December 2014

Satan and the 2nd coming

Posted on December 15, 2014 by ADMIN

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Isaiah 14. 12-15 “How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer,[a] son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
13 For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’
15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,
To the lowest depths of the Pit.

Here we see the objective of Satan, the enemy of your mind, if we understand correctly, for this is why scripture says “the weapons of our warfare are mighty through God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God”. For it is here in your mind that  Satan plants his kingdom. The counterfeit one like the real one. To “become like the most high”.
Paul calls him “the coming one” with all lying signs and wonders. Meaning a duplicate, a replica, a replacement, and a look alike, a mimicker and a wanna be. The one who is not yet but is coming. This one to sit in the place of God proclaiming  to be God. And he dominates where? In your mind, our battle field, our Galgatha.
It is ‘the coming one” who is the replacement in the carnal mind of Him who is from the beginning. He who already was being “the same yesterday, today and forever” cannot become something later as though He is not because He already was and always will be. Hebrews 13.8
So here is the truth little flock. It is the carnal mind that is the enemy against God (Romans 8.7) who seeks another Jesus. For Satan who is defeated by the cross through the blood and the testimony of Jesus Christ as we appropriate this truth by faith like scripture says “Jesus came to defeat him who had power over death” And “the Son of God was manifest to destroy the works of the Devil”. Receiving this word as fact administered by the Holy Spirit it becomes your reality. This is your work of faith.
But the carnal mind being ignorant of this and unable to see Him who always is. The carnal mind allows Satan to insert his counterfeit kingdom in his mind, how? By rejecting the truth of the gospel and inserting another one.
 It is the confession in 1st John that says; you have overcome the wicked one because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world”. This they reject.
John also teaches; every spirit (doctrine and teaching) that confesses (an expression of faith) that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit (doctrine and teaching) that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God”. 
It is every spirit, doctrine and teaching that does not believe that Jesus Christ already came in the flesh and defeated Satan Sin and Death, that is not of God. They preach of another victory by another Jesus at another coming. A Jesus who is not yet but will be, and they set their hope on that event for the objective to crown another coming one.
This one is satanic to the core, “for the Son of God came and did the works no one else could do” And He need not give an encore presentation called the 2nd coming to war again because you don’t believe… The Son of God has come in the flesh. He defeated His foes and returned to the Father.
1st John also says 2.14 I have written to you because you are strong and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the wicked  one”. But you don’t have that because you don’t believe the testimony of scripture. You think the next Jesus does that.
It is the second coming message that is spoon fed to the fold teaching that satan has power. And because of their ignorance of scripture and the power of God, they bring back to life and resurrect their own foe by rejecting Christ. The Victor came defeated and returned crowned in full Glory.
It is the spirit of anti-Christ, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience (disbelief) that refuse this truth, who Satan has dominion over. Meaning ,he set up his throne in that disbelieving mind exalting himself over the one who came. And God gave him permission.
Paul says “for this reason God sends forth a strong delusion, a mimicker, and an imitation, a replacement and a counterfeit, that they may believe a lie… to those who have pleasure in unrighteousness, those who reject the Christ of the cross and His victory, they get another coming one.
From John 16 It is the Spirit of God that comes and; 8. convicts the world (carnal mind) of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: 9 of sin, because they do not believe in Me; (as the crowned victor of all foes) 10 of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more; (Proof He is the crowned victor) 11 of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged”. So who does Jesus fight when He comes back?
You see Satan is publicly negated being stripped of all power at the cross, if you see him through the cross “having made a public spectacle” Col 2.15. But you don’t believe that either
If Jesus had anymore dealing with Satan, Sin, or Death He could not return to the Father. If Jesus has any more dealing with Satan Sin and Death He could not be seated in Glory. And it is those who reject the testimony the Father gave to the Son, who is crowned, seated in eternal Glory, who was restored the Glory, who never had not the Glory. (John 13.31+ and 17.22+ and 2 Cor 3.18 + 4.6) 
This is the one they reject and we are given a choice saying “for this reason God sends a strong delusion”. Not an illusion but a devolved truth, a delusion.The obscured truth. Twisted scripture. The lie, the counterfeit, another (2nd) coming one, he who is not, but will be, he who must become as though he is not. He who said he would “sit among the congregation on the farthest sides of the north” being the upper regions of your mind? May I introduce to you the second coming Jesus? What a perfect lie. The another coming one whose coming is of satan and not from the Father. But the true Jesus has returned to the Father and it is this truth you reject for your own condemnation. (John 16.28) And rejecting the truth you receive the lie. “that they all may be condemned, who did not believe the truth but have pleasure in a lie. (2 Thes 2.9-12)
Anytime you reject the gift of eternal life offered through the cross by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, and ascribe power and victory to another coming one, it is as if you reverse your spiritual polarity to drain you of the power of the cross and seat in power another Jesus. It is your unbelief in Christ as the victor now that opens the door in your heart and mind of another coming Jesus because you reject the victory of the blood for the future victory of another. “Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, so that he sits as God in the temple of God” and he uses the name Jesus. And the temple of God should be where? In your heart and mind. Within you (Luke 17.22) 
You see the Pharisees made the same mistake as second coming seekers thinking the temple of God was physical when Jesus said “destroy this temple and I will raise it up in 3 days”. This too is another error of second coming jesus seekers who think a temple must be built on earth.. They don’t even know that satan rules on their throne now, keeping them from the kingdom of God now. They are taken captive to do his bidding. (2 Tim…) In that they error. They Glorify a second coming jesus, and it is this jesus that sits on their throne, being the determining factor on how they interpret all scripture to glorify that one in the future. It is Jesus who said that the Kingdom of God is within you” that the carnal mind rejects and trades it for a future physical one. 
The whole idea that the temple must be built and to restart the animal sacrifices for sin for jesus to be happy to come back is a blatant slap in the face of the Christ of the cross. Or even if you believe that the antichrist will be seated for Jesus to come back to defeat him, you are equally rejecting the Christ of the cross. For “He has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us  into the kingdom of His Son. You do not believe this scripture. “For Christ has come in the flesh. Your Jesus is somewhere out there.
And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world. This spirit, doctrine and teaching from those “who were among us, but manifest that they were not of us” twist scripture to manifest the concept of another battling Jesus to overcome Satan, to cleanse the Jews from sin, and resurrect to reign on earth 1000 years. I mean jeesh, how many 2nd comings and resurrections are there? Confused? who caused that? Who authors confusion?  
And to you who promulgate that stuff “let not many you be teachers knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment” If the kingdom of God is still at hand and many are pressing into it, but you preach of another kingdom and another Jesus at a distant point in time on earth and detain those who are trying to enter, what do you suppose your judgment will be?
The Kingdom of God is not only imminent. It is immediate for that is what “at hand” means in the Greek and is interpreted that way else where in scripture. So it can not mean 2000 plus years. So if John the Baptist was “the voice crying in the wilderness, speak to my people, make straight the way in the desert a highway to our God, for His Glory to be revealed”?. Why is it you ascribe the victory and the glory to a different event than John to crown another Jesus of a different battle and nullify the purpose of John the baptist and reject the testimony that “God has sent His Son into the world to save the world”. John 3.17. I mean you know what John 3.16
means but you jump over 3.17.
It is the victory of the gospel of the cross that is “the power of God unto salvation ” that we adorn and not another.
So was Christ the coming one For you, or do you seek another? Do you seek an encore presentation called the 2nd coming and deny the coming one who came like the one the Jews rejected? 
Well did the prophet Isaiah say “these people honor Me with their mouth but their heart is far from Me” And well did the Christ say ” you are not entering the Kingdom and you are keeping out those trying to do so”
Repent for the Kingdom of God is still at hand.



