Woe to the inhabitants of the world

Posted on October 1, 2018 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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Revelation, woe to the inhabitants of the Earth for Satan’s coming down having great Wrath”. But it is us who heard the call to “come out of her my people lest you partake in her sins and receive of her judgments”. It is those who cloth themselves with the safety nets of this age who are under judgment, but there are those of us who dwell in the Heavens by clothing ourselves in the invisible things that God has said, which seats us with Him eternal in the Heavens.

We are those who take possession of the things God has given us. “It is the Fathers good pleasure to give us the Kingdom, so we take ownership of “the things God has freely given to us”. “For the Kingdom is preached and the violent take it by force”. Not being forceful to God but taking Him at His word. We press into Him and resist all others. This is what pleases God. Our participation in the invisible is our Stock in the eternal. While we look not to the things that are seen but to those which are invisible. 

The god of this age comes and he has no part in us. Whose working is according to satan. We “overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony” of the things God has taught us . How far away is heaven? A twinkling of the eye. We are those who are in heaven and whose names are written in the Book of Life. We have become  “pillars in the House of our God”.

We have dual citizenship in that we not only dwell in heaven, but also dwell on Earth. However the events on earth have no hold over us. We were once children of Wrath  but now we are no more.That which is flesh is flesh, that which is spirit is spirit. You must be born again. And we were. We are a new composition of spirit and truth.

 Scripture says this about Christ, as He is so are we in this world. As He is, not meaning as he was when he was in the flesh, but as He is in Heaven so are we on Earth. He has assumed his role in heaven from where he began. And there He sits and awaited the elects arrival one by one each in their own order. (1 Corinthians 15)

Some of us have clamored up the things of “has God has really said” and sat down with Him. We ceased from our own works as God did from His. His words are true, reliable and trustworthy. This is our testimony. His word did not return to Him void. It accomplished all His desire and brought us with it. We are reconciled to the Father in this way. 

This is why Hebrews refers to those who are in Heavenly Jerusalem and Mount Zion called the spirits of just men made perfect. We are just people, but we are perfected in the Spirit of our mind to wholey interact with God in Spirit and truth because the Father seeks such. (John 4)

When scripture says woe to the inhabitants of the Earth for Satan is coming down to you having great Wrath. We are not subject to that. We have passed from Death To Life. Satan is coming down having great wrath to the children of wrath of the Earth because they have rejected this Heavenly calling.

 The Old Testament talks of how Moses would go in and out of the Tabernacle speaking to God. But then it makes specific mention of Joshua who never departed from the Tabernacle (Exodus 33.11). It was Joshua who was always in the Tabernacle with God where ever he went because God was always Tabernacling in Him. Even as it says in John one of Christ rendered correctly From from the Greek that “Christ became flesh and tabernacles among us”. He is here even now, inside our very selves. He is the “lo I am with you always, even throughout the ages”. As He said “I will never leave you or forsake you”.

 The Book of Revelation refers to those who overcame, that became pillars in the house of our God. Who is he who overcomes the world? He who believes Christ came in the flesh” and need not do so again. And so we are. We are pillars because we uphold the principles and truths and realities that make up the ubiquitous invisible Living God in whom Tabernacles in US.

He who says “I will never leave you or forsake you” need not appear in a way that’s common to human senses for it to be true or not. Romans says “He is the God gives life to the dead and calls the things that are not as though they are, because they are for us. As Christ is so are we in this world? This is our concurring reality. We see Satan’s Works around us, but it is not directed at us nor does it have any effect on us according to what God has promised. Psalm 91 

Scripture instructs us the elect to not be concerned about what we shall eat or what we shall wear for even the Lilies of the field are arrayed with much more Glory than Solomon himself and how much more value are We than he. We are instructed not to be concerned about food, for he has given us the bread of eternal life. And he is also promised that not a hair of our head shall be hurt.


The Lamb is the only Savior

Posted on October 1, 2018 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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 When John the Baptist announced “here comes the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” he was announcing the successor to all the law and the prophets.

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The ruler of this world has been judged part 1

Posted on October 1, 2018 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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The ruler of this world has been judged. (John 16.11)

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*We are Complete in Him part 1

Posted on July 27, 2018 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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“We are complete in Him who is head over all powers and principalities”. There is nothing else, and no one else who completes us. You can fortify yourself against the objects of  your fears, but they are still there. There is only one true consolation. The fear of dying is the ultimate enemy. Fear is the poison that kills spiritual growth. Death is not so much a one time event of being dead, but a life driven by fear, that causes one to be dead to the provisions from God Almighty, gifted to us by His promises in His Son, to be truly free from all fears because “he who fears has not been made perfect in love because fear involves torment”. That’s the fruit given to those who reject Gods covenental provisions. So they turn to the world for their comfort and forget the One who is in control.

We see the effects of fear in the parable of the unjust steward who collected funds from his employers accounts to protect himself against joblessness homelessness and fortify his retirement. He said “I have resolved what to do, that when I am put out of my stewardship, they (my old customers) may receive me into their houses”. He was afraid to be without so He created a back-up plan, a retirement plan. This is the product of self-consciousness of those who do not know the gospel. We see a brick wall and we don’t know what is on the other side so we protect ourselves against this fear of unknown. “He who seeks to save his life will lose it, and those who lose their life for Christ sake will (have it) saved”. This is what we are talking about. When you run to the end of your abilities, your life is expired. But in truth, we can never deplete the resources of the almighty God who said “let there be light” and immediate it appeared out of nothing without resistance.

There are many who pursue to save the earth and are ignorant of Him who can recreate it with the same simple words. They spend their time and their estimation doing what they think is good when the good that they do is ignorance of him who did it all, who is the one who controls it all even now. Even in spite of all the “pollution” you deem to be bad. Those are presentations that have people “serving the creation over the creator” who will be damned for doing so because they reject God as inferior. He would not have rested the seventh day if you could alter, change or otherwise modify His word of “It is good, very good”.


Romans 1 says of these people 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creation rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. Creation serves the creator just fine even now by mirroring to humans the conditions of their hearts. Creation cannot fall or be redeemed. It can only mirror back to humanity their own condition. And because man was made on the seventh day, you can see humanity as the recipient.

“If you understand Gods never ending love, and his inexhaustible resources, you can relax your grip on this age and fall into the hands of the almighty God who eagerly awaits you to do so. God said “I will never leave you or forsake you”. But some just cannot have solace in that. So they depart to look for another, or others, plural. This is spiritual adultery that causes blindness. How? because they cannot see Him who is “at hand”.

So speaking of the wise steward “For the sons of this age are more shrewd in their generation than the sons of light.“And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by unrighteous[d]mammon, that when[e]you fail, you may be receive you into everlasting habitations?” Nope! That is something money cannot buy.

Fear is the abscence of faith. Your faith has trade in value. But you must let go of your fears to recieve the exchange. If you truly trust God, you don’t need a dependance on back-up plans. And today everything as a warentees available to buy. However “you cannot serve God and Mammon. For it is God who said “I will never leave you or forsake you” need not come back in the flesh a second time as a man to fulfill His Word to us. That promise is retroactive as the first one to receive in the faith.

We are complete in Him, if you can receive it. The price was paid at the cross to reverse the curse and undo the fear based mind that started with Adam who said to God “I heard your voice and was afraid”. God knew this would happen. Adam tried to complete himself with a fig leaf, and people today are covering themselves with all kinds of promises and provision from contracts and authorization of writs, promising everything but eternal life. And the words of job was, Naked I came naked I go, blessed be the name of the Almighty God” was his confession of faith.

The truth is God sees through all of our fig leaves, coverages and coverings anyway. For the word of the Creator is sharp and Powerful sharper than any two-edged sword dividing even bone and Marrow joints and ligaments it is a discerner of the thoughts of the intent of the heart. And there is nothing hidden from the eyes of Him with whom we must give an account. Hebrews 4:12.

You cannot be afraid and trusting God at the same time. Consider the old women who donated her two mites, or in our culture her last pennies. That was all she physically had, but for us the elect? She truly trusted in God and was spoken of for our guidepost. Not that God is asking us to live without money, but not to put too much trust in the uncertainty of riches. Our trust being in His word who said to us the Elect “ask anything in My name and I will do it”. Was not telling us how to bully, but just that since God owns everything, and that “He has given us everything that pertains to life and godliness through knowing Him who has called us to glory by virtue”. And virtue being a description of our invisible part. He is let us know here what our new composition truly is.

The day we have the most money, and the day we have none should be equally joyous. Like the Widow with the two mites, she knew that the greatest joy comes NOT from without but from within. Just as it said it’s in the book of James That every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of Lights in whom there is no variableness nor shadow of turning.

