a coruptible man”. They saw Him as a subject of time locked into time related incidents saying “when does the Kingdom of God appear?” When He is not that construct.
What they were looking for was to have God as a man rule planet earth from the city of Jerusalem. Jerusalem of old was only meant to portray the invisible in a carnal way for our assimulation and understanding. This is why Christ said “My Kingdom is not of this age” to shatter that dillusion because He is not of the elemental building blocks of time and matter. “If my kingdom were of this age I would send a legion of angels to fight but I  am not from here”. Meaning, not from time and elements of matter. But many persist in there denial.
Christ also said “the god of this age comes and he has nothing in Me.” The ages and rule of earth are diametrically opposite. The finite verse the infinite. A singularity verse the culmination of the all into One. The “all things become new”. In this way “We are a new creation in Christ ” and need no other renewal.
In the days of Samuel the Israelites asked for a king like the rest of the nation’s and the Lord said to Samuel “they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me to rule over them”.  And so they did and today they do. His Kingdom is still not from here, but many persist in their disobedient ways.
Any such notion of God needing to become a man is an insult to His Majesty. To reduce Him to a singularity, a man subject to a calendar and events is to infer that you must go somewhere to see Him when He gets there, like Jerusalem. So they all wait.
Excuse me! To take Him who is everywhere and restrict Him to somewhere He needs to be? As tho He will be a king in a different way? He is already King of kings and Lord of lords and need not implement any new methods to expire the gospel as tho it is insufficient. We are already in the New Covenant era and there is no 3rd covenant nor will there be a re-establishment of the old as if God is fickle. The old was condemned, expired, fufilled and shelved.
If He appeared as a men, would you make an appointment to see Him?  You could call His secretary and have your name put on a list? What number in line would you be on the list of a few billion people to see Him? Maybe you could visit Him once every thousand years or so for a cup of tea. An incarnation of that sort is silly, but this is what the second coming purveyors try to convince you. Any such notion of God as man is Satanic to the core. “Taste not, touch not, handle not for these are to perish with using” according to the doctrines of men. The God of this age and the ways of this day has nothing in common with the creator. They are of different elements. One is physically tangible, the other is not. One eternal, the other time sensitive. “While we look not to the things that are seen but the unseen. For the things that are seen are temporary but the things that are unseen are eternal”. So we do.
Even when the “Son did become flesh and dwelled among us”He was not reduced for “in Him dwelleth the fullness of the God head body”. Which is why He could say “I and the Father are one”. He was encompassed by and saturated with something immeasurable, un-seeable and timeless. He never became something He already wasn’t. He just prooved who He is. He was “born a King”. The King of kinhs and the Lptd of lords and need not become something as though He is not complete yet.  He just isn’t a king in your understanding so you look for another.  He is so much more saying “the Father that dwells in Me does the works”. And “he who has seen me has seen the father”. “I and the Father are one”.
So those who have a time and place sensitive Jesus that still needs to be developed or completed, have the wrong savior. “It is finished” They are waiting for a man and they call it a second coming, a phrase not found once in scripture. They are waiting for a pinpointed date when God already “fills all in all”. Everything everywhere all the time.
 God does not need to integrate with creation physically again to do something that has not already been proven done. Oh contrare. At the cross He said “it is finished”. The gospel is complete. It testifies to “Him who is from the beginning”
The victory is the cross. Our old nature is burried there. Our sin is laid there by the working of faith. The road is paved and the path is cleared for full access to our inheritance “in Christ”.
If the Son was a time sensitive, spacial being bound by elements, He could not say “I am with you to the end of the ages”. Lo I am with you always”. “I will never leave you or forsake you”. It is Him who is “The same yesterday, today and eternally”. (Hebrews 13.8) He preceded the day when it was said “let there be light”. And He is the eternal light that invented the 24 hour day intervals,  but many reject that light.
