June 2023

Gods Private Reserve, The Holy of Holy’s

Posted on June 24, 2023 by ADMIN

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Gods Private Reserve, The Holy of Holy’s

Of all the curiosities one would have about God, faith and the world, its purpose and life itself, there is a place very few catch glimpses of, and even fewer who are able to see, hear, understand and find, and even fewer that have unhindered access to the “Most Holy”, in The Holy of Holy’s.

There is not a place in all of creation that is remotely close to this. There is not even a comparable so worthy to use to try to convey how great an honor it is to have had even one time in a persons life to experience this place. And there is no single more greatly guarded secret in Heaven than this place.

This place can be understood as the pinnacle of faith. Some of the parables introduce this place as “The Bridal Chamber”, “The Wedding Feast” and “The Holy of Holy’s”. Many are invited. Some see These as at a great distance away today as having to do with “the end of times” and its various presentations. Of which all of them are in denial to the gospel. That “The Kingdom of God is at hand”, and “The Kingdom prepared from (before) the foundations of the world”, and not coming later as the Jews and the end times seekers suppose. For they present to you an illusion of their future fulfillment on earth, but find that in New Testament scripture.

Even as when Christ was on trial about His Kingdom and He answered the Sanhedrin saying,  “if My Kingdom were of this world I would fight for it. But hence My Kingdom is NOT from here (meaning any Jerusalem made by mans efforts). He never subjected his Kingdom to such op-posers. But in parabolic form, our Father has described this Heavenly Place we hold in question.

It is for us the Elect to experience, as THE MARKER that we are the Elect. That “only those who are  born again can see the Kingdom” and “only those who are borne from above may enter”, thereby making the distinction, and nd so we do.

And as Christ said “My Kingdom is NOT from here or I’d fight”? So say we. At least not physically but with word, God’s Word.

Some people taste this place (by The Spirit), some get a glimpse, many talk about it as seen at a second coming through an end times scenario, as the coveted place to finally be able to go to after bodily death or the end of this age…..

But we have something better then those with erroneous expectations. Or like from Peter, that “you have the prophetic word more sure than what we heard. And ye do well to pay attention to it till the dawn of this age comes and the morning star rises in your hearts”. Thereby distinguishing it as an individual event and accomplishment. “Each one in their own order…

To which you may say “that’s preposterous”. But if you remember the parable about the foolish virgins who, given the invitation to enter The Bridal Chamber, then they “went to the world” for their preparatory garments, to then find themselves outside the will of God for them when the Wedding Chamber was closed (when the gospel expires, (Revelation 22.11). They woke up outside as it is written” When once the Master of the house has risen up and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock at the door, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open for us,’ and He will answer and say to you, ‘I do not know you, where you are from,’ 26 then you will begin to say, ‘We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets.’ 27 But He will say, ‘I tell you I do not know you, where you are from. Depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity.’  Their window of opportunity had come and gone..

The invitation to “The Kingdom of God at hand” will have been expired and many were found just playing church (etymologically from curse, circle and sorcery [link click here).

They went about being good people and did not do the will of the Father to, enter in by faith as described here in Hebrews 12.22 But (some of) you have come to Mount Sion, and into the City of the living God, the Heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, 23 To the general assembly and the Assembly of the firstborn, of those who are written in Heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the Spirits of (others) who are righteous and made perfect, 24 And to Christ the Mediator of the New covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel. 25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall we NOT escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from Heaven: 

Ouch! What a Hellish feeling that will be. Oh the the burning sensation of lost opportunities. Could have, should have would have, now can’t have, because these people took it not as it were by faith but wanted just the facts please!

These were doing what all other faiths do to gain converts. They themselves had not converted from the visible to the invisible, and thid saying for them became true. “Woe to you, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when they are won, you make them twice as much a product of hell as yourselves.

Again, ouch!

They were playing church trying to convert others with end time scenarios, another coming Jesus and hard core facts and physical findings and Gods things are not in the end times, factual or physical, because “second coming ” is not a biblical phrase. But “the hour is coming NOW IS, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is spirit and truth snd seeketh such to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” And not a suite and tie as a prerequisite.

The Holy of Holy’s and The Bridle Chamber is only for family. For those who are born again and born from above who have eyes to see and ears to hear of a different nature, of those who have been born of the Spirit. “Flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom?” But the re-spirited mind of faith does, and it does it right now.

A Run Down of the Basics.

In Christs last discourse to His disciples behind closed doors with the traitor Judas being removed from being able to hear these words, Christ spoke to the eleven in preparation of The Most Holy of Holy’s and said “I am going away and you see Me again no more (in a carnal way). Now sorrow has filled your hearts. It is however expedient that I go away, for if I do not go away, I cannot send you My Helper”. He went on to give us more clues as to who this Helper would be and said “I will not leave you orphans”. You see Christ being filled with the Father saying “I and the Father are one”. For “He knew His departure was at hand” as we just quoted. And “if I do not go away, I will not send the comforter whom the world cannot know or see. Then He said, but you will see for She will with you and in you”.

