March 31, 2018

Discerning Good and Evil

Posted on March 31, 2018 by ADMIN

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Good and evil.
It was said to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, that “in the day you eat of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil you shall die”. It was only after man had eaten from the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil that God said because of this “now man has become like one of us to know good and evil”. And that happened as a result of when Adam disobeyed, that “man has become like one of us”.God anticipate this as part of His plan.
God who in the beginning said “let us make man in our image and likeness”. Until man started processing Good and Evil. Adam would not become like God without exersizing good and evil. He would remain in a catatonic state of good. Even as it is written in Hebrews of those who have excersized their senses to choose between good and evil.
So then it was part of God’s plan for man to eat the forbidden fruit, to use his own personal God given sovereignty to excesize his senses , for God is sovereign. We are like Him in this way. Without choosing there is no real sovereignty.   
So you see until the discerning qualities were put in place in man’s thinking, man was not correctly reflecting and imaging God. And because Adam and Eve only knew good until that day, they had to realize evil as well to qualify as excersizing their sovereignty to becoming like God. This is called “The days of Adam. We however experience the good, from the word of God, and participate in the day of Christ, if we experience His thinking of what is good.
We previously having experienced only evil, experiencing evil because of our adamic nature, until we experience the good of God through the gospel, we have not reached the point of becoming as God knowing Good and Evil. Because true good is using the tools of God called word.
It was the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil that brought Adam and Eve death. There is an anti-type, and a parable in reverse, about the tree that brings us life. The finite teaches of the infinite in reverse roles. Even as the book of Hebrews to find those who have exercised their senses to discern Good and Evil. Hebrews says that these are those who have gone on to perfection.
So then what became death to Adam, becomes life for us. To make the point that until we realized both good and evil we cannot appropriately participate in becoming Godly without understanding both. After all, isn’t this the call? “Know yet not yet shall judge angels?” How else can you do this?
  And so we go to scripture to understand the good, and the irony of this is that scripture itself sharpens both the senses of Good and Evil. However we have a choice. We can retain our default thinking passed on to us by our adamic forefathers, or we can be renewed to see things as good and not evil by seeing things through the eyes of God, through his opinions and definitions passed on to us through scripture. Even as it says of the law, that which was good was working death in me. But the laws replacement being Christ works for us life. And in this way the scriptures are a tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. The choices were never taken away. That is why the promise was given in John’s Revelation. To those who overcome? They shall eat of the tree in the midst of the garden of God.  Can you taste this?
So as we continue our sojourning here on the Earth filled with fear, we allow the rescripting of God’s word for us to see things from his perspective. The one who sent his son into the world not to condemn the world but to save it has done its saving inside of us, however there are those that do not believe like Adam did not believe and they believe in another savior and this one has yet to come. That’s a saving of a different sort.
So in the beginning and on the sixth day after the Lord had reviewed all that he had done, taken to mind like a big chess board all the variables and all the damages and foibles that mankind could hurl at his creation he said that it was good very good. That God would not be caught off guard or surprised by any one of fallen angels or man’s schemes. That for us to the redeemed, as seen by the curse of thorns referring to the curse of the earth given to Adam. Being nailed to the cross to bring things back to the beginning of when God said it was good very good. So we need to see things this way. As very good. And for that to be true that means that even evil has its workings for the good of God. To which the gospel agrees that having made all powers and principalities subject to him as Peter says or from Paul having taken all the hand-written of ordinances that were contrary to us and nailing the powers and principalities to the cross, we can see that in God’s eyes things are and always were good very good for his undeniable purposes.
But there are those who think earth is bad, very bad. That man is bad, very bad. That our physical vessel is bad, very bad, thst think satan is in control. That maybe God is in heaven, wringing His hands waiting for a day He can get His creation back. That in the beginning when He said it was all good, then later He was caught off guard and had to abandon His plan? That maybe creatures deviated their God given purpose? Oh contrare. Just as we demonstrated to you that it was the will of God that man ate of the forbidden fruit. Nothing happens against His for-ordination. Even as He said of Pharoh “for this reason I have raised you up to display My wrath”. And even as Christ said upon his conviction, “you could do nothing unless the power was given to you to do it”. God has made no compromise with evil. God has everything work according to the counsels of His will and need not your help.
Your duty now is your rescripting to see everything as God sees. To agree with God and His creation. I repeat His creation and not Satan’s. Satan is the choice. A true choice has to be the opposite, and when we don’t choose God, we don’t get the second best but the opposite.
It is Adam and Eve who first turned from God and awoken fear that dispelled faith and trust in God thereby empowering another. But even as God separated the darkness from light, God has also employed darkness for His purposes. So that we the elect can clearly see through these contrasts who God is, and that through this realization we arise in the spirit of our minds to these truths. To reassemble them in ourselves and claim our heritage in Spirit and truth. It is Creation itself that can accommodate the elect, the wicked and those who sleep awaiting their awaking so they too can choose. So that they can exercise their senses to discern good and evil. And in doing so choose the good associated with God.
You see in the beginning when God created the expanses of sea, earth, and the heavens, he created other expanses called souls. And just as the waves the winds and the stars retain their course, so too these souls are held reserved for the judgement of God. To be awarded according to each ones work”.
But there are those here on earth that “have passed the judgement into life already. We have received our reward. We have excersized our senses and choose the good. And on choosing our mission is complete.
And for those who have chosen to be ruled by fear? They have lost their own sovereignty and resurecte their own foes. By glorifying another and fearing other powers,  they have been taken captive by Satan to do his bidding. Which is? To fear Him. The whole end times conspiracy is just that. They think satan is in control outside of Gods ordination. But give God the credit. Give God the Glory. Fear is a form of homage like bowing down. Satan takes on the face of opposition as the contrast given to those who deny God in this way. But we walk in the light as God is in the light and have no association with the wicked works of darkness