Adams Clothing lost, The Elects Clothing Regained.

Posted on November 15, 2021 by ADMIN

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Adams Attire Lost, The Elects Attire Regained.

Adam was given free access to everything in the garden, except one tree. The command to NOT eat of it worked on his helical negative side then a wonderment and curiousity crept in and like a magnet his focus and mental polarity shifted and he looked down and saw he was little. This is in contrast to what he initially believed.

It was this polarization we call the fall because Adam whose gaze was UP-ON the fullness of the Father and taking on features from Him by doing so, now looking at himself without the Father, he saw something he hadn’t seen before that was weak, frail and contemptible. He turned away from being under the coverings and care of God, and had seen himself as naked and ashamed. Adam felt small, insecure, exposed and afraid in comparison with the reflection the Father was showing him of Himself. Adam became self conscious and self aware. He lost his God given cognitions.

Kind of like a bird on a perch whose grip slips and falls upside down with his feet still gripping the perch. That is now what the birds world view is, upside down. Up becomes down, right becomes left, forward becomes backwards and visa versa. You get the picture.

This is what it means that Adam fell. This the need for a resurrection. That he needed to be raised back up. He adopted an upside down view from what he was created to be, being big and a self governing sovereign made in the image of God, to being turned upside down and inside out being exposed, hence naked, frail and afraid.  This is a complete inversion of what he had been created for in the beginning..

So when we talk about the gospel with the healing, cleansing and the resurrection power, which means raising back up, this is what that picture refers to. Like flipping the bird right side up, everything is renewed and restored with a perspective for a brand new purpose. Hence “if anyone is in Christ they are a new creation. Old things HAVE passed away, all things HAVE become new” as a foregone conclusion. Whereas prior to responding to the Gospel and receiving God’s Holy Spirit, the birds struggle to go upward now with inverted senses of looking down it actually went further down when it wanted to go up because of an inverted perspective. But we’ve been redeemed from that struggle. Even as Paul said Romans 5. 19 For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice. 20 Now if I do what I will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. O wretched man that I am!

This is about like the bird fighting it’s own image in a mirror. The harder and longer it fights, so does his opponent. When in reality he fueled his own opponent. The harder the bird fought so did his opponent. This is how one empowers Satan in their lives. When his struggle ends, so does the opponent. This is how it is with Satan for us. We have already defeated him as gifted at the cross but as soon as you acknowledge him? You re-empowered him. If you ignore him he loses power. For some of us he’s been defeated and out of view for years.

The fall or inversion, is a type of death, to live a life focused on ones own abilities, being frail and dead to the empowerment that God gave us “in Christ”, that is to be passed onto us as his offspring of “kind according to kind” by being born again through our association with Christ through our goes at Baptism. But it was Adam who shifted his focus from strength and faith to weakness and fear and passed it on to all of us. He became unconscious to God’s pervasive, ever ready, all powerful presence of God and the things of God. This left Adam feeling naked and lonely fending for himself. Which is a complete inversion in perspective and purpose. Because of this humanity at large works feverishly to cover themselves with the supposed cures of this age.

You see with Adams short comings, it use to be that God had it covered or, taken care of because that’s what covered means. Like with a restaurant bill, who takes care of or covers the amount due? God had Adam covered, not like Adam wasn’t covered, he just became closed off by his own doing for turning from a “God’s in control” consciousness to a “I’ve gotta take care of my self” consciousness and he felt puny. This shortfall of charechter in Adam was satan’s empowerment. God did NOT give that power to satan, Adam did. Satan assumed ownership of something Adam abandoned for ignorance.

All the angels were made lower than humans to serve humans UNTIL the inversion whereby Adam himself vacated his post and Satan stepped in and took over what God had given the human races ancestors called Adam and Eve (Havah). So a human in turn had to fix and overcome this obstacle, something mankind couldn’t do on their own after giving their power away.

The reason for the law was to further expose us in our own conscience to show us ourselves as little, for us to recognize our need to be lifted back upright on our perches. Hence the resurrection.

Note: Please do NOT associate the resurrection with a replacement body, but a new way of thinking, lest this gift pass you by as you look for a saving of another sort some call a second coming. Any future event has nothing to do with saving but the wrapping up of the age. The saving happens back at the cross, not in relation to time but in sequence of your understanding by way of revelations. Of which when you under-stand, you have something real of which to stand on, to then focus on the ascension. If you think about it, Christ was sinless in a human body and even Adam before the fall were said to be “good, very good!”

For us we have the gospel of learning about God for eradicating the ill effects bestowed upon us. As we apply what is written therein, we learn about ourselves because we are made in Gods likeness, and through the gospel we are renewed and restored. He gives godlinesd back to us one revelation at a time untill our victory is complete before our carnal experience at Earth expires (Eph 4.13). His invisible features given to us by the scribes are perfect plug-n-plays and what we were made for. Kinda like any other app or plug in play, but eternally superior. And instead of being shackling or binding people by way of terms and conditions, our plug-n-plays are truely unshackled empowerments. To “know the things that have been freely given to us by God through our association “in Christ”, in contrast to fallen, flipped upsidedown like humanity at large.