And just for clarification, if you go to the Greek interlinear and look at those passages about the helper, teacher, comforter, third person of the Godhead “so that you are not left orphans”. Many think of that monstrous baphomet figure of the occult and intertwine the imagery for that is as blasphemous as  it can get and they know that. Yes that satanic image was used by God to send the disingenuous seekers out another way. Much like Rehab sent the disingenuous seekers, the “spies” out another way, because of their ill intent. So too  today, hence the term “Most Holy of Holy’s” is a carefully guarded secret meant for few, even as Adam and Eve were sent out and “God placed Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep others out.

Yes many have had visitations and hear the invitations with their ears, but their hearts are covered over with a thick de-lusion and God cannot enter in the fashion He’d like to relate to them in, in Spirit and truth.

But this plea is specifically for those defined here in Hebrews 6 Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, 2 of the doctrine of baptisms, of laying on of hands, of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. 3 And this we will do if God permits. 4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have HAVE BECOME PARTAKERS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (The Comforter, Helper, other parent so you are not left orphans), 5 and have (ALREADY) tasted the good word of God and the powers of the coming age.”And here is the part that falls under the category as “blasphemy”. 6 if they fall away (forget), to renew them again to repentance (is blasphemy), since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame.

And so goes the whole of Christendom today stuck on their knees at the cross performing multiple confessionals crucifying Christ over and over as though He is still on the cross. These people have the same stench of flesh as those under the old, expired and shelved “law and the prophets” with their constant sacrifice rituals, that was “added to make sin exceedingly sinful” to accentuate The Cross. Those sacrifices took place “outside the camp” this for this reason. And even as God spoke through Isaiah 1 2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth! For Yahovah has spoken saying: “I have nourished and brought up children, And they have rebelled against Me; 3 The ox knows its owner And the donkey its master’s crib; But Israel does not know, My people do not consider.” 4 Alas, sinful nation, A people laden with iniquity, A brood of evildoers, Children who are corrupters! They have forsaken YHVH, They have provoked to anger The Holy One of Israel, They have turned away backward. 5 Why should you be stricken again? You will revolt more and more. The whole head (teachers, preachers and prrophets) are sick, And the whole heart faints. 6 From the sole of the foot even to the head, There is no soundness in them, But wounds and bruises and putrefying sores; They have not been closed or bound up, Or soothed with ointment. 7 Your country is desolate, Your cities are burned with fire; Strangers devour your land in your presence; And it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers. 8 So the daughter of Zion is left as a booth in a vineyard, As a hut in a garden of cucumbers, As a besieged city. 9 Unless the Lord of hosts Had left to us a very small remnant, We would have become like Sodom, We would have been made like Gomorrah. 10 Hear the word of the Lord, You rulers of Sodom; Give ear to the law of our God, You people of Gomorrah:  I do not delight in the blood of bulls, Or of lambs or goats. 12 “When you come to appear before Me, Who has required this (continuel confessions) from your hand, To trample My courts? 13 Bring no more futile sacrifices; Incense (confessionals) is an abomination to Me.

The point of all sacrifices that culminated with The Christ was to take Gods peoples minds OFF OF SIN. To NEVER TALK ABOUT SIN AGAIN. To BE DONE WITH SIN! If believers today could understand this, that they would quit feeding it, it would die. There would be no need for another Jesus to come again a second time. AND THAT IS THE POINT! The cross is the one time solution for humanity. And only an eternal being can pay for that sin, once for all time past, present and future because (He has an eternal life to make concession for the saints and Holy Ones”.

25 Therefore (This is why) He is also able to save to the uttermost (forwards and backwards in time) those who come to God through Him, since He has a forever life to make intercession for  them”, Not that He is always praying, but nay, who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.

Can you receive this? Doesn’t this just want you to hit your knees and say, my King and my God!!? This is what it means to be saved.

For this reason Hebrews also says “so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation.

And this “eagerly wait” is for us who receive Him in His original composition of Spirit and Truth, of the One who “became flesh and dwelt among us” as a goodwill gesture. Who also said “I will return to the Father and you will see Me no more” according to the flesh. Who also said “I will never leave you to be forsaken”.

And also, when scripture says that “He will appear a second time apart from sin for salvation”, (this is the ONLY place in scripture that uses the word second in relation to His coming for His comings are many). It is when you receive Christ in His original construct of spirit and truth, that “when He comes we shall see Him as He is and we will become like Him”. Yes! Spirit and Truth!

