September 2021

**The time is not yet, But it is Soon

Posted on September 29, 2021 by ADMIN

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When Gods prototype of a new man whom people call Jesus, was on trial He was asked if He were a king. He answered them “you have rightly said, for this reason I have come into the world”.

If you remember, Christ was born King, so He did not come to become a King, but to erase the fall of Adam who lost his sovereignty, who was told to “go forth to rule and reign” like a king but lost it to Satan with the forbidden fruit.

So you see Adam was a king too, but became a slave to work the earth as a curse. This was a spiritual polarity reversal and a self imposed curse, and the reason the Son of God became a man.

It was because a man messed this all up, that a man had to fix it. And because “all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God”, there was no one from the liniage of Adam to do it.

The Glory was the measurement of the gift that God gave each one of us. For this reason the Son of God “became flesh and dwelled among us” to reverse that curse. He did this in order to restore in us Adams original purpose, by having a new offspring of those who are born again (John 3) to become joint heirs of co-Sovereigns. “For in Him (Christ) dwells the fullness of the Godhead body, and you are complete in Him (meaning those in Christ) who is ruler over all.”

It was for this reason that Paul the apostle called Christ “the last Adam” (1 Corinthians 15:45) for having expired that liniage of sinners for a new creation called the saints. Therefore we are no longer fallen like Adam.

And that’s what the gospel provides to us, each one of us gets our own do over. Again from Paul “each one in due time, in their own time and order (1 Corinthians 15.23). Meaning, if you are getting this brand new right now, you are on time and this is your time to press into the Father for the shared Glory of being “joint heirs in Christ”..

Yes Christ on earth expired the old to open up “a new and living” way of doing things. For this reason “old things having passed away, and all things have become new, (now ) and all things are (Heavenly) from Christ”, because He became the prototype to imitate. Even as Paul said to “imitate me as I imitate Christ”. And as John said “to as many as received Him, to them He (Christ) gave power (to them) to become His children, even to those who believe in His name” because that’s the realm of faith. For one must first believe that He is, and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him, in regard to faith, which is the substance of things unseen, which is also a description of the new you.

Christ was born King, He was raised from a babe in a manger in hiding, and even untill death, did He hide His Glory, at least to the carnal senses. But there are plenty of us who know.

He came to Jerusalem proclaiming the Kingdom of God at hand, fulfilling all the promises of all the prophets whose verbage that spoke of this day was “on that day” and “in that day” and “in the Day of The Lord” and the acceptable year of our Lord, all the same thing according to Israel’s tradition. He came riding on a foal of a colt. For this He was rejected because He didn’t fit their fantasy. A pauper on a donkey? With no place to lay His head? But there are those of us who saw him riding on a white horse, having His vestment dipped in blood, whose name is “The Word of God”. You cannot see these things with carnal inclinations, but with the eyes of your understanding you can. (Ephesians 1.17+)

Zechariah foretold of “that day” and “in that day” and “in the day of our Lord” saying; Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation (because He is salvation for that is what His name means), Lowly and riding on a donkey, A colt, the foal of a donkey.” With this the whole old Mosaic covenant and all its promises, all the law and the prophets were fulfilled and filled to the full. They were expired and shelved to be used for their historicity only.

We say this to make this point; as becoming a saint, you have to know what you’ve been given, to know what you have, for you to know who you are to become, and how you are suppose to impliment your new God given features as becoming one of His. You who are now joint heirs of the things of God, and your need to understand the promise given to those sojourning here on earth. That you have already been delivered and redeemed through the working of the cross by faith. If this is not true the cross was a failure. Or maybe it’s just your faith?

For those of us who know, we have “the prophetic word more sure than what they heard. Meaning those of the old Covenant. Him who came riding lowly on a colt having salvation. From A to Z, the whole package. Because of “such a great salvation spoken of by the law and the prophets.

From Revelation 2.

26 And those who overcome, and keep My works until the end, to them I will give power over the nations—

27 ‘They shall rule them with a rod of iron;
And dash them to pieces like the potter’s vessels’—

as I also have received from My Father, was the promise from our protos, the Greek word we get prototype from, meaning the Only Begotten of the Father. 

This then is the promise to all those who, as Paul said “reach out to lay ahold of why Christ laid ahold of me” being joint heirs with a shared purpose.

Let us beware tho, lest we get ahead of our calling. As much as it is encumbant upon us to lay ahold of our God given soveriegnty, we learn like Christ to walk incognito, so we don’t get ahead of Him.

If you remember the Jews sought to kill Him in the temple and scripture says “He walked right through their midst”? This shows us not to cower or hide or to be swayed by fear because our Heavenly Father WILL NOT ALLOW ANYTHING TO HAPPEN that is NOT part of His plan and for our completion and our foreordination.

Do not fear little flock, do not struggle and do not cower and do not hide. You are much more greater than they, and they cannot do anything against you anyway. For “no weapon formed against you shall prosper”.

Through the baptism picture you were taught and acknowledged through confessing that your old man died and was buried by faith through the working of God and accepted by you through faith. Then promptly raised out of the water, symbolizing and validating your resurrection to walk in your new life now, being raised from the dead.  Death no longer has power over you. You have already made the detachment because flesh and bone do not receive the things of Gift, but the re-spirited mind of faith does. The new you is a you like Him before “He became flesh and dwelled among us”. And because He was fully Son of God and son of man, so can you be too. This is the resurrection of faith for the faithful. It is a re-inversion from the fall in thinking in the spirit of the mind where it happened. There were no boo-boos, broken bones or bruises just a broken way of thinking. But this is all reversed with recieving God’s Sin and Holy Spirit.

For this reason when Christ, the “First born among many brethren” (daughters too) was on trial about His Kingship, He replied “rightly (truly and accurately) have you said I am King, however My Kingdom is not from here (meaning it is not a voted into office position) or I would send legions of angels to fight, but my Kingdom is not from here” meaning earth.

With these words given to us, we need to understand that this age is NOT about our SELF PRESERVATION, but still about the work of salvation for a short time. Until the final number is reached in the saving of completed souls.

And lest you be discouraged, let us draw upon the testimony from John the beloved from his Revelation in chapter 5; For You were slain,

And You have redeemed us to God by Your blood
Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,
10 And You have made [d]us kings[e] and priests to our God;
And [f]we shall reign on the earth.” and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands”.

Even as Paul explained in Rome “if by one man’s sin many were made sinners, how much more by one mans righteousness were many made righteous?”

You need to understand that this age and this creation WILL NOT glorify another. That, when the number is complete, and the harvest has ended, the time will be cut short for the Elects sake because for the sake of the Elect was this age created and this time gets cut short in righteous. Meaning, when the number is complete, the unrighteous cease as well. That “all the earth with all its works (everything you’ve done and aquired) shall be burned up for the eternal to remain. (2 Peter 3.10)

It was mankind that was created on the 6th and final day of creating, as the primary specimen and crowning of creation.

