God created time specific, spacial creatures when He created man. But of God, these are constructs He is not. Time and space has a start and an end. God is outside of these boundaries. He has none. He designed them for us. And because God is not a time specific, space associated being bound by the elements, He cannot be assimilated that way. He can be assimilated by the spirit in a specific order and He can be understood by the things that are made (Rom 1) but the things that are made of building blocks of the elements subject to time can never be Him because they came after him. He is “that which is from the beginning.
To change Him from His element of Spirit and truth, is to un-deify Him and reduce Him to a creature. God was before time and is already there after time. His natural element is outside of time. To this we are “the called”. Called to inherit eternity. The boundary free element called the spirit. And because His words are spirit and life. It is in this way that we assimilate and absorb God, to a new realization through a renewed, rescripted mind. We put on word. His Son is Word. We put on word we are “in Christ”.
The crime the Jews were condemned for is spelled out in Romans 1 saying “although they knew God they glorified him not as God and their foolish Hearts were darkened. They turned the glory of the incorruptible God into the image of a coruptible man”. They saw Him as a subject of time locked into time related incidents saying “when does the Kingdom of God appear?” When He is not that construct.
What they were looking for was to have God as a man rule planet earth from the city of Jerusalem. Jerusalem of old was only meant to portray the invisible in a carnal way for our assimulation and understanding. This is why Christ said “My Kingdom is not of this age” to shatter that dillusion because He is not of the elemental building blocks of time and matter. “If my kingdom were of this age I would send a legion of angels to fight but I am not from here”. Meaning, not from time and elements of matter. But many persist in there denial.
Christ also said “the god of this age comes and he has nothing in Me.” The ages and rule of earth are diametrically opposite. The finite verse the infinite. A singularity verse the culmination of the all into One. The “all things become new”. In this way “We are a new creation in Christ ” and need no other renewal.
In the days of Samuel the Israelites asked for a king like the rest of the nation’s and the Lord said to Samuel “they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me to rule over them”. And so they did and today they do. His Kingdom is still not from here, but many persist in their disobedient ways.
Any such notion of God needing to become a man is an insult to His Majesty. To reduce Him to a singularity, a man subject to a calendar and events is to infer that you must go somewhere to see Him when He gets there, like Jerusalem. So they all wait.
Excuse me! To take Him who is everywhere and restrict Him to somewhere He needs to be? As tho He will be a king in a different way? He is already King of kings and Lord of lords and need not implement any new methods to expire the gospel as tho it is insufficient. We are already in the New Covenant era and there is no 3rd covenant nor will there be a re-establishment of the old as if God is fickle. The old was condemned, expired, fufilled and shelved.
If He appeared as a men, would you make an appointment to see Him? You could call His secretary and have your name put on a list? What number in line would you be on the list of a few billion people to see Him? Maybe you could visit Him once every thousand years or so for a cup of tea. An incarnation of that sort is silly, but this is what the second coming purveyors try to convince you. Any such notion of God as man is Satanic to the core. “Taste not, touch not, handle not for these are to perish with using” according to the doctrines of men. The God of this age and the ways of this day has nothing in common with the creator. They are of different elements. One is physically tangible, the other is not. One eternal, the other time sensitive. “While we look not to the things that are seen but the unseen. For the things that are seen are temporary but the things that are unseen are eternal”. So we do.
Even when the “Son did become flesh and dwelled among us”He was not reduced for “in Him dwelleth the fullness of the God head body”. Which is why He could say “I and the Father are one”. He was encompassed by and saturated with something immeasurable, un-seeable and timeless. He never became something He already wasn’t. He just prooved who He is. He was “born a King”. The King of kinhs and the Lptd of lords and need not become something as though He is not complete yet. He just isn’t a king in your understanding so you look for another. He is so much more saying “the Father that dwells in Me does the works”. And “he who has seen me has seen the father”. “I and the Father are one”.
So those who have a time and place sensitive Jesus that still needs to be developed or completed, have the wrong savior. “It is finished” They are waiting for a man and they call it a second coming, a phrase not found once in scripture. They are waiting for a pinpointed date when God already “fills all in all”. Everything everywhere all the time.