This is His proverbial “second and coming” for you! “Apart from sin for salvation”. Meaning, the greater revelation of who He is, that you get this revelation that sin has been abolished so as to never talk about it again because as you do, it keeps you on the south side of the cross needing to still be saved. And your continual acknowledgment of “sins (as though you really know what sins are), is the empowerment of that or those sins. But the real sin is that you can not acknowledge what the Savior really did for you. So churches hold communions and confessionals and weeping and praying and calling out to God as though the cross was only ceremonial, is blasphemy.

So in context, if people still hold on to their sin based conscience associated with sin, they are not saved and that in it of itself is once again blasphemy because they likely were baptized at their brick and mortar church, confessed their sins to receive the Holy Spirit, and come back the next week to talk about sin all over again.  And yes “without a sacrifice there is no remission of sin”. Not sins plural, but sin because sin should’ve been the old nature that was to be washed away. And the only real sin is disbelief. Because if you do disbelieve you will continue to doubt and that doubt is your sin that keeps the doors open to sin. But Christ already appeared once to put away sin once and for all. An eternal being does not do things over and over.

For even the Old Covenant pictures taught these truths. With Moses, it was the blood placed over the doors of their tents whereby at night the angel of death passed over hence the feast of. For the Israelite’s to then cross over The Red Sea towards the promise land. (Our promise land is scripture) whereby ALL of their enemies were drowned. Just like our baptism vows.

For even with Joshua/Yashua/Jesus all from the same Hebrew name “Yashuah”, the commander and chief.As He stood opposite of Joshua, (think of the man in the mirror) saying “I have now come forth commander and chief of the armies of God”. To then go across the Jordan, the to Jericho and do what Moses and company did not do. For Moses was told to “speak to the rock and it will bring forth water, to tell the Israelites “must I smote this rock with a stick to bring forth water, thereby taking a work of God and making it a work of man. For this they did not make it to the land where the promises come into fruition. As a matter of fact, neither did Joshua. As Hebrews says “8 For if Joshua had given them rest, then He would not afterward have spoken of another day. 9 There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. 10 For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His. 11 Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience.

And this is the point; all the Old and New Testament visuals are given for instructive purposes only because the blood of bulls and baptisms too, can never take away sin. They are all only ceremonial for instructive purposes only for there are those who have never participated in those rituals who are seated with Christ in their right minds as was the man called legion who bypassed all the rituals to enter the rest, seated with Christ in his right mind” as being the objective of all the arduous rituals, “far above all principalities and powers” at the right hand of The Father. This is where we see the persons of the Godhead body crystal clear. Yes, this too is parrabolic in that tere is no crystal here. But things like crystal and other fine stones, But even these too are describing “living stones”. That we are living stones built up a habitation of God, the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit as the Godhead body that we associate with richly and fully RIGHT NOW! In the way the second coming seekers think is later. For if they experienced this? They would quit seeking and confessing and working hard to do so. Kind of like a bird who sees its reflection in a glass window, to beat itself to death not realizing that the image it was fighting with? Was now real. And if “we died with Christ to be raised into newness of life”. Why would someone want to or have to go back and fight with their old phantom self. God the Father in His book keeping has reckoned your old man dead to walk in newness of life, and having done so, to be forever forgiven with the books closed. Much like the lady about to be stoned by the Jewish leaders was asked “woman, where then are thine accusers? To then look up and see  The One who saved her, for that’s what saving does. It settles the topic of sin to never need to be talked about again. Yes we do things wrong and hurt others. But God is not keeping count nor wants to be involved. You make it right. You do that and move on. You were left here weak and feeble so that the excellency and the glory would be of God Himself for taking a clump of clay (like Adam) and being able to live through us vicariously, with all our frailties.


This is the gospel, And without this foundation, we could never enter the Holy of Holy’s. Even as pictured with Heavenly Jerusalem, the Mother of us all” (Galatians 4.26) “Nothing unclean shall enter”. This Bride “come down of God from Heaven”. Now that you are here, if you’ve come this far. Now you can enter the Holy of Holy’s and the Bridal Chamber, not as a visitor and more then a resident “for we are fellow citizens, saints (meaning holy and spotless by the lamb) and members (being family) of the household of God. The Tri-une Godhead body. It is here that we can fully interact with all family

This is why “The Kingdom of God is at hand” and “nothing unclean or anything that defiles can enter. And that includes your carnal receptors. That only those born again can see the Kingdom, those who are borne from above can enter the Kingdom, but more blessed are those who are born of The Bridal Chamber, the Most Holy, behind closed doors where the genetic transference of DNA. That we are begotten by the Word of Truth to be a kind of first-fruits of His creation of Spirit and Truth. And even as Christ spoke to the woman at the well about this as she challenged Him. The Jews say in Jerusalem is the place men ought to worship. We say in Samaria. What do you say. Christ then answered: Women I tell you the truth the time that is coming NOW IS when you will not worship on this mountain OR in (earthen) Jerusalem but in Spirit and Truth, for The Father seeketh such.