This is why John in his first epistle said that “we walk in the light as He is light’. And “if that from the beginning  abides in you”. He was speaking of the spirit and not an end time, last days thing at all. That message just leaves you empty, waiting and looking for something that “cometh not with (carnal) observation” as God “stands at the door and knocks. God is not limited. The boundaries are for the human body and “the rulers of this age that come to nothing”. But for those of us who are “in Christ”? We have the mind of Christ. The culmination of the gift. For us the Kingdom of God is now “at hand” in the same form as it was first presented. We have been given the keys, and we have entered in. We sought that which is from the beginning and not an end times thing at all. Our invisible posture and senses in the spirit is contrary to the carnally acertainable. Competing lights.
It is in him we live and dwell and have our being”. If this were not true he would not be God for there would be a place that He was not and a time where He must yet become, and He would not be eternal but have limitations. And this is what the second coming Jesus gospel infers. It presents a Christ who is not Christ yet. He still has work to do. They imagine him coming as a man that must become something as though he is not yet. But it is Christ who “was and is and is to come” and not him who “is not and yet but must become”. He need not become manifest to appease our carnal infatuations.
Christ is the “word became flesh and dwelt among us. He dessed in a time sensitive spacial being momentarily, then discarded that filthy rag as shown in the parable in John 13. He stood up from His (eternal) seat and wrapped Himself in a (earthen) towel, washed the disciples feet, stood back up (arose), disposed of the rag and returned to His natural place in prominence seated in Glory. He then told the disciples “I go to the Father and you see me again no more” speaking if His carnal existence. And the testimony from the Holy Spirit is to convict all of this truth. (John 16.8) We see Him again no more. Meaning in a carnal state. We see Him in spirit and truth. His reality that becomes our reality as we absorb Him through the gospel.
So when we call him King of Kings, and Lord of lords, he is not only in control of the kings and the Lord of the earth even now, but also of all of creation itself. It “was made by Him and for Him and in Him all things exist”.  And “all things are held together by the power of His word”. The one He spoke at the beginning of time. He did an eternal work and need not redo something as though He overlooked something . He’s got the whole world in His hands.
In the beginning God. With God there was nothing that was not God. But there was the Son and the Holy Spirit. There was no place without God. To this we “the called out ones” are called to go.
The Greek word interpreted “church”correctly interpreted means “the called out ones”. The eklesia. Called out to be in. Called out of the world to be “In Christ”. To be “In the world but not of the world”. We are elementally different.
We are “begotten by the word of truth to be a kind of first-fruits of His creation”.  We are made up of, invisible to the human eyes, building blocks of Spirit and truth. We are “living stones built up of attributes in the spirit to be habitat-ed by God. This is how “we are the temples of God”.
Paul in his discourse to the Galatians said “now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage? 10 You observe days and months and seasons and years. 11 I am afraid for you, lest I have labored for you in vain.”  
Those people turned back in reliance upon the elements governed by time and discarded the eternal counterpart the elements were suppose to train them for the eternal. Paul explained that “a child differs not from a slave but is under the bondage of elements until faith came. Until they could understand and receive the invisible counterpart. “When that which is perfect has come, that which is in part is done away with”. And so we do.
The old testament Hebrews were called children throughout their wilderness wanderings some 1200  plus times because they did not bridge the gap. They could not enter in. They could not cross over into the spirit. This was the reason Moses was taken up to Mt Nebo to look at the promised land but died there only seeing it afar off. So too the Israelite’s could not enter because “they sought it but not as it were by faith”. They wanted facts made up of elements and time, knowable things experienced by their carnal senses and rejected Him who is invisible. We are those who accept and enter in.


The signature of God

Posted on March 28, 2017 by ADMIN

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A son where is the father’s name. Christ came in the name of the father. A named in the world is a pronunciation in a spelling. But the name of the father is the father. When the sun came in the name of the father it was not the spelling or the pronunciation so much as it was the character. Christ said I and the father are one. Christ said he who has seen me has seen the father. He was an exact representation and the exact image of the father. And in him dwells the fullness of the godhead body.