God does not need to integrate with creation physically again to do something that has not already been proven done. Oh contrare. At the cross He said “it is finished”. The gospel is complete. It testifies to “Him who is from the beginning”
The victory is the cross. Our old nature is burried there. Our sin is laid there by the working of faith. The road is paved and the path is cleared for full access to our inheritance “in Christ”.
If the Son was a time sensitive, spacial being bound by elements, He could not say “I am with you to the end of the ages”. Lo I am with you always”. “I will never leave you or forsake you”. It is Him who is “The same yesterday, today and eternally”. (Hebrews 13.8) He preceded the day when it was said “let there be light”. And He is the eternal light that invented the 24 hour day intervals, but many reject that light.
This is why John in his first epistle said that “we walk in the light as He is light’. And “if that from the beginning abides in you”. He was speaking of the spirit and not an end time, last days thing at all. That message just leaves you empty, waiting and looking for something that “cometh not with (carnal) observation” as God “stands at the door and knocks. God is not limited. The boundaries are for the human body and “the rulers of this age that come to nothing”. But for those of us who are “in Christ”? We have the mind of Christ. The culmination of the gift. For us the Kingdom of God is now “at hand” in the same form as it was first presented. We have been given the keys, and we have entered in. We sought that which is from the beginning and not an end times thing at all. Our invisible posture and senses in the spirit is contrary to the carnally acertainable. Competing lights.
It is in him we live and dwell and have our being”. If this were not true he would not be God for there would be a place that He was not and a time where He must yet become, and He would not be eternal but have limitations. And this is what the second coming Jesus gospel infers. It presents a Christ who is not Christ yet. He still has work to do. They imagine him coming as a man that must become something as though he is not yet. But it is Christ who “was and is and is to come” and not him who “is not and yet but must become”. He need not become manifest to appease our carnal infatuations.
Christ is the “word became flesh and dwelt among us. He dessed in a time sensitive spacial being momentarily, then discarded that filthy rag as shown in the parable in John 13. He stood up from His (eternal) seat and wrapped Himself in a (earthen) towel, washed the disciples feet, stood back up (arose), disposed of the rag and returned to His natural place in prominence seated in Glory. He then told the disciples “I go to the Father and you see me again no more” speaking if His carnal existence. And the testimony from the Holy Spirit is to convict all of this truth. (John 16.8) We see Him again no more. Meaning in a carnal state. We see Him in spirit and truth. His reality that becomes our reality as we absorb Him through the gospel.
So when we call him King of Kings, and Lord of lords, he is not only in control of the kings and the Lord of the earth even now, but also of all of creation itself. It “was made by Him and for Him and in Him all things exist”. And “all things are held together by the power of His word”. The one He spoke at the beginning of time. He did an eternal work and need not redo something as though He overlooked something . He’s got the whole world in His hands.
In the beginning God. With God there was nothing that was not God. But there was the Son and the Holy Spirit. There was no place without God. To this we “the called out ones” are called to go.
The Greek word interpreted “church”correctly interpreted means “the called out ones”. The eklesia. Called out to be in. Called out of the world to be “In Christ”. To be “In the world but not of the world”. We are elementally different.
We are “begotten by the word of truth to be a kind of first-fruits of His creation”. We are made up of, invisible to the human eyes, building blocks of Spirit and truth. We are “living stones built up of attributes in the spirit to be habitat-ed by God. This is how “we are the temples of God”.
Paul in his discourse to the Galatians said “now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage? 10 You observe days and months and seasons and years. 11 I am afraid for you, lest I have labored for you in vain.”
Those people turned back in reliance upon the elements governed by time and discarded the eternal counterpart the elements were suppose to train them for the eternal. Paul explained that “a child differs not from a slave but is under the bondage of elements until faith came. Until they could understand and receive the invisible counterpart. “When that which is perfect has come, that which is in part is done away with”. And so we do.
The old testament Hebrews were called children throughout their wilderness wanderings some 1200 plus times because they did not bridge the gap. They could not enter in. They could not cross over into the spirit. This was the reason Moses was taken up to Mt Nebo to look at the promised land but died there only seeing it afar off. So too the Israelite’s could not enter because “they sought it but not as it were by faith”. They wanted facts made up of elements and time, knowable things experienced by their carnal senses and rejected Him who is invisible. We are those who accept and enter in.