Such are we, and what we see here. like John the baptizer saw “I see the Bride with the Bridegroom and my joy and purpose is complete, They must increase and I must decrease”. And just as “all the law and the prophets were till John. John being the closing chapter of that era was beheaded not as a punishment, but because “all the law and the prophets” only make sense till the Messiah comes. He did and “now the Kingdom is preached and all are entering”. And He wasn’t speaking of that Jerusalem back then because like with the brheading of John, so to with “all the law and the prophets were till John, to include that Jerusalem, those feasts and those buildings to NEVER AGAIN return to those feasts and sacrifices because just like rotten food expired needs to be replaced so too that whole culture because that way of doing things never worked and was meant only  to show its inability to do so for the true worshipers to worship in Spirit and Truth for the Father seeketh such.

Amen and Amen


Manifest Destinies

Posted on June 10, 2023 by ADMIN

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Manifest Destinies

Let your yes be yes and your no be no. Whatever is more than this is from the wicked one.

Yes, there is power in our words and “a perfect person can bridle their tongues”. God manifested Himself through what He said. That “we understand by faith that the things that are, came from (seemingly nothing) the things that are not”. And this (seemingly nothing) was word. And this Word was God. This is the manufacturing plant of all the originals, and each one of us are originals as being different but the one thing we all have in common is word, our words. And with our speech we can convey powerful ideas. For this reason deception, being the perversion of thought, is the most wicked because of what it manifests by presenting ideas in a perverted way.

Words are the basic building blocks used by God, and why the Only Begotten Son of God is called “The Word of God. John 1.1. In the beginning was the Word, The Word was with God, and The Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. And without Him (Word) nothing that is made was made without Him”. All things were made by Him and for Him.

By this we can understand the power of our words as being Gods replicas. We have been given this carnal experience to manifest our thoughts, even as when the disciples asked “shall we call down fire from Heaven?” And Christ replied “you do not know (yet) what manner of spirit you are”. They were practicing their trade as do we.

Again from the only Begotten to the Elect, “whatever you ask the Father in My name (in My stead), it shall be done for you”, And “greater works shall you do because I go to the Father and yuo see Me again o more”. And if we are with Him and “in Him”, “in Christ”, and He is in and with The Father as His Testimony says. And “whoever’s sin you forgive, so shall I forgive also”? These are huge aspects that were specifically attributed to the Father. But before we are fully vested Christians, a word that means of the generation and genome of the Only Begotten who “became flesh and dwelt among us”. For us to in turn “put on the spirit” to dwell more clearly with Them in the here and now. But as long as we have our physical members too, we have our testing grounds.

It was in the beginning before word was ever spoken for creation to come to be, that God had already planned for His offspring’s coming to be. Not that we were not, but that without the contrasts of this age, we were lacking discernment. That there would be a plethora of proverbial look a-likes of Himself. Not so much of height, skin color or other similar features. No, that does not define the Father or His look-a-likes, but of vernacular and communication skills all varying in individuality but none the less all in His image. For Him to copy Himself had nothing to do with the physical other than that God created an alternate reality for His offspring to manifest themselves as to what manner and sort they were. Not of good and bad, but a manifestation of their gifts as their contribution as a member of “the body of Christ”. Even as we are called “living stones, built up a habitation of God in the Spirit”, because we being “the body of Christ” are one body according to scripture, and Christ is the head and the Chief Cornerstone.

And what manner and sort we all become, had to do with the spirit. That God first is spirit and truth and we last put off the flesh as His full manifestations and become His replicas and re-representatives. That through creation each one would be tried as to what manner of offspring they would be. And through trial and error, we hone our accuracy to the point that we could be mistaken as The Only Begotten Himself.

That is what happened with the Book of The Revelation of Christ. That angel (a word for messenger as are we) was thought to be by John the beloved as Christ Himself. (Revelation 22) When John heard the testimony and saw that one then bowed, he was told “see that you don’t do that for I am (just) one of thy brethren of those who have kept the testimony of Christ. Worship Him”. So we really need to understand that most identify with being “in (and of) Adam and Eve’, or “in (and of) Christ” as being “the New Creation”. Not as though it was just made, but that it is always regenerated and new, whereas the creation that was made for Adam and Eve, wears out and has an expiration. Good thing for us that the invitation still stands that “The Kingdom of God is at hand” and proverbially within reach to the re-spirited mind of faith, as having to do with the new creation, as being forever new in any age and every age. However the invitation has limited time and seating.

As for as this time of creation God could’ve restricted our choices by restricting the evil, but in doing so He would’ve minimized the outcome. That without the contrasts, light would not be truly light and dark would not be truly dark and we could not be truly completed without experiencing contrasts of complete opposites with maximum effects.

