March 2018

Discerning Good and Evil

Posted on March 31, 2018 by ADMIN

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Good and evil.
It was said to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, that “in the day you eat of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil you shall die”. It was only after man had eaten from the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil that God said because of this “now man has become like one of us to know good and evil”. And that happened as a result of when Adam disobeyed, that “man has become like one of us”.God anticipate this as part of His plan.
God who in the beginning said “let us make man in our image and likeness”. Until man started processing Good and Evil. Adam would not become like God without exersizing good and evil. He would remain in a catatonic state of good. Even as it is written in Hebrews of those who have excersized their senses to choose between good and evil.
So then it was part of God’s plan for man to eat the forbidden fruit, to use his own personal God given sovereignty to excesize his senses , for God is sovereign. We are like Him in this way. Without choosing there is no real sovereignty.   
So you see until the discerning qualities were put in place in man’s thinking, man was not correctly reflecting and imaging God. And because Adam and Eve only knew good until that day, they had to realize evil as well to qualify as excersizing their sovereignty to becoming like God. This is called “The days of Adam. We however experience the good, from the word of God, and participate in the day of Christ, if we experience His thinking of what is good.
We previously having experienced only evil, experiencing evil because of our adamic nature, until we experience the good of God through the gospel, we have not reached the point of becoming as God knowing Good and Evil. Because true good is using the tools of God called word.
It was the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil that brought Adam and Eve death. There is an anti-type, and a parable in reverse, about the tree that brings us life. The finite teaches of the infinite in reverse roles. Even as the book of Hebrews to find those who have exercised their senses to discern Good and Evil. Hebrews says that these are those who have gone on to perfection.
So then what became death to Adam, becomes life for us. To make the point that until we realized both good and evil we cannot appropriately participate in becoming Godly without understanding both. After all, isn’t this the call? “Know yet not yet shall judge angels?” How else can you do this?
  And so we go to scripture to understand the good, and the irony of this is that scripture itself sharpens both the senses of Good and Evil. However we have a choice. We can retain our default thinking passed on to us by our adamic forefathers, or we can be renewed to see things as good and not evil by seeing things through the eyes of God, through his opinions and definitions passed on to us through scripture. Even as it says of the law, that which was good was working death in me. But the laws replacement being Christ works for us life. And in this way the scriptures are a tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. The choices were never taken away. That is why the promise was given in John’s Revelation. To those who overcome? They shall eat of the tree in the midst of the garden of God.  Can you taste this?
So as we continue our sojourning here on the Earth filled with fear, we allow the rescripting of God’s word for us to see things from his perspective. The one who sent his son into the world not to condemn the world but to save it has done its saving inside of us, however there are those that do not believe like Adam did not believe and they believe in another savior and this one has yet to come. That’s a saving of a different sort.
So in the beginning and on the sixth day after the Lord had reviewed all that he had done, taken to mind like a big chess board all the variables and all the damages and foibles that mankind could hurl at his creation he said that it was good very good. That God would not be caught off guard or surprised by any one of fallen angels or man’s schemes. That for us to the redeemed, as seen by the curse of thorns referring to the curse of the earth given to Adam. Being nailed to the cross to bring things back to the beginning of when God said it was good very good. So we need to see things this way. As very good. And for that to be true that means that even evil has its workings for the good of God. To which the gospel agrees that having made all powers and principalities subject to him as Peter says or from Paul having taken all the hand-written of ordinances that were contrary to us and nailing the powers and principalities to the cross, we can see that in God’s eyes things are and always were good very good for his undeniable purposes.
But there are those who think earth is bad, very bad. That man is bad, very bad. That our physical vessel is bad, very bad, thst think satan is in control. That maybe God is in heaven, wringing His hands waiting for a day He can get His creation back. That in the beginning when He said it was all good, then later He was caught off guard and had to abandon His plan? That maybe creatures deviated their God given purpose? Oh contrare. Just as we demonstrated to you that it was the will of God that man ate of the forbidden fruit. Nothing happens against His for-ordination. Even as He said of Pharoh “for this reason I have raised you up to display My wrath”. And even as Christ said upon his conviction, “you could do nothing unless the power was given to you to do it”. God has made no compromise with evil. God has everything work according to the counsels of His will and need not your help.
Your duty now is your rescripting to see everything as God sees. To agree with God and His creation. I repeat His creation and not Satan’s. Satan is the choice. A true choice has to be the opposite, and when we don’t choose God, we don’t get the second best but the opposite.
It is Adam and Eve who first turned from God and awoken fear that dispelled faith and trust in God thereby empowering another. But even as God separated the darkness from light, God has also employed darkness for His purposes. So that we the elect can clearly see through these contrasts who God is, and that through this realization we arise in the spirit of our minds to these truths. To reassemble them in ourselves and claim our heritage in Spirit and truth. It is Creation itself that can accommodate the elect, the wicked and those who sleep awaiting their awaking so they too can choose. So that they can exercise their senses to discern good and evil. And in doing so choose the good associated with God.
You see in the beginning when God created the expanses of sea, earth, and the heavens, he created other expanses called souls. And just as the waves the winds and the stars retain their course, so too these souls are held reserved for the judgement of God. To be awarded according to each ones work”.
But there are those here on earth that “have passed the judgement into life already. We have received our reward. We have excersized our senses and choose the good. And on choosing our mission is complete.
And for those who have chosen to be ruled by fear? They have lost their own sovereignty and resurecte their own foes. By glorifying another and fearing other powers,  they have been taken captive by Satan to do his bidding. Which is? To fear Him. The whole end times conspiracy is just that. They think satan is in control outside of Gods ordination. But give God the credit. Give God the Glory. Fear is a form of homage like bowing down. Satan takes on the face of opposition as the contrast given to those who deny God in this way. But we walk in the light as God is in the light and have no association with the wicked works of darkness


Part 1 The Bride, Christ’s comforter/ helper, mother of His children.

Posted on March 25, 2018 by ADMIN

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Part 1 The Parakleet. Christ’s comforter/ helper, mother of His children.

We know Them who said “let Us make man in Our image and Our likeness” showing us that God is plural, saying Us and Our. Then They, the plurality of God, proceeded to make us male and female. They did that because They wanted us to know Them that way, male and female. That is why we have these similarities. That is why the mandate went out for the two to become one and there is no reproduction of a species without this. This is what “wed” or “wedding” means. To put the halves together to make a whole. Then there can be an offspring or a multiplying. 

