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Manifest Sons of God Pt 1

Posted on April 21, 2016 by ADMIN

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Isaiah 8:17 “here am I in the sons whom God has given me, we are for signs and wonders”
   Here is a glimpse of what Isaiah saw, glorified Sons, replicates of the father. To those who have become a “perfect man to the full stature and measure of the Son of God” in the here and now. This is the purpose of the Gospel. (Eph 4.13) This is true godliness and the reason for our journey here on earth. Did not the Word of God become flesh on earth? He came in the likeness of a man but was filled with the Spirit and Father? It was Paul said “let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus Who coming in the form of man thought it not robbery to be equal with God”. And so we are.
    You see man was made in the image and likeness of God to be crowned with glory and honor, to interact with God perfectly. This is the gift, for “of His fullness we have received “. And he is glorified when we are glorified for that is the purpose of the Gospel “bringing many sons to glory”.
  It is through the gospel that we receive God’s genetic code, His invisible-ness on our invisible soul, mind and Spirit. These are our invisible parts and God is invisible. So it is our invisible parts that interact with God perfectly. This is why John said “the world does not know us because it did not know Him”. Because they cannot see him who is invisible and so they can’t see the invisible side of us, being Gods invisible attributes seen in Christ that we have put on.  The part of us that “not a hair on your head shall be hurt”. And this is how it is fulfilled  that “he who receives you receives me,  and he who rejects you rejects Me”. This is the equality. Can you receive this?
  Paul was trying to convey this when he said “now that you’ve been known by God (like Adam knew Eve) why do you seek the weak and beggarly elements of the Earth.” And this knowing Gods word is His genetic information and transformation saying “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.  We are reformatted and fitted with the very genetic code of the Living, eternal God in this way. We become holy, invisible. This part of us is like God.
   Each human being  has the ability to house not the external heavens  of the moon and stars  but to perfectly accommodate  the expanse of the Holy Spirit of the Living God, which is much greater than the heavens that can only “declare His handiwork”, but the heavens are not able to contain him or represent Him. Just point to Him.
   The heavens are just like the screen in a movie theater  showing the evidence of God  receiving light and images but not the very images they represent. The projector is God. It is the wisdom of this age that is foolishness with God. Did He not give the heavens to the Gentiles for “times and seasons?” That expanse is theirs. But ours is the expanse of the mind which is eternally greater than all creation. 
 As we adopt His word we are modified, not just for the capacity to interact with God but to be coequal with God. Does not scripture say that our bodies are the temples for the Living God?  Doesn’t scripture say “whoever keeps my word, we will come and make our home in you”? So we too can learn of His reality and say like a son  “I and the Father are one”
That is right. It is for the Father to be freely at home to cohabitate with us and in us. “For the Father is spirit and truth and seeketh such”. Our new members are these truths we talk about. This is our body, His body. With His dead body we arise. Come let us go up from here.
 Christ said “He who has seen me has seen the Father. He has interactions with us as co-equals being joint heirs in Christ . So much so in fact that we become a chip off the old block. As the man Jesus portrayed that he was made in the likeness of God taking on the form of man He was co-equal with God “for in him dwells all of the fullness of the God head body”, and “we are complete in him who is the head of all power and principality”.
So we too being in carnal form think it not robbery to be equal with God saying “let this mind be in you” and so we do. This is the gift no man can earn.
 Any father is most honored when his son can do what He does. Did not the Christ say “Greater Works shall you do for I go to the father?” Not that we do greater than God but the man Jesus.  And “the father is glorified when you bear much fruit”. And “the fruit that you bear will remain”. This is the upward calling of God in Christ. 
  The writer of Hebrews spoke of the spirits of just men made perfect saying “you have not come to a mountain that can be burned that as much as even a man or beast touch will die, but you have come to the Heavenly City to the Heavenly Jerusalem to an innumerable company of angels to the spirits of men just made perfect”. And it is the spirits of just men made perfect” who are not only carnal men but experience to perfection the spirit that equals eye to eye contact with the father.
In the beginning Adam had equality with the father in full fellowship. This is what he fell away from and this is what the gospel restores us to “for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” because that is the fall of Man and the departure of man from glory and equality. What man lost was the very nature and glory of God himself. We no longer fall short of the glory if you follow Christ who asked the Father “that where I am they may be also”. That word is fulfilled in us,  the elect.
That is why the redemptive value of each man is God himself. That God himself paid for the redemption the restoration and the conclusion of the Gospel all through the man Christ Jesus at the cross, scripture saying “God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the world to Himself and has committed to us this message of reconciliation”. Understanding this we can understand that there is no future payment no future battle no future work of God for he is “seated waiting for his enemies to become his footstool”. A 2nd coming is not the revelation of Christ.  The scriptures are.
 And we do this through the gospel. This is done as we are refitted and reformatted with the genetic information passed on to us in the gospel. For us to be reconstructed through knowledge to experience the glory of God at the moment of our understanding, at the moment we become transformed. As scripture says “we have been given everything that pertains to life and Godliness according to the knowledge of Him who calls us to glory by virtue”.
    Mentally we are capable of doing this and just as it is an insult for one strong man to see a weak man in false humility begging defiling the very image that he is by becoming subservient to elements and matter. Were we not made to have dominion? Were we not made in the image of God? In the likeness of God?  So the false humility of the religious pendants of the day are an insult to the gift of God. For the gift of God is himself as He displayed in his Son that when we see Christ, his reward is with Him because it is Him. Nothing more nothing less, but what more could you want. All things have been reconciled through the cross.
 So those religious leaders who keep you confessing in false humility at the base of the cross, keep you in your fallen nature looking at the fallen things that cannot help you. It is an insult to the Living God and the work of the Gospel for these men to behave in such a manner and for them to expect you to do that. The bludgeoning of the body and the false humility is of no sacrifice that is Honorable to the Living God. Get up like a man. Arise in understanding and awaken from your Adamic slumber.
It was in the beginning that mankind was made for dominion. And as soon as he started working with his hands, he fell from having Dominion because it was in this way that men now serve the creation that was supposed to serve him saying “go forth and have dominion”. Rule and reign. This is the way that creation itself groans because it to is not functioning as designed by letting you serve is it, in our mind and our spirit. That we are of “love power and a sound mind”. For “we have the mind of Christ” and the will of the Father.  We have no instability in us at all for we walk in the light as he is in the light if we walk in darkness at all”. If we walk in darkness, fear and uncertainty we lie and do not do the truth”. And those who walk in the false humility walk in a false understanding disrespecting the gift of God. It is “to as many as received him to them he gave the power to become his children even to those who believe in his name.” And when we say to those who believe in his name we are not talking about the pronunciation or a spelling for he is the one portrayed in Revelation on the White Horse who no man can pronounce or say who’s garment  is dipped in Blood and whose name is the word of God because his name is so much greater than any pronunciation or any spelling. His name is the culmination of all revelation.
    When you can truly understand who the Son is you can use any name or spelling that you want as long as the meaning in the heart is accurate. And those who know God in this way are the sons of God.
   So who was the angel that spoke to John the Revelator where for a moment John thought he was staring Christ in the face. He then bowed down to worship Him and the angel said to him “get up John why are you stooping to worship me?  I am one of your fellow brethren those of the Servants of God who keep the testimony of Jesus Christ.  It was John the Revelator who saw a glorified Son of God. And you know what?  There was no Second Coming involvement, there was no cataclysmic event, there was no rapture. And although all creation itself appeared to be silent the very heavens themselves with this principle and with these truths for the glory of God to appear to show us that this too can happen to those who are refitted and transformation by renewing their mind with this thinking to experience this very thing. And when we are called by the gospel to arise and to awaken to this very thing. Did not Paul the Apostle during his transformation saying that he “reaches out to lay hold of why Christ laid off hold of him?” Did he ask us to wait or enjoy the show until another Jesus comes? No! “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” for this is the purpose of the gospel and your sojourn ship here on Earth. For there Comes a time when those who are just she’ll be just those who are miserable will stay miserable. In the time of this era of Salvation will close and what you’ve become is what you will be. What Paul said of the Gospel “till  we all come to the fullness and stature of the son of God, to a perfect man”. To what Adam lost being “good, very good” before the fall. Can you hear this gospel? Can you receive it? And if I may borrow a phrase from Corinthians 15 “each one and their own order.” This is not about a collective event called a second coming that some suppose for “the kingdom of God is at hand” and the power of God has been given. Amen!
   Can you accept this call? Can you hear the voice that calls you from heaven? Do you hear the words now “come up hither”. Can you join John the Revelator who was in the Spirit on the Lords day while he was in his incarnation?  Then can you join the spirits of just men made perfect and see the angels before the Throne serving God.
    If you see a man falling down do you not reach out to help him? Can you see the hand of God? What was Leonardo’s portrait of?
Do not murmur and complain like those in the wilderness who were destroyed.  I see the glory of God. Do you? If you look at the earth and see if gloominess  and darkness,  shame on you. Not because I say so but because you deny the gospel. We join the man Christ and say “we speak of what we hear and testify to what we have seen.



Posted on February 24, 2016 by ADMIN

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From Hebrews 10.12; Christ, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God, 13 from that time waiting till His enemies are made His footstool. 14 For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.