Christ “has delivered us “who all our lifetimes had been subject to the fear of death”. We fear no more. And this fear of death is not a one-time dying but the continual dying and losing of self and the things we seem important. Do not be deceived we will all lose this body we eroniously call ourself and all its physical attachments. Every promise and provision from the god of this age will fail. You cannot stay here. You will lose that self by degree one death at a time. Or you will grow in the Spirit by degree one revelation at a time until “you are complete in Him who is above all pricipalites and powers. And it is Gods word that is our food for our transformation. That we may be participators of the things the God. It is the gods of this age that competes with the things of “hath God really said?” For our intellect to challenge. And if God said it, repeat it over and over until you get it. This is your struggle. It must become you.
Every time we come to this point in our inner dialogue where fear reminds us of our frailties, it is here that we can grab a hold of something Eternal by faith, or turn in fear and fortify the thing that’s dying. Everything that we do for health care and for retirement to fortify our position here are provisions for “the God of this age whocome to nothing”.
James says “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you!Your riches [a]are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire”. Who knows my friend if you will be around to spend your retirement. It may temporarily give you peace of mind, but that might be all you get. We are instructed to “store up things not on Earth where moth and rust in thieves steal, but the store up our Treasures in heaven”.
For the Elect? “We have a more enduring inheritance in heaven”. And “Those who love the world, the love of the father is not in them. When we put on the things that God has given us, we see in His Son, in ourselves and are completes in doing so.
So when the scriptures say that “Christ came to deliver us from the subjection of the fear death? We put this promise on “the loins of our mind”. This is how we appropriate Gods promises, one at a time untill we are complete and the threats no longer cause any fear. At that moment of fear, we step on that fear and replace it with a word of faith. We reiterate the promise that “we have a more enduring inheritance in heaven.”
If this more enduring inheritance was only something to be experienced later, then it wouldnt be enduring but time bound and be harder to hold out for later. But because Christ suffered at the cross for us, having taken away all the criticisms and condemnations aimed at us from the law, he shows for us here that because the payment is rendered in full, the gift is activated. Gods Word has no time lapses in coverages. For this very reason not only does the fullness of the godhead body dwell in him, but we are complete in him who is the head over all principality and power. Meaning we are not waiting for something to come later. We are not exchanging one physical element for another physical. No these things are sewn corruptible raised Incorruptible in the spirit of our mind, which is the place of our new existence. “That which is flesh is flesh, that which is spirit is spirit. You must be born again. This is how that happens.
And as we’ve spoken many times before that the heavens that are carnally known as being filled with stars and galaxies, is not as large as the expanse of our mind which grows bigger and bigger by the expansion of the Holy Spirit. And even as a catapillar cannot understand the life and flight of a butterfly, so too those who are driven by fear and controlled by fear and fortify themselves from that fear, cannot know or understand the life in flight of those who were born of the spirit.
Christ said “Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” Such are we. We are not fortified here of the promises of the God of this age for the supplements of this age, oh no. Every time they reveal a fear, we offer up to God his Son, the only sacrifice that is acceptable to The Father. His son is Word. He was the word broken down fore the promises of God in Scripture to find root in the linings of your heart and soul.
When the fears come, you offered that promise to God showing you are the offspring of God. In this way we are shown to follow the spirit of God and confirm our identity as belonging to Him. He came “to deliver those who are all their lifetime subject to the fear” and “the fear of death, we no longer fear those things. We no longer spend our time fortifying our self against the inevitability that we will lose our external self. Even now we participate in the richness of our inheritance of the things of God which empowers us.
So if we lose ourselves in Christ, we gain everything Eternal. For what profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his soul? Nothing
It is those who have gained everything of this age that have nothing in the other. It is those of us who have no realiance in this age that have everything in the other age now. And it is us as well who can enjoy what we experience here without using jealousies and fears. Just as Christ was seen by some as a peasant on a donkey riding up to Jerusalem. He was filled with the fullness of the Godhead.
It is we who are walking incognito, who have Gods things that “the glory and the essence (we participate in) may be of God and not of ourselves”. Even as scripture instructs “since you have put off the old man with his deeds, 10 and have put on the new man who is renewed in (and by way of) knowledge according to (being just like) the image of Him who created him, 11 where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised” (or other visible distinctions. We are renewed in knowledge to be just like Christ in our understanding.  Don’t let the peasant fool you.
We have traded physical things for invisible things and only those of us who are Spirit born again can master this. For those who are looking for a physical mastery? It doesn’t happen. So many would say to us as well, who are you? And our answer to that is, not the man. Not what you’re looking at. These things are hidden from your site. Go on and sleep, the time is near.

Even now, The Kingdom of God is at hand, is a promise retroactive to the time before time because of “the Lamb slain from the foundations of the world”. Check your status.


The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2

Posted on June 28, 2018 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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 The Truth, Patterns and ImpersonatorsRead More


The Son articulates the Father

Posted on June 24, 2018 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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*The Beast Part 1

Posted on May 2, 2018 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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    The Beast Part 1

In the very beginning of creation God made contrasts, light from dark, wet from dry, Heavenly verses earthly. You get the picture.

In the Book of Genesis it says, “The spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters looking for a reflection.” The face of the deep being murky and dark as a contrast to the calmness and transparency of the Holy Spirit. The Holy “Spirit hovered over the face of the waters” to see a resemblance, but the deep and the dark portrayed something sinister and diabolical.

We see these contrasts more fully developed in the Book ofThe Revelation of Christ, where a Beast rises up out of the waters. The murky deep delivered a distorted reflection of the things of God because it saught to imitate Him by counterfeiting a godlikeness for usurping power for glorifying himself and His cohorts.

The Beast, explained in short, is the contrast of God, a polar opposite. The deep and the dark saw something from the above and made a dim, ugly, reflection of it because that’s the best it can do.

John 1 “The light shines into darkness, but the darkness does not comprehend it.” In its’ disturbance darkness sought to imitate what it could not comprehend. That which is holy, just, pure, Noble and good, appears ugly, scary, freaky and strange. This is the reflection of the deep and dark. This is the best portrayal the troubled waters could muster up. We call it “The dillusion with all lying signs and wonders if possible to decieve the Elect” we are warned of in scripture.

These troubled waters could not engineer something so holy, pure, noble and good. What the muddy waters presented to humanity, became a competition. Not that it could compete against all that is good, except in the fallen, unrepentant, darkened mind, the place of deception, the only place the murky thrives.  “All things are open and exposed in the eyes with whom we have to do” so we can make perfect sense of the distortions.

How is it the beast comes from nothing in the dark and gets its’ power to exist, to manifest itself?  That is simple,through people’s fear. Our first father feared when he trusted someone other than God. God called out and said, “Adam where are you?” And his reply? “I heard your voice and was afraid.” Fear is seen as a wince on the forehead. That was the sign of Adams departure.

In this way Adam gave his crown and soul, his dominion, his decision making processes and personal power to another. He forfeited his crown and the gift of being made in the image of God. Bowing in fear he empowered the author of that fear, Satan, to control him. The power that was resident in Adam to become like God, having dominion and rule, was inverted and he became a slave. He was given dominion over all the earth, but now works the earth with a curse that yields thorns instead of lushious fruit of the Spirit.This was his demise.

We call this the fall because it is an inversion. Imagine a parrot on a perch becoming sleepy and slips with his grip, not falling but flipping upside down still holding on to the rod. What he now sees is completely upside down. So are those who are hypnotized by trusting what they hear and see with their carnal agencies.

This is the need to be born again from above. To get a do over. The darkened gravitation pull that causes the inversion must be neutralized by trusting the other voice inside. The still small voice. Discard the murky for the calm. Trade in your fear protected by the illusion you created, for trust in the living, loving, waiting spirit of God, to pull you back up. We call this “The Resurrection”. Jesus Christ who took our death to the cross, then put it in a cave presumably to decay. Then to remove the grave cloths, then roll the stone away. He walked away unscathed.

He is the only one qualified to do so. Check and see. All other holy men presented to mankind today, are still in their graves. They died hoping for a resurrection they assumed was a new human body. But the resurrection is simply a new way of thinking, being fortified by scripture by learning from God’s holy writ. By being transformed by the renewal of the mind, we get our do over.

And because God said of Adam and Eve before their fall, or inversion, that they were “Good, very good”. And because the inversion that made them immediately bad has been reversed, fear being neutralized by faith, we pick up where Adam and Eve left off of being “good very good”. So now we become more godly and good while we experience this life on earth.

Because of this, creation responds differently. The curse God explained to Adam of serving creation in toil and sweat yeilding thorns and thistles, is also inverted. We see our new identity of life in the spirit as being extremely fruitful. Think of the twelve spies who went into the land of promise, bringing back grapes the size of grapefruits. They however disbelieved the testimony and retained their little apartments of fear. Stop. Remove from here back for a new related post.

He lost his faith and trust in the Living God and gave his power to another by fearing that other. The murky, freaky and strange found a soul to roost in. To see what Adam saw, and hear what he heard, but made it Scarry instead of warm and inviting.

The gospel message was given to, “release those who all their lifetime were subject to the fear of death and subject to bondage.” Hebrews 2.15

Butin the beginning there was really nothing in the darkness to be afraid of but fear itself. The unknown; the concept that God might be wrong was entertained and Adam began to unravel. Fear started the downward spiral of anti-faith of the fall that has no bottom.

Fear is an expanse in the spirit. The only expanse that God did not create but Adam did. He harboured a spot in Himself to keep God out and the darkness found a home as evidenced by the disturbance Adam felt.

If Adam fell in a carnal way, his broken bones could be mended and his cuts could heal. But he fell in the spirit of his mind, the place that entertains the deep and where the saving must take place.

Creation continues to serve mankind by responding to their internal promptings. That is why scripture says in Titus, that “To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled.” This pretty much describes the expanse that Adam built in his mind, where he empowered his nemesis. This have all those of the lineage of Adam, and the need to be born again and become of the liniage of the new man we call Christ.

Yes we do have creative powers and this is why Satan fills people’s heads with his distortions. And because Satan cannot create, he can only distort. He relies on humans to empowered his distortions. You see if people do not disbelieve God, satans plans would not come into fruition, but humanity is doing that and he gets the credit. You see Satan and his minions have no bodies of their own to carry this out, and why they need bodies to work through to carry out their plan. That is why him, and those who knowingly cooperate with him in his hostile takeover, recieve the harsher and stricter judgment. Eternal unquenchable fire.

Mark this word: their plan will not come into full fruition, for the creation serves the Creator, not them. They are the murky deep distortion designated to help separate the wheat from the tares.

There is however a Savior for this. We turn from dark to light, from murky, troubled waters to the pure, calm and un-turbulent by an act of faith, which is our unseen response to the invisible God, now being bone of His bone, flesh if His flesh if glorious Spirit and Truth.

Just as simple and immediate as the fall was with Adam and Eve, so is the cure. It is called our confession of faith, the contrast of fear. In that day you believe and confess you shall live. This is our Vortex to the Father.  (Romans 10 5-11)

When Adam turned from God, he did not get the next best thing,  he got the exact opposite. Death. “In the day that you eat you shall surely die”. His spiritual separation from God was his immediate death to the things of God.  His body remained in parabolic form for instructive purposes only in hopes that he would come to his (spiritual) senses, of things we are showing you here.

Adams death to the invisible things of God was carried out the day he ate from the (proverbial) tree.  His departed from Eden was to keep his new disease and new disposition of fear from infecting things there.

Fear therefore is the enemy of God and man because that is the point and the epicenter of our split, or spiritual divorce of being spiritually adulterated, tainted and unclean.

Mankind was made to choose between contrasts like light and dark, good and bad, pure and murky. And so this is a contrast for us to exercise our reasoning factors like God has, by choosing God and His associations, we exercise our choice to become godly through the resurrection of mind, where the fall took place. (Genesis 3) By neglecting this, mankind continues to spiral to a place that has no bottom called Hell, which is the total absence of God. They become more and more savage. This is in contrast to the Resurrection and Ascention of believers.

You can be standing next to people in Heaven and Hell at the same time because it is a location in the spirit. This is why those who are re-spirited by faith, associate with God for fruits of the Holy Spirit, the true garden of God. This place is locked from whoever lives or loves a lie.

To not choose God is to be asleep to the invisible things of God and neglect our duty to transform in the Here and Now. 2 Cor 3.18. Paul also pleaded with us through the gospel saying “be ye reconciled to the Father, as a task that is ours. He made him who knew no sin, to become sin” for our safe return. By which we arrive by faith to where God said of His creation, that “it is good, very good”. The curse was nailed to the cross. That is where we exchange our curse for the blessing. But each person must represent themselves at the cross, for the exchange to take place to grow in godliness. These are the Redeemed, and those who pick up where Adam was derailed.

The Dillusion

The term Beast is clearly understood as being the antithesis of God. God did not make this. That is why it is called a beast and not a creation. Their perception of heavenly things, they assemble in a physical way. They steal the concepts of God and call them their own. We call this blasphemy. To repurpose God’s things and call them your own. The collection of these things is “the delusion,with all lying signs and wonders if possible, to deceive the elect. This is the ultimate blasphemy.

