Eli Eli lama Sabachthani

Posted on July 29, 2021 by ADMIN

Eli Eli lama Sabachthani, These were the words of Christ on the cross right before His carnal body went limp. It was here He took Adams place and posture of separation from God and certain death. In the day you eat you shall surely die? Yeshua took that death to its conclusion, conquered it with all its darkened enemies, retreaved the Crown that Adam lost, and returned it to all who would come to the cross. For on Him was laid the iniquity of us all and insurrection stricken was the shield that protects us of all the ill consequences


*Creation Only Glorifies The Creator

Posted on July 27, 2021 by ADMIN

We the elect are of the amalgamation and the consummation of the One, the congregation and the general assembly of the firstborn, the Confederacy of faith. We, the many are of the symposium and the consortium of the spirits of just men made perfect. If you are getting this, we applaud your arrival. Don’t let anybody take your crown, and don’t let anybody instruct you to cover your image of God, your face. Remember, you are made in His image and your distinguishing features and primary communications comes from your face. From your smile to a frown, and the looks


*Mt Hermon, The River of Life and Two Destinations

Posted on June 25, 2021 by ADMIN

­The River of Life. Knowing what to hold on to, and what to let go. Being washed from the things that detain us away from our Heavenly calling and our inheritance of Eternal life and all that entails in the here and now. A huge price was paid at the cross for us to have some things. The name Mt Hermon comes from the complicated verb חרם (haram), meaning to designate someone to one the two possible ways the afterlife can be experienced. (Presumably life or death). https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Hermon.html Let’s look at how God embedded His gospel message to us into the


*A Race of Kings and Soveriegns

Posted on June 20, 2021 by ADMIN

­A Race of Kings and Soveriegns. The human race has a God given objective of producing a harvest of those who are uniquely re-imaged like God. Scripture tells us that the elect, of those whom He has selected, are to Rule and Reign with The Only Begotten Son of God. That we are joint heirs of the things of God, our Heavenly Father. Meaning that we are kings and sovereigns too. That we have excecutive power and decision making abilities. As those who co-rule and co-reign with Yashua. We can make our own choices with our inheritance on the who’s


*Terms and Conditions of our Transfiguration

Posted on May 29, 2021 by ADMIN

Terms and conditions of our Transfiguration. The Recognition of who we are and where we are going. The way the Almighty God relates to us is with vanacular common to us. We call them parables and similes, sounds like and looks like, but not really like. Because God is different in make-up and design, He created a link between Himself and ourselves called the gospel. This is our elevator, transporter and go between. Because God is everywhere all the time, the only barrier between Him and us are misunderstandings passed on to every one by the fall at the Garden


Crown, Corona and Coronation

Posted on May 21, 2021 by ADMIN

We the elect are of the amalgamation and the consummation of the One, the congregation and the general assembly of the firstborn, the Confederacy of faith. We, the many are of the symposium and the consortium of the spirits of just men made perfect. If you are getting this, we applaud your arrival. Don’t let anybody take your crown. (Rev 3) The word crown has the same origins as corona, a word which could be understood as being the ring around the moon during a solar eclipse. The radiant ring around the moon is a corona, or crown. It is


*Baptism. The washing of Garments

Posted on May 21, 2021 by ADMIN

Our Lord on earth said “I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how distressed I am till it is accomplished!” If you remember it was John the Baptist who ceremonially baptized our Lord. So what does He mean “I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how distressed I am till it is accomplished”? Baptism is a crossover Jesus Christ had to face to retrieve the life for mankind that was lost when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and became dead to the things of God. Christ’s first baptism was as a man and His union


*The Resurrection is the Baseline between the Two Covenants.*

Posted on May 20, 2021 by ADMIN

THE RESSURECTION IS THE BASELINE BETWEEN THE TWO COVENANTS. Those who are looking forward to the resurrection, are in the old Covenant, while those who’ve received the resurrection by faith are in the New Covenant. Then there are those who flounder. This is the reason Christ went to the cross and paid for the sin of all of humanity. He is our cross over from death to life. He is the event all the old covenant anticipated.   We know this because in Paul’s final testimony to King Agrippa of the gentiles he said that ” 7 To this promise our twelve tribes,


*Revelation, Revelations or Second Coming?