Hebrews 1 discusses how that Christ is now seated waiting till His enemies are made His foot stool. So here is the glorious truth about the gospel “once and for all delivered to the saints”. It is as the gospel is received in us and appropriated by faith that it subdues our enemies. We see and believe and appropriate the word of God as scripture says “for who shall ascend into heaven to bring Him down? Or who shall descend to the depths to bring Him up that we may do it? (Or how long must we wait for a 2nd coming? ) But no, the word is very near to you that you may hear it and do it. It is even in your heart.That if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth…then you shall be saved. It is in this way that the words of God are actualized, initiated, and instituted by the working of faith “for the just shalllive by faith”. And it is in this way that Christ is seated with the Father waiting for us to join Him there with Him saying “follow methat where I am you may be also”. And how do we get there? By word. We appropriate His word.
You see the gospel message is a blue print for our transformation and transfiguration and not a survival guide for you to wait for a second coming.
There is no future saving or deliverance but the deliverance “once and for all delivered to the saints”. There is no future battle for the Father or Son because scripture says they “are seated waiting for His enemies to become His footstool“.
   The battle is in us now as we appropriate Gods promises by believing and confessing them into existence against the obstacles in our lives. This becomes our work of faith for God did not leave us here orphans or helpless, having to be saved from your fallen state or save you from a fallen world. We have been given the keys to the kingdom and the keys are His Word, the Son who was with the Father and became flesh for this “greater salvation”.
Hebrews 4.12 For the word of God is living and powerful (able to do this), and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
     So it is in this way that we put off the sin of the flesh and put on the new man who is the same image as Him who made us. Word.

     And this is the principle of faith, being the Word of God which is living and powerful in us, that we receive in our heart, believe it in our mind and speak it with our mouth, when the facts are contrary, when what we see doesn’t jive with what the spirit is saying and we choose to believe the word in spite of the physical proof screaming at us and tell us contrary to the spirit. “Hath God really said?” For those who follow God in this way? They are the children of God. (Romans 8)

You see there is no 2nd coming battle to wage for humanity as some suppose. Christ is seated waiting for His enemies to be subdued. Scripture makes no reference to a 2nd coming battle in a physical way. And scripture is clear that sin has been dealt with, that “the ruler of this world is judged” “satan has been cast down, Christ has been given authority over all flesh and “all things have been put under foot. The only enemy now is the sin of unbelief. (John 16.8)
So when scripture says “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we could think or ask according to the power that works in us… to Him be the Glory in this age and every age amen.., It is that the Father is glorified in us by us re-iterating His words and confessed by our mouth that become our new reality. If you are fighting against Satan sin and death other than by scripture, meaning, the word of God, then you are fighting in vain. You see the battle field is in our mind saying “For the weapons of our warfare are mighty through God for pulling down strongholds and everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God”. It was God who gave us the keys to the kingdom, being His words displayed on the pages of His book, to overcome the obstacles of our day saying “in the day of salvation I have heard and I have helped.Today is the day of salvation”. These are Gods words! Yes! And amen!
    This is how you overcome the obstacles you have. As much as we want to see a light from heaven and one ride in on the clouds to reach out to us and save us. The saving is done “in Christ “. Christ is “seated waiting for His enemies to become His footstool” subdued through you. In this way you show yourself a child of God by your words. His word active in you. This is the saving of the gospel by word and need not a second coming saving. Christ said “it is finished” and is seated victorious  in all authority, then gifting it to us who believe for us to become “the full measure and stature of Christ”. A duplocate of Christ to a perfect son “till we come to the full stature and likeness of Christ”.
This is for those of us who have returned to the Father, and what Paul was begging you to hear saying “16 Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. ( now and not at a 2nd coming)18 Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, 19 that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.

20 Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. 21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

This then is salvation and the eternal gospel “once and for all delivered to us” to take us into the presence of the Almighty in the here and now.


The Kingdom of God is at hand.