Instead of design, it is chaos, instead of life it’s death. It is this Beast that rises out of the deep and presents something to humanity in competition with God, however; it is the contrast. You see that it has a mouth of a lamb, but it’s works are of a lion. Among its tools are murder, theft, apartheid, apostasy and imposters.

It is the inhabitants of the Earth being fearful of this Beast who through ignorance and separation from God, being unaware of their spiritual capacity and their ability to transform through faith, they reject and empower the deep and dark to take on its’ form. Through their ignorance they become implicit in this blasphemy, and will receive the same treatment as all others who have gone before them.

Fear is the motivating factor of those who are carnally minded, because that is what their first father Adam did. By default it is passed on to humanity as a motivating source in the absence of faith in God. Because, “he who fears has not been made perfect in love because fear involves torment.” Fear was the proof that Adam was unraveling.

The book of Isaiah, in chapter 8, describes an aggressor that would, “fill the land of Emmanuel.” By impersonating God with replicas, it consumes those with carnal notions of God, and they remain blind to the one who wisks about them.

This enemy would cause great, great destruction and great fear to fill everything that was good and godly. This is the maturation of the murky reflection of the perverted  likeness of God of things made on the Earth.

This is pertinent today for us the elect to understand our calling. The Lord told Isaiah of these people, “Do not walk in the way of this people saying”conspiracy”. Do not be afraid with their fears and do not be dismayed by their threats and at what they see, for they will look at the Earth and see great Darkness and be afraid.” Showing here the mindset of those who have fallen. They run from one fear after the other.

This is what the End Time Gospel presents. It feasts off the non-stop distortions of truth with new end times theories that scatter the sheep of God by confusion. Who is the author of that? Satan. Woe to them.

These people present new fears to adorn and glorify the “fear of all fears.” The end of the world. End times prophecies.” All the prophets were till John the Baptist, Stop! Now the Kingdom is preached and all are entering. But end times seakers speak of another coming kingdom with a future crowned king. He who, “is the same yesterday, today and forever “was “born king” and needs no inauguration on planet earth to implement that Eternal reality. More blasphemy.

Even as Christ said to Herod at His inquisition, you have rightly said that I am King. But my Kingdom is not from here or else I would fight.

So what is God’s exhortation and advice to us about the end times mindset? Again from Isaiah chapter 8, “Let Me be your dread, let Me be your fear. Do not fear those things.” We do not fear those things primarily because it is the very fear that gives life to the beast. The fearful feed it, and empower it, not God.

Faith is the antidote to that enemy. Faith is the vaccination to squelch all fears. God is light and in Him is no Darkness at all. If we are in Christ, we are in this light where there is no dark. It is like waking up from a bad dream to understand that which disturbed us.  Fear is really nothing. God did not empower this, but He knew that mankind would. So God made a containment for this. They shall be burned with all the elements of creation. (2 Peter 3.10+)

That is why this Beast exists. People give it power by glorifying it. God’s promises and provisions are more real than they. Why? Because He who said, “Let there be light, and there was light,” said so. Now it’s your choice.

It is man that was made to be good, holy and godly but man has  become frittered and fearful.  They see the the boogeyman behind every shadowy image presented by the false prophet of today called the media.

The Book of Revelation also talks about, “those who say they are Jews but are not. They are of the synagogue of Satan.” Why is that? I mean, how could the Jews, God’s people, have someone parallel them that is of the synagogue of Satan? It is really quite simple when you understand that all the law and the prophets were fulfilled by Christ. That none of the prophets of the Old Testament have anything forward speaking to us today. (Hebrews 1.1-3)  But those who take scriptures out of context from being fulfilled, take them off the shelf of their expiration, breathing new life into them, repackaging them, which induces carnal fear. They present a distortion called Jerusalem today,  stealing the things of God for the,”delusion if possible to deceive the elect. (2 Thes 2).

Much like the golden image in the days of Daniel, they must fear the image or be thrown into the fire. So they bow. For those who don’t? They are seen dancing in the fire with another “whose appearance is like the Son of God”.

This is how the bottomless pit gets opened. God didn’t open it. Their fear empowers it. The enemies, whom Christ defeated at the cross, are empowered once again in the same way. Through fear, ignorance and faithlessness, men become cowards, so they cower to something that is not God. Satan is their new god.

You see the true Jews know that their land is with the Messiah, not the other way around.They don’t look for, and work for, the land in  hopes of their  messiah’s return. “They look to the city whose builder and maker is God.” (Hebrews 11) “Whose composition and design comes down from above and not of earth. Not of hewn stone for that is defiled.” Exodus 20.25

The Orthodox Jew knows this. It is the Zionist Jew who controls others by fear and secrecy, who have stolen the things of God and called them their own. They have stolen names from God and reassembled them in a way that fits them. That is why it is a beast and not a god. It is of their creating, not God’s.

Very much like some tribesman on a desolate island, who puts together branches and wrap them with straw and leaves, packed with mud to make a figure of an airplane, then taking this figure presenting it as god to the rest of the tribe to drive them by fear because they think seeing these things fly in the air, then trick people into serving them because these people think that is what they saw flying in the sky. But, that concoction is a beast, a murky distortion of a true airplane.

That is what today’s Jerusalem is. It is in competition with “that which comes down of God from heaven” whose composition is “accordingto the measure of a man, that is, of an angel.” (Revelation 21) Of us who are “living stones built up a habitation of God in the spirit,”  “Having been built on the foundations of the apostles and prophets with Jesus Christ the cornerstone.” 1 Peter 2.5, Eph 2.19

You see,the King of Kings and the Lord of lords has never relinquished His power. He who set the course for the stars, and set the boundaries for the waves, has set limits to what this thing can do. These lies from the murky deep can only persuade the murky deep and  darkened heart driven by fear with such a monsterous concoction.Woe to them.

But we know Him who said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” And, “Lo, I am with you, even to the ends of the ages.” And, “What shall separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus? Neither height, nor depth, nor powers, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come shall separate us from the love of God that is in Christ. We are more than conquerors through all these things.” Amen


If you expect to see a fish or a boat you would look in the water. For a bird or an airplane you would look in the sky. For a dignitary coming to town you may look for a man in a parade. But for Christ you are looking for a man in the sky? How silly.He comes to us in the spirit of our minds.

Even now He says, 20 “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. 21 To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame andsat down with My Father on His throne.”

What more are you waiting for? A different Jesus? If anyone comes to you teaching another Christ, let them be accursed. So you decide. His kingdom at hand? Or the second coming Kingdom. God’s reality, or the strong delusion. The truth or the lie.The Kingdom of God is at hand in this way. This is the one-time, public offering that expires when you don’t need faith to believe.


The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy

Posted on May 1, 2018 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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Blasphemy and the Beast

The Lord said, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.”

His things are higher than our things. To equate the things of the immortal, eternal, invisible God with ours is to profane them. To take God’s things out of context of the holy and other worldly, and think of them as earthly  is to make them dirty and despicable.

The Heavens are humanly, immeasurably higher than silly planet earth. The Holy of Holy installed behind the veil out of everyone’s reach portrayed this.

In any society it is an egregious error to impersonate officers and dignitaries. To go forth in public and pretend to be somebody powerful, and assert that authority is a punishable crime.

It is blasphemy to impersonate aspects of God; it is the denial and rejection of God as if He were absent, then to take His place and assert His power as if it were their own. A pretender does this, a mimicker, a wannabe, a counterfeit and a thief.

To repackage the things of God with ungodly, worldly things, and use God’s names on them is blasphemy of the highest order. It is not forgiven in this age or the other age.When it is done in context of God’s Kingdom, it is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

There’s a great blasphemy taking place in our day. Someone has stolen the things of God and called them their own. They use them for their own gain. They take the names and concepts of God that are to define something holy and invisible, they neutralize them and put them on Earth. So, “We know those who say they are Jews and are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan.” Yes, Satan has put it in their hearts to re-package God in a different way. It is stolen for the kingdom of the fallen.

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*The only righteous act

Posted on February 17, 2018 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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The righteous Act was the right deed done to erase the wrong. What then is wrong deed, and what is the right deed that corrected the wrong? This is righteousness.

Romans 5 put it like this, that through the one man (Adam) sin entered creation and death spread to all of humanity. And that just has through one man’s act of sin, sin spread throughout Humanity. So too through one man’s righteous act life spreads to those who receive it , who recieve Christ. He is the gift of God by  being His right deed accredited to us on our behalf to undo the ill effects of the fall.

In this way we share in His life and are now exonerated from the death that was passed on to us by Adams wrongful act. We have a new nature with a new heritage. Our association is no longer in Adam but “in Christ”. This is why “all things are made new in Christ”. We are “a new creation in Christ” in this way.

Christ’s righteous singular act that He did was to undo the Adamic curse and to free would be believers from the death of being dead to the things of God. As God said to Adam “in the day you eat of it you shall die” and he did. So for us in the day we partake of Christ we live. We are “in that day” the Day of our Lord.

All those born according to Adam are born dead to the things of God. They cannot see or hear Him who knocks on the door of their invisible  heart. An invisible God requires an invisible response of what we call Faith, which is our invisible imbecilic cord to the living God. These are the things that are intangible to the carnal senses of hearing sight sound and touch, but insurmountably more real to us the elect.

All those who receive Christ in His original construct being “The Word of God” of pre-incarnate spirit and truth, are born of a new creation having eyes to see and ears to hear of a different nature. These are God’s people, the elect and the true Israel of God the one on earth only mimicked, defined  in Galatians 6

15 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation. 16 And as many as walk according to this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, upon the Israel of God.” Such are we. We are that New Creation.

It is those who have this new nature that have a different understanding of the Israel of God. A heavenly one. 

Christ is able to save to the uttermost those who come to him. And just as Moses instructed the people to look at the snake on the pole to be saved, we look back to the cross to see our sin and our old enemy the devil hanging lifelessly there. The cross is the one single saving Act of God. Christ did this to produce true righteousness that is able to save equally those who look forward to the cross and us to look back to that saving savior.  It was “God who made him who knew no sin, to become sin, for us to be the righteousness of God in Him”. And so He did. “Therefore be ye reconciled to the father!” And so we are.


There is not going to be another saving act or another savior to supersede or add on to this rightly done deed finished at the Cross. Christ’s completed and fulfilled act.

Even as 2nd Peter says that all the Earth and all its Works shall be burned with fire so that true righteousness remains. True righteousness is now, but then it will be without competition.

You see the curse is not something imposed by God on mankind, but the result of mankind operating  contrary to their god-given nature of “having dominion over all the earth in cohesion with the living God”. It is that Creation responds negatively to fallen thinking.  This is the curse. They have  backwards, upside down thoughts. This is why the carnal mind is enmity against God and not subject to the invisible laws of God.

