January 16, 2020

***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.

Posted on January 16, 2020 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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Christ said “I have many things to say to you however you are not able to bear them, however when the spirit of truth comes, you will be taught all things”. This is from the “all things” from the spirit of Truth.

It was Paul who said “for the gospel that I preached to you, I did not receive it by man, nor was I taught by man but through revelation, or the unvieling of Jesus Christ” showing us that it does not come from without but within.

Christ also said “greater works shall you do because I go to the father and you see me again no more”. These are the greater works we do because we have accepted the reality that Christ will not come back in His former fashion of the flesh. Because “flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom” for Him to appear that way would go against what He has said. He expired the carnal with all the law and the prophets, so we have His advantage.

Christ comes as a thief because if you don’t accept Him as He is. The gift giver becomes a taker and you are found alone. As He said “Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed are they that watcheth, and keepeth their garments, lest they walk naked, and they see their shame”. So it is important to know what we are to put on “lest we be found naked” and un-clothed of what God has provided. Shame on us if we do not put on our Heavenly attire.

Here are some things you need to know to ensure your election, “for in so doing there is provided a grand entrance into the “Kingdom of God at Hand”. Let us go up from here.

The things of this age were created and mankind were begotten of things that hadn’t been before. They come from the dust and return to the dust. In the end everything from the 6 d­ays of creation will all be burned in a ferverant heat for the eternal to remain. (2 Peter 3.12) Then righteousness will be without competition. But we don’t need to wait for that event to happen to participate in the things that God has for us in “The Kingdom of God at hand”. A phrase that hasn’t expired, of truths we are able to grasp and apply them with our understanding.

Gods things are not created so they do not decay or return to the dust and they cannot be burned because they are elementally different, they are spirit and truth. They never get old and are forever new. God is pre-existent and eternal, and so are the things that are specific to Him.

To this the Elect are called to participate in even now as being “The Kingdom of God at hand”, and “The Kingdom prepared from (before) the foundations of the world”.

Gods things are not subject to space and time but are ubiquitous. Meaning God and His things are not time sensitive events to be experienced in the past or the future but for us to be accommodated with even right now. They are all harmonious, coexistent and inseparable. They are always The Bride and Groom because they are forever new.

Wherever God is, everything that is uniquely His is with Him. And because God is boundless and ubiquitous, being everywhere all the time, so are His things. This is why “The Kingdom of God is at hand” to the renewed mind of faith. This is why we “the called” are to grow in the knowledge of God, because that is our only access point to Him and how we grow. He is our expanse greater than the created Heavens with the Stars. In Him is everything that is eternal. The galaxies were given for our amusement.

Gods things are made manifest and evident to us, clearly seen not in 1st and 2nd comings as many suppose, but through a succession of comings, revelations, manifestations and unveilings to the human heart, soul and mind, “to the degree you are able to attain? So walk ye in it”.

The Etymology of Revelation.

The word revelation originates from the Greek word “apocalypse”. This word does not mean catastrophes as thought of today. To witness the lifting off of a covering from a statue in a public square, this is an unveiling. This is an apocalypse, a revelation and a manifestation. With God it is to  make visible something out of reach of the physical senses.

The purpose for God’s word is to make visible the invisible, to make knowable the humanly un-see-able, to make attainable the humanly impossible, for us, the Elect to acquire in this age our inheritance of the things hidden “in Christ”. He is the source and our final destination, for the complete apprehension and attainment of the gift of Godliness delivered to us through the gospel of things pertaining to “The Kingdom of God at hand. To fulfill the verse in ourselves about God that “His divine power hath given to us everything that pertains to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who has called us to glory and virtue:

Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by through these you are partakers of the divine nature, having (already) escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust”. In the here and now, no supposed 2nd coming involved. Or as Peter put it “recieving the end of your faith, the salvation of your souls” as being something attainable in the here and now. (1 Peter 1.9)

However this promise is not for the carnal man or his external senses or religious nature. This pertains to us too. This is why Christ spoke in parables “for without a parable spoke He not to the people” or the religious zellots of that day or ours. The gospel is not about being good. It is about being godly. And because God is invisible, we can only tell you about it. But it is more real than the ground you stand on.