Yes there is a desease trying to steel and detain that purpose for creation, but they, like all our enemies, are just food for our further development. “Wherever the carcass is, the Eagles are gathered together”? Eagles however don’t eat dead carcasses. But we can be on standby for the final Judgment on the vultures who do. It is us who are “seated in the Heavenlies in Christ”, who are taking notes and polishing our trade for the final trumpet call to come as Paul put it “in that day to be glorified in His saints.

Didn’t Enoch convey to us that ““Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, 15 to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him”?

Don’t you think you could be one of these? Obviously not, if you are fighting for this age. Christ didn’t. Didn’t He tell us “those who try to save their lives will lose it, but those who lose their lives for My sake will gain it it for eternity”? After all, you vowed at baptism that your old person, with all its needs and greed is buried at baptism to impliment your new person? Didn’t scripture instruct you to put on the new you? To put on Christ? Not the one at the cross. It was there that He became our sin and put on our man, so that we could become His righteous and put on this new man? Be careful what you are fighting for. Stand firm and stay focused.

Even like in the time of Joshua after their baptism in the Jordan, then at Jericho they were instructed not say a word until the command was given. And when the commander and chief gave the call, not Joshua, but the Angel that stood as a contrast in opposition to him, because it was Him who said “I have now come forth to lead the charge”. And what were the tools they used for this? A bunch of mouths, a bunch of loud mouths. They used their mouths and shouted, then the walls (symbolizing our obstacles) came down. All without bombs, military or dozers.

As Joshua was instructed “at the sound of the trumpet, that all the people shall shout with a great shout; then the walls (strongholds) of that kingdom fall down flat. And the people go up every man straight before him.” And so they did.

That was just a picture, and like all scripture, it was given to teach us spiritual truths and realities of the only things that matter.

Just as they waited for the trumpet blast to shout. We too are waiting for our last trumpet call for our final implementation.

Like it says in the book of Ruth “who knows, maybe you were created for such a time as this?” It’s kinda up to you. Are you willing to press in? To take the Father at His word and use it, consume it, become it and be on standby?

And to reiterate Christ’s words to own as our own “for this reason I was re-born a king”, however our Kingdom is not of this age or we’d fight in this age, with the tools of this age. But we won’t.

We also have this from Romans 8.

 But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His. 10 And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. (Meaning that what God has for us is retroactive) 11 But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you (like He does now), He who raised Christ from the dead also gives life to your mortal bodies [d]through His Spirit who dwells in you.” Like He does now, if you are able recieve this.

12 Therefore, brethren, we are debtors—not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. 13 For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live (even now). 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. 15 For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba,[e] Father.” 16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.” Not at an event but a realization.

18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 19 For (even) the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. Because it too will be delivered from corruption to the glorious liberty of God. 

But for now your work is still the gospel. Which is? To put Christ on one attribute and one understanding st a time until you “receive the end of your faith, the salvation of your soul” spoken of by James.

The Kingdom of God (is still) at hand. Amen!


**Breaking Barriers to the next Plateau in the Spirit*

Posted on September 25, 2021 by ADMIN

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Breaking Barriers to the next Plateau. Our climbing up in the spirit.

With any private or public new title or ranking, there are steps, levels and grades awarded for new accomplishments. That before the accolades are given, the students, contestants or candidates are tried as to wether they’ve obtained the necessary growth in character to be worthy of the new position, responsibility or title.

Think of the words of Christ before His journey back to the Father. He said “Father I have accomplished the work you have given me to do. I have declared your words to those whom you have given me out of this world and they have kept them”. (John !7.1+60 He knew this because the words He planted in them (and hopefully us) came back out of their mouths when they needed them to be true for themselves.

This is how we do the works of the spirit. At our Fathers behest, we call due the promises we find throughout scripture, we own them and impliment them as our own new reality. It is in this way that “we have the mind of Christ” and we are “joint heirs” of the things that they have.

James said to “receive the en-grafted word which is able to save your souls“. The en-grafted word is the new you. It is a plug in and play. Much like you do in this age with down loading a new app. However we don’t eat those apples. We consume scripture. We consume “The Bread of Life”.

It is through a succession of hearing the words and concepts of God, recieving those words as sown into your heart and “being re-scripted by renewing your minds”. Then to have that word tested in us by trial, to remain in tact? Good for you. You used it to override the fears and boogie men as misconceptions that make you feel small and vulnerable. But you are under Gods care now.

Gods Word in you survived the fire and test you went through, so you get to keep that word as a permanent feature. Once you’ve past that test, the power of that obstacle is gone, it is diffused, to not have dominion, or reign over you anymore.

In this way “we are more than conquerors through him that loved us”.  because we’ve made a withdrawal from our storage bank of His promises without diminishing the size of our savings. Which is our in-exhaustible Savior.

Upon retaining and trying that word against the odds and the physical evidence. Then holding on firm to the invisible word for a breakthrough of that barrier. You are cancelling it out with these tools we are showing you here today. It is like this that you implement something new from God the Father. In this way you find His word applied is favorable and effective.

This is the place of faith, your new habitation. “For one must first believe God is (real, Isreal) and “For one must first believe that God is real Israel) and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him“. These are the rewards, the accolades and your new features we are conveying to you.

This is the seeking and the pressing in to obtain our inheritance NOW! Or as Paul put it “I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ has also laid hold of me”.The Father has held nothing back for a future event or for another saving.

Their is only one saving from all the ills, viruses and dangers of this age and world. This saving begins for each one when they leave their old person at the cross, and pursue new empowerment’s from the Father who “as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the [a]corruption that is in the world through lust.

It is the collection of these words, provisions and  promises that were sown into our hearts, to remain there through the test of time “concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; that tries us even now. We co-own them. After you have a breakthrough in that way, you don’t have to face that obstacle with such consternation. Otherwise you will, because you did not receive that accolade from the Father and the test will be re-administered later. That is why we were called to move on to perfection not laying the same foundations.

If you remember the Parable of the seed sown on shallow ground? The enemy came along and ate them for they were not able to take root to bare fruit. Do not be counted as such. Water them and soak them. Hold them dear to your heart, for they shall bare fruit in due time, the proper time and the right time.

It is a collection of these victories of surviving the fire through these trials, these appointments given to us by our very Father, that this become the new you. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new, in this way. This is the process of a continuous re-newal and Heavenly acquisitions.

A new strength, a new gifting and a new empowerment. The collection of these are to become a patch work for a covering or garment. Like Joseph had a coat of many colors. So do we. And it keeps getting more colorful the more we pursue.

Like Jacob was instructed by his mother to put on Esau. To his father, he looked like Esau, he smelled like Esau, and he talked like Esau. So his father rewarded Jacob like he was Esau. Jacob inherited everything. We know this because Esau cried that there was not even a morsel left for him. Esau represents your old person. The new you like Jacob gets everything. You cannot go to the Heavenly Father in your old name and character and expect to receive anything. You hung your old self to the cross as professed at baptism. Leave it there.