When one comes in the Name of the King if he Bears the king Signet his word is as if the king is standing right there. Whatever law or document or decree that is stamped with the King Signet are the Kings words and must be fully enforced. The gospel bears the signature of the Father. His signature is His Son. In the beginning was the Word. The Word wss with God and the Word was God”. He said “I and the Father are one” This does not mean they are just in agreement but the two are inseparable. “He who has seen Me has seen the Father”. And “he who has the Son has the Father also.
So the signature of the Father cannot be reduced to the dotted line on a document because it is still being pronounced today in what is called the Gospel. The Word has gone out to all the earth, even to the end of the ages.



Posted on March 19, 2017 by ADMIN

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God can be articulated to the intellect but he cannot be constructed. Nor can anything be constructed to house him.
For God to be manufactured is an oxymoron. For the maker to be in need for something being made is silly. God cannot be manufactured but God can be articulated. Articulation is an invisible tool for the invisible God. Articulation is done by words. “In the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” This word is defined as God’s Son. You say why? Because not only is he the exactitude of the father He is also an invisible embodiment. And it’s not just that historical references or things about God are passed on through articulation, oh no much greater than that. It is the very genetics and DNA contained in the gospel passed down through the gospel for our Transfiguration from a created being to a spirit being. An elemental understanding is false because God is not made up of elements. There are no Borders or boundaries or restrictions that he is subject to, for if he was he would not be God. God is boundless in his ways unrestricted unfettered unhindered to whom belong eternal glory amen fun things
No one has seen God at anytime but the Son declares Him with perfect articulation. If we see the Son as He truly is, we see the Father. The Son said “He who has seen Me has seen the Father. He was not talking about carnally visual aspects or a physical portrait would be the testimony of the Son.
When the Son came to his own, his own did not receive him because they were expecting an expansion of The Parables with things made of time and matter. They saw not the Eternal value in that one. But to as many as received him, not his carnal nature but His Spirit, to them he gave power to become his children even those who believe in his name.” That it is us who see him as he is. We are being transfigured from the glory to the glory they saw not his glory for they saw the robes and sandals only. There are those who are expecting a man in kingly attire on a studly horse we’re embarrassed by The Peasant on a donkey. The physical became a distraction and they saw him not. But those of us who know him as a contrast to the physical understood him perfectly. Those who understood him as Shiloh riding on the foal of a cult understood that the reign of the Jews was over. Those who speak of him coming again know him not for he is already here. Lo I am with you always even to the End Amen
He does not receive his testimony from man for he knows what’s in man. More carnal Fabrications. But we speak what we here and testify to what we see for we have eyes and ears of a different nature. We endure as seeing him who is invisible. He who was born a king need not become a king. The sun did not come here to become anything but to prove who he already was.
John the Apostle was explicit that we know him who is from the beginning. This is proof that he is unchangeable and character in nature and construction. But there is a coming one whose coming is according to the working of Satan. The coming one is the becoming one who is not yet but must be.
The sun’s purpose and only purpose was to expire all the parables. He proved this when he went to the father and said father I have completed the work you have given me to do I have given Those whom you’ve given me out of this world I have given them your word and they have kept it. The articulation was complete. In him dwells the fullness of the godhead body and because we have received his word we of his fullness we have received. So we too can say I am the father are one. The coming one is a becoming one as though is not yet it must be in his there for disqualified as being eternal.
It is as we take all the concepts of God displayed in the law and the prophets and more clearly in the Sun and expire them in the heavens being the regions of our mind the access is through the heart the very place of God comma the gospel message has its fulfilled purpose in us and need not take this any further. As Peter stated receiving the end of your faith the salvation of your soul.
The salvation of the soul is to be restored to its proper purpose of full interaction with God. The soul is the only invisible element you have it’s the only Eternal access point you have to the father and without restoration there is no eternity.