We draw upon this truth, and  we can call God “They” and “Them” just like They referred to themselves as “Us”. Let Us make mankind in our image, a likeness thereof.  We call them Adam and Eve, and “they” and  “them” too because man projects God through these two components. This is what Marriage ceremonies portray, “the two become one”. This is what and why we are called to the Wedding Feast in Matthew 22.

And Jesus answered and spoke to them again by parables (of similarities) and said: 2 “The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who arranged a marriage for his son, 3 and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding; and they were not willing to come. 4 Again, he sent out other servants, saying, ‘Tell those who are invited, “See, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and fattened cattle are killed, and all things are (already) ready. Come to the wedding.

So you can see that God has all the male and female attributes inside Himself for self replication. They originated from Him. God has the original that a bride and groom were pattered after. Creation reflects this in a man and women who are wed saying “for this reason a man shall leave father and mother and cleave to His Bride. They become husband and wife.

Here are some words we need to know from the Greek to understand the Bride of Christ and Mother of those born again of a Heavenly sort. These are the basics of being “born again”. And more precisely “borne from above”. John 3.

In the book of John, Christ said that He would not leave us orphans, that He would send a replacement of Him. Like Him but not Him being a co-equal in and of the Godhead.

Another comforter and helper” like Adam had a comforter and helper. Someone like Christ but not Him. She has to be in all respects complimentary to Him, being “bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh” of glorious Spirit and Truth. Unless you think there are 3 men ruling from Heaven, then God would only be male and His statement that Adam and Eve were a similitude of Him would be false but they are not. Like ALL of scripture, Adam and Eve portray invisible realities and Heavenly attributes in God. As it says in scripture “eye has  not seen, nor heart the things that God has for you. But God has revealed them to us by His Spirit. Yes, even the deep things of God.

Christs other helper like Adam had Eve, like Him but not Him. Meaning bone of His bone and Flesh of His flesh, in composition and design similar to Him of non-matter before creation “spirit and truth”. That He would send this “comforter”, whom “the world can neither see or know, but you will know for she will be with you and in you”. Some of us call Her “The Unction of God”. 1 John 2.20

Here we have the hierarchy of the family of God and the parents of those who are “in Christ” and born of Them.

If we look at the Son of God and His Bride in the Greek, it takes on a clear meaning. The English translators committed a huge blunder.

This is the first part in a series that deal with these obscurities in the English translations from the Greek and Hebrew scriptures. And we will use scripture to back this up.

Here is the Bride of Christ, “Heavenly Jeru-shalom, the Mother of us all” (Galatians 4.26) of those who are in the faith.

Para-klete is the Greek word we get “comforter” from. “Para” means over arching, like a parachute. A sort of covering. We see this in the times of Moses as the cloud by day and the fire by night that covered and protected them.

We see Her again when the feminine in Christ said “oh Jerus-halom, (meaning city of peace) how I would’ve gathered you as a Mother hen gathers Her chicks, but you are not willing!” The question is, are you? He said He wouldn’t leave us orphans (which means parent-less), that He would send another like Him but not Him. That the helper would come and show you all things that pertains to God, who “will come and take what is mine and declare it to you”. The question is are you ready for this declaration?


The Greek word “Klete” comes from “klesia” which is plural and means “the called out ones” . Klete is singular and the covering is over the klesia. The Holy Spirit is also referred to as the Para-klesia, so this should be fairly obvious. Klesia and Klete have the same origins in the Greek. And para means stretched over like a para-chute. Think of the cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night they had with Moses.

Klesia means the called. Ek means out. Ek-klesia means “the called out ones”. This is what the translators call “church” which today is commonly thought of as buildings of men’s devising. We are warned not to associate God with human devising’s. Exodus 20.25. And in truth, the term church is etymologically related to circle, circus and sorcery.

But it is the Holy Spirit who is the other Parent so that you are not left orphans, She is our Mother and Comforter, another Parent, called the Para-klete over Her brood of children and the Elect, of those who are “the called” who are “in Christ” of those in the world but not of the world.

This comforter/helper comes from the Greek word “parakleetos” which is from the word “parakleesis” meaning comfort, consolation and exhortation. The “parakleetos’ is the one that brings comfort, consolation, and exhortation. It is the actions of the parakleetos that brings comfort to the “ekleesia” meaning the “called out ones”‘

We have the giver, the gift and the receiver of the gift. We have the Motherer of the Ek-klesia/church/the called out ones.

