Phillips Gospel, On whom the End of the Age has come

Posted on July 15, 2019 by ADMIN

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The Parents of the Elect.

Those who were Hebrews were orphans and had only a mother called Jerusalem on earth. When we become Christians, we have both father and mother. Otherwise how would we be born again. And if we only had a Heavenly Father, why did Paul call Heavenly Jerusalem “the Mother of the all?

Some said, “Mary conceived by the Holy Spirit?” They are in error. They do not know what they are saying. When did a woman ever conceive by a woman?

Mary is the virgin whom no power defiled. She wore no logos, labels, tattoos or other fig leaves. She had the name of another as a covering for her child. Because Mary had not been defiled or known by a man, her son was a pure vessel for the Heavenly Father. Mary however was just a protected chamber, she had nothing of herself to add or take away from this event.

The Israelites on earth had a mother, called Jerusalem on earth. She was defiled with impressions and impersonations. She knew other powers and gods of this age. Gods Holy Spirit saw not Her reflection in that Jerusalem but another’s. For this reason that Jerusalem was called a harlot. She was defiled by loving things that are not Gods, of those things that were not from the beginning. She had many lovers of this age.

The Holy Spirit in Christ said ” O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a (female) hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would have none of Me!” They rejected the Female in God (that we’ve) seen in the Bridle Chamber. There is no Bridle Chamber of God without Her (for She is the Bride). and unless you acknowledge them both you are neglecting your invitation.

You can only be filled by the Spirit if you are empty of other powers. That you have no false dependencies from other providers. And the Holy Spirit cannot entertain defiled souls for what fellowship has light with dark and what does Christ have in common with Beliar?

For this reason She broods over the humble soul seeking a reflection with which to commune with. This is true fellowship called koinania where exchanges take place, physical for eternal. All things of Earth have trade-in value with Her.

It was John the Revelator who called Heavenly Jerusalem, Christ’s Bride and the city of God. Paul called Her “The Mother of the all. “There shall in no wise enter into Her any thing that defileth, neither  whatsoever worketh abomination, or  maketh a lie: but only they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life. These are Her Brood.

This is “The Kingdom of God at hand” to which She is a fire by night and a cloud by day. That we are now fellow citizens, saints and members of. (Galatians 4.26)

Mary is the rejected mystery given to the Hebrews who were the prophets and forward looking men who could not see the things “at hand” as being eternal. They were not expecting her. This virgin who was unmarred, mars their conscious with convictions, for they were looking for the Messiah from another source so they were befuddled.

At Christ’s inaguration on earth as King, the Jews saw a pauper on a donkey and were embarrassed. Some were not, and laid out palm branches before Him identifying Him with the fulfillment of the seventh and final feast, which represents the culmination of the things of God, and the final enactment of His plan. His Son and Savior of the world. Some are waiting for another Savior with another kind of saving in competition with the cross.

 But these  sang “Hosanna blessed is He who comes in the name of the Father”. Some saw His eternal counterpart of one on a white horse wearing garments dipped in blood whose name is “The Word of God” whom no man can say, but We can. We are still uttering His consonants and syllables today of the name who has no beginning or end who was born King because He did not have to become one except to those who did not know Him that way yet.

God is a timeless piece with no tic toks. He is one thing but many definitions splayed out over time, delivered to us by a conduit called the gospel, given for our understanding and godly development. Being the only encapsulation without perimeters. The expanse of expanses without a beginning or an end called Spirit and truth. This is the inversion where in becomes out, out becomes in, up becomes down and visa versa takes place. Where God calls things that do not exist as though they do because they do for us. And what appears to exist has an end and therefore is not.

Christ would not have said “My Father who is in Heaven”, unless he had had another father, but he would have said simply “My father”. It was only his man that had a carnal mother and the reason  why the Pharisees said He was born in sin, because they could not see the Father. They still cannot see Him today. It is they who are born in sin.