Similarly as Isaac rewarded Jacob, God the Father rewards us as if we are the Only Begotten because we put on what He has of Himself for our shared inheritance. We talk like Christ, we are a sweet savor like Christ and sound like Him because His name is the word of God, the word we employ as we show you here.

What the Father has, the Son has. And what  the Son has, we have as joint heirs, meaning co-owners even now. This is what it means to be “in Christ” is to be seen by the Father with the very words of The Son. This is why our progeny said “ask the Father anything in My name and He will do it”. Who also said “up till now you have asked for nothing in My name. Ask that your joy may be full. (John 16)

As we see at the cross where Christ’s garments were taken off of Him and divided among the guards. We know that His body was broken for us, but also His outer attire was taken from Him for our retrieval as well. Those guards were not able to keep them. They parted them out for cash, but we get them back free. They were meant for us. Thats because the gospel gives us “every spiritual blessing from the Heavenly places”. “Ephesians 1

We can understand that the apostles and the prophets had obstacles to try to discredit and steal the concepts that were stitched into their hearts and grafted into their minds to become superior to what they were before the moment of that trial.

Same as us. As scripture said “do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing has happened to you, but rejoice to the extent that as you participate in these trials (it is for you) to participate in the glory that follows”. And we don’t mean it follows some 2000+ years later. That doesn’t give you any hope of empowerment and leaves you a beggar at the cross. God didn’t give that burden to you. He gave that to His only Begotten in exchange for you to have His self in your stead. Some refer to this as a “trans-substantiation”. We just call it a trade off, old for new.

This is our upgrade for our operating system of life in the spirit. These are our app upgrades and the terms and conditions are The New Covenant, also known as The Will and Covenant for the discovery of our inheritance.

You see the Savior knew the disciples kept the Fathers words because He heard them use those words as if they were their own. An Heir is a co-owner and participates in the Kingdom “to the degree that they have obtained”, that they learned to employ.

And this doesn’t come easy. That’s the reason for the test. To examine such a one for a trustworthiness and the fortitude to be able to keep the new empowerment. And because God the Father accomplished all His works through His word, we are given that model for us to understand our empowerment is His words in us to do the same thing. That is why the Son said “if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. to nudge us on for greater expectations of greater works for greater results and greater rewards and greater glory.

This is what pleases the Father. We take Him at His word, and speak them like they never wear out, because they don’t. To God our Father be the Glory.

Stagnation in growth comes from avoiding growth and the testings. But with these testings is certain resistance. You must press in. You must persist and persevere.

Think of it like this. With H2O, there are platforms of resistance as the temperature rises or falls.

For H2O to transfigure  into ice, or ice into water, it takes more than one degree. In other words, we know that 32 degrees is the base point, however ice will not really melt untill it is above 32 degrees and water will not freeze untill it is below 32. 32 is not the transition point. It is the barrier. The transition takes more than one degree to perform the transition. It is the same way with water and steam There is a greater resistance then a make up change.

With each transformation or transfiguration into another element there is greater resistance. Therefore to break the barrier (or pass the test) to transform to another form, like ice to water, or water to steam (or carnal thinking to godly understanding). There is more resistance and it takes more heat, momentum and patience to pass through the barrier.

Think of it like poking a hole through a piece of plastic with your finger. The pressure has to be consistent and pass beyond the contact point long enough to break the barrier to make it to the other side. That once you’ve penetrated, the barrier is punctured. Now you can now pass back and forth at will without the barrier because of the break through. This is how our trials of faith work.

Also of Christ’s temptation in the wilderness where He shows us how to do it.

Kind of like traveling to a new place. The first time is the hardest. But once you know the way, you can come and go without thinking about it.

So too with our testings in the spirit with our mind and of our resolve. With the aquisition of each new empowerment from the Father, He has it tested with a pressure of resistance, for you to break a barrier for a new empowerment. The Words from Christ are “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom”. It is even now in this way that “the Kingdom of God is at hand as being attainable before your carnal experience expires.

This is the reason you are here, for obtaining the gift of godliness, meaning God-like-ness of having what He has before the expiration of your body.

Hence “think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to test you as though some strange thing has happened to you. But rejoice to the extent, that as you are a partaker of the sufferings, so shall you participate (and  co-own) in the glory that follows”. Meaning; what follows the break through with the excess pressure to go through the barriers, gives you new empowerment’s right now in this age.

Such is the way of our faith. Our faith is the application of the words God has stitched into us to be more like Him. This is what it means to follow Christ. And to do what Jesus did.

But do not cower in fear here because He set you up for success. He never gives us a task He hasn’t given us the tools for.

As the Son says to the Father concerning us “Father they have kept your word“. He knew this because up till then and during the test, clean through to the other side of breaking the test barrier, your resolve to stand firm in a promise and repeat it under pressure and press in, He brought you through to a new place with Him. You own something new from Him and of Him that is in yourself that is invisible. No one can take this from you.

This is the new you. You can’t see it, you can’t show it to anybody physically, you can’t take it off and hang it in the closet. But you always have it to put on when it seems fitting. This is what it means to put on Christ. ( Ephesians 6.10-18)

And as He said “in that day ask what you desire and it shall be done for you“. This is that day “in That Day. This is “The Day of The Lord. This is “The acceptable year of our Lord“. This is “The Kingdom of God at hand. This is your time of fulfillment.

There is no other allocation of god-like-ness than now. “Today is the day of salvation!”. Today is the time for the aquisition of all the Father has bestowed upon us.

Let us remind you of the days of Noah. To board that ship you had to do so before the rains came. And of the foolish virgins who went to the world to buy wedding attire, then when the doors were closed they were left outside saying “Lord, Lord, open up to us”. He then replied “I do not know you from where you are from” because of the barriers between them they never crossed, because they refuse to pass the tests to press through. How about you?

Paul showed us a persistence in Acts 27 with the voyage through that storm, that they lost everything and the vessel but the lives and souls of the people. So that shows you what you can apply Gods word to. Your souls, your invisible parts. That is why we are instructed “in your patience (and your perseverance) to possess ye your soul.”

For this you are not alone. You have the unction of the Holy Spirit we call “the still, soft voice”. For God has said “I will never leave you or forsake you”.  And “Lo I am with you always, even through out the ages”. This includes the testings and trials. So know this, you are set up for success. These are your skirmishes for your empowerments. Your transferring from here to there, from reliance NOT in the flesh but the spirit. For these tests? It is just you and God. And the reward? God. God-like-ness. Him and all He has is the gift to you. For you to have a new self like His self. This is why it is said “think it not strange concerning the firery trial that is to try you as though some strange thing has happened. But rejoice to the extent that as you participate in the fiery trials, so too you (receive the empowerment to) participate in the glory that follows”.