We know even in English that “para” means over. Like parachute, paratroop, and so on. So also with the Greek. But who is the “parakleetos” over? The Kleesia. And who are they? Well “kleesia” means the called, the invited, the saints, and is where the word “Ekkleesia” comes from. This is the word  translated into “church”. So the “Para” is over the church, meaning not the building or earthly hierarchy but the heavenly called ones. Those who hear the voice from heaven. Not in a building but “where two or more are gathered together in His name”, underneath Her.
Like the old testament picture when the Tabernacle of meeting with the Holy of Holies was set up, with the priests and all the articles assembled on feast days,
the cloud that over shadowed them was the Holy Spirit, as described in Exodus 40. 34 Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. 36 And when the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle, the children of Israel went onward in all their journeys: 37 but if the cloud were not taken up, then they journeyed not till the day that it was taken up. 38 For the cloud of the Lord was upon the tabernacle by day, and fire was on it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout all their journeys”. This is a picture of a work and function of God’s Holy Spirit. Like baby chicks under Her brood.
It is here that you have to remember that what God taught them in picture form, He teaches us through words called scripture.
As understood in Gods city in the old testament, “for His name is on Her”, He has Her covered, they are wed, they are one.
The para is over those gathered to the eternal truths found “in Christ” for the “called out” are the called “in Christ” Like one of the plural in the man Jesus said, “Oh how I would’ve gathered you as a (mother) Hen gathers Her chicks, but you were not willing.  It wasn’t so much that Yeshua/Jesus was saying that, but His counterpart the Holy Spirit inside of Him spoke out. The two are one.
She is “in Christ” as we are “in Christ” and we are under Her care, comfort and tutelage. She is the other comforter the helper, help mate, wife and Bride, “the Mother of us all”, meaning all who are “in Christ”.
When the body of Christ comes together, meaning us the living stones gathered a habitation of God in the Spirit, that may have the prophets apostles evangelists and teachers, meaning the ekklisia, this is when we practice these truths collectively. This can be as simple as “where two or more are gathered in My name”.
Just as earthly Jerusalem was a comforter, teacher, tutor and mother by mirroring the eternal, to bring us to Christ so also is our gathering to these truths for She is “Spirit and Truth”. Your local meaning places are temporary having the same purpose as Jerusalem on Earth did, to bring all into the full stature of the son of God, but when what is mature has come that which is in part will be done away with. When faith has come, you put away the visual instruments of faith, they Expire.
Paul said it like this. “When I was a child, I thought like a child and spoke like a child. When I became a man, or an adult, I put away childhood things”. It is all the law and the prophets, with all the feast articles, places, times and procedures, that become irrelevant if you can make the transition. For this reason the Israelites were called “children” over a thousand times with Moses, even those 80 years of age, because they could not make this connection.
Here is the break down from Strong’s Greek concordance for your verification
#3874 = parakleesis, meaning helper and comforter,the other parent.
#3870= para, over
#2821= kleesis, and means an invitation, and the invited are the called, from 2564
#2564= kaleo, meaning to call
#1577 ekklesia , are the called, from #2564 . This is where the translated chose to use the word “church”. A better translation is “general assembly” or “congregation” as understood from Hebrews 12.22+.
In English the helper/comforter/other parent like Christ but not Christ, is over the Assembly. Christ is over Her. She is hidden
in Christ as are we. The church is not the bride of Christ, the Holy Spirit is for She is the covering over the brood. There is nothing on earth or time and matter that is of the right design and composition to qualify being the Bride of Christ but Her, of being “bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh” of glorious “Spirit and Truth” (John 4-). It is not 3 men in heaven who create and govern all things. It is clear “in the beginning God created man, or humanity in His image and likeness, in His image made He them make and female. The female is of equal value and importance as the male. She has contributions the male does not. Her attributes are eternal. The collection of Her attributes were with God from the beginning of time as “The Kingdom created from (before) the foundations of the world”. She is as eternal as the male counterpart. You cannot have one without the other.
So we have the caller calling an invitation,calling to a people to be gathered to the place of the calling under the Holy Spirit, the Parakleet. This is the family structure of the spirit. This is partially spelled out in 1 Corinthians 11 in the topic of “coverings”. We will discuss this topic more later.
As all born from the flesh from Adam and Eve die. The replacement for Adam and Eve is Christ and His comforter, helper, Holy Spirit, the parents of the new creation. And we are this kind if indeed His spirit dwells in us.
You are counted “in Adam” unless you are born again, then you are “in Christ” a new creation. You have a new set of parents.
And again from Galatians 4.26 “the Jerusalem above is free, which is the mother of us all” And She is the city/bride/wife of Christ/comforter/another helper/Holy Spirit the two come together under the New Covenant to be one for the propagation of the species for the procreation of the new creation of those born of Word/ Jesus and Spirit/ helper.
John 3.29 says “He who has the Bride (the helper, another comforter, parent so we are not orphans) is the Bridegroom”. (past tense) If They were not united, or wed, there would be no offspring and we would still be dead in our sins, but now they are and so are we. If you are of this kind. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the Children of God. As many as are not led by Her are not born of Her and Him. They are not His. For the world cannot know Her or see Her. God’s things are spiritually discerned. And this birth too is not a time dimensional truth started with Pentecost, For even Isaac was born of the Spirit. way before the time of Jesus. (Gal 4.29). Pentecost just showed in the physical the eternal realities like the man Jesus did. As we always say, scripture is to make visible the invisble things of God. Any other uses divide the fold of God.
The Bridegroom Has the Bride, The King is in the City on the throne even now! Like He was before He came in the flesh to show us the way. Hebrews 13.8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever. He never was not King. He was born King in the man Jesus the ever lasting Father and king of Kings but not of “earthly” Jerusalem. That also was for demonstrative purposes only. For His kingdom is not of this world, and not of this age of the 6 days of creating.
The Bride is Heavenly Jerusalem come down from Heaven of the Father to us as we , the called, are assembled together in our upper room, being the one on our shoulders, of the spirit of our mind, anywhere 2 or more are gathered in His Name.
She is as eternal as Her King, in the kingdom “finished from the foundations of the world”. He always has been as with Her also.
This is the Kingdom of God which is always at Hand!


The Bride part 2 The Wedding

Posted on March 24, 2018 by ADMIN

  1. The Revelation of The Bride of Christ Part 1 Ekeinos
  2. Heavenly Jerusalem
  3. The Bride Pt 4. The Body of Christ
  4. The Bride Pt 3 Parakleetos
  5. The Bride part 2 The Wedding
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We know Them who said “let Us make man in Our image and Our likeness”. Then They, the plurality of God, proceeded to make man, and split him in half, male and female. They wanted us to know Them that way, male and female. So They created Adam and Eve.

It wasn’t so much that they were split, but they were turned inside out for our understanding. This is why it was said they were naked. They were exposed. They were splayed open for us to see. Because of this we can know some things about the Godhead, in the images of male and female, because Adam and Eve portray some things that are otherwise hidden from us. Even as Adam did not know Eve when she was inside of him. So God revealed her to him through the sleep. So too the Bride of Christ is hidden from carnal perceptions, but made known to the Elect through scripture.

To us who understand? We are now awakened to these Eternal realities. We have put the two halves back together to experience the greater realities of God kept secret from the foundations of the world. This is “that which is from the beginning”. We call The the Bride and The Bridegroom from scripture. This is the wedding invitation of the Lamb and his bride.

Now let’s look at Her as the Mother.

In the book of John, Christ said that He would not leave us orphans, meaning parent-less. That He would send “another helper”. Like Adam had a helper, Christ has a helper. His counterpart and other parent is female. She is “bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh, in composition and design. Similar to Christ of pre-matter existence, of the before creation elements of spirit and truth as being “the same yesterday, today and forever”. They have equal share of the attributes of God. They are the original Male and Female that Adam and Eve dimly depicted when they were turned inside out. But She will not be exposed in the same way as Eve. Because Her composition predates creation, and she cannot be carnally known with the physical senses, She can only be made known by revelation.

The original pieces of God were seen working together for creation as described in these scriptures. “In the beginning was the word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” “and “Then God said, let there be light. And the spirit of God brooded over the face of the deep.” She now broods over the face of the deep and darkened soul awaiting their arrival to these eternal, unchangeable realities. This truth  precede and supersedes all of the creation that is common to the senses of carnal man. And because God is not carnal, Eve had to be extracted from Adam for him to “know her” and for us to be known too. Scripture says “Adam knew Eve and bore a son”. We similarly are born again by knowing God in this way

When God spoke, the pre-spoken Word came forth from the proverbial mouth of God, coupled along with His breath called the Holy Spirit. This was the first split Adam and Eve portrayed. Like when we speak word and breath comes out also. These are the male and female components of God.

