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Redemption in 3 part 1? Born Again, Death and Resurrection.

Posted on September 10, 2015 by ADMIN

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Death is commonly defined by as a lifeless body. Something that is unable to move on its own having no responses and no senses, cold and limp. In a state of decay.
  But God defines death in different terms saying to Adam at the tree “in the day that you eat of it you show surely die”. We know that physically his body lived on for some 900 years but in the day that he ate of the tree he surely died because he lost the Spirit of God. For it was God having created Adam from dust then breathing in him stated that he became a living being but of Adam when he fell he lost the Spirit of God and became dead. Like Jesus said of the prodigal son “this one who is dead has returned to me and now is alive therefore cloth him with the finest garments and apparel”.
  This is what God does to us through Christ as he clothes us in Christ in the finest clothing and apparel being Christ himself, we put this on. This is our gift from God in Christ.
  The first man was breathed into by God and became a living being.  When that man sinned he lost the Spirit of God and became spiritually dead. And so all humanity is dead to the things of the immortal eternal invisible God and Gods boundless timeless eternal always ready Kingdom at hand. This is the purpose for the gospel.
  This then is the reason why man must be born again to be like Adam before the fall. He needs to receive the breath of God and become a human being, a living being. This is why Paul said we conclude that if one man died for all that all are dead. It is that man being born again, being born from above, is born of a new spirit. That’s what makes us new. We are then a new creation. That’s why Paul goes on to say “therefore we regard no one according to the flesh” that in Christ we are a new creation. “The old things have passed away all things have become new”. And this “becoming new” is us being restored to what Adam lost receiving the breath of God and becoming alive. Becoming alive as it is “in Christ” saying “he who has the Son has life he who has not the Son has not life”.
  So then the definition of what Death is, is not by human standards of being a lifeless body but according to God’s standards it is by not having his spirit and not having interaction with him through his spirit to His things in spirit for “God is spirit and truth and seeks such”. To become dead is to become separate from God in spirit. To loose the eternal spirit and return to the dust is mans destiny.
  Mankind was kicked out of the garden saying “He drove man out of the garden and placed a flaming sword which turned every way to guard the tree of life, Lest he eat and live forever.  Lest he become eternal. He lost the spirit and access to the fruit of life he became a walking dead. And so goes all humanity.
  All the animals are dead to God. And this is what man became in the fall. Intuitively he fell from the ability to interact with God because he could not see or hear Him. This is why scripture speaks to those who “have eyes to see and ears to hear”. It is the fallen man who reads scripture that turns the message into religious observances for the human to do. But it is us who “come to the light to clearly see that what is required of me is done in God. (John 3.21)
 It is through the religious observances that we can learn about God and redemption “but when that which is perfect comes, then that which is in part is done away with”. That which is perfect is a new understanding, and that is what expires the observance. As Paul described in Galatians that “we are under guardians and teachers until faith comes” not until a 2nd coming Jesus. There will never be a carnal conclusion like the 2nd coming gospel supposes. It was to the spirit that man fell and that is the redemption. Spirit. Scripture says that “flesh and blood will not inherit the Kingdom “. But our born again spirited man does rule over what used to be a lifeless body.
  This is the main conclusion in the book of Romans and chapter 8.6 to be carnally minded is death and  It is the spirit of Him who raised Christ from the dead, who now lives in you who gives life to your dead body. It was a walking dead but now raised in newness of spirit. That if we live by the mandates of the flesh we remain dead, but if by the spirit we put off the dead body and put on the new man, we live. And as many as are led by the spirit? These are Gods offspring. Why? Because “to be carnally minded is death, but to spiritually minded is life. (Rom 8.6) This is the resurrection.
  So humanity is divided into two groups. Those “in Adam”, and those “in Christ”. This is resurrection of spirit which is life and not the body like a carnal rapture.
  So some wait for the redemption of the body as though it is apart from the body. They want the body to be dead to become new but we are not renewed after death but now through the gospel. We put off the old and put on the new. ( Colossians 3.14)
  The gospel is the words of God being the anatomy of God broken down for human consumption for the carnal mind to be renewed in spirit and needs not a physical death to be true. (Romans 12.2) And if you can understand what we are saying then you will learn to understand that we are restored to that which is from the beginning when Adam had a right relationship with God, and his lower nature of dust had a right relationship with creation as God said “it is good, very good.
This is the true redemption, restoration, and salvation being the same thing described in different terms for our understanding, for our renewal of mind in the spirit.
  If we recieve Gods word, we are recieved by God that “where He is we may be also”. And God being in full control,  we being “seated with Him in the heavenlies” is a mindset of a new spirit who has power over the elements. It is as God said to Isaiah that “My word shall not return to me void but shall accomplish all that I desire. For you shall go out with joy and be led forth with piece. The mountains and the hills shall break forth into singing. All the trees of the field shall clap their hands”. And it does for the new man which is why Christ said “ask anything in My name and the Father will do it”. Ask for your joy to be full. And “the Father is glorified when you bear much fruit.
  Did not Paul say in Romans that the creation itself will be delivered from corruption to the glorious liberty of the sons of God? And it is if we learn to use the gift of God to us now in our new nature. If we learn to put it on. If we are “a kind of first-fruits of His creation and then we too are a product of “every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” and do the works of our heavenly Father which is word. We speak a thing and it obeys.
  Enjoy the redemption from God to himself, to our original purpose of displaying His Glory and His likeness in the here and now. This is true godliness. (God-like-ness) and this is true salvation.
  “Today! If you can hear His voice. Today is the day of salvation!”



Hebrews 3, Houses

Posted on September 8, 2015 by ADMIN

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From Hebrew 3 we see that Moses had a house and Christ has a house whose house we are if we hold fast to Gods invisible principles. You see the man Jesus had a house. Meaning Christ in His earthly mission and that was His disciples but of His eternal work? We are His living stones being built up a habitation of God in the Spirit.
 But the man Jesus knew as a young man saying ” I must be about my father’s business? Also knew his step father on earth was a parable by being a house builder, who also said “Father I have lost none whom you have given me except the son of perdition as it is written.
   If you are questioning the difference between the man Jesus and the eternal Jesus, Jesus put on man temporarily to become a parable and a picture of redeemed man, but He wasn’t redeemed.  You see He never fell. (Phil 2 and John 13) Then He says “I go to the Father and you see Me no more” and  “if I do not go the holy spirit will not come”. In this Jesus was trying to get the disciples to see him not in a robe and sandals but as He is in His original composition of spirit like they saw Him at the transfiguration being His true form.
  This is why Paul said “we once knew Christ according to the flesh but Henceforth know we Him no more.  And as Jesus stated “great works shall you do because I go to the Father ” . If we do not see Him as completely victorious over any and every obstacle or enemy, the greater works” you cannot do. This is why praying in the name of a second coming Jesus has such meager pay off.
  For this reason the Christ the Chief cornerstone and the 12 disciples are the foundation of Heavenly/invisible Jerusalem. They are the collections of stones that comprise the gospel being the kingdom of God, being built inside of us, that we being members and citezine of God’s house hold, if we have reassembled the invisible truths laid out in scripture we have the foundation to build. To assemble. To call. This is our building and our doing the works of thr Father.
 This same Jesus said “in my Fathers house are many abodes”. Yes many houses. And if we understand the callings like what Adam called the animals and the man Jesus called the disciples saying “you are Petros. And on this rock I will gather my called out ones. We are called out to be in, to call a thing to be. And if we are in Christ we have an invisible house comprising of His attributes to affect our sphere of influence. Like Paul said ” I will not extend myself beyond my sphere which especially includes you.  This is why it’s said of the Body of Christ being the called, are His body that fills everything everywhere. A collection of spheres, or houses, or abodes.
  Paul who also said of one to deliver such a one up to Satan for their spirit to be saved.  This is the same thing Jesus did with Judas. Paul and Jesus were stewards of their houses who gave a testimony for the Glory of God.
  So we are called, we hear the call, we ascend in thought form which is our spirit and we become callers, and we call. This is what fulfills in us James who says “we are a kind of first fruits of His creation ” That we are of His kind. To call things to come to be. Like Adam before his fall. Like the first of the redeemed in the man Jesus. Like Moses who was called but never experienced the promises (the promised land equals this invisible place in spirit and truth)
So when things are looking bleak do not murmur or complain but use your invisible character and express by faith word. Gods attributes and promises to us. Reside these for your words to become your reality.
You see God said of creation before the fall that it was good, very good. And to our new nature it is. For it is redeemed to us at our personal redemption unlike the 2nd coming message of a collective future saving when Jesus comes to save again and make another new heaven and earth as some falsely claim.  God sent His Son as Savior of the world and we did just that. He is the propitiation for the whole world. And 2 Corinthians 5.19 that “God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself “. Creation is working just fine, just as it was designed to. A 2nd coming Jesus does not do this or these verses I just quoted are lies, and that can’t be but “we have come to know and believe that God has sent His Son as Savior of the eorld. Do you? Can you? Because this is the gospel. Any other gospel that does not confess that Christ has come in the flesh is anti Christ.
If we can see redemption in this way then we can accept when Paul says “old things have passed away and all things have become new”. Then you can also see why it’s hideous to believe in the science of eschatology which is nothing more than a man made religion that re appropriates scriptured expired in Christ by matching them with news articles of the day. Every generation has said Christ’s coming is imminent and it is. The Kingdom of God is at hand, finished fom the foundations of the world.
You see there is a last coming in which the elements will disappear. It’s not a saving day and it us not a day when any part of time and matter survives “for anything that can be shaken will be shaken so that what is eternal and may remain”. And “the earth and all its works will melt with a fervent heat so that righteousness remains”. And what is it that remains? Well “all flesh is as grass to be burned in a fire, but the Word of the Lord endures forever.



We speak for the Glory of God to be revealed

Posted on August 27, 2015 by ADMIN

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We speak for the Glory of God to be revealed. This are the deeds of the Father.

Romans 8.27 For what shall separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus neither height nor depth nor principalities or powers nor any other creative things shall separate us from the love of God.
It is the obstacles that we face in our life that are presented to us for the glory of God to be revealed. Even as Christ had said with Lazarus when asked why he remained dead for 4 days. Christ said to his disciples “didn’t I tell you that if you only believe you would see the glory of God?”
Many of the obstacles or seeming contradictions faced by Christ in the scriptures, was for the glory of God to be revealed”. It was that He spoke a word and the word which He spoke became the thing that He said the moment He spoke it. Only God can do that. In this way He showed that He was the Son of the Father by doing deeds of the Father. Like in the beginning they said “Let there be light”, without delay the eons were created and continue even now.
Wow! What a humanly incomprehendable performance. And of Christ scripture says “16 For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or [e]principalities or [f]powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. 17 And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.” (Colossians 1)
It was the glory of God manifest through His Word and He Glorified the Father through what He said. Like it is said to us “the Father is glorified in that you bear much fruit” like the only begotten we image our selves like. We strive to imitate Him, not by the deeds of the flesh but by the spirit of things pertaining to faith of things invisible. Even as Hebrews says that “Faith is the substance of things unseen” showing for us a more enduring treasure than the things we see having more relevance as being “The Kingdom of God at hand” of things attainable to the re-spirited mind.
Christ spoke to the obstacles, whether it was death or principalities or powers or things present or things to come, Christ spoke a word and the obstacle became beat like pulp and became like chaff in the wind.
So for us too. We meet these obstacles in our life head on with Gods word. Like Christ said at His temptation “for it is written…” In this He showed for us the way. He passed this on to us with His discourse to the disciples saying” ask anything in My name and the Father will do it”. and as we speak it is in that w”bear much fruit that the father is glorified” and our glorification is to be able to speak a word, and the thing become the thing that we said like God Himself does. These are the deeds of the Father.
This is the shared glory of God given to us in Christ. To us, the elect of God who are “called chosen and faithful” being “sanctified and ready for every good work”. And the only good work is a God work and the only work God does is word.
So the obstacles we encounter is our moment for our God given glory from our adoption “in Christ” to shine forth the reflecting our likeness of our Father. To speak a thing and it comes into being. Praise God hallelujah amen.
This is how we show our selves as the fullness of the stature of the Son of God to a perfect man just like Jesus spoke and the thing became to be. We likewise speak and a thing becomes to be. This is a perfected saint. A mature saint who can do the things the Son did. Scripture says that”as He is so are we in this world”. And if we can receive that, we are full grown. And our words become the things we say. In this way we prove ourselves to be “a kind of fruit of his creation it”. It is to our glory and to His glory, a reciprocating glory, that we mutually participate in His glory now.
You shall be judged by every word you say? This is usually seen as a future event of judgement at a specific point in time but it’s not. It is because we are made in the image of God that even as Isaiah said that “we dwell in the land of unclean lips”. To the degree that you speak forth falsehood, stifles your ability to speak forth things into being. Even as it says in the Book of James that “a perfect man can bridle his mouth”. This becomes Christ in us. The gift from the Father to be joint heirs with Christ. To that degree we are able to speak a thing to be. And if we are not good stewards with what is our own,, who is going to give us another?
This is the purpose for our sanctification, our putting off the deeds of the flesh. For us to speak a thing to be, and it becomes a fact, is directly related to how clean our heart is. This is why “to the pure all things are pure” for that is what they speak and creation mirrors that back to them. But to those who are defiled? They see gloominess and darkness because that is their view of the world, the mirroring of creation back to them. It is the lying speaking slandering murmuring that breaks you from this gift. For “it is not what goes in a man that the defiles a man but it is what comes out of a man that defiles a man because from there proceeds murders and adultery”. And this is what that scripture means. If we honor God in truth in all that we do regardless of how it may or may not affect us or benefit us, that we do not lie for personal gain, to this one the person will be gifted with the abilities of God. As it is written “be ye Holy as I am Holy”. So dealing with truth and honesty with our neighbors and community is key.
 2nd Corinthians 7:1 says to purify ourselves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God”. And this is what we do. To the degree that we know and understand and speak truthfully is to the degree that we receive. Even as Paul said “I reach out to lay hold of white Christ laid hold of me” and “walk to the degree that you have attained” so to put on truth is to put on another attribute of God seen in Christ. “God is spirit and truth and seeks such”. Such are the Elect. (John 4)


Deeds of the Father

Posted on August 16, 2015 by ADMIN

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We all have a surname and they are usually passed on to us by our fathers. In times past it was also the trade or business of the father that was his name too. With names like Gardner Baker Smith Shoemacker and such. It was common that a son took over the Fathers business. The name was what they did.