For this reason we are a plurality of those Glory’s. God is the Father of Glory’s and He has brought us through to Himself. Glory to God our Father. 

As the Father spoke through Isaiah saying “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me [c]void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”

Why? Because His word goes back to Him with us in it. We go back to the Father We fill that void. We are His desired accomplishment.

When Christ told the disciples while drinking wine at the last supper “I desire to drink this new with you in the Kingdom”. This is the new wine and this is The New Kingdom, which is all of Gods things now. In the “invisible, eternal, immortal, the only wise God”.

Not that it is new in the sense of never having been before. It is just new for you because you just realized it, but it is forever.

And we are His desire and we are complete in Him who is head over all principalities and powers”. This is our empowerment. In this way “old things have passed away and all things become new, and all things are from God.” (2 Corinthians 5.7

But you have to persevere through the barrier. This is the new you. In this way…

The Kingdom of God, is still, at hand. Use these tools to climb out of the crud of this age and clamor up the things that are said for this is your Jacobs ladder, the access to the city and house of our God. Amen!


**The Thousand Year Reign Ends and The opening of the Bottomless Pit with Cern.

Posted on September 22, 2021 by ADMIN

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The last book of the New Will and Testament called the book of The Revelation, opened and closed with “seal not the prophecies of this book for the time is at hand”. Meaning it was in process as it was being written.
This is different than Daniel who was told “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end.
Meaning for John, his Revelation was happening when it was being written, because the term “at hand”, means “right now and within reach and this is for you” if you lived in that time. But we don’t so those events have expired. What was at hand for them, is history for us. It goes like this.
The whole Old Covenant anticipated Gods Kingdom to come to expire it. That “all the law and the prophets were till John the Baptist, now the Kingdom is preached and all are entering”. Have you responded to that invitation?
These all happened to start a New Covenant and Will and Testament. And it did as sure as Gods words are true.
The Only Begotten was first to proclaim ,”The Kingdom of God is at hand” as being  something tangible then, and then he solidified it by His death at the cross signed by his blood, to institute Gods New and final covenant to mankind that has yet to be expired.
Hebrews 9 has this to say about that event; 16 For where there is a testament, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. 17 For a testament is in force (only) after men are dead, since it has no power at all while the testator lives”. This was said to indicate that the cross of Christ was that death and the only action necessary by God, for us to be the recipients of our inheritance from Heaven called “The Kingdom of God at hand”, on all and to all who took Him at His word. This is why Christ was the first to speak this message.
According to Zechariah Yeshua was the messenger of the New covenant, and there were only two, so we need to look no further.
That is why John 1 said “He came to His own, but His own did not receive Him, but to as many as received Him? To them He gave power to become His children, even those who simply believed in His name”. In this way we believed in His titles of the Messenger of the Testament and Savior, and in this way we became joint heirs of the things that were said and outlined in the New Will and Testament we call the Gospel, an inheritance that is still being distributed to those who hear the call even today. “Today is the day of salvation” from God. Any other life saver is an imposter and an anti-Christ.
It was John who said that “In Him, meaning Christ, dwelled the fullness of the Godhead body, and you are complete in Him who is head over all principalities and powers”. Meaning that whatever is His is yours too,, if you are able to receive it.
It can’t be any better than this. And there is no need of another act by God or His only Begotten, to give you something as though They left something out of that Will and Testament, for “of His fullness we have received”. Not in part but the whole thing.
Like the father said to the prodigal Son at his return, which is us as we come to our new senses “Clothe him in the finest attire (godliness) and prepare for him a feast, for this one was dead but now alive.
The word “alive” in the context God means, is for you to be cognizant of His Ubiquitous presence and what He has at His fingertips for you. That is what “at hand” means. It means you can grasp it.
Are you alive to the things of God?  Are you enjoying the spoils of the inheritance of that death?
With the Only Begottens institution of “The Kingdom of God is at hand”, He was proclaiming that “the acceptable year of our Lord” had come. That the Kingdom the old Covenant anticipated was then, as it is now even in our day, in effect. The invitation into His Kingdom has never been recalled and never been more powerful than it is right now in face of the immensity of lies, still today “the Kingdom of God is at hand.
How many times have you heard this preached as something attainable? That’s because there are so many lies.
Yes, the Kingdom of God is still within reach, and this is still “the acceptable year of our Lord”.
We labored at establishing this truth for you to understand the predicament of our day with all its fabrications, presentations and lies.
We bring you this far to clarify the thousand year rule and reign of the Messiah that was first spoken then, and there is no scheduled replacement for His Kingdom and His New Covenant era.
There is however a scheduled end to this earth and creation the way you know it as understood in 2 Peter 3.10 that,
both the earth and the works that are in it will be [d]burned up. 11 Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat?”
Simply put, there is no third covenant ever spoken of. But there is scripture that speaks of a grand deception after a… thousand year reign, followed by the recall of ALL of creation as we just outlined from Peter.
May we propose to you that we are in the end of that time that the Thousand Year Reign Ends.
The coming time is now “with all lying signs and wonders if possible to decieve the Elect” is upon us. But we are not falling for that one “who was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition. And those who dwell on the earth will marvel (a word that also means to give credit and glorify that one), whose names are not written in the Book of Life”.
This is the one to be temporarily or momentarily empowered to decieve all those who disregarded the truth as spelled out here in Revelation,
20 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished. But after these things he must be released for a little while.” Meaning the thousand year reign of Christ had been conceded for the maturation of the wheat and tares. Then to cut the work short in righteousness having aquired the full number of Elect. To then use them to impliment His plan, of the time known as “the Day when the Lord comes to be Glorified (In) His Saints, meaning holy ones. That’s what saint means. Those who have put off this age for god-like-ness, meaning God-like-ness. Are this is us.
And yes the grand deception that leads up to this point would include a changing of dates, years and times. Even as stated in the book of Daniel of the one who sought to change times and seasons, and they did.
Meaning that, none of what we are commonly taught and believe is true, especially when it comes to modern calendars and date keeping. What year are we really in? The Gregorian calendar names of months and days are all Pagen Dieties, and even the old Pagen Holliday’s have been have been repurposed for modern Christianity with little opposition.
So when it comes to a change in time keeping, we are not in the 2000 year timeframe from the birth of Christ. The times been lost with the “all lying signs and wonders” of the end of the age deception.
Think about it, what really are “the dark ages”? And what are the accomplishments of nearly a thousand years of the Bizantine era other than to preserve the Roman culture of the late 300s to have it returned to them some thousand years later? With no new technology, no new architect or inventions in-between? Little to no proof on coins or currencies to validate that time frame?? When we can do so for thousands of years prior to that.
 What about Scotland history obscure untill around 1000 a.d? And of king Arthur there is no real proof?
What about the book burnings and the crusades? What really were those monks doing in those towers? Re-writing history, His-Story, speaking of the Christ and salvation.
For even Daniel was told this would happen, that there would be a change of times when he was told to seal the book saying he would change times and seasons.
So that rule and that reign of Christ, being the “acceptable year of our Lord, started the thousand year reign of Christ with “The Kingdom of God is at hand, a phrase that wasn’t available before Christs coming in the flesh to becoming one of us for the redemption of the Fathers original plan of offering a part in His Kingdom to as many as would receive Him, to them He gave power to become His Children. It was this Kingdom that lasts the stated 1000 years as being a fact.
Even as Peter stated that, one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day. And this is confirmed with Adam who was told that “ in the day you eat of that tree you shall surely die. Adam made it to just over 900 years to die “in that day”. Not the day of our Lord but in the day of Adam. These are the two time frames that differentiates the old creation from the new. In that day you shall surely die. For us we are in that day ye shall surely live. Amen!
In truth.
 If you study coins you will see a huge gap between roughly 300 ad to 1300 ad. They fill this gap with fake history, the dark ages and plagues. The deaths of this supposed time are the excuses the date keepers of our era need, to explain why the populations of the world remained the same for roughly the first thousand years of what they call, the common era.
There fake figures are like air in a balloon. This takes more faith to believe in that hot air, or the air pneumas/spirit of God, for which they will be judged.
We can understand with gravestones you will see dates like i642 meaning, in the year of our Lord 642, to later change the i for a capitol letter l that looks like a 1. To make I642 not 1642
This means up to a thousand years was added to our time frame with that one obfuscation.
With just this one rectification of time correction, this puts us at the end of a thousand year reign, and time frame known as “The acceptable Year of our Lord” and King, the Christ who was born King, our A.D.
A.D. stands for the Latin phrase: Anno Domini, the year of our lord. They believed they were in the Millennium Reign of Christ because that’s what Anno Domini means. The Reign of Our Lord. If it didn’t, there would be currencies with other kings stating the year of their reign but there is not.
This has been the mark of the common era since the birth of Christ, the one born King. And if we remove that added 1000 years from our calendar, that puts us near the end of the thousand years and the time when Satan would be released and given his last opportunity y to decieve humanity before 2 Peter 3. words are fulfilled that  say :10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be [d]burned up. 11 Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? 13 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.
So we are now in the time when Satan is released one last time to deceive the world.
 Meaning that the events in our day, don’t happen in the same order as the book of the Revelation up to chapter 20 because that has already happened. (Do not seal the prophecies of this book for the time is at hand?) But our time does have its similarities because it is Satan’s redo. It is the same demonic entities but they have had nearly a thousand years under the earth to polish their trade.
What do you think the CERN facility is about? And their demonic celebration of a new birth? The destroyer?
The man child portrayed in their play had a young body (meaning new and born again) with an old man’s face (reflecting his true identity as a reincarnate) and having white wings, showing it to be angelic, and white because he, satan, has  escaped the judgment being now set free from the imprisonment, he is renewed for his last run to try and steal creation from God the Almighty, an attempt that was given for Satan to conclude his illusion as a backboard of wickedness for all the Elect to see them know to run the other way. To detach “lest you partake of their sins and be judged with them”.
Look at the Shiva god of destruction statue at CERN facility, whose likeness is alleged with the Phoenix, which symbolizes a rebirth out of destruction. A demon standing on the scruff of the neck on a little man? Think of Satan’s curse in the garden. You shall bruise his heal but He shall break your head. That statue defiantly says “who shall bruise whose heal? And who shall stomp who’s head? Are you getting this? The seed was planted in the beginning and is harvested as the tares and the wheat.
Well we know Satan’s time is short, and we know our time is near. How near? Within reach.
The Kingdom of God is at hand. We know these things because we “seated in Heavenly places in Christ”. These are the watchers and the holy ones. We have a Birdseye view being seated above all powers and principalities, eternal in the Heavens. We made it home. (Ephesians 2) Amen!


