March 2019

Shiva, Apollyon and Cern; The Destroyers

Posted on March 24, 2019 by ADMIN

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We, as believers in Christ, know and understand that all things are held together by the power of His word. That Christ  is before all things and in Him all things consist.

Hebrews 11 says,  By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.


CERN is home to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). With the LHC, CERN scientists are  trying to undo the things that are made by smashing particles and atoms against each other, that are held together by God. They claim to have found the god particle.  


What an insult! God is a particle? They reduce God to the smallest common denominator known to man? Blasphemy! This concept is actually a fight against the Creator.  The scientists at CERN willingly admit they are playing with anti-matter, dark matter and distorting the building blocks of creation. This is an outright act of defiance, as if to shake their fists at the Creator.

At the entrance to one of its buildings, CERN has a statue of “Shiva the Destroyer” an anti-creator god. This statue shows their intention. The Destroyer has other pagan names;  “Abaddon” and “Apollyon.” Both are referred to in Scripture (Revelation 9). They all mean “The Destroyer.”

The Watchers and the overseers  of CERN know they are playing with fire, and fire produces smoke. That is why scripture says that an angel fell and the bottomless pit was opened, “And smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace. So the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit.” (Think of the cloud also called the Internet, referring to inner in opposition to outer and upper where the Elect are “seated far above all principalities and powers I’m Heavenly places”. Meaning that we have oversight and insights as part of our package of benefits which are far superior.


However; the sun that is darkened is not the one in the sky above the earth but the Son of God, of whom scripture says, “All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” He is the true light that shines into the world. The true light that the created sun mimics. The Son, the True Light, is what the smoke from the pit darkens, and the pit is a cavern in CERN that holds the LHC. With this they try to pass matter back into its original state of being invisible through stages of disassembly.


As the elect, we know Scripture was given to describe realities invisible to the carnal senses, with Christ’s words saying, “Seeing with their eyes they see not, and hearing with their ears they hear  not. For it is with the heart that one must see and hear to understand the things of God”. Gods things are outside the relm of humanly tangible particles. To have faith is to believe in the invisible, and without this kind of faith one cannot know or please God. (Hebrews 11.1-6)


Everybody is looking for physical signs while they interpret God’s words, and so they are confused. Such is the case with the smoke from the pit. You cannot see it with your eyes, but everyone knows our air is filled with waves of  technological  misinformation.

Just as we have TV and radio waves infesting our homes with the capacity and drive to promote despicable things. We also have cell phones and the internet polution plaguing the human mind, without the naked eye recognizing this smoke is from the pit of Hell. All counterfeits present themselves with good intentions and faces of benevolence. The internet was invented at CERN and it’s tenticals have a great reach.

We cannot deny the ubiquitous, godlike permeation of these waves with total saturation. Scripture says of God that, “Nothing is hidden from His sight.” It is “the prince of the power of the air” who through technology, seeks to imitate God with eavesdropping, photo taking and collecting algorithms. This is the smoke of that pit that fills the air; waves traveling through the air, with the intent to occupy and make sick the minds of humanity.

The push for free cell phones to the poor is world wide. Over 70 percent of the population at the time of this writing, has one.  The goal is cell-ular containment and thought control for all humanity.


God gives us the mandate to, “Be renewed in spirit of your mind” becomes blurred, obscured and hidden. Instead the mind is now preoccupied  with too many other things,  mainly technology. Meaning tech knowledge. We the Elect are transfigured by a different knowledge and gain our godliness from Him. There is however a competing ubiquitum of which we warn. “We have an unction from the Holy One and know all things”.

There is another knowing. It is the same Tempter from the “Tree of Knowledge” from “The Garden of Eden”. One of their logos is an apple missing a bite that presents bites for you to tempt you. Yes “fruit that is pleasant to the eyes able to make you wise”. But we have the eyes of our understanding to make us wise in a different way. (Ephesians 1.17 +)

Revelation says of this smoke that “it is something like locusts” dispatched to plague the minds of those “that have not the seal of God in the forehead.” In other words, it is in the spirit of the mind that the change takes place. The same place salvation takes place. Those who overcome the smoke are immune to the plagues. They are “over comers” and see right through it. We know who is behind it.  Satan, the god of this age is behind it. But he has nothing in us who are “in Christ.”


We are in the modern-day sorcery of pharmaceuticals. In Greek, the word pharmakeia means witchcraft, which are the drugs of today. They are prescribed today to help people cope with these plagues. Scripture also says that these “repented not of their sorceries,” meaning drugs. People are more likely to blame these plagues on global warming then a lack of interaction with the Creator who holds all things in place.