As a seed in the dirt seems insurmountable and unimportant to the plant, for it sees no light and lives in dirt so too is the man of the Earth. But if it contains the genetics of the Living God showing in our hearts through the gospel being watered by the Holy Spirit it becomes enamored with another element. It’s sites and focuses are no longer in the shell so too with the metamorphosis of a butterfly in a caterpillar. The two are constructs of different elements. One crawls on the dirt the other flies in the air. So to those who have sown the words of God in their heart water with it the Holy Spirit becomes the thing that is said. The very genetics of God’s Own in our heart in this way we become Godly.
There is no such thing as life in an afterlife. It is those who in their carnal body being ignorant of the things of God are The Walking Dead. They are dead to the things of God. If this were not so the sun would not of said let the dead bury their dead. And John the Apostle would not of said he who has the son has life he who has not the son has not life. Those who have not the Sun have the contrast. And the contrast will be taken out of the way for the Eternal to remain. And it is also true that the dust returns to the Dust. Those who do not acquire the spirit acquire nothing. Go to acquire a carnal konstruct of the scriptures acquire nothing. For this reason they are said to be poor blind and naked. Not knowing the riches in Christ they are poor not seeing the kingdom of God at hand they are blind. Not putting on the cloaking of Christ they are naked. Anything made of time and matter will be dissolved. That’s why those who hold onto a con struck and a hope of time and matter specifically the second coming their hopes will be tarnished. Those who put on Christ put on the very words he spoke. As we said earlier the son said father I have finished the work that you’ve given me to do I have given them your word and they have kept it nothing else needs to be said this sun is the final say so.
We who have received the sun in this way as an embodiment of the concepts and attributes of God are sons of God. It is us who speak the words to confirm Who We Are by where we been and where were we the very place we are. Christ said no one has descended from heaven but he will send it from Heaven that is the son of man who is in heaven we too can take these words and expire them and fulfill them and ourselves that just as he was and just as he is so are we in the world because he was not a man in the world he was himself being the word the very exact expression of the father as are we. And no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again and we see and no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born above and so we were. We are a kind of first fruits of his creation being born of word and spirit of his kind non element spirit and Truth.
We testify of what we hear and speak of what we seen because of the place that we have been. So that makes us a visitor while we are here we who are visitors are called ambassadors. For who can be an ambassador from a country they’ve never had residents in they would not be. You could only be an ambassador and a representative of something that you are a part of otherwise you would just be a spokesperson. This is what happens to those who speak of another coming Kingdom because the kingdom of God being at hand that quite obviously have not been to the place they are trying to represent.
Like a baby bird in the nest who prefers a soft pre-chewed worm so to a carnal believer is hooked on parables. This is the same as preferring the old wine for it is better, they reject the new.
Those who pay ties at the temple pay for building projects and give in to sacrifices these are slow to receive the invisible for the visible things they did are of no Eternal value. If it does not serve as a crossover Point into the eternal it amounts to nothing but I Dollar Tree. For our Christ has entered into the heavens now not to Tabernacle made by hands but a tabernacle made by God. That is the place of our homage of our sacrifices and are giving. As it says in Isaiah why do you trample my courts with your fist in your sacrifices? Who has required this of you? It is to receive God as he is and offered him the sacrifice of praise that is acceptable to him.
If you appear at the altar to leave a gift and no not the Gift Giver The Giver becomes a taker and you leave empty-handed. To some people he appears as a thief or even what they think they have she’ll be taken. In those who have an expectation of a future Jesus have nothing if you knew the Gift Giver and the things he possessed you would receive immediately the things that you asked for for this reason the son said to the disciples until now you have asked for nothing in my name ask that your joy may be full. Open to that point they were with of man named Jesus and they approached the man Jesus to ask the father for things and because their misconceptual eyes to the sun was they had no access. But we know the Gift Giver and we know the gift. All the gifts are in Christ Jesus All Things become new in Christ Jesus. You just need to figure out what All Things Are. You may look at some and think they are poor but they possess all things in this way.