It is from the first father Adam that we work in the” sweat of our face”. We do physically exertive tasks and spend physical energy for a ways and means. But there is a better way and it is called “the works of our Heavenly  Father”. This is what Jesus did saying that he “came and did the works no man can do” being word, speaking a thing and it coming to be. This is what is given to us saints. We work with words too. We call a thing that was previously dark and murky and it is set in order by the things that we say. Like “Let there be light”.


Christ said “I do the deeds of my Father” which is word. By this He showed that He was the new creation and the Son of God . He did not work on the “sweat of his face” which was inherited through Adam. Gods works are word and our conversion,  or better yet our transfiguration, and is a product of what He Said “from the beginning” and not an end time reality some call “the second comin”.  This Word spoken  is spoken in every generation of this creation through the agency of the gospel to which I am appointed.


In this way we show who our father is being the fallen nature of Adam or,,, the redeemed man in the image of Christ being re image by Him for He is the word of God. And Christ said to us “In this the Father is glorified that you bear much fruit” and ” Whatever you ask the Father (using words) in my name that He will do”. It is to the Glory of God the Father that your word bears fruit for in this age as the proof that you are one of His and share in His Glory now. And it is Christ who “brings many sons to Glory ” who shares His very Glory with us to be glorified with Him in the here and now being “seated in heavenly places, in “the Kingdom of God at hand” being at your fingertips. We join “the spirits of just men made perfect”  And if we accept this invitation and strive for this calling by participating in sanctification, then we receive the full gift as a work of word and spirit.


John the baptizer said “there is one coming after me and He will baptize you with fire”. Sanctification is that fire that purifies and makes Holy and burns away the dross of this age so you too can say of the God of this age that “he has nothing in me”. This is “For those who come to the light to clearly see that whats required by them are done in God”. John 3.21


This is a totally foreign concept to someone who is looking to be raptured and rescued by another Jesus. But even Paul said that he “strives to lay hold of why Christ laid hold of him”. This is it and this is the “upward call of God in Christ” that we strive for now. This is not a 2nd coming reward for those holding on to their old Adamic nature by their fingernails saying “Jesus save me”


For us who are “living stones” the proverbial saying of ” chip of the old block” applies here. We are joined “in Christ” who is the Chief cornerstone. It is He who determines all the angles, the foundation being the 12 apostles on which we stand. And this is how we participate in Gods Kingdom now. Through the gospel.


Like it says in scripture that “man was made in the image and likeness of God”. Yes in design and function for the redeemed, sanctified by the Holy Spirit born of Word, and restored to that which is from the beginning where it is said of creation that “it is good, very good”, so we do.  For those of us who have a new name, we do the deeds of our father with that name.  His name is our name, his deeds are our deeds, we work like Him in His image and His likeness, in His design and function being just like Him. This is what  it means to be in Christ.  This is what Jesus was teaching when He said “go tell the disciples that I have ascended to my God and your God and to My Father and your Father”. So we tell you. And as Paul said “be ye reconciled to the Father” This is that. In word and deed. This is why “your shall be judged by every word that proceeds from your mouth.

“If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, you can ask for anything you want and it shall be done for you”. If we do this the power of God displayed in the resurrection of Christ abIdes in us too.

In light of this examine your works and sdk yourself. Who is your father?


Jacobs Ladder Pt 1, steps to the Kingdom

Posted on August 12, 2015 by ADMIN

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Most people believe that all Scripture has equal relevance. Some see a difference between the  Old Testament and the New Testament. Some presume the Gospels to be part of the Old Testament for the blood was not yet shed, but it was Christ who said that “upon Me you shall see the angels of God ascending and descending upon”  equating himself with Jacob’s Ladder at Bethel which means the house of God being the Kingdom of God.  Christ being the Word of God being also in human form bringing with Him the Kingdom of God in God from. This is the Word that all revelation travels upon and it is Him in word form absorbed by us that are “the keys to the Kingdom.”
    When Paul was stuck by a blinding light from heaven he was told “‘I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. Rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you.  Here it is shown that Christ’s revelations and comings are progressive and continual and not 1st and 2nd comings.
So here is the truth we must recognize, that all Scripture is not equal. There are various stages in various phases which is why it’s like angels on a ladder. Like Paul who strived to lay a hold of godliness also saying “to the degree that you have attained so walk ye in it”.
And Christ who said that John the baptist was the spirit of Elijah if you are able to receive it. Showing us God’s things are not dispensed by time, but by wether you are able to accept it or not.
 So this all makes sense so far but how does this affect our walk? Well if we see all Scripture as equal relevance, we may miss the order in which we climb up the ladder which is a metaphor for us growing up into Him who is the head, into the full stature of the Son of God and a Co-heir with Christ.  It is He who said “follow me that where I am you may be also” who also says if you serve Him you do what he says. That’s what his servants do, they follows him that where he is he may be also. This is our journey and pilgrimage.
So we have the blessedness of the anatomy of God in the Scriptures before us in varying degrees in books to be consumed by our understanding for our individual transfiguration. The top of most of these books are the writings of John. He specifically addresses the “overcomer”. But it is Paul who through his various letters is seen in degrees and in different stages as he strives to attain what John describes.
   In 1st Corinthians 15 Paul says that Christ must reign till he puts all enemies under his feet and then God will be all in all but then in Ephesians he says that has already happened saying that Christ came for God to be all in all, that “all things have been put under His feet” and His body the eklisia, fill everything every where.
   In Paul’s own admission in Ephesians 3.3 this was a new revelation. He had not yet attained in strove do attain why Christ laid hold of him, indicating that something was attainable “to the fullness of the stature of Christ and a son, or replica of God. And that had nothing to do with a rapture or an end time scenario. That there was something he could attain in Christ, even as he said in Ephesians that we are given apostles and prophets till we all come to a full status to a full measure in the image of Christ. And it is the gospel that does all this and not after we die or a 2nd coming.
  It is from the book of Romans that has the importance of conveying to the born-again mind that the resurrection is a spiritual thing and it is a done deal.  Paul then on the other hand gets to the concept of creation and still sees the need for redemption saying that the whole earth groans and travails waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.
 To many and maybe even to Paul where he was at in his stages, this is seen as some kind of event that happens at a second coming and if that’s the case then Jesus Christ is not yet the savior of the world and must come again as though the works were not finished and there are very many who hold on to that view do you?
   So to those who hold on to the view that all Scripture has equal relevance to them they generally use lesser scriptures to negate more important ones and deny the very access to the kingdom of God that they are entitled to. Did not the Christ say that he had given us the keys to the kingdom?  That it is  good the father’s good pleasure to grant you access to the Kingdom, that the kingdom of God is at hand? And not still being made to appear for another Jesus coming to save planet earth?
   1 John 4.14 we have seen and testify that God has sent His Son as savior of the world.
   So the one who says “come up hither” in Revelation 4, to those who suppose that to mean a rapture, is the same one who said in John 15 “arise let us go up from here” it is He who says these things over and over in parabolic form for us to arise in spirit and in truth to the very place that He is. This is called the kingdom of God and this is why the kingdom of God is always at hand and not a one time public offering called “the second coming” a Jesus to establish himself on planet Earth as a soon coming king. Wasn’t He born king?
   So the new man is not a one time event called a Rapture but in degrees of revelations as we put on Christ each in their own order happening ” in the twinkling of an eye” unnoticeable to human perceptions, till we all, each individually arise to the full stature of the Son of God like Christ as we put on the invisible attributes of God “seen in the face of Jesus Christ “.
Amen. So be it.

For more on Jacobs ladder read Pqrt 2 https://www.hiskingdomathand.com/2015/11/jacobs-ladder-2-colossians-the-2nd-coming-and-rapture/