God is responsible for creation and not CERN or man made global warming. The plagues are given for those who “do not repent for their sorceries” of being godly, meaning god-like. To govern their affairs with the counterfeit ubiquitum for false identities and selfishness. Scripture says “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.”


Technology at CERN is pedaled knowledge. When you get past the smoke screen, that is all it does. It collects knowledge about everyone and pedals it.

Your data is collected with tracking, watching and listening to everything you do.  This knowledge is used to exploit you and to manipulate your beliefs and behavior. It tracks your likes, dislikes, and desires by the keystrokes you type on your computer or cell phone while targeting your appetite with advertising from the information about you which they’ve tracked.

They sell this information to advertisers and those who seek to control you.

Every time you press the phone button you get a dopamine high with psychotropic results that mentally excites you, leading you into the herd mentality that has been created through technology. Your own shared brand of crazy with like minded of those they link you with. They know your appetites.

The watchers, handelers and conductors who feed you these brands of crazy, work for their advantage of leading you into forms of nationalism, prejudices and pitting political and religious groups against each other to bring about chaos, dissension and hate. For the Elect their is only one nation, “The Kingdom of God at hand”.

With the internet they exercise population control. They use Satan’s old adage of conquer and divide. This is the main tool of his trade; deception.


In scripture the knowledge of God is given to us, the elect, in scripture for salvation , “to as many as receive Him, to them He gives them power to become His children, even to those who just believe in His name.” This happens while we have this life, being transformed by God’s agencies of Word and Spirit.

But with Satan’s CERN, mankind is “the known”, being exploited to neutralize people from being saved by God so they can use people for their cause; the collection of human souls for slavery. Whereas the elect’s exploitation of God is godliness, god-likeness. Cern’s exploitation is to profit off mankind for their quest; to harvest your thoughts, feed your thoughts, to control your actions and, primarily, to deactivate your mind from hearing God as you chase the gods of this age that imprison you. You become allies with them by accepting their terms and conditions. This insulates you from God as you give yourself to this beast. All of the attributes that belong uniquely to God take their opposite form in the competing voice called “The Harlot and Beast” in contrast with Christ and His Bride. These two are contrasts. That’s why “you will know them by their fruit”.

This wickedness seeks to restrict you to your laptop and cell phone, the place where this opposition and mind control takes form. There is a reason it is called a cell phone. C.E.L.L. , get it? Prison cell. A cell is always an enclosure, an encapsulation and a containment. And because they control your thought processes with this, they deactivate you from your God given cause of being godly, to being a slave to their system.

Even the world wide web’s logo is that of a net wrapped around the world. Indicating a trap for its inhabitants and a web of confusion, for the enslavement of humanity.


The God given purpose of all of creation itself is to bring forth children of God. “He who the Son sets free is truly free” and He frees His from that. We are above the smoke and confusion. We are free from these things and see them clearly because of our aerial view being “seated in the heavenlies in Christ.” For God is spirit and God is truth and seeketh such, and such are we. But woe to those who do not transform but remain as mere inhabitants of the Earth “for Satan has come down to you having great wrath” because “he knows his time is short.” This plague will compound deceiving and being deceived.

There are those of us who have risen above the smoke, occupy a stratosphere of the Spirit of the God of truth. We are those who have victory over the beast, over his mark and over his name. We see below us the angel flying in the heavens above the smoke with the eternal gospel .


What is the eternal gospel? As always, the eternal gospel is the Kingdom of God is at hand. His rule and His reign throughout the ages. It is not made up of components common to modern Man.

Warning! Do not let modern day religion sell you short, or rob you of your reward, but press in and “lay hold of why Christ laid hold of you.” This is our duty, roll and goal: to acquire our God given inheritance. The inheritance He has given while we are in this age and no other. For the day is coming when it will be said, He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.” Then the door will be closed, the time to cross over will be done and the possibility of being saved from these things will have ended.  For “Today is the day of salvation” and no other.


…..lest you wake up and are ashamed that this day has passed you by.


The Water and the Blood agree as one

Posted on March 4, 2019 by ADMIN

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In 1st John he carries with it this enigmatic statement. That “there are three that bear witness [b]in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one.

This is not so complicated if you understand the context from which it was spoken, scripture. The water refers to the baptism, and the blood refers to all the old Covenant blood sacrifices. That all the water baptisms and all the blood sacrifices have their fulfillment and expiration at the same point, which is “The Cross”. This is why The Cross is like our wormhole to Heaven. It is our access point to all the Father has for us and The Spirit bears witness of this. The three agree.

