Posted on April 24, 2019 by ADMIN
The gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable, and “All Israel will be saved, does not mean what is commonly taught. Here are two phrases Paul said when speaking of Israel. It is some modern day Christian sects that use this phrase to defend the modern state of Israel as having importance with Gods work on earth. According to them it is God’s intention to have another Israel today with buildings a “Third Temple”, for feasts, sacrifices, with Jews Established in the land like those of old. Somehow that God would be pleased and come to save and exonerate
Posted on March 24, 2019 by ADMIN
KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST We, as believers in Christ, know and understand that all things are held together by the power of His word. That Christ is before all things and in Him all things consist. Hebrews 11 says, By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. CERN CERN is home to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). With the LHC, CERN scientists are trying to undo the things that are made by smashing particles and atoms against each other, that are held
Posted on March 4, 2019 by ADMIN
In 1st John he carries with it this enigmatic statement. That “there are three that bear witness [b]in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. 8 And there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one. This is not so complicated if you understand the context from which it was spoken, scripture. The water refers to the baptism, and the blood refers to all the old Covenant blood sacrifices. That all the water baptisms and all the blood sacrifices have their fulfillment and expiration at the same
Posted on February 12, 2019 by ADMIN
The body of Christ is patterned after the Israel of the Old Covenant. (1 Corinthians 10.1-4) When the Israelites set up camp, it was set up with the village, tents, tabernacle and Holy of Holies. An aerial view of this set up shows it was laid out like a human body on the ground with legs, arms, torso and a head. The Tabernacle was the head and the Holy of Holies was the mind. There were a series of barriers protecting the body first, meaning the people. Next was the camp of the meeting, and then the tabernacle for
Posted on January 21, 2019 by ADMIN
THE DAYS OF NOAH Christ stated that the days would be, “As in the days of Noah,” providing a sign for the elect who would be around at the end of the age. This sign was to alert those at the end of the age that Noah’s “men of renown” [would be] known again, or around again. The days of Noah were infested with Nephilim. Nephilim are fallen angels. These fallen angels were self-proclaimed sons of god, but not acknowledged by God as such for such are we. They came into the daughters of humans and begat offspring called “men
Posted on December 16, 2018 by ADMIN
Global Currency The United States is the number one debtor nation in the world, and the United States currency is the main global currency. U.S money states, “In God We Trust.” Which God does she trust? The God of Mammon. Scripture says, “You cannot serve God and Mammon.” Money is, “the God of this age.” It is, “the root of all evil” and the place where Satan’s seat is. Satan carries out his exploits worldwide with this money. The U.S. lost her sovereignty when the constitutional mandate for Congress to coin and regulate money was usurped in order to establish the
Posted on December 5, 2018 by ADMIN
Revelation 17 “And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy. And on her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled. The Unholy Union Before she was called “Mystery Babylon” she was bequeathed to the Lord and dressed in fine attire. She was “endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights”, but she has gone after the
Posted on November 7, 2018 by ADMIN
Fear is distrusting in God. Adam said in the garden, “I heard your voice and I was afraid.” This was the first time fear happened. God knew by Adam’s fear that a transition took place in his thinking. Adam had to be saved, and fear was just the first symptom. It was the Apostle John who said, “He who fears has not been made perfect in love, because fear involves torment” showing how destructive fear is. And that “perfect love casts out all fear”. And for those of us who have been made perfect in love? We fear not,
Posted on November 7, 2018 by ADMIN
Jesus Christ in John 4. said that salvation was of the Jews. And it’s here that one could be confused into thinking that the Jews possessed salvation the whole time, but that is not the case. They were looking for it too. For if they would have had salvation the whole time then they would know what it is. But they did not. The question is do we? You see if salvation was something easily to be grasped, then why is there so much confusion about it even today? Salvation means saving, and many people think this happens at a
Posted on October 29, 2018 by ADMIN
This is post 26 of 44 in the series “For The Elect” *THEY HAVE KEPT YOUR WORD WORD Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures * Incognito part 1. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones Christ was born King, and many other things. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’ Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem The Kingdom is preached and all are entering. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition New Covenant Kingdom The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal **Echad. God is One.
Posted on October 2, 2018 by ADMIN
This is post 25 of 44 in the series “For The Elect” *THEY HAVE KEPT YOUR WORD WORD Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures * Incognito part 1. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones Christ was born King, and many other things. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’ Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem The Kingdom is preached and all are entering. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition New Covenant Kingdom The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal **Echad. God is One.
Posted on October 1, 2018 by ADMIN
This is post 24 of 44 in the series “For The Elect” *THEY HAVE KEPT YOUR WORD WORD Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures * Incognito part 1. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones Christ was born King, and many other things. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’ Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem The Kingdom is preached and all are entering. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition New Covenant Kingdom The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal **Echad. God is One.
Posted on October 1, 2018 by ADMIN
This is post 23 of 44 in the series “For The Elect” *THEY HAVE KEPT YOUR WORD WORD Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures * Incognito part 1. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones Christ was born King, and many other things. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’ Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem The Kingdom is preached and all are entering. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition New Covenant Kingdom The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal **Echad. God is One.
Posted on October 1, 2018 by ADMIN
This is post 22 of 44 in the series “For The Elect” *THEY HAVE KEPT YOUR WORD WORD Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures * Incognito part 1. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones Christ was born King, and many other things. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’ Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem The Kingdom is preached and all are entering. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition New Covenant Kingdom The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal **Echad. God is One.
Posted on September 29, 2018 by ADMIN
God does not dwell in symbols or things made of man’s devising. There are no man-made cities Societies or structures that are pleasing to God . But for the God of this age they are. And it is with these counterfeits that he steals the affections of the hearts of people who have rejected the cross of the Christ to implement other gods for them to be condemned, and Satan will fill full his role. He is the God of the vacuum. This is “the one who is coming is according to Satan with all lying signs and wonders with
Posted on September 24, 2018 by ADMIN
There are so many distractions from the faith and in the faith that it is easy to be distracted and get on tangents. There are many false and partial gospels to get caught up in. Warning! Anything that stops you short of the conclusion of Gods work in you now, is to be partially saved and held in limbo. Even as Paul said “I seek to lay hold of why Christ laid hold of me”. So we must persist for the same cause lest we fall short of the grace of God. Paul also said “do not let anybody rob
Posted on September 16, 2018 by ADMIN
The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition warned about in scripture was the presentation of all the shadows and images of the things of God in Heaven, displayed in Jerusalem of the law and the prophets that were expired in Christ and then destroyed.
Posted on July 27, 2018 by ADMIN
This is post 21 of 44 in the series “For The Elect” *THEY HAVE KEPT YOUR WORD WORD Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures * Incognito part 1. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones Christ was born King, and many other things. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’ Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem The Kingdom is preached and all are entering. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition New Covenant Kingdom The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal **Echad. God is One.
Posted on July 26, 2018 by ADMIN
We are complete in him who is head over all principalities and powers. Another view is, we are seated in the heavenlies in Christ. Having this puts us above and outside of reach of lower level turmoil (we call the internet as the under and not above). As scripture says “after you have suffered awhile may God perfect, establish, strengthen and settle you” and for some of us He did. Scripture also says God “has delivered us from the power of darkness, and translated us into the Kingdom of His Son of (the place of” His love. This is done