The things mankind was given power over then saying “go forth and have dominion”, now has power over them saying “by your sweat you shall work the Earth with a curse . They were created to live in fellowship and constant non-stop communion with the Creator and His creation,  but now they serve creation and remain ignorant of Him who said “lo I am with you through all the ages” and “Goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life”.

The curse is upside-down thinking.

You see God did not curse mankind. They violated the natural laws programmed into the creation by the Creator of “everything being good very good” and walking backwards,  much like going the wrong way down a one way street, being oppositional they experience the curse. This is what it means when the disciples were inquiring about the Tower of Siloam that fell on many people. He said “unless you repent (to turn and change your polarity from cursing to blessing) this will likewise happened to you, Showing the need for a polarity change from cursing to blessing to escape this pending self inflicted doom caused by a man and not God. And since it was caused by a man, only a man could undo the curse of pending doom called death.

This is why the pre-existant Son of God “became flesh and dwelled among us”. To jump start a new humanity of those “in Christ”. To supercede fallen humanity with those of the resurrection. For this reason we are offspring of the resurrection of spirit and truth, buried in baptism and raised in newness of life now. We are the elect.

The work of Christ performed the polarity shift, the blessing for cursing as signified by the crown of thorns, a dirrect reference to working the earth and yeilding thorns and thistles from the fall. Hence the need to repent. Turn the other way with right thinking.  To return to God in this way. That is what repent means.

Adam turned away from God.  And when he turned, he did not get the next best thing,  he got the exact opposite, and imposed that spiritual posture on humanity. To all those born of his kind having only carnal perceptions saying “seeing with their eyes they see not, and hearing with their ears they hear not.  But the elect of God have both sets of perceptions. We have a God consciousness.

We are not God, but having every thing that God has by being joint heirs of the gift of God in Christ now even in this age.

It was Adam who turned from a God consciousness to a self consciousness. He became afraid and detached from God in his thinking. He became empty first in his self conscious mind. Then he felt naked and guilty for the first time and wanted to hide the lonliness and emptiness. This is a great void in the mind and heart that many try to fill today with countless pleasures and addictions. These are also classified as idolatrous and adulterous toward God because that expanse was intended for His Holy Spirit but now filled with vain repetitions.

Those of us who hear the heavenly voice repent and turn the other way, to Faith in the Living God in the spirit of the Mind which is the place of mankind’s departure and the place of our return and resurrection.

The curse is gone, condemnation is gone, the devil is de-fanged. We accept God in the spirit of the mind and are made whole.

The law culture that was given was  to amplify mankinds nakedness and sin. It is this nakedness and sin that was nailed to the cross. We apply this with our thinking and behavior through the working of faith. In Colossians it says “ in whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: 12 buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead. 13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; 14 blotting out all the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took them all out of the way, nailing it to his cross; 15 having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.”

The laws we thought to bring righteousness showed us to be wrong and brought us to our reality of who we are without God, crippled and spiritually bereft. As Paul said”Oh wretched man that I am. Who shall deliver me from the law of sin and death? Who shall over ride my self infliction? He then answered himself on our behalf saying ” there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ who walk by the prompting  of the spirit and not the flesh.


Through the gift of righteousness of the one man who was the Word of God first, who became flesh, a man to undo the upside down thinking of those departing from God.


Christ secured our safe return by giving us the gospel of which you are now hearing. Sin no longer has dominion, or power over us. It cannot control us. It has no ill effects to us and creation for us is restored to that from the beginning which is “good, very good” if we can receive it by faith. Why? Because all the ill effects of mankinds stupid thinking is grounded out at the cross. “On him was laid the iniquity of us all”.

This is why we see The lamb of God in heaven is The center piece of the Throne room, not Budah, Muhammad or a second coming Jesus. There belongs glory to none other. Revelation 5.1-10

The lighting strike that was looking for us, landed on Him. And Christ did this willingly for you when you were enemies, to have life and life more abundantly. To share in His victory and the pleasures He enjoys today is our bounty and our abundance now.  Life more abundantly.

“God sent His Son into the world not to condemn it, but to save it. But He did not come to change the earth but our thinking because it was our thinking that fell. His act at the cross provided all the saving for all time for anyone willing to receive the free gift. He delt with satan, sin and death to longer associate with that. He is now seated waiting for us to join Him. And He has given us that victory through the conduit called the gospel.  We learned to appropriate it by faith for our own victory so that we don’t have to fight with Satan, sin and death anymore.


It is the gospel that is the power of God into salvation  and not a 2nd coming. (Romans 1.16)


The one saving act of the cross has no encore performance. No need to repeat or ensue anymore battles, but is secure for us in complete victory “waiting for His enemies to be defeated not by another work on His part, but by yours by adopting him and putting on his attributes as defined through the gospel and in this way we put on Christ the son of God the word of God. This is our responsibility and sum duty for our sojourners here.

This is true righteousness gifted to us who believe and the only true righteousness. As 1st John says “little children, we are righteous even as He is righteous” because He is the source of righteousness.  His one saving act of the cross. The lamb of God who takes away the sin of humanity to all who accept His righteousness.  His righteousness is now our righteousness.

Whenever lightning is aimed our way, we point to Him. He righted all the wrongs. Righteousness prevails.

The Kingdom of God is at hand even now.



Interphasing with God

Posted on February 9, 2018 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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 When we go through sufferings it is that point of pain were there is a rip and a tear in our soul because of loss. Christ in His discourse with the disciples,  said it is as if a seed must fall to the ground and die. If it does not die it remains alone, but if it dies it brings great joy. This Joy cannot be defined in human terms of sight touch or sound. But it is a blessedness. It is by this open wound that we interface with the Living God. He patches in with us there. He is the Band-Aid. He is the covering. It is at this point He connects with us in a new way. Something lossed, something gained. We gain something eternal that will never be taken. We don’t grow in physical stature but in the spirit. This is us as we partake of the sufferings of Christ. We become godly.
Just as we exercise the body and the rips and tares of exercise through the healing becomes stronger.
Hebrews 12 talks of the discipline of the Father is for us “to partake of His holiness”. Suffering does this too. His holiness is other worldly. It is as we interphase with God in this way we are experiencing something “other worldly”. Something eternal in the here and now that our carnal appetites cannot understand.
There are many who side skirt the sufferings and the pains in our lives only to have to repeat them. It is most unfortunate to go through something over and over and not know this lesson. In this way we become angry and short with God because in a way we want to be over God so we don’t have to do it. We want Him to do it, when in truth He is with us every step of the way.
We see in the Old Testament Christ pictured in the figure of Joseph clothed with the coat of many colors.
We see Christ before the cross with the guards who took his garments and cast lots for different pieces.. As Peter the Apostle said that all things shall be Tried by fire for the Eternal to remain. And Paul said if we judge ourselves we shall not be judged.
If you knew your economy was going to collapse, you would do everything that you could to transfer your riches into another currency. And this is the way it is with the things of God. This is why Christ said “the sons of this age are are more shrewd with their riches than the sons of Light”. We know not our proper estate of which we are joint heirs with Christ. However we hold on to things of old. We just don’t understand our full inheritance yet.
Paul had prayed that we would know this great power that is resident in each one of us believers that God showed when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him far above all powers and principalities. That resurrection power is in us too. We need to learn more fully how to use it.
Love is the new attribute 
 Love is the main attribute of God.  He who knows not love knows not God for God is love. It is those who have been trained in love who learned to love and share love  who paid the highest price. Those who love much help much  and are concerned about others.  These are they who experienced the greater grief  during the loss of a loved one these are they also that have the greater reward of knowing God more fully.
 Yes loving can be painful especially when we loose them.  The selfish love  is in pain for a loss of self  but a Godly love  is in pain for loss of another.  There is no greater pain than to loose somebody close to you which is why a lot of people would give themselves up for the preservation of another and in this way we can understand why God gave his Only Begotten Son. We would gladly give ourselves as the substitution for another.
God showed his love for us in this way that if Christ did not bare our thorns, being the curse from the Garden of Eden, then we could not bare his crown of Glory, this is the place of substantiation, or substitutes. He was our substitution to relieve us from grief of loss. Because of this, we have a re-unification on the other side, where all things will make perfect sense. All loose ends will be tied, and the puzzle pieces will fit.
“No greater love has a person than to lay down their lives for another”  but the grief and sorrow is because we are not really capable to do that and so we could see the suffering take place.  My little children let not this anger you and just as Christ told the disciples, it is for your benefit that (that you loose Me and) I go away, for if I do not go away I will not send you (a replacement) the comforter. The comforter will not come.  And so too for us  as we hold on to the tangible, the intangible remains unknowable or seems to be distant.  But He said “I will never leave you or forsake you” so we only need to speak and relate to Him as though He is right here because He is.
Christ tells us that a seed must fall to the ground and die, that It would remain alone unless it did so.  And then stated “in that day you will have the joy that no one can take from you.  In this was defining something internal and eternal that you’ve experienced in a new way. This is interphazing with God in a new way.
You see if we understand death, death does not belong to us.  For it was said of the Son of God “that he by the grace of God would taste death for all of us.
 So when we depart from this body to go to the other side  and we see loved ones  it will be them.  The good part that we fell in love with was just a portrayal of God exposed in them because Christ became flesh and dwelled among us, He was familiar with pain, suffering, loss and death for us, for us to participate in His holiness even now. We are made in the image of God.
At the loss of a loved one, Mary was to experience the glory of God.  It is hard for us to understand what takes place in the transition and transformation of a soul.  There are times we feel a deep tare in our soul and cry out “why God”. With the loss of a loved one we feel devastated. We would rather give ourselves than to think of loosing them.
If I do not go away, the helper will not come
I count all things dung to obtain Christ, where all things are new.
Even as David cried at the loss of his child.  He knew he would see him on the other side.
So it is us on this side who feel the pain of losses of the things we treasure who need to understand that the tare in our soul is the place where God grafts himself into us.
These are our treasures of heaven.
I count it all loss here that I may retain it, him, her, or ourselves, for eternity. To let him her ourselves or something we love go, we actually keep them. What profit a man of he gains the world and loose his soul? He should have let it go.
When we are stricken with unbearable pain, it is here we interphase with the living God. We partake of Gods holiness. We are whole in Him. All the things we love are there.These are our treasures in heaven.
Abraham the Father of Faith was confirmed in faith when he let his son die.
Because they are apart of us we feel great loss. But we can know we didn’t loose them because they are there.
The Father said of the prodigal this son of mine was dead but now he is alive. When they depart from here they don’t die. They live in glory.
Each human is made in the image of God. It was said of Mary that she chose the good part that shall not be taken. She was storing treasures in heaven.
The Kingdom of God is at hand.