In the beginning was the word, the Word was with God and the Word was God. And the Word was an emination of pure thought we call the Father. Like us, our word is the product of our thoughts. God is ingenuity design and creativity and he is not limited to just these things, but these are the eternal expressions from before time and matter that we talk about. The thought expressed himself by word and the Word is His Son, an exact replica, an abstract of the Father. He who has the Son also has the Father for the two are one. “He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son”. 2 John 1.9
This is similar to how we are made in the image of God, our thoughts and our words. For this is how we shall be judged and what we are accountable for saying “you shall be judged by every word you utter”. A man is only as good as his word. The only begotton is Gods perfect Word and the first thing that came forth from thought. Original thought is God the Father, and his son is his word.
His Son is Word and not a man. Gods word is His first extension that did not come to be when He was spoken for He pre-existed with the Father as pure thought. This is the “only begotton of the Father” the only one that came out. It is in this way that “we have the mind of Christ. Pure thoughts of the Godhead, Spirit and truth. “For the Father seeketh such” to interact like Him. This is what pleases God.
The only manifestation from God that is God is word. “No one has seen the Father at anytime, but the Son declares Him”. He makes the Father manifest. Gods manifesto of Himself is His Son. The Son is His declaration of who He is. In this way the word/Son of God made everything. “All things were made by Him and for Him, And without him nothing that is made was made. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. All powers, be they visible or invisible are subject to Him even now. They can only do what they are suppose to do.
God cannot be caught off guard or surprised. He planned for all mans departures. He has made them room for all of their individual alternate realities.
The word of God was in the beginning with God. It was the word of God that existed in the intellect of the father without Him speaking. The Son was not deprived of any aspect of the invisible intellect we call the Father “for in Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead body” being a body of principles, intellect, ingenuity and design and not something tangible to the carnal senses. A man He is not. Without Word nothing that was made was made, be it powers and principalities visible and invisible. Everything that is made was made of word for it was word and spirit and the intellect being the father that coexisted equally before any created thing.
In the beginning was the Word, “and the Spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters”. These three are before the beginning and in this way they are harmoniously co-equal, co-creators. Pre-creation emination and reflections of the Father. Harmonious and inseparable but split for creation only in concept For us to grow and realize the Revelation that they are one.
Christ saying “I and the Father are one”. They always have been. And of the Spirit He had “without measure”. The Son showed Himself to us in this way. He spoke and it was so. He said “Lazarus come forth ” And He Came Back From The dead. He did the works of the Father in this way. He spoke a thing and immediately it was so. Life is in the Son. “He who has the Son has life”. This is eternal life.
And it is not as though the word expresses only a meaning or a description. The Word carries with Him the very escense of the Father. “He comes and His reward is with Him”. All the attributes, personas and charecrtistics of the Father, being invisible attributes, which are impossible to separateExcept in creation where the godhead is broken down in concept for us to understand.
This is why creation was made for us. So that thru contrasts we could understand with clarity who the Father is with tangible things and to take the various concepts we learn about them and re-assemble the invisible witness of Him in ourselves to become godly. God-like. This is the calling to godliness. God-like-ness.
It is that word conveys the very essence of the father and not just documents to be fulfilled 2000 plus years later as many suppose. That saving is subject to time which in fact is not God at all, for there would be something God is restricted by, and God is not restricted. The one who was and is and is to come is equally God in every time and anytime of every age and any age.
This is the gospel of God, “the power unto salvation” unfettered, unhindered and un-stoppable, even by time.”He came to His own and His own did not receive Him. They could have but they didn’t. But to as many as received him to them he gave power to become his children, even to those who believe in his name”. It is by the gospel of Christ that God starts and completes his work in us and in no other way. The author and finisher of our faith” has been written even unto completion of salvation. “God in these last days has spoken by His Son” then He sat down and is now waiting for His work to be accepted by you. Christ responded to John the Baptist “why do you seek another”. So we too must ask ourselves. What are we waiting for because “Today is the day of salvation”.
If a doctor give you a pill or a serum and says here take this and you will be healed, you believe him. But you reject the one who says to have faith in him because there’s no visible physical response you can handle or see so you doubt him. He whom you seek is standing at your door. “That which we’ve seen, heard and handled concerning the word of life. We write this so truly you can have koinania with us, oneness, with the Father and the Son. Gods Son took our infirmities and poorness for us to be rich now. He took our carnal bodies to the cross in order for us to put on a body like his now. One like his which is invisible.