Posted on December 10, 2014 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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­Jesus Christ having come to earth had a specific task to accomplish before He returned to the Father, and having completed that task He knew His departure was “At hand”.

His report to the Father? “I have glorified you on the earth, I have finished the work you have given Me to do”. And the work in question in this scripture is “I have manifest Your name to those whom you have given me out of the world and they have kept it. They were Yours, You gave them to Me and they have kept Your Word” And “I have given them the words which You had given Me (to give to them) and they have received them and have known surely (truly without question or addendum) that Jesus came from the Father and was to return, His mission was accomplished.

For you see Christ, after the departure of Judas, no longer called them servants but friends “for a servant does not know what his Master is doing, but I tell you plainly about the father”. Then says “I have come forth from the Father and have come into the world and again I leave the world and go to the Father”. It was as if time froze and all the energy of Jesus Christ spotlighted that phrase for all eternity, for that was primary in the work the Father gave Him.

And it was so much so much so in fact that He made the disciples repeat what they heard, as he does also with us. Jesus then reports to the Father “They have kept your word”. Jesus came forth from the Father and returned to the Father” And the message kept? I came forth from the Father into the world. Again I leave the world and go to the Father. And you see Me again no more.” At least not in the flesh. John 16.28+28

If this then is central to the message the Father gave the son to give to us for it to be repeated by the disciples, then shouldn’t it be central to the teachings of Christ today? He came to sow seed in the hearts of the disciples and He knew it took root when His words came out of their mouths, otherwise He could not have said to the Father “I have given them Your word and they know truly I have come from you” who also said “You will see me no more because I go to the Father”.

This epic and paramount message that was delivered was that Christ had come forth from the Father and that He was returning and no where, I mean no where in all this discourse where He speaks plainly of Father, does He ever mention anything about a second coming or another work. Yet today in Christianity for many, that is the focus. But Jesus Christ told the Father “they have kept Your word” and the disciples having repeated that, Jesus said to them “Do you now believe?” as if to punctuate for us this important truth, then to further state to the Father “I have given them Your word and they have kept it” is a double stamp for us too. This is what He wants us to keep as well. And if Jesus did not finish the work the Father gave Him, He would have to come back a second time and none of what He said is true or reliable. His work in fact would not be finished and the cross would be a hoax.

You see it was the prophets who spoke of a coming one of which Jesus accomplished the word saying “all the law and the prophets were until John the baptist, now being fulfilled in Christ, Him having accomplished and finished the work saying “now the Kingdom is preached and all are pressing their way in” as if to indicate a stampede but today? They are waiting for a kingdom and they call it a second coming. What a disgrace. No stampede into the Kingdom, the doors are closed. A sign on the door “We are closed for remodeling and will re-open at the grand second coming. Bring your lawn chairs, popcorn, and palm branches for the coronation of the king who is coming later. Hosanna blessed will he be on that day.

With this mindset “The Kingdom of God at hand” has no relevance for it in fact would be not “at hand” but some time in the future and we would all be left alone in our sins, but that’s not the case. That’s not the gospel.

John the baptist specifically sent and asked Christ “Are you the coming one or do we seek another?” Jesus did not send word to John of a second coming, No problem I’ll get you on the rebound. Or; Go tell John I will come back in another couple thousand years to finish My work? This is not found once in scripture, neither is “the second coming”. But rather “go tell John what you see and hear”. Does this offend you?

Jesus could not say of these people, the second coming seekers “Father they have kept your word” those who keep My Word the Father will love and We will come to them and make our home in them” if they do not receive Jesus Christ in His natural, preincarnate self of being “The Word of God. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever”. Amen!

This can not be said to the second coming seekers because they believe the kingdom must come, and that Christ has more work to do and their heart is covered over with a thick delusion. But Jesus Christ is seated with the Father waiting for His enemies to become His footstool” waiting for His work to be played out, but “Today is the day of salvation” But they do not believe the testimony God gave the Son, then the Son gave the disciples, then the disciples repeated it back to Christ and He delivered word to the Father. “It is finished” unless finished means something else.