Resurrection Defined

Posted on January 2, 2016 by ADMIN

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Resurrection is commonly taught  as taking place at the end of the carnal life, at the death of the human body. That heaven and the Kingdom of God or an eternal bliss is later.
   To understand scriptural resurrection we must first understand what the fall is because resurrection is essentially  a reversal of the fall of Adam and Eve. “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”. To this they must be lifted from the fall to be raised or resurrected,  restored, renewed and made whole. And how is this to be done? Through the gospel.
   Resurrection is a restoration a redemption and a renewal of what was lost and displayed  in the account of the Garden of Eden. This is when and where mankind fell saying “in that day you shall surely die” and it was immediate. They spiritually died by loosing the indwelling of Gods Holy Spirit. In the beginning God created man from the dust of the Earth then he breathed in him the breath of life and he became a living soul. When he fell he lost the Breath of Life. He lost eternal life and was sent out of the garden saying that he was denied the tree of life is to eat and live forever. To this he needed be restored and this is the purpose of the Gospel. For us to be a living soul and eat of the tree of life and live forever. If we believe the gospel this is what we receive.
For the reversal of the fall we learn from book of Romans. ” Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life”. And ” 10 And “if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. 11 But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead also gives life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who (now) dwells in you”.  And “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.”  
   This is scriptural resurrection without a visual death. And when “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” He demonstrated for us that godliness, meaning God-Like-Ness can happen in our human bodies. Christ had a human body and said “I am the resurrection and the life” and Adam had a body before he fell when the Father said of him “it is good, very good.” This is the Restoration in the resurrection.
 Now from the old testament.
Isaiah said of this “Your dead shall live;
Together with my dead body[b] they shall arise. (26.19)
   Here we have a revelation from the prophet, that we rise in Christ. “In His dead body we shall arise”. We rise in his dead body not our own. This is what it means to be “in Christ” and not “in Adam”. All who are in Adam are dead, but in Christ we live. We associate with Christ of who Isaiah was talking about through baptism by the working of faith when we denounced our previous association with our Adam fallen sinfulness and die to that to come up out of the water proclaiming to be righteous and new. And if we profess that? You can be sure that God will hold you accountable to that event and your words.
To be “in Christ” is to be in the new Adamic replacement. Paul called Christ “the last Adam” who became “a life giving spirit”. He goes on to say that “we knew Christ in a human body , but we know Him like that no more” describing Christ’s invisibleness, but also showing that “in Him dwells the fullness of the God head body” while He was incarnate. Yes! The Word became flesh and dwelled among us for us to be like Him while we are incarnate saying “as He is so are we in the world”. And we are like Him now if we can learn to receive it.
Here then is the problem. We baptize in religious settings then turn and talk about the 2nd coming Christ. To another resurrection of another  time when a God man will visit planet earth and deliver us from all our woes and resurrect or rapture our mortal bodies and this is the error. Because “From dust ye are to dust you return” and flesh and blood does not inherit the kingdom”. But the mind does, and “that which is flesh is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit, you must be born again”. How? By these words. “We are brought forth by the word of truth to be a first fruit of His creation” while we are in our humanity. Or if you can’t believe this? Then believe the lie and wait.
   Was the Word who became flesh they call Jesus the savior? Did He rise from the dead? Then perform your duty of faith and believe! Rise with His dead body and receive your inheritance now. For all the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ”. And “TODAY is the day of salvation.  That other message is of another saving of another savior of another resurrection in a different time? That is what detains many from their inheritance now.
  Here is another perspective.  2 Corinthians 5.1 For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation which is from heaven, if indeed, having been clothed, we shall not be found naked.
    Here we have Paul explain that our new body is not physical saying when the body is destroyed we shall not be found naked. Why? Because hopefully you are not waiting for a new physicality but are being clothed with our new habitation which is from heaven now. “lest we be found naked”. That is where the 2nd coming mindset leaves you. Naked. We are to be clothing ourselves with our heavenly habitation, our attire our new nature now. The new body is now as we re-assemble the testimony of the Word of God being the very genetic code of Gid we absorb in ourselves and become new. Even as Paul went on to say: 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 18 Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ,” And this all happens in the here and now because of the proof at the cross. Not at an illusive 2nd coming. “We are a new creation”? Yes! The newness is as we put on Christ as scripture mandates. We see Him as He is before He became flesh and dwelled among us. Which is? Invisible like the Father. The Word of God fully expresses the thoughts if God and the two are one. We become one with them “for we have the mind of Christ”. No Man has seen the Father ? Yes, but Christ declared Him” for our transfiguration. He made the Father visible to the respirited mind of faith. Even as the man Jesus said ” He who has seen Me has seen the Father and from now on you have seen Him and known Him”. How? By revelation. Revelation being a renewed thinking as we accept God as He truely is. Eternal, immortal, invisible. The only wise God”. 
Paul instructs us to put on our heavenly habitation from God eternal in the heavens now while we are sojourning in the human body so that we are not found naked? Meaning spiritually naked. Not naked like Adam who clothed himself in a fig leaf and not of God. He chose the physical over the spiritual and broke free from God. This is the reason Christ prayed “Father that they may be one (equal) with us”. So the resurrection is our invisible, eternal part that we put on now.
      Doesn’t scripture say that we are being transformed into His self same image from the glory to the glory by the spirit? Then why are some waiting and looking to the sky as tho they will be lifted up and leave their empty clothes laying on the ground as if they discard their falleness then? These people are “poor blind and naked”. Poor because they reject the gift, blind because they think the Kingdom is later, and naked because they wait for a physical change. Even Paul said in 1 Corinthians that the physical body is first and then the spiritual.  The body returns to dust. But some think it’s raptured?
So we have to discard the traditional religious concept of new life after a dead body as Jesus said ‘he who believes in Me has passed from death to life ”  and receive the resurrection of faith As Defined By scripture. That “TODAY is the day of salvation “. That we return to being a living soul. God says “I have heard and i have helped” And as John the Baptist said ” behold the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world”? And he did to the renewed mind by renewing the spirit. Meaning the saving from the world and the consequences of the curse for the restoration the redemption the renewal and the resurrection as scripture repeatedly says.
     This is the fulfillment  of what Jesus said “Father I pray not that you take them out of the world but that you keep them from evil ” so He does. The curse is reversed to the renewed mind of faith. This is our invisible part that we keep when the body is discarded and after. The body cannot add or take away from this. But the mind can for “we are partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust”? So we do.
      Simply put resurrection means we are no longer in a fallen condition with Adam “. We are lifted up from the fall to what Adam lost. We are raised “with My dead body they shall arise”.. Adam and Eve fell and need to be lifted back up from a fallen state, a state of being dead by loosing fellowship with God by loosing His holy spirit. That was death, not a physical death.
     To be respirited means to be redeemed, restored and recreated to realize that everything from the beginning has been good very good and to partake of that. That is “if you can receive it”.
    We are raised up “to the last day” and not at the last day. Jesus tried to explain this to Mary and she didn’t get it so He cried.  Why? Because it’s the Fathers good pleasure to give you the Kingdom” which the 2nd coming seekers deny because they look for a physical event, but the fall was spiritual. There was no cataclysmic event when he fell and there is none when we rise. It happens in the blink of an eye, unnoticeable to human perceptions. It was in the thinking that the departure took place.
We are in Adams “In that day ye shall surely die”, or we are “in Christ, in “The Day of our Lord” by what we believe “The Lords Day”, “In That Day”. We are in the day you shall surely live. This is TODAY if you can hear His voice. And “see that you do not refuse Him who speaks from heaven?
     There are two time frames. The many days of Adamic humanity defined by days measured in 24 hour intervals where everything is in a constant fight with death and decay, or “That Day” known as the day of the Lord. The day where there is no night for the Lamb is it’s light. The day that has no start or end where the Almighty lives. Not Adams days but “That Day”.
Isaiah 59.1 Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, That it cannot save; Nor His ear heavy, That it cannot hear.” But some preach of another saving and rob people of Gods saving power. The 2nd coming mindset creates double minded people who are “unstable in all their ways, let not that man suppose he will receive anything from the Lord”. (James 1.8) So they pray repetitiously and say Gods will be done, but scripture says “ask anything in My name and the Father will do it”. They do not have this. They do not have the correct savior.
This is what it means to be “in Christ”. Our old man is buried with Him through baptism so that as He was raised from the dead to newness of life so are we. And this resurrection happens by faith through the gospel. That “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation” which is? Peter said “you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith—the salvation of your souls.” What does this have to do with an end time scenario?  And what does it have to do with a carnal rapture?
Lets look at some more. When you start to see it the scriptures take on new meaning. For if you see the saving as later? You are behind the veil. Your mind is darkened by the God of this age. Read: 2 Corinthians 3 and 4 to understand the veil more) 
Collossians 2.11 In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the sins[c] of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ,12 buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the (invisible to the human eye) working of God, who raised Him from the dead. 13 And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him.
So if you are blinded to this you can’t have this. Your mind is darkened by a distorted gospel. But “we rejoice with joy inexpressable and full of glory”.
Gods Kingdom is at hand, on the tip of your tongue. His kingdom is for today. It is Him putting off the body of sins of the flesh. Like the circumcision of the heart. WE ARE MADE NEW. We are in this way a new creation,  restored to the beginning to sojourn as man was intended before the fall. This is “that which is from the beginning.
To put off the body of the sins of the flesh is not to put off the body but the sins. The thing the flesh embodies is a belief system. Much like a book embodies certain characteristics? The book can remain but edit out certain concepts so too with the body. “For we have this treasure in earthen vessels so that the glory may be of God and not ourselves”. Yes. It’s a new embodiment of principles much like rewriting the content of the book. The story line changes. The rescripting changes the ending.
      This is what happens when we put off the sins of doubting God and distrusting Him. We “through faith anf patience inherit the promises”. Not being just a remembrance of the promises but inheriting the very character content the promises describe. We inherit the very scripting of God, the very spirit by which it is written and not just words waiting to be fulfilled at some ambiguous 2nd coming.
This is the concept of “putting on Christ” one attribute at a time “till we all come to the fullness and stature of the Son of God”. A replica. For “as He is so are we in the world”. And we are that as we adopt His embodiment of words being re-spirited for faith. For “faith comes by hearing the words of God”. We grow in this way. We look at scripture “as in a mirror” till we become the thing that is defined between the pages. “Till the day (of the old way of thinking) dawns and the morning star rises in our hearts”. This is the transformation into Gods invisible attributes described in scripture “from glory to the glory as by the spirit”.
    This is totally different then the religious concept of putting off the flesh altogether as though that is sin or bad. That we don’t do because the flesh itself is only a reflection of the contents, “So let your light shine”?
     Now if what we just talked about could be true. If you think you need to bludgeon or discard the vessel? You see Adam was in his human vessel before he died in the spirit. He then walked in death having lost Gods Holy Spirit. So the resurrection can happen while we are in our humanity by putting off only the sins of the flesh and not the vessel of the flesh itself. This is the true non religious resurrection as defined by scripture. For “those who are the sons of God are those who follow the spirit of God”. And this is what God expects us to do. “Lest we be found naked”.
This all happens as Christ showed. The pre-exsitent word became flesh and dwelled among us”? Here is the proof that the resurrection can happen in the human body. Did not the man Jesus say “I am the resurrection and the life”? Check mate. You need to make an adjustment to your thought process to receive this because “He has given us everything that pertains to life and Godliness according to the knowledge of Him who cailed us to glory and virtue., This is the treasure in earthen vessels. To put off the body of the sins of the flesh and not the body itself.
The Kingdom of God is at hand, active for today.


Redemption in 3 Stages

Posted on September 12, 2015 by ADMIN

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Redemption is in three parts and is incomplete without including creation. And that has happened for those who believe in scripture as is evident by these bible quotes. “Christ came to “redeem all things to himself”. God restored all things to himself through Jesus Christ and He is the propitiation for the whole world”, “for God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the world to Himself”. And “God sent His Son into the world not to condemn the world but that the world through Him would be saved”. If we are in Him it is. And last but not least;