*The Unction of the Spirit

Posted on December 31, 2017 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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­The Unction of the Holy Spirit; The Voice Within

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**Echad. God is One. 4/27/17

Posted on October 2, 2017 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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­­In the Hebrew language God is  Echad. Meaning God is one.  Deuteronomy 6.4 Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one God!: The Lord our God, the Lord is one! Meaning; God is indissoluble, indivisible and inseparable in His original composition of Spirit and truth.

For this reason there is another construct than Spirit and truth, and that is time and matter. In this construct God is broken down into individual sound bites, not for a carnal manifestation,  but for our mental rumination, consumption and growth. It is for our transformation from here to there. He who is eternally one and complete in Himself is immortal and invisible, then broken down into sound bites through the law, the prophets, to then be reassembled in us who are in Christ. This is spelled out in “The New Covenant”  associated NOT with Jerusalem on Earth because that expired with the prophets, but with grand opening of “The kingdom of God at hand”. This is what all the law and the prophets promised, and what Christ brought to our understanding. It was first preached in its entirety in the time of Christ, and is still in effect in its entirety today because “The Kingdom of God is still,, at hand”.

God is indivisible and inseparable.  He is only broken down in concept for us to realize who God is by degree, one revelation at a time, to the degree we are able to receive, until we learn and adopt the elemental principles not of the building blocks of Earthen elements, but of the invisible building blocks that makes up God in the spirit. For this reason “we are living stones built up a habitation for God in the Spirit”. But you don’t see that when you look in the mirror, unless your mirror is Gods Holy Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3.18)

This is Gods building now. With things of God in His natural before time construct of “that which is from the beginning”. The before time. The eternal one, to whom we are called to. This is the “Heavenly Calling”, the Eternal.

It is as we consume the assorted truths in scripture to rescript our mind, that we re-assemble the Son of God in ourselves in our inner man  and become Godly. We become godlike in this way. Scripture contains the very DNA of God for us to be re-scripted. Because DNA is information, understanding information is knowledge. This is why we are instructed to grow in the knowledge of God. This is knowing God, receiving God as he is we become like Him. Where? In the spirit of our minds, the place where He interacts with us.

In the beginning was God in Word form, and as we consume His word we are modified internally and become “a new creation in Christ”. We are born again and re-created in this way. “Old things have passed away, all things become new” in this way and not another. We become immortal, invisible eternal and not time sensitive.

Like Paul chided with those returning to the old Jewish customs”you observe days months seasons and years. I am afraid that I’ve labored for you in vain”. They laid God out on a time frame called The Feasts and awaited God’s physical manifestations but physical God is not. And from Paul “I labor to have Christ formed again in you” because they forgot what they learned.

We are not to think of God in a time dispensed linier fashion, but a succession of continued revelations that transform the spirit of our mind. (Romans 12.1 and 2 Corithians 3.18) The word  “transformed” from these two passages are the same Greek word generally translated “transfigured”, showing the place of our transfiguration.

God said “My ways are higher than your ways as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than yours, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts”.

So when we receive the Son of God in Word form, not the man but the construct He was before He became flesh, being the elements He is made up of from before the Father spoke Him. We receive God in His true form “for in Him (The Son) dwells the fullness of the godhead body and we are complete in him who is the head of all principalities and powers”. If we partake of His invisible personage we understand of him in His Word, this is how we go through our own transformation, and transfiguration..

It is our journey here in time and matter to understand and realize more clearly what Word means and how to put Word on. How to put Christ on as scripture instructs us to do.  We learn to understand what God is. We assimilate God in this way in the inner man and in no other way. How else do you acquire the invisible? “For we have this treasure in earthen vessels  (our man) that the Glory and the Excellency may be of God and not ourselves” our outer body. It is other worldly.

We put on Gods invisible nature in an invisible way “from faith to faith” no other visuals. For we who have begun a good work in the spirit perfect nothing in a carnal way. He said “My words are spirit and they are life”. We see the “evidence of the things unseen” and we accept Him in the spirit of our minds. We use our invisible tool of faith to implement “the things that have been freely given to us in Christ”. In this way we see “the hidden things in Christ” and in this way we see our new self hidden there too. In this way we fulfill the verse that says “Father that they whom you have given Me may be with Me where I am”. Yes! Seated in the heavens in Christ”. With Him, like Him and enjoying the delicacies He enjoys of the pre-created order of all things.

We the elect are the true heirs of “all the things” of God in this way. We do not associate with the sit and waits of the second coming.

It is us “the called” the eklisia, who have arrived. To us who have been given the keys to the Kingdom, we have unlocked it and entered in. “No one has descended from heaven but he who has ascended to heaven who is the Son of man who is in Heaven” (John 3) And if we are in Him, we are in heaven because heaven is hidden “in Christ”. Because all things of God culminate in the spirit, in Christ in one. God is one, God is Echad.

Word is the full sum, the collection of all His concepts broken down in what is called the law and the prophets, fulfilled and expired in Christ, of invisible building blocks we call truths in the spirit. Truths displayed to our understanding to be reassembled in our inward man to the culmination of all truths to the truth. God. Echad. Did not the Christ pray for us to be one with Him as He is one with the Father? (John 17)

Just as like species communicate in their own language, fish to fish, bird to bird, and man to man. We must put on Word, the Son of God, the manifest mind of God, to communicate with our Heavenly Father, and to enjoy our Heavenly heritage. To have a clear relationship with God. This is the purpose of the cross.  His “words are spirit and they are life”. We associate with Him like this and assimilate what we associate. “We speak what we hear and testify to what we see”. No impurities. “In Him” there is nothing else to talk about but Him. And we who are “in Him” know this truth where there is no darkness or other fabricated impurities. We have nothing left to say, but we say everything at the same time. He is complete in Himself and as we take Him in, we are as complete as His self. Like looking in a mirror. We see  a reflection of Himself in ourself as His same self and His purpose is completed. Just as our Lord on earth said “Father I have finished the work you have given Me to do. I have given to those You have given Me, your Word and they have kept it”. And so we did. This is the finished work. Our transfiguration had its transformation and we are complete in Him. We have this “koinania”. We too are one. We are of the Echad in the Family of God by clothing our mind in this way. Because God is spirit and truth, we see our new person is spirit and truth also.

When you were told to put on the breast plate of love, what store did you buy that at? When you were instructed to “Let your feet be shod with the Gospel of peace”, who tied your shoes? When you were told to “taste and see that the Lord is good”, did you pallet that with your tongue or your mind? Do you see what we are talking about? Then you have the eyes to see of a different nature. A spiritual one.

It was said to the Israelites and Jews “seeing with their eyes they see not, hearing with their ears they hear not, for God has given them the spirit of stupor to be snared taken and caught.

But not so for us. We are of the elect. For those of us “who have eyes to see and ears to hear” of a different nature. A spiritual nature. Being born again not of the building blocks of time and matter that are to be disolved after your transformation, but by His words and His Spirit.

We are redeem not with disolvable silver or gold but the Word of God that endures forever. To be “a kind of firstfruits of His creating” being “born again” “born from above”. (John 3)

To conceptualize God in this way is to conceive in the spirit. To be genetically altered from the preconception of the carnal inception of the death passed on to the Adamic nature being “from dust to dust” to the life of God in Christ” receiving eternal life “from the spirit to the spirit”. For “He who has the Son has life, He who has not the Son has not life”. To our inheritance we arrive. We arise.

This genetic alteration we do In the “inner man”,  in “the spirit of our mind”. We serve the Living God by reassembling these concepts passed on to us through scripture, to realize not so much only who He is but who we are now. That is why we look to the scriptures “as beholding our face in the mirror are being transformed into the same full image, from the glory to the glory, as by the spirit”. Not being a mirror to reflect our eye color or our skin complexion but the complexion of our spirit, and so we do. We put our new nature on, and as it says in scripture to “put on Christ”. This then is our purpose here on planet earth.

Our purpose is not to wait for another coming one to transition us. It was “the wicked servant who said “my Lord delays His coming”.

The New Covenant is already in place whereby God writes these things not on tablets of stone but on our invisible tablet we call the heart. We ponder these things and they are raised incorruptible in the spirit of our mind. We assimilate God by assembling His self in ourself to become one, indisolvable. We associate with God. We are of His kind of Spirit and truth.

It is scripture that contains the very genetic information of God given to us for our “transfiguration”. That word from the Greek is “metamorphos” and as a worm does not comprehend the flight and life of the butterfly, so too the carnal mind cannot understand the spirit. They are diametrically different. They are in fact opposite.

As we take communion not with a wafer, but by palleting His Word, we partake of Christ, we receive this genetic information. “We know Him even as we are known” as Paul said in Galatians. Like Adam knew Eve. A genetic transfer takes place. We display perfection in the spirit in our understanding and fufill in ourselves “till we all come to perfect understanding, to a full stature of Christ”. An exactitude of who He is, is our goal. We fulfill the verse in ourselves that says “when that which is perfect is come that which is in part is done away with” being the law, the sacraments and the Feasts.

The first Epistle of John says “that that which we have heard which we’ve seen which we’ve handled which we’ve touched essentially which we’ve consumed concerning the word of life. That which we declare unto you that which we manifest to you. And why do We do this? So that you too can have fellowship, koinania and oneness with us. A homoginization of God’s invisibleness  with us who are spirit. To spiritually manifest with God. Our full sum duty, role and goal to God is to articulate these things.

It is in this way that the kingdom of God is at hand. Within our grasp.

God is Echad. God is One. We are one with God “in Christ”.

The Kingdom of God is at hand.



The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal

Posted on October 1, 2017 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal

      Some people think the first contrast God created was light and dark saying “let there be light. God separated the light from the darkness and called the light day and the darkness night” but light and dark was not the first contrast.

     The first contrast was “In the beginning God created”.

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New Covenant Kingdom

Posted on October 1, 2017 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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Each culture has defining features that are unique to it. It is made up of specific components like land defined by borders, a language, with leaders and a legal system to implement the laws that are specific to it. They generally have memorial celebrations to pass on to subsequent generations the things that make them unique. They define, renew and insure their identity. Change these and that people will cease to exist.

An important feature of many nations is a foundational document called a constitution. Constitution is a big word for ingredients. It defines what the citezines are made up of. These people are called constituents. They contain the ingredients in themselves as defined by their constitution that make them unique. Take away these ingredients and you change the people. You have a new constituency and a different people. People who are made up of different laws and values.

This is what Christ did. He came preaching “The Kingdom of God is at hand “. He was the revolutionary creating a new constituency of a new constitution called The New Covenant. The book of Hebrews says “this was first spoken by the Lord and confirmed by those who heard it.” He spoke first something different from the old covenant a new message to a new people. Such are we who are this new constituency being ingredients of The New Covenant founded on better promises than the old covenant. (Hebrews 8.6)

And the proof that it is something new and distinguishable different? Christ said “All the law and the prophets were till John. Now the Kingdom is preached and all are entering”. With these words He drew the proverbial line in the sand between His Kingdom and the kingdom of Israel and Jerusalem on earth. He was the demarcation line between the old Jewish kingdom and the new Covenant Kingdom of God in Christ that “cometh not with observation”. (Luke 27.22)

The phrase “The Kingdom of God is at hand” started then and was never retracted. A covenant is not in force till the death of the testator. Christ went to the cross for this cause. With His death the New Covenant is in force and the heirs receive their inheritance and need not wait for another saving.