A god-like-ness is our God given role. He is happy to see us use the gifts He gave us at such a high price of the cross. For the elect, this is our natural purpose restored. To grow in godliness in this age in this way. To learn to be able to do what God does with His empowerment and His Holy Spirit that lives in us unreservedly. To be godly, to be god-like and like Him, in the here and now. And this must be so otherwise how could we effectively communicate? The law of kind begets according to kind would be violated because with each species they have their own way to communicate, and we communicate with our Heavenly Father perfectly. “For when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part shall he done away with”. Ignorance and misunderstandings are the symptoms of incompleteness “that which is in part is done away with”. So “when you see Him as He is, you will become like Him” because upon doing so you see your true self.  And those who see God in themselves in this way have this verse accomplished in themselves, that “you have purified themselves even as He is pure”.

Even as James said to “let patience have it’s perfect work that you may be full and complete lacking nothing”. That is IF you can learn to believe to receive and apply it.

Adam needed to return. To do an about face in his understanding. For this reason Adam had to repent. Repent simply means to turn on your (proverbial) heal, and do an about face. To face the other way to be back on track with God taking care of you as you follow His voice to regain your own God given sovereignty of needing no care or outside help. “We are complete in Him who is head over all principalities and powers” in this age and every age because “He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. He becomes your provider and coverage for all your physical, spiritual health and personal short comings. Doing this time of effort on your part there is no imputation of sin as you press in.

Throughout the synoptic gospels, every time  somebody had an ailment or a crippling affect, Christ would say “your sins are forgiven” and “be ye whole” showing us the connection between sickness and sin, and why they said to Him on the cross “physician heal thyself” and “He saved others, why can’t He save Himself? Which in reality He never sinned or was sick and never truly died because the death He died was  not His own but ours and it is impossible to slay the Lord of Glory. Glory being something we were made to possess from the beginning. Otherwise scripture would not have charged us with something we were not accountable for saying “all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God”. So now you have a new benchmark in charechter if you want to hear Gods voice say “well done My good and faithful steward, you may enter into the Joy of God”. This is the Glory.

This is a blissfulness we call the blessedness. That’s what it means to be blessed by God. He’s got you raised (resurrected) back up, covered and re-imaged like Him. “May faith have its perfect work that you may be full and complete lacking nothing”.  This is the Father’s will for you. This is right where our Father wants you. This is receiving the gift of godliness.

But please do not think God is a genie you can cross your arms and shake your head at for services. It is your duty to press in and lay hold of why Christ laid hold of you. The resurrection was the freebie, the ascension is where you partner with Gods Word and Holy Spirit to your place seated with Him in Glory  before your body expires. This becomes your work and service here on earth. Whatever you aquire and use here, you get to keep there. For if you never really attained godliness here, what makes you think you get it there?

To assist in this we have the gospel to fill in the blanks of our understanding, to get back on track as it pertains to relating to God and your aquisition the piece of Himself that He has for you. If we understand who God really is, what He expects from us, and He gives to us. This is a symbiotic relationship, a harmonized effort. Kinda like a mirror of shared efforts for a common likenesses. This is a true oneness, communion, a community having all things in common. A co-ownership, the Echad and Koinania, which are the Hebrew and Greek words for our inseparable oneness with the Godhead. (1 John 1)….

Just as God never left Adam, you’ll find He never left you, your thinking was just inverted.

His safe passage for your return is to repent. To simply turn, or return. To do an about face, and a right side up, like the bird becoming flipped right side up on his perch. You find yourself looking into the face of God in your thinking

It was was your sub-conscious (sub meaning lower), which subjegates and makes you sub-ordinate to other powers.  This becomes a  new God conscience and your own piece of godliness or god-like-ness. You don’t have to serve and obey all the services and products you’ve subjegated yourself to by contract. Each contract you participate in regulates you, reduces you and seduces you from recieving what God has freely given you, everything. They make you poor more than just by requiring payment, they keep you small and dependant upon them for the services you seek from them. However the Gospel is free.

What was dark and dreary becomes light and joyfull. That is why we say “The Kingdom of God is at hand”. That God is operational and active to be your savior and provider the moment you turn to Him. But it takes faith because it is like walking backwards. You don’t see where you are going, but you see that where you just were in self, loneliness, termoil and finding that you keep coming up short of what you need. Why? Because you learn one step at a time that your Heavenly Father has YOU taken care of. He will not let you stumble or fall in your zeal to discover Him in greater measures. To be able to sell out for Him, is to be able to “run the race with endurance looking to Yashuah/Jesus Christ, the author and the finisher of our faith”.