Calling things to be

Posted on August 9, 2015 by ADMIN

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Animals were given acute senses which Adam had before the fall. When he called and named the animals he placed upon them features of his own. They were given to interact with him, he was the one with dominion over all, and he placed upon them small likenesses of himself much like Christ does to those who receive Him in this age. Adam gave physicalities he could relate to and invisible ones too. Like an eagles eye, or the memory if an elephant. Like birds and fish with the tremendous ability to navigate the sky’s and sea’s.
Adam could only call a thing that he had in himself. It was after the fall that animals were tainted by reflecting mans new fallen nature. A dog senses a wicked person and so all creatures display a fear and skepticism toward man like man does God.
But pertaining to the new heaven and earth?  It does not go into its own personal metamorphosis to become new but just reflects the nature of the man. When the man is renewed by the spirit of God, creation itself responds in a new way.  That is why Paul said “to the pure all is pure” and “all things become new.  Old things pass away, all things become new”. And creation is renewed by the work of the Christ of the cross. His blood was spilt upon the earth too. This is why He is the propitiation for the whole world.  1st John 2
 The words of scripture are “God sent His son into the world not to condemn it but that through Him the world would be saved”. And it is, for the redeemed born again man “in Christ”.  It is to that person that the creation is restored to the beginning when God said of His creation that “it is good, very good”. For God Himself gave to His creation a reflection of His character through contrasts. God divided light and dark, but in Him is no darkness at all”.  It is the fallen man who is on a state of being judged that creation groans with.
We see in Moses and the exodus, which pictures  baptism into the spirit. Their enemies experienced death in the red sea while the Israelites experienced life by the same method.  For them like for us the only enemy left is unbelief and fear. But It was because they were using their old Adamic nature that their works seen “of the sweat of your face” that yielded curses. They had a blank tapestry called a desert to learn to do the works of the Spirit and express by faith to “go out with joy, be led forth with peace,  the mountains and the hills will break forth into singing, all the leaves of the fields will clap their hands”, but they would have none of it. They could have painted that desert with the word of faith. Instead of doing the works of God the Father of Spirits. Like with speaking to the rock to burst forth living waters, it became the work of their old Adamic nature. They smote the rock with a stick and received their just reward. They physically died in the wilderness. Time after time they chose their lower human nature and rejected the Holy Spirit.
 It was their baron hardened  heart being desolate that was portrayed in creation for them. That is to say that the things visible portrayed thier invisible inside self, being a baron lifeless desert called Kadesh Barnia. That was their moment, their hour and time of visitation to receive the things of God by the way that they spoke and not by their religious observances. “So be it according to your faith “. For them it was. Baron, desert, faithless life without the spirit.
But of the New Covenant being the new way and the new life and a fresh start for those who overcome, who have ears to hear and do the works of their heavenly Father that says “you shall go out with joy and led forth with peace.  The mountains and the hills shall break forth into singing all the leaves and trees shall clap their hands” by what they speak into existence.  But those with Moses knew it not. That is why the clusters of grapes that were shown to the Hebrews by Joshua and Caleb. This they rejected the same way and we’re sentenced to 40 years hard labor. It was later that Joshua led a new generation into the promise land. And they started that journey how? By shouting to the walls of Jericho, being an act of faith of something they said.
   All the people participated in this battle. How? By what came out of their mouth.
  Here  is something we need to understand . Creation only mirrors. The physical promised land  and only portrays the eternal invisible promises of spirit and truth. Or when Joshua divided up the promise land, the promises of God would have culminated and ceased then, and that is what each believer would inherit too. A piece of dirt beyond the Jordan river and that is all.  If people only knew what they were really fighting for over there. Dirt. Dirt is temporary but Gods word, His promise and His land is eternal.
   And we get all the promises of God for the promise of God is eternal life and not something that fades and erodes “for all the promises of God are yes and amen”. Dirt cannot be the fulfillment of the promise but the here and now is subjected to the eternal words of God displayed in Christ for our training and transformation . All things have their fulfillment in the Christ of the cross, and He is the promise land because our inheritance is in Christ, the savior of the world. And that is what He did. Of Him it is said “that he comes and His reward is with Him being Him and not a silly piece of dirt defined as Israel or Jerusalem. “For the hour is coming and now is when you will not in Jerusalem worship the Father but in Spirit and truth”. So that is what we do.
  For this reason scripture says that “heavenly Jerusalem comes down from God in heaven”. Gods city has nothing to do with real estate, dirt,  or planet earth. It is Heavenly, holy and out of this world, a timeless reality “prepared from the foundations of the world.
   It is Adamites that get dirt.  He returns to dirt when he dies but of those born from above we get spirit when we live which is the moment you believe and has nothing to do with physical death.
  When you were born of man you were born dead to the spirit.  But we are born from above from our Heavenly Mother which is Heavenly Jerusalem, (Galatians 4.26)born of spirit and inherit that. And it is the re spirited  man who has the same dominion as Adam had before the fall when God said of all creation  that “it is good, very good”. And he did it while he occupied a body form the dust of the earth. So we can too.
And this is the same as the man Christ Jesus, to transform, to call or name a thing. And how do we do this? The same way He did. By word. Like they did. We believe there for we speak. We too can do the works of the Father if we too have been trained in righteousness and put on Christ our new man that replaces the Adamic. Instead of sweating, we speak. This is the “greater works shall you do because I go to the Father “. We do greater works than the man Jesus. He spoke didn’t He?
So scripture says we have “faith to move mountains? If we have the faith of a mustard seed we do, this and more. This becomes our work.
Faith is invisible character. Gods character, in His Son, gifted to us. He is our new character. This is passed on by the gospel. We receive His word, His Son. This is written on our invisible part and not on parchment or paper. This is Gods invisible DNA, His attributes active in us for “God has given us everything that pertains to life and god like ness through the knowledge of Him who calls us to glory by virtues”. And it is these virtues given to us in His word saying that “we are partakers of the divine nature now, being God Himself, having escaped the corruption that is in the world” now if we believe scripture. This becomes us the moment we believe. And this is our present access into the Kingdom, now. ( 2 Peter 1.10+)
   There are many who wait for a 2nd coming Jesus to make them divine? They forfeit their heavenly calling, and their earthen transformation,  their transfiguration to be heavenly and holy and divine in the here now. Scripture calls this “putting on Christ”
  Isn’t this why we are called saints? Why we are called the offspring of God?  Referring to the invisible attributes from God active in us? “As you have received of Christ,  walk ye in it”! And, to the degree that you have received, walk ye in it.
This is our salvation which sanctifies the man of dirt for noble purposes but the man returns to the dirt. Dust to dust. (2 Corinthians 5) and 1 Co 15 saying “sown corruptible, raised incorruptible. Peter and Paul talk of “putting off the body”. But our vessel has noble cause but no eternal value. So in the same way you can move mountains, drag your old man around as dead to its old ways.
   So how big is your faith? Our faith comprises of the characteristics of God active in us that we have put on being the things seen on the mountain (the law, feasts and prophets) and made more clear by revelations and unveilings of the person of Jesus Christ by His Word.  This is what we put on to become more godly. like when we dress in the morning in front of a mirror but what we put on are Gods invisible characters and qualities. This is our new man, this is godliness, god-like-ness, that creation responds to in a new way.  The word is our mirror to become and remember what manner of new man that we are as made in His image.
  This is us putting on Christ one attribute at a time. His invisible attire come down like manna from heaven being spread out over the eons through the gospel in word form and repeated by the faithful.
  When you were instructed to put on the whole armor of God, what part of that did you get out of your closet? What part did you buy from the store? We are told to put on love and patience and trust of God. Why is it some think godliness to be a new physicality to be carnally observed by a end time second coming Jesus?
  The Kingdom of God is at hand.


Adam names. Part 2

Posted on July 21, 2015 by ADMIN

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During creation God said that He created all the animals fish and fowl. That to them he gave plants and trees for food. Then peculiarly He says that ” because there was no man to till the earth that no rain was given to cause anything to grow. You see at that moment God the Father designed every plant and tree, leaf and fruit that would ever be from the earth till the end of the need for creation. That man was the need and purpose of creation be it plants or animals.   It was for man to work it and distribute severally at his will. To ” have dominion,  to rule over it. And until man was ready, there was no need to water, to grow or to feed anything man beast fish or fowl.      All these are subject to and given over to Adam to call them what ever he wanted.  He called the shots being master over His world as a parable of what God is. To learn mastery. That through things of time and matter he would learn to participate in the eternal. Which is? To rule and reign with God.  Adam was to call a thing and the thing would become what he called it.

When Jesus Christ came to humanity He called His disciples. To one He said “for you are Peter, the rock, and on this I will build my church. Or better rendered in Greek “I will gather my called out ones”.  You see the man Jesus “called” very much like Adam. “And whatever he called them that is what they were.

So for us too. If we here the called, He calls us from darkness into His light, who calls us to follow Him. And this is not a series of W.W.J.D. but to follow Him where He is that we may be also”. And this supercedes and preempts the need for any of us to wait for a  2nd coming Jesus as though Gods love and purpose is held back by time and matter.

He calls us to Himself, the invisible ubiquitous immortal (unhuman) eternal.  And the only way to do this is for us to become invisible pure and holy for it is written “be ye holy as I am holy”  and “come out (our calling) from among them and I will receive you, lay aside all filthiness of flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God”. And we who do this become “pure even as He was pure. 1 John 3.3

Are we not called saints? Are we not called in sanctification of the spirit? Are we not called to eat of His flesh and drink of His blood? His body? His body is not a wafer you put under your tongue .  He is word. John 1.1. This is what we eat. Who we eat.  To become like Him. He is the way to the Father through word. ” The way you know” and this is the way. Not a silly rapture for your body is to be sown corruptible and returns to dust.

Put on virtues. Virtues are invisible attributes.  To be virtuous is to have attributes.  Gods attributes.  These are part and parcel of the gospel.  These are things freely given to us by the Holy Spirit. And this is our purpose and calling.  To become Godly, godlike. Like God. The word. His Son declares Him. Manifests or makes Him know, and we put this on.

” We’ve been given everything that pertains to life and god likeness according to the knowledge of Him who calls us by glory and virtue”.

This is in the here and now. This what we are accountable for and what we will be judged for. Did we put on Christ? Do we receive Him who is invisible?  Then why are you waiting for a physical manifestation?  That is not him. It is the wicked servant that says  ” my Master delays his coming “. This is what ever 2nd coming seeker does. Christ stands here knocking.



In Moses. Not in Adam. An earthen  picture of being in Christ.

This was seen with Moses. Those people were taken to a desert. A baron desolate land with seemingly no water and no vegitation so subsequently no animals insects or life. They had a blank tapestry to fill in. Instead of calling a thing to be, like what was given to Adam. Them showing their fallen nature, they murmured and complained saying; Wish to God we had leeks and garlic like we had in Egypt”.


It was Gods plan for them to speak to the rock to learn to speak forth the provision as they needed it for ” God had not caused there to be any water until man needed it. These people and primarily Moses disobeyed God by striking the rock and making it a work of man and not a work of speaking the word by the spirit. That is what God did as seen in the beginning  “in the beginning God did… and the spirit hovered over the face of the waters.

If we are born again of God being genetically predisposed to be like Him and “call a thing that is not as though it is” then it should be no surprise that during our sojourning on earth that we will not see the provision until we speak it for that is the whole cause and purpose of our sojourning.  To exercise the new creation or the newly creating ability we have in us in the here and now. Of the things of God we are a recipient, receiver and conduit. God places before us a blank tapestry or even like the earth, that it was without form and void. We are given the opportunity to show ourselves to be “a first fruit of His creation ” by adding color and definition to these seemingly ambiguous tapestries being the life circumstances we find ourselves in.  We too should divide and set in order the things given to our care.

It is the im-morally destructive  man  who conquers and divides by brute force that opporates in contrast with the regenerate man who names and sets in order like the one in whose image we resemble.

But  if we abuse this gift it stops. The “give and it shall be given pressed down and over flowing” ceases. Like James says to Weep and morn and howl in your miseries for the judgment coming upon you for you store up treasures on these last days

But this is what some do and call it the will of God. But that is just a false gospel of fear but “perfect love casts out fear because fear involves torment. He who fears has not been perfected in love. It is us who know our God and the abounding gift in us that we manifest by our words, we believe and speak. To us it is given to be “rivers of living water” and as Moses smote the rock and was cursed, God smote the true Rock his Son for Him to be cursed for us, for us to receive what is gifted to His Son. This we believe and speak and it becomes our reality.


So much like with Moses in the wilderness being dry baron and desolate, God gives us a blank page to paint our own tapestry, our own collage, our own creation. This is is us bringing forth the living waters” that the hearer of the word may have the thing that is said. This is the gospel and the salvation of your soul in this age and not another.

So you be the living waters. You be the change agent. By your work of word and by portraying The invisible attributes you have adopted from Christ who revealed the face of the Father. Not for saving the earth. No Christ is already a credited that. But permeate the sphere of influence given you as a good steward who says “my Master delays not His coming.

The Kingdom of God is at hand! !



Posted on July 5, 2015 by ADMIN

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Christ told the disciples while He was alone with them “until now you have asked for nothing in my name. And, In this the Father is glorified that you bear much fruit. If you abide in Me and my words abide in you”.  You can ask the Father anything in my name and He will do it.
It is here that we can assess our faith for accuracy.  I mean the one who cannot lie said “ask anything in My name” and He will do it to us so is it true for us? If not, why not. Do we ask anything and receive it?
There is a polarity shift that takes place in our faith as we correctly understand God and His gift to is in His Son who said “Ask anything in my name and the Father will do it.”
So here is the truth. “That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit, ye must be born again”
Of this Paul said “the first man Adam was a human doing and the last Adam Christ is a life giving spirit”. And so are all born from the union of word and Spirit, water and fire. The eternal things that we have acquired by faith which is tempered by testings of His word in us, the “hath God really said” are to partake of His holiness and become like Him.
  He who speaks and it becomes a fact, like ” Let there be light” so say we. And as Christ said ” He who believes in Me out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. We too become a life giving spirit having the invisible attributes of the living God we see in Christ.
   But it is the unregenerate carnal mind that is bound by time and matter that cannot do this. As Paul said “You observe days months seasons and years.  I am afraid that I have labored for you  in vain” (Gal 3+4). They are still under guardians and tutors rejecting faith, which is our invisible response to the invisible God.
   But those who are born from above are those who see the Kingdom as a concurring, constant reality, and those who are born of the spirit enter the Kingdom now. It is they who “like the wind blow where they wish”. (John 3.8) It is these who out of their being flows rivers of living water” . And it is these believers that creation is subject to with Christ’s words saying “Ask anything and it shall be done for you”. And “greater works shall you do because I go to the father”. And it was Paul who prayed that we would know the power that resides in us which is the same power for creating that God displayed as Christ was raised from the dead. This is in us now through the working of faith.
   It is the Father of glories who begat me to be like Him, and seated me with Him in glory (John 17.22 Eph 2.10). Yes “all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God” because they are created with the capacity to reflect the glory of God. And it is the redeemed born from above man that is restored for that purpose. “Ye shall become as gods and scripture cannot be broken”. So we say. “We believe Therefor we speak”. This is the new creation and the new creating. In the beginning God said and it was so? And I do the works of my Father. I am a kind of first fruit of His creation” in the here and now. “for as He is so are we in this world”.
Here again is where the 2nd coming seekers fall short. For when Christ said to “ask anything in my name”, they only ask in distortion of His name because they are still looking to be saved. Being ignorant and unaware that Christ already came and saved eternally having implemented the New Covenant as is evident by His blood and this gift is activated by faith to “each one in their own order” (1Cor 15) when they apply their faith and not an end time thing. We advance now. The Kingdom of God is at hand now.
But they think he must come and save again with carnal raptures and resurrections. This is a different saving and a different Jesus. They ask in the name of that Jesus who has yet to save. They think his name is a spelling and a pronunciation without meaning, but His name is “Hosanna! Blessed is He who came”. So why must he come again for another saving or rapture be pre trib or post trib or whatever you want to call it?
The spelling may be the same but the meaning is different.  His name means “the saving one, the savior, having saved. But they believe Jesus must come again and save through raptures and bodily resurrections in a carnal way to appease their human senses and they reject the saving that is evidenced by the blood of Christ through the eternal spirit. They ask in the name of the wrong jesus. One who must save later. But this one to come later to save is antichrist in direct competition with Christ who already came and did the saving. This is my savior.
   It is antichrist to pray in that meaning and say that
name. It receives nothing from the Father but is left to chance and happen stance and a little sympathy from God hoping some day they will see. They are unbelieving not knowing scripture the power of God or righteousness and holiness as becoming saints. But we cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit perfecting holiness.   2 Corinthians 7.1. We discard those notions.
For us who follow Christ who said “follow Me that where I am you may be also” as Christ asked, we are with Him being one with Him we are like Him for “as He is so are we in this world”. We are in heaven and on earth at the same time as was He (John 3) but it is earth that is the temporary variable that is being removed for the eternal to remain. Are you participating in the eternal that remains?
   Yes the Christ I know has another coming on the human scene, but it is His last one when “the elements and all the earth and its works will be burned with a flaming heat”.Then those who have put on Christ in this age will be seen and known by their invisible attributes that they attained in their sojourning because that’s all that’s left, the invisible.
This is another reason why waiting for another Jesus to save your carnal body is a hoax. Only the invisible survives the fire. Even as Paul said of putting off the body that “you not be found naked”. Why? Because your body will be discarded being sown corruptible returning to dust.
   So what are you putting on your soul now so you won’t be found naked? And how much of Christ can you put on now while you have your mortal body? Well I hope your transformation, or better yet your transfiguration is complete. Isn’t that why God gave some apostles pastors and teachers?  “Till we come to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ”. This is not a rapture thing or a thing you get when you mortally die.
When John was in the Spirit on the Lords day, meaning The Day of the Lord”  for the Revelation, the apocalypse, the unveiling of Jesus Christ, He met a person he thought to be the Lord and stooped down to worship him.       Lets look at the account of someone who was already the likeness of Christ before the supposed 2nd coming when the transformation is thought to take place according to the purveyors of that gospel.