**The Acceptable Year of our Lord and The Thousand Year Reign

Posted on September 8, 2021 by ADMIN

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­The Kingdom of God at hand. The Thousand Year Reign, and; The Acceptable Year of our Lord, Yahovah.

The title “Lord” is incerted in scripture in the place of the Hebrew name Yahovah, whose abreviation is YHVH.

Lord is a generic term that means a master over slaves. Our Heavenly Father does not want us to look at Him that way (Exodus 6.1-3)

He sent His Only Begotten To restore this image and His lineage of begetting offspring uniquely like Him of co-sovereigns, not as being slaves but Lord’s themselves. After all we were made in His image from the beginning but fell. This is why we have the gospel. Being re-imaged with it, we demand no such acknowledgement of being lord’s. But like the Son incarnate, we humble ourselves to be obedient to the unctions of Gods Holy Spirit, to serve with the attributes given to us through the gospel. This is for our training.

This is how our Father packaged Himself in His Son to give to us, for us to enjoy in the here and now, being who He is in His totality because “of His fullness we have (already) received” And “we are complete in Him”. Meaning, in us His fullness abides. Amen! We do however quote the term Lord as we apply scripture, but that word Lord is transcribed from Gods name YHVH. Remember this when scripture incerts “Lord” because Lord infers a negative connotation. He is our Father.

Now on to our topic of proclaiming; “The Acceptable Year of our Lord”. This is “The Kingdom of God at hand, being the implimentation of the rule and Reign of Christ. Meaning Anno Domini and in the Year of our Lord.

The Son of God spoke through Isaiah, of the age when He would come in power saying,

61 “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me,
Because the Lord has anointed Me
To preach good tidings to the poor;
He has sent Me to [a]heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives,
And the opening of the prison for those who are bound,
To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,
And the day of vengeance of our God;
To comfort all who mourn,
To [b]console those who mourn in Zion,
To give them beauty for ashes,
The oil of joy for mourning,
The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;
That they may be called trees of righteousness,
The planting of YHVH, that He may be glorified.” 

This was a package deal. Meaning, once He came, that is what He would accomplish. This was the reason “He became flesh and dwelled among us.

As we know Yashuah/Jesus quoted from that passage immediately after His wilderness testing and His confrontation with Satan, showing us that scriptures point of expiration with Christ’s coming to us in a body like ours.

“And He (the Christ and Messiah) was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written:

18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
Because He has anointed Me
To preach the gospel to the poor;
He has sent Me [i]to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set at liberty those who are [j]oppressed;
19 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”

20 Then He closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him. 21  Then He began (for the first time) to say to them, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” Meaning it has no further need for another fulfillment of another day, like all verses Christ fulfilled while He was in the flesh, including all the law and the prophets. He then proceeded to proclaim that “The Kingdom of God is at hand” as something different than they already had.

You see the whole old covenant anticipated Him becoming one of us to usher in “The acceptable year of our Lord” and “The Kingdom of God at hand”.