Jesus shows us His end times scenerio.

In John chapter 13 Christ showed the disciples in parable form the same thing. Christ stood up and took off his garments then He put on a clean towel. He then proceeded to wash the feet of the disciples with the clean towel till they were all clean, except Judas of course.

We can understand from Moses the importance of clean feet with what sandals mean, because when Moses was on Sinai he was instructed to “take off thy sandals for where you stand is Holy ground”. This was the first place Moses came in contact with the eternal and his sandals were the insulators between the created and the eternal. And the same for the disciples, they were coming into contact with the invisible and eternal Son of God that was washing their feet. We can understand in parable form that it is us that are washed by the water of the word.

Christ then said “what I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this.” And hopefully you are able to understand this as well so you can advance further into His Kingdom.

So when Christ had washed their feet, He took off the towel, meaning His humanity, He then put on His original garments, meaning His Glory, then sat back down like in the beginning before creation. This was all done in picture form, for us to understand the invisible reality it portrayed. Then He said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you?

The answer is that, He showed them in parable form “for without a parable spake he not to the people”, His escatology, that He took off His Heavenly attire, put on earthly flesh as referred to by the towel, washed their feet to sanctify them so that He could tell the Father “I have finished the work you have given Me to do, I have given those you have given Me your word and they have kept it. Then to return to His Eternal composition, having finished His work in the realm of temporal flesh. He now instructs us to “follow Me so that where I am you may be also”. Meaning to the Father. And you can only follow the Word of God if you become His word to. We follow Him by becoming Him and He is Word. This our transformation and transfiguration. But you must remember “In the beginning was the Word,  the word became flesh. That we in the beginning were flesh and put on word. This is us putting on Christ the Word of God, one word at a time until we are like Him who was WORD!

He left us an example and We just showed you how to do it. You have to do it the way He did it with word, God’s word. We believe therefore we speak. Then the thing that we said becomes the thing that is, like when the Father said “let there be light and it was so”. When we hear the word of God we receive it into our hearts, we ponder what He said until we can understand and repeat it as if to own it as “joint heirs with Christ, in Christ. Then the things that we say that we learned from the word, becomes true for us as well, the moment we accomplish this process. The Heavenly Father hears our “profession” and being pleased that what He says to us reverberates back to Him and He us happy. Why? Because He knows that we got it. It is real for us. From that moment on we never need to repeat it again. We move on the the next revelation to complete the same possess.

In the beginning was the word, the word was with God, and the Word was God”. You too must become Word to follow Him back to the Father, like we just showed you. In this way we are “a chip off the old block”.

We hope you now know the mission of Christ was to retrieve His elect by washing them from the obstacles of this age for receiving His word and the regeneration of the spirit, to wash each other’s walk, follow Him and take their rightful seat at His own right hand. Can you see this? Can you receive this? Can you repeat this?

Paul finally did in Ephesians 2 saying that He “raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus”.

Didn’t Yeshua say “follow Me that where I am you may be also? Well this is how you do it.

So those who heard and kept the word “I have come forth from the Father and come into the world, now I leave the world and go back to the Father”? Follow Him! He is “the way, the truth and the life”. He said “no one comes to the Father except through Me”. Meaning through word. His word in us, spoken as if we own it, because we do. We are joint heir’s of the things of the Father that He spoke on our behalf, for us to repeat it, for it to become our new reality. This is why Paul said “old things pass away, all things become new”. Not new in the sense of having never been before, but new in the sense that it never fades or gets old. It is always in it’s illustrious form of Heavenly Glory that never fades. It is new in this way.

If you truly understand this and do this, you will know Him and there is no need for another Jesus to explain or perform anything. Salvation start to finish is summed up in this way. This is the Christ, why do you seek another?

This is our testimony of our new life that “The Kingdom of God is at hand.”


The Steward Part 3 To Those Who Hear

Posted on December 8, 2014 by ADMIN

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The disciples asked Jesus Why He spoke to the people in parables and He answered them saying “Because to you it has been given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom, but to them it has not been given”.


This here then coincides with “of those born among women there is none greater than John the baptist, but he who is least in the kingdom is greater than he”. That it is those who are looking to time as a dispenser of the things of God to be manifest in physical matter the things of God, they are blinded because it is by revelation that we receive the things of God. Not a date on the calendar.. 

Jesus then quotes a truth from Isaiah saying “In them the words of Isaiah are active that “hearing with their ears they shall not hear and seeing with their eyes they will not see because it is the heart of this people that is callous and covered. Because they cannot see with their eyes or hear with their ears the things they need to understand with their heart to turn so that I could heal them”.
Herein lies another proof as to why the 2nd coming seeker message is a hoax. It is all visual related to time and matter for because you cannot perceive it with the eyes and ears in your head, you cannot get it. Flat out the words of Christ not mine “lest they should understand with their heart and not the physical eyes and ears for then I will heal them. And as long as you hold to a future physical event to be seen with the carnal senses, your heart is hardened to the Spirit whisking around you as we speak, saying “Whenever one hears the gospel of the Kingdom and they try to perceive it with their carnal senses (translate into time and matter) the wicked one comes along and snatches away what is sown in the heart”. For he tells you the kingdom is later and you disbelieve the gospel of the Kingdom.
But it is the least of the little ones in the kingdom that are greater than any forward speaking prophet with another word of Jesus saying “for assuredly I say to you that many prophets and good men desire to see what we see and hear what we hear and cannot hear it and it is the 2nd coming seeker that can only give you the deer in the headlight look when you tell them the Kingdom of God is right now, for they cannot see it with their calloused hearts and turn for then they would be healed and see it now. For this is what repentance is. Open your heart for only those who are circumcised of heart is a true believer. (Romans 2.29) and a receiver of the Kingdom.
You say “Oh but that sounds too simple. For surely you cannot believe that”. “Oh I fear lest Satan has turned you away from the simplicity that is in Jesus Christ”. In you this saying is filled to the full.
This is not a foreign concept to Paul for He prayed for his followers saying “that the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ would give to you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. That the eyes of your understanding may be opened to realize the extent of your heavenly calling (follow me that where I am you may be also) what are the riches of the Glory (father I have given them the Glory that you have given Me) which we are the heirs of as saints in the light. This should not be strange or future. It is now. Open your hearts
So then for us who perceive with the heart it brings forth fruit, it becomes the new reality bearing fruit some a hundredfold some sixty some thirty all eternal. 
Behold the Kingdom of God! Repent and believe the good news.