Please don’t fantasize of being large and successful in the fashion people are successful in the world for that is not the saving of the gospel. Those of us who know, know where our treasures and savings are, and they are not physical. What a waste of effort on our part, to take the reward and turn it into something physical, for those things you can’t keep. Those are for your carnal self and we have a more enduring treasure in Heaven having everything there. As for our little man with all its needs?

Scripture says in 1 John 2.1 that Christ is the covering for the whole world. Not just for the redeemed but it’s avay for everyone willing to participate by faith and trust in something the human eye will never see. He paid the price for the whole world. You see The Son of God being eternal is more valuable than all of creation with all its embellishments and features, so yes, if you are in Christ by profession and behavior, He has got it covered, meaning everything, unless you reject His invitation and remain unchanged.

It was Adam who sought after ways to complete, or cover his short comings with the coverages (coverings) of another. He subscribed to another set of services and became a slave to monthly payments. You think, how did we ever get by before we had all these services? Well first off you wouldn’t have to work so hard to pay for them (a form of homage and worship of serving the god of this age called Money, meaning Mammon.

The loss of a God consciencness started the ageless search to feel clothed, dressed, secure, comforted, provided for and covered from a plethora of fears, that started with a measly apple and a fig leaf.

That’s right, the first apple was an app. How do we know this? Because it was able to make one feel wise and complete. It fed the mind do it was spiritual. So now you know who the counterfeit is. And if you have sold out for that apple, you’ve got the wrong coverage provider.

Today this insecurity passed on to humanity puts people’s focus on self preservation and to seek means of survival for every conceivable boogie man. People cloth/cover themselves in policies of providers of safety mechanisms with an endless prossession of policies with payments, doctor’s visits with copays, shots and vaccines with most of people’s efforts turned into cash, just blows up the corporate giants with the huberus to do with you what they want, by means of terms and conditions of services with savings, investments and  monthly payments for “just in case” and the “but what ifs” in life. Can you start to see this? If you are covered by Christ, you don’t need those things. Why? Because He said “I will never leave you or forsake you” He’s got you covered. Nothing can get past Him.

The word “invest” broken down is “in or upon” and the word “vest” is to put on, to clothe oneself with or in. So to invest is to put on clothing or a covering. Their coverings are as invisible as the gospel because they are both spelled out in writing. So you choose what spell you want to be under.

We see this in the garden of Eden with Adam. His first investment, or action to clothe himself was to put on a fig leaf. You see there were no vendors in his day selling insurance coverages so he had to get creative, an ability he was loosing with each new subscription. Yes everytime you subscribe, you put yourself under anothers authority, meaning authorship and power.

Creativity because for each new fear presented to you, they have a policy, a word that comes from police, as though they can arrest that fear or threat. In reality the new threat and the cures or coverages are really just two sides of the same coin. They work together

They are writing scrips for you. That’s what sub means. And to scribe is your authorization to submit. Each time you subscribe and submit, you loose another piece of your God given sovereignty of being made in His image. And this is an insult to the living God because you swallowed Satan’s bait to be in self control. Or so it appears that way to you, however you’re the one who has to service these contracts with monthly payments and renewals of some sort. You have to serve, or service the account. You are enslaved by another. Don’t think so? Just quit making payments and see that you’ll loose it all. And guess what? Even if you do pay it, there is no guarantee that you will use what you are paying for.

If this were not true, how is it that almost all home mortgages are financed and backed by the pools of money insurance companies don’t know what to do with, other than back your home so when economies crash, they don’t worry about your cash, they have your house.

There is a reason why it is called “real estate”, because all the services you subscribe to in the end are illusions. The transferance of wealth continues in this way.

You see God described it like this. Now that Adam had a polarity reversal, God explained the new rules. Adam having been made to rule reign and put in order this place we call earth, because he was imaged like God, with the polarity shift, up became down, down became up and Adam was to work the earth, to focus down.

What are your investments? What various coverages do you have? What policies (policing products) do you have put in place to make sure you’ve got this and that taken care of. You’ve got it covered?

Jesus Christ had this to say to Laodiceans ”

17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:

18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see”.

­With this you can see that mankinds natural propensity to protect and insure themselves of being feable or dying by collecting protections against such, are just fighting against the reality that we are here in training but our greater purpose and reality has nothing to do with what you are fighting for, yourself preservation.

This is the reason there are more accidents, injuries, sicknesses, deseases, people take drugs, people dying, aging poorly and deaths percentage wise than anytime in history. This is also the reason there are also more service providers than anytime in history. Can you see the connection?

If you knew what our Heavenly Father had in store with you, you would hold on loosely and let go more easily. Not that all things are not given for us to enjoy, but when you put off your carnal senses, you’ll find out that you wish you had a chance to do it all over. You have one opportunity here to aquire the gift according to godliness, meaning God-like-ness by aquiring it from the Father.

The Kingdom of God is at hand to enter your rest. Amen!

His Kingdom At Hand

Kingdom at hand