We are like God in this way. Which is why we “shall be judged by every word we utter”. Our words are more of who we are than the clothes we put on and our titles we work for. Our words reflect something of our invisible part we call the heart. God’s Son was birthed from the beginning in this way. This is why “He is the Firstborn over all creation”.

The Greek word for spirit and breath is “pneuma”. It is the same word. This is what qualifies the masculine of God  called Word, to be wed with the feminen of God called the Holy Spirit. And because God was male and female before creation, Christ must contain the female as well to be the fullness of the Godhead body. For this same reason any true born again, begotten of the Father must have both parents as well for the scripture to be true in us to affirm that “We are complete in Him” and “of His fullness we have received” equal parts of Spirit and Word. In this way we partake of the thoughts of God, and the things that are His from before creation of things “from the beginning”.

For Christ to be called “the only begotten of the Father” and be the correct image of the Father, He had to contain male and female in order to be able to reproduce. Because man alone without his insides re-attached serves only half the image of God. This is why we are invited to “The Wedding Feast”of Gods Son saying “The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son. Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are now ready: come unto the marriage. But they made light of it, and went their ways”. What about you? Are you taking this lightly, or are you ready? Then read on.

In the beginning God split His image called Adam in two by removing a rib called eve. Notice that God didn’t make her from the dirt like He did with Adam.

For This reason the two shall become one to mend that tear.  Adam was half the man of Christ. Christ was the one to mend that tear by combining the halves of male and female to qualify as the full, mended image of God.

That is why Christ is the only begotten (from the mouth of God) and true representation of God. In Christ both halves male and female are restored to each other to remain forever. John 1.33

The Spirit and the Word are the only ones that came from God, being made up of His invisible elements of spirit and truth. They being joined together equally are God. They are the ones that said “let us make man in our image, male and female. They together are both co-creators that pre-exist all created things being products of the mind of the Father.

It was not so much the adom was split or the man Adam that was split to implement creation, but the word and spirit.  Word defines the solids, the spirit fills expanses. And it is as they are married, and united together in us, that starts our new association, being born again of this the New creation.  Which is not really new in the sense of having never been before.  But new, in that it never gets old. It remains in its newness of eternal glory. This too is a contrast for our learning, like light and dark. It is the created things that present the contrasts that started with the distinction of light and dark that were given to sharpen our understanding. But “God is light and in Him is no darkness at all”. And “we walk in the light as He is in the light” and we see Them as They are. This is how we become like Them now and not at some mysterious 2nd coming.

You transfigure and transform by staring at This. 18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transfigured into the self same image from the glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord” in the here and now.

It is those of us being born by the Word and by the Spirit of God that are “a kind of first-fruits of his creation” now, being born of Them by “the incorruptible word of God that goes on forever”. The Word carries with it Gods genetic, predisposition that we put on and become.

Are we not taught to “put on Christ”? Because “in Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead body (Which includes Her), and you are complete in Him” if you have received Them, male and female, in their natural pre-carnate reality.

If you have not received God  in His likeness male and female. Then you have not received His fullness, but only half.  There are still some things you don’t understand. Do not despair though. She is still brooding.

We then are His children and  the elect of God being remade in His image by adopting His Word and His Spirit. We are perfected and completed in this way “We are a new creation in Christ”. (2nd Corinthians 5:17)

Christ said “He who keeps My word and My words abide in you, then Me and the Father will come to you and make our home in you” and so They do.

We then are the Elect having both halves reunited in ourselves, having received this deal, His word and His Spirit. Both parents are with us. From them we are born again.

This is how we participated in the Marriage Feast of the Lamb and His Bride. We receive both halves and are like them. Our parents are in us, male and female,  Word and Spirit. that is why scripture says, that which is in us is greater than that which is in the world, and so they are. Christ said He would not leave us orphans? That He would leave us another Comforter and His Helper And He did, so we have both parents.

We believe the witness of the last prophet, John the Baptist, and agree that “the Holy Spirit descended like a dove from Heaven”, to unite with Christ and to abide with Him forever. Only forever beings can do this. This union is the wedding of Christ and His Bride.

This is to happen in each one of us. We receive them as They are and become like them. In this way “we are complete in Him who is the head of all powers and principalities”. Yes that “of His fullness we have received”.

We share John’s testimony that said “29 He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice. Therefore this joy of mine is fulfilled. 30 they (male and female) who come from above are above all; he who is of the earth is earthly and speaks of the earth. He who comes from heaven is above all. 32 And what He has seen and heard, that He testifies; and no (carnal) one receives His testimony. (Because it is Heavenly and not carnal) 33 He who has received His testimony has certified that God is true.” (John 3.29+) Note here. They were not described as pre-married fiancé. This is the wedding feast we are called to participate in. The wedding is a foregone conclusion or we are all born out of wedlock.

So let us continue to adopt the truth about our Parents. Even as Paul said that “Heavenly Jerusalem is the Mother of us all”. We are “the all”. Heavenly Jerusalem is not a future reality but a concurring, meaning a continually re-occurring and  ubiquitous reality in spirit and truth. Such are we “for the Father seeketh such. John 4. 21-24

If you are waiting for a new Jerusalem to appear on planet earth, you are missing out on this spectacular event. You are not born from above. You are in limbo waiting for a transportation of a physical sort.

It is us that adopt the Holy Word and the Holy Spirit, that we are now called saints. A word that means “holy ones” and invisible ones. Even as the Lord commanded “be ye holy as I am holy”. There is no other way than to adopt Them, so They adopt us into the family of God. That is why we can say like Paul “now we are citezines, members and saints of the household of God.” The wait is over. It is not a carnal event to witness on planet earth. Even as the Spirit descended from Heaven onto christ, Heavenly Jerusalem descends on us the same way as John describes here “Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. (Revelation 21.10

It is as we adopt them that we are bone of their bone and flesh of their flesh, in composition and design similar to them being spirit and truth of sound doctrine and perfect understanding.

The Kingdom of God is at hand in this way. The Bride has made Herself ready as the Bride come down from God. The King is male, the Kingdom is female.  Christ’s Kingdom is not of this age. She is from before time whose home and our calling is in God.

This is “Heavenly Jerusalem our Mother” (Galatians 4.26. This is how “The Kingdom of God is at hand”.


The Bride Pt 3 Parakleetos

Posted on March 23, 2018 by ADMIN

  1. The Revelation of The Bride of Christ Part 1 Ekeinos
  2. Heavenly Jerusalem
  3. The Bride Pt 4. The Body of Christ
  4. The Bride Pt 3 Parakleetos
  5. The Bride part 2 The Wedding
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­Christ said in the Book of John that he would send His comforter and helper, the other parent so that you are not left an orphan, “whom the world can neither see or know” “but you will know, for She will be in you.