Scriptural Stewardship Part 2 A Prophets Reward

Posted on December 8, 2014 by ADMIN

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We have discussed how a steward is a minister to administer, a distributor to distribute or a dispenser to dispense. That the words steward and dispensation come from the same Greek word in the New Testament. A minister and a steward of scripture distributes and dispenses the things of God according to the degree of what they have received and attained. They can only take you as far as they have been in the faith. And someone who is looking for a second coming Jesus and a second coming Kingdom is not qualified to represent the Kingdom of God now at hand.

Time is not the steward the dispenser or the  distributor of the Kingdom of God and the things of God. The gospel is.  And a true minister of the gospel reveals to you what is just beyond the veil of human perception made visible, or knowable only by revelation. Even as Paul said “The gospel that I preach to you did not come by man nor is it taught by man but by revelation (seeing things invisible) of Jesus Christ, and not a 2nd coming event of carnal visuals. Or God would have to apologise to those He said “seeing with their eyes they see not,hearing with their ears they hear not. It is with the heart that one must see and hear to understand the things of God”.

It is also said in John 2.24+ that Jesus did not commit Himself to man because He knows what is in man. And He had no need for man to testify of Him. So question the objective of scripture.

Also it says (John 3.27) “A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from above”. So then only those who are born again that can see the Kingdom of God, and those who are born from above that can enter The Kingdom of God(John3.3-11) and it is us who can say “Most assuredly  we speak what we know and we testify what we have seen”. These are they that are “the least in the Kingdom of Heaven that are greater than John the Baptist” So now we speak.

You see the second coming message is simply a mans convolution of the truth quite frankly because they admitently have never been into Gods Kingdom they are looking for. They reject these scriptures, or they would not be looking without for something that is within (Luke 17.22) They are blind leading the blind. A sorrowful sadness with an empty expectation of a future hope when the thing they are looking for “is in the mouth of their sack”.  As scripture says, TODAY! If you can hear His voice. But they hear something else.  (Read 1st post on stewards to understand “mouth of their sack”)


In Matthew 10 the Lord sends His disciples out to preach saying “The Kingdom of Heaven is now at hand”. Having empowered them and given them instruction He then tells them (Verse 40+) He who receives you receives me. He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet receives a prophets reward. He who receives a righteous man receives a righteous mans reward”. But we have come to you in the name of the Lord with a much greater reward, for he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than a prophet or a good man. For even the lowest stature person who is in the Kingdom of God of which you seek, is greater than a prophet or good man saying “of those born among women there is none greater than John the baptist, however He who is least in the kingdom is greater than he”. Why? Because we are born of a different sort. Even an once of eternity is more important and far out weights all time and matter because time and matter is what is being removed. (Hebrews 12.28)

It is the old style prophet who speaks forward of a coming thing that is not yet, but we speak to you what we have seen and testify to you what we hear about the true Kingdom of God. Not speaking forward about a second coming Kingdom that is not yet,  but speaking as one who is from there. For we receive the testimony God has given in His Son and we follow Him where He is that we may be there also, and we do this “that the world may believe” at His command.

If you receive these words you receive more than any prophet or good person. Why? Because those who are in the Kingdom “In Christ” have reassembled the testimony of Christ within themselves having received His fullness, growing up into Him who is the head, who is far above all powers and principalities and powers. We are able to come back and lay out the bread crumbs that Christ left for us so that where He is you may be also. So we say. This is what a faithful steward does. We see what the Son does and do likewise. We receive the Gift of life and become givers of the indistinguishable, undiminishable gift from God. As our Lord promised “those who believe in me shall become rivers if living water”. So we do. His gift is confirmed in us and assures our duty as ambassadors. For how can one be an ambassador to a Kingdom they have never been to?

Let us go up from here.

We also showed you in the account given of Joseph and His steward to “follow me so that where I am you may be also. That we may be one in the Father and fill to be full in you the words of Christ that He prayed for you to the Father in John 17 the word “Father I pray not just for these but also those who will believe in Me through their (our) word, that they may be one with us”. This is the Kingdom of heaven. Come join us.

The message remains even now, till the end of this age “Go preaching the kingdom of God is at hand!!” (Mt 10.6+) This is the message preached from the beginning, then given to us, that the 2nd coming seekers distort and confuse for something that is not yet, but must some day be. For that which was from the beginning was never negated or taken away or the Lords words would not be eternal but seasonal like 1st and 2nd comings?  We are called to the Kingdom prepared from the foundation of the world. Selah!

So as Christ said, so say we because as He is so are we in this world” Meaning not the man Jesus. He is not that anymore but His true self is as He is, so are we. Word. In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the Word was and is God. John 1.1

As He is so are we? He is one with the Father and prayed that for us too. Did you receive that word? He also said “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word and My Father will love him. And we will come to him and make our home in him. Do you have that?

Christ said “if anyone serves Me let him follow Me that where I am he may be also. Who also said “I am the way” who also said ” and the way you know! And it is not a 2nd coming train station departure bench of sit and wait.

This is the objective of every faithful steward in the things of God. To present every one “In Christ” a perfect citizen. To the full measure and stature of the fullness of Christ now and not at a second coming but now in Him. (Eph 4.13)  If you can receive that the Kingdom of God is now at hand,then press in to attain this prize. “That You Father are in Me and I in You, that they also may be one with Us that the world may know. Can you receive this?