Then he said to me, “These words are faithful and true.” meaning invisible and ubiquitous, And the Lord God of the holy prophets sent His angel to show His servants the things which must shortly take place.   (immediately not 2000 plus years)

“Behold, I am coming quickly! ( means immediately). Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.” (because what you keep you become).

Now I, John, saw and heard[c] these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel who showed me these things.

Then he said to me, “See that you do not do that. For[d] I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren the prophets, and of those who keep the words of this book. (Being a product of the gospel, and not, i repeat not a product of a 2nd coming Jesus) Worship God.” 10 And he said to me, “Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand. (meaning right now and not some 2000 plus years later, but the day is coming when) 11 He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous[e] still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.”

So if you have ears to hear, Please, please put Him on now because this age closes and what you became in this age is who you are in the eternal.  This is not an age to wait like the 2nd coming purveyors trick you into. It is our time of sowing and reaping exchanging flesh for spirit. The harvesting is now


“Today is the day of salvation” today is the saving and the transformation, today we reap if we do not faint. Today we put on Christ to the degree that we receive and attain.


The saving and the transformation is not a time or a place or an event but a person. Some call Him Jesus, some call some one else Jesus. Who is your Jesus. Did He give you salvation, meaning Himself for that’s what His name means. He is the only thing eternal. Did you settle for less?


Jump Starting Faith

Posted on July 5, 2015 by ADMIN

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Gen 15 the word of the Lord came to Abraham saying… and this is how He comes to us. Word. This is not a one time event to happen at the end of this age that some call a second coming. The Lord lived vicariously thru His Son, and His Son is Word. This is how He comes to us also, over and over and over until we get it. Until we become a perfect man,  to ” the full measure and statue of Christ” a duplicate. A son of glory doing what a son does, the works of His Father.  It was God who did everything by word. No store bought ingredients,  no cranes no tractors no construction crews. Only Word. (Heb 11.3 + wind Pet 3.7)
   It was in the old Testament that God continually showed  Himself as Word. He unveiled Himself in this way. We call it revelation and manifestation for our transfiguration to become more and more like Him.
   He showed Himself to Samuel by word and as many prophets as were called of God, heard His Word and spoke His word. We call this “prophecy “.
It was the purpose of Moses to sanctify,  exemplify,  magnify and extol the word. He was instructed to “speak to the rock” for it to bring forth water. But the Lord said “because you did not believe Me to hallow me in the eyes of the children of the israel, you shall not bring this congregation into the land I promised to give them”. And this was the cause of Aarons death and the reason Moses never entered the land but died on Mt Nebo which overlooked the promised land that for 40 years has just a few miles away. They rejected Gods word as their solution. This people murmured   Which is the opposite of of speaking Word. Instead of blessing they cursed themselves.
You see it was by a word Moses was to show forth His new man, the one having the angel of death pass over to then be delivered from all his enemies by crossing over the Red Sea symbolizing baptism, to then start over in a new land being a new people on the other side of death symbolizing the new invisible creation being the spirit man that does the work of the Father of spirits.  Moses was instructed to speak to the rock being a work of word and spirit but instead he trusted in his Adamic nature and “smote the rock”. He did not hallow the Lord God.
It was said of the commander that asked Jesus to heal his son that Christ said of him ” I have not seen such a great faith, no not in all if Israel” because he said “Master just say the word and I know it will be done”. This is not only the power of the Father and the power of Christ, but the power given to believers in Christ.  We believe his word, we keep His word, and we become word.  We aquire this gift by faith. The same creative power that created all ages and dominions, that raised Christ from the dead, is our inheritance.  To say a thing and have the thing come to be. A thing that was not becomes the thing that is. (Eph 1.19)
   With Joshua they had opportunity to go into the land again. It was with a new generation from those who murmured and complained. This new generation was instructed collectively “to shout” and the walls of Jericho would fall down. This showed the work of the spirit that conquers every enemy being “the sword of His mouth and the brightness of His coming” being anytime and every time anywhere Word is spoken by a saint in faith.
   Have you used Word lately?  Did the Word of Faith work for you? Do you have the faith of a mustard seed that can move mountains? Than you need to concentrate on what we are saying. You need to hear with your heart and see with your understanding for if you are looking for Him with carnal eyes and human ears like the 2nd coming purveyors suppose then this will pass you by because He only speaks to the Adamic person in parables so that seeing they will not see and hearing they will not hear for the heart if this people has grown dull, calloused and hardened. It was all the law, the feasts and prophets that were to describe holy things, pure and invisible. They were metaphors, or parables to make clear the invisible. “See that you make them according to what you saw on the mount” where no man or beast could touch or they would die. But some how today the flesh fed religious nature of man thinks the timeless God will appear in time and matter. Him who said “My Kingdom is not from this age” will live by the clock? And they describe Word as a one time future event and negate the principle of the ubiquitous nature of God. “Behold I stand at the door and knock”. Do you hear? Well let Him in so you can dine with Him. So you can dine with us on the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.
   So here is for those who “have ears to hear” of a different nature, a new one, their new creation that is exempt from the old, not being subject to the old, the old is subject to us, speak. Speak anything in the name of the Son and our Father will do it. “You have not because you ask not, and you ask to consume for your carnal nature “.
   Believe in Word,  receive the Word, become the Word and speak. For of His fullness we have received “. Nothing is held back for another Jesus. That is the lie “if possible to deceive the elect “. It can fool the Adamic who us looking for another work, but for those of us who know? We who have ears to hear? We consume those lies “with the breath of His mouth and the brightness if His coming” in the here and now.
Is it a second coming Jesus that saves or delivers for us to overcome the world?
1st John 5.4 whoever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has (already) overcome the world,  our faith”. And it is the faith attached to Word. Gods Word. Gods Son. His Son is Word and our salvation. The salvation crew is in full swing to save you from this world and it is Gods Son through the Gospel. This is the Good News. Who is that other Jesus people wait for?


The Son is savior of the world

Posted on June 22, 2015 by ADMIN

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It is typically believed  at Christ 2nd coming that creation would resume the way it was intended. Presumably like with Adam and Eve? That there would be a new physical heaven and earth?