Other phrases like “in that day” and “The Day of the Lord” all refer to this time as well.. These phrases all spoke of the same reality of The Reign of Christ the Messiah, being “The Kingdom of God at hand!” A phrase that has not been retracted, that has no replacement.

The New Covenant is now in effect and there is no 3rd covenant or another work to replace what we now have. You may think, how can you say that? Well Hebrews 1 says that “He is seated waiting for His enemies to become His footstool. 

Historically thinking of kingdoms, if you look at kings reigning periods in the terms of currencies and coins, they had the image of a kings bust and dates they reigned in power. With each new king there was a new time frame with a new currency signifying who the king was, and how long he was in power. With a new king came a new kingdom. These Dignitaries were not elected officials.

That is what Christ did with “The acceptable year of our Lord, all other kings supremecies ceased because The King of kings and Lord of Lord’s arrived and took His septor.

As we can quote from the mouth of Jacob when he told his sons what would befall them in their later/last days. (Genesis 49) The days of their expiration, being the end of their reign of power.

And of Judah, meaning Judaism, which fizzled down to the Jews, it was father Jacob who said “The [d]scepter shall not depart from Judah/Jews,
Nor a lawgiver from between his feet,
Until Shiloh (Messiah) comes;
And to Him shall be the obedience of the people.
11 Binding his donkey to the vine.”

We know this was the savior because He came riding into Jerusalem “on the foal of a Colt” to fulfill that verse, and was rejected, which led to the demise of that tribe.

So the Jews nevertheless met their later day as spoken by Jacob and of their ultimate demise, their fulfillment and expiration.

Yes, the acceptable year of our Lord had come, escentually  starting with the year 1 A.D. or Annos Domonos. Meaning the year of our Lord. 

And even to this day the date on many currencies is said to refer to the time of the Christ and the beginning of His reign, speaking of the Only Begotten Son and of that time reset.

We can confirm that the end of the Jews was that great reset because Yahshuah/Jesus said of them that “on you shall be laid the guilt of all the blood shed of all the prophets from righteous Able, till Zecharias who they slew between the porch and the alter. Any and all debts and payments were paid in full.

The truth is, that we are still on the recieving side of that reset and in “the acceptable year and time of our Lord”. Meaning we are still under His rule and reign and has been since He said so, hence our dating systems age and year A.D. on the currency, all publications, events and such, points there as His time of power.

Creation has always been subject to God, but with God’s Son becoming one of us to reverse the curse in Eden. The King of this Kingdom became one of us, and He is still in control over the events unfolding before our eyes. This however is for the separation of the wheat and tares.

For this reason He came preaching “The Kingdom of God is at hand” of something that before then, was not. Gods rule and reign from this point on was different than all other kingdoms. The actual Thousand year reign of Gods Son started then, and had not expired or retracted. At least not until a time that scripture describes saying “20 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished. But after these things he must be released for a little while.”


Meaning that after the thousand year reign of our Lord, Satan and his minions are released from the bottomless pit for their last end times deception, to decieve the nation’s of the world once more, “with ALL lying signs and wonders if possible to decieve the Elect”. And their deception would include the changing of times and seasons as even Daniel 7.25 prophecied about saying, “and he shall attempt to change times and laws”. And from Paul in 2nd Thessalonians 2 of a coming one with all lying signs and wonders”. And yes this does include the calendar, the seasons, Hollidays, months and days and years. So much so in fact that approximately 1000 years has been incerted into the time calculation.

These have all been Pagenized to assist Satan and his minions in their final attempt to steal Gods green earth and the inhabitants from Him, after the thousand year reign.

This phase when the bottomless pit opens up is now. With lying signs like CERN, the Hedron Collider? Looking for the god particle? Blasphemy! The pit of Hell has been opened, and those from there are frantically trying userp creation with this, their final thrust. All Hell has broken loose and Gods final Judgment looms.

This all may be rather confusing, but we know who the author of lies is, the father of lies. With all lying signs including time stamps on currencies. Their has been incerted a ghost timeline of about 1000 years into the Roman, Byzantine and European timeline.

So to help us understand this we look at some of Danials last instructions where he was told “seal the prophecies of this book” for the time is not yet for those prophecies to commence, but then with John in The Book of The Revelation, it opened up with “seal not the prophecies of this book for the time is at hand” meaning it was happening as he was writing that book. Mystery Babylon had been done. Any other such rendition, or any other attempts by Satan will take on the same plan of obsconding with Gods Creation, but this time it won’t fit scripture to a T. They have had a thousand years to think about the ways they would’ve done things different. To try to ensure a more perfect plan, they’ve spread their agencies around the world. They’ve been more open with what they are doing, and even solicit permission by presenting terms and conditions. They also present rigged elections whereby you elect to give officials your power, permission and approval to represent you on your behalf when most of them have no intention of representing you because it’s the lobbyist and corporations that pay them the best. So they have permission too.


Daniel spoke forward of some events, John in revelation was living in them.

And again at the end of that book “seal not the prophecies of this book for the time is now”.

As seen from our quote from Isaiah of “The acceptable year of our Lord’ is also attached the saying “and the day of vengeance of our God”. There are many that don’t connect the two as being the same time frame as the Only Begottens visitation, but we need to look no further than John the Baptists introduction to this time of Christs rule and reign to include the vengeance of God. John said in Matthew 3.10 and Luke 3.9

 “And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.”

This shows us that the judgment and the vengeance if God was to commence in that same time frame and why the people of that day responded with Godly fear as seen here.

10 So the people asked him, saying, “What then shall we do then?”

So not only was the acceptable year of our Lord commensed as evidenced by Christ saying “The Kingdom of God is at hand”, but also the judgement, not only of that Israel and that Jerusalem, but every other tree that note not good fruit. This being the judgment of the nation’s. And because the disciples were sent to the ends of the earth preaching the gospel, you can understand that the Almighty God followed up on their work, to repay each one according to their works.


The reason why our dates refer to a period 2 thousand years later is because Satan has been loosed one last time to decieve the nation’s.. Meaning the truth gets FULLY covered up.

There is pretty good evidence that the Byzantine era did not exist, and that figures like Charmaine and king Arthur are total fabrications. That they are fairy tales, of tales of fallen fairies. Thats as far as we’ll go down that rabbit trail. It is hard to reassemble an accurate time frame now, but even the supposed Dark Ages and the various plagues have little credence other than to offer causes for an expanded time frame. This has to make you wonder, what were were those monks doing holed up in their towers in Rome? And what about the book burnings throughout Europe?