That is why “faith is the evidence of things hoped for, the (proof of the invisible) substance of the things that are unseen”.  All the law and the prophets were just for this cause. To help us see the un-see-able. As Moses was instructed “see that you make all things according to the pattern shown to you on the mount” showing us that there is an eternal, original these things were pattered after. But this key principle they forgot and became confused enough to get lost in the wilderness. They were bewildered.

They too were just to  help us see what is just beyond the veil of human perceptions. This is why the flesh is called the veil. It is the carnal senses that are useless pertaining to the things of God. That is why you must put them off when relating to God.

Caution: If you are waiting to experience God in a physical way with a zip code and a time zone, you are blind to Him who wisks about you even now, willing and able to save. This is why He is “The Savior”. He does not come here to save us later. He does this now through the Gospel. We wrap ourselves in His word and are saved, and preserved “in Christ”.

This is why our Lord says “20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me”. Enter spirit and truth.

This is why Christ said of the Jews “seeing with their eyes they see not, hearing with their ears they hear not. It is with the heart that one must see and hear to understand the things of God”. Many are still trying to build something to house God today. God cannot be carnally known. This is why Romans 8 says “the carnal mind is enmity against God. It is not subject to the laws of God and neither can be. So those in the flesh cannot please God”. They are sorely mistaken.

That was the sin of Sodom and Gomorah. They said “bring them out that we may know them” visibly. Meaning, show us God on the physical plain and we will believe. It says in Revelation that our Lord was slain in the city spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, but was the spiritual condition of the Jerusalem of that day and the Jews who killed Him.

This is why Lot and his family were instructed to leave the plains for the high lands, which is a picture of rising in the spirit. Which is the same reason our Lord on earth said  “let is go up from here” and “let us arise”. Learn to stand on these truths in the plateau of the spirit.

Set aside the carnal expectation of God becoming a human again. He finished that work and cut it short in righteous then said “I go to the Father and you see me again no more” at least not in a carnal way. He returned to His original composition of the Word before time of Spirit and truth. Christ is “the same yesterday today and forever”. (Hebrews 13.8) So we should not expect Him to appear in a form like ourselves. Even as He was seen “in another form” after His resurrection. (Mark 16.12

Flesh and bone does not inherit the things of God, because God is spirit and truth and seeketh such.  We accomplish this through His word. It is those of us who have adopted the words of God who can commingle the things of God presented to us from the gospel, engrafted in our minds for promtings by the Holy Spirit, to think and interact with God perfectly, to experience the Blessings God enjoys that are uniquely specific to Him and His. Such are we, Him is what we have, we are the Elect.

Paul said “the veil is done away in Christ”? We who are recipients of the New Covenant provisions, see what is beyond the veil of human experiences being “The Kingdom of God at Hand”. Within reach of something tangible but not physically graspable, but totally comprehendable and achievable to the re-spirited mind of faith.

God uses words to uncloak Himself by His collection of words He calls His Son. This is the proverbial manna from heaven that gives life to the world. But don’t expect to pick it up from the ground like the Israelites. That too was just a snapshot and a parable of something we are to do invisibly by faith. This is God’s realm, and faith is our invisble tool to interact with the Godhead of who they are, Father, Son and The Holy Spirit, being Design, Word and Spirit.

 John 1.1. “In the beginning was The Word, The Word was with God, and The Word was God. He was in the beginning with God”. Word is Gods pre-incarnate original substance.

Word is not to be interpreted physically but God specific, being pre-incarnate and eternal of things before creation. The Word of God is the collection of God’s things, broken down into sound bites called  words, for human consumption not to feed the body but the spirit of the mind. To become the things that He said, made known by revelations for us to be like Him being remanufactured with His things, His thoughts and His words. In the beginning that is all He was, and the Son declares this. We accept Him as He is and we are accepted in the Beloved. We are the elect.

This is why we are instructed to “put on Christ”. Because Christ was word before “He became flesh and dwelled among us”, that is what He returned to when He left. Because flesh is not a Heavenly composition because it returns to dust.

