Posted on August 9, 2022 by ADMIN
Adam and Eve from the beginning being made in the image of God, was because they had sovereignty over choices but had not made any yet. This is what it means that they were naked. They had no coverage’s or protections that they put on or subscribed to yet so they could see. It wasn’t until they were challenged with an insult and a threat that they saw that they hadn’t made a choice yet. They had not chosen a coverage, provision or protection and felt naked and ashamed. As the serpent said “has God really said?” Then looking at
Posted on August 6, 2022 by ADMIN
THE LAW OF CONTRASTS. The law of contrasts is the first principle of Creation. In the beginning was God. For God to make something was to mean that something would exist other than God. Because God is complete in Himself, there were no gaps or spaces, no vacancies or blank spots just a fullness. Good thing the gospel promises that “of His fullness we have been given” and “you are complete in Him” if you have learned to accept the gift. For God to make something else, He would have to make it outside of Himself and other than Himself.
Posted on August 5, 2022 by ADMIN
TALENTS, EACH ONE ACCORDING TO THEIR OWN ABILITY. The word “Talents” today refers to personal abilities to perform or do a task. God has made each person in their special contribution to the whole. You may ask what is a whole? It is the sum of the components to make a whole. The whole could be all the mechanisms for a motor, a machine of any sort with specific abilities. You may hear the term in sports or industry that a person is a machine. They are able to perform. Meaning that there is a noticeable, measurable effect form effort.
Posted on August 1, 2022 by ADMIN
Hebrews 12. Therefore since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Christ the author and the finisher of our faith”. Who for the joy set before Him (us), endured such hostility from the rejectors, endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on High”. Because of this “great cloud of witnesses”, we can understand that those who went before us are
Posted on July 26, 2022 by ADMIN
THE HOLOCAUST OF THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD! The Holocaust that God The Father regarded as “The Holocaust”, also meaning “Burnt Offering”, and the only Sacrifice that was pleasing and acceptable to Him was the Sacrifice of His Son on the cross. Even as John the Baptist testified “here comes the lamb (and Holocaust) of God who takes away the sin of the World”. The Lamb of God was to neutralize the sin of all of humanity, past, present and future so that the way was paved and the price was paid for all of humanity to obtain Eternal life.
Posted on July 18, 2022 by ADMIN
In the beginning Adam called his wife’s name Eve because she was “The Mother of all living.” Ironically the name Eve comes from the Hebrew word “Chavah” and not only means “living” but is also translated as “safe” and “saved”. So in this words inception, being alive in this way is also being safe and saved from sickness, harm, and evil. This is what it means being made alive, and Eve/Chavah was the mother of all living. So for someone being saved, nourished, Quickened, recovered, made whole, and repaired, to a restored life and made alive, that means they are
Posted on July 17, 2022 by ADMIN
Teaching Traditions or Teaching with Authority At the end of Matthew 7 where Christ had just completed His Sermon on the Mount, the people had this to say about Him; 28And so it was, when Jesus had ended His sayings, that the people were astonished at His teaching,29for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. You see the people had experienced something distinguish-ably different by Christ than what they were familiar with from the scribes and the Pharisees. You see their religious leaders stopped short of delivering a clear message because they were too
Posted on May 2, 2022 by ADMIN
COGNITION OF THE MIND The physical body of itself does not have cognition’s or responsibilities of it’s own apart from the functions of the spirit of the mind. Because of this the body itself cannot be held guilty of wrong doing or sin, because it did not have it’s own motive. It is that the body is regulated by the mind which is the seat of emotions reactions, and cognitions, along with thoughts and memories. The body can only do what it is told to do and made to do up to a point of failure. The body and mind
Posted on May 2, 2022 by ADMIN
ERROR, TERROR AND FEAR. THE INGLORIOUS INVERSION OF THE GODHEAD. When you research the development of these words, on the surface you don’t make the connection. Terrorist today are associated with aggression, which is a misconception of the word. The real terrorists are the handlers who invented them. These words are from Latin. Terror and terrorism have their source in the word “error’, whose synonym is lies. In the synoptic “Gospel of Truth” error was the name given to the un-holy spirit. Error is the feminine spirit of the father of lies being the god of this age and Satan. These
Posted on April 22, 2022 by ADMIN
CREATING OUT OF NOTHING IS UNIQUE TO THE ONE TRUE GOD We understand that in the beginning God said some things and they came into be. That God from nothing more than vibrations from His proverbial mouth established things that are visual, factual and invisible. And John 1.1-3 states that “all things were made by His word and without His Word nothing was made. That they were made “by Him and for Him. ONLY ONE CREATOR. There is no other voice, vibration or out-sourcing of any sort used to make
Posted on April 21, 2022 by ADMIN
Let Me Son Go!! Exodus means to depart and to cross over. In regards to the Exodus, that is what we are required to do. To cross over from darkness to light, from death to life. It was Moses who was instructed to speak in God the Father’s stead to the powers that be to “Let My people go!” And Gods people are Israel… Or is it? Let’s take a look. Exodus 4.23 Thus says the Lord: “Israel is My son, My firstborn”. If you understand that it is said of Christ that He only spoke to us in parables.
