Holy sandals Part 1

Posted on March 19, 2017 by ADMIN

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1st Corinthians 13  when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part shall be done away with.” The New Covenant and all its articles have been made and its offices have been fulfilled “In Christ”.

It was when the Lord went to reveal himself to the Israelites that He had spoken to Moses on Mount Sinai. It was here that Moses had an encounter with the Godhead body. And when Moses left the mountain he was instructed to “make all things according to the pattern that was shown on the mountain”.

Moses was instructed to make  visible images and replicas of the Godhead body of earthen materials  and people with offices. Like prophets priests and kings. This for instructive purposes only. Because The things that he learned and understood about the Eternal Immortal invisible God is what he was selected to convey as being the mediator of the old covenant. Moses was instructed to make physical counterparts as explanations to the people of who God is. Of Him who is invisible, eternal and immortal.

These things the Israelite’s made had no value if they were not used to train them of the invisible realities seen on the mount that Moses experienced at the burning bush where he was instructed first to “take off your sandals, for where you are standing is holy ground. Their earthen objects could never be holy, but they could train them to understand holy, as long as the objects themselves were not the objects of adoration by becoming idolatrous, adulterous notions.  But the Lord said “these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:

All the articles of faith, the tabernacle, feasts, the Priest the show-bread and the Ark of the Covenant themselves were not holy, but we’re physical representation of the invisible holy things that he saw at the burning bush. So when Moses was instructed to “take off the  sandals for the place you stand is Holy Ground”. He was experiencing the invisible in the place “where even if a man or beast should touch they would die”. That is what Holy means. Invisible Spirit and truth. That is what the mountain was. Other worldly. The sandals represent the only insulation between man and God.

So in the Book of John it says of Christ that “in him dwells the fullness of the godhead body” like Mt Sinai. John understood that everything that was “on the mount” was alive “In Christ”. John revealed this to us by saying of Christ “Whose sandal straps I am not worthy to loose” Moses was instructed to remove His sandals where as John the Baptist said  he was not worthy to loosen the sandal straps of Christ. Why? Because what Moses encountered on the mount is what John saw “in Christ”. The Godhead body. And Moses was instructed to make visible counterparts of the things that  are invisible with the law and prophets. They were given temporarily to only teach us about the invisible, holy realm. But they themselves were not holy or invisible. The law with its city and all the the buildings, feasts, the ark and all the articles of the old covenant were added till faith comes. And Christ did as explained here by Paul.

6 But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,5 To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.

The temporary was replaced by the eternal. That Covenant had expired. The New Covenant replaced the old. “All things are fulfilled in Christ”.  And from Paul again ” 17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” The old becomes New because “6 these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart”. Which is our invisible part for the Invisible God, which we access by our invisible response that is called faith. Because “with the heart one believes and with the mouth confession is made”. For us “that which is in part” meaning made of this temporary time our body interacts with, is all the law and the prophets with all its buildings articles and offices, are done away with” because as Christ said “Lo the volume of the book is written of Me” And “by that will and covenant (meaning Christ’s) He took away the first to establish the second”, and final Covenant with the Father.


Christ is the author and the object of the book, and the book has encrypted in it His DNA. This absorbed by us, qualifies us to be called “the children of God”. As Christ said to the Father. “I have finished the work you have given me to do. I have given your word to those whom you have given me out of this world and they have received it. They now believe that I came forth from you and I return to you and they see me again no more” in a canal way.

It was John the baptist that understood that the invisible Godhead, portrayed on Mt Sanai was embodied in the man called Jesus Christ “for in him dwells the fullness of the godhead body”. And it was here too that the only thing that stood between the visible and the invisible was the sandals. In both cases. Moses at Sinai, and Christ for His introduction. The sandals were the insulation between time and matter and the invisible things that are holy in Christ.

Even in the beginning when God said let there be light, he created a new light only as an example of the Eternal Light. But it is Jesus Christ that is the true light that shines in the heart of every man that comes into the world.

In the law and the prophets, the person of God was broken down into places and events using fabrications of earthen matter, but these things He is not. With Christ, He fulfilled and gathered these things unto Himself saying “all the law and the prophets were until John the Baptist”. But a greater than them all was there. Gods only begotten Son. The only one elementally like the Father arrived on earth. The word became flesh. And why is Christ greater? Because the sum of all the parts is greater than the individual pieces, even if the godhead body.


All The articles of faith are fulfilled “in Christ. In their original  form they are not of time and matter.  They define a person. The persona of the Godhead body, broken down in the law, feasts, articles and prophets are just blown up views, diagrams, schematics and X-rays of the invisible God. It is the anatomy of the godhead. Him, His Spirit, and His Son “the Word”. If we are “in Christ ” we are in that place where Christ is. Like with the disciples in the rocky boat. As soon as they received Him into their boat (picturing their heads), they were immediately where they were suppose to be. And that place is a person. That person called Christ.

We who know this are completely reconciled to the Father, Son and Spirit and need no earthen articles or time dispensed events including another physical coming or appearing for this to be so. The words are fulfilled in us, “each one in their own order”. “When that when that which is perfect has come, that which is  in part is done away with”. We no longer need the visuals because our faith is complete.  “We are complete in Him who is the head of all power and principality”.

The Kingdom of God is at Hand.

His Kingdom At Hand

Kingdom at hand