So if we understand God in this way we can understand the word of God in his true composition of who he is. He is invisible thought before being spoken. He is the anatomy of God. He is Gods genetic code broken down into sound bites for our spiritual consumption to become like . We hear, we believe and we speak. Do you see what we are talking about? Then you have eyes to see. A new understanding. This is your new nature. Put this on.
It was the word of God who put on Humanity temporarily saying “the word became flesh and dwelt among us”. And because of this we beheld the glory of the only begotten of the father, an exact replica. The Word was not originally a man. Christ temporarily became that. If we were to mimic the man we would all be wearing robes and sandals with our hands folded together in front of us. But He portrayed all of the Fathers invisible attributes for us to see with the eyes of our understanding. And as we see Him as He is in this way, we ingest Him and become what we eat. This is why He is “the bread of life that comes down from God out of Heaven” the place of pure truth and eternal light not visible to the human eye but made known by revelation through His Word in our hearts. This is the true light the 24 hour days only mimick. We see Him as He is and become more and more like Him. (1 John 3.2) and John 14 He who has seen Me has seen the Father. We see the Son in the Father then we see ourselves there too. We are “in Christ “. This is the elect. We see that we too existed in the mind of the Father being predestined of this sort. We are “a kind of first fruits of His creation” as we put on word, meaning the genetics of God, we are transfigured in this way, one revelation at a time “to a perfected man” (Eph 4)
“The Word became flesh” But his Humanity was short-lived because that is not his natural composition. It was said “a short work I will do on earth, and I will finish it in righteousness”. And He did saying “it is finished”. And if he appears again a man, he is not in his natural composition. And if He appears for another work, then He was not finished. And if we see Him a man, then into what are you being transformed? Into a man? A man He is not for He said “I go to the Father and you see Me again no more” speaking of His humanity. (John 16.10)
God the Father with God the son and God the spirit in their natural compositions are all Eternal Immortal and invisible and inseparable, broken down only in concept by word for us to assimulate. This is how they can say “lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the ages”. Meaning any age in every age. They are in their true and natural composition always unperturbed and unfettered and perfectly insulated. This is the peace of God for those who know. It is for us to awaken there. This our full sanctification. To wake from our Adamic slumber where he was split. We can say like John the Baptist “He who has the Bride is the Bridegroom, therefore my joy is complete”. John’s purpose was accomplished saying “they must increase and I must decrease” (corrected from the Greek)
Even when Christ was in the flesh He was full of the Spirit and said “I and the Father are one” describing His invisibleness and ours too. “The world does not know us because it did not know Him. It did not know Him because they could not see Him.” They looked at the robe, sandals and the lowly colt and missed out on the invisible counterpart and contrast of Him on a white horse with His garments stained in blood whose name is…THE WORD OF GOD!
If we can understand the son pre-existed like this being thought of the father then we too can understand the elect. The elect are those who existed in the mind of the father as a thought. And as receiving word we return to the father in this way saying “My Word shall not return to Me void, but shall accomplish all My desire”. So we awaken. These are the elect. This is how as we look to the word as “be holding in a mirror the image of the Lord we are being transformed in the mind from glory to the Glory into his same full image. It is because of this we are the called. And having put on humanity we awake to the invisible things to God through the gospel. This is how we confirm that we are the elect. To realize we are in the world but not of the world. we are of a different composition. We realize that “when that which is perfect is come that which is in part is done away with it” because we receive the things the father has thought for us to be imaged like His Son. We understand the counterpart of all the law, the feasts and the prophets is the Son. “Lo the volume of the book is written of Me” said the Son.
For those of us who have received God’s spirit and God’s word we lack nothing of the father. “For of His fulness we have received”. So as the Word prayed while he was human, He said “father that they may be with us where I am they may be also”. If we have word and spirit that saying is fulfilled in us.