Hebrews 12 states that “what can be shaken will be shaken so that what is eternal may remain” and 2nd Peter says that “all the earth, the elements and all its works will be burned by fire and then there is only righteousness”. Indicating that all created things will be removed. All time and matter, EMC= square, big bang stuff for the invisible, immortal  to exist the way it was in the beginning before time.
It is the purpose of creation to teach man about the invisible things of God, to acclimate man to that element, the spirit. “For that which is flesh is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit”. That you must be born again of the spirit.
Not for God to become the created to live with man in time and matter for that is a facade for God and a false portrayal of who God is.
Even as Christ stated that His Kingdom is not of this world, that it  is not of time and matter or any created thing. It is for redeemed man to put on Christ by becoming His invisible attributes who is the likeness of the invisible God. We become that, “to become pure even as He is pure” (1 John 3.3)  To relate to Him in spirit and truth “for the Father seeketh such”.
And we do this how? As Jesus said to “follow Me, that where I am you may be also” who also said ” I am the way”.  For those who know Him as the Word of God. This is how.
And that place is none other than “In Christ” at the right hand of the Father. The invisible (to carnal perceptions) creation, not being a creation like time and matter with restrictions but the original design that all creation mimics. It is the original creation, or new creation. The one that is always new and never fades being eternally new, forever Glorious. Unlike earth that always gets old.
The new creation is the anatomy of God being the only thing that predates all created things visible and invisible, new and old. It is the components of God broken down into the words of the law and the prophets and reassembled in His son who temporarily put on humanity, who always is the express image of the Father being the same yesterday today and forever. It is Him that we reassemble in ourselves by His word. Only this is eternal. Him. This is why we are called to look to the invisible” because it already is and need not to become as though it is not yet.
It is “Him who calls us” from heaven to His eternal Glory, the Father of glories. Who calls us, the eklisia, meaning the called out to be in, to be into Himself by Jesus Christ. To the invisible, eternal, ubiquitous “the Kingdom of God prepared from the foundation of the world” that predates any created thing. It is that which is from the beginning. Not an end times thing that is still being made.
And it is the Glory of God displayed in the face of a Glorified Christ that we are transformed by now, that we put on by the spirit now and not a second coming. This is true salvation and what the God of this age blinds men to.
1 John 4 puts it like this “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess [a]that Jesus [b]Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.” Meaning, any other saving than the cross is a lie. That Christ does not come back to save the world. He already came to do that.
 Any other creation and any other Jesus than “He who already came in the flesh” is in competition with Him who is “the same yesterday, today, and forever.
There is no building project for a future earthly kingdom like the 2nd coming purveyors suppose. That is a hoax. That is what the Jews of old were condemned for. It is only “that which is from the beginning” (1 John 1.1) so that “what is eternal may remain. 2 Peter 3-
And as 1 John also states that “we are in the last times” meaning the end times, who also says “if that from the beginning remains in you, you have eternal life”.
It is the belief in a 2nd coming Jesus man to visit planet earth later to save you who spits in the face of the saving of the Christ of the cross and disregards that blood that paid the price of redemption to activate eternal life and all it’s benefits now .
And how is this eternal life activated?  By faith. Your invisible embelical cord that connects you to the invisible Glory, the moment you hear and believe. For “who shall go to  the deep to bring Him up? Or who shall ascend to the heavens to bring Him down”? Or how long do we have to wait for Him to come again?  Well what does the scripture say? That “the word is near that you may hear it and do it, even in your heart. This is the word of faith of which we preach”. And so we do.
And it is from faith to faith one step and one revelation at a time. It is “for the invisible to remain” and not a physical 2nd coming to save you for Him to become your savior from planet earth when he does that.. He already did that by the cross to bring you to Himself in a place where you have dominion over this age and the god of this age. All things being subject to us in Christ.
Even as the invisible God was the rejected King in the times of Samuel and God gave the Hebrews Saul who embarrassed them and enslaved them. Why? Because they wanted a physical manifestation. So too the 2nd coming seekers have a choice. Be enslaved to the elements or made free by the invisible Spirit. Life or death. Living or dying.
 It is Paul who said “you observe days, months,  seasons and years. I am afraid that I have labored for you in vain “. This is what the 2nd coming seekers do. They put Christ on a timeline.
This is why “It is God who sends forth a strong delusion that they should believe a lie to those who had pleasure in unrighteousness”. And righteousness is only in His age that predates time and matter that is the place of our calling. Not a renewed planet earth.
A future 2nd coming kingdom is incomplete and in direct competition with “that which is from the beginning”, the before time one, the eternal never fading One.
So from 1 John 4. Every spirit that teaches that Christ came in the flesh is of God”. And this is what the 2nd coming seekers  deny. How? They say Christ must yet come and save from planet earth through a series of raptures and resurrections. That He didn’t save at the cross. That at His 2nd coming He will be a savior for them from earth. They deny the Christ of the cross who already did the saving work. He is already savior of the world.
1 John 4.14″We have seen and testify that God has sent His Son as savior of the world”  … and He did for all who believe. Do you? 
So those who have true faith can say, I  have over come the world. How? By faith. I have overcome the evil one. How? By faith. I have overcome satan sin and death. How? by faith. This is the gift from God and He calls it salvation and eternal life. And it is brought to us through the gospel and not a 2nd coming.
 Everything Jesus is and did as displayed at His cross resurrection is given to be activated in me now by the agency of His word and the power of His Spirit to those who hear and believe because of the blood of Christ.
 This is the New Covenant and His Holy Spirit, my Mother is (Gal 4.26) the Heavenly Jerusalem come down from God. The Bride of Christ (John 3.29) This is the always new creation.
I will not honor or glorify any notion of any other creation or saving and deny the creation and saving I know. That is the very spirit of anti-christ John warned us against saying;
“Who is he who is antichrist?  But he who denies that Christ has come in the flesh”.  And if Christ was manifest without His Bride He could not have correctly portrayed the Father because the Father said that He made man in His image, male and female made He them”. And the Father could not be pleased in Half His image being only male or female. And it could not be said that “in Him, Christ,  dwells the fullness of the Godhead body” without the reuniting the male and female, but John did see and testify at the baptism of Christ that Jesus was the son of God. This is a true and faithful witness that Christ was complete.
As Christ  stated ” If another comes in the name of the Father him you will receive ” and some do. They expect another coming, a different Jesus and another saving and they call it the 2nd coming. A coming one  to rescue, to save in an end time scenario. That Jesus has left us all here unsaved and in harms way.  You are still in your sins. Why? Because you d not believe the testimony from God about His Only begotten Son.
There is no other saving (from the world) but the cross. There is no other agency but “the gospel once and for all delivered to the saints” for saving. To save “each one in their own order””. Not collectively like the second coming message.  For it is the gospel that is the power of god unto salvation” for saving, redeeming, re-birthing, sanctifying and making one, at-one-ment in the here and now in this age and no other.
The last coming is the end. That is why the Lord is not slack concerning His last coming. Willing that none should perish before He closes the door then” let the righteous be righteous and the unjust unjust and let the filthy be filthy still” (Revelation 22.11) and whatever we put on of Christ now we keep. Because “now the Kingdom is preached and all are pressing in” as Christ said.
There  is no transformation power in the story of a 2nd coming Jesus that leaves you too lazy  to change as you wait for a rapture or to physically die to become Christ-like.
Jesus has many comings but one last  appearing to judge and put an end of this age to be saved and put on the invisible.  The 2nd coming is not found once in scripture. It is a cultist believe that makes people poor blind and naked.
 Poor because they don’t know that they have the keys to enter Kingdom now.  Blind because they don’t see now Him who is invisible.  Naked  because they await a rapture or death and don’t put him on now. But “today is the day of salvation”. Today is the day of the saving from the world. “Today if you will hear His voice “
His comings are many and varied as He says “Behold I stand at the door and knock.” It is the Jesus of the cross and the resurrection that is the way and the truth.
As far as a renewed planet earth? Christ was the propitiation for all creation. Scripture says the whole earth is full of His Glory now. That creations purpose reflects to man the image in his own heart. To the pure all things are pure but to those who are defiled? Well you tell me what you see.
Even as it was the waters of the red sea that saved the Hebrews, it is the same waters that destroyed those who believed not. As scripture says For the wrath of God from heaven is revealed against all ungodliness” now.
Not as if God is powerless to save you from a wicked world  until the illusive second coming that no 2 Christians can agree on anyway. And why can’t they agree? Because it is “a strong dilussion that they may believe a lie” and the devil’s plan to distract them from entering the Kingdom now. They wait for another kingdom of another Jesus and deny the Kingdom And Christ who is always “at hand”.
But I have been renewed and the creation has been restored to me to what Adam lost because it was a work of word in the spirit that renewed it. This is the new covenant for a new people, to those born of the spirit, that they may see and enter the Kingdom of God in Christ. (John 3.3-5)
This is how every eternal work is done, by Word.
 Let there be light!
  In Luke 2 there was a lady that was told by God that she would not die before she saw the salvation of God, saw Him she did. Some call Him Jesus or Emanuel.  Some think Jesus must come again. I stand with that lady and confess that Christ already came in the flesh.


For God to be All in All. Now or Later

Posted on April 16, 2015 by ADMIN

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1st Corinthians 14.22+ “In Christ all shall be made alive (quickened) each one in their own order. Christ, the first fruits, afterwards those who are Christs at His coming (as He comes), after the last enemy death is defeated, then comes the end when He delivers the Kingdom up to God”. And vs 28 the purpose being “that God may be all in all”. And this passage is generally seen as an event dispensed through time, to be accomplished by another coming Jesus to happen in time and matter.
The writer of Hebrews talks about this from Psalms saying
“you made Him a little lower than angels, You crowned Him with Glory and honor, You set Him over the works of your hands, You have put all things in subjection under His feet.
Even though we don’t see
filling all in all, and played out on earth, it is an (eternal) fact. “He was made a little lower than angels for the suffering of death that He by the grace of God would taste death for every man, agreeing with 1st John that He is the propitiation for the whole world”. The price is paid the way is paved. He is the way and the truth. And it was by this that the last enemy death was defeated.
Hebrews goes on to say this was done for “bringing many sons to Glory” that “He who sanctifies, and those (being added each one in their own order) to this sanctification are all one” and equally entitled.  That it is a timeless eternal gift.
These passages are commentaries on Christs prayer in John 17 “Father, that they may be with me where I am.. to behold My glory, that the glory you have given Me I have given them”. And it is timeless saying “Father I say this not only to these who are here today, but to all who will believe in me through their word. “That they may be with us, Me in you, you in Me, I in them”.  (may we add “each one in their own order”).
And here you have the agency of His word, the gospel to be re-iterated throughout time that the hearer of the Word mixing it with faith may receive the thing that is said “each one in their own order”. Can you believe this?
So here is the main point of what we are saying, Hebrews 2.14+ that Christ through His death destroyed him that had power over death. That Christ through the cross defeated Satan sin and the last enemy death. That this battle takes place not in the atmospheres and heavens of the creation of time and matter to be rescued by a second coming Jesus, but in the heavens of your mind by Paul saying “casting down arguments and everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God”, by appropriating His word. For every enemy is defeated by “the Breath of His mouth and the brightness of His coming”. And His coming is not physical but word for God is Word. (Jn 1.1) These are the assorted revelations we experience in our time on earth to bring us into a richer degree of His presence in the here and now. This is His Kingdom at hand.
He already fills the heavens and the earth is full of His Glory, but it is the heavens being the upper echelons of the carnal mind that is a great void that must be filled with the knowledge of God for Him to be all in all, everything every where. This is our transformation Rom 12.2 the re-newing of your mind.
From Ephesians
Here is the second part in understanding what Paul only partially understood in 1 Corinthians 15. He more clearly understood it in Ephesians saying “This mystery I wrote before in just a few words” that when you read you may understand my knowledge of the mystery of Christ”. Paul having had current revelation and new understanding says something different than he said in 1st Corinthians about “filling all and all”, which was thought to be a carnal event he said to happen after Christ delivers up the Kingdom.
Paul now says of Christ In Ephesians 4.10 “He who descended is also He who ascended far above the heavens to fill all things”That he no longer sees Christ “reigning” meaning fighting, to defeat death and to deliver up the Kingdom for the Father to be all in all like he said in Corinthians, but now He sees Jesus through the cross having defeated the last enemy death, He is seated far above all powers and principalities in any age, all being subject to Him as the gospel says “I have been given authority over all flesh”. That “the ruler of this world has been judged”. The ruler of this world is cast down and whosoever lives and believes in Me shall never die, do you believe this?”  Death no longer has dominion like Romans 6.9+.
Jesus Christ defeated Satan and sin. That death is swallowed up in victory. That “the sting of death is the law” and Paul in Colossians said the law was nailed to the cross through which Christ made a spectacle and a mockery triumphing over them.
A carnal linear time dispensed gospel message is in direct competition with the Spirit of God who by the gospel when believed dispenses the gifts of God (Eph 4.8)
So the last enemy death is destroyed by appropriating the gospel of the Christ of the cross through faith as I just demonstrated. It is not reserved for a Jesus who is still fighting being detained from His Glory. “For ought not the Christ to suffer these things to enter His Glory?” And He did. “It is finished”. It was finished when He said so.
It is the true gospel that carries out the work of God, not a second coming Jesus. He does not repeat Himself. The gospel does, and we do. This is the faith once and for all delivered to the saints.
Heb 1.1 “God has spoken to us by His Son”. Christ is resting, seated with the Father, the place of our calling, for the eklisia, meaning the called out. The called to, that “where He is we may be also”. Seated in the heavens at the right hand of the Father ‘In Christ” now to the hearer of the Gospel.
So God forbid that any of us stand before Him for offering to the people anything short of the full gift the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit paid for our eternal redemption. Let us not think the blood of the covenant as insufficient or a common thing and insult the spirit of grace. To expect another Jesus to save us from planet earth is a slap in the face to Him whom it was said “Yah save now! Hosanna! Blessed is He who came.
For every spirit that confessed that Christ (the saving one) came in the flesh (and saved) is of God. Everyone that confesses that He must come again to save is not from God. This is the spirit of anti-Christ that is already in the world. But Christ came and saved if you believe.
It is the second coming Jesus who is cloaked in expired scripture fulfilled in Christ at the cross that blinds the mind “lest the light of the gospel of the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ shine upon them”.
The Kingdom of God is at hand.


Salvation is of the Jews.

Posted on February 22, 2015 by ADMIN

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In the Book of John Jesus says to the Samaritan women “You worship what you do not know. We know what we worship for salvation is of the Jews“. And as believers it is this question that we have to ask ourselves. Do we know what we worship? And, Do we know what salvation is? Jesus here ties the two together. Worship and salvation. The importance of this is evident. If we do not know what salvation is, we cannot know what we worship.
It is typically believed among Christians today that salvation is a down payment until we see Jesus. It is like a promissory note without much happening in the here and now. They hope for a rapture, death or a second coming so that they can get on with the gift of eternal life then, like as in later. That Jesus is in two parts, first and second comings. They rest in a hope that He will come back later to be King and deliver His promise at the 2nd coming. But we know that Christ was born King and need not become something as though He is in transition, because if He was, He would not be eternal.

In the scriptures there are obscurities because of translations but the names Jesus, Joshua, and Hosanna all come from the Strong’s Hebrew concordance word # 3467. This word when not used as the name is translated; delivered, saved, savior, SALVATION,  which is defined in the concordance to mean; to be open, wide and free, to succor defend and deliver. To help, preserve, to get the victory. Meaning to overcome. There is no victory in a mid way point waiting for Jesus to come get you. To come save you. I mean if you received the savior, you should be saved. Maybe you are still receiving and still being saved.
But what does Zechariah say of a coming King? 
“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion!
Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem!
Behold, your King is coming to you;
He is just and having salvation,
Lowly and riding on a donkey,
A colt, the foal of a donkey.
And it is here shown that Christ comes “having salvation”. And we know that Christ filled full and expired that verse by those who said of Jesus on a foal of a colt “Hosanna save now! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord” being the savior with salvation. It was when the religious leaders of that day tried to stop them that Jesus said “If these don’t cry out, the very rocks on the ground would”. This is why Jesus said to those later that “you will see Me no more till you say “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord”, having salvation. The first group got it, the second group are told to go back to the begininng. This scripture is expired and has zero relevance to a future Jesus. He is the impostor.
So if salvation of the cross is just a down payment or a promissory note like believed today, then you need another Jesus, a 2nd coming one, to come and save you from the foibles of planet earth. One of these two Christs is an impersonator and not a saver at all, for that is what the name means, one of them is an impostor, an anti-christ, a counter Christ to counter what Hosanna did, to offer another Jesus for those who reject “Hosanna save now”. “For you worship what ye know not for salvation is of the Jews and delivered to the Jews who “Knew not their time of visitation. Do you? 
The book of Luke has this remarkable account of the Christ who was to come 1.68- “Blessed is the Lord God of Israel,

For He has visited and redeemed His people,
69 And has raised up a horn of salvation for us
In the house of His servant David,
70 As He spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets,
Who have been since the world began,
71 That we should be saved from our enemies
And from the hand of all who hate us,
72 To perform the mercy promised to our fathers
And to remember His holy covenant,
73 The oath which He swore to our father Abraham:
74 To grant us that we,
Being delivered from the hand of our enemies,
Might serve Him without fear,
75 In holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life.