1 John 4.14 And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world”.  
And so this is what we do. We testify the same thing, the redemption of the world back to the beginning  to being “good, very good”.  If this is not true these scriptures are lies but let Gods testimony about His Son be true in you and believe. 
But for some, God must do another work of redemption for creation and they call it “the second coming of Christ”. That is an unscriptural phrase. They do not take God at His word. They believe in another jesus, another teaching.  As Ist John says “they came out from us” to manifest another coming, another Jesus. Meaning another savior. They use scripture expired and fulfilled in the Christ of the cross,  “for all the law and the prophets were until John”. Christ came preaching “the kingdom of God is at hand” and that claim was never retracted.
 But it is the 2nd coming seekers who look for a future kingdom.  They present a “delusion if possible to deceive the elect” a fictitious story.  And if scripture is true like we first quoted, than the second coming gospel message has no relevance with my relationship with God, myself, and creation. This is the only way to the “redemption of all things” in the 3 parts. To God, to my true self in the image of God, and to creation. This is how Paul could say “old things have passed away, all things become new” and for me they did. 
  All of which are redeemed  and restored as John said “to that which is from the beginning” And this is “in Christ” through faith “from faith to faith”, and not an “end time” spectacular carnal fest as some anticipate. “for the gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe”.  We don’t need a second coming end time scenario to happen to believe and receive the gifts of God, but faith in God . It is for the 2nd coming seekers  that “God has sent forth a strong delusion for them to believe a lie”. Why? Because they reject His words like we just quoted so that with “all lying signs and wonders” they may be occupied and condemned.  
  The lying signs are misused verses from the bible. But the verses we use in these writings trump their lies.
It is the second coming seekers that use scripture for another savior. To believe in the spelling and the pronunciation of a name, of which changes depending on the culture and language like Jesus, Joshua, Yeshua, Christ or Messiah,  but not to know the character, is to “know Him not”.
  These people disbelieve Gods word at face value and believe another.  The Jews of old believed in a physical manifestation of the Son of God and His Kingdom, as do these Second Coming seekers, but it was Christ who said that “the Kingdom cometh not with observation”. To this they disbelieve too, to whom Christ said of them “do not follow them”. Christ’s words not mine. Do not follow the 2nd coming prophets. 
  Here now is another reason why the Second Coming message is a hoax. It teaches that creation itself must change in Composition and design. But it was when Adam and Eve fell, creation changed its disposition towards mankind by rewarding their works with “thorns and thistles” but creation itself did not change by a spectacular event to be redeemed by a spectacular event as they report.
  Redemption for creation is that creation itself responds differently to fallen man in his sin nature and the redeemed.  For creation is perfectly capable of mirroring and rewarding the fallen and the the redeemed and judging the obstinate and rewarding the just in it’s current composition and design. Or Christ would not have said to the Father “I pray not that you take them out of the world but that you keep them from evil“. So when God spoke the curse, He was only defining the rules of creation towards the fallen person. Christ restored it to us through the cross as displayed by Him. He went to the cross with a crown of thorns signifying the curse of how earth rewards fallen man and showing us that creation is restored from the curse. This is what the second coming seekers “know not” and look for another. They reject the saving of the cross.
  It is to the redeemed person that creation is restored to the beginning of being “good, very good”. And we do not need to see  the heaven and earth renewed by a spectacular event to be able to say that. That which is not good  is just because of the works of fallen man. Creation as it is is perfectly capable  of serving God and man  as is evident by history that “all things remain as they were, being reserved for the great day of judgment when all things will be burned by fire “.  But Christ has restored all things to himself all things become new.
Scripture says that “the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in which all that works and all the elements of the earth will be dissolved with a fervent heat so that what is eternal will remain. Therefore see what manner of person you ought to be in all holy conduct?” showing that it is not creation that we are waiting to have restored to the physical eyes but to a renewed mind. This is part of your salvation and part of the restoration in the redemption. Just as the earth has the ability to wash the skies with rain so too it has the ability to flush the inhabitants from the land as is evident not just by Sodom and Gomorrah but by Egypt of old, by the Aztecs of old and by many other cultures that have disappeared from the face of the earth. Some of them have been so far removed that not even a skeletal remain are found but empty structures.
  As it says in Romans “for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and all unrighteousness of men” and that is now. But some suppose that judgment is only the product of a Second Coming Jesus? That things are out of control. They say “oh God help us and save us”? They show themselves deniers of his word and flounders in the faith driven by fear, for their works (unbelief and fear) will receive nothing.  And that is what their gospel is, fear and disbelief in the scriptures like the ones we have quoted. They have caused many fractures, divisions and denominations among believers and who authors that?
  So the redemption of earth that takes place “in Christ” is not that creation need to change in composition and design, as though God did not know that man would fall. That He needed to modify His world as though He was caught off guard?  But there is a polarity shift that takes place for man with creation in the redemption of the cross and the instituting of the “New Covenant” which is in effect for the faithful and not reserved for another. You see Adam lost the Spirit of God of which He said “in that day you eat you shall surely die” and  that day he lost Gods blessing and indwelling spirit and became spiritually dead having no spiritual senses. (see my article on the dead) but in Christ we regain the Spirit of God and that for us is “the day of the Lord” being redeemed from the  “in that day you shall die” of Adam
In that day he died all born of Adam are born dead to the spirit of God.  We believe and receive the spirit for eternal life. This is “the day of the Lord” and not the second coming. The day of the Lord is the eternal day that all earthly days mimic. Not the day associated with time and matter but spirit. We are no longer of the Adamic but “In Christ” if we receive the gift of His nature, the new man.
  Creation from the beginning is built in with the automatic system of blessing those who are godly and doing godly goodly things or cursing those who are doing bad. Some call this “karma” and they recognize the rule but they don’t understand or know the ruler and designer is God. So when God says he was “in Christ Jesus reconciling the world to himself” this is what he meant. It is restored.
  So the Second Coming seekers look at the Earth around and see all the damage and the destruction and associate with that. They think that this world needs to be thrown away and started over but the error is in the spirit of their mind. (Rom 12.2) It needs to be re scripted by scripture. They need to be transfigured. This is what we do and the purpose for all Scripture and all our articles. We put on the new man we are gifted with who is just like Christ. We absorb His DNA being the very word of God.



The Curse Reversed From Creation

Posted on September 6, 2015 by ADMIN

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   In the beginning after God completed the work of creating, He looked upon what He had done and said that “it was good,very good”. That creation would serve His purpose just fine. And that was? To bring many offspring to Glory. But Adam and Eve sinned and creation no longer treated them and their kind favorable for “by the sweat on their face” creation would yield thorns and thistles for them, and in pain they would have offspring. The creation they were to reign over, now reigned over them.
In truth mankind is the creation, and all the rest is subservient, meaning to serve under man, and that included all the orders of angels. This is why scripture says that “if anyone is in Christ, they are the new creation”. And if you understand this then you know what it means that “Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.

It was Isaiah who spoke of creation being corrected saying in 55;

So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

12For you shall go out with joy,
And be led out with peace;
The mountains and the hills
Shall break forth into singing before you,
And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
13 Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress tree,
And instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree;
And it shall be to the Lord for a name,
For an everlasting sign

We see here the curse reversed. And this is not as some suppose like a physical new heaven and earth.  You see creation now is perfectly capable of reflecting the nature of a man. To those whom resides “the un-holy spirit that now works in the sons of disobedience” it yields thorns, but to us who are renewed day by day by faith in God and gifted with Gods holy Spirit! Creation treats us favorably. Even as scripture says that “to the pure all things are pure”, and if thine eye is evil, it only sees bad.
It was Moses who was instructed to lead by example and speak to the rock to bring forth water. On Moses’s own furry he struck the rock for the Israelites and got nothing. But we speak to the rock of God and we become “a fountain of living waters”. (John 7)
Everything we do is beyond the curse. We are “in the world but not of the world”, meaning those born from the dust. We are born of the will of God by His Word and Spirit. The Holy Spirit is what Adam lost for him to be considered dead. Adam had a breath of oxygen to receive Hods like animals but then recieved the breath of life from God, being a pre-creation, time suspending spirit called the breath of life, different from oxygen. That is why we are baptised to receive Gods Holy Spirit, the breath of life.  This restored us to our pre-Adamic condition by being refurbished inside where the original damage took place.
The glorious thing of God’s creation of being “good, very good”, of it being restored to that which is from the beginning by “Him who was sent as savior of the world” and “God has reconciled the world to Himself through Christ”. It is because of God that the world is perfectly capable of supporting fallen man and redeemed man simultaneously. Rewarding one to work  with their earthen vessel to bring forth thorns and thistles by the “sweat of their face”, while the redeemed perfected man “goes out with joy, is led forth with peace” and speaks to the rock, or whatever appearant obstacle there may be and “it shall be done for you”.
If this were not so Christ would not have said to the father ” Father I pray not that you take them out of the world but that you keep them from evil” . And He did. By the power of His own word. God the Father answered that word the moment it was spoken like when He said “let there be light and there was light. Or like when He said ” Lazarus come forth ” and He did. And he didn’t have to wait 2000 years. And He didn’t have to wait for his own resurrection either because as He said to Mary ” I am the resurrection and life”. Christ did not need to become as though He needed to change or He would not be “the same yesterday today and forever”. (Hebrews 13.8)
   And this is another error of the 2nd coming seekers. That Jesus must become as though He is not yet and He needs to come back for another work of saving to save again and become savior again. That His blood and resurrection is not sufficient proof of eternal life right now. But “God has reconciled the world to Himself through Jesus Christ”. Or when Christ said “it is finished” He was a liar.
    The resurrection is His invisible self . It is the full sum of all His attributes gifted to us. This is our salvation and the saving. That is why He is Savior. That is why scripture says of the Father. That “He gave His only begotten Son so that whoever believes in Him shall not die but have eternal life”. And that “He sent His Son into the world not to condemn it but for it to be saved.
   Did your Jesus come yet? If yes then for you this reconciliation to the Father and you have, a salvaged relationship with the creator for creation itself back to what Adam lost. “That it is good very good”. This is true salvation.
   And He did not have to accomplish something for himself but for us. The cross was proof of who He already was. Salvation finished from the foundations of the world, but He was manifest in these last times for greater proof. This is why it is stated from Hebrews 2 see that you do not neglect such a great salvation “. We have the picture of God in the Son who is greater than all the law and prophets.
What was defined to Moses as being holy saying “take off your sandles for where you stand is holy ground was replaced when John the Baptist said of Christ “whose sandal straps I’m not worthy to loose. Showing the what all the law and the prophets described in parables was only dimly immaging what is the reality “in Christ”. As He said “lol the volume of the book is written of me”.  In this way the law and the prophets have been eternally expired. They have no use for us today but to point to that one. Truly this is the Christ!,
   You see when the Son asked the Father to keep us from evil, He spoke forth our sanctification, our being separated by the spirit to truth. Like Christ said “You are clean by the word spoken to you”. And we are if you can receive it. This is how every good work is accomplished. His word. So it can be said of us too ” the God of this age comes and has nothing in me”, if we cooperate in this sanctification, if we follow the unction of the spirit to holiness, so that there are no mixtures or impurities “for it is written, be ye holy!”
      We put off the works of lying, cheating and cowardliness, and every filthiness of flesh and spirit perfecting holiness, so that there is nothing in us that belongs to him who is the spirit that now works in the sons of unbelief. He operates in the vacuum of a mind void of the spirit of God. “Taken captive to do his will “. Oh wretched man that I was. But thanks be to God. I am now one of His because; as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. (Romans 8.14)
    Jesus prayed to keep us from evil. And not from that only but “all the corruption that is in the world”. (2 Peter ) Do you believe that Word? The words of Christ? The testimony from the Father about the Son? Who is your Jesus? Did He save you? Or does He still need to do that.  If He still needs to save you then you are still in your sins. Your physical locality has nothing to do with if you are saved or not.
   Your only enemy is your unbelief. That keeps you out of the Kingdom, not your physical body. “The Kingdom of God is within you” and your body can’t go there. But the spirit of the mind can experience it. So the ruler of this age is judged, all powers and all flesh is subject to Christ, and creation itself is restored to that which is from the beginning God saying that “it is good, very good “. And this takes place at a future 2nd coming Jesus? No! Right now by faith in the right savior. The saving of the cross and not at a 2nd coming.
    It is said that we will be judged by every word we speak? And we are. This is not something that happens at some collective 2nd coming but right now. John  3 says you are condemned already. Some people call this karma. Creation mirrors man in this way. Their judgment does not wait but the final condemnation does. You see Christ comes even today as a thief.
    It is as we see Christ in His true pre-incarnate nature, that we purify ourselves to be “pure even as He is pure”. We put Him on, we put on His invisible components being His attributes to fulfill the verse that says “as He is, so are we in the world”. How? Spirit and truth, “for the Father seeketh such”.
    And just as the man Jesus walked through the midst of His enemies and they could not touch Him. Him saying that “My hour has not yet come”. For us He was our hour and reason we need not fear for “by His stripes we are healed”. He paid for this too. Even as Paul who knew that the apostles were set aside last saying ” death is working in us but life is working in you”? A road is paved over death for you to have life eternal in the here and now. This is “the way the truth and the light”. Jesus Christ is the chief corner stone and the apostles are the foundation of the city in which I reside. (Eph 3)
    Christ delivered us from our enemies so that we can serve Him in truth and righteousness all the days of our lives, in the here and now.  (Luke 2)This is the rule and reign of God. This is “the Kingdom of God at hand “. And contrary to a 2nd coming Kingdom of another saving by another savior to give you salvation. He reigns over Satan sin and all flesh and creation now. The only enemy left is your unbelief that He needs to put under foot. And He does this through the gospel by His spirit whom some reject. It is the spirit of your mind needs to be renewed. It needs re-scripted and reformatted. How? By word. Even the coming one whose work us according to Satan with all lying signs is overcome by the brightness of His coming” Yes by the word. In the Beginning was the Word. (John 1.1) The second coming saving from earth by Jesus gets replaced with truth for our salvation today and not in some 2000 plus years.
    It is those who are floundering being unstable in the faith that scripture says “there is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour”. To who? ” To our brotherhood in the world”. Meaning those in the Adamic born of dust. But we resist steadfast in the faith. This is our God given task. We appropriate His word in face of the obstacles. Unlike those of Moses who cast aside Gods word because they saw giants. But Joshua was “of a wholly different spirit” who said “if God gave it to us, we are more than able to take it”? So we do. Because? All of the promises of God are Yes and amen in Christ”. The first coming Christ.
   So our sanctification is as we Just wrote. “Father I pray that you take them not out of the world but that you keep them from evil”. And if this word is fulfilled in us then we too ” shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace”. Why? Because Christ reversed the curse for us becoming the curse on the cross to redeem us to that which is from the beginning when God said of His creation “that it was good, very good”. And so it is again to the faithful full of faith.
     We are in full power as God is. With Him and in Him. In Christ. Seated above all powers principalities and dominions in any and every age, being in the place of the age before all ages. Free from every created constraint. And we do this how? Like any good work. His word, to fulfill the word that says ” he who comes to the light to clearly see that his deeds are done in Christ “. And that “Christ will accomplish that which concerns me”. And ” He is the author and the finisher of our faith” if we cooperate with the spirit till the end. And the end is? Like Peter talks about the reward we can receive in the here and now “receiving the end of your faith, the Salvation of your soul” today if you are listening,  and not disqualified by another gospel of another Jesus.
The Kingdom of God?
Yes! Now and in every age and place and time. Repent and believe the gospel. Be ye redeemed and renewed so that for you it can be said of God’s creation that “it is good, very good.  Amen