For you see as with God, we being made in His image, are given this age to choose to manifest ourselves with the tools He gave us, of reason of logic and of a sound mind, but we have had to cooperate by choosing to do so. In this way we are His offspring. And whereas God thought some things and spoke them to be, if He did not create a scenario for us to learn to do the same things, He would not truly have offspring but programmed puppets.

For this reason we have choices. We are put into the world to choose our own outcome. And this is our choosing and our proving grounds because since our thoughts manifest through our words, be they spoken or written, have power to become the thing that is written or said. Yes, ideas past on by being repeated verbally or by mandates and contracts and terms with conditions, these are creative, controlling powers.

And because of all this, there is a contrast of darkened spirits who chose that for themselves, that co-habitate in humans much as Gods Holy Spirit does because in each of our developments we have to make that choice. And for one to choose the evil spirits all one has to do is defy and consistently reject Gods Holy Spirit. And just as detrimental as that is to never awaken to that voice within that we call “the unction” of the Holy Spirit 1 John…” . These are the dangerous outcomes of granting everyone their own outcomes based on their own choices by participating in their own salvation as a journey of habitually doing so with faith and patience, or by consistently rejecting, avoiding or simply ignoring their potential.

And because there is a Spirit of Truth, there is a Liar. “With all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the Elect, as those who know their duty and responsibility to become godly by putting on Christ. He was Gods chosen image for ourselves to pattern ourselves after for the outcome of being like God

With every truth there is a lie, and there are counterfeits and contrasts of salvation “with all lying signs and wonders”. The enemy of your soul knows that if He can captivate you by fear, he can keep you here and detain you from your eternal potential. He just has to keep you occupied on anything but your personal development.

This was first seen in the Garden when after Adam experienced the contrast, he felt naked and bought into the enemies plan. God asked Adam “where are you”. Not as if God didn’t know but as a reality check for Adam. For you see Adam experienced something that God did not give him. That is why when God and His Son show up on the scene to save, they say first “do not fear” because fear is the destructive response that we must ignore because it puts us on the defense. And when we are on the defense, we are on our own because fear is satans byproduct. He controls by fear. Not just any fear, but every fear that makes you question the veracity of the promises in scripture, to think that you need to fend for yourself. That was the fall of Adam and why God had asked him “Adam! Where are you? But we have the promise from our Heavenly Father that “I will NEVER leave you or forsake you”. And because of this, the only time you can hear the enemy is when you are faced the wrong way, and why Christ at His test in the wilderness said “get behind Me satan for you are not mindful of the things of God but man”, defining for us what our posture should be. That you have to have your backside and blind sides covered, especially as it pertains to the unknown and falsely known. As Paul asked “how is it that after you have known God and been known by Him (like Adam knew Eve for a gen transfer), how is it you go back to the week and beggarly elements of creation to be in bondage”.

And for you. Do you know who the god of this age is? What his tools are and how He implements them? That is not our battle. However many still wrestle with that reality because of what they see on earth. But if that was not so, that they are seated and waiting, then scripture could not say of The Son of God, that He “is seated at the right hand of the Father, waiting for His enemies to be put under foot”. So your outcome is ensured. And if you can receive that, then as you ignore any attempts that indicate otherwise, you will find out that just as you ignore a spoiled child’s demands, that they give up, so too with satan. Your engagement with him and his minions fade like the end of a movie on a screen.

As believers we are not here to save the world. That is reserved for One, and things are operating just as they have planned. That “the wheat and the tares mature together”. And “the first shall be last and the last shall be first”, because we do so with greater challenges. And one of the greater challenges is for us not to be little saviors. This time is about a harvest. Even as the workers asked the field owner, “do you want us to pluck out the weeds/tares? And they were told ‘No! Let them grow together and at harvest we will gather the tares together in bundles to burn, and gather the wheat last”. For us this requires much patience because we want to call fire down from heaven. And those who asked that were told “you know not what manner of Spirit you are”.

We all have participated in this to a degree for our development.  Focusing on earth as a means to calibrate your thinking that WILL initiate a response to it. For you see you are responsible for doing that. And what is that? For initiating and feeding fear. At the moment you should’ve used your tools of faith, you instead repeat the fears you here and participate with the instigator of fear, Satan, as one of his emissaries. When Christ said “the God of this age comes and has nothing in Me”, He was defining our borders of association. We are in the world but not of the world. When you realize this, the allegations from your enemy fades. Your lack of responce to him and his is what neutralizes them from you. And that is the point of “salvation”. It is to “each one in their own order’. (1 Corinthians 15)

Now think about it. If we being made in all ways similar to the creator God. And Gods main representation of Himself is word. Then we are our words too, and our words breed what we say, and if we repeat the enemies manufactured fears and present them to others? Not only are you implicit in spreading half truths, rumors and lies, but you become an instigator of such by promulgating bad news, you are employed by the gods of this age. That these half truths rumors and lies influence others? You are working for the enemy by propagating his none sense. And if it was innocuous, that is one thing but all humans manifest their words. This is our creative power of persuasion that “as a person thinketh in their heart, so they are.

