Apps Apples and The Tree of Knowledge
Many people are aware of the account of Adam and Eve with the apple in Eden as the forbidden fruit. It was God who had told them “in the day you eat of it you shall surely die.” That for Eve then Adam, when they bit the apple, their eyes were opened to a whole new realm, more than just good and evil. They saw themselves in the light of a new perspective. This is why Satan was described as an angel of light. It was as if before that, Adam and Eve could only see inside themselves, then their carnal senses were awakened to their surroundings and for the first time? They saw themselves exposed and incomplete, naked and ashamed. For they felt the need to be covered and have coverages and protections from this world outside around them, being their new reality, hence the Fig Leaf.
This is the starting point for everyone to begin their journey to be covered again that begins with clothing. And many are the tools Satan’s coverages and coverings for a sense of completeness’s safeties and protections. That they had opened the proverbial “Pandora’s box” and bit off more than they could handle, into one lie, one accusation, one presentation after another. So that they felt frail and incomplete, naked and exposed to need to be covered.
This explains how today, most people subscribe to coverages and services that make them feel saved, completed, clothed and safe in many ways. We now have the “internet providers”. Meaning that there is an outer, an upper and another above the “Internet” we will call the “outermost” and the “uppermost Heaven“. This is what the internet competes with that keeps people out of the upper. That is why it is called a net, to mean a barrier and a trap to prevent them from something else. Even as Christ told the disciples that “Satan has desired to sift you as wheat, and I pray your faith does not fail”. To mean that Satan keeps what gets stuck in His net, as those that “fall short of the grace of God” because they excepted other offerings and coverages to complete themselves. This is a kind of spiritual adultery to be provided by from contending coverings offered to us free as spelled out in scripture .
We know these things because we are “seated in Heavenly places in Christ, far above all powers and principalities in Christ” to include that “inter-net” of capture. Which gives us this insight into their motivation and goal, to control many souls by intercepting them from the Gospel for another set of savings and saviors. We know these things because we have oversight and discovery of these things because our power for protection is higher and it is greater, and in our oversight we see more clearly because we are above the inter-net that is a net that is under as a cheep and insignificant counterfeit from our viewpoint.
These are the contending, counterfeit coverages they offer to you to detain you from the protections we get from Christ through what is called the gospel. That we have the real coverings that Satan’s only pretends to have and offered to humanity by way of the internet, a tool of capture.
For this reason Satan is called “the prince of the power of the air that now works in the sons of disobedience”. To mean those who are in an upper, but not the outer because there is place higher that we sit in for discovery as the way on how NOT to do it without incurring wrath. And this Higher One is the Highest, and “Most High God” and He has His offspring as well saying “greater is the one that is in your than the one who in the world”, showing us the distinction of classes. Those who are earth bound and looking down, verses those who “reach out to lay halod of why Christ laid ahold of us”, which is to share in “The Kingdom of God at hand” that starts NOT with your application but your verbal appeal to the Almighty God for Him to be your soul provider. Soul to mean solo as a singular and only provider, but your invisible soul too as the only thing you get to keep from this carnal season of selecting who provides and covers you and what they cover. Hence, John 3.16. That God so loved those of the world that He sent His only begotten Son, that whoso ever believes in Him shall not (live a life to) perish but to have everlasting life that starts the moment you learn to put Christ on as a package deal for a covering for all your needs.
It was because Adam and Eve “bit” into the apple, the immediate addiction was to keep biting for more bits to try to cover themselves against all ills and evils and to silence the accuser who made them feel naked and exposed and little. To mean that the “accuser of the brethren” and the providers for those coverages all work for the god this age Satan. And because when they bit the apple in defiance to the warning of “in the day you eat you shall surely die”. It was then that they stepped out from the coverages provided by their creator and became blind to The Heavenly Fathers promises that started with “I will never leave you or forsake you” and “I am with you throughout the ages”. And because that promise came from The Creator God, you can be sure there would be no lapses in coverages and no exuberant co-pays, and the only terms and conditions is that you harvest His other provisions He has for you from scripture, which is our tree of life “, as our source of living to have all our needs and coverings from the original source of all things. But this is just to simple to believe so that the contracts and monthly payments makes you feel your providers are more real.
For you see with Adam and Eve having been made in the image of God, and given the opportunity to grow in godliness or god-like-ness (for that is what God planted in His Garden. is was “The leaves of the trees were for the healings of the nations”. To this you may ask, how does Satan play a role in that? Satan was empowered by their inquiry. And is neutralized by accepting Christ as the only Savior as the only who can save you from these things. In this was “The Accuser” of the brethren is cast down. And the voice of opposition to the gospel. For in the day you believe in Christ enough to become naked again. To mean that you are willing to put off the policies and coverages you are wrapped in? At that very moment the covering from God is retroactive from that moment on. It is with the heart that one believes and with the mouth that one confesses Christ as their cure. However you cannot mix contending service providers. Ours is all spelled out in scripture….
For you see if they did not have choices that needed to be exercised, they would not be self governing sovereigns imaged like God. For them they would only be puppets, but God desires a relationship. That through this relationship you would elevate yourself to His self on the ability He gave you to become like Him. That the gift given is equal to the gift giver. But you have to retrieve it as your end of the deal.
“For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God”, showing us what the end product and goal is. Godliness, an equally “heirs and joint heirs of God in Christ”.