Here you can read that according to this prophesy that Jesus/Hosanna the Savior came in the flesh and filled to the full every promise ever spoken to the Fathers according to scripture the first time, “being delivered from our enemies to serve Him all our days in this life without fear in holiness and righteousness, in the here and now for the one who has faith in the right Christ. There is not appropriated by the holy scriptures another venue for another salvation unto reconciliation for redemption. Any such notion scorns the the perfect sacrifice, the lamb slain from the foundation of the world and manifest in these last days for us, for us to obtain the salvation just mentioned not a word, but a person. Hosanna, Jesus our savior.
In Mt 1.23 of the one born of a virgin it is said “She will bring forth a son and you shall call His name Jesus #3467, for He shall save #3467 His people from their sins”. And sinse He did that salvation #3467 is now. So whatever rendering or spelling or pronunciation you have for the name of the Son of God, it cannot be detached from this meaning. “The saving one”. The Messiah, the Christ. And this saving one, the savior who came to the Jews first, cannot be removed from the old testament meaning #3467.
If you can understand that Jesus is the final product of the old testament filling full the law and the prophets up to John the baptist, then you can understand this scripture;

Isaiah 66:8 Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion was in labor, She gave birth to her children.

And it was in the travail of Christ at the cross that these words too were filled to the full. That moment brought about a new people of a new covenant of a new creation of those born not of te will of man but God. All te promises of God are yes and amen “In Christ” and if you are “In Christ” you are a new person of a new covenant of a new Kingdom as Paul stated “the Jerusalem above is the mother of us all, for those who are “in Christ” This is the objective and the purpose of the gospel today. For you to enter the Kingdom of God by faith. Set aside all dellusions of another coming Jesus to accomplish this
For all the law and te propets were untill John… Now the Kingdom is preached and all are pressing into it!
So indeed the Name Jesus and Hosanna are the names that mean the Savior who saves, the coming one the Messiah, the Christ, have all been fulfilled and completed in Christ with the payment at the cross. It is finished. Paid in full.
It is here we will conclude with the same Samaritan woman at the well who listening to Jesus talk about salvation and to worship in spirit and truth. She said to Him “I know that the Messiah (Christ/Savior) is coming. When He comes He will tell us all things”. To which Jesus replied to her. “I who speak to you am He”. Do you see any room in these accounts of another Jesus to come and save?
As always. The Kingdom of God in Christ is forever at hand. Always abounding, over flowing and fulfilling in us His purpose promised from the foundation of creation. To Him be the Glory. Amen!


Satan and the 2nd coming

Posted on December 15, 2014 by ADMIN

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Isaiah 14. 12-15 “How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer,[a] son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
13 For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’
15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,
To the lowest depths of the Pit.

Here we see the objective of Satan, the enemy of your mind, if we understand correctly, for this is why scripture says “the weapons of our warfare are mighty through God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God”. For it is here in your mind that  Satan plants his kingdom. The counterfeit one like the real one. To “become like the most high”.
Paul calls him “the coming one” with all lying signs and wonders. Meaning a duplicate, a replica, a replacement, and a look alike, a mimicker and a wanna be. The one who is not yet but is coming. This one to sit in the place of God proclaiming  to be God. And he dominates where? In your mind, our battle field, our Galgatha.
It is ‘the coming one” who is the replacement in the carnal mind of Him who is from the beginning. He who already was being “the same yesterday, today and forever” cannot become something later as though He is not because He already was and always will be. Hebrews 13.8
So here is the truth little flock. It is the carnal mind that is the enemy against God (Romans 8.7) who seeks another Jesus. For Satan who is defeated by the cross through the blood and the testimony of Jesus Christ as we appropriate this truth by faith like scripture says “Jesus came to defeat him who had power over death” And “the Son of God was manifest to destroy the works of the Devil”. Receiving this word as fact administered by the Holy Spirit it becomes your reality. This is your work of faith.
But the carnal mind being ignorant of this and unable to see Him who always is. The carnal mind allows Satan to insert his counterfeit kingdom in his mind, how? By rejecting the truth of the gospel and inserting another one.
 It is the confession in 1st John that says; you have overcome the wicked one because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world”. This they reject.
John also teaches; every spirit (doctrine and teaching) that confesses (an expression of faith) that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit (doctrine and teaching) that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God”. 
It is every spirit, doctrine and teaching that does not believe that Jesus Christ already came in the flesh and defeated Satan Sin and Death, that is not of God. They preach of another victory by another Jesus at another coming. A Jesus who is not yet but will be, and they set their hope on that event for the objective to crown another coming one.
This one is satanic to the core, “for the Son of God came and did the works no one else could do” And He need not give an encore presentation called the 2nd coming to war again because you don’t believe… The Son of God has come in the flesh. He defeated His foes and returned to the Father.
1st John also says 2.14 I have written to you because you are strong and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the wicked  one”. But you don’t have that because you don’t believe the testimony of scripture. You think the next Jesus does that.
It is the second coming message that is spoon fed to the fold teaching that satan has power. And because of their ignorance of scripture and the power of God, they bring back to life and resurrect their own foe by rejecting Christ. The Victor came defeated and returned crowned in full Glory.
It is the spirit of anti-Christ, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience (disbelief) that refuse this truth, who Satan has dominion over. Meaning ,he set up his throne in that disbelieving mind exalting himself over the one who came. And God gave him permission.
Paul says “for this reason God sends forth a strong delusion, a mimicker, and an imitation, a replacement and a counterfeit, that they may believe a lie… to those who have pleasure in unrighteousness, those who reject the Christ of the cross and His victory, they get another coming one.
From John 16 It is the Spirit of God that comes and; 8. convicts the world (carnal mind) of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: 9 of sin, because they do not believe in Me; (as the crowned victor of all foes) 10 of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more; (Proof He is the crowned victor) 11 of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged”. So who does Jesus fight when He comes back?
You see Satan is publicly negated being stripped of all power at the cross, if you see him through the cross “having made a public spectacle” Col 2.15. But you don’t believe that either
If Jesus had anymore dealing with Satan, Sin, or Death He could not return to the Father. If Jesus has any more dealing with Satan Sin and Death He could not be seated in Glory. And it is those who reject the testimony the Father gave to the Son, who is crowned, seated in eternal Glory, who was restored the Glory, who never had not the Glory. (John 13.31+ and 17.22+ and 2 Cor 3.18 + 4.6) 
This is the one they reject and we are given a choice saying “for this reason God sends a strong delusion”. Not an illusion but a devolved truth, a delusion.The obscured truth. Twisted scripture. The lie, the counterfeit, another (2nd) coming one, he who is not, but will be, he who must become as though he is not. He who said he would “sit among the congregation on the farthest sides of the north” being the upper regions of your mind? May I introduce to you the second coming Jesus? What a perfect lie. The another coming one whose coming is of satan and not from the Father. But the true Jesus has returned to the Father and it is this truth you reject for your own condemnation. (John 16.28) And rejecting the truth you receive the lie. “that they all may be condemned, who did not believe the truth but have pleasure in a lie. (2 Thes 2.9-12)
Anytime you reject the gift of eternal life offered through the cross by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, and ascribe power and victory to another coming one, it is as if you reverse your spiritual polarity to drain you of the power of the cross and seat in power another Jesus. It is your unbelief in Christ as the victor now that opens the door in your heart and mind of another coming Jesus because you reject the victory of the blood for the future victory of another. “Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, so that he sits as God in the temple of God” and he uses the name Jesus. And the temple of God should be where? In your heart and mind. Within you (Luke 17.22) 
You see the Pharisees made the same mistake as second coming seekers thinking the temple of God was physical when Jesus said “destroy this temple and I will raise it up in 3 days”. This too is another error of second coming jesus seekers who think a temple must be built on earth.. They don’t even know that satan rules on their throne now, keeping them from the kingdom of God now. They are taken captive to do his bidding. (2 Tim…) In that they error. They Glorify a second coming jesus, and it is this jesus that sits on their throne, being the determining factor on how they interpret all scripture to glorify that one in the future. It is Jesus who said that the Kingdom of God is within you” that the carnal mind rejects and trades it for a future physical one. 
The whole idea that the temple must be built and to restart the animal sacrifices for sin for jesus to be happy to come back is a blatant slap in the face of the Christ of the cross. Or even if you believe that the antichrist will be seated for Jesus to come back to defeat him, you are equally rejecting the Christ of the cross. For “He has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us  into the kingdom of His Son. You do not believe this scripture. “For Christ has come in the flesh. Your Jesus is somewhere out there.
And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world. This spirit, doctrine and teaching from those “who were among us, but manifest that they were not of us” twist scripture to manifest the concept of another battling Jesus to overcome Satan, to cleanse the Jews from sin, and resurrect to reign on earth 1000 years. I mean jeesh, how many 2nd comings and resurrections are there? Confused? who caused that? Who authors confusion?  
And to you who promulgate that stuff “let not many you be teachers knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment” If the kingdom of God is still at hand and many are pressing into it, but you preach of another kingdom and another Jesus at a distant point in time on earth and detain those who are trying to enter, what do you suppose your judgment will be?
The Kingdom of God is not only imminent. It is immediate for that is what “at hand” means in the Greek and is interpreted that way else where in scripture. So it can not mean 2000 plus years. So if John the Baptist was “the voice crying in the wilderness, speak to my people, make straight the way in the desert a highway to our God, for His Glory to be revealed”?. Why is it you ascribe the victory and the glory to a different event than John to crown another Jesus of a different battle and nullify the purpose of John the baptist and reject the testimony that “God has sent His Son into the world to save the world”. John 3.17. I mean you know what John 3.16
means but you jump over 3.17.
It is the victory of the gospel of the cross that is “the power of God unto salvation ” that we adorn and not another.
So was Christ the coming one For you, or do you seek another? Do you seek an encore presentation called the 2nd coming and deny the coming one who came like the one the Jews rejected? 
Well did the prophet Isaiah say “these people honor Me with their mouth but their heart is far from Me” And well did the Christ say ” you are not entering the Kingdom and you are keeping out those trying to do so”
Repent for the Kingdom of God is still at hand.



Posted on December 10, 2014 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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­Jesus Christ having come to earth had a specific task to accomplish before He returned to the Father, and having completed that task He knew His departure was “At hand”.

His report to the Father? “I have glorified you on the earth, I have finished the work you have given Me to do”. And the work in question in this scripture is “I have manifest Your name to those whom you have given me out of the world and they have kept it. They were Yours, You gave them to Me and they have kept Your Word” And “I have given them the words which You had given Me (to give to them) and they have received them and have known surely (truly without question or addendum) that Jesus came from the Father and was to return, His mission was accomplished.

For you see Christ, after the departure of Judas, no longer called them servants but friends “for a servant does not know what his Master is doing, but I tell you plainly about the father”. Then says “I have come forth from the Father and have come into the world and again I leave the world and go to the Father”. It was as if time froze and all the energy of Jesus Christ spotlighted that phrase for all eternity, for that was primary in the work the Father gave Him.

And it was so much so much so in fact that He made the disciples repeat what they heard, as he does also with us. Jesus then reports to the Father “They have kept your word”. Jesus came forth from the Father and returned to the Father” And the message kept? I came forth from the Father into the world. Again I leave the world and go to the Father. And you see Me again no more.” At least not in the flesh. John 16.28+28

If this then is central to the message the Father gave the son to give to us for it to be repeated by the disciples, then shouldn’t it be central to the teachings of Christ today? He came to sow seed in the hearts of the disciples and He knew it took root when His words came out of their mouths, otherwise He could not have said to the Father “I have given them Your word and they know truly I have come from you” who also said “You will see me no more because I go to the Father”.

This epic and paramount message that was delivered was that Christ had come forth from the Father and that He was returning and no where, I mean no where in all this discourse where He speaks plainly of Father, does He ever mention anything about a second coming or another work. Yet today in Christianity for many, that is the focus. But Jesus Christ told the Father “they have kept Your word” and the disciples having repeated that, Jesus said to them “Do you now believe?” as if to punctuate for us this important truth, then to further state to the Father “I have given them Your word and they have kept it” is a double stamp for us too. This is what He wants us to keep as well. And if Jesus did not finish the work the Father gave Him, He would have to come back a second time and none of what He said is true or reliable. His work in fact would not be finished and the cross would be a hoax.