It was at the cross when the soldiers pierced the side of Jesus that scripture says ‘and immediately blood and water came out’ showing for us that something rather remarkable had happened.

That all the blood sacrifices of bulls, goats, lambs, birds and such  that that culture performed, as well as all the water baptisms from the beginning of time, including Noah’s flood and the Red Sea crossing and the baptisms of the last prophet John, they pointed to their fulfillment in the eternal One that hung expired on the cross, as the promised One these all pointed to. This is what the Testimony of all the water and all the blood spilt pointed to. In Jesus Christ all these have their expiration.

The truth is that even 1 oz of something eternal far outweighs all the weight of time and matter of the Six-Day creation, because after the Six-Day creation expires, the one whose blood was spilled at the cross remains in effect for all time.

For this reason the writer of Hebrews says “how much more shall the blood of Christ through the eternal spirit purge your conscience from dead works to serve the Living God” exemplifying this moment and eternal spectacle.

If Christ was not eternal, he could not have fulfilled what the blood and the water testified to. He would have had to play them out and do them over and over as well, but He does not.

It is not as though the cross was the time to impliment the promise. It was before creation when the Godhead looked upon the sin that would spread as an infectious disease and collaborated for a cure saying “who shall go and whom shall we send from us” that a plan was formed. He is called “The Lamb Slain from The Foundations of the world.

You see the fisure between God and creation was caused by a man, so a man had to fix it. This is why the Son answered at that conference of the Godhead and said “here am I, send Me”. It was the Son of God who became a son of man. For it had to be so to reverse the fisure that started with Adam and Eve. With the Son also saying “I have come to do your will oh God” having completed the task of reversing the fall that started with Adam, having reversed the curse and polarity then to rise. To assend to His former Glory thereby giving a clear direction to all would be believers, to follow the Son of God and Son of man to their original purpose. Glory.

For this reason Paul said there is only one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus. The Testimony of the blood and the water refer to Him.

It was at that miniscule moment in time at the cross where the water and the blood was spilt, that all would be believers, past present and future were washed and cleansed from the things that separated them from God. This one saving act of God was His Christ for us, for us to appropriate by faith. That Christ who through the eternal spirit purges our conscience from dead works to serve “The living God.

The dead works are everything that’s associated with the Adamic nature that just cannot see God. Because of this, the cross is the one access point to the father. The Christ of the Cross was the singular substitute for each each human being for all of humanity. He was the substantiation for each one of us.

Substantiate comes from the word substitute, and we know that a substitute is a stand-in for an absentee. Fortunately for us we were the absentees at the cross and Christ was there on our behalf.

Isaiah says of that moment “on Him was laid the inequity of us all, and by His stripes we are heeled”. Scripture says Christ was the propitiation, or, the covering for the whole world meaning he’s got it covered. For us he’s got it. He’s got it so much in fact that we never have to face charges for any of our old stuff which is why Satan has no accusation against us and we can rest assured in faith that however floundering we may feel in our current situation that God has us covered. God has forgiven us in our struggles and shortcomings. “On Him was laid the inequity of us all” He doesn’t want us to dwell on that because that is the gravity that hold us down. We recognize and admire what was done for us at the cross. We realize what was given to us there and We change our fixation to the Glory given to us as our new focus. What you focus on is what you become, and the sin was taken from you so let it go. The exchange of cursing to blessing takes place at the cross.

This is why at our baptism we are mandated to “recon ourselves dead to sin to walk in newness of life” as our new purspective.

Elijah was able to toss a piece of wood into the water to purify it for drinking whereby the water turned blood red. But God stuck a tree in the ground called the cross to purify the earth and covered all eternity past and future, from start to finish. Christ is the covering of the whole earth, and all it took was the first drop from His fingertips to do this.

The sap of that tree was the sweetness of God and the sweet victory for all who would pass through that moment. Which is why there are three that bear witness on earth. The water, the blood and the spirit. It is the spirit that testifies of the cross and the expiration of the need for a substitutional death on our behalf. And the water is representative of the washing of baptisms. That just as every blood sacrifice looked to the cross. So too all the baptisms. Why? Because the cross is our crossover point to the Father and not a physical death and why the Son of God said, whoever believes in Me has past from death to life”. Showing for us the proof we need to walk in faith and trust in something we have now. Full Salvation, washed in blood, crossed over through water. That chapter of our lives is over by that one act and not something we do but believe. This is salvation, a person called The Savior for the whole world. Because if this we are no longer counted in the old Adamic nature. We are considered brand new “in Christ”.

This is what the Spirit, the water and blood agree on, do should we.

The Kingdom of God is at hand. Amen!