When you think about it, even our current history books don’t synchronize with the older ones. All one has to do is look at the older world almanac death and life figures for the two world wars to know that what is taught today are lies. And we’ll also mention the current sensorship being foisted upon us by the tech giants. As Nicodemus inquired of Christ “what us truth?” It is easier today to answer, what are lies. About everything from what is called the news and the media. This is the two forked tongue of Satan with the flood of lies carrying about the sea of humanity being swooshed back and forth. All this entertainment is for your detainment from the truth that is in Christ Jesus, meaning Gods Only Begotten. He is the way the truth and the life.

Here is what He has to say to us about the media, or better yet mediums of our day from Isaiah 8,

19 And when they say to you, “Seek those who are mediums and wizards, who whisper and mutter,” should not a people seek their God? Should they seek the dead on behalf of the living? 20 To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there[o] is no light in them.

21 They will pass through it hard-pressed and hungry; and it shall happen, when they are hungry, that they will be enraged and curse [p]their king and their God, and look upward. 22 Then they will look to the earth, and see trouble and darkness, gloom of anguish; and they will be driven into darkness.”

Doesn’t this sound like today?

The Gregorian calendar with all its Pagen name replacements was done so as to discredit the Son of God’s word that “the time is at hand” and the thousand year reign commenced then. Unless you believe in two coming appearance’s and two savings by Christ.

Here is what 2 Peter 3.10 anticipates is the coming with a fervent heat to remove all the elements of Gods 6  days of creating. That coming hasn’t happened yet and the only prelude till that event is compounding deceptions and the last attempt by Satan to steal creation and thwart the fullness of the Elect, something that’s not gonna happen. Even as Paul said “evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, decieving and being decieved.”

So you need to be careful what you consider to be true. Even as Christ told the Samaritan lady, to worship the Father in Spirit and Truth, showing us that truth resides in the Godhead in the personage of His Holy Spirit. Even as Christ testified “however the Spirit of truth will guide you in all things”. And again “we have an unction from the Holy One and we know all things”, because true knowledge comes from our invisible Father. After all the god of this age is the father of lies. He has been given this one last opportunity to decieve the nation’s.

But we the redeemed have no part in that. We are seated far above all principalities and powers” with full disclosure of the happenings in Earth, awaiting for our time when this time is over and “The Lord comes to be glorified in His Saints”. Meaning that We are part of His procession and fulfill the promise that,  And he who overcomes (all the lies), and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations— Revelation 2.26

And “To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. — Revelation 3.21


So the deception in our day takes on some similarities of a fulfillment of that judgement in the Revelation. But Satan and his minions have had about a thousand years to perfect their deception. And one thing they did is to not be collected in one place called Mystery Babylon. They have their hyarchy well distributed and hidden throughout the populations.

Also, the events don’t need to be played out in the same order. Because the time was at hand then, we can understand by what they did, they will do again but in their estimation with better results. But mark these words; God will not let His creation serve another, and creation will only Glorify our Father. Satan is only doing what he is allocated to do as spelled out in John 16; The Ruler of this world has been judged”.

Think of it like this. The venomous powers that be may come to that moment they have been salivating for, of realizing their glory by fulfilling their plan. But then poof! It disappears. Kind of like as oasis for a man in the desert parched and near his death who sees an oasis and hears the waters running than poof! It was an illusion. This is the trap. This is the burning sensation of missed opportunities and being subject to the fervent heat at their highest point of being parched.

For yet a short while, The Kingdom of God is at hand. But like as in the days of Noah. Everyone was eating, drinking, marrying and buying, all the way up till the Arc door was shut. With that the gospel expires. Don’t wait for more proof. That is a faithless mindset that is enmity against Christ who said “The Kingdom of God is at hand”, who also said that “the Kingdom cometh not with (carnal) observation, for they will say; look here and look there, but the Kingdom of God is within you!”




*Inner Sanctimonium, The Holy Spirit

Posted on September 4, 2021 by ADMIN

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For us who are awake, the call went out to “Come out of her My people and be ye separate, then I shall receive you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters” says the Father. 2 Corinthians 6.16

The whole Old Testament along with the gospel parables and the various epistles were all about us being “in Christ “. But you must put off the things of this age to activate the other. That’s why we say, The Kingdom of God is at hand.

From crossing the river symbolizing baptism, to be washed from your old Adamic nature, was to bring you into the promised land, or land of promises, the place in the Spirit where the promises are introduced. This is our place of growing in understanding. Then to move forward through the various obstacles and trials of our faith, to activate the promises one by one, for the purpose of bringing us into a greater maturity and reality of who we really are now as becoming the saints. We are the set apart and holy ones.

The New Will and Testament with all its instructions, tools and applications, are to expound on and simplify these very principles to make plain the realities of God that are unseen and completely unknowable with your carnal senses. It is Gods Holy Spirit who was left here for us, the other helper, comforter and teacher so that you are not left here as orphans, with the task to bring us on into perfection.

The Holy Spirit takes the pictures passed on to us from scripture, then makes them knowable for us, being “the things that have been freely given to us” in the spirit, as a result of the redemption of the cross.

Instead of the land called Israel on Earth, “All the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ”, for He is our Holy land of promise, for He is the Fathers Israel (Exodus 4.22).

Holy means the purity in the invisible spirit, the place our inheritance is fully realized and completely actualized and implimented. Our new inheritance is secured and put in play in this way only. But you have to take God at His word to be so. That is what faith means. Hebrews 11.1

Paul said “when I was a child, I thought like a child and spoke like a child, but now that I am an adult I have put away childhood things” speaking of all the law and the prophets, as well as the parables and Epistles unto and through the book of The Revelation which culminates with that Heavenly city to which we are the called to participate in even now saying “having been built upon the foundation of the Apostles and the Prophets with Christ the cornerstone.

This is why Paul called Heavenly Jerusalem our current Mother. Galatians 4.26

The old Testament recap.

God told Moses “Israel is My first born Son, meaning the only Begotten from the Father, but pictured on Earth as the Israelites in the wilderness. Just as they were in that Israel, we are “in Christ” of whom they pictured. 1 Corinthians 10

These are to mold our carnal understanding, to renew your mind, to make visible the invisible things of God.

All the narratives of the earthen journey through the  time of Joshua up until David going into Mt Zion and Jerusalem, these are all just visuals for mapping and directing you through your journey into the Spirit, to the fulfillment of all the promises from the Father, for those who are “in Christ”. To this you are called to the battle field of the mind. This is your Galgatha, which means skull, the place Christ battled with Satan. The battle in the wilderness which took the first Israelites 40 years to fail, was accomplished by the Only Begotten of the Father in 40 days to show us how to do it.

Even as Yeshuah told the the Samaritan lady “for the time that is coming is already here for you NOT to worship the Father in Samaria or Jerusalem on Earth, but in Spirit and truth”, showing us where the fulfillment of Gods things are, and that they srr always eminent, meaning within grasp and “at hand”. That’s why we preach “The Kingdom of God is at hand”. So there are no valid excuses to keep you out, other than a lack of faith and persistence, “because the Kingdom is preached and all are entering”.