Are you manifesting fear or faith because those are your only two choices. Do you serve Christ, the Son of God whom we are to emulate? When people are carried about by the latest designer fears, manifest through the media (a word from mediums which are middle points, interceptors to keep people from faith in God. And they have a carefully woven net of lies to trap, snare or just temporarily occupy you. I know that if I have someone occupy my home, that is not a good thing. So re-think the idea that you want to be occupied by the new fashion fears of the day because in occupying you, they detain you from what is really important, being the antithesis to fear, being our faith. And more importantly, if you find yourself so occupied by the medias to spread their gospel (gospel means good news) of fear. Not only are you detained and enter-tained and occupied, now the person or persons you presented the fear to, has joined you into promulgating the half truths and lies. This is the bad news as the antithesis of the Good news and the Gospel motivated and founded on faith, the opposite of rear.

With fear, you are working for Satan himself as a mouth piece and a spreader, or broadcaster of misinformation founded on half truths equates to destructive lies. Destructive why?  Well, you will figure that out when you learn that the time you should’ve been putting on Christ one truth at a time, as your primary function for your short stint in this age is over. That the illusions you helped to blow up disappear and you see only God. That the scripture will then be in effect that “let the righteous be righteous Rev 21.

Oh the hellish feel of burning sensation of lost opportunities. Then those who remain, will be judged according to their works (fear verse faith)”. And we ask, what part did you play in promulgating half truths and lies that only temporarily tickled your fancy bone. Fancy that. Especially if you fancied all that under the heading of “end times”. Yes, the motivating doctrine of the Devil, the gospel inverted to promote another coming Jesus to save when the cross is sufficient to save you from all the boogie men by silencing fear, satans gospel.

Think about it like this. SatThe truth be told, if everyone quit talking about the fears of the day the fears would all die because they cannot live without you breathing new life into them by repeating them. Remember being made in the image and the likeness of God, infers that we create with our words too. And if your advancement into spirit and truth happens in this life only. That is your choice and by-product of your life. Remember, satan was defeated at the cross (col 2) if he is rampant today, how do you think that happens? Your lies and embellished news gave him new life. People unknowingly put themselves on the south side of the cross of our saving by re-empowering their foe.

On the north side of our profession we have no dealings with Satan. You do, he is underneith, put under foot. We are from above because that is where our instruction and empowerment comes from. Amen!!

In this way, The Kingdom of God is at hand!! Still.


Wicked Men and Impostors Will Grow Worse and Deceive Many

Posted on June 8, 2023 by ADMIN

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Wicked Men and Impostors Will Grow Worse and Deceive Many

These were the words from Paul in his day. If he was this concerned back then, where does that leave us now? With the various translations from the original languages and with all the renditions of “simplifications” to try to make Gods word more acceptable? We have to ask ourselves, if scripture is that hard for them to understand, what makes them qualified today to modify the writings passed on from previous generations? Also if one is trying to convey something from his language to the same language in a different way, maybe thats because they had a hard time understanding it, or that they have another agenda all together.

The truth be told, they were deceivers or they were learning as they go like us. And for those of us with years of dedication with the directive of “The Revelation of —- Christ” being in the flow, it is easy to see the inconsistencies. And you may ask what are our qualifications? Well, the flow of revelation. That revelation is progressive in nature and until you have the full revelation, that scripture is progressive and builds up to a crushendow, you dont even know the progression unless you’ve made it through various plateaus.

Case and point.

What is the difference between the resurrection and the ascension. Because if you don’t know the difference between the resurrection and being raised up (the ascension), then you’ve quite likely discredited at least half of the New Testament because even the translators till now have not understood the difference. So let us answer that one as our first credential.

The Resurrection in the most basic terms

Simply put, the resurrection is only a reversal of the fall in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve fell in the spirit of their minds and needed to be raised back up. We say their minds because there were no broken bones or spilled blood just a new found emotion called fear. That is why God the Father and the Son many times said first “do not fear”.  So after replacing fear with faith and a new found trust by defeating the fears of the day, this puts you where Adam and Eve left off before the apple. Yes the apple today along with other similar equipment is replete with the promulgation of fear. So if this trips you up and its beyond your comprehension, where we go next we just befuddle you more.  Our point here is not that topic but just to make the point that if the “translators” did not understand this one concept, then they likely missed the mark on other key factors concerning the faith as well. And moreover those who cannot distinguish between the old and New Covenants by using the old as needing to happen again, these are in contempt of scripture because you cannot put new wine in old wine skins and vise versa. If you look to the old to project the future you are a false prophet because “all the Law and the Prophets were till John the Baptist, (that is it) now the kingdom is preached and all (who believe) are entering”. Which brings up more heresies because those who go to scripture to try and figure out the future on earth, are using scripture for their bad news when the gospel is the good news because that is what gospel means. Glad tidings of joy.