Posted on May 17, 2021 by ADMIN

The Revelation of Jesus Christ predominantly taught today they commonly call “The Second Coming”, is a phrase NOT found once in scripture. They suppose a specific event when a man name Jesus comes back to “save His people from the Earth” to make right the wrongs and rescue (save) His people. With this theory they generally include “The Rapture” which is even more obscure in scripture. There are variations of this but nevertheless they think God has another work to do to save humanity or just those waiting for a rapture to rescue, make safe and save them in a


*Putting off the carnal body. The real Exodus

Posted on May 16, 2021 by ADMIN

Paul the apostle spoke these peculiar words “when I was a child I thought like a child and spoke like a child. When I became a man I put away childhood things”. This is the putting off the carnal Body, the Real Exodus and the ultimate purpose for the gospel in our lives, which is? Our Transfiguration. Through Christ we have a new life according to godliness, meaning God likeness. It is for us to receive our own carbon copy image of God Himself, as seen through the gospel and His Holy Spirit. And the remarkable thing is that we


*Technology, The Knowing

Posted on May 11, 2021 by ADMIN

Tech-nology is a knowing. Tech-know-logi Etemology is a term for the origin and development of words. The origin of the word “technology” is interesting in that it has been re-purposed today for a new tech-nosis, or another knowing. So let’s go back to its origin, and the etemology of the word technolgy. From; https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~funkk/Technology/technology.html&ved=2ahUKEwiXk-_sxsHwAhXEuZ4KHUghD5UQFjACegQIGxAF&usg=AOvVaw2IKG15PI64PBYE5wTpIi8F The word technology comes from two Greek words, techne and logos. Techne means art, skill, craft, or the way, manner, or means by which a thing is gained. Logos means word, the utterance by which inward thought is expressed, a saying, or an expression.” Tech is


*Why Jacob becomes Israel

Posted on April 30, 2021 by ADMIN

The name Jacob means he “wrestled with God as a man and prevailed”. This is the reason for the name change because there was a change in character. Jacob had this testimony that he wrestled with God and won. You see Jacob was forced to recon with the hauntings of his past. He had left Labon having obtained a notable prize, his wife Rachel. A name that means; the breath of God. And yes, she is a picture of Gods Holy Spirit. From the Hebrew; Ruach=Breath and EL =God. Ruachel in English is Rachel. Jacob, having been tricked numerous times


ABC’s The Building Blocks of Faith

Posted on April 20, 2021 by ADMIN

The Last Will and Testament of God, called “The New Testament” is our foundation and starting point. The New Testament is a Will and Testament. Like with any Will, for it to be in force, there must be a death before the heirs recieve the families treasures. That after the death, the goods are dispersed. That death took place with Jesus Christ at the cross. He took not just our bad doings people call sins to the cross, but our whole old nature. Scripture says “on Him was laid the inequity of us all, and by His stripes (and death)


*The Knowing

Posted on April 4, 2021 by ADMIN

God can be articulated to the intellect but he cannot be constructed. Nor can anything be constructed to house Him. For God to need things manufactured for Him is an oxymoron and out of character for Him. For the Maker to be in need of somebody to make something for Him is nonsense. God cannot be manufactured but he can be articulated. That is why His Only Begotten became word for us. He declares the very essence and composition of The Father. It is as we receive Word, we become like word. So much so in fact we become like


Paul digresses for the love of his countryman in the flesh

Posted on April 4, 2021 by ADMIN

In the book of Romans,  Paul so eloquently taught of the resurrection by faith all the way up through chapter 8, to fall back into old covenant expectations of a future saving and Savior for his old cohorts. In Romans Chapter 9, Paul pours out his heart for his flesh liniage in a dramatic fashion saying “I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit, 2 that I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart. 3 For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my [a]countrymen according to the


*Sanctified, To Rest in Christ

Posted on March 16, 2021 by ADMIN

To be sanctified is to be set apart, distinguished from, separated and apart from. To be without stain or imperfections, pure and holy, compliant with the Father. In the creation account after God was done, scripture says “Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested (away) from all His work which God had created and made” so as not to intermingle. Gods rest was in Himself away from the physical constructs He had made. That is why when we go into Gods Domicile we take nothing of creation in with us. You see God


*Daniels Kingdom of Stone, Living Stone

Posted on March 3, 2021 by ADMIN

Daniel Glorified God with these words. Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, For wisdom and might are His. 21 And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those who have understanding. 22 He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, And light dwells with Him. This was the praise to God that Daniel offered up for his debut before the king of Babylon, when he was there to demonstrate his God given ability to interpret dreams. You see the decree went out


Justification according to Paul verses James

Posted on February 22, 2021 by ADMIN

Justification according to Paul verses James. To enter into this discussion that has reeked havoc in churches for many generations, a topic that helped the motivation of the prodestant movement split, first we need to understand what justify means according to scripture. In the book of acts Paul had this to say about our topic of the “justification” through the Christ. “by Him everyone who believes is justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses”. This shows us that justification is not a singular thing or a solo event but many things or a