You see it was the prophets who spoke of a coming one of which Jesus accomplished the word saying “all the law and the prophets were until John the baptist, now being fulfilled in Christ, Him having accomplished and finished the work saying “now the Kingdom is preached and all are pressing their way in” as if to indicate a stampede but today? They are waiting for a kingdom and they call it a second coming. What a disgrace. No stampede into the Kingdom, the doors are closed. A sign on the door “We are closed for remodeling and will re-open at the grand second coming. Bring your lawn chairs, popcorn, and palm branches for the coronation of the king who is coming later. Hosanna blessed will he be on that day.

With this mindset “The Kingdom of God at hand” has no relevance for it in fact would be not “at hand” but some time in the future and we would all be left alone in our sins, but that’s not the case. That’s not the gospel.

John the baptist specifically sent and asked Christ “Are you the coming one or do we seek another?” Jesus did not send word to John of a second coming, No problem I’ll get you on the rebound. Or; Go tell John I will come back in another couple thousand years to finish My work? This is not found once in scripture, neither is “the second coming”. But rather “go tell John what you see and hear”. Does this offend you?

Jesus could not say of these people, the second coming seekers “Father they have kept your word” those who keep My Word the Father will love and We will come to them and make our home in them” if they do not receive Jesus Christ in His natural, preincarnate self of being “The Word of God. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever”. Amen!

This can not be said to the second coming seekers because they believe the kingdom must come, and that Christ has more work to do and their heart is covered over with a thick delusion. But Jesus Christ is seated with the Father waiting for His enemies to become His footstool” waiting for His work to be played out, but “Today is the day of salvation” But they do not believe the testimony God gave the Son, then the Son gave the disciples, then the disciples repeated it back to Christ and He delivered word to the Father. “It is finished” unless finished means something else.

Jesus shows us His end times scenerio.

In John chapter 13 Christ showed the disciples in parable form the same thing. Christ stood up and took off his garments then He put on a clean towel. He then proceeded to wash the feet of the disciples with the clean towel till they were all clean, except Judas of course.

We can understand from Moses the importance of clean feet with what sandals mean, because when Moses was on Sinai he was instructed to “take off thy sandals for where you stand is Holy ground”. This was the first place Moses came in contact with the eternal and his sandals were the insulators between the created and the eternal. And the same for the disciples, they were coming into contact with the invisible and eternal Son of God that was washing their feet. We can understand in parable form that it is us that are washed by the water of the word.

Christ then said “what I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this.” And hopefully you are able to understand this as well so you can advance further into His Kingdom.

So when Christ had washed their feet, He took off the towel, meaning His humanity, He then put on His original garments, meaning His Glory, then sat back down like in the beginning before creation. This was all done in picture form, for us to understand the invisible reality it portrayed. Then He said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you?

The answer is that, He showed them in parable form “for without a parable spake he not to the people”, His escatology, that He took off His Heavenly attire, put on earthly flesh as referred to by the towel, washed their feet to sanctify them so that He could tell the Father “I have finished the work you have given Me to do, I have given those you have given Me your word and they have kept it. Then to return to His Eternal composition, having finished His work in the realm of temporal flesh. He now instructs us to “follow Me so that where I am you may be also”. Meaning to the Father. And you can only follow the Word of God if you become His word to. We follow Him by becoming Him and He is Word. This our transformation and transfiguration. But you must remember “In the beginning was the Word,  the word became flesh. That we in the beginning were flesh and put on word. This is us putting on Christ the Word of God, one word at a time until we are like Him who was WORD!

He left us an example and We just showed you how to do it. You have to do it the way He did it with word, God’s word. We believe therefore we speak. Then the thing that we said becomes the thing that is, like when the Father said “let there be light and it was so”. When we hear the word of God we receive it into our hearts, we ponder what He said until we can understand and repeat it as if to own it as “joint heirs with Christ, in Christ. Then the things that we say that we learned from the word, becomes true for us as well, the moment we accomplish this process. The Heavenly Father hears our “profession” and being pleased that what He says to us reverberates back to Him and He us happy. Why? Because He knows that we got it. It is real for us. From that moment on we never need to repeat it again. We move on the the next revelation to complete the same possess.

In the beginning was the word, the word was with God, and the Word was God”. You too must become Word to follow Him back to the Father, like we just showed you. In this way we are “a chip off the old block”.

We hope you now know the mission of Christ was to retrieve His elect by washing them from the obstacles of this age for receiving His word and the regeneration of the spirit, to wash each other’s walk, follow Him and take their rightful seat at His own right hand. Can you see this? Can you receive this? Can you repeat this?

Paul finally did in Ephesians 2 saying that He “raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus”.

Didn’t Yeshua say “follow Me that where I am you may be also? Well this is how you do it.

So those who heard and kept the word “I have come forth from the Father and come into the world, now I leave the world and go back to the Father”? Follow Him! He is “the way, the truth and the life”. He said “no one comes to the Father except through Me”. Meaning through word. His word in us, spoken as if we own it, because we do. We are joint heir’s of the things of the Father that He spoke on our behalf, for us to repeat it, for it to become our new reality. This is why Paul said “old things pass away, all things become new”. Not new in the sense of having never been before, but new in the sense that it never fades or gets old. It is always in it’s illustrious form of Heavenly Glory that never fades. It is new in this way.

If you truly understand this and do this, you will know Him and there is no need for another Jesus to explain or perform anything. Salvation start to finish is summed up in this way. This is the Christ, why do you seek another?

This is our testimony of our new life that “The Kingdom of God is at hand.”


John 14-17 in Colossians part 2

Posted on December 3, 2014 by ADMIN

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John 14-17 in Colosssians

!.!9+ For it pleased the Father that “In Him” (Jesus) all the fullness (of the Father) should dwell. And by Him to reconcile all things to Himself weather things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of the cross.
Here we have again the gospel, the good news. The topic of a right relationship with God the Father. The good news that in the here and now we have a right relationship with God the Father like Adam and Eve had before the fall. Not by a redeeming from planet earth as an act to be performed at a certain place in time called the second coming of Jesus, another Jesus, but, and I quote ver batum from Colossians “having made peace through the blood of the cross. 
When Jesus said “I am the way” and “Follow Me that where I am you may be also” and”You shall not follow me now but you shall follow me after” having shed His blood they did not have to follow Him through that. But now defeating Satan sin and death we follow Him. We put our faith in this Jesus. To be “In Christ” is to partake of His death gifted to us so that we don’t have to have death performed on our mortality. By faith we are catapolted past death to eternal life by this gift. As it says in Romans 8 that the body is dead because of din, but if Christ dwells in you it is His spirit that gives life to your dead body and not a rapture or a future resurrection.
  This is our confession at baptism, to alege ourself with that invisible fact. That John also attests to(5.24.
We “who were once alienated and enemies in our mind by wicked works (of doubts and disbelieving) yet now (not a second coming) He has reconciled us in the body of His flesh through His death to present you holy and blameless and irreproachable in His sight”- How? Through the death of the body of His flesh, having made peace through the blood of the cross. The second coming Jesus simply cannot do this. And this is not an I.O.U. from God to be a redeemer at a second coming.
You see Jesus does not have to repeat Himself or redo the work of the cross in another way like a future redemption from planet earth in a visible way because you cant see it now. For “we were enemies in our mind”. It is that the mind is renewed by one who has faith in the Christ who shed His blood to accomplish the work the Father gave Him Him, which was to reconcile your mind from wicked thoughts of denial, like a second coming mindset.
Having made peace through the blood of the cross we have access to the Father as we place ourselves in Christ Gods perfect sacrifice. The Father accepts Him on our behalf and we don’t have to wait for a visible act for this to be true in some future jesus. But through the blood now.
This is His act that fulfills the words “Father that they may be with Me where I am. That they may behold My glory. That the glory you have given Me I have given them. You just have to have faith. These things all being gifted to us by the cross and not actualized or recieved at certain days on a time frame but the time frame of faith. “Walk according to what you have received. (Phil 3…)
The Kingdom of God is at hand.


Heavenly Choir

Posted on December 3, 2014 by ADMIN

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John in his book called the Revelation of Jesus Christ, not revelations but Revelation singular, goes on to describe our Lord in His heavenly Glory. “Grace and peace from Him who was and is and is to come”. Not to become as though He is not yet, but being the same yesterday today and forever He is a coming one meaning a constant coming each and every earthly day for He cannot be isolated to a singular event in space in time as though He has limitations as everything of the creation of time and matter has because He is the faithful and true witness being 100% reliable anytime and all the time eternally the same not waning or fading but constantly and always equally there and reliably for ever saying “come to the feast prepared for you from before the foundation of the world, the place that was before I ever spake a word to create for the Kingdom of God is at hand. To the heavenly voice that calls us.

It was John the apostle who said he was in the Lord’s day for the testimony of Jesus Christ, showing us that we too can be in the spirit on the Lords day. Not a 24 hour day but the day which has no beginning or end which needs no sun for the Lamb, being the death and blood of Jesus, is the light and not another as though He is not yet but must become as though He has limitations. And it is He who is in the midst of the throne of God calling the shots in all power and authority His possession. This Lords day, Thee day like no other day that all other days faintly resemble. Thee day that already was in full splendor and glory for it is the origination of all such attributes the place from which the voice of God calls us to Himself, this we can behold.
I see Him in the place of time and matter of this creation like Ezekiel who explained of a cloud enfolding from the north. This engulfing cloud that has been gathering and scattering with a mighty wind of God, are His breath and spirit. Him in whom is no variableness nor shadow of turning is the calm in the midst of the storm.This storm that all other earthly storms resemble slightly, whirls about all creation casting to the outer regions of ignorance and spiritual darkness all things that reject and scorn the testimony of His Son, and simultaneously gathers together to Himself the one who excepts the invitation. “Come to the wedding, the feast is now, and always ready” being as ready in any day and every day for it is not in the 24 hour day that mimics, but the eternal day that has no beginning or end.
This is The Lords Day. That which was from the beginning, that already is.
And He does not need a second coming Jesus to come and jump start this day as though it is an event in limbo and waiting or as though it is all together not yet and must must become or be completed, as though it must be constructed, because His word that said “Let there be” and it was, doesn’t work anymore, for this day is just beyond the veil of human understanding, meaning those limited to their carnal senses that only see in time and matter being ignorant of Him who whisks about at will all the time and any time for He is not of time as though He must wait in line anxiously ringing His hands like He were a man, but He is the Immortal, eternal, invisible, the only wise God.
The Kingdom of God is at hand, the proverbial stage is set. The trumpet blasts, Da-da-da-dah! The heavenly choir sings. The place of this gathering of non-elemental born again of the spirit beings not born of time and matter also whisk about at will (John 3.8)  at the throne of God just outside of time and matter being “In Christ”. I see the Heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God, an inumerable company of angels general assemble, the collection of the first born and the spirits of just men made perfect. (Hebrews 12.22+) And with each age, the crowd grows the engulfing cloud draws to himself a thousand, and a thousand thousands and ten times ten thousand to behold this Glory. Even now the angels rejoice at every new soul who wakes up to this reality. Glory halleluyah.
I see this glorious ensemble of heavenly beings harmonizing and beautifying making sounds that man has not heard growing with each new addition when all the sudden the tone changes. It is as if the orchestra-tor is distracted and drops his sticks. Horns start to blow off key, bows on the violins break, gasps and shrieks are heard and everyone turns to see. Look what the cat drug in. The 21st century second coming believers come shuffling on stage, blowing on their corn whiskey bottles, raking their wash boards with their knuckles, playing their Jews harps and slapping their knees singing “He”ll be coming around the mountain when he comes”. They are dancing to a different tune.



I beheld satan falling from heaven. Re-script your thinking.

Posted on October 27, 2014 by ADMIN

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Hebrews 10.19 Therefor brethren having boldness to enter the Holy of Holy by the blood of Jesus by a new and living way which  He consecrated for us through the veil of His flesh”.  That  is the flesh of the Christ of the cross who grants us assess.