People only saw a peasant on the foal of a colt when they saw Christ because the flesh vailed His Glory.  However there were those who saw past that veil and worshipped Him on a sorel horse whose garments were dipped in blood, having a name no human can pronounce, whose name is “The Word of God”. We the Elect are still pronouncing His name even today. We proclaim nothing new but We are re-iterations of the things that He said of the “gospel once and for all delivered to the saints” that we are to contend for. (Jude 3)

We put on His Word to become like Him. This is how we follow Christ to the Father. This is how “His word does not return void, but accomplished all His desire”. God’s Word returns to the Father with us in it. This is what it means to be “in Christ”. In God’s Son, which is God’s Word who said “I go to the Father and you see Me again no more” meaning in human form. But He also says “where I am going you cannot go, but you shall follow Me later’. This is later. We return with Christ to the Father by putting Word on. “With my dead body they shall arise” and so we  did and you can too. (Isaiah 26.19) This too is a work of faith.

It was because Christ was a man and God, He shows us that it is possible to be full of God while we have our human bodies because “as He is so are we in this world” not how he was in the flesh but His current “as He is” seated eternal with the Father. We have this right now, to the rescripted mind of faith. This is God’s playground.

As Paul said, we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the Glory and the Excellency may be of God and not ourselves. Do you hear that? Gods Glory and His excellence exuding in Us and through us? What a blessedness disguised in common looking people. For those in doubt? This may be the only glimpse of this kind of glory you will see this side of judgment.

Because God’s promise says “For in Him (Christ)  dwells the fullness of the God head body. And you are complete in Him who is the head of all principalities and powers”. If we have accepted the invitation to arise and seat with them in the heavenlies as spelled out by Paul in Ephesians 2. Above all powers and principalities in this age and every age”. This gift has already been given for the hearers who have faith to aquire the free gift of God in Christ. To cloth yourself with Christ. To put on the inner man who is made in the likeness of Christ of what we see in His Word. “We see Him as He is and become like Him.

In this way we are what we eat. To receive God as He is, being Word, is to commune with God. To eat of His flesh which are words on the pages consumed by our mind to be like Him. As Christ said “take and eat all of it”. And as the Israelites were instructed at their Passover to, eat it in haste. Or as Lot’s wife was turned to a pillar of salt because she did not leave the plains in haste. She lingered and became solidified, and a solid God is not.

To have all things in common.

This is what commune means. This is true koinania obtained from the gospel through assorted revelations. This is what His word is about. Just as 1 John  says “That which was from the beginning, that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may commune with us” have oneness with us, to break bread with us; and truly our oneness is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ the righteous. To be infused with and amalgamated to Him. To be wed. To become inseparable and eternally one with Him who is everywhere all the time. To take our stance with the rest of the Elect, of the symposium of “the spirits of just men made perfect”. (Hebrews 12.22-23)

This is what it means to partake of Christ. To eat what He eats, and drink what He drinks of eternal things of the Father. This is to “drink it new in the Kingdom”speaking of the new wine of the “New Covenant” now in effect as evidenced at the cross, as we partake not of a body of flesh but of words, syllables and sayings. We become part of the body of Christ which has no physical members but being made up by stones that are “the measure of a man who is of an Angel”. (Revelation 21)

As Peter says “we are living stones built up a habitation of God in the spirit”, and need not to expect to have something physical. And we need not wait for a third Covenant or a new work because the second Covenant and the cross cannot be superseded, outdone, added to or retracted. It really is fully finished and furnished.

This is why We are called ambassadors. An ambassador is a representative of a kingdom and culture of which they are from. Someone cannot be called an ambassador if they had not been there otherwise they would just be a representative. But because we are “fellow citizens, saints and members of the household of God” we are from another culture. We are ambassadors from the place from which We are nourished and where We live. We are “in Christ”. We are from “The kingdom of God at hand”. We have been given permission to say with Christ and the apostles, that “we cannot help but to speak of what we hear and to testify to what we see”, showing you that there is a testimony of a reality that is not sensitive to the carnal senses. And to those who are getting this? We beckon you, come up hither. The rapture is not a physical one because “from dust you came, to dust you shall return. That is the demise of the body, it came from the dust to return to dust, so don’t put your stock in that. But we have a new body, a glorious body like His. (1 Corinthians 15. 42- 49) We are instructed to put this on.

We are talking of an event that happens “in the blink of an eye” quicker than humanly perceivable but completely assertainable to the rescripted mind of faith..