Christs birth was His separation from the Holy Spirit, and the thing that was to complete Him. This was His need to be baptized with Her who “descended upon Him like a dove, to remain and abide in Him to end the cycle of singleness to become whole and mend the tare that started with Adam and Eve (Havah). This newly created One superceded the old one, Adam. This newly created one did not just become to be to wear the same but “new”. This newly created one is new because He never gets old. He is always in His illustrious and glorious estate of forever Young called the only begotten one.

The creation of earth and it’s embellishments serve Adams kind. But the Heavenly embellishments which never fade and forever new, serve Adam and Eve’s replacement called the Bride and Groom from scripture and are the Parents and pattern (paternal) of the Elect as those who are born again not by the will of man but of God (to be like).

The elect now enjoy what God has enjoyed since before it was said “let there be light”.  They enjoy each others reflection of the Father . And we are in Him this is true. Therefore we enjoy them the same way because “He is the God who gives life to the dead, and calls the things that do not exist as though they do” because they do for us. Romans 4.17 And they do in the place that counts being the “new creation” in substituted for the old because the two don’t mix.

Therefore We are with Him in the beginning which is also the end, the place where He rested from all His works of His creation to the seventh day, to which we we are the called, the place where the end and the beginning are the same. This is the Wedding invitation of the Gospel. We are qualified for it to be said of us that we were with Him from the beginning because we returned to the timeless place that has no beginning or end called eternal life.

He has no beginning of years or end of days. His days are “of old to everlasting” the land before time, the  time before land,  a more sure place to stand than bedrock, a place where feet cannot take you.

  For this reason Christ was called the last from Adam .(1 Corinthians 15) and the prototype to pattern ourselves after.  His work at the Cross is the demarcation line between old and new creations and how He expired all the physical pictures and patterns as being the things that were made “according to the pattern” of things He showed Moses on the mountain, showing for us the Elect the original that the earthen copies were patterned after. That are now expired and used as a set of tools on how NOT to do it.

Those who say that the Lord died first and then rose up are in error, for he rose up first and then died. If one first attains the resurrection in the flesh, they will not die. With the death of Lazarus Christ told Mary “I am the resurrection” showing for us that He didn’t need to earn the resurrection. After all, how could He give Lazarus something He didn’t possess.

The death Christ experienced was our own, so we wouldn’t have to. But death couldn’t hold Him down because He didn’t deserve it. Death ceased to be that moment because it had met it’s match. Something larger extinguished it and rendered it powerless and ineffective. Death is essentially the absence of God. Therefore when God’s son stepped in to death He vanquished all the voids and darkness and extinguished it. Because in him is no darkness at all, and he has no shadow of turning. He fills the darkness with light and vanquished all the un-pleasantries. The psalmist concurs saying “Open up ye everlasting gates! The Everlasting  Almighty expired you and gave us a bridge over that death to eternal life.

Some are afraid lest they rise up naked. Because of this they wish to rise in the flesh, as if things common to the carnal senses has value in the spirit. They do not know that it is those who wear the ( instruments of protection for the) flesh who are naked of the things of God. It is those who (persevere) to unclothe themselves (from the wares of the gods of this age) who are not naked. “Flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God” . What is this which will not inherit? This which is (physically) on us. But what is this, too, which will inherit? It is that which belongs to and his blood. Because of this he said “Those who shall not eat my flesh and drink my blood has not life in them”. What is it? His flesh is the (invisible) word, and his blood is the (invisible) Holy Spirit. Those who has received these have food and drink, clothing and both parents.

I find fault with the others who say that the flesh will not rise. Then both of them are at fault. You say that the flesh will not rise. But tell me what will rise, that we may honor you? (Your understanding) You say the Spirit in the flesh, and it is also this light in the flesh. (But) this too is a matter which is in the flesh, for whatever you shall say, you say nothing outside the flesh. It is necessary to rise in this flesh (to pick back up from where Adam was diverted from, since everything exists in it. (Luke 17.22)
In this world, those who put on garments are better than the garments. In the Kingdom of Heaven, the garments are better than those that put them on. (Meaning no one deserves them who received them but most don’t accept them for lack of worthiness and perseverance.)