The New Covenant is emphatically in force. (Hebrews 9+). The old reached its culmination to bring us to the New. Christ is the sole mediator for this New creation and needs no help from the prophets of the old whom He replaced. (Hebrews 1.1)

Peter said of the prophets “Of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched carefully, who prophesied of the grace that would come to you, To them it was revealed that, not to themselves, meaning not to the prophets, but to us[b] they were ministering the things”. Here distinguishing the two covenants.

“All (of the old) law and the prophets were till John”? Christ introduces a new constitution for a new constituency of those born with ingredients of the Word and of the Spirit. “He came to His own and His own did not accept Him, but to as many as receive Him, to them He gave power to become His Children, even to those who believe in His name. And also “of those born among women there is none greater than John the baptist.  But he who is least in the New Covenant Kingdom is greater than he.” Who? Greater than John the Baptist or any other prophet for John was the greatest of them.

The “New Covenant” people, are different from the old. A new people with a new make up, distinguishably different from the old. The old was written on tablets of stone and the New on tablets of the heart. (2 Corinthians 3.3)

We are not of the circumcision of the flesh but the heart. The differences have no parallels. The old depicts the New only with contrasts. The law of sin and death in contrast to “The Spirit of life that is in Christ”. The operative here is “in Christ” not in Jerusalem on earth. These too are contrasts. This is “rightly dividing the word of truth”. And “if there had been a law given which could have given life, truly righteousness would have been by the law. The culture of the law only mirrors the truth in contrasts. Opposites. “The law having shadows of these things but not the essence” (Hebrews 10.1)

Scripture says that Christ is the new mediator of a new covenant founded on better promises” than the old. In that He says, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away. (Hebrews 8.13). That happened with the destruction of Jerusalem which was overturned by Titus.

The old was made up of artifacts of a bygone age founded on temporary fixes and band-aids designed to “make sin exceedingly sinful”. To make us good and dead till Christ.

At the proclamation that “The Kingdom of God is at hand” the deterioration of the old commenced. And if the changes to the Jerusalem of old were to be minor, He would have just had painted the buildings and maybe replaced the roof, but because the changes were so drastic and diametrically opposite, everything had to be redone. “Till not one stone shall be left upon another” was the Jerusalem’s demise (Mt 24.1). When Christ was on the cross, the physical temple was cracked so violently from the top to the bottom that the earth quaked and the bedrock shifted.  (Mt 27.52) Yes clear through the foundation showing it unsafe for use of any sort. That is why scripture says “old things have passed away, all things have become new.” It is irreversible.

This expiration of that kingdom was so completely fulfilled, expired and put out of business so much so in fact that all debts were paid and the books were balanced and closed. And because that kingdom and all the Jews so emphatically rejected the New King of a New Kingdom, the New Law and the New Law giver and the New Mediator of The New Covenant, but of them? “There were none righteous, no not one” Romans 3.10. So on them was laid all the guilt for all the wrong doing, murders and deaths of all the prophets from Able till then. Why? Because there was not one prophet they listened to. Even as the people said “He is not my king, crucify Him”. And so they did. And so for this they were judged, condemned and annihilated. In this way they rejected the chief cornerstone. They were not recipients of the gift of God but His wrath. The books were settled, the wages of sin were paid. God owes them nothing He hasn’t already given them. God was patient, that none would perish but there was none righteous, their time of visitation had come. The Jews and Jerusalem are no more. They are fulfilled. Meaning, expired, shelved and put away saying. Now it is said “28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus”. Galatians 3. Jews have no preferential treatment.

She was found in total contempt as seen here.“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, but you were not willing! 35 See! Your house is left to you desolate; Meaning condemned, kaput, closed for business, out of commission.

The buildings and the streets were so turned over and so unrecognizable that there was no distinguishing features left. The people were ravaged, killed and trapped in that city because they rejected The King. Josephus and other historians from that era speak of the hellish horror they experienced while they ate each others flesh and gnashed their teeth in pain while Jerusalem was surrounded by armies. They knew not their time. “When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, do not go back in your house to retrieve a coat”. The Jews are gone,. That kingdom was demolished. It was condemned, put out of business and replaced.

You see the law was added only till faith comes and in the fullness of time God sent forth His Son born of a women to redeem those from the law. There is therefore no need for that law and the culture associated with it. It served its purpose of “making sin exceedingly sinful”. To go back to that is like jumping back into the pan on the fire for it will reap the same reward of rejecting the Savior. But many do just that as they look to another coming Jesus and another fulfillment of a Jerusalem and view scripture the same way as the Jews of old were condemned for. But “we have come to know and believe that Christ came to expire and replace the Old Covenant with the New covenant and New Kingdom of God in Christ. We the elect have received it. The rest were hardened. They like the old wine better for “no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine bursts the wineskins, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But new wine must be put into new wineskins.”  The Old verse the New. You choose.

When you take away the law and the prophets, we see that whole culture unraveled and replaced. But for those of us who know? it was “sown corruptible raised incorruptible, It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body”. (1 Cor 15. 44+). “In Spirit and truth”.

All the components of that culture were mutually dependent upon each other. You take away the law and the rest falls apart like liquefying bones and the body ,falls to the ground. You see that was the culture held spellbound to sin and death. With all the laws, feasts and sacrifices they were held in guilt and condemnation. That is why there is no condemnation to those who walk not by that law but by the spirit of the New Covenant. What the law couldn’t do, God did by sending His Son in the likeness of man, He condemned sin in the flesh with its culture and artifacts. Romans 8. This is the good news. The old was the gospel of death. With the cross death was paved over. That is why believers are “baptized into His death to walk in newness of life”. This is the gospel. The good news. Unless you are baptized in vain.

When Christ was speaking a parable of Jerusalem at the fig tree, upon seeing no fruit He said “let no fruit grow on you no more forever”, showing the eternal finality of the Jews judgment. He could not have said that if it was not true. They were condemned fulfilled, expired and tore down “till not one stone was left upon another. Woe to those who rebuild that abomination (that makes desolate), and they do “whose coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

It is to take all the law and the prophets and that whole culture that Christ expired, being fulfilled, filled to the full. To reject the New King in His New Covenant Kingdom, then revert to the old and rebuild that is the epitome of rejecting Christ, despising His blood by rebuilding the things He replaced. They reject the New wine saying the old is better.

With lying signs and wonders, the implementation of fulfilled scripture for another coming kingdom. Christ rejected such a notion saying of His Kingdom that “it cometh not with carnal observation”. And those who say that it does? Christ said “do not follow them!”. (Luke 17.22). But so these persist and will receive the same condemnation. Woe! See that you do not refuse Him who speaks from heaven! The very thing the Jews rejected, so these do too today and they will receive the same judgment.

The purpose to replace the old was so important that Christ gave His life for that cause. Woe to those who despise His blood in hopes of rebuilding the old kingdom and implement the old sacrifices and those who help them. But for those who accept the New? We bear not our own judgment like they did but “On Him was laid the iniquity of us all and by His stripes we are healed”. For those who deny Him receive their own death and condemnation, but for us He diffuses ours.

When Christ said “The Kingdom is preached and all are entering”, He was not referring to entering that Jerusalem for they were already there, but the land of faith. He said “The time that is coming is now when you no longer worship in Jerusalem (on earth) but in Spirit and truth” hereby defining the New boundaries of His Kingdom of “where ever two or more are gathered in His name, there He is in their midst” fulfilling “the Kingdom of God is within you”.

In His name, meaning “in Christ” are the limitless, eternal boundaries. We who are constituted of spirit and Truth are this constituency made up of New constitution called The New Covenant. And because of this we can say that “now we are fellow citizens members and Saints of the household of God laid upon the foundation of the apostles (not concrete) with Christ our cornerstone” and “we are living stones built together a habitation of God in the Spirit”. Once again defining our boundaries of endless opportunities.

But many are still looking for the physical kingdom “that cometh not with observation” and allege themselves with the wicked servant who said “my master delays His coming” of which He does not. He stands at your door and knocks even now.

Of those who seek another? They constitute the apostates of our day of a “not yet kingdom for a not yet king at some incalculable point in the future when another savior will come. This kingdom is not “at hand” but out of reach. You can’t have it. They join their predecessors of whom it is said “you are not entering the Kingdom nor are you allowing those who are trying to do so “. They preach another gospel then “The Kingdom of God is at hand”

Christ is the same yesterday today and forever, and need not to appear for you to believe because you are measured by your faith in the God “who calls those things that don’t exist as though they do”. Why? Because they do.

So it was everything defining the Jews of old, be at the laws the feast the prophets the buildings and the artifacts that were disassembled unraveled to never be repeated because they were only a temporary addendum to the promises made to Abraham. Moses was an add on that was fulfilled. Now we are back on track. They are so emphatically fulfilled and destroyed, every debt and every payment cleared and made good so that it never needs to be revisited or rebuilt. Even as it says in Hebrews of the New Covenant in force, “He made the first covenant obsolete”. Even as scripture says that the law was added till Faith Comes, and in the fullness of time God sent forth his son born from a woman to redeem those who are under the law”. The redemption has already taken place. That is why that whole culture is history. Christ took the law that was contrary to us, nailed it to the cross and neutralized the effects of its accusations,  sins, condemnation and fear. That’s what the law did. It kept you in the perpetual feasts and focus on sin and sacrifices.  That is why “he who sins has neither seen Him or known Him” and that is why now living on the redemptive side of the Law the prophets and sin “the accusor of the brethren has been cast down “. Because “He has perfected forever those who come to Him”. And we did.

The Kingdom of God is emphatically at hand. And it has nothing to do with the imitation on earth. Do not be fooled by the Jerusalem of our day.




The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition

Posted on September 23, 2017 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition warned about in scripture is the re-collection of all the shadows and images of the things of God displayed in Jerusalem of the lae and the prophets that were expired in Christ. That culture was selected to show the things of God  that were designed to show by contrast the things of the heavenlies but built on planet earth for explanation purposes only. To understand the invisible and eternal with temporary things. The “all things” displayed in the law and prophets and ministered by the priests with sacrifices on feast days were discriptions of invisible things that have been fulfilled in Christ. To be sown physically and raised in the spirit of our minds.

It is the representation of these things  being rebuilt today, denying they were fulfilled by Christ, they seek to recreate and re-present another fulfilling of scripture and they call it another Jerusalem of a second coming to replicate the things the Jews were  condemned for.