Scriptural Stewardship Part 2 A Prophets Reward

Posted on December 8, 2014 by ADMIN

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We have discussed how a steward is a minister to administer, a distributor to distribute or a dispenser to dispense. That the words steward and dispensation come from the same Greek word in the New Testament. A minister and a steward of scripture distributes and dispenses the things of God according to the degree of what they have received and attained. They can only take you as far as they have been in the faith. And someone who is looking for a second coming Jesus and a second coming Kingdom is not qualified to represent the Kingdom of God now at hand.

Time is not the steward the dispenser or the  distributor of the Kingdom of God and the things of God. The gospel is.  And a true minister of the gospel reveals to you what is just beyond the veil of human perception made visible, or knowable only by revelation. Even as Paul said “The gospel that I preach to you did not come by man nor is it taught by man but by revelation (seeing things invisible) of Jesus Christ, and not a 2nd coming event of carnal visuals. Or God would have to apologise to those He said “seeing with their eyes they see not,hearing with their ears they hear not. It is with the heart that one must see and hear to understand the things of God”.

It is also said in John 2.24+ that Jesus did not commit Himself to man because He knows what is in man. And He had no need for man to testify of Him. So question the objective of scripture.

Also it says (John 3.27) “A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from above”. So then only those who are born again that can see the Kingdom of God, and those who are born from above that can enter The Kingdom of God(John3.3-11) and it is us who can say “Most assuredly  we speak what we know and we testify what we have seen”. These are they that are “the least in the Kingdom of Heaven that are greater than John the Baptist” So now we speak.

You see the second coming message is simply a mans convolution of the truth quite frankly because they admitently have never been into Gods Kingdom they are looking for. They reject these scriptures, or they would not be looking without for something that is within (Luke 17.22) They are blind leading the blind. A sorrowful sadness with an empty expectation of a future hope when the thing they are looking for “is in the mouth of their sack”.  As scripture says, TODAY! If you can hear His voice. But they hear something else.  (Read 1st post on stewards to understand “mouth of their sack”)


In Matthew 10 the Lord sends His disciples out to preach saying “The Kingdom of Heaven is now at hand”. Having empowered them and given them instruction He then tells them (Verse 40+) He who receives you receives me. He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet receives a prophets reward. He who receives a righteous man receives a righteous mans reward”. But we have come to you in the name of the Lord with a much greater reward, for he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than a prophet or a good man. For even the lowest stature person who is in the Kingdom of God of which you seek, is greater than a prophet or good man saying “of those born among women there is none greater than John the baptist, however He who is least in the kingdom is greater than he”. Why? Because we are born of a different sort. Even an once of eternity is more important and far out weights all time and matter because time and matter is what is being removed. (Hebrews 12.28)

It is the old style prophet who speaks forward of a coming thing that is not yet, but we speak to you what we have seen and testify to you what we hear about the true Kingdom of God. Not speaking forward about a second coming Kingdom that is not yet,  but speaking as one who is from there. For we receive the testimony God has given in His Son and we follow Him where He is that we may be there also, and we do this “that the world may believe” at His command.

If you receive these words you receive more than any prophet or good person. Why? Because those who are in the Kingdom “In Christ” have reassembled the testimony of Christ within themselves having received His fullness, growing up into Him who is the head, who is far above all powers and principalities and powers. We are able to come back and lay out the bread crumbs that Christ left for us so that where He is you may be also. So we say. This is what a faithful steward does. We see what the Son does and do likewise. We receive the Gift of life and become givers of the indistinguishable, undiminishable gift from God. As our Lord promised “those who believe in me shall become rivers if living water”. So we do. His gift is confirmed in us and assures our duty as ambassadors. For how can one be an ambassador to a Kingdom they have never been to?

Let us go up from here.

We also showed you in the account given of Joseph and His steward to “follow me so that where I am you may be also. That we may be one in the Father and fill to be full in you the words of Christ that He prayed for you to the Father in John 17 the word “Father I pray not just for these but also those who will believe in Me through their (our) word, that they may be one with us”. This is the Kingdom of heaven. Come join us.

The message remains even now, till the end of this age “Go preaching the kingdom of God is at hand!!” (Mt 10.6+) This is the message preached from the beginning, then given to us, that the 2nd coming seekers distort and confuse for something that is not yet, but must some day be. For that which was from the beginning was never negated or taken away or the Lords words would not be eternal but seasonal like 1st and 2nd comings?  We are called to the Kingdom prepared from the foundation of the world. Selah!

So as Christ said, so say we because as He is so are we in this world” Meaning not the man Jesus. He is not that anymore but His true self is as He is, so are we. Word. In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the Word was and is God. John 1.1

As He is so are we? He is one with the Father and prayed that for us too. Did you receive that word? He also said “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word and My Father will love him. And we will come to him and make our home in him. Do you have that?

Christ said “if anyone serves Me let him follow Me that where I am he may be also. Who also said “I am the way” who also said ” and the way you know! And it is not a 2nd coming train station departure bench of sit and wait.

This is the objective of every faithful steward in the things of God. To present every one “In Christ” a perfect citizen. To the full measure and stature of the fullness of Christ now and not at a second coming but now in Him. (Eph 4.13)  If you can receive that the Kingdom of God is now at hand,then press in to attain this prize. “That You Father are in Me and I in You, that they also may be one with Us that the world may know. Can you receive this?