For you have not come to a mountain that may be burned with fire, but you have come to Mount Zion, to the Heavenly City (and the true Jerusalem) to the general assembly and Church of the firstborn in the spirits of just men made perfect.” Take your seat here please, your Heavenly Father has anticipated this. The price was paid with the most prescious blood of Christ. Do not despise the gift or insult the gift Giver.

Change your perspective.

A father is most pleased when his children do what he does. God made no beggars borrowers or thieves, God left us not on our knees but said follow me that where I am you may be also. Stand up and arise to your inheritance for the price was paid. “Walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh”.

The father rejoices when those meet Him at the throne and join Him there because He is seated there waiting for His enemies to become his footstool, and because He has already defeated Satan sin and death at the cross, the only enemy that is left now are your doubts, fears and unbelief. God wants you to defeat these enemies with scripture and sit with the Father in the Heavenlies seeing eye to eye with Him. This is His desire. “It is the Father’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom”. He has withheld from you nothing. “God has given us everything that pertains to life and godliness according to the knowledge of Him who calls us to glory by virtue”. By virtue that you know these truths.

When the enemy says “has God really said?” We say with a resounding  affirmative YES! And just like the walls fall down at Jericho, we enter into “The Kingdom of God at hand”.

No other act but faith can accomplish this. Get up off your knees and stand up like a man. Just as Paul said, I reach out to lay hold of why Christ laid hold of me. Some of us have done that.

These are the Elect. The Father sees a reflection of Himself in us and He is smiling. In this the father was well pleased and says, enter My joy you good and  full of faith steward, servant and beloved.

If God appears physically of things specific to the six day creation, God presents a false self. The creator cannot become the created. This is why He calls us to Himself. We are the ones that must change and His Word is the change agent. We do this one Revelation at a time, one manifestation after another untill we become “a perfect man” (Eph 4.13) Not masculine or feminine. These distinctions have no preference one over the other in God’s Kingdom. We are all one, equal and co-heirs of the things of God that are not of this creation.

Now “the whole creation groans and travails anticipating the manifestation of the children of God”. Why? Because that is the purpose of creation. Them. Us.

We are manifestations and individual manifestos of the Father is us because “as He is, so are we in the world”. There is no doubt about it, We are the Elect.

And because we take on the manifestations of God found in His Word and call them our own, we are joint heirs of the things “in Christ”. Our flesh cannot be re-created, we can only be converted to be His manifestations.

It is these revelations about God that make manifest the things of God to our understanding  so we can accept or reject God. And that is why the revelation of the Son of God, the Christ, is not of this creation. He said “you have rightly called me a King, but My Kingdom is not of this creation. If it were I would send my angels and they would fight, but My Kingdom is not from here”.

Even as Paul said “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through God for pulling down strongholds and every argument that exalts itself against the understanding of God” showing for us that God is elementally different. Even as he says,  “as the Heavens are higher than the Earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts. His composition is out of reach for the external carnal senses to experience and the need for revelation.

That is why God is a manifestation and revelations made known by His Word and not composed of His six day creation. This is how and where God is unveiled, in the spirit of the mind and understanding. Which means to make known and open up to the regenerated mind of Faith the things that are God specific. And because God is “eternal, immortal and invisible, we should not expect Him to manufacture something of Himself with creation specific elements associated with time and matter, or he would lie by presenting a false image of himself of being something created, and God is not a creature, and a thing of creation cannot be God .

There are however countless other lower case gods that are doing that even to this day by taking on the responsibilities of God and associated with things of this age disguised in benevolence for redirecting human efforts and affections to themselves . These are the counterfeits. You will know them by their fruits. They are the pyramid people beholden to the eye in the sky. The www. Eye in the sky and “prince of the power of the air that now works in the disobedient.

We are the elect, however they are the elect of another sort with all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive, but not decieve the Elect.