“The Father” and “the Son” are single names. Christ prayed “My Father who is in Heaven”, showing the distinction. The Holy Spirit is a double name. For they are everywhere. They are above, they are below; they are in the concealed, they are in the revealed. The Holy Spirit is in the revealed. She is below (which is creation). She is in the concealed, which is heaven. For this reason Christ sent Her here as His helper, teacher, comforter and Mother of the Elect for Her to teach us to follow Him to where He is.

What the Father possesses belongs to the Elect, and the Elect, so long as they are small, are not entrusted with what is theirs. But when one becomes a perfected man (Ephesians 4.13), their Father gives them all that He possesses. (2 Peter 1.3+4) Those who are not faithful with another’s goods will not be entrusted with what is theirs. And the Father will give you what you’ve inherited when you are mature (no second coming necessary). The price was paid at the Cross. Your understanding and correct speech is your only obstacle because “it is those that are perfected that is able to bridle their speech. (James 3) This one is a trustee of the things of God.

You can dwell either in this world or in the resurrection or in the middle place. God forbid that I be found in there! In the world, there is good and evil. Its good things are not good, and its evil things not evil (because of deceptions). But there is evil after this world which is truly evil – what is called “the middle”. This is the death of those who had, received then later rejected God’s Son. Once a soul is expanded to house the Godhead, then turn back? (It would’ve been better off for them not to have known). These who were expanded but did not continue) are now left darkened for the likes of Hell. (For they would’ve been better off not to have known the way of righteousness then to have known and turned.)

While we are in this world, it is fitting for us to acquire the resurrection and all its embellishments, so that when we strip off the flesh, we may be found fully clothed and in rest and not walking in the middle (with the distractions). For many go astray on the way. For it is good to come forth from the world (through the resurrection) before one has sinned. (paid the penalty of)

Truth did not come into the world naked, but it came in patterns, types and images. The naked truth belongs only to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear (of the spirit). The world will not receive truth in any other way than patterns and images. Those whose senses are carnal can understand them no other way. Then there are those who put away the images because they possess what the images taught them.

Those who cannot graduate in this way  who are stuck in the middle become idolatrous because they think the images are the items of worship. This is why Paul said “when I became a man I put away childhood toys” who also said that a slave differs not from an heir but is under tutors and images until they graduate. This all takes place in the flesh. This is why our resurrection is in  the flesh but not for the flesh. It is our purpose in this time to assemble all the images into that place we are responsible for, our invisible heart, mind and soul. We fulfill in ourselves the promise that “we are complete in Him” and “of His fullness we the all have received”.

The Bridal Chamber is for family only. It is the mirror where we see ourselves in the Bride and Bridegroom and fulfill the verse that says “when we see Him as He is, we will be like Him. And because we see Him as He is, we see both parents. Since God made man in His image, male and female, we see them both there. This is the wedding feasts objective, to join the family by rebirth and accepting them as they are, Spirit and Truth. And because this is what they are, we become that too (outside of our carnal limitations).

They say “welcome home”. The prodigal no longer feeds with the swine. Our journey is over and we are home, back to the beginning. We have passed through the middle called the testing grounds and our journey is complete. We are pilgrims no more. We are tested, tried and true and clear reflections of the one we behold as in a mirror, the glory we behold is the glory we become. And we know “The Father of Glories because we are like that one.

And because it is “in Him we live and dwell and have our being” we didn’t have to physically go anywhere to get there but just awaken to this reality (one revelation at a time).

It is The Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God that overlaps into the middle for some to cross over. However those who complete their crossover don’t need the middle anymore for they have become a perfect person and fulfill in themselves Ephesians 4.13.

There are those who go in and out and find pasture, and there are those who go out no more. These have received their transparentcies. These are the Watchers and the Holy Ones whose fixation is (from) the Bridal Chamber (watching the events unfold).

