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March 10, 2013 – His Kingdom At Hand

March 10, 2013

What is the millennium age?

Posted on March 10, 2013 by ADMIN

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What is the purpose of another earthly temple, especially a man made one. My question of the thousand years as a kingdom with Christ in the flesh is what I don’t understand. It would be a time that would require no faith and that is not like Him. Flesh and blood does not inherit the kingdom, His kingdom is not of this world, and we wait for the kingdom or righteousness which can only be the New Creation at the time when creation itself is delivered from the corruption. Romans 8.19-21

The people behind the temple today reference the Ezekiel temple as their pattern, when it was a vision of the eternal. Anyway the weakness and un-profitableness of this age cannot correctly portray these things, hence we look for a city whose builder and maker is God.

Once again I don’t see Christ, Peter or Paul refer to an earthly kingdom between the Jewish temple and the Heavenly city, quite the contrary. I don’t believe there will be any partial re-establishment of the old Covenant and that’s what an earthly city/temple would be. He takes away the first to establish the second. I believe the thousand year points to a heavenly reality. Revelation 20 never says Christ’s reign on earth is in His physical Presence. Daniel refers to the courts being seated, are we not seated? Are we not invited to His rest? Are we not ambassadors of another kingdom?

The rest is the sabbath, which is also interpreted thousand year reign in scripture just once.

We have a minister of the true sanctuary and true tabernacle which the Lord erected, not man. He 8.2
His tabernacle is perfect. He 9.11
The heavenly Holy of Holies is denied with an earthly temple.
Christ after dealing with sin, sat down at the right hand of God waiting till His enemies are made His footstool.

I don’t believe He is coming back to wage war, for our weapons are not carnal/earthly. His work at calvary is complete so He sat down and this is the rest, sabbath,millennium, reign of Christ we are invited to

The book of Hebrews is replete with pleadings to let go of the shadows, images, and patterns. Why would the Lord return to that? Those things are to take us o Him, not bring Him back. It is carnal thinking that turns the work and promises of Christ into future events to happen on earth.