Now if this is all new to you, or at least some, we’ve proved our point because part of the problem is with the expositors and part of it is with the translators. Hence, wicked men and impostors will grow worse and worse deceiving and being deceived”  is seen pretty clear right here.

Part of the problem with this scenario is that people just figure that if someone comes in the name of Christ with good intentions that they are okay to listen to, and not so. The point is, you have to be like the Berians who checked the scriptures regularly for themselves. And that brings us back to another lesson from the Garden of Eden.

In the beginning God had made mankind in His image and likeness. Male and female made He them. The distinguishing factor of being made in Gods likeness is to have a self sovereignty because that is what God is, and that is what we become, but only as we take the initiative to do so. God could have made robots to worship Him and to interact with Him, but you think about it. How much trust and friendship can you get from a Manichean in a store window? Well for God to be our Father, and for us to be like Him, we have to do so by acquiring our own sovereignty or we embarrass Him. So we do this through trial and error. This is why scripture says that “we as beholding His image in a mirror, are being transitioning into His self same image from the Glory to the Glory as by the spirit”. So we know where the change takes place.

So for those expecting a rapture or even to die to get your glory later, are missing out on the purpose of scripture in the here and now as we just quoted. But once again “wicked men and impostors will grow worse and worse deceiving and being deceived” and not the other way around.  We” made this point a few times because this is the point. You, me and we have to look and pray and push and press in to lay hold of why God laid hold of us. Yes, it is a free gift, but it is given for tje taking. Think about the sripture that says that the violent take it by force. This isn’t a walk in the park sometimes.

This is why we are told to “put ye on Christ”. This is the purpose of scripture, and it is progressive, hence we are told to press in to attain, so let no one rob you of your reward. That the Kingdom is preached and the aggressive take it by force” knowing that since God gave it to us don’t be meek or shy. To “run the race with endurance”, meaning don’t tire.

So having an understanding of the objective of scripture, of our own transfiguration NOW, beware because there are some passages in scripture that purposefully interject a redirect for the disingenuous seekers. Even as the parable of fishing with nets to throw the unqualified back.

You can go to scripture to try and learn to be a good person but once again, that is not the purpose for. Scripture wasn’t given to make good people for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”. Meaning to be good in Gods eyes and sin free is to be in Glory because anything short of the shared glory is a sub-standard lower level associated with the fall. Falling short of the Glory” defines sin as not being in glory. So as much as mans religions pushing good behavior, don’t know the purpose of scripture.

Now then, back to the multiple translations. Because wicked men and impostors will grow worse and worse deceiving and being deceived should because for us to believe that the earlier renditions of scripture to be more accurate. So yes there is truth in that, but we have to go further if we are to “work it out on our own”.

As we look at the development of the Bible, we have to understand the various stages it has gone through. It wasn’t until king James that a version was authorized. Then to take the supposed “authorized version and remove the center section that is now called “the Apocrypha” and said to be false teachings, you are all taking that st face value but think about it. Why was it good and why is it not good now? The unfortunate thing is that with each variation, there is at minimum a slight change in doctrine. And when you add up all the renditions and changes over time, how do you think the verse that says that “wicked men and impostors will grow worse and worse deceiving and being deceived”. Where do you think we are today? This is kinda scary given the fact that Christ asked if He would really find faith on earth.

So we’ve questioned personal intentions, versions and translations and the Apocrypha. We cannot stop there because what about the “canon”, being the “approved” texts. What about king James. And who is He that the Creator God would need hid authorization?

We have in the book Jude a quote from the Book of Enoch saying he prophesied of the Lord coming with thousands of His Saints to execute judgment on the ungodly and the unrighteous. If Enoch is an approved text, what about the rest of His books? And what about all of Enochs books because according to his very texts themselves, they claim that they would still be valid in the last generation.

And this is an important part of the puzzle because since “wicked, impostors… and … Is Enochs book a sanctified text for the end? Does Enoch hold clues and truths for “those on whom the ends of the age have come”? That he is sanctioned in the end?

We have to ask ourselves, what else is written by Enoch? Because if things are projected to get worse, for me, i’m going to use Enoch and the likes to correct my doctrine and understanding because that is me working off of and building up my own sovereignty to more succinctly interact with the original sovereign who made us and gave us an opportunity to retrieve a look alike of Himself for ourselves, as we read here “And to as many as received Him, to them He gave permission and power to do so along with the tuteledge of His Holy Spirit who didn’t leave us as orphans on our own. Our retrieval is our reward, and what we retrieve is Godliness.

Here are some supporting quotes from Enoch.