When we look into the mirror of the word with the reflection of the Holy Spirit, and we see His attributes compared to what we are, we are not satisfied until that reflection shows in us the same thing. The transformation has happened. We shall not be satisfied till we awakened in His likeness. (from the Adamic slumber) We become godly. God-like and that likeness. It’s not that we awaken from a 24 hour sleep. With that we awaken from the sleep on Humanity placed on Adam when he had his ribs removed we are awake and we are pre adamic pre-sleep adamic. And from Isaiah “awake! Put on your beautiful garments! Arise and shake yourself from the dust of the earth.” And so we do. How beautiful are the feet who bring glad tidings”. That’s right. This is the gospel.
It is in this way we are His image. God is not a body like we have as many suppose. And it is in this way we are instructed to put off the flesh. It is to realize that we too are not a physical body but an embodiment of principles and eternal truths. We just temporarily occupy this tent. If we have learned to put on the Word of God, we can say too that we are one with the Father and the Son (John 5) We have received the Word. This is putting on Christ. Paul said in Colossians 3 that we put off the body of the sins of the flesh. The embodiment of the thoughts we adopted from Adam.
So if we look to the word and we put word on, we are new embodiment of principles. Just like a political body. As the Constitution is an embodiment of principles that people stand on but we stand on the word of God and say like Him “everything is put underfoot. So if we understand that God is not a physicality, we can put this on in the way that He is, invisibly by faith. This is our embelical cord to the Almighty.
When Adam sinned he did not put on different body in a physical way. He put on a body of disbeleifs. He disbelieved the Living God. These are the principles he put on not a different physical body. God created the physical body then said “it is good, very good”. it was the mindset that Adam adopted that breads fear and self-sufficiency as evidenced by the fig leaf. And that was his sin that Adam put on was an embodiment of principles of self sufficiency. This is what we need to put off is what was passed on to us by Adam. We need to put on that which was passed on to us by the man Christ. To be “in Christ” is an embodiment of principles and not a different carnality. Our old one gets renewed in purpose. We are no longer in Adam.
To think that we need to put off the carnal body is just a religious belief for God made it “good, very good”. The body can only do what the mind tells it to do. And if the mind is renewed the carnal body does what the new mind formatted by word tells it to do. It works harmoniously the way it was created to do in the beginning. Like we are insructed that we being raised with Him, we should walk in newness of life” so we do. Resurrected. Just like a gun that cannot kill by itself, the old man can be an instrument of murder. This was portrayed with Cain who slew his brother. The body like the gun can do nothing of itself.
To “put off the body of the sins of the flesh” is to be put on a new awareness. It is in this way that we are raised in understanding. “Through the knowledge of Christ ” (2 Peter ) This is our resurrection. We put on a new awareness, a God awareness.
Paul had finally transitioned from the Pharasitic religious mindset of having to put off the body in a physical way to “putting off the sins of the flesh” being the sins of unbelief, fear, doubt and all that embodies. This is the true meaning of the resurrection and not the death of the flesh itself but the death old thought system of doubt and fear that disbelieving God breads. “Also put these off”
Just as the body is dead without the spirit, the body cannot live without the embodiment of principles of a spirit. In this way we have the mind of Christ. That is if we understand that Gods true self is an invisible embodiment. And we so are we if we can adapt. The physical body will follow. As John said “we are righteous even as He is righteous”. And “as He is so are we in the not as he was. The declaration makes it so if you are able to receive it.
In Romans 6 Paul talks of how “we are buried with Christ through baptism so that we too can walk in newness of life “. Yes in newness of life in resurrection power. Just as Paul prayed for us to know “the great power that is in us is the same power that He used to raise Christ from the dead”. We just need to know how to use it. It is His Spirit in us that gives us life now if we can receive it. This is why Paul said “I strive to attain to the resurrection ” who also said of those of the law “strove day and night hoping to attain. So we do. This should be our goal too. If we can see that it is an embodiment of principles and not a new physical body this is attainable. And it is or the word would not have put on flesh to prove it to us. Did He not say “I am the resurrection and the life” while He Co habit ed with humanity?
Just as any nationality or religion contains laws and principals, and that anybody that holds to those partakes of that political or religious body by beleiving them and claiming association with them to be one with them? In the same way we partake of the body of Christ. He is the word of God, and as we learn and are renewed in this way we become the word that transforms.
Another physical Christ is an illusion of the religious mind that distains the physicality that God made and said “it is good very good”. It is the csrnal mind thst is enmity against God in this way.