There is a rebirth and an image of rebirth. It is certainly necessary to be born again through the image. Which one? Resurrection. The image (you) must rise again through your (faculties as an) image. The bridal chamber and the image must enter through the image into the truth: this is the restoration. Not only must those who produce the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, do so, but have produced them for you. If one does not acquire them, the name Christian will also be taken from them. But one receives the unction of the [Spirit by the] of the power of the cross. This power the apostles called “the right and the left.” For this person is no longer a Christian but a Christ ( having the ability to share in the works of salvation).

The Lord did everything in a mystery, a baptism and a chrism and a eucharist and a redemption and a bridal chamber. As He said, “I came to make the things below like the things above (one soul at a time), and the things outside like those inside. I came to unite them to the place.” [all the images and types re-present) here through types and images.

Before Christ, some came from a place they were no longer able to enter (Adam and Eve), and they went where they were no longer able to come out. Then Christ came. Those who went in (by claiming authority) he brought out, and those who went out (away from the apostasy of the Jews), he brought in (not to the pictures and patterns the Jews had stolen, but the invisible realities they were meant to teach of).

When Eve (whom we call the rib) was still with Adam, death did not exist. When she was separated from him, death came into being (that instant). If he enters again and attains his former self, death will be no more. (This is tge resurrection gifted to us through the Gospel meaning good news and NOT end times prophecies. That is a ground bound looking down fruitless existence).

“My God, my God, why, O Lord, have you forsaken me?” (Mk 15:34). It was on the cross that Christ said these words, to show us that he had departed from that place. (For us to lean to understand what our return passage was. For us in turn to be able to say, Father now I know why you have left me bread crumbs back to you, as a price for passage paid for by the only begotten, for us to claim our inheritance to “ that which is from tge beginning.)

A bridal chamber is not for the animals, nor is it for the slaves (who address lords) nor for defiled women; but it is for free men and virgins (speaking of their spiritual disposition of disposing with the posers.)

Through the Holy Spirit we are indeed begotten again, but we are begotten through Christ (our genetics)  in the two. We are anointed through the Spirit. When we were begotten (by word), we were united (with the two and become One). None can see themselves either in water or in a mirror without light. Nor again can you see in light without mirror or water. For this reason, it is fitting to baptize in the two, in the light and the water. Now the light is the chrism….

There were three buildings specifically for sacrifice in Jerusalem. The one facing the west was called “The Holy”. Another, facing south, was called “The Holy of the Holy”. The third, facing east, was called “The Holy of the Holies”, the place where only the high priest enters. Baptism is “the Holy” building. Redemption is the “Holy of the Holy”. “The Holy of the Holies” is the bridal chamber. Baptism includes the resurrection and the redemption; the redemption (takes place) in the bridal chamber. But the bridal chamber is in that which is superior to […] you will not find […] are those who pray […] Jerusalem who […] Jerusalem, […] those called the “Holy of the Holies” […] the veil was rent, […] bridal chamber except the image […] above. Because of this, its veil was rent from top to bottom. For it was fitting for some from below to go upward.