The (1st) Book of Enoch, chapter 1 verse 1. The blessing of Enoch with which he blessed the Elect and the Righteous who would be present on the day of tribulation, at the time of the removal of all the ungodly ones. And Enoch the blessed and righteous man of YHVH took up his parable while his eyes were open and saw, and said, “This is a holy vision from the heavens which the angels showed me: and I heard from them everything and I understood. I look not for this generation but a distant one that is coming. I speak about the Elect concerning them.”


Fifth Book of Enoch chapter 5.6

The Angel told Enoch “This place which you see here, are cast the spirits of sinners and blasphemers, and those who work wickedness, and of those who pervert everything that God has spoken through the mouths of the prophets of the things that shall be.”

The Kingdom of God is still at hand, and even more-so now with the counterfeits in such large numbers. ‘The first shall be last, and the last shall be first? That is pretty exciting!!!


Your Redemption and the Implementation of your Faith

Posted on June 8, 2023 by ADMIN

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Question from Exodus 6.3
“And God spoke to Moses and said to him: “I am the Lord. I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty, but by My name “Lord” I was not (yet) known to them”. End quote.

If God was NOT know by the name/title “Lord” until they were in Egypt as slaves, that it WAS a condition of their fallen nature and first step of redemption, because of their despotism of a loss of god-li-ness (likeness). Why then did all the translators use the title “Lord” with this instruction not to do so, even in the beginning of scripture where it hadn’t  been used yet in the original language according to what we just quoted? And why did they continue to translate “Lord” through out the rest of scripture even after it was supposed to be removed to be restored in the Exodus. Exodus means “departure”. It is for us to leave our old canal way of doming things in exchange for the new. Old things having past away, behole all things have become new, and all things are from the Father who is pre-existent as are all  His things gifted to us through scripture

So then why do believers still call Him “Lord” today when He doesn’t want us to do so as evidenced by the redemption pictured in Exodus starting with coming out from underneath lords, to be co-sovereigns and joint heirs with Christ of things from His Kingdom., of things we are suppose to put off in our understanding where our personal transfiguration takes place (Romans 12.1) .
Is it not to know our Heavenly Father more precisely and succinctly not as lord?
The bigger question is, what else did the translators do? And from the Jewish Torah, and with each new revision since, what else have they done? And what is our duty as believers?
We are told “to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints”?
Simply put, we were not left despot, we are not left beggars on our knees. As Christ pictured to the fallen saying “rise ye up and walk” was pointing to just this spiritual fact. That to “rise up and walk” is the resurrection in your thinking and spirit, to awaken to the greater reality of the gift given by taking our old fallen, fearful old self to the cross “to walk in newness of life” is a spiritual, mental condition without impoverished thinking.
This has nothing to do with earth like wealth because that is the competitive empowerment because “you cannot serve God and Mammon”. But since “God (the Father) has given us everything that pertains to life and godliness (our true riches) through the knowledge of Him who calls us to glory and virtue”. That we co-operate in this “great salvation” as joint owners and heirs to “the kingdom that cometh not with observation”, being “The Kingdom prepared from (before) the foundations of the world”, and “The Kingdom of God is at hand”, as Christ preached and has instructed all His believers to do so too saying “go ye therefore to the ends of the earth and the ages (depending on translation) teaching and preaching all that I have commanded you”. That if The Only Begotten of the Father did NOT “raise us up in this way, that Christ did NOT take our spiritual poverty and fearful mindedness to the cross, then the cross doesn’t really have any real redemptive power. And that is the blasphemy. That God would need some other act of redemption because His first act was in part. That Christ who is “seated waiting for His enemies to become His footstool” is not coming back to fight.
You may ask, well how then do we implement our Saviors savings for us, is through faith and obedience not if being a good person, but to follow the “unction of the Holy Spirit, and with the promises laced out scripture.
When it looks and feels like you’ve been abandoned and life’s enemies come closing in. Hopefully you’ve developed this understanding, backed up by your personal revelation encounters with God as Father, that you have a good grip on the fullness of your inheritance and our delivery from the gods of this age, being renewed in the spirit of our minds, to be in the calmness of the eye of the storm. And as with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego facing the fire, that you’ve learned to NOT let anyone Lord it over you and say like they, “oh King (or whomever, whatever) we have no need to answer you in these matters”. Why? Because of knowing and trusting the promises of God, that even as you go through the fires of this life, it can be said of you too like Shadrach Meshach and Abednego, of whom in the fire, were seen dancing with “the forth man in the fire looking like The Son of God” and “in whom their was found no hurt on them. And about those who started the fire? They were the ones consumed by the flames.
In closing, God did not leave us ground bound and looking down led by fear, masters, bosses, superiors and Lords. This is the starting point of the recovery called salvation of the image of God who fell in the Garden of Eden to work the earth with the curse, to in turn be restored in the Garden of Gethsemane. The price was paid by “The Lamb slain from the foundations of the world”, and “by His stripes we are healed”.
This is the peace of God. To be in His Son, and not in and of Adam and Eve.