So when we take communion, we partake of His body and collectively announce newness of life. When we research writings of Christ, it is to put on Christ, to recieve Word, the very body He truly is of being “the Word of God”. We see Him as He is invisible and cloth ourselves in this. This is how we are “in Christ ” in His embodiment of principles. Our current physicality is perfectly capable to do so and we fulfill the verse that says “as He is, so are we in this world.
So like we’ve said. When Adam fell there were no broken bones or skinned knees. There was no lightnings or thunderstorms or cataclysmic events. He fell in spirit. In understanding, in doctrine and principals. This is the restoration the redemption the renewal and the resurrection.
Jesus Christ having come to earth had a specific task to accomplish before He returned to the Father, and having completed that task He knew His departure was “At hand”.
His report to the Father? “I have glorified you on the earth, I have finished the work you have given Me to do”. And the work in question in this scripture is “I have manifest Your name to those whom you have given me out of the world and they have kept it. They were Yours, You gave them to Me and they have kept Your Word” And “I have given them the words which You had given Me (to give to them) and they have received them and have known surely (truly without question or addendum) that Jesus came from the Father and was to return, His mission was accomplished.
For you see Christ, after the departure of Judas, no longer called them servants but friends “for a servant does not know what his Master is doing, but I tell you plainly about the father”. Then says “I have come forth from the Father and have come into the world and again I leave the world and go to the Father”. It was as if time froze and all the energy of Jesus Christ spotlighted that phrase for all eternity, for that was primary in the work the Father gave Him.
And it was so much so much so in fact that He made the disciples repeat what they heard, as he does also with us. Jesus then reports to the Father “They have kept your word”. Jesus came forth from the Father and returned to the Father” And the message kept?I came forth from the Father into the world. Again I leave the world and go to the Father. And you see Me again no more.” At least not in the flesh. John 16.28+28
If this then is central to the message the Father gave the son to give to us for it to be repeated by the disciples, then shouldn’t it be central to the teachings of Christ today? He came to sow seed in the hearts of the disciples and He knew it took root when His words came out of their mouths, otherwise He could not have said to the Father “I have given them Your word and they know truly I have come from you” who also said “You will see me no more because I go to the Father”.
This epic and paramount message that was delivered was that Christ had come forth from the Father and that He was returning and no where, I mean no where in all this discourse where He speaks plainly of Father, does He ever mention anything about a second coming or another work. Yet today in Christianity for many, that is the focus. But Jesus Christ told the Father “they have kept Your word” and the disciples having repeated that, Jesus said to them “Do you now believe?” as if to punctuate for us this important truth, then to further state to the Father “I have given them Your word and they have kept it” is a double stamp for us too. This is what He wants us to keep as well. And if Jesus did not finish the work the Father gave Him, He would have to come back a second time and none of what He said is true or reliable. His work in fact would not be finished and the cross would be a hoax.
You see it was the prophets who spoke of a coming one of which Jesus accomplished the word saying “all the law and the prophets were until John the baptist, now being fulfilled in Christ, Him having accomplished and finished the work saying “now the Kingdom is preached and all are pressing their way in” as if to indicate a stampede but today? They are waiting for a kingdom and they call it a second coming. What a disgrace. No stampede into the Kingdom, the doors are closed. A sign on the door “We are closed for remodeling and will re-open at the grand second coming. Bring your lawn chairs, popcorn, and palm branches for the coronation of the king who is coming later. Hosanna blessed will he be on that day.
With this mindset “The Kingdom of God at hand” has no relevance for it in fact would be not “at hand” but some time in the future and we would all be left alone in our sins, but that’s not the case. That’s not the gospel.
John the baptist specifically sent and asked Christ “Are you the coming one or do we seek another?” Jesus did not send word to John of a second coming, No problem I’ll get you on the rebound. Or; Go tell John I will come back in another couple thousand years to finish My work? This is not found once in scripture, neither is “the second coming”. But rather “go tell John what you see and hear”. Does this offend you?
Jesus could not say of these people, the second coming seekers “Father they have kept your word” those who keep My Word the Father will love and We will come to them and make our home in them” if they do not receive Jesus Christ in His natural, preincarnate self of being “The Word of God. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever”. Amen!