Why does the world not know Her? Because She is not of a construct of things familiar to the carnal senses of sight and sound but is in all ways similar to Christ in spirit and truth

So we must receive Them as not of the world, or They present false concepts of Themselves and become liars. Even as Christ said “I go away to the Father and you see me no more”. Like things of time and matter. This They are not. Christ said His Kingdom is not of this age, so His helper, other parent is not of this age either.

Space is not the final frontier, but the Spirit is. And you must be born again of the spirit to explore and retain the things that are Here.  This is why Christ said of the spirit, that the world cannot know it.

Those of the world can only know things that associate with the carnal senses. They interpretation scripture in a physical way and carnal the spirit is not. They are to be spiritually discerned.

When Christ said “The Kingdom of God is at hand, this is what He was talking about. This is why He could say “I am with you throughout the ages” because He is elementally superior. He is not bound by time and matter. Matter and time is bound by Him. “All things are held together by the power of His word. And “He is before all things, and by Him all things consist”.

In Him we have the hierarchy of the Godhead and the parents of those who are “in Christ” and born of those Parents. If we look at Them in the Greek text, we have a clearer understanding. The English translators committed a huge blunder here by interpreting some text about the Godhead as being purely masculine. Like the helper, the comforter and other parent called “the Holy Spirit. The English translators view of the Godhead as strictly masculine is in error for God made man male and female like Himself. Both halves are equally important.

The translaters view is totally in-congruent with the law of “kind begat after their own kind from male and female” defined from the beginning. Even with Noahs ark, only animals male and female were allowed in the ark. All others were marked as an abomination and washed away by the flood. How then can God not also have the female inside Him?

So for the Godhead to produce offspring, their must be a male and a female to accomplish this. Unless you believe there are 3 men ruling from Heaven. Then God would have made mankind in His image male and male, or some other abominable thing. But that doesn’t jive with the rest of creation which is manufactured and Governed by the Creator.

Creation serves the creator. The only thing satan rules is the rebelious and ignorant and fearful thinking. But even this is held in check by God like the seas and the stars. Satan has his dominion in the darkened mind of those who have abandoned their God given logic and fall head first to the place toward the place no bottom.

So the earth and all its works are held together now by the same word that created them for His glory, which is His work in us as we receive His glory. This is us who reflect His image and proof we are His. We are His offspring. There are no boogie men here in the light. All fear is gone. All enemies are put under foot.

The Bride of Christ, The comforter/helper comes from the Greek word “parakletos”.  Broken down, “Kletos” is one who calls us to come for comfort and consolation. That is what the Holy Spirit does. She provides teaching, exhortation and comfort to those who are called the “ekklisia” which means “those who are called” to which the translators use the misleading word “church” instead. Christ said “the Holy Spirit will come and teach you all things regarding Me. The Holy Spirit will take what is Mine and manifest it to you”. She breaks down the things of Christ into sound bites of word for our mental and spiritual consumption. As being the other helper, She supports Her head.

This is why we are instructed to “be renewed in the spirit of our mind” which is the place of Their inception. (Rom 12) And that word “renewed” in the Greek is “metamorphosis” and where the word “transfiguration” comes from.  That’s right! That is where our transfiguration takes place. In the spirit of our minds, in the here and now. This is our Galgatha, our deliberation in the skull.

It is the Parakleetos is the Holy  Spirit, Teacher and other Parent and Mother so that you are not orphans. In this way we fulfill the verse that says “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror (God’s Holy Writ) the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. This is what She does. She takes God’s Son called Word, and feeds these morsals to our mind for our transfiguration to be Word. The same image as the only begotten.

The Holy Spirit is the Bride of Christ and the Mother, comforter, nuturer and helper who helps raise us into their likeness, by the glory to the glory by Her efforts. 2 Corinthians 3.18

So let’s look at Their offspring.

“Ekklisia” from the Greek to English is translation into the word “church” and conveys false limitations.  Correctly rendered to English means “the called out ones”. These are souls filled with Gods spirit, of people assembled for God and not buildings. “Wherever 2 or more are gathered in My name, there am I” says the Lord. This is the correct image of church and not a physical building, because “now we are members of the household of God having been built upon the foundation of the apostles and the prophet Jesus Christ the Chief cornerstone. And we are living stones being built a habitation of God in the spirit. This building has no physical members structures or foundations.

Here is the breakdown of “the called” being the “ekklisia.

“Ek” means “out”, “klesia” means “the called” hence “the called out ones” is the correct translation, not church. It is a people,not a building.  It is us who hear this heavenly calling. We are called out of Adam to be “in Christ”. We trade the old for the new. This is “The New Creation” different than the old in both composition and design and humanly incomprehensibly greater.

We no longer need to associate with a sin nature but a righteous one. Which is why John said that those who know Christ? That they “are righteous even as He is righteous” because we are born again that way.  Or from Paul. Through one man’s sin, many are sinful. How much more through the one man Christ are many righteous” speaking of our New association and inheritance rendered effective at the cross. We put this on. We clothed in what He wears and in this way “even the angels behold the face of the Heavenly Father in each of these little ones.

“Para” means expanding over. Like in the English word “parachute”. And it is what the “Para-klete” does. Para-klete is the Greek word for comforter. She calls us to Herself and broods over us, the “ek-lesia” and “called out ones”. Her goal is our total saturation of the things of God to be godly. To be a God-like-ness. Not to replace God, or become God, but to participate in the Fullness of God.

It is the attention of the “Parakletos” given to the “eklisia” that forms the family of God. We are found “in Her” as we are found “in Christ” because She is “in Christ”. We who are hidden in Christ see the things that are hidden there, and we see Her.  Some are under Her but not accepting Her “in Christ” they miss out on this wedding feast in this way.

So we can understand the Holy Spirit is the “Parakletos” in a picture of a mother hen brooding over her chick. The chicks are “the ekklisia” those who are called . Which is why the Holy Spirit in Christ said “oh Jerusalem, how I would’ve gathered you as a hen gathers her chicks, but you were not willing”. She was “calling” but they were not listening to “the call”. They were not of “the called”. They refused Her voice. Having ears to hear and eyes to see, they heard and saw nothing. For it is with the heart one must see in here to understand the things of God. Can you hear “the call”? Are you “the called” of God? Would you like to join the Wedding Feast? The parable says “Come! All things are now ready” Matthew 22

For we know Them who said, let Us make man in Our image and in our Likeness,  male and female made He them. We know Them because They are our Parents. We are in Them and They are in us. We are the elect of God, his offspring.