If you seek a second coming Jesus, you cannot have what we speak about for this is what you deny and make him a liar and reject the testimony that the Father gave you of His Son. God sent His Son not into the world to condemn but to save. This is what a savior does. He did not hand you a promisary note of a future king and kingdom but the one at hand, even at your proverbial fingertips.

The Kingdom is at hand” also correctly interpretated “immediate”. Repent and believe the true gospel. There is simply no room for a 2000 year gap for the one who has faith, for how is it we overcome the world? Is it of another appearance of another Jesus of another saving one of another gospel to finish what the first Jesus couldn’t do? No! Blasphemy! That which overcomes the world for us is our faith in Him in the here and now. 1st John 5.5

Today! If you will hear His voice.

The Kingdom of God is now at hand. This is the Eternal Gospel!



*Scriptural Stewardship part 1 Joseph

Posted on December 8, 2014 by ADMIN

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Stewardship equals distributorship; to manage or look after another mans property, especially over a large house or an estate. One who is given care over provisions to distribute according to owners specifications. A stewardship in scripture is also translated dispensation, and means to dispense, to distribute and administer.

Paul said that “we are stewards of the mysteries of God”. (1 Corinthians 4.1) A dispenser of invisible to the human eye things of God. Paul says that he is a dispenser of these things through the gospel. He has been entrusted a distributorship, that he is not to abuse his distributorship of the gospel. (1 Corinthians 9.17-18)
Galatians 4 says that we are under guardians and tutors/dispensers, same Greek word. It is the ministers of God that distribute the goods of the Father and NOT dispensed by time. There is a “Dispensation of the fullness of times”. But don’t let that distract you as though God is not dispensing and gifting to us what He has for us right now. Do not be found waiting for another event to fulfill the scriptures in yourself because even now”The Kingdom of God is at hand”. 
(Ephesians 1) says “If you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God given to me to give for you”. Here showing us a direct line of conveyance from God to Paul, then maybe from Paul to a few others to reach you. A distribution from God to us too with Paul also saying”of which I became a minister” meaning a distributor. Like a baton pass and a conveyor from the Father to you. “To as many as received Him, to them He gave the power to become His children of God, to those who (simply start to) believe in His name
Is it the gospel message of “The kingdom of God” that is dispensed and revealed by faith? Or by time, meaning days, months, seasons and years as the 2nd coming end time sensationalist believing ministers preach? Didn’t Paul say to those in Galatia “But then, indeed, when you did not know God, you served those which by nature are not gods. 9 But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage? 10 You observe days and months and seasons and years. 11 I am afraid for you, lest I have labored for you in vain.” They discredited the true line of conveyance of Gods things to us and put it on a time frame as though time is the steward of Gods things. That God is bound by time and matter? So that we must wait? He who said “The Kingdom of God is at hand”? Took it back to return it later? 
I mean we just looked at the true distributor of the things of God, of the mysteries Paul wrote “before in just a few words” That these things are distributed through the preaching of the gospel. That is why he said “woe is me if I preach not the gospel.
It is the gospel that is like a conduit as a delivery mechanism, being the true words of Christ from The Father, that are reiterated and repeated by the stewards and dispensed throughout time, so that the hearer of the gospel being under tutors and distributors, may receive the thing that is said and dispensed as being reachable and relevant when they first hear it. That as you are able to believe, you are able to receive it to learn to activate it. Even as Paul said, that “I reach out to lay hold of why Christ laid hold of me”. Which is the complete salvation package. The complete saving process start to finish, from faith to faith. That’s it. It is there for the taking. “I am not ashamed of the Gospel message of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God for salvation, from faith to faith. As it is written “the just shall live by faith”.
It is our old person who lives “by bread and water. But we have “the bread of God that comes down from Heaven”. The “hidden (to the carnal senses) manna”.
This is as 1 Corinthians 13.10 says, “when that which is perfect has come (But each one in their own order: Christ then the firstfruits (according to their ripening) then afterward those who are Christ’s at His coming (to wrap up the harvest of wheat and the tares). Then “that which is in part is done away with”. The tutor taught fulfilling the purpose of the old, to take it out of the way (this is what “expired means). As Christ said “Those who have received you have received Me”. And if you believe too, the conduit has worked. The gospel was preached, you believed then you received “according to your faith”. As affirmed here in 1 Peter 1.9 who wrote “receiving the end of your faith, the salvation of your souls” as the location where all of this takes place, just off the spectrum away from human cognition, other than an obvious change in character. 
Jesus spoke of the continuance of this stewardship, dispensation and distributorship saying “I do not pray for these alone, (meaning the 12) but also for those (you and me) who will believe in me through their word” that they may believe in the words of Christ reiterated. Not to be misconstrued as thinking He needs to come back and repeat Himself or to do another observable work because “He is seated in the heavens waiting for His enemies to become His footstool, which are your doubts and fears. These are His enemies. He already defeated Satan, sin and death and now awaits your arrival to His reality, being seated with Him Ephesians 2.6. For He is the gift given through THE GOSPEL, to the Elect for all time. As 2 Peter 1.3-4 said, we have been given everything that pertains to life and godliness (by way of and dispersed) through the knowledge of Him, whereby (because of this) we are (NOW) partakers if the Divine nature having (past tense) escaped the corruption that is in the world through lusts”. Lusts being a delivery mechanism of other things. But we reiterate “The Gospel. 
This conveyance of the things of God is not as the Greek to English translators say “the dispensation of the fullness of time” as though time is the keeper of the things of God. That God is restrained by the thing that is made? That is just carnal nonsense. God is not wringing His hands waiting to come back to fix things. He is waiting for you to believe. Like John says “we have come to know and believe that God has sent His Son as Savior of the world”. Can you confess and profess that too as having happened? Then you too are a conduit for gospel message through the Holy Spirit, the wind that blows through the conduit. In this case, the wind through our human vessel.
Christ said “It is “those who will believe in me through their (the disciples) word” that WE believe the same word AS IF Christ just spoke it for the first time, as fact for us to participate of the oneness in the Father and the Son, the koinania. As Christ said to the Father “for them to be one with us, for those in the world to believe. (John 17.21)
This is the objective and the conclusion of the gospel and ministered, distributed, dispensed and dispersed, given to us by the re-utterance of the words of Jesus and received in us by faith. The is completed.
Christ does not need to repeat Himself as though He must continue to work for He is seated, calling you to Himself. He does things once. He does things right then He sat down (Hebrews 1). The gospel repeats Him, the stewards do, we do. And it is through the gospel that “the Kingdom of God is at hand” anytime and all the time, dispensed and absorbed by the renewed mind of faith, to those who follow the spirit, “so that where I am they may be also” as Jesus said, for His words are spirit and they are life NOW. And it is from faith to faith for the just shall live by faith. NOT from faith and finished by watching a calendar of events for a second coming, as though time is the steward of eternity.
Think about how backwards that sounds. Shall the thing that is made tell the One who made it “no, you have to wait, I am not ready”? This is what Paul meant when he said “you observe days , months, seasons and years, I am afraid that I have labored for you in vain”. His stewardship and distributorship of dispensary of the mysteries of God had been circumvented by the thinking that something else has to happen. That there is another distribution event of the things of God other than the cross in the future. But nay. Time is subservient to God, not the other way around.
Here then is another misunderstanding by the 2nd coming seekers that time is in control of God. That God must wait. So they wait for “the coming one whose work is according to Satan with all lying signs and wonders. Yes, a delivery mechanism and conduit has people waiting for their deliverance from this age for another event with another event. In other words that message doesn’t take you any where but keeps you in limbo and keeps you out of “The Kingdom of God at hand” NOW!!
Even as with the raising of Lazarus when Christ said “these things have happened for the Glory (the unbound, unfettered word) of God to appear”. But Mary said “Yes Lord, I know you will raise Lazarus up AT the last day” instead of TO the last day. That is why Jesus went on and said “Mary! I am the resurrection” as if to shatter all time barriers because He, meaning Jesus which means Christ, which means Savior and One who saves. Meaning, YOU DON’T HAVE TO WAIT! He said “I AM” the last day, “whoever shall believe and me shall never die believe you this”? And you should ask yourself. Are you in Adams “in the day you eat you shall surely die”? Or in “The Day of the Lord” in which you live? In Christ. The old creation, or the new.
Joseph and His Steward
So lets look at this stewardship in the light of Joseph in the old testament. Joseph was left by his brothers for dead in a pit, to be raised (resurrected) out, endure prison then (ascended) out to be put in the place of prominence having control over ALL the goods of Egypt. Being a type of Christ He had power over “ALL things” as Christ said “ALL things have been delivered to Me by My Father”. He is at the helm. This is as Jesus said to His disciples first and then to us through their word “You shall not follow me now, meaning death and Hades, but you shall follow me after”, meaning to ascend to the Father. It was only Joseph who went to the pit symbolizing what Christ did for us. It was Joseph who had “a coat of many colors”. Like Christ where they cast lots for His garments. And as Joseph was thrown into the pit. It was Christ who went down to the under world, to those who died in the days of Noah. That Christ preached the gospel so that they (too) may live according to God in the spirit”. Did you get that?? What a thorough gospel message.
And this is what is depicted and dispensed through the gospel account in Joseph of things that are “from the beginning” not a second coming end time thing but through the gospel even for those who read and understood this account in the book we call Genesis before Christ walked the earth. The gospel is a timeless, eternal message without beginning or end, from the timeless, eternal entity called God we call Father.
Now let us look to Joseph who had instructed His steward things concerning His brethren who did not recognize Him, who left Him for dead and later coming to Him for food for there was a famine in the land. The steward was told “Take these men to My home and make ready for today they will dine with Me. This is the first distribution. Today is the day of Salvation.
 “Today” at His house in His kingdom. If you can hear this, for “Behold I stand at the door and knock! He who answers will dine with me and I with Him. Rev 3.20
When they drew near to the house, the steward was standing at the door. And this is the position for every good steward of Christ and the purpose of the gospel. For us to be the entrance point to bring people into the kingdom through the word. And as it was said of Josephs steward “having made ready”and “all things are now ready” (Mt 22.4 and 25.34) He brings them in and away from the nay sayers.
Josephs brothers then go through a whole plethora of reasons and excuses for their imposition and the steward/distributor dispenses goods simply saying “Peace”. This is what the new testament epistles open up with, Peace and goodwill from God toward man.
The steward having made ready the things of Joseph/Christ, having separated them from the Egyptians (carnal seekers) and taking them into the house to sup with Joseph/Christ then said to them and us now “do not be afraid, God has given you treasures in your sacks” meaning your lungs with your mouth. Which is reiterated by Paul saying “if you believe in your heart (sack) and confess with your mouth” you shall have the thing that is said. “Whatever you ask in my name that I will do for the Father to be Glorified.
Meaning that if they only knew the power of repeating Gods word with their own mouth, then Joseph’s brothers would’ve known it was in the mouth of their sacks and WOULD’VE NEVER HAD TO OF GONE BACK TO JOSEPH FOR THEIR SUSTENANCE. The lesson here for us is that you don’t have to be in the presence of a physical Jesus because you have what you need in the mouths of your sacks. Just speak the promises you get from scripture. It’s easier than adding hot water to noodles. Do you get it?

