April 21, 2018

End times 2

Posted on April 21, 2018 by ADMIN

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Fear is distrusting God. Adam said I heard your voice and I was afraid. This was the first time fear happened. God knew what Adam had done but ask him where he was anyway. God knew by Adams fear that a transition took place in his thinking in the spirit of his mind. Adam had to be redeemed and fear moved Adam away from God in un-belief, which is the act of the unfaithful, or spiritual adultery.
If you are fear-driven, you have mental constructs that you have built in your mind or accepted some protections for the “what ifs” in life that need to be dismantled. These are not the voices or the will of God for His people.
It was the Apostle John who said that “perfect love casts out all fear. He who fears has not been perfected in love because fear involves torment.” And for those of us who have been made perfect in love? We fear not, even of the biggest enemies and obstacles to humanity. God is bigger than these. God is in control. God has given us safe passage. This was the testimony of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo. They were not afraid of the king’s threat of fire, and they went right through the midst dancing with The Son of God. They came out with no hurt on them and so can we.
It is love, power, and a sound mind that trusts God. This dispels fear. It is love and power, but fear also has a power. The power that comes from the fearful mind is unbelief and distrust in God. This is anti-faith. It motivates you away from God. And this is what the end time gospel threats produce. A fearful mind.
It is the whole end times Concepts that is driven and developed by fear that people give their power to the enemy but God has meant it for our transition. And because God is teaching us to cloth ourselves with His transparency, it is so that we can go through these things without hurt too.
The arch rival with God is a current world system today operating in a vacuum void of this knowledge of God, governed by Satan. People run to thr Gods of this age out of fear for protection. In doing this they put themselves out of God’s reach in harm’s way. You went there all by yourself. Your fear energizes your enemy. God gave us the power, we just need to be sure we keep it and we use it and not rely on the various service providers to overide God’s gift, but you have to be alert. 
To go to scripture to find peace about end times and eschatology, is like going into a round room to find a corner. You will not find it.
The fruit of the spirit is peace, love, power and a sound mind. There is no consensus from anybody on end times. It divides the flock disperses and dismembers the body.
There are more denominations and more sects and Cults on this topic. End times is an abuse of scripture. It changes with every new wind of news. God does not change.
Scripture is given for our understanding God and our transformation for “we are being transformed into the same full image from the glory to the glory as by the spirit”. And we are to “renew the spirit of our mind” with these truths to more clearly associated with the Living God. 
This is the purpose of scripture and not and times. I repeat not end times. That is a dead end road. Even as the Pharisees ask Christ when his kingdom would come he said it would not come with observation. Then he promptly told the disciples do not go after them. It is the blind following the blind fall into the ditch and those who appropriate their faith by fear are doing just that.
So when you get together and talk about all the social ills of today, and government abuse, and secret societies, you energize the god of this age, the governor of fear, and instigator, satan. You glorify that God. You insult the true God that provided salvation from that mindset. 
God sent his son into the world not to destroy the world but to save it. John 3:17. And Christ prayed to the Father for those who are His saying “Father, I pray for those you have given me not that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from evil.” But this you just cannot believe. You fear another. 

But the Father spoke to Isaiah concerning these people saying “11 For the Lord spoke thus to me with [i]a strong hand, and instructed me that I should not walk in the way of this people, saying:

12 “Do not say, ‘A conspiracy,’
Concerning all that this people call a conspiracy,
Nor be afraid of their [j]threats, nor be [k]troubled.
13 The Lord of hosts, Him you shall hallow;
Let Him be your fear,
And let Him be your dread.
14 He will be as a [l]sanctuary,
But a stone of stumbling and a rock of [m]offense

Paul the Apostle prayed that we would know the power that is in us each of us individually as those who have faith in Christ, that God the Father showed when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him far above all powers and principalities. Paul wanted us to know this power because that’s where we can go by faith and trust in the Living God, we can be resurrected by this power in us. But in so doing by rejecting this power that is in us we resurrect our own pho. And as well by speaking and fomenting these things, it’s that very fear and words that open up the bottomless pit.
Those who lead with the sword will be killed by the sword and those who live by fear shall have the thing come upon them that they fear most.
Love motivates, fear paralyzes. Love emowers fear kills. 
So you decide alege yourself with the Living God and use His power for such or alege yourself with the god of this age through fear and glorify him by building his case. 
If we approach scripture with a fear-based mind it gives us one message. But if we approach it with the love of God we get another message. We can use scripture to build up our concepts and understandings of which there are many. Or we can learn about God.
So instead of empowering the god of fear, let us align ourselves with the god of love. For after this day is over, after every end-time prophecy has been scoffed at, the only thing left to talk about is the Living God..
The choice is yours. The kingdom of God is at hand. Whatever is Noble whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is wholesome, think upon these things in the peace of God will be with you amen.