If you seek a second coming Jesus, you cannot have what we speak about for this is what you deny and make him a liar and reject the testimony that the Father gave you of His Son. God sent His Son not into the world to condemn but to save. This is what a savior does. He did not hand you a promisary note of a future king and kingdom but the one at hand, even at your proverbial fingertips.

The Kingdom is at hand” also correctly interpretated “immediate”. Repent and believe the true gospel. There is simply no room for a 2000 year gap for the one who has faith, for how is it we overcome the world? Is it of another appearance of another Jesus of another saving one of another gospel to finish what the first Jesus couldn’t do? No! Blasphemy! That which overcomes the world for us is our faith in Him in the here and now. 1st John 5.5

Today! If you will hear His voice.

The Kingdom of God is now at hand. This is the Eternal Gospel!



*Scriptural Stewardship part 1 Joseph

Posted on December 8, 2014 by ADMIN

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Stewardship equals distributorship; to manage or look after another mans property, especially over a large house or an estate. One who is given care over provisions to distribute according to owners specifications. A stewardship in scripture is also translated dispensation, and means to dispense, to distribute and administer.

Paul said that “we are stewards of the mysteries of God”. (1 Corinthians 4.1) A dispenser of invisible to the human eye things of God. Paul says that he is a dispenser of these things through the gospel. He has been entrusted a distributorship, that he is not to abuse his distributorship of the gospel. (1 Corinthians 9.17-18)
Galatians 4 says that we are under guardians and tutors/dispensers, same Greek word. It is the ministers of God that distribute the goods of the Father and NOT dispensed by time. There is a “Dispensation of the fullness of times”. But don’t let that distract you as though God is not dispensing and gifting to us what He has for us right now. Do not be found waiting for another event to fulfill the scriptures in yourself because even now”The Kingdom of God is at hand”. 
(Ephesians 1) says “If you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God given to me to give for you”. Here showing us a direct line of conveyance from God to Paul, then maybe from Paul to a few others to reach you. A distribution from God to us too with Paul also saying”of which I became a minister” meaning a distributor. Like a baton pass and a conveyor from the Father to you. “To as many as received Him, to them He gave the power to become His children of God, to those who (simply start to) believe in His name
Is it the gospel message of “The kingdom of God” that is dispensed and revealed by faith? Or by time, meaning days, months, seasons and years as the 2nd coming end time sensationalist believing ministers preach? Didn’t Paul say to those in Galatia “But then, indeed, when you did not know God, you served those which by nature are not gods. 9 But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage? 10 You observe days and months and seasons and years. 11 I am afraid for you, lest I have labored for you in vain.” They discredited the true line of conveyance of Gods things to us and put it on a time frame as though time is the steward of Gods things. That God is bound by time and matter? So that we must wait? He who said “The Kingdom of God is at hand”? Took it back to return it later? 
I mean we just looked at the true distributor of the things of God, of the mysteries Paul wrote “before in just a few words” That these things are distributed through the preaching of the gospel. That is why he said “woe is me if I preach not the gospel.
It is the gospel that is like a conduit as a delivery mechanism, being the true words of Christ from The Father, that are reiterated and repeated by the stewards and dispensed throughout time, so that the hearer of the gospel being under tutors and distributors, may receive the thing that is said and dispensed as being reachable and relevant when they first hear it. That as you are able to believe, you are able to receive it to learn to activate it. Even as Paul said, that “I reach out to lay hold of why Christ laid hold of me”. Which is the complete salvation package. The complete saving process start to finish, from faith to faith. That’s it. It is there for the taking. “I am not ashamed of the Gospel message of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God for salvation, from faith to faith. As it is written “the just shall live by faith”.
It is our old person who lives “by bread and water. But we have “the bread of God that comes down from Heaven”. The “hidden (to the carnal senses) manna”.
This is as 1 Corinthians 13.10 says, “when that which is perfect has come (But each one in their own order: Christ then the firstfruits (according to their ripening) then afterward those who are Christ’s at His coming (to wrap up the harvest of wheat and the tares). Then “that which is in part is done away with”. The tutor taught fulfilling the purpose of the old, to take it out of the way (this is what “expired means). As Christ said “Those who have received you have received Me”. And if you believe too, the conduit has worked. The gospel was preached, you believed then you received “according to your faith”. As affirmed here in 1 Peter 1.9 who wrote “receiving the end of your faith, the salvation of your souls” as the location where all of this takes place, just off the spectrum away from human cognition, other than an obvious change in character. 
Jesus spoke of the continuance of this stewardship, dispensation and distributorship saying “I do not pray for these alone, (meaning the 12) but also for those (you and me) who will believe in me through their word” that they may believe in the words of Christ reiterated. Not to be misconstrued as thinking He needs to come back and repeat Himself or to do another observable work because “He is seated in the heavens waiting for His enemies to become His footstool, which are your doubts and fears. These are His enemies. He already defeated Satan, sin and death and now awaits your arrival to His reality, being seated with Him Ephesians 2.6. For He is the gift given through THE GOSPEL, to the Elect for all time. As 2 Peter 1.3-4 said, we have been given everything that pertains to life and godliness (by way of and dispersed) through the knowledge of Him, whereby (because of this) we are (NOW) partakers if the Divine nature having (past tense) escaped the corruption that is in the world through lusts”. Lusts being a delivery mechanism of other things. But we reiterate “The Gospel. 