For this reason John the Apostle said love not the world nor the things of the world for he who loves the world the love of the father is not in him. But we love God
There are those things that were with God from the beginning. These things are his. Everything else should be burned
If you really knew the Gift Giver in truth you would not have to ask because the things have already been given. We have been given everything that pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge of him who calls us by glory to virtue. To share his virtue we are the called. We who know the Gift Giver in this way being the recipients are now ourselves gift-givers. As it is written he who rejects you rejects me he who receives you received me we are the conduit. We are the conveyors and the purveyors of the water that doesn’t cost money we are recipients of the Living Water and become Wells of Living Water.
Christ approached the woman in Samaria at the well and asked for water. Had she known the gift-giver she would have asked for the water. She said I know the Christ when he comes he shall tell us all things. In response Jesus said I whom you are seeking, I am. He left no explanation of a 2nd coming. She was filled enough to go tell the whole city. “This is the Christ”. In our age there are many still waiting.  God does not repeat Himself.  But fortunately we do. We call it the Gospel.
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone



Posted on March 17, 2017 by ADMIN

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♦In previous posts we have talked about “in that day”, “the day of the Lord”, the “Sabbath day”, and “the Lord’s rest” are all descriptives of the same day that has no 24 hour increments. This is the day of the Lord that is the light of the Lamb where there’s no need for the Sun or the Moon. Why? Because the lamb is the source.
We had spoken how John the Apostle was on the Isle of Patmos for the testimony of Jesus Christ and that he was “in the spirit on the Lord’s Day”. It was John who was simultaneously in a hellish hole on Earth and also at the very place where every believer covets to get to. Which is? “In the Lord’s Day”. I too am in the spirit on the Lord’s Day. Here is how.
When Christ chided with the Pharisees he said that “Abraham rejoiced to see My day. He saw it and was glad”. Hmm. Abraham and John both encountered something every Christian would like to. Some call it a 2nd coming. It was “the Wicked servant who said my Lord delays his coming”. But His coming is even now. We call it “the day of the Lord”, “in that day” and the Lord’s Sabbath”.  We are “the called “. “Let us strive to enter His day, the Day of His rest”. (Hebrews 4)  The Day with no beginning or end. Where the Father is.
This day that we are talking about is not after every day 24 hour day has been expired when time is no more then the Eternal day appears. No we are speaking about the day that pre-existed the days that the 24 hours mimic that exists even now. This place we are talking about is a constant. It is eternal. The place where when “God rested from his works” He is there.  The place of his belonging, where “God is light and in him is no darkness at all nor shadow of turning”. The place of “spirit and truth”.
So this day we are talking about is the day that has no mornings or nights. It is the Eternal day that has no beginning or end. It is a constant that shines even now, and it is to this day that we are called to. When? “Today if you will hear His voice, today is the day”. Today is “that day”. And where does this type of light shine? In our heart. “Till the day dawns and the morning light shines in your heart”. This kind of light supersedes and precedes the sun you are familiar with.
Let’s look at John 11 were the report of Lazarus being sick and ready to die is delivered to Jesus. If the death of Lazarus had been a problem for Jesus, it was when He first heard he was sick that he should have cried, and then he should have dropped what he was doing and run to his friend to keep him from dying.
But Jesus remained another two days to make sure that Lazarus was good and dead before he exclaimed that he was going to visit Him. And the reason he remained two days? The death of Lazarus was “for the glory of God to be revealed”. Death for Him is no obstacle, and Gods Glory is our gift. Scripture saying “he who has the Son has life” and “he who believes in Me shall never die”. Do you believe this?
 You see it is to the glory of God to show power over death for us to receive life. The glory was to show us that Jesus Christ did not come to Earth to obtain a resurrection for it was Jesus Christ who told Mary “I am the resurrection” and He proved it by raising Lazarus. He did not have to earn the ability to raise the dead for He is the resurrection and the light. This is how he is the same yesterday today and forever. His day has no beginning or end. If we are in Him, we are raised up to the last day and not like at the last day of earth. All the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ. The place they are all fulfilled and not delegated to a point on planet earth.