Just like with electricity, a spiritual polarity shift had taken place with human kind. And like a parrot on a perch to slip it’s grip to flip upside down. Still holding on to the perch, now having an inverted and upside down view of everything. Up became down, front became back and visa versa….
This is what we need to be turned back over, raised back up from we call the “resurrection” in understanding where the acy fall took place. So because of this inversion in understanding, the struggle to “rise” in truth became its perpetual fall and demise because of its upside down way of looking at things. Now having an inverted disposition, it’s struggle to rise expedited it’s very fall. The harder people vie for coverages, the need for more coverings grow. So that with each new accusation of being exposed, the enemies of the gospel present to you first because in truth, they are the ones that have you convinced that you need them. And you likely do if you don’t understand the gospel messaging salvation as described in Scripture. Therein is God’s contract most call “The New Testament”, when in truth it is “The New Will and Testament” as the document of the distribution of a dead man’s Will called The Son of God. And because that event called the Cross has happened, the distribution has already been unsealed, read and offered. That “to as many as received Him, to them He gave power to become His children, even to those who just believe in His name….
And just like the Church Laodiceia who said they were rich and have need of nothing. To be told “but you don’t know that you are poor blind and naked”. Poor because you trust in the God of mammon, blind because what we say makes no sense to you, and naked because you are of your father and prototype Adam looking for fig leafs or whatever to make you feel covered for whatever seeming short fall you have, we’ve got the promises in scripture that we wear. Like I will never leave to be forsaken”. And God has given us everything that pertains to (this) life AND godliness through the knowledge of Christ and His redemption as being complete.
because it is this mindset that will reject our claim.
This is for those of you who are bound (think of Laserous) by terms and conditions for services?
If you read the arbitration clause you will realize that you cannot get out. They never expire and although you may quit using their services, they have their hooks in you and give you no way to get out from underneath it.
Also you have opted out of legal representation to use their arbitration instruments, to override Gods promises.
But even if you could get out, God is a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers to the third and the forth generation to those who’ve rejected Him”. And you may have opted out of The New Covenant signed with the blood of Christ, to then wave any other judicial agencies other then the oversight of an arbitrator, (traitor) who serves the one who pays them.
So goes the whole of humanity. Romans 7
This is the reason Christ used parables to teach of the invisible “and without a parable spake He not to the people”, because His whole purpose was to restore us to “that which is from the beginning”. To a renewed or restored way of thinking where the fall took place, in the spirit of the mind.
This is the resurrection for the bird, to be flipped right side up with a restored way of thinking.
Paul describes this in Romans saying ”
This is the gospel of the restoration which is your “resurrection” of being raised in understanding where the fall took place. For you see there were no broken bones or blood at that accident, just a newly adopted upsidedown way of thinking.
And every time you accept a new app for more bits, you buy into the illusion that you may become as God’s. And maybe so, but not where it counts.
And in you the scripture is fulfilled when yougeelrich and in need of nothing”, but you don’t know that you are poor blind and naked”. And just because you think you have things covered? You do for the wrong kind of godliness. That you too are poor blind and naked. And as the mandate went out to “in your patience posses your soul”. That just like clothing, you have put on a variety of coverages to protect your carnal interests, when in truth “dust you are and to dust you will return”. That if you in this age only, do not put on the gift of godliness and completeness of being whole in the spirit of your mind. And just like a computer to have it’s information downloaded into a chip. We have a greater more efficient storage device called the spirit of the mind.
And the truth be told, for every offering presented to us in Scripture, for the renewing not apps or services, but eternal truths that are without needing renewals. This is what we keep. That “you may know God’s good acceptable and perfect will”. Is this aquisision of godliness. Asit is written that “God has given us everything that pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge of knowing Him through virtues. And it is His virtues being gifts from the invisible. These are our apples.
But for those who reject the gospel. We say reject because God’s word has gone throughout the world to the ends of the ages “, to mean even you are without excuse. So that to maintain your course of renewals of servises and coverages. You are without excuse
And the last warnings are when the competitive form of god-like-ness has reached it’s fullness. It is then that judgment comes. Just think of Noah. They closed the door of the Ark and the rains came. Or Lot in Sodom.when they left the valley, the fire rained down. The trial and tribulation is when the features are the fearvrst. Thattge various forms of godliness are nearly free. That is what a tribulation is is just a testing and every time you plucks new app? You are distancing yourself from the eternal life from the Savior, by whom if you cut your ties that bond, and return to Him for coverages, safety, health and such, you thencsnbe renewed in the spirit of your mind so as to put off the various apps of illusion that make you feel safe, but are slowly killing you and steeling your souls.
And to the neysayers who want to protect their personal interest? We quote “get behind me Satan for you are not mindful of the things of God but men” to include the one in the mirror.
But to the willing we say “come out from among them and be ye separate and you shall be My sons and daughters “. And with a reversion in polarity, to be raised back up to receive the gift of salvation. That God has given us everything that pertains to life and godliness tgrythe knowledge of Him who has called us to glory and virtue. It is that “virtue” that’s the new you.
The Kingdom of God is at hand and within reach through faith and repentance being a willingness to change.
We know of those of you who say that you are rich and in need of nothing
But you don’t know that you are poor blind and naked. Though you have everything provided for. Therefore these are your downfall.
Storm-clouds overlapping verses overlapping coverages.