This conveyance of the things of God is not as the Greek to English translators say “the dispensation of the fullness of time” as though time is the keeper of the things of God. That God is restrained by the thing that is made? That is just carnal nonsense. God is not wringing His hands waiting to come back to fix things. He is waiting for you to believe. Like John says “we have come to know and believe that God has sent His Son as Savior of the world”. Can you confess and profess that too as having happened? Then you too are a conduit for gospel message through the Holy Spirit, the wind that blows through the conduit. In this case, the wind through our human vessel.
Christ said “It is “those who will believe in me through their (the disciples) word” that WE believe the same word AS IF Christ just spoke it for the first time, as fact for us to participate of the oneness in the Father and the Son, the koinania. As Christ said to the Father “for them to be one with us, for those in the world to believe. (John 17.21)
This is the objective and the conclusion of the gospel and ministered, distributed, dispensed and dispersed, given to us by the re-utterance of the words of Jesus and received in us by faith. The is completed.
Christ does not need to repeat Himself as though He must continue to work for He is seated, calling you to Himself. He does things once. He does things right then He sat down (Hebrews 1). The gospel repeats Him, the stewards do, we do. And it is through the gospel that “the Kingdom of God is at hand” anytime and all the time, dispensed and absorbed by the renewed mind of faith, to those who follow the spirit, “so that where I am they may be also” as Jesus said, for His words are spirit and they are life NOW. And it is from faith to faith for the just shall live by faith. NOT from faith and finished by watching a calendar of events for a second coming, as though time is the steward of eternity.
Think about how backwards that sounds. Shall the thing that is made tell the One who made it “no, you have to wait, I am not ready”? This is what Paul meant when he said “you observe days , months, seasons and years, I am afraid that I have labored for you in vain”. His stewardship and distributorship of dispensary of the mysteries of God had been circumvented by the thinking that something else has to happen. That there is another distribution event of the things of God other than the cross in the future. But nay. Time is subservient to God, not the other way around.
Here then is another misunderstanding by the 2nd coming seekers that time is in control of God. That God must wait. So they wait for “the coming one whose work is according to Satan with all lying signs and wonders. Yes, a delivery mechanism and conduit has people waiting for their deliverance from this age for another event with another event. In other words that message doesn’t take you any where but keeps you in limbo and keeps you out of “The Kingdom of God at hand” NOW!!
Even as with the raising of Lazarus when Christ said “these things have happened for the Glory (the unbound, unfettered word) of God to appear”. But Mary said “Yes Lord, I know you will raise Lazarus up AT the last day” instead of TO the last day. That is why Jesus went on and said “Mary! I am the resurrection” as if to shatter all time barriers because He, meaning Jesus which means Christ, which means Savior and One who saves. Meaning, YOU DON’T HAVE TO WAIT! He said “I AM” the last day, “whoever shall believe and me shall never die believe you this”? And you should ask yourself. Are you in Adams “in the day you eat you shall surely die”? Or in “The Day of the Lord” in which you live? In Christ. The old creation, or the new.
Joseph and His Steward
So lets look at this stewardship in the light of Joseph in the old testament. Joseph was left by his brothers for dead in a pit, to be raised (resurrected) out, endure prison then (ascended) out to be put in the place of prominence having control over ALL the goods of Egypt. Being a type of Christ He had power over “ALL things” as Christ said “ALL things have been delivered to Me by My Father”. He is at the helm. This is as Jesus said to His disciples first and then to us through their word “You shall not follow me now, meaning death and Hades, but you shall follow me after”, meaning to ascend to the Father. It was only Joseph who went to the pit symbolizing what Christ did for us. It was Joseph who had “a coat of many colors”. Like Christ where they cast lots for His garments. And as Joseph was thrown into the pit. It was Christ who went down to the under world, to those who died in the days of Noah. That Christ preached the gospel so that they (too) may live according to God in the spirit”. Did you get that?? What a thorough gospel message.
And this is what is depicted and dispensed through the gospel account in Joseph of things that are “from the beginning” not a second coming end time thing but through the gospel even for those who read and understood this account in the book we call Genesis before Christ walked the earth. The gospel is a timeless, eternal message without beginning or end, from the timeless, eternal entity called God we call Father.
Now let us look to Joseph who had instructed His steward things concerning His brethren who did not recognize Him, who left Him for dead and later coming to Him for food for there was a famine in the land. The steward was told “Take these men to My home and make ready for today they will dine with Me. This is the first distribution. Today is the day of Salvation.
 “Today” at His house in His kingdom. If you can hear this, for “Behold I stand at the door and knock! He who answers will dine with me and I with Him. Rev 3.20
When they drew near to the house, the steward was standing at the door. And this is the position for every good steward of Christ and the purpose of the gospel. For us to be the entrance point to bring people into the kingdom through the word. And as it was said of Josephs steward “having made ready”and “all things are now ready” (Mt 22.4 and 25.34) He brings them in and away from the nay sayers.
Josephs brothers then go through a whole plethora of reasons and excuses for their imposition and the steward/distributor dispenses goods simply saying “Peace”. This is what the new testament epistles open up with, Peace and goodwill from God toward man.
The steward having made ready the things of Joseph/Christ, having separated them from the Egyptians (carnal seekers) and taking them into the house to sup with Joseph/Christ then said to them and us now “do not be afraid, God has given you treasures in your sacks” meaning your lungs with your mouth. Which is reiterated by Paul saying “if you believe in your heart (sack) and confess with your mouth” you shall have the thing that is said. “Whatever you ask in my name that I will do for the Father to be Glorified.
Meaning that if they only knew the power of repeating Gods word with their own mouth, then Joseph’s brothers would’ve known it was in the mouth of their sacks and WOULD’VE NEVER HAD TO OF GONE BACK TO JOSEPH FOR THEIR SUSTENANCE. The lesson here for us is that you don’t have to be in the presence of a physical Jesus because you have what you need in the mouths of your sacks. Just speak the promises you get from scripture. It’s easier than adding hot water to noodles. Do you get it?