The King and His Kingdom are at hand. Within our grasp. “And all are pressing in”.


The Bride Pt 4. The Body of Christ

Posted on March 22, 2018 by ADMIN

  1. The Revelation of The Bride of Christ Part 1 Ekeinos
  2. Heavenly Jerusalem
  3. The Bride Pt 4. The Body of Christ
  4. The Bride Pt 3 Parakleetos
  5. The Bride part 2 The Wedding
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When Christ said “on this rock I will build my church”, this is more appropriately translated “on this rock I will assemble those whom I call”. That is more clearly of what it means from the Greek.

He called us saying “follow Me that where I am you may be also”. So we, the elect follow Him now to where He is, seated in the Heavens waiting for His enemies to be put underfoot by us as we apropriate the things He has given us, for us to sit down with Him  and watch. There is another group who waits for Christ to come and do another work. They like the wicked servant says “my master delays His coming.

It is us who are assembling together in Christ. As defined by 1 Peter 2 saying “Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ”.

We then as “the Called” are assembled to Christ the chief cornerstone because we are living stones and not something like brick and morter of time and matter. Even as Peter says that “your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes” showing a difference between creations. We as living stones are “bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh” being elementally different.

So it is “the called out ones” and “the living stones” and not a building on earth called “the church” that houses God, for even the heavens cannot contain God. But the re-spirited mind of faith can. For “wherever two or more are gathered in My name, there am I in their midst”. In the midst is the objective of God and not just to hoover or brood.

We are called out of something to be in something else. Which is? To be called from the fallen understandings of the Adamic nature to put on our new man in the image of Christ. His Image is not long hair robe and sandals . To be “in Christ” the destination of “the called. To put off the wrong thinking of the fallen mind, and put on a renewed mind of the spirit. To put on Christ one attribute at a time to awake to our God given glory and activate the gift given through the working of faith, which is our umbilical cord to the invisible God.

By being in Christ, we do not unbecome ourselves. We do not disappear. We are renovated and newly enhanced. We do not lose our features that makes each one of us distinctively different and unique. We then are each a unique blend of characteristics of the father based upon what we have each heard and seen of the things that are invisible that we retain as our portion of His gift to us we call our inheritance.

We are those who hear the voice from heaven that says “come up hither”. Where 2 or more are gathered in His name, underneath Her, like the cloud over the tabernacle in the wilderness and of the city in the old testament picture, for “His name is on Her”. She wears His name like a Bride. The two are one.

She is in Him as are we and we are under Her care, comfort and tutelage. She is the other comforter/helper/help mate, wife and bride. When the body of Christ comes together in the physical, the prophets apostles evangelists and teachers, meaning the ekklisia, or church as we say in English, this is when we practice these truths collectively. Just as earthly Jerusalem was a tutor by mirroring the eternal in a physical way to bring us to Christ, so also is the earthly Church (not speaking of buildings). The church like Jerusalem of old is temporary having the same purpose, to bring all into the full stature of the son of God, but “when what is mature has come that which is in part will be done away with”. When faith has come. When the eternal is obtained by faith.

This is why God has given us apostles, prophets and teachers for the edifying of the body of Christ,  to “the called out ones” or eklesia. But of all the teacher’s,  prophets and such, they are only temporary . For we see in part and know in part. Knowledge will cease, prophecies will fail. When that which is perfect comes , that which is in part is done away with”. Yes all the select offices and ministers of the church are temporary till faith comes. This is the purpose of our interaction with God and others. As Paul put it in Ephesians 4.11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, 13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 

For some if us that has happened already. The church is like an embryonic sac containing genetic in formation for our transformation but itself is not the mother but a component of mothering.  This is why Paul said “When it pleased God to separate me from my mother’s womb to reveal is son in me. He then distances himself from Jerusalem of old and it’s hyarchy saying, I did not confer with flesh and blood. I did not go to the old ….

So you see both Jerusalem of old and the church are temporary embryonic sacs till we acquire the carnally intangible and physically unattainable because “that which is flesh, that which is spirit, you must be born again”. So we show you how.

This is why Paul said of himself that God chose Him last to be a prototype for all to believe . That we would see his transition and follow his progression into the carnally unknowable realities of the spirit. He transitioned from the embryonic sac then saying of Jerusalem on earth “cut off the bondsman (earthen Jerusalem) and her son” showing that it only had temporal importance . He concludes the book with the correct definition of “the Israel of God” as nothing carnal or physical but those of the new creation.

 It was the Bond woman who was Jerusalem of old who is supposed to produce a son. This son being the son of David who was not Solomon. Solomon means peace and Jerusalem is the city of peace they are the old Covenant Concepts to be cut off. Good true son of promise and the true bride that now superseded our Christ and his paraklesis is the New Jerusalem.

Here is the break down of this hyarchy from Strong’s Greek concordance for your verification

#3874+  parakleesis, meaning helper and comforter,the other parent.
#3870= para, over
#2821= kleesis, and means an invitation, and the invited are the called, from 2564
#2564= kaleo, meaning to call
#1577 ekklesia , are the called, from #2564

The replacement for Adam and Eve are Christ and His comforter, helper, Holy Spirit, the parents of the new creation. And we are this kind if indeed His spirit dwells in us. As Paul also said in Galatians 4.26 “the Jerusalem above is free, which is the mother of us all” And She is the city/bride/wife of Christ/comforter/another helper/Holy Spirit the two come together under the New Covenant to be one for the propagation of the species for the procreation of the new creation of those born of Word/ and Spirit/ helper. Remember “in the beginning was tge Word and tge Word was God”.

John 3.29 He who has the bride (the helper, another comforter, parent so we are not orphans) is the bridegroom”. (past tense) If they were not united, or wed, there would be no offspring and we would still be dead in our sins, but now they are and so are we. If you are this kind. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God. As many as are not led by Her are not born of Her and Him. They are not His. For the world cannot know Her or see Her. And this birth too is not a time dimensional concept started with Pentecost, For even Isaac was born of the Spirit. way before the time of Christ. (Gal 4.29). Pentecost just showed in the physical dimension eternal realities in the spirit.

The Bridegroom Has the Bride, The King is in the City on the throne even now! Like He was before He came in the flesh to show us the way. Hebrews 13.8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever. He never was not King. He was born in the man Jesus being the ever lasting Father and king of Kings.  But He is not of “earthly Jerusalem for His kingdom is not of this world. And the City is as eternal as Her King, being the kingdom “finished from the foundations of the world”. He always has been as with Her also.