The point here is that the Day of the Lord and the resurrection is a person and not a place. The “I AM”.  He told Mary “I am the resurrection “. And even as the resurrection is not an event but a person. All the descriptives of the Eternal Immortal Realm are elements of God broken down for our consumption for us to assimilate by reassembling them in our mind for us to become godly saints. They all define Immortal Eternal elements not restricted by time or space .
 We consume the word of God to be like Him. In this way He is the bread of life come down from heaven.  You cannot lay Him out on a timeline to assimilate Him as a series of events happening on planet earth.  No you can only actualize by faith  in understanding him one revelation at a time in the spirit of your mind. This is your Transfiguration. (2 Corinthians 3.18) “as by the spirit into the self same image. From the Glory to the Glory”. But you have to see this glory to transform to the glory. It is not carnally acertainable.
This is why Paul prayed that the eyes of our understanding would be opened, that we may know the hope of our calling, and that we would know the great power that dwells in us that God demonstrated when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him far above all powers and principalities. For those of us who have experienced this power we too are seated far above all powers and principalities  because we are Resurrected in that day. The day that has no carnal entanglements. “Where if even a man or beast touch it he should die”.
So the day of the Lord is not an event but a person. And that person is described in Heavenly Jerusalem as “the Lamb of God” where there’s no need for Sun and Moon “for the lamb is its light”. The Lamb is the focal point and not another soon to become king called Jesus. He was born King saying to Pilate “you rightly say I am a King. For this reason I came.” He doesn’t need to become that either like the false gospel supposes.
Did not John the Baptist say “here comes the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world”? He did not have to become a lamb for his own personal gain but for ours. Everything Christ did was for our gain that we may believe. He did not show us something He was going to be but demonstrated who He already was. We need to learn to believe Him. He is “the same yesterday, today and forever. To Him be the Glory.
 Mary was given into a not now but later, next time view, like the false gospel concept look at the Lord. She was looking at Him in a flesh covering and said that he was the Christ who was to come into the world, meaning later. She did not “endure as seeing Him who is invisible”. He was the word who became flesh. A construct that is not natural to Him. Mary was looking to a future event saying “yes Lord, I know you will raise him up at the last day. Meaning future. And after Mary repeated this three times, that Christ was rejected because He wanted to interact with Her in His construct. In His home. In His self. “In Christ”. It was then that Jesus wept. And once again the weeping wasn’t for the death of Lazarus or Christ would have done that when he first heard Lazarus was dying. The Weeping was because Mary could not be convinced that he was the resurrection and to raise Lazarus up to the last day was to raise him in himself. If she couldn’t see it she wouldn’t believe it. She was looking at it (Him) but couldn’t have it because she had no faith to do so. She wanted an event to experience and did not receive Him in her heart. The invisible place for His abode.
This is what every carnal Christian wants. Just the facts. But “flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom” because it is not of this world, not of this creation but a thing of the heart.  As Christ said ” O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:. And so they don’t.
Gods day is simultaneous and inseparable as are all the descriptions of God. To be “In Christ” is where all Gods invisible elements are. That Jesus was the resurrection and is the resurrection. This is what the Christ does because this is who He is and not just something He Is going to do later.
So This is the mistake that Mary made as do many of us. We look at “that day”, we look at “the resurrection” and we look at these various descriptions of the work of God in us and we view them as events to behold to the naked carnal eye. In this we error greatly, for as scripture says “seeing with their eyes they see not, hearing with their ears they hear not, for it is with the heart one must see to hear and to understand the things of God“. So some of us do.
For those who see with their carnal eyes and hear with their carnal ears and expect to get something that way? For them it must be precept upon precept and concept upon concept, line upon line, here a little there a little. Why? For them to fall over backwards to get snared and caught. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God  in this way so then those who are in the flesh cannot please God because He does not appeal to our senses but our reason.