This can not be said to the second coming seekers because they believe the kingdom must come, and that Christ has more work to do and their heart is covered over with a thick delusion. But Jesus Christ is seated with the Father waiting for His enemies to become His footstool” waiting for His work to be played out, but “Today is the day of salvation” But they do not believe the testimony God gave the Son, then the Son gave the disciples, then the disciples repeated it back to Christ and He delivered word to the Father. “It is finished” unless finished means something else.
Jesus shows us His end times scenerio.
In John chapter 13 Christ showed the disciples in parable form the same thing. Christ stood up and took off his garments then He put on a clean towel. He then proceeded to wash the feet of the disciples with the clean towel till they were all clean, except Judas of course.
We can understand from Moses the importance of clean feet with what sandals mean, because when Moses was on Sinai he was instructed to “take off thy sandals for where you stand is Holy ground”. This was the first place Moses came in contact with the eternal and his sandals were the insulators between the created and the eternal. And the same for the disciples, they were coming into contact with the invisible and eternal Son of God that was washing their feet. We can understand in parable form that it is us that are washed by the water of the word.
Christ then said “what I am doing youdo not understand now,but you will know after this.” And hopefully you are able to understand this as well so you can advance further into His Kingdom.
So when Christ had washed their feet, He took off the towel, meaning His humanity, He then put on His original garments, meaning His Glory, then sat back down like in the beginning before creation. This was all done in picture form, for us to understand the invisible reality it portrayed. Then He said to them, “Do youknow what I have done to you?
The answer is that, He showed them in parable form “for without a parable spake he not to the people”, His escatology, that He took off His Heavenly attire, put on earthly flesh as referred to by the towel, washed their feet to sanctify them so that He could tell the Father “I have finished the work you have given Me to do, I have given those you have given Me your word and they have kept it. Then to return to His Eternal composition, having finished His work in the realm of temporal flesh. He now instructs us to “follow Me so that where I am you may be also”. Meaning to the Father. And you can only follow the Word of God if you become His word to. We follow Him by becoming Him and He is Word. This our transformation and transfiguration. But you must remember “In the beginning was the Word, the word became flesh. That we in the beginning were flesh and put on word. This is us putting on Christ the Word of God, one word at a time until we are like Him who was WORD!
He left us an example and We just showed you how to do it. You have to do it the way He did it with word, God’s word. We believe therefore we speak. Then the thing that we said becomes the thing that is, like when the Father said “let there be light and it was so”. When we hear the word of God we receive it into our hearts, we ponder what He said until we can understand and repeat it as if to own it as “joint heirs with Christ, in Christ. Then the things that we say that we learned from the word, becomes true for us as well, the moment we accomplish this process. The Heavenly Father hears our “profession” and being pleased that what He says to us reverberates back to Him and He us happy. Why? Because He knows that we got it. It is real for us. From that moment on we never need to repeat it again. We move on the the next revelation to complete the same possess.
In the beginning was the word, the word was with God, and the Word was God”. You too must become Word to follow Him back to the Father, like we just showed you. In this way we are “a chip off the old block”.
We hope you now know the mission of Christ was to retrieve His elect by washing them from the obstacles of this age for receiving His word and the regeneration of the spirit, to wash each other’s walk, follow Him and take their rightful seat at His own right hand. Can you see this? Can you receive this? Can you repeat this?
Paul finally did in Ephesians 2 saying that He “raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus”.
Didn’t Yeshua say “follow Me that where I am you may be also? Well this is how you do it.
So those who heard and kept the word “I have come forth from the Father and come into the world, now I leave the world and go back to the Father”? Follow Him! He is “the way, the truth and the life”. He said “no one comes to the Father except through Me”. Meaning through word. His word in us, spoken as if we own it, because we do. We are joint heir’s of the things of the Father that He spoke on our behalf, for us to repeat it, for it to become our new reality. This is why Paul said “old things pass away, all things become new”. Not new in the sense of having never been before, but new in the sense that it never fades or gets old. It is always in it’s illustrious form of Heavenly Glory that never fades. It is new in this way.
If you truly understand this and do this, you will know Him and there is no need for another Jesus to explain or perform anything. Salvation start to finish is summed up in this way. This is the Christ, why do you seek another?
This is our testimony of our new life that “The Kingdom of God is at hand.”