March 19, 2017


Posted on March 19, 2017 by ADMIN

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God can be articulated to the intellect but he cannot be constructed. Nor can anything be constructed to house him.
For God to be manufactured is an oxymoron. For the maker to be in need for something being made is silly. God cannot be manufactured but God can be articulated. Articulation is an invisible tool for the invisible God. Articulation is done by words. “In the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” This word is defined as God’s Son. You say why? Because not only is he the exactitude of the father He is also an invisible embodiment. And it’s not just that historical references or things about God are passed on through articulation, oh no much greater than that. It is the very genetics and DNA contained in the gospel passed down through the gospel for our Transfiguration from a created being to a spirit being. An elemental understanding is false because God is not made up of elements. There are no Borders or boundaries or restrictions that he is subject to, for if he was he would not be God. God is boundless in his ways unrestricted unfettered unhindered to whom belong eternal glory amen fun things
No one has seen God at anytime but the Son declares Him with perfect articulation. If we see the Son as He truly is, we see the Father. The Son said “He who has seen Me has seen the Father. He was not talking about carnally visual aspects or a physical portrait would be the testimony of the Son.
When the Son came to his own, his own did not receive him because they were expecting an expansion of The Parables with things made of time and matter. They saw not the Eternal value in that one. But to as many as received him, not his carnal nature but His Spirit, to them he gave power to become his children even those who believe in his name.” That it is us who see him as he is. We are being transfigured from the glory to the glory they saw not his glory for they saw the robes and sandals only. There are those who are expecting a man in kingly attire on a studly horse we’re embarrassed by The Peasant on a donkey. The physical became a distraction and they saw him not. But those of us who know him as a contrast to the physical understood him perfectly. Those who understood him as Shiloh riding on the foal of a cult understood that the reign of the Jews was over. Those who speak of him coming again know him not for he is already here. Lo I am with you always even to the End Amen
He does not receive his testimony from man for he knows what’s in man. More carnal Fabrications. But we speak what we here and testify to what we see for we have eyes and ears of a different nature. We endure as seeing him who is invisible. He who was born a king need not become a king. The sun did not come here to become anything but to prove who he already was.
John the Apostle was explicit that we know him who is from the beginning. This is proof that he is unchangeable and character in nature and construction. But there is a coming one whose coming is according to the working of Satan. The coming one is the becoming one who is not yet but must be.
The sun’s purpose and only purpose was to expire all the parables. He proved this when he went to the father and said father I have completed the work you have given me to do I have given Those whom you’ve given me out of this world I have given them your word and they have kept it. The articulation was complete. In him dwells the fullness of the godhead body and because we have received his word we of his fullness we have received. So we too can say I am the father are one. The coming one is a becoming one as though is not yet it must be in his there for disqualified as being eternal.
It is as we take all the concepts of God displayed in the law and the prophets and more clearly in the Sun and expire them in the heavens being the regions of our mind the access is through the heart the very place of God comma the gospel message has its fulfilled purpose in us and need not take this any further. As Peter stated receiving the end of your faith the salvation of your soul.
The salvation of the soul is to be restored to its proper purpose of full interaction with God. The soul is the only invisible element you have it’s the only Eternal access point you have to the father and without restoration there is no eternity.
As a seed in the dirt seems insurmountable and unimportant to the plant, for it sees no light and lives in dirt so too is the man of the Earth. But if it contains the genetics of the Living God showing in our hearts through the gospel being watered by the Holy Spirit it becomes enamored with another element. It’s sites and focuses are no longer in the shell so too with the metamorphosis of a butterfly in a caterpillar. The two are constructs of different elements. One crawls on the dirt the other flies in the air. So to those who have sown the words of God in their heart water with it the Holy Spirit becomes the thing that is said. The very genetics of God’s Own in our heart in this way we become Godly.