This is the Kingdom of God which is always at Hand!


The Bride 5 The revelation of Jesus Christ

Posted on March 21, 2018 by ADMIN

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 The Revelation of Jesus Christ

The Book of Revelation of Jesus Christ was written to reveal things about Jesus Christ. The word revelation is an extension of the word reveal. It comes from the Greek word apocalypse. Apocalypse does not mean the complete destruction of the world or cataclysm.  It means an unveiling; to uncloak and make visible. This is very similar to, for example,  when a civic center has a statue underneath a blanket to be taken off at a certain time to show (reveal to) its’ citizens. There is an unveiling of what’s underneath.

The Book of Revelation is about; revealing, unveiling, making visible the things about Jesus Christ, not apocalypse in the sense of cataclysms. If the book’s main theme was cataclysms, then that would be the climax of the book but it is not — Heavenly Jerusalem is.

It is interesting that through the Book of “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”, the conclusion of the matter is Heavenly Jerusalem. Heavenly Jerusalem is the theme and the object of the book, not destruction. Just as scripture starts off explaining things in contrasts, so too, does the book of “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”, but instead of  contrasting light and dark, it details the contrasts of the beast and the Bride.

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The Revelation of the Bride of Christ at The End of The Law

Posted on March 14, 2018 by ADMIN

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Like Adam who was made in the image of God to be split with the rib called “Eve” removed, similarly Christ has an unconcealed rib that Eve represented. And just as the sacrifices of old had to be cut in half to reveal or un-conceal some things about The Godhead, so too Christ before He went to the cross, was the completed image of God that Adam was before the exposure of the rib called Eve (Havah in Hebrew). And whereas Christ was born in the fashion of Adam who was half of that image of the Godhead, at least until Christs baptism from John the Baptist of which afterwards The Father said This is My Only Begotten of whom I am well pleased.

Technically this is when Jesus became the Christ because He was the image of Adam restored to what a man was before the rib called Eve was removed. That was the fracture in Adam that the enemy of souls exploited and the need to be borne again.

It was with John the Baptizer that the split that happened in Eden was restored at the River Jordan because that account says that “the Spirit of God descended upon Him and remained with Him”, Meaning not to come back out.

Meaning the two became one, or “wed”. And John went on to say that “a man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven. 28 You yourselves bear me witness, that I said, “I am not the Christ, (meaning John knew he could not transfer The Holy Spirit to Jesus, he could only testify. Therefor he said) but I have been sent before Him. 29 He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend (and the Best man and cousin) of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice. That is why this joy of mine is fulfilled (because John was referring to himself as the best man. Because of this he also said,) 30 He (Christ) must increase, but I (John) must decrease. This was because John as the greatest of the prophets was also the last of all the prophets.

We can see here that a radical shift was taking place away from the old ways of doing and thinking associated with the Law with all it’s offices, personnel, places, feasts and services as pertaining to the previous methods called “The Law and The Prophets”. If you remember it was the Law with all its places, people, buildings, holidays and that whole culture, that were added to make sin exceedingly sinful” and added “until the time of reformation” with the coming of Christ and The New Covenant to replace all The Old as temporary and fruitless.

of the law, given to the creation for those born according to Adam and Eve to serve as a redirect, to be out in place with a “new and living way to the Father”. And this New and Living way to the father was so much greater that in fact the term was coined that “no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine bursts the wineskins, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But new wine must be put into new wineskins.” Thereby establishing a clear demarcation line between the two, and the call for a new way of thinking.

If this was not true then it would not have been said of John the Baptist that “among those born of women there is none greater than John the Baptist; but those who are least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.” Showing us a clear cut distinction line between the Old Testament way of doing things, and The New testament way of things being done as being superior. So much so in fact that if this were not true, then we would expect a Third Covenant for any apparent short comings of the now in effect New Covenant, instituted NOT with the blood of bulls and rams, but through Christ and the Eternal spirit who purges our conscience from dead works to serve the living God NOW. But there are not!!

And the prophecy from Deuteronomy 18.15 that “The Lord your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me from your midst, from your brethren. Him you shall hear”.

This was referring to the fulfillment and the replacement of “all the Law and the prophets as confirmed here from Luke 16.16 saying ““The law (its kingdom) and the prophets were until John. Since that time the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is pressing into it.

And what about those who have gone back to the Law and The Prophets for some sort of relevance, along with all it’s places, persons, feasts, articles and cleansing. Do you think He will treat favorably those who do such things especially if they profess a continuity with the God of the bible.

But 2 Peter talks about these things “For it would’ve better better off not to have known the way of righteousness then to return to the old. As it is written a dog returns to its vomit and a pig to the wallowing in the mire”, So too those using the old, despise the New, especially if they profess the New Testament to be interchangeable with the old. The Law was added to make sin exceedingly sinful” because the Law was added NOT to make them righteous for if it did it would NOT have already been declared fulfilled and expired.

So then those that relish in another series of fulfillment’s from the “Old Testament” in a common era Israel and Jerusalem with modern day Jews and another coming Jesus in our day? They have gone after “the coming of the one who is according to Satan with all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the Elect”.

It is the Elect of those who are born of the new union of being born of the word, and “transitioned into His Self same image from the Glory to the Glory as by the spirit” who know what the counterfeit is.

And because Christ was first introduced as The Word of God, then you should be able to comprehend who your what our tools for transfiguration is. And if the truth that the new creations parents are word and spirit, then you should be able to take that one small step in your thinking, that when John who baptized Christ with the Holy Spirit, who said “He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice. Therefore this joy of MINE is fulfilled. Who went on to say “30 He (Christ) must increase, but I (John) must decrease. 31 He who comes from above is above all; he who is of the earth is earthly and speaks of the earth. He who comes from heaven is above all.

And so was Johns ministry expired to be shelved like “all the law and the prophets”.

They must increase and I must decrease, for John the Baptist to go on to be beheaded was NOT that God forsook him. No! He was not beheaded for himself but for us on whom the ends of the age have come. So that we can see with these truths the demarcation line between the silly little school house called the Law and the Prophets, to make its uselessness known, that among them how many were made righteous? None, no not one. All their mouths are open graves speaking of dead things”.

So unless the Old Testaments Law and the Prophets are used for anything other than to make understandable things in the Holy Spirit associated with “The Kingdom of God at hand”, that Jesus Christ consecrated for us through the veil of His flesh” “torn top to the bottom so much so that the earth shook”, our one and only access point to the Father? Pig wallowing in the mire, dog vomit.

Please Please, do not mix the two covenants.