This is “the dillusion with all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the elect”.  And just as Christ was rejected in that day, so these likewise do. To the Pharisees of that day who were looking for the Kingdom to appear? Christ said “do not go after them”. But many are going that way again in our day.

The expectations in Israel today of a Kingdom of God being built for the Messiah is as blantant of a rejection of the Son of God as the Jews of old and will receive the same demise. Which is?  “Not one stone shall be left upon another”. Why? Because they too have rejected the Chief Cornerstone for an abomination that brings desolation at the coronation of their king. They too reject that “we are the living stones assembled for God in the spirit”.  They reject that scripture and this” now we are fellow citizens, saints and members of the household of God” and need no physical address or recreation on earth for this to be true. Why? Because they, like their predecessors, “seeing with their eyes they see not, and hearing with their ears they hear not. Because it is with the heart you must see and hear to understand the things of God. Even as the Son of God, when he temporarily became a physical man “and dwelled among us” said to the Samaritan lady at the well, “the time that is coming NOW IS when you will not worship the Father In Jerusalem, but in Spirit, this is truth”.  So todays Jerusalem in modern Israel is a lie and not Spirit or Truth and is therefore of Satan’s  Dillusion.

The message of another Christ is a false christ. A mimicker a wannabe, a look alike and a deceiver. Another coming called the 2nd coming, a phrase not found once in scripture.

These reject the saving of the cross in pursuit of something more fanciful. They take all the law and the prophets that were fulfilled in Christ and say “no they are not! The next Jesus/savior/Messiah  does this”. Professing to be wise they become fools and turn the Glory of the eternal, immortal, invisible only wise God into the image and expectation of a man. Romans 1

Even as Paul had said of these deniers “11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness”. God purposely gave them a back door. By diverting the use of scripture to reconcile us to God, rejecting God they re-purpose scripture to un-deify God and make Him a construct of time and matter. As if God could be a subject of and be limited by His creation but “even all the heavens cannot contain God”. He cannot be assigned to a locality in a city on planet earth with a zip code. Why? Because He is the “lol I am with you always, even through all the ages”. It is Him who fills everything everywhere all the time. It is “in Him we live and dwell and have our being”


It is on this page and in every article on this website using scripture to present to you the message first from Christ, given to the disciples, read more clearly through the New Covenant writings (in contrast to the old Covenant and Kingdom) that all the law and the prophets were till Christ, the old being fulfilled and expired He provided “a new and living Way”  to the Father. That message is? THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND.

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The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.

Posted on September 22, 2017 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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Jesus Christ said “for all the law and the prophets were till John. Now the kingdom is preached and all are pressing in”. And “the violent take it by force.”

God is Not lackadaisical about His love for us, but a relationship with Him requires a whole lot of pressing in and persistence on our part. Hebrews 11 says that”God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him”, and so we do. The psalmist said “to seek the Lord and call on him while he may be found”. That writer knew something about the Living God that many in our day don’t understand.
The word “Salvation” refers to all the work of God in you till you reach His conclusion “from faith to faith” and not visibly. We enter into His New Covenant and receive a The Kingdom of God. And this Covenant is not like the promise of some future time like the Law and the prophets, oh no it is something that is “at hand” that “the violent take by force”. God the Father takes delight in those who take Him at His word, and are aggressive with it. We do not take no for an answer. We have been given the keys to the Kingdom” and it is up to us to take God at His word and enter in. To “Him who calls those things that do not exist as though they do”, because for some of us they do. They exist on a different plane. An eternal one.They have become more tangible for Us, then the things you see with your physical eyes. Why?  Because We have ears to hear of a different nature.
1 John 1; That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life— the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us— that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.” This fellowship is the oneness of John 17 fulfilled to those who are able to receive it.
The scriptures are replete with this message that “today is the day of salvation”.  God would like to complete His work in you. Paul defines this saying “13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ”. For us to be nothing short of “a perfect man” in our understanding. For us to look into His word as a mirror and see our self in Him. “To the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ”.  Till we too are full like Him. And we can only be full if Christ filled full all the law and the prophets. If your Christ must still “fulfill” something, you cannot be filled full for you do not see Him as He is but as He will be, but God is not the one in the making. You do not accept Him as He is. He is “the same yesterday, today and forever” and must not become anything. Christ came not to become something, but to prove who He already was. He was born King, and He told Mary “I am the resurrection and the life”.
It is said that “the evil steward said that his master delays his coming”. To say that Christ has delayed His coming, especially some two thousand plus years, keeps many waiting and in limbo looking for something that already is, being “The Kingdom prepared from the foundations of the world”. They like “the evil steward” believe the master is coming later. 48 But if that evil servant says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying his coming,’50 the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him and at an hour that he is not aware of”. And that is? Today. He is standing at their door knocking, hoping to sup with them however they look for another. They reject Him as He is. The “Lo I am with you always” they dis-believe. In this way the giver becomes the taker and they are left “poor blind and naked”. 
It is the second coming mindset that makes you spiritually fat and lazy. The slothful, fat and lazy pursue and persist at nothing. They look at all the work of God in a second coming. They wait for the Lord to come save them as though the saving of the Cross is insufficient. The constant confessions of sin is no different from the old Covenant, and keeps them battling with Satan and fearing death and the cross died them no good. And if God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him? What is His response and reward  to those who don’t? If his promises are just promissory notes of things in the future like at a second coming, what are we pressing into? How are we victorious? “We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
His promises and words to us are not left to be fulfilled later because “all things have been fulfilled” and “all things are now already.
He is a rewarder because he gives us something tangible. But not physically tangible, oh no something much greater. Eternally tangible. He is a rewarder to those who diligently seek him? But they who have their affections on planet Earth as though God will do something here, have departed from the Heavenly calling to follow him where he is that we may be also. For if he left us here rotting for 2000 years waiting for a promise to be fulfilled, then his life death and Resurrection was useless and in vain. If it brought us no closer to the kingdom of heaven then what the Jews presented, His journey here on earth was for nought. But as the writer of Hebrews said “Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away. For if the word spoken through angels proved steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just reward, how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord.” You see He offered something different than the law and the prophets. The law and the prophets expectation culminated with these words from John the baptizer “are you the coming one or do we seek another?” The prophets leave you looking without for that which must be within. (Luke 17. 22) And so John the Baptist was the greatest and last prophet was beheaded. We must cut off the mindset of a future coming messiah/ savior to fulfill the scriptures “for all things have been fulfilled”.


The concept of a future coming messiah/savior to save the world denies the testimony God gave of His Son. John 3.17 “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him would be saved18 “He who believes this is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil”. Yes tearfully speaking, they reject the saving that is in process to those who are growing in this knowledge of God. 


If we persist in knowing “end times” or a “second coming” or another Jewish kingdom on earth we pervert the gospel. He is the “Lo the volume of the book is written of Me”. We trade the good news for the bad news. My Lord delays not His coming because His comings and knocking at my door are many. The “Lo I am with you always” needs not to appear again in carnal form. We once knew Christ in the flesh but henceforth know we Him that way no more”.

Persist in this. Press into this. The other ways? Leave you thirsty.

Yes, even now “The Kingdom of God is at hand”.


Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem

Posted on September 21, 2017 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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Hebrews is 8.1 “This is the main point of what we are saying. We have this great high priest eternal in the Heavens, not made with hands but by God”.

The writer goes on to differentiate between the Eternal Priesthood of Melchizedek and the temporary levitical priesthood associated with the law. That Melchizedek was much greater. And he was in fact so much greater because Melchizedek was not only the most high priest,He was also the King of Peace in the Kingdom of Peace. And it was the testimony that he lives. That who lives? Christ as King in His Kingdom.

This Melchizedek like our Lord “having no beginning and no end of days” was what some call a theophany. A pre-incarnate portait of the Son of God.

And “being witness that He lives” is “He who is invisible, immortal and invisible “. The pre incarnate Christ the Eternal Living Word of God made manifest for us in the person of Melchizedek.

You see under the law there was Moses as the mediator of that Covenant and there was Aaron his mouthpiece called the great high Preist. But no where did they mention the “King of Peace”. The were far inferior.

The Marvelous thing about this Melchizedek, the great high priest is that he technically was not a great high priest like we  understand with Aaron. Because the writer goes on to say that “if he, Melchizedek, were on Earth he would not be a priest” because the priests on Earth are of the order of the law based on sin. But Christ came one as the great high priest who went in the Holy place not made with hands but Eternal in the heavens not with the sacrifice of bulls and goats but the sacrifice of himself being a much greater sacrifice than the culmination of what all the law and the prophets had to offer.

Because “the order of Melchizedek” who is more aptly defined as a King from a Kingdom who performed the Priest act once at the end if that age to put away sin and that age. Because being priest was not something he continued to carry out.

This is what Christ did. The putting away sin once at the end of the ages was in reference to his sacrifice of himself at the cross. That Christ through the eternal spirit purges our conscience from dead works from external laws and of the guilty conscience of condemnation defined by the law.

So Melchizedek is much greater than the priest who worked for the law because in him contained so much more of the image of God than anything the law could ever portray.

If the Jewish law is touted today, with the priests and the feasts as the prefered way, that they are hell hent on rebuilding the temple, to re-establish the sacrifices for sin administered by a man preist. What need was there to have a great high Preist in the order of Melchizedek? The order of Melchizedek precedes and supersedes the ways the Jews hold on to. “For the priesthood being changed, of necessity there is also a change of the law”. (Hebrews 7+8) The Jewish law has been changed.

Hebrews 8.1 So the main point that we are saying is that we have a great High Priest eternal in the heavens in the temple made without hands of man but by God”. That we have the true witness like Melchizedek being more than a priest. He is the King of righteousness from the Kingdom of Peace. Melchizedek was picturing an immortal eternal, invisible reality “of Him who lives”, as evidence of a King and Kingdom in the place finished from the foundations of the world”.

For what is a King with out a kingdom but a dreamer. Christ was a pre-incarnate King “born King” of a Kingdom “not of this age” being The King of Kings and The Lord of lords. Meaning not of time and matter.

As Paul said to those who reverted to the Feasts and sacrifices “You observe days months seasons and years. I am afraid that I have labored for you in vain”. Do I need to labor again to have Christ formed in you? I have my doubts about you”.

Many think Christ needs to become a king on earth according to Jewish law after He jump starts the sacrifices again, which is blasphemous and a blatant disregard of the blood of the cross and “insults the spirit of grace”.

This is the testimony of Melchizedek that far outweighs the testimony of a priesthood. He is The King of righteousness from the Kingdom of Peace eternal in the Heavenlies. The Kingdom that pre existed the beginning of the world, that post exists the end of the world, made with things other worldly as being the things not made of the hands of men but by the handy work of God.

We  the people of faith that “confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.14 For those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a homeland. 15 And truly if they had called to mind that country from which they had come out, they would have had opportunity to return”. But today they recall that land, so in their ignorance God has provided a way for them, with all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the Elect. They are not fooling us.