There is no such thing as life in an afterlife. It is those who in their carnal body being ignorant of the things of God are The Walking Dead. They are dead to the things of God. If this were not so the sun would not of said let the dead bury their dead. And John the Apostle would not of said he who has the son has life he who has not the son has not life. Those who have not the Sun have the contrast. And the contrast will be taken out of the way for the Eternal to remain. And it is also true that the dust returns to the Dust. Those who do not acquire the spirit acquire nothing. Go to acquire a carnal konstruct of the scriptures acquire nothing. For this reason they are said to be poor blind and naked. Not knowing the riches in Christ they are poor not seeing the kingdom of God at hand they are blind. Not putting on the cloaking of Christ they are naked. Anything made of time and matter will be dissolved. That’s why those who hold onto a con struck and a hope of time and matter specifically the second coming their hopes will be tarnished. Those who put on Christ put on the very words he spoke. As we said earlier the son said father I have finished the work that you’ve given me to do I have given them your word and they have kept it nothing else needs to be said this sun is the final say so.
We who have received the sun in this way as an embodiment of the concepts and attributes of God are sons of God. It is us who speak the words to confirm Who We Are by where we been and where were we the very place we are. Christ said no one has descended from heaven but he will send it from Heaven that is the son of man who is in heaven we too can take these words and expire them and fulfill them and ourselves that just as he was and just as he is so are we in the world because he was not a man in the world he was himself being the word the very exact expression of the father as are we. And no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again and we see and no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born above and so we were. We are a kind of first fruits of his creation being born of word and spirit of his kind non element spirit and Truth.
We testify of what we hear and speak of what we seen because of the place that we have been. So that makes us a visitor while we are here we who are visitors are called ambassadors. For who can be an ambassador from a country they’ve never had residents in they would not be. You could only be an ambassador and a representative of something that you are a part of otherwise you would just be a spokesperson. This is what happens to those who speak of another coming Kingdom because the kingdom of God being at hand that quite obviously have not been to the place they are trying to represent.
Like a baby bird in the nest who prefers a soft pre-chewed worm so to a carnal believer is hooked on parables. This is the same as preferring the old wine for it is better, they reject the new.
Those who pay ties at the temple pay for building projects and give in to sacrifices these are slow to receive the invisible for the visible things they did are of no Eternal value. If it does not serve as a crossover Point into the eternal it amounts to nothing but I Dollar Tree. For our Christ has entered into the heavens now not to Tabernacle made by hands but a tabernacle made by God. That is the place of our homage of our sacrifices and are giving. As it says in Isaiah why do you trample my courts with your fist in your sacrifices? Who has required this of you? It is to receive God as he is and offered him the sacrifice of praise that is acceptable to him.
If you appear at the altar to leave a gift and no not the Gift Giver The Giver becomes a taker and you leave empty-handed. To some people he appears as a thief or even what they think they have she’ll be taken. In those who have an expectation of a future Jesus have nothing if you knew the Gift Giver and the things he possessed you would receive immediately the things that you asked for for this reason the son said to the disciples until now you have asked for nothing in my name ask that your joy may be full. Open to that point they were with of man named Jesus and they approached the man Jesus to ask the father for things and because their misconceptual eyes to the sun was they had no access. But we know the Gift Giver and we know the gift. All the gifts are in Christ Jesus All Things become new in Christ Jesus. You just need to figure out what All Things Are. You may look at some and think they are poor but they possess all things in this way.
For this reason John the Apostle said love not the world nor the things of the world for he who loves the world the love of the father is not in him. But we love God
There are those things that were with God from the beginning. These things are his. Everything else should be burned
If you really knew the Gift Giver in truth you would not have to ask because the things have already been given. We have been given everything that pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge of him who calls us by glory to virtue. To share his virtue we are the called. We who know the Gift Giver in this way being the recipients are now ourselves gift-givers. As it is written he who rejects you rejects me he who receives you received me we are the conduit. We are the conveyors and the purveyors of the water that doesn’t cost money we are recipients of the Living Water and become Wells of Living Water.
Christ approached the woman in Samaria at the well and asked for water. Had she known the gift-giver she would have asked for the water. She said I know the Christ when he comes he shall tell us all things. In response Jesus said I whom you are seeking, I am. He left no explanation of a 2nd coming. She was filled enough to go tell the whole city. “This is the Christ”. In our age there are many still waiting.  God does not repeat Himself.  But fortunately we do. We call it the Gospel.
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