If you use all of scripture as open ended events to happen then you will surely find scenarios from scripture to muse you with.

For you see that Satan and his minions know that if they can keep you preoccupied here, then they can detain you from your heavenly calling.

Consider this. Since we have been instructed to “work out our own salvation with fear and trembling”, then you know you have a duty to yourself and God for obtaining the gift. But because people are told that the confession alone was sufficient, then for them to be isolation to fascinations of news and earthly events seaming to be scriptural, as a means for them to be occupied with the second coming. When they (maybe you) wake up to the truth that “today is the day of salvation”. That salvation being something you work out and work on and not just a profession and being dipped in water without really understanding what it truly means. Woe are those who miss out on this point. You are put here on this earth at this time, and this time ONLY. For the time that is coming will come when you like bread in the heat of an oven who did not rise but to come out flat and soggy being cold and uncooked. The heat that was meant to make you rise, was subverted to another cause for another Jesus as though the next physical Jesus is gonna do something for you the Christ of the Cross bought for us.

If His name Jesus, from Hebrew “Yeshuah” means “Savior one who saves, restores and makes new” in the fashion of the first Adam before the fall. If He gave His life for yours, and you didn’t take the new life He gave you of life in the spirit, “Far above all principalities and powers in any age”, Why then would you be looking as scripture to protect your old self when you have to put it all off anyway, “and to put on the new man (person) in the image of Christ”, (not the outer person) because “flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom of God”. Why oh why do people continue to look at events on earth as though they have importance.

We have a heavenly inheritance distinctively different from the earth we call “Heavenly Jerusalem” of a different composition. Even as our Heavenly Father tells us through Isaiah 56, as the heavens are higher… But you still look for the fulfillment of Gods word to take place on earth?

wedding feast left outside because they went to the world to buy, thinking they were getting godly things

“wicked steward

For the time is coming when the invitation into the presence of the Almighty God will be retracted then it will be said Revelation 21 7-11 ish. But for now His arms are wide open still in a proverbial sense. For eye has not nor can not see the things that God has for those who love Him, But He does reveal them to us by His Spirit, yea even the deep things of God. Why do you keep looking down here (at the empty tomb. ”
Then they will look to the earth and the destruction

Like a cloak (dirty clothes) they shall be changed. 2 peter new heavens and new earth wherein dwells righteousness’,then, and only then.

That thing in the Jerusalem of our day



And to be made out of silver or stone is Her disgrace. There is none to compate Her to. For the earth and all its work shall be burned up for the eternal to remain”. She is eternal.  She is “the  Kingdom from the foundation of the world”. The one who “comes down from God of Heaven” The pre-existing one, being co-creator. She co-owns all things and is not subject to anything created which is why She can wisk around at will unstoppable and un-noticeable to carnal perceptions. Christ “fills all in all” and She is in Him. And of the Father “it is in Him we live, dwell and have our being”. She permeates all things.

She is in all ways an intricate part of the Godhead being “flesh of His flesh and bone of His bone” clothed in the invisible attributes of Christ as are we His offspring who learn to “put on Christ” and “put off the works of darkness” as taught throughout the New Covenant.

Nothing carnal may enter, but the born-again can see Her and enter Her. That which is flesh is flesh but we are spirit. (John 3.3-12)

Eve however was exposed. This is why women are to be covered and not left exposed. Not so much a religious covering but for protection. She is the delicate one that Harbors and teaches the children about these things. “However when the Holy Spirit comes She will teach you all things. She will take what is mine and declare it to you”. And so She does. But she is not less in value than the male, the two side by side are equal. She was not unveiled physically because she is elementally not carnal.
Even as Christ said to the Samaritan lady at the well “the time that is coming is already is when you will no longer worship the Father in Jerusalem (on earth) but in Spirit and truth”. So we do.
It was Mother Eve who was taken out of Adam to be displayed in a carnal way to reveal by contrasts the unseen reality of the Holy Spirit. And so all who are born out of Eve are born out. But those born of Adam and Eves contrast being “in Christ”, are born in. Adams offspring are exposed. Christs are not. He is our covering. Those of us who are hidden in Christ see the things hidden here that belong to us. We now are joint heirs of the things of God in His body.
For She is in Him and if we are in Christ we are in Her and with Her. This is how we see Her and know we are with Her.
It is us that are born into Christ by a word of Truth and by the Holy Spirit that know who our Parents are. We are Their offspring. And it was Paul who had said of the Earthen Jerusalem, “cast off the Bond woman and her son”, said in the same book that “Heavenly Jerusalem is our Mother, pointing to something unearthly and invisible. She is an eternal reality with Paul also saying of Jacob and Esau, that even then those born of the flesh persecuted those born of the spirit some 2000 plus years before Christ went to the cross showing here it’s an invisible Eternal construct. “The time that is voming now is”. But your flesh can’t have it.
The whole carnal race being born from below experience things made from Below, made from below,  made from the earth, but Christ’s counterpart being the Holy Spirit and Heavenly Jerusalem, it is Their  offspring that are born from above, born of the spirit hereby distinguishing the difference between the carnal man and the spiritual man. Adam and Eve were replaced with the last Adam Christ, the first man Adam became a human bring, the last Adam Christ became a life giving spirit. We who are born in this way are the first fruits. (1 Corinthians 15.44-)
Jesus could not of been the “well pleased” of the Father if He were only half the image by being without His of being a man in half because God made His image “male and made he them” and only when the two are one, do they reflect the nature of God saying the two of them must become one.. This is what qualifies Jesus to be The new man. The Adamic replacement and true God. Not just an image or likeness. “For in Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead” in bodily form. Both parts together, “male and female made He them. For us to understand Him, He turned His image inside out in the persons of Adam and Eve. Jesus was right side in.
Thr Word of God united with the Breath of God who being united are This is what Christ meant when He said “I will not leave you orphans, I will sent you my helper My helpmate, the other comforter. He was not talking about another male figure. He wad talking about His hidden counterpart, “whom the world cannot know”. His Eve that was not taken from His side but remains “in Him” eternally. This is something Adam and Eve could not do. They were just a parable but now “in Christ we are told plainly about the Father.
In all of creation it is not common for a male to birth, nurse and raise offspring in any of the kind begets. The kind begets in scripture repeatedly states “after their own likeness and kind”. And in Noah’s ark it was “male and female” taken into the ark. The protected image. All others were washed away in the flood as abominations as should happen in the renewed mind.
It is God who made man in His image, male and female made He them, being the origination of the male and female image that unite for reproduction of a species, is “The Father and Mother eternally one. God is one. We the elect are reproductions in one, in Christ.

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