We whose vessels are filled to the full have received the fullfillment of all things. It is enough that a student be like their master, like their teacher. However a student is not better than his teacher but we may be equal to. So we are.
He who said that “a greater than John the Baptist is here” is Christ who is greater than all things. For He is the collection of all things of our Heavenly Father. And “we are complete in Him who is the head of all powers and principalities”, for even demons are subject to Him. We have that too.
John the Baptist was the last prophet of the old covenant and culmination of the law and the prophets that Christ is greater than because He absorbed him into Himself as He did with all the law, the prophets, the parables and pictures because Christ is their fullness. They all spoke of Him so there is nothing left undisclosed.. Now the Kingdom is preached and all are entering. The replacement Kingdom has come. You either accept it or reject it but there is NOT a third covenant or a third Jerusalem (Galatians 4.26). This is why “The Kingdom of God is at hand. Have you entered in? Or do you wait for another savior and kingdom?
Paul said that NOW we are fellow citizens, saints and members of the household of God. Having been built upon the apostles and the prophets with Christ our cornerstone. Yes the one the old, expired Jerusalem rejected. Why? Because Christ is not a physical building stone, but invisible. Which is perfectly fitting for the Kingdom of the invisible God, and us that are begotten a new creation of Word and Spirit, for here is our association.
Christ is the collection of all the old articles transferred over and renewed in the spirit. The old way only eluded to with parables and shadows from the Heavens. But now? The Kingdom is preached and all are entering. Have you responded to that invitation? Because it has not retracted YET, but the time is short.
” 10 Of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched carefully, who prophesied of the grace that would come to you, 11 searching what, or what manner of time, the Spirit of Christ who was in them was indicating when He testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow. (We are those glories and fulfill the verse where Christ said “and Father the Glory you have given me I have given them) To them it was revealed that, not to the themselves, (meaning the prophets) but to us they were ministering the things which now have been reported to you through those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven—things which angels desire to look into. 1 Peter
So think it not strange that we speak things more clearly than the prophets and more easily understood to those “who have eyes to see and ears to hear” of a different nature. Of a spiritual one. Even as Christ said his words are spirit and they are truth”. This is what we have. This is who we have. Christ laid down his life for us to have life and we do not scoff at the gift. We do not draw back or return to the old as if His brief human existence was not enough, or need to be repeated or done over by a second coming Jesus. If you know Him as He is you can see how unnecessary another coming savior would be.
It is us who correctly view the Gathering. It is not a collection of carnal vessels because that turns to dust, but us who have our carnal vessels in tact, who collected the invisible things of God and reassembled them in ourselves. God’s collection in gathering is his own individual attributes, as we become them we are gathered to in like manner.
Even as it was displayed in the old Covenant that the women would go to the well and drop down their pales into the water and draw them up full to set them on their shoulders. In this way we are the filled vessels parallel to the head of the filler in share in the exactitude of who they are. Our vessels are filled to be poured out to be filled again that you too may have life too.
This is the mystery of the ambassador. Christ said 12 If I have told you earthly things (like the law and the prophets) and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things? 13 No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven. And Christ who was on earth, said He was in Heaven, because He is Heaven. “Those who are born again can see the Kingdom. And those born from above can enter the Kingdom (John 3). We the elect who are fulfilled in Christ are in Heaven also because we are in Him. All things are made new in Christ in this way. And because He descended and also re-ascended, He fills all and all, meaning everything everywhere all the time. That is what eternal means.
We the elect are not only beyond the law. We also are no longer subjected to the elements of the earth as being a restriction from our New residence. We know our abode.
This is why “The Kingdom of God is at Hand, and all are pressing in”. Have you responded to that invitation?