As we understand Gods word and it becomes us, it is His word and the Holy Spirit that takes us into the very place of God. Faith plus word plus the Holy Spirit in us lifts us up to his very presence.
But it is the un- regenerated mind, the disobedient and unlearned in the faith that cannot do this. Because one can see physically the work of satan in this world, they conclude that victory over satan, sin and death is at a second coming experience.
But it is the regenerated mind by the spirit in the region of faith that has gotten the victory. Others see satan and sin rampant in the world and think “Oh God come back and save us”. And yes it is tragic the things that take place, but it is those people who have been taken captive to do satans bidding, the spirit that now works in the sons of disobedience. Like it says in 1st Peter of the roaring lion seeking whom he may devour which is experienced by the brotherhood “in the world”. But we are “In Christ” and not the world. There are those who know Christ but glorify Him not fully. They glorify the god of this age through fear. But we fear One. We Glorify One. Satan is just a rod in the hand of God like the serpent was to Moses. He is really just a toothless road kill to the one in faith “In Christ”.
So here is the operative. Are you “In Christ” by the working of faith, the word and the holy Spirit? Or are you “in the world” subject to satan because of ignorance of the power of God and His word? This then is your decision and your confession of faith, or faithlessness.
It is not an event in time that we are waiting for to gain the victory. It is as we appropriate Gods word to our understanding that our mind is re-scripted to the mind of Christ. It is the renewed mind that occupies the heavens. Like the verse in 2 Peter; by these exceedingly precious promises we are partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world. And 1st John 3.8 for this reason the son of God was manifest to destroy the works of the devil. This being a product of the Christ of the cross and not left for a second coming Jesus. And again Hebrews 2.14 e came in the flesh to destroy him who had power over death, that is the devil. Here again it is the Christ of the cross who gave us power and victory to the one who has faith.
It was when Jesus saw the disciples express this faith that he said to them “I beheld as satan fell from heaven”. But it is those who are held captive by the second coming savior message who cannot experience the victory Christ already delivered us to.
The concept of Dispensations which is the art of binding Gods word to time to be physically experienced by the flesh is the lie that keeps you out of the Kingdom of Heaven now. And there are many of the brotherhood in this day who know not this place of faith “In Christ”.
To see satan fall from heaven is not a physical event to happen in an end time scenario as they theorize, but like all revelation, it is experienced by the one who has faith. Each one in their own order. It is not of a place in time like taught in dispensationalism but actualized by faith. This is our transformation in the here and now. This is Jacobs ladder. 
I personally refuse to use the name of any other god on my lips to glorify another god as though power is relegated to greater and lesser gods and the true God has not the victory or full power till a second coming. Even as Jesus said in Mt 28.18 All power has been given to me in heaven and earth. For my relationship is with the Father through Jesus Christ, and there are no enemies where He is and we are “In Him” and this is true for one that has faith in the Christ of the cross, not of the second coming future victory. 
This is one of our rewards actualized  from faith to faith, not by days seasons months or years laid out on a calendar for dispensation.
It is the false prophets of our day that glorify that beast. And as long as you believe in a second coming Jesus to defeat satan and to deliver you from this world, you deny the work of the cross and have been taken captive by satan to do his bidding. (2 Tim 2.26) You are believing a lie and giving power to a beast. Give God the Glory!
2 Cor 4 even if our gospel is veiled it is veiled to those who are perishing whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe lest of the the gospel of the Glory of God seen in the face of Jesus Christ should shine upon them. These false prophets are presenting another Jesus of another day, But scripture says “Today is the day, I have heard and I have helped” says the Lord.
If you are getting this, and you are re-scripting your mind by this truth, then train your mind and your mouth to stop giving glory to the god of this age, then it can be said of you too; I beheld as satan fell from heaven”. Which is the stratus of your mind, for the kingdom of God is within you. This is the “Kingdom of God at hand”.
Or continue being duped by the God of this age and spreading lies about a second coming Jesus to defeat satan and save you in the future. That is the gospel of a beast of the false prophets of our day that deny the true Jesus of the cross. Cast their gospel into the sea of forgetfulness. It is the true God who is Glorified in the victory of the cross that we share in Him by faith, not a second Jesus to do that. Think about it.
Jesus was made a lowly man for the suffering of death then crowned with Glory and honor so that He by the grace of God would taste death for us. It was fitting for Him to bring many sons to Glory. Hebrews 2.9+10. I don’t see a second coming reference as having anything to do with this but the cross..
2 timothy 1.9+10 It is Him who has saved us with a holy calling which was given to us in Jesus Christ before time began, but has now been revealed to us by the (1st) appearing of our savior Jesus Christ who has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. (not a 2nd coming)
We can go on and on and we will do so in future posts as we have in past posts, but fortify your thinking with these things;  and the God of peace will crush satan under your feet immediately. Romans 16.20


Gods Glory seen in Christ

Posted on October 26, 2014 by ADMIN

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 The Glory of God is a collection of all His invisible attributes. In the time of Moses it wasn’t until the tabernacle with all its furniture and utensils were set up. Then the priests and the sacrifices were ready and the proper times came and all was collected and assembled, that the Glory of the Lord rested upon that image whose glory was passing. That image expired in the person of Jesus Christ whose Glory excels. If you take away one concept or characteristic or attribute that belong to God the Father, the image would not be complete then therefore could not reflect His Glory. God just is. And He is always un-changeable. Of whom there is no variation nor shadow of turning. (Jas 1.17).

This is why it says in Rom 3.23  that all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. It is that none does what he is made to do. Adam and Eve acquiesced to Satan and lost their purity, became tainted and marred in their mind and understanding which then distorted all of creation. They believed in another and lost the glory given to them. Then being defeated they were under the power of another. They dis-believed and became disconnected to the Head. The lie that “they may become as gods” is a lie because they already were. And this is where we get duped and confused. We as believers forget that we too are given everything that is “In Christ”. We are partakers of Christ our risen and seated Lord. You see Adam and eve misunderstood what they already possessed and fell for the lie that they could become like God without God. They sought a manifestation of god-like-ness from another.

You see in the beginning man was made in Gods image. Man was made to reflect the glory of God to perfection. Even now scripture says that the body is not for adultery but for the Spirit of God. Man was suppose to display the assorted characteristics of the heavenly Father completely. But all have fallen short of that God given roll. Well, until Jesus. He is the express image, exact likeness, the Fathers fullness the one who said “He who has seen me has seen the Father”. Which is another reason why He is not a becoming one like at a second coming, but He who was from the beginning because He never changes. Jesus Christs words and behavior are exactly like the Father, even before the resurrection and ascension. God the Father would not have responded any differently in any situation. The son did a perfect job.
Christs enemies are put under His foot as displayed at the cross. This is why it is said of Jesus that He is far above all powers and principalities”. He is so much higher than any battle or skirmish of any sort. There is no Glory for a Jesus who must live to fight another day. The enemies are a product of the mind of man and manifest in this creation that tainted it and are responsible for the atrocities even up to our day. The principalities must be defeated by a man. That is why Deity said when looking upon the demise of man; whom shall I send and who shall go for us? And the Son said; here am I send me (Isaiah 6.8). And he came as a man to show us that the victory can be done in us by the renewal of the mind. This is called Galgatha. 
And Jesus said “Follow Me that where I am you may be also”. That is the whole objective of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is of Him that we are instructed to “put Him on”. Become like that one. Some erroneously ascribe being like Christ as a one time physical event at a second coming but the invisible never becomes physical and it is His invisible attributes that we are to put on now. However it can manifest through the physical and this is our calling. If we do not see Him in true victory and glorified, by which glory are we being transformed into? (2 Cor 3.18) It is this carnal perception that needs a second coming as a visible display in order to believe, they believe in a new physicality. But God is spirit and He seeks such as are spirit, the time is now to worship Him in spirit and truth. (John 4.24) 
God in His creation of time and matter established contrasts first; let there be light! How can one understand light without dark? But God is light and in Him is no darkness. God is love for he who loves God, loves his brother also. It is as we understand Him as directed by the Holy Spirit of whom it is said by Jesus; when the helper comes who the Father sends in My name, this one will take what is mine and declare it to you. This is the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives of our pilgrimage. To break down the Invisible attributes of God into bite size pieces in order for us to understand Him in greater parts. And like Mary who remained at the feet of Jesus. She chose that part which is needful, which will not be taken away. You see she got to keep the attributes she understood.
Like Jesus said to the disciples; I have many things to say to you however you are not able to bear them. And we can’t understand it all at once, but we hear and we believe we keep. We retained greater and greater portions in our transformation of what we already are “In Christ”. And we may grow in understanding but do not confuse that as not having God-likeness gifted us yet like Satan convinced Adam and Eve. You see the gift
Have you too been duped by another gospel like Adam and Eve that godliness has been withheld? Like maybe for a Rapture or a second coming for our transformation? If so you error in not knowing the scriptures and the power of God. What He has given to us is “the exeeding greatness of His power to us who believe that He displayed in Christ Jesus when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him far above all powers and principalities in this age and the coming one and seated Him in heavenly places. (Eph 1.19-21)  It is right there in His word. Can you believe this? The gift relegated at the cross by faith and not a product of a second coming?  
Who is the real Jesus? You know cults use that spelling too? Jesus. There is no power in the spelling of that name. It must be connected to the Glory of God. It is the victorious glorified Jesus who is exalted, possessing the victory to not have to fight another day, who reigns in full power now, not the second coming Jesus. If your Jesus is connected to the Glory, then this saying may be fulfilled for you to “ask anything in my name and I will do it for you, that the Father may be Glorified”. And “The Father is Glorified in that you bear much fruit”.  That you grow and excel in things pertaining the Kingdom of God. It was said of the disciples throughout the new testament that they remembered these things after Jesus was glorified. The scriptures came alive for them after they received the Glory. And you?


Gods Glory written on our foreheads

Posted on October 25, 2014 by ADMIN

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The Glory of God should be our focal point and our objective. Not of personal bragging rights by anything we have done or can do, or any accomplishments we have for there is no lasting glory except Gods Glory He displayed “In Jesus Christ”.

Jesus Christ did not come to earth as though He had to earn this glory, or to obtain the victory to be glorified because He said “
the god of this age comes and he has nothing in Me” In Christ”. Jesus Christ put on humanity to show to us that the Kingdom of God can reside in us who have a circumcised heart and a renewed mind in the spirit. For greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world”. 
Our objective is to obtain His glory.  It is to us who are to “by patient continuous seeking his glory honor and immortality” in the here and now. To partake of His glory and victory. Not having our own righteousness, not having our own glory but that which is by faith in Jesus Christ. These terms are part and parcel of the gift of God . Faith is the invisible work that we must do. We exersize our belief and trust in Him. We associate with Him in His death, resurrection and ascension being seated in victory. Not our own. For the one who is in us who is greater in us, is the one who is in complete in victory, glory and honor not having to return to the battle field to fight another day as though the cross was not sufficient.
The war becomes for us the battlefield of our mind. Our own Galgatha. The overcoming and conquering is as we grow in understanding Him as He truly is and believing His word and this becomes our reality. For nothing has overtaken us that is not common to man but with it God has given a way out. This way out is His glory. There is no battle between God and Satan for he was defeated as displayed at the cross for it is Jesus who said in Rev 1.18″I am He who lives and was dead, but I am alive eternally, and I have the keys to death and Hades”. And 1 John 3.8 “the Son of man was manifest to destroy the works of the devil” and Heb 2.14 He partook of humanity to destroy him who had power over death, the Devil. There is more but you get the point.
This is “the hidden mystery of God ordained for our glory. To freely know the things that have been given to us by the Christ of the cross, not of a second coming. For had the rulers of this world known they would not have slain the Lord of Glory”. To them the very act of crucifying Christ looked like their victory, but it was ours. It is because of the cross that He shares His victory with us. This is not relegated to a second coming  but now by faith. They saw death, we see life. They saw a pauper ride into Jerusalem on a donkey to later be crowned with a curse of thorns. We see a white horse whose rider wears garments dipped in His own blood for us. Who is crowned King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The name He had before His humanity. Lord and supreme over everything. He is not a coming one, or a becoming one. For the word was spoken at the begininng. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. It is as we recieve Christ as He truly is we too share in His Glory. We are victorious. The same victory the rulers of this age sought to steel remained on Christ for our glory. It is as we behold that glory we see Him as invincible but not because He gained it but because He never lost it. The eternal One cannot loose it or gain it or He is not eternal. He can only continuelly display who He already was and always will be.
This is the eternal Glory and the Father does not give this to the son at a second coming as some suppose. Nor does He give it to the Son at the cross as though He earned it. God the Father had already said “this is My only begotten Son in Whom I am well pleased” at the baptism of Jesus before His crucifixion. And the Father was well pleased because Jesus was already the express image of the Father.
Herein lies the mystery of the “Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ”. The Glory was amplified and magnified at the cross because the victory and the glory failed not! This becomes for us our focal point and our entrance into the Kingdom. Not, I repeat not a second coming. That is the impostor with a different glory from a different battle of a different Jesus who must fight to win and prevail over a future event as though the cross failed in accomplishing reconciliation at-one-ment, justification, sanctification, redemption and access to the kingdom of God. Didn’t He say that He gave us the keys to the Kingdom?
Can you just take a moment here and Give God the Glory due His name. Can you hear this? Can you receive this? Can you see this? This is the voice of Him who calls us to heaven. To His eternal Glory through Jesus Christ whose signature is the cross. Whose insignia is written on your forehead?To whom do you belong?
The Kingdom of God is at hand!