The pictures in scripture are only meant for the regenerated the spirit and thinking of the mind, being the place where our journey takes place.

That is where our conversion, our journey unto completion takes place. Even as we see with David, after collecting all the artifacts, then taking them up into Jerusalem to assemble them there. This is the objective of the faith, to re-assemble all of the Fathers assets in the spirit of your mind, your Heavenly Jeru-shalome.

It was David who after bringing all the articles of faith up into Jerusalem and putting them in their place, then he danced unabashedly publicly in the town square, naked whirling around as if to flaunt this moment as being chief and supreme and of primary importance to the gospel. Why? Because his testimony, like the book of The Revelation, is the assembly and culmination of all of scripture. Being the collection of every tool and promise, product and provision given to us for us to acknowledge and put in play unto completion our full citezineship of what our Fathers Jerusalem has.

Adam and Eve lost their way by clothing themselves with the fig leaf. David demonstrated his victory over his Adamic nature by becoming naked again having no leaf, physical covering or carnal surrogate of any sort. That’s what it means to be fully “in Christ” and fully divested from the god of this age and all his counterfeits.

We who are in Christ have no exterior proof for you to admire, but in scripture is where this is all spelled out for our understanding. In this way we have the gift of godliness, the image of God Himself in ourselves, being the fulfillment of  His will in us in the here and now. Ephesians 3.14

We can learn from the book of The Revelation, that the purpose and the culmination of all revelation old and new, is this, Heavenly Jerusalem. Our association in the book of Revelation is NOT in the judgements, mornings and woes. Those only lead us up to acknowledging our new citezineship in the Heavenly Kingdom.

The judgments are to befuddle, distract and amuse those who go to scripture with the wrong intentions, being end times prophecies. Meaning forward speaking of things that are not appearant yet. But Christ says “behold, I stand here knocking. Let Me in and I will feed you, speaking of the Kingdom of God at hand.

The purpose of scripture is for your transfiguration, which is your new body. The judgements are the snares and traps to occupy and amuse those who deny the saving of the cross and the new body it provides for your new citezineship in the Kingdom of God at hand, while they are stagnant and waiting for the next savior. Let that sink in. What an insult for the savior at the cross. He was stricken for us and by His stripes we are healed. Don’t walk away from this one, for you must give account for reading it.

Think about this, 2 Peter 3.10+ tells us of the final event where the heavens and the earth, together with all human endeavors will be burned for righteousness to be without impurities. That the only thing there for you to claim and own from then on is what you’ve aquired and stored up while you were here exposed to the truth in the gospel. Have you thought about that?

If you haven’t learned how to put on your new body here while you are in your old body, with what body will we know you by after your old man designed for, and made up from the earth only, has been consumed by the fire with the earth and the works associated with it?

If you could learn like David to jump clean over the events played out on earth, you would dance and whirl like David who was just playing a game of charades. Sounds like and looks like but not really like because Heavenly Jerusalem will never be seen or understood by those looking for Gods kingdom to come with carnal observation to satisfy your disposable flesh. You need to quit pandering to that thing. “Flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom. (1 Corinthians 25). You see the transition is yours not His. What are you wanting for?

As we are instructed, henceforth (meaning from now on) know we no man according to the flesh. We once knew Christ according to the flesh, but from here on out we don’t acknowledge Him like that anymore. If anyone is in Christ, the old person has past away and all things have been made new. For those who’ve grown to understand this? This is a forgone conclusion.

If this were not so, why would Paul pray for the eyes of your understanding to be open? Because your carnal eyes, ears, nose and mouth will never experience what we are talking about. You must learn to put them off now and put on the new in it’s stead as Colossians 3 and elsewhere instructs us. Then these words can be true for you;

21 Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, [a]John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, (from His eternal abode to your re-spirited mind of faith) prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them (including all His eternal components like Heavenly Jeru-shalome), and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” (echoing 2 Corinthians 5.18+)

Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said [b]to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.” (reliable and irrefutable).

And He said to me, “It[c] is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. 7  those who overcome [d]shall inherit all things, and I will be their God and they shall be My people.

But the cowardly, [e]unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

What Gods Jerusalem is, is not from earth. She has no epidermis, make up or compositions of things from earth. Her things are described as being “like Jasper, like Sardis, like diamond and gold, but eternally superior because she never erodes or decays but remains in Her Eternal splendor as the Bride and Mother of those born according to the spirit”.

Her design, composition and fabrication are not of this world, even as Yashua before the cross said “if My kingdom were from here (meaning earth) I could send legions of angels to fight but My Kingdom is not from here” So He has no long lasting purpose for earth other than the harvest.

The Fathers long lasting purpose is Hevenly Jerusalem come down from Heaven, being the place of worship told to the Samaritan lady at the well. This is where we are all suppose to arrive to now through the tools provided as spelled out through scripture.

Just as David whirled about naked and exposed to spotlight that event, so do we.

Christ said at the beginning of the Revelation, that to those who overcome I will give them the keys of David. This is the key of David, to be naked and exposed, seamingly unprotected. This is what Adam and Eve discarded for their fig leaves.

We bare ourselves wide open and join with Paul who said “we plead with you by the mercies of God Be Ye Reconciled to the Father. He is the full collection and package of all His things including you if you have ears to hear of your new nature.

If you understood what that means then you can understand that Heavenly Jerusalem is “The Kingdom Prepared from before the foundations of the world”

12 “And behold, I am coming quickly (immediately and consecutively), and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to their work. (Each one in their own age) 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the [f]Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.” This one who is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13.8)

14 Blessed are those who [g]do His commandments, (which are to believe in the one who was sent) that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates and into the city. 15 [h]But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and lives a lie.

16 “I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.”

17 And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.”

This is the timelessness and ubiquitous message throughout time till the end of creation. This is the collection and culmination of all the words of God given for us to be un-movably grounded in Spirit and Truth. She is the city of the one true God.

The Application of this scripture lesson is this. If no one can come into Heavenly Jerusalem who lives and loves a lie, that your passport and entry visa is the truth. As long as you abide in the truth, the truth abides in you and nothing unclean can come in you. Do you get this? This is your vaccine from God.

If nothing unclean can enter His spiritual Jerusalem and Mother of us all (Gal 4.26), and you are in Her as scripture beacons us, neither shall any unclean or desease enter us because it has to go through Her first, and scripture says that can’t happen. She won’t allow it.

This is your sanctification. This is your protective wall and your fortress. Are you “in Christ”? Then you are in the land all the promises have their fruition in. Can you recieve this? Then be greatfull  and be in peace.

And quoting from John 3. That being born again we can see Heavenly Jerusalem, and we being born from above can enter Her too. Then we can own the same words as Christ “13 No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man (and us) who are in heaven.“ And,, Heaven is in us. Amen!

In this way the Kingdom of God is irrevocably at hand, at least for now.