For those who reject the Eternal King in the Kingdom of Peace, Christ, who expired the preisthood. This being Heavenly Jerusalem and not of earth”, it is these who are hell bent on making them on earth physically and reject the Father who seeks those who are “spirit and truth”. They”call to mind the country they came out of”. Which is “The spiritual city called Sodom where our Lord was slain”. More accurately called Jerusalem in our day.  (Revelation 11)

So if you correctly understand the order of Melchizedek,  you would accept these things. What things? The King of righteousness in the Kingdom of Peace as being an Eternal reality of “Heavenly Jerusalem come down from God of Heaven”.

The Kingdom of God is at Hand,. This is what Melchizedek testified to.


Peace = Shalome = Salem =

Jerusalem = city of Peace

Salomon = Salem and pictured the son of God and King of Peace and portrayed the same thing as Melchizedek.


Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’

Posted on August 27, 2017 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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The whole is greater than the sum of all its parts.

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Christ was born King, and many other things.

Posted on August 20, 2017 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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The scripture say that Christ was born King. He did not have to earn that right and He did not have to go to school to learn this right. He was “born King”. And he was born a king, but not any King, but the King of Kings. It is because He was Word of the Father, His express image before He became flesh and dwelt among us, that He is King because He is the true heir of all that the Father has, being His invisible attributes and Kingdom that is “not of this age”. This is what qualifies Him to be King. And not some supposed king of the Jews, but “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS”. And for that matter the one and only true exact image of the Father. Even as He stated during His short tenor on earth “I and the Father are one”. Totally congruent and inseparable as are all the lower level carnal representations meant only to teach us of God. What we see in the old law and the prophets and throughout the new covenant that we learn to raise up to their proper domain “in spirit and truth” in our understanding.
It was pilot who asked him “are you the king of his Jews” to which he said “it is as you say”. When pressed on this issue He did not deny He was King. He just answered and said “my kingdom is not of this age for if my kingdom was of this age I would send Legions and they would fight for me but my kingdom is not from here”. For us who know, He was speaking about His Throne eternal in the heavens. Not of the created realm. Not of this world.
You see Christ as king is of a kingdom that precedes and supersedes and completely permeates all ages. For “it is In Him we live and dwell and have our existence.” He does not have to become of earn anything or it could not be said of Him that “He is the same yesterday and today”. You see He is an unchangeable timeless reality that exist only in spirit and truth. As a matter of fact, if you erase all the creation of the 1st 6 days, be it the earth, the heavens and all the stars and galaxies plants and animals. And even the invisible angels, powers and principalities and rulers of darkness are under His domain or He would not be the same, and He would not be “King of kings and Lord of Lords” for there would be a power out of His control.
When God first made things after each day He looked at what He did and said “it is good”. And upon the completion of all things on the 6th and final day He said “it was good” then He thought of all the variables and all the possibilities of all the entities he had made including angels and men, then He said “It is very good”. Like looking at a big chess board He played out every scenario and every move that anything of all creation,man and angels  could say do or think and God said to Himself “I have this in control”. “I got this”.
God is not looking down on planet earth, wringing His hands wondering how He is going to regain control and wrap this up age. Everything is meticulously laid out according to His standard of perfection that is far above our comprehension, as are all the mysteries of God. This is why we learn only by revelation. For the time has come when I will tell you plainly about the Father”. And so He does and He does not need the old covenant law or prophets to do so. This greater salvation we talk about exists only in spirit and truth, which is our calling.
We who are joint heirs and of those who are “least in the Kingdom are greater than all the law and prophets” it is us who can connect the dots to help you understand the things that were seen dimly that the prophets could only elude to. We clarify what they were trying to convey in their carnal nature to those with a carnal nature. But we are born from above of word and spirit to occupy the heavenlies. Christ told the disciples “many righteous men and the Prophets have desired to see what you see, and hear what you hear and could not. We are the elect who know these things. And we see God face to face because Christ said “he who has seen Me has seen the Father”. That is us the elect of God. This is our rightful due gifted to us from the Father and paid for by the blood of Christ through the eternal spirit of things that are now in force. Something that another Jesus cannot do. He still needs to become king. Poor guy. And he is relying on the Jews of our day to pull this off. Woe are those who have that savior. He needs a lot of help. It is an insult to the living God. we gladly except the gift of God in Christ Jesus. God Himself
Daniel said this of Christ that “He raises up Kings and brings down Kings and gives wisdom to the wise”. Showing that His type of Kingship and Kingdom was above creation because he could orchestrate all the kingdoms of the earth like a chess player does with the pieces on a board.
Romans 9.17 For the Scripture says to the Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.”[g]18 Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens.
Yes Christ was born King and once again he did not have to earn this right for this reason he came into the world and he set the record straight. He is the king that laid aside his deity to come and retrieve his disciples. And in John 13 He displays this very well.Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God, rose from supper and laid aside His (Royal)garments, took a towel (a rag we call the flesh) and girded Himself. After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded.12 So when He had washed their feet, taken His (Royal) garments, and sat down again, He said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you? 
To this we say yes. You Lord have just shown us your eschatology. You have shown us your end time scenario. You became flesh and dwelled among us. You finished all the law and the prophets, you established the new covenant, your last work on earth. Why? “Because I go to My Father and you see Me no more” (like a second coming) And being assured that you have granted the elect access to your “Kingdom at Hand” being at our proverbial fingertips. And because “You are the way to the Father”, We follow you Lord and fulfill your prayer to the Father of Glories saying “Father, that they whom you have given me may be with Me where I am. To behold My glory that the world may know. And Father. The glory you have given Me I have given them. That they may be one as we are one. So we are. We are as one as Christ who said “I and the Father are one. So we too join these.22 But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, 23 to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect,   (Hebrews 12.22+) we are part of the symposium of the many, the congruence into one. Reconciled to the Father as Paul pleaded “Be ye reconciled to the Father. God was In Christ reconciling the world to Himself and has given us this ministry of reconciliation.
Boom! That is the whole purpose of our sojourn-ship here on earth. It is to reach this point, our purpose, our goal and the conclusion of the gospel. 13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; To become godly. Godlike. Like God.
Who does the Father of spirits begat? Invisible ones. Paul said “we are sown a physical body and raised a spiritual one” this is us. Who does the Father of Glories begat? Glories like Himself. We are the Glories glorified with the Father seated at His own right hand. Bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh born of the spirit and word to be “a kind of firstfruits of His creation”. Not a 6 day creation but an eternal one clothed in the very invisible attributes of the invisible God. We have learned to “put on Christ” in this way. We put off the old at baptism by the working of faith and are raised in newness of life also by faith. We who have begun in the spirit perfect nothing in the old creation. It is from faith to faith. And you know what? Each and every transition happens by the Holy Spirit in the twinkling of an eye. Completely un-decernable to the human senses. We have ears to hear and eyes to see of another nature to understand this.
So here is something we have to say about him who was born King. He was also born many other things. He did not have to earn a right or to become something as though he was not for “Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
With Mary she said yes Lord I know that you will raise him up on the last day, speaking about Lazarus. And Christ reply to her? “Mary I am the resurrection”. It is not an event or a series of events like the 2nd coming seekers suppose. The resurrection is a person. Which is why paul said “since you are raised with Christ, seek the things above”. His things. And “Since we were buried with Him in death by baptist. We are also raised with Him to newness of life. As Isaiah put it “With My dead body they shall arise”, and so we did.
So Christ could have also told Mary, I am not just the resurrection. I am also the last day”.  Just as He said to the Pharisees “Abraham rejoiced to see My Day. He saw it and was glad”.  Christ is that day. Because even as we define an earthen day by the sun with 24 hour increments, The Lords day is lit by the light of the lamb and has no need for the sun or the moon. In whom is no darkness at all. No nights. This is how we walk in the light as He is in the light. Because He is that light. He is the radiance of God. He is the Glory of God. He wears it for our transfiguration (2 Corinthians 3.18). The source of all light. The light Paul encountered on the road to Emaus  being “7 times brighter than the sun”. Have you had this encounter? It is the only true light that shines in the heart of every man (John 1)

So for those who are waiting for the “day of the lord” to appear as defined by the sun, as if God is on hold, as if God is limited to these, don’t understand what the true day is. It is the day “in Christ”. And if “we walk in the light as He is light”, we are in that day. Wasn’t it the condemnation to those under the law stuck in the wilderness who rejected this call with the Lord saying of His Sabbath, His day without 24 hour increments, His day that has no night, The Lords day, The day of The Lord:

Therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest, let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it. For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not profit them,[a] not being mixed with faith in those who heard it.For we who have believed do enter that rest, as He has said:

“So I swore in My wrath,
‘They shall not enter My rest,’”[b]

although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. For He has spoken in a certain place of the seventh day in this way: “And God rested on the seventh day from all His works”[c] and again in this place: “They shall not enter My rest.”

You see there are many that thought that when Christ came into the world he had to earn something in order to be something. So they don’t think anybody was raised from the dead until Christ was raised from the dead first. But he showed himself as the resurrection before he ever went to the Cross showing for us that he did not have to become anything for the Eternal one cannot change and cannot earn he already owns.
You see there was never a person a place a provision or a promise from God that Christ was not. Why? Because Christ is the Fulfillment of all things. Be at Shiloh, be at the son of David, be it that prophet, be at that Messiah, being the high priest in the order of Melchizedek be it “that day”. These are all just descriptive of Himself, there is no provision from the father that is not Christ. Everything they were looking for was wrapped up into the person people call Jesus Christ.
 Scripture says that “in him, meaning Christ, dwells the fullness of the godhead body”. That is why “all things are in Christ”
Scripture says of Christ that he comes and his reward is with him. That is because the reward is himself. With Moses he had asked the Lord what should I tell the people whom you are who sent me. The Lord replied tell him that I am. Meaning I am fill in the blank. Whatever they were looking for in whatever they needed they would find in the sun who’s a duplicate of the father. Even as with the disciples when they were on the boat in the waters got choppy and Rocky to where they thought they would die, as soon as they received Christ into their boat, their vessel, they found out they were already where they needed to be. They just needed a renewed understanding as do some of us. The disciples were confused when they were in the boat but as soon as they were in Christ there was nothing confusing at all. End of The Great I Am? When the Pharisees were inquiring  him as to who he was he said that “I am”. When the soldiers that came with Judas to take Christ he said the same words I am in the men fell over backwards.
There are many caught up in and infatuated with the Jerusalem of our day. They anticipate the Messiah and King to come back and live in their city after they have it refurbished for Him. They say “we have a chief cornerstone ready to lay”. We have found a red heifer and are ready to commense the sacrifices to please our king.


Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones

Posted on June 10, 2017 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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Ephesians 4.24. We have put off the deeds of the old man and have put on the new man who was created according to God in true righteousness.” In the image of God, in the likeness of God.

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