Posted on April 20, 2022 by ADMIN
Confess to Profess. Off with the old, Out comes the New. Scripture teaches that “if anyone is in Christ, they are a newly created; old things pass away, behold all things become new”. (2 Corithians 5.18) This however is hard to reconcile with the mindset of those whose anticipation is for God or His Son to come and do something else for them that haven’t been done all ready, as though the salvage process need an additional remedy, and as though things are out of Gods control and He needs to re-ascert His authority. Blasphemy! The gift of God of
Posted on April 20, 2022 by ADMIN
In previous articles we laid out the first oracles of God to be creative. That because God spoke a thing to be, that meant his voice carried with it the escence of metamorphic proportions. Think about it. There were no crains or dozers or cement mixers. Meaning that the voice of God was not telling a crew what to do. That Gods voice had with it all the tools to accomplish the task. Everything came to be by His command, visible or invisible. “All things were created by Him and for Him and in Him all things consist”. (John 1)
Posted on April 12, 2022 by ADMIN
LET YOUR GLORY BE! That is what amen means. It also means, let it be done according to the will of God. Essentially “Let Your Glory be” is the objective of saying “Amen” and “so be it.” This is how we affirm our allegiance with our Heavenly Father. By doing so we place ourselves under His protection, His care and provisions. Amen! By making these proclamations, we allege with God, and set ourselves outside of restrictions and resistance to the will of God. In this way we agree with God and have a unified, conflict free peace with God. It is
Posted on April 5, 2022 by ADMIN
The Gospel Simplified, Clarified and Amplified. God can be articulated to the intellect but he cannot be constructed. Nor can anything be constructed to house Him. For God to be in need of something to be manufactured is oxymoronic. For the maker to be in need of having something made for Him is silly. God’s things cannot be manufactured but they can be articulated. That is the purpose of scripture and the gospel message. To bring Gods things close to us. That is why “The Kingdom of God is at hand. WHAT IS ARTICULATION? Articulation is an invisible tool for
Posted on April 2, 2022 by ADMIN
Contractions and Expansions Contractions simply put is something that does not expand. Like in child birth contractions are when the uterus muscles spasm and shrink so as to push the fetus out, showing us that contractions are restrictions meant to push something out. Mankind is made in the image of God. God is the largest of anything “for it is in Him we live and have our being”. The soul of each person has an endless capacity. The fallen powers that be being, “the prince of the power of the air that now works in the sons of disobedience”. These
Posted on April 2, 2022 by ADMIN
Atonement Is At-One-Ment, To Be Mended Back Together. To be collected and cohesively re-united to “that which is from the beginning” being to God as Father. The word “Atonement” in scripture means to be made one again, At-one-mention, referring to the fracture or the divide that took place at the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden. It was there that sin entered in-between the relationship between God and man and the need for the institution of the gospel invitation to reconnect and reconcile God and humanity again. To unite and cohesively make one, one person at a time,
Posted on April 2, 2022 by ADMIN
Romans 6. Being Dead to Death and Dying. To not have to deal with it anymore. This is the Gospel! The whole purpose of The Christ of the Cross and the Gospel from the scripture, is to deal with death and dying and the fear of it. It is the innate formation of the carnal mind that is focused on self, dying and the preservation of the carnal self that is dead to the things of God. The life that they live now as they fortify their earthbound existence and to assay their carnal fears of loss of self, health,
Posted on March 30, 2022 by ADMIN
Like Adam, the Only Begotten Son of God has a Rib. It was written in the Gospels that The Son of God spoke in parables “and without a parable spake He not to the people“. Meaning that everything He said was for disclosure purposes. Everything He said and did was a parable. For even ALL the law and the prophets we’re parables with Eternal counterparts. If this were not true, how could they be fulfilled and expired? For you see in a proverbial way that “all the law and the prophets we’re till John the Baptist (back then) but now
Posted on March 13, 2022 by ADMIN
Does The Godhead have Feminine Attributes? That question may seem strange but really, in reading scripture, you see few references relating to the female as important in comparison to the males, so much so in fact one may think eroniously of females being inferior. The “he” and “him” in scripture are far more prevalent than “she” and “her”. This could affect how we view God and humanity in general. But as we look a little deeper into this we can see how this happened. So first, let us go back to the beginning to the creation account where God said