This is what the gospel teaches that you are given everything from the beginning,, and you just don’t know it. It is in the mouth of your sack for you to confess now and grow in understanding while dining with Christ (Word) “For in doing so an entrance is supplied abundantly for you into the Kingdom of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ”. And time has nothing to do with this for “in doing so”? “Today, if you will hear His voice”. And when doing that, “grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
This is the chain and links of the distribution and the dispensation of the things of God through the gospel and not time as if a second coming is the dispenser. Wrong gospel. Even in Joseph the gospel message is preached to be received by faith back then.
We receive His words in our hearts, our sacks and as displayed by Josephs brother saying “when we came back to our camp we opened our sacks and each mans money was there in full weight”. That’s right. The price was paid by another and put in their sacks  by the steward and the dispenser of words for Joseph.
Like Jesus who was committed to the pit, so too with Joseph who after His brothers had come to Him, that they separated themselves from the Egyptians, meaning the carnal thinking that time and matter is the steward of Gods things. Blasphemy! And it was the steward who prepared and orchestrated this whole event at the directive of the Holy Spirit. Glory to God and thanks to Him who has given us provisions in our sacks, the word of faith. The stewards to prepare our meal with Him so that He can reveal, or unveil himself through the gospel, revealing what is just beyond the veil of human perception. Are you getting this? 
So having supt with His brothers and revealing Himself, the steward, the distributor, was instructed to “fill the men’s sacks with as much as they can carry. And put each mans money with as much as they can carry in the mouth of their sack. And this is as Jesus said “I have many things to tell you (and to give you) however you are not able to bear (or carry) them” These men are gifted when they visit, and when they leave to come back they see that they already had what they thought that they needed. This is the gospel, the word of God reiterated but not just freshly spoken, just reiterating the things that are already there. We look to His word like a mirror and remember; oh ya. That is who I am in Christ.
Here then in Joseph we can see the purpose of Christ and the purpose of the steward or minister being the distributor and dispenser and preparer of the things of God for the revelation not of Joseph but of Jesus Christ. The gospel is the unveiling, not time and matter. 
Understanding this, why in the world would one want to depart our God given calling, and follow father time? “God forbid that I should glory in anything except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ”. To us who believe the gospel is “once and for all delivered to the saints” that brings us into the Kingdom not time.
The kingdom of God is at hand. The next Jesus does not bring it. The gospel does. Amen!!!


2nd Coming Knock Knock

Posted on November 29, 2014 by ADMIN

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Knock knock! Who is there? Hi Dad this is Jesus. Hey those guys you gave me? Well I told them about your mansion with many rooms. Well they asked me if they could come over. I told them I would prepare a place for them, and that I would come back and get them. Well they really have their hopes up, so I was wondering if they could come over? To this the Father said “No! Not in a million years! Jesus then trying to save face with his buddies bargains with His Father saying. Aw come on Dad, that’s a long time. How about just 2000 years, to which the Father says ;Okay!

So here you have the birth of two jokes. The knock knock and the second coming.
Here is the irony. In the discourse of John chapters 14-17 where the real account of this conversation takes place. There are a couple other things that Jesus said like “Until now you have asked for nothing in My name. Ask anything in My name (as if you were Me) and the Father will do it”.
How are we suppose to believe this promise if Jesus goes to the Father on our behalf saying “Father I desire that those whom You have given Me may be with me where I am. That they may be one, that as You are in Me and I in You, that they may be one in Us, that the world may believe”. And the Father denies that request of the only begotten? How are we suppose to believe that we have anything we ask in His name like He asked us to do, if we have to wait 2000+ years to get it?
Did the Father deny the raising of Lazarus? If my memory serves me correctly I think Jesus did that with a word. Like He does all His works, without a 2000 year time delay.
“For what the Father does the Son does likewise”. He creates with a word. The thing that was not, becomes the thing that is, with a word. This is the substance of faith. Faith is the invisible substance of the reality unseen. And what He speaks through the Son does not come into being of time and matter. No! Not now or at a 2nd coming. This world was finished in 6 days. From day 1 to the last day was spoke in the 6 days. “God finished from all His works, He rested from all His creating, this is the history (start to finish) of the heavens and the earth in the day it was made. And it is where He is, is where we are called to. (Hebrews 4.1)

Now then. Jesus said “If I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself so that you will be there also”. And “You have heard Me say that I am going away and I am coming back for you. If you loved Me you would rejoice because I said I am going to the Father. And now I have told you so that when it comes to pass you may believe”.  (John 14.3+28-30)
If His coming back to receive us to Himself is a 2nd coming like some suppose, it would need no faith “so that when it comes to pass you may believe”? I mean really, if Jesus comes and raptures your body to the clouds leaving your clothes on the ground don’t you think that should be convincing enough? But He says “so that when it happens you may believe”? Because it too is a work of faith like all the gifts and callings of God.  (F.Y.I. flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom? 1 Corinthians 15.50 so your body doesn’t go, it returns to dust) 

You who have begun in the Spirit, are you now completed by a physical event? This persuasion does not come from Him who calls you. (Galatians 3.3+5.8)
Jesus promptly went to the Father and said these words “Father that they may be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory”, thereby fulfilling what He promised to His disciples. It came to be by a word, the tool of His trade. So it is true or He is a liar. And if we don’t believe, it is the same as calling Him a liar because you don’t believe the testimony He gave of His Son. (1st John 5.10)
Jesus being the way to the mansions/abodes /dwellings. Was this for them only? No! For He also said “I do not pray this for these alone, but also for those who believe in Me through their word”. Us! (John 17.20+)  This is Him coming back for you too, if you are able to receive it. Something many think happens during an end time scenario with a tribulation. But His coming is also a work of faith. And it is from faith to faith, all invisible as He is invisible. This is seeing Him as He is being with Him where He is. Any such physical manifestation is a lie because it is visible and not the truth. The way is the invisible word. The place is the invisible word. The word was with God, the word is God. He is the way the truth the light the path the place. This is “that which was from the beginning which we have heard, which we have seen, which we have handled concerning the Word of life. (John 1.1+)
There are those who wait for a second coming. But some of us rejoice and believe and receive now. This is following Him that where He is we may be also. As He said to the Jews “Where I go you cannot follow” Of which He said to the disciples “You shall not follow Me now, but you shall follow me after”. Do we follow or wait like for a second coming? Where are you? Sitting? Waiting? Wondering? When is He coming back? 1000? 2000? 3000? and counting. This is an abyss, and a great darkness of the unknown. But God is light and in Him is no darkness. We walk in the light and know where we come from and where we go. “If it were not true I would’ve told you so” John 14.2) 
Oh if you had faith of a mustard seed this mountain would vanish too. Did not Paul plead for us saying “Be ye reconciled”. Be ye one with? Isn’t it the same thing?