If the woman had not separated from the man, she should not die with the man. His separation became the beginning of death. Because of this, Christ came to repair the separation, which was from the beginning, and again unite the two, and to give life to those who died as a result of the separation, and unite them. But the woman is united to her husband in the bridal chamber. Indeed, those who have united in the bridal chamber will no longer be separated. Thus Eve separated from Adam because it was not in the bridal chamber that she united with him.
The soul of Adam came into being by means of a breath. The partner of his soul is the spirit. His mother is the thing that was given to him. His soul was taken from him and replaced by a spirit. When he was united (to the spirit), he spoke words incomprehensible to the powers. They envied him […] spiritual partner […] hidden […] opportunity […] for themselves alone […] bridal chamber, so that […].
Jesus appeared […] Jordan – the fullness of the Kingdom of Heaven. He who was begotten before everything, was begotten anew. He who was once anointed, was anointed anew. He who was redeemed, in turn redeemed (others).
Indeed, one must utter a mystery. The Father of everything united with the virgin who came down, and a fire shone for him on that day. He appeared in the great bridal chamber. Therefore his body came into being on that very day. It left the bridal chamber as one who came into being from the bridegroom and the bride. So Jesus established everything in it through these. It is fitting for each of the disciples to enter into his rest.
Adam came into being from two virgins, from the Spirit and from the virgin earth. Christ therefore, was born from a virgin to rectify the Fall which occurred in the beginning.
There are two trees growing in Paradise. The one bears animals, the other bears men. Adam ate from the tree which bore animals. He became an animal and he brought forth animals. For this reason the children of Adam worship animals. The tree […] fruit is […] increased. […] ate the […] fruit of the […] bears men, […] man. […] God created man. […] men create God. That is the way it is in the world – men make gods and worship their creation. It would be fitting for the gods to worship men!

In this world, the slaves serve the free. In the Kingdom of Heaven, the free will minister to the slaves: the children of the bridal chamber will minister to the children of the marriage. The children of the bridal chamber have just one name: rest. Altogether, they need take no other form, because they have contemplation, […]. They are numerous […] in the things […] the glories […].

The chrism ( baptism of the Spirit?) is superior to baptism, for it is from the word “Chrism” that we have been called ” Christians,” certainly not because of the word “baptism”. And it is because of the chrism that “the Christ” has his name. For the Father anointed the Son, and the Son anointed the apostles, and the apostles anointed us. He who has been anointed possesses everything. He possesses the resurrection, the light, the cross, the Holy Spirit. The Father gave him this in the bridal chamber; he merely accepted (the gift). The Father was in the Son and the Son in the Father. This is the Kingdom of Heaven.

By perfecting the water of baptism, Jesus emptied it of death. Thus we do go down into the water, but we do not go down into death, in order that we may not be poured out into the spirit of the world. When that spirit blows, it brings the winter. When the Holy Spirit breathes, the summer comes.

No one can know when the husband and the wife have intercourse with one another, except the two of them. Indeed, marriage in the world is a mystery for those who have taken a wife. If there is a hidden quality to the marriage of defilement, how much more is the undefiled marriage a true mystery! It is not fleshly, but pure. It belongs not to desire, but to the will. It belongs not to the darkness or the night, but to the day and the light. If a marriage is open to the public, it has become prostitution, and the bride plays the harlot not only when she is impregnated by another man, but even if she slips out of her bedroom and is seen. Let her show herself only to her father and her mother, and to the friend of the bridegroom (John ghe Baptist) and the sons of the bridegroom. These are permitted to enter every day into the bridal chamber. But let the others yearn just to listen to her voice and to enjoy her ointment, and let them feed from the crumbs that fall from the table, like the dogs. Bridegrooms and brides belong to the bridal chamber. No one shall be able to see the bridegroom with the bride unless he become such a one. (Adopts the two)

“Every plant which my father who is in heaven has not planted will be plucked out.” (Mt 15:13) Those who are separated will unite […] and will be filled. Every one who will enter the bridal chamber will kindle the light, for […] just as in the marriages which are […] happen at night. That fire […] only at night, and is put out. But the mysteries of that marriage are perfected rather in the day and the light. Neither that day nor its light ever sets. If anyone becomes a son of the bridal chamber, he will receive the light. If anyone does not receive it while he is here, he will not be able to receive it in the other place. He who will receive that light will not be seen, nor can he be detained. (1 John 3.3) And none shall be able to torment a person like this, even while he dwells in the world. And again when he leaves the world, he has already received the truth in the images. The world has become the Aeon (eternal realm), for the Aeon is fullness for him. This is the way it is: it is revealed to him alone, not hidden in the darkness and the night, but hidden in a perfect day and a holy light.

His Kingdom At Hand

Kingdom at hand