This is what the gospel teaches that you are given everything from the beginning,, and you just don’t know it. It is in the mouth of your sack for you to confess now and grow in understanding while dining with Christ (Word) “For in doing so an entrance is supplied abundantly for you into the Kingdom of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ”. And time has nothing to do with this for “in doing so”? “Today, if you will hear His voice”. And when doing that, “grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
This is the chain and links of the distribution and the dispensation of the things of God through the gospel and not time as if a second coming is the dispenser. Wrong gospel. Even in Joseph the gospel message is preached to be received by faith back then.
We receive His words in our hearts, our sacks and as displayed by Josephs brother saying “when we came back to our camp we opened our sacks and each mans money was there in full weight”. That’s right. The price was paid by another and put in their sacks  by the steward and the dispenser of words for Joseph.
Like Jesus who was committed to the pit, so too with Joseph who after His brothers had come to Him, that they separated themselves from the Egyptians, meaning the carnal thinking that time and matter is the steward of Gods things. Blasphemy! And it was the steward who prepared and orchestrated this whole event at the directive of the Holy Spirit. Glory to God and thanks to Him who has given us provisions in our sacks, the word of faith. The stewards to prepare our meal with Him so that He can reveal, or unveil himself through the gospel, revealing what is just beyond the veil of human perception. Are you getting this? 
So having supt with His brothers and revealing Himself, the steward, the distributor, was instructed to “fill the men’s sacks with as much as they can carry. And put each mans money with as much as they can carry in the mouth of their sack. And this is as Jesus said “I have many things to tell you (and to give you) however you are not able to bear (or carry) them” These men are gifted when they visit, and when they leave to come back they see that they already had what they thought that they needed. This is the gospel, the word of God reiterated but not just freshly spoken, just reiterating the things that are already there. We look to His word like a mirror and remember; oh ya. That is who I am in Christ.
Here then in Joseph we can see the purpose of Christ and the purpose of the steward or minister being the distributor and dispenser and preparer of the things of God for the revelation not of Joseph but of Jesus Christ. The gospel is the unveiling, not time and matter. 
Understanding this, why in the world would one want to depart our God given calling, and follow father time? “God forbid that I should glory in anything except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ”. To us who believe the gospel is “once and for all delivered to the saints” that brings us into the Kingdom not time.
The kingdom of God is at hand. The next Jesus does not bring it. The gospel does. Amen!!!


John 14-17 in Colossians part 2

Posted on December 3, 2014 by ADMIN

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John 14-17 in Colosssians

!.!9+ For it pleased the Father that “In Him” (Jesus) all the fullness (of the Father) should dwell. And by Him to reconcile all things to Himself weather things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of the cross.
Here we have again the gospel, the good news. The topic of a right relationship with God the Father. The good news that in the here and now we have a right relationship with God the Father like Adam and Eve had before the fall. Not by a redeeming from planet earth as an act to be performed at a certain place in time called the second coming of Jesus, another Jesus, but, and I quote ver batum from Colossians “having made peace through the blood of the cross. 
When Jesus said “I am the way” and “Follow Me that where I am you may be also” and”You shall not follow me now but you shall follow me after” having shed His blood they did not have to follow Him through that. But now defeating Satan sin and death we follow Him. We put our faith in this Jesus. To be “In Christ” is to partake of His death gifted to us so that we don’t have to have death performed on our mortality. By faith we are catapolted past death to eternal life by this gift. As it says in Romans 8 that the body is dead because of din, but if Christ dwells in you it is His spirit that gives life to your dead body and not a rapture or a future resurrection.
  This is our confession at baptism, to alege ourself with that invisible fact. That John also attests to(5.24.
We “who were once alienated and enemies in our mind by wicked works (of doubts and disbelieving) yet now (not a second coming) He has reconciled us in the body of His flesh through His death to present you holy and blameless and irreproachable in His sight”- How? Through the death of the body of His flesh, having made peace through the blood of the cross. The second coming Jesus simply cannot do this. And this is not an I.O.U. from God to be a redeemer at a second coming.
You see Jesus does not have to repeat Himself or redo the work of the cross in another way like a future redemption from planet earth in a visible way because you cant see it now. For “we were enemies in our mind”. It is that the mind is renewed by one who has faith in the Christ who shed His blood to accomplish the work the Father gave Him Him, which was to reconcile your mind from wicked thoughts of denial, like a second coming mindset.
Having made peace through the blood of the cross we have access to the Father as we place ourselves in Christ Gods perfect sacrifice. The Father accepts Him on our behalf and we don’t have to wait for a visible act for this to be true in some future jesus. But through the blood now.
This is His act that fulfills the words “Father that they may be with Me where I am. That they may behold My glory. That the glory you have given Me I have given them. You just have to have faith. These things all being gifted to us by the cross and not actualized or recieved at certain days on a time frame but the time frame of faith. “Walk according to what you have received. (Phil 3…)
The Kingdom of God is at hand.


Heavenly Choir

Posted on December 3, 2014 by ADMIN

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John in his book called the Revelation of Jesus Christ, not revelations but Revelation singular, goes on to describe our Lord in His heavenly Glory. “Grace and peace from Him who was and is and is to come”. Not to become as though He is not yet, but being the same yesterday today and forever He is a coming one meaning a constant coming each and every earthly day for He cannot be isolated to a singular event in space in time as though He has limitations as everything of the creation of time and matter has because He is the faithful and true witness being 100% reliable anytime and all the time eternally the same not waning or fading but constantly and always equally there and reliably for ever saying “come to the feast prepared for you from before the foundation of the world, the place that was before I ever spake a word to create for the Kingdom of God is at hand. To the heavenly voice that calls us.