 We are those who “live from Faith to faith, and not by visual events. Rather we transform by the many consecutive revelations one at a time and not a first and second coming. Why. Because we are in that light. The place where there is no darkness. “He who walks in darkness lies and does not do the truth”. We are not confused.
For Isaiah also said of the Christ “with my dead body they shall arise”. And so we do. This we can only do by faith. We profess this at our baptism that we are raised “in Christ”. But then we look for another? Hmm. He says “I stand at the door of your heart. Open up that I may sup with you and serve you with these eternal, invisible delicacies. What you eat you become. This is to partake of the body of Christ and not a wafer.
Paul reiterated these saying “there’s only one baptism one resurrection and one spirit”. And as we’ve stated in the post of Echad that God is one. (Deuteronomy 6.4)  Meaning that God is Not defined by a series of events to happen on planet Earth, but a series of Revelations for us to understand him. These revelations are laid out in his word and we call it the bread of life that comes down and gives life to the world”. How? Through the word of God which is the son of God, and not a man. Our food for our spirit. His words are spirit and life. Eternal life.
It was with Lazarus that the Christ showed His resurrection status before he went to the cross. He said “Mary I am the resurrection”. And it is here we say, He is also “the last day”. He is the Lamb of God that gives a light to that 24-hour day as being the source of the radiation and illumination of “the light that shines in the heart of every man”.
As Peter instructed we pay attention to the scriptures “as to a light that shines in a dark place. Till the day dawns and The Morning star is raised in our hearts”. This light that “shines in our hearts to bring to light the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” takes no other form. He is that light and it shines in our heart, our place of transformation. He is the Morning Star of the new creation. Which creation we are if we are “in Christ”. In Christ all things become new” In this wy and not another.
So it is here we show that whatever hellish hole you may think you are in, this may be your Patmos, and this too is “for the Glory of God to be revealed” so that you too can be “in the spirit on the Lord’s day” at the exact same time as were Abraham and John and many others like us. We are “The spirits of just men made perfect”.
Christ is “that day” we are talking about which has no clock with no tick tock and no 24 hour increments on 365 day cycles. The place before He said”let there be light” This place we are talking about is not reserved for an end time event or waiting for you to finish off your days on Earth. That is what Mary thought and why our savior cried. To be “raised up at the last day” and not to “the last day”. You see if Christ is seated in the heavenlies and you are with Him and “in Him”, there is no other place to be.
So this is our full sum,  duty and purpose to God as we sojourn here. To reassemble these truths, and assimilate these revelations, the true reality inside ourselves in what we call the circumcised heart. This is our place of transformation. To fulfill the request that Christ made to the Father. “Father, that those whom you have given me may be with Me where I am” and so we do. Did the Father reject that request? Did not the Christ say “Father I know that you always hear me”? For “He who spared not His only Son, how shall He not freely give us all things?” And He does. All things “in Christ” are ours now. The very things He enjoys now are already given to us. What a blessedness. What a joy. “My joy I give you not as the world gives, I give you. And in that day no one will take that joy from you” Why? Because you will have arrived to your destination if you are willing to receive it. To be “in That day, the Day of the Lord, the Lords Rest. If you just got this, welcome home. You are the elect.
And from Hebrews 12.22  “But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, 23 to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect”. If you allow it to be so.
It is in this way that “The kingdom of God is at hand.” From the foundations of the world. This light is shining and transfiguring even now. The disciples were sent out to preach this Kingdom and God never recanted This message to implement another.
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The term “AT HAND” means immediate.

Posted on February 23, 2017 by ADMIN

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The gospel message is “The Kingdom of God is at hand”. But what does at hand mean? Jesus Christ said that. The disciples were commissioned first with that. (Luke 11)

Revelation 1.3 Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time at hand.”
John the Apostle in the Book of Revelation began and finished that book with that phrase. He wrote about some things “that must shortly take place for the time is at hand”. (Rev 22.. 6+10) This term “shortly” is also interpreted as “immediate” elsewhere from the Greek in the scriptures and is here attached to the phrase “At hand”. So when John was instructed to “write down these things that much shortly take place for the time is at hand” he is referencing the things he just wrote in the book of “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”.