So we must be more careful to distinguish between the created and the eternal so that we may more appropriately arise to our inheritance. Where? In our understanding in the spirit of our minds. In this way Gods things become our plug-n-play components that build us up, and the tools of our trade for acts of faith as more than touching the invisible but cohabitating with God now. We are owners, joint heirs of the things that God has said, that are in Christ and with the Father. That is where He is awaiting our arrival. Not physically but in spirit and truth. “For the time that is coming is already here where the Father seeks such to worship Him in Spirit and Truth. (John 4)

It is Gods things that are revealed to the elect, that are unveiled and manifest for our consumption that we may become more godly. This is how we are children of God and joint heirs of the things of God in Christ, our new abode. This is what defines a true Christian. Not a religion but an association with a new species in a New Kingdom with a New Covenant and New features being God Specific, that never fades, erodes, decays or changes, of things that are “in Christ”. We who are “in Christ” are in the forever new, the origination of His manifestations and revelations of the things He has said. He is the source

We are not created, we are manifestations and apocalypses of the things for us that are called the new creation, which are not new in the sense that they have never been. They are new in the sense in two terms. One is that those things which are eternal are eternally new and never getting old. They always shine in their eternal glory. It is with our mind that these are new because the mind had not experienced them before. Revelation and revealings are just showing us things that are hidden in Christ. And because in the beginning God created the heavens and earth and rested from them, He stepped back from them. Proverbially He stepped into himself and that is what Christ is. Hidden in Christ is the Godhead body, and hidden in the Godhead body the Christ and we are hidden in Christ as well.

We now are these manifestations, chips off the old block. We become his declarations because we cannot help but to speak what we see and testify to what we’ve heard and seen of the things that are here in Christ.

He said “so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return to me void”. This is us who put on word. That is our departure and transportation mechanism to the Father. As scripture says, “we have been delivered from the power of darkness and have been translated into the Kingdom of the Son of His love”. Now the things of this world grow faintly dim in the light of His Glory and Grace. It is as we behold His Glory, we are transitioned by His Glory to become that Glory. (2 Corinthians 3.18) For this reason He is also called “The Father of Glories” and in this way we are His because He shared that with us.

When Paul was visited by Christ with” a light 7 times greater than the sun”, can you see this? It is an unearthly Glory beyond the veil of human perception. Are you becoming that Glory? The Father of Glories gives us this because this is what we become.


At the end of the book of the revelation of Christ, which was written by John, of whom John was the closest disciple of Christ, having found his head in the bosom of our Lord, having known him better than any of the disciples.

John saw an angel and bent down to worship him thinking that this was The Christ. And upon doing so, this angel said to John “see that you  do not do that for I am one of thy brethren and one of those who keep the testimony of Jesus Christ worship Him, for the testimony of Christ is the spirit of prophecy.”

It was this one who John saw and John knew Christ the best, who saw something that eerily resembled Jesus Christ being a completed Saint, to the point that John thought it was Christ Himself and bowed to worship Him as Christ. And it is those who reach this stature who can say like The Christ said “those who have seen me have seen the Father” as being something invisible but totally attainable.

May we present to you this day that, that person was a manifestly an Elect of God. Showing for us that, our new body is not a gift given at some conclusion at the end of time but for those of us who obtain our fullness and our likeness, like what is delivered to us through the Gospel of  Christ even now “each one in their own order” (1 Corinthians 15)

Step outside of your time and place association with matter while you are in your earthen vessels and fulfill the verse that says “as He is (now) so are we in the world”.

Accept the gift, the price was paid. Take your rightful due not at the cross for sin and suffering but seated with the Father. Leave your crown of thorns and dead works and put on the crown of Glory given, “receiving the end of your faith, the salvation of your souls” and the complete your vows from baptism. To be buried with Him, and raised (resurrected) in newness of life now. Even as scripture beckons us up saying;

17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation; old things having passed away; behold, all things have become new. 18 Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through (the Cross of) Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.” Arise to your inheritance now for the time is short, and “today is the day of salvation” tomorrow you may not be so fortunate.

It was Enoch the 7th from Adam who said it first. That before this age slips away, while salvation is still in process, that there would be a throng of the first fruits executing judgment on earth of those who have put off the old man and have put on the gift of the fullness of Christ, taking on their rightful due of ruling with Christ and executing judgment on Earth, to wrap up this age and initiate the closure of salvation saying “Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand. 11 He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him [e]be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.” Where are you in the process?

For this age hastens upon us, to wrap up with a rapid fire succession of events designed to disperse the disingenuous and engulf the wicked. But we are to be in the eye of the storm and command center of all things, seated far above all powers and principalities in heavenly places, where Christ says, all eyes on Me for what comes next. We are the Elect.

If you are reading this then  “The Kingdom of God is still at hand”. Come up hither!