It was John the apostle who said he was in the Lord’s day for the testimony of Jesus Christ, showing us that we too can be in the spirit on the Lords day. Not a 24 hour day but the day which has no beginning or end which needs no sun for the Lamb, being the death and blood of Jesus, is the light and not another as though He is not yet but must become as though He has limitations. And it is He who is in the midst of the throne of God calling the shots in all power and authority His possession. This Lords day, Thee day like no other day that all other days faintly resemble. Thee day that already was in full splendor and glory for it is the origination of all such attributes the place from which the voice of God calls us to Himself, this we can behold.
I see Him in the place of time and matter of this creation like Ezekiel who explained of a cloud enfolding from the north. This engulfing cloud that has been gathering and scattering with a mighty wind of God, are His breath and spirit. Him in whom is no variableness nor shadow of turning is the calm in the midst of the storm.This storm that all other earthly storms resemble slightly, whirls about all creation casting to the outer regions of ignorance and spiritual darkness all things that reject and scorn the testimony of His Son, and simultaneously gathers together to Himself the one who excepts the invitation. “Come to the wedding, the feast is now, and always ready” being as ready in any day and every day for it is not in the 24 hour day that mimics, but the eternal day that has no beginning or end.
This is The Lords Day. That which was from the beginning, that already is.
And He does not need a second coming Jesus to come and jump start this day as though it is an event in limbo and waiting or as though it is all together not yet and must must become or be completed, as though it must be constructed, because His word that said “Let there be” and it was, doesn’t work anymore, for this day is just beyond the veil of human understanding, meaning those limited to their carnal senses that only see in time and matter being ignorant of Him who whisks about at will all the time and any time for He is not of time as though He must wait in line anxiously ringing His hands like He were a man, but He is the Immortal, eternal, invisible, the only wise God.
The Kingdom of God is at hand, the proverbial stage is set. The trumpet blasts, Da-da-da-dah! The heavenly choir sings. The place of this gathering of non-elemental born again of the spirit beings not born of time and matter also whisk about at will (John 3.8)  at the throne of God just outside of time and matter being “In Christ”. I see the Heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God, an inumerable company of angels general assemble, the collection of the first born and the spirits of just men made perfect. (Hebrews 12.22+) And with each age, the crowd grows the engulfing cloud draws to himself a thousand, and a thousand thousands and ten times ten thousand to behold this Glory. Even now the angels rejoice at every new soul who wakes up to this reality. Glory halleluyah.
I see this glorious ensemble of heavenly beings harmonizing and beautifying making sounds that man has not heard growing with each new addition when all the sudden the tone changes. It is as if the orchestra-tor is distracted and drops his sticks. Horns start to blow off key, bows on the violins break, gasps and shrieks are heard and everyone turns to see. Look what the cat drug in. The 21st century second coming believers come shuffling on stage, blowing on their corn whiskey bottles, raking their wash boards with their knuckles, playing their Jews harps and slapping their knees singing “He”ll be coming around the mountain when he comes”. They are dancing to a different tune.



John 14-17 found in Colossians

Posted on December 1, 2014 by ADMIN

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As we continue to clarify the teachings of Christ from John 14-17 where He says “If I go to prepare a place for you I will come back and receive you to myself” and “If you love me keep my word and Me and the Father will come to you and make our home in you” that He says these things so that when it happens you may believe” because it takes faith. That Him coming to us is not the carnally spectacular event called a 2nd coming. A concept not found in scripture. Be a good Berian and check your scripture. the term “Second coming is not found once in your bible.

We can look to Colossians and see that it is written, and scripture cannot be broken that “the Father has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. That He has delivered us from the power of darkness (before a second coming) and translated us into the Kingdom of the Son of His love. (before a second coming) In which we have this redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. (1.12-14)
Jesus being “The way” to the Father is seen here as fact because of the blood. This is the provision from the Father for us to partake in the inheritance which is Him. We know the price is paid, but do we believe it enough to partake now? Or do we hope in another Jesus to come in a form recognizable to the human eyes, extending His hand and saying “come up hither”? He extends not His hand but like every work He does He extends His word, because He is word and word is invisible except what is manifest on a page being the scritures and the testimony of Jesus Christ. This is His invisible self that comes to us even now and says “come up hither”.
He comes to us in His true invisible, immortal self and calls us to Himself through the gospel, having provided the way through His blood. Another carnal manifestation is simply un-scriptural. So if you receive the word of God, you receive the Son. His coming to us is not to the carnal senses that expects a spectacular visual moment, but he is ever present, always ready to take to Himself anyone and everyone who recieves Him as He truly is. This is being “In Christ”. He is made of a construct that predates all creation therefor He does not become the created or He becomes a lie. For even Jesus himself left no physical description like the pictures and portraits, for “You shall not make for yourself any image of any likeness of anything in heaven or anything on earth to be an object of worship (Exodus 20.4 10 commandments) Any such thing becomes a distraction and a distortion because God in all His aspects is not of this creation of time and matter. Nor is His Kingdom.
This is further why God calls us to Himself, to follow Jesus that where He is we may be also, and not a second coming. Any physical coming cannot accomplish the purpose of redemption. To be with God. The gospel does. And this is the good news. The blood gives us that.
You see it was the Israelite’s that rejected the invisible God too saying to Samuel. “Do not take this personally Samuel. The people have not rejected you but they have rejected Me from being their King.” And so God gave them Saul.
This too is what second coming seekers do. They reject the Eternal, immortal, invisible God and trade Him for a second coming delusion if possible to deceive the elect. They trade the Glory of the incoruptible invisible God for the image of a man, something visible. (Romans 1.23) In this they condemn themselves and judge themselves unworthy of this gift of God, “the inheritance of the saints in the light” and reject the blood as their provision to the Father. These leave the truth and seek another. A second coming spectacular Jesus they call the second coming.
19 We know that we are of God, and the whole world (of time and matter) lies under the sway of the wicked one.

20 And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.

There you have it “the Son of God has come” and “We are In Him who is true” fulfilling John 14-17. “This is the true God and eternal life” Not the next Jesus. What you want at a second coming happened through the blood. Receive this Jesus so that this verse may be true “If anybody loves Me they will keep My word and the Father and I will come to them and make our home with them. 

This is the good news