It was when John was concluding the testimony of Jesus Christ he was told “seal not the Prophecies of this book for the time is at hand.” But many look to those things “AT Hand” and “not to be sealed”, beinh the things “which must immediately take place” and still look for a fulfillment them and they call it “a 2nd coming” when the book will be enforced.
But we tell you a timeless truth. “There are some standing here today that will not taste death before they see the Son of man coming in great Glory and power in His Kingdom”. That some then and now would not experience the physical reality of death before they knew this truth. The truth of his kingdom and his power “At Hand”.
We see the term “AT Hand” defined in Gathseme when Christ spoke these words. “Let us go from here my betrayor is at hand,  and while he was still speaking Judas appeared.” Hmmm. Imagine that Jesus spoke the word and it was fulfilled before his words hit the ground. Kind of like when he said let there be light. And there was light. You see His words are relevant and true when He says it. You just need to learn to believe. This is the walk if faith.
John in Revelation was writing of things that were taking place as he wrote them, in his lifetime, and not speaking about events to happen some 2000 plus years later. Once again “write the things that I show you for the time is at hand, the things that much shortly take place”. the book was then concluded saying ‘seal not the prophecies of this book for the time is at hand.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ is not a first and second coming, but a constant. One revelation after another untill you absorb His Fulness. He said “this is My body. Take and eat all of Me”. And “of His fullness we have received,  grace upon grace”. This revelations piled up one upon another. For how long? Till we all come to a full understanding and stature, to a full measure of Christ”. Do not be like “the wicked servant who said “My master delays His coming” for He dors not delay His coming to those who watch and see Him in His original construct of invisible attributes and not as a carnally tangible thing. You just need to see Him in His immortal construct and not as a man bound to events on planet earth. As Paul said “you observe days months seasons and years. I am afraid I have labored in vain. I labor to have Christ formed again in you, but I have my doubts”. This is the the vail of the second coming.
So the term shortly, immediate and “at hand” which all come from the same Greek text are misunderstood today. For somehow we overlook at the introduction and the conclusion of that book and think that somehow it’s not shortly taking place. It is not that the book is sealed and must wait 2000 years to open it. The Book of Daniel was sealed and  speaking of future events, but the Book of Revelation was not.
And this isn’t the only place “At Hand is misunderstood. For when Jesus Christ sent the disciples out stating “the kingdom of God is at hand”, this flew in the face of those who wanted the Kingdom to appear on earth.
It is a current belief that the Lord’s return is imminent, thinking always later and not now. But imminent in English means now. Imminent is a Latin word and is meant as “third person, present and active. Present and active. Who is that?
Imminent. That is what we are talking about. It is that “At Hand” is right now. It is immediate. It is shortly. But if you supposed to see him coming in a carnal way he will pass you by like the thief. For he’s who eternal Immortal and invisible who dwell in immortal light, does not need to appear in any other way to satisfy your carnal illusions. It was the wicked servant who said “my Lord delays his coming”. And it’s James who said “the coming of the Lord is at hand”.
When Christ was first introduced He said “time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand”. This statement was never retracted. But “all things have been fulfilled. They have expired. “All the law and the prophets were until John” the baptist. “Now the Kingdom is preached and all are entering”. But some define the Kingdom as a future event. That the Kingdom is not at hand it is future. They deceive you and offer another Jesus and another Kingdom. One that is not “At Hand”. It was the wicked servant who said “my Lord delays His coming”. And so they do wickedly offer a delaid version of scripture and they call it “the second coming”. They twist the word imminent, immediate and the phrase “At Hand” to mean later. To mean the word is sealed for a 2000 plus years later and subvert the true gospel.
Matthew 23.13 “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites and 2nd coming purveyors! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in. They quite obviously cannot speak about the Kingdom at hand for they believe in another Christ. An anti-christ. The counterfeit. A physical one instead of the invisible.