Jesus said “ye shall follow me after” Having endured the cross, the stone being rolled away, says to those at the cave. “Go tell the disciples that I have ascended to my God and your God, to My Father and your Father” as if to egg us on. Can you hear Him? “It is after, follow me!” Can you hear the voice that calls us from heaven? Refuse Him not! (Hebrews 12.25)
To be “in Christ” you must receive the word as though it is fact. This is faith. This is the walk of faith the old testament depicted to those who are called out of Egypt to be In Christ our invisible land and not to be idle in waiting but to obtain the promises as though they are of this creation. “To lay hold of why Jesus laid hold of you.
And you are “the called” which is translated church from ekklisia but means “the called out ones” not a building with a steeple but the gathering of the people. The gathering of us to the truth. And Jesus is the way and the truth, and the truth gets us there. Not a future physical Jesus.
For you have come to Mt Zion to the city of the living God, the heavenly (invisible) Jerusalem, to the general assembly and the called out who are the first born…. Heb 12.25  And this is true or Jesus is a liar. And it is true but not because you see it. But because He said so. Like He has been saying from the beginning “My Kingdom is not of this age” of 6 day creation of time and matter. No, not now or ever. It predates the 6 day word and is the word that was with God.
So then after Jesus had said that He would come back and receive us to Himself He said “now I have told you so that when it comes to pass you may believe. So have you asked in His name as if you were Him? Ask anything in My name to believe and receive that your joy may be full.


Our Foundation and our City

Posted on September 8, 2014 by ADMIN

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When the signers of the Constitution of The United States of America did so, they knew that they would not enjoy the freedoms they had laid down their lives for. They sacrificed their blood for their grand children and future generations. You may say that they are the very foundations on which we stand if you are an American

This is also true of the prophets and the apostles. They were set aside last for death as Paul said and; “We have become poor so you may become rich”. The signers of the constitution did not do so for us to continue to die but to enjoy the freedoms. And this is a picture of the glorious liberty of the sons of God. Meaning those who are “in Christ”. And this is speaking not of a future state of being but one of the spirit now. We have liberties and access, or better yet “keys to the kingdom”. This is a current reality, the Kingdom. 
Ephesians says that now “we are citizens and fellow members of the house hold of God having been built on the foundation of the apostles, Prophets. Jesus Christ is the cornerstone. So it is not as though we look up to that foundation as something that comes latter, but to walk on it now,  for it was laid for us to stand on it as a platform to live on. 
This is what is meant when Jesus said that “all the law and the prophets were until John. He who is least in the kingdom is greater than he”.  These men gave their lives for us to enjoy “the glorious liberties as children of God”. Peter describes us as “coming to Him as living stones, chosen by God and precious 
If you are “in Christ” you are in the kingdom as it states in Ephesians 2 and as we have just quoted, and from 1st Peter 2, then you are greater than the prophets and apostles in their physical state. Even as the book of Hebrews 12 talks about those who wandered the earth of whom the world was not worthy. You see 1 ounce of eternity is of grater value than the whole created realm of time and matter, EMC=square, big bang stuff. This all has an end and burns with a fiery heat, but eternity does not. So someone who is in the Kingdom is greater than all this.
This may be hard to accept if you are looking for an earthen city, or a place having physical features that you are used to seeing on earth. But Christ said many times that His Kingdom is not from here, not of this creation, not seen with eyes for this world. His Kingdom is as eternal and ubiquitous as He is. The Kingdom places and articles are features and characteristics of His very nature and make up. They were with Him in the beginning because it is Him. He comes and His reward is with Him because it is Him. He said “the Kingdom of God is at hand” because it is Him. And if we accept Him as He is now, as He appears now, as He comes now ubiquitous and invisible, He rewards us now. We are granted greater liberties into the Kingdom by the Holy Spirit.
2 Peter 1 talks about invisible attributes of God. That if we put these on, we put on godliness, meaning God-like-ness. In so doing we are “supplied an entrance abundantly into the Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”. And this does not speak of a future reward but a current reality of life in the Spirit of the living God. “To him who has, more will be given. To him who has not, even what he has will be taken”. Are you getting this?
This same place is described by John the revelator as the city that comes down from God in heaven, the true Jerusalem. Not a coming one to carnality but the one we awaken to as we seek the things above, above the foundation. All the works and words from the scriptures are to do just this. Take us to the Kingdom. 
What was pictured in and culminated at with Solomon in JeruShalome, putting the ark in the Holies of the house of  God, the general assembly having been gathered to and celebrated the feasts of trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles. All the places and articles and people were assembled as one. Then the people were sent their way having been to the grand finale. It was all over to start up again the next year. We have that. That was the gospel message.
They spoke of and walked out what we have in the spirit. They played out the very nature
and characteristics of the invisible God in whom we now dwell.
What they played out on earth was sown corruptible and raised incorruptible in our hearts, mind,and spirit so that we can worship Him in Spirit and truth. Where He is as He is. For “as He is, so are we in this world”. And “We have this treasure in earthen vessels” in the here and now! That which is perfect has come to the one who has faith. 
All the gifts and promises of God are as invisible and ubiquitous as He is. And the new you, the true you is just like Him for “we see Him as He is” if you can receive Him. We grow up in understanding to a perfect man, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, up into Him who is the head of the body, Jesus Christ. The same yesterday today and forever. The one who cannot become for He already was. And the Kingdom is with Him for it is Him.
The Kingdom of God is at hand. 



Jesus sown corruptible Vision

Posted on September 1, 2014 by ADMIN

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The Christmas Jesus Vision

I was driving a vehicle like a golf cart. Along came this man who I would define as despicable having characteristics of every wicked person I have ever encountered. I knew this man to be evil but I also knew that I was divinely instructed to go with him against my will. I proceeded to drive backwards looking over my shoulder but then cooperating I turned the cart around to better see where I was going.. I then knew we were visiting the lower ranks in the spirit.

Having reached a building we entered into a very confusing place with many levels rooms hallways and doors. The halls reminded me of a hotel but upon looking in the rooms each wall was full of doors and I thought it strange because to me it was obvious that they didn’t go any where but into the same rooms they had already been. Kinda like a house of mirrors at a county fair but it was a place of many doors.
People were occupied with these doors and rooms with a degree of amazement without realizing that they were not going any where but where they had already been. That didn’t seem to bother them tho, but I knew it was futile.
Another important observation was that this building was cheaply made, it was rickety. It was under constructed and you could feel the floors sag as you walked and the sound was almost like a drum. It was obviously of a 2 by 4 construction or less for even the walls shook when opening and closing doors.
I proceeded to go through some halls and twists and turns and then down stairwayst to a basement that resembled a musty old house. All down the steps the condition of the people in this place got worse and worse. I knew we were going to the bottom of the building, to a pit. 
Now going down the final staircase I remember stepping over people I would define as lifeless zombies like wiggling worms. Alive but dead and limp. Like a basement it was very dark, mildewy and musty. All these people were waiting in line as if to enter a movie or a play or a staged event. They had all been waiting a long time. 
At the bottom of the steps the line continued and stopped at a desk that resembled a hotel check in counter that was dimly lit in front, but there was no one behind the counter. There was however a young lady waiting at the front of the line in front of the counter, sitting holding her sick child and rocking back and forth crying. This seemed to be the main event for all eyes were on her and her child. They were expecting something from this mother and child. They were part of the main event.
People were there for them with great expectation. So I was compelled to pay closer attention to them. She was obviously putting on a show, drawing attention, acting and pretending. The child however, as I looked closer, I noticed he had a mans face and he was not pretending. He was white as if he was sick and he rolled his eyes and rocked his head back and forth as if to say “get me out of here”. As I looked more intently at his body, the child clothes he had on just covered his upper half like a mask and his real legs up to his waste were in the ground. As he rolled his eyes and squirmed you could see the dirt move at his waste but he could not get up. He was held against his will and wanted nothing to do with this charade. He wanted up and out but the people were content to just watch and wait and rot in this cellar in anticipation of the main event.
Having recognizing this man held against his will and this lady pretending to be sad, I blurted out “This is a big lie and a scam! This lady is an actor! Then the vision stopped.
I have thought back on this and the building that was full of people mused with the rooms and doors with the hope that just on the other side of the next door was what they were looking for to fill their emptiness. 
They were all there because of the play down stairs but they were content with the distractions and displays built above of the rickety building with many rooms of distractions and doors, until the festivities commenced down stairs. (A religion built on frail understandings of God)
They did not know they were like mice in a maze with no cheese but never the less they smiled in great pretense and stayed there in hope and expectation that at any moment for the time was imminent, that the clerk would show up at the counter downstairs and then act 2 would commence for their hope to be full.
 Implications of the Vision
I think that for most who recognize the stagnancy of the modern church and being impatient with the continual weekend charades going in and out of the same multiple doors in that rickety old place going over and over the same things week after week, but having no real power to change, that you can identify with this vision with the rooms and the doors and rumination of the same concepts over and over as you look to a baby Jesus or a second coming Jesus to bring you something to fill your desire.
This Jesus is held captive against his will. Being planted in the dirt He is sown corruptible, but never raised to Glory. But “wasn’t it necessary for Christ to suffer these things to enter His Glory?” And so He did, just not in their thinking. What a cute little man. They will not allow him to rise incorruptible to His place in prominence and Glory. He is viewed as a cute baby Jesus. How inoccuois, a Christmas Jesus. Not just an ordinary man but even more insulting a helpless little baby.
The very work and victory of the cross is lost and now redefined as something to be provided for later at a second coming or another life. That Christ died fruitless and in vain. These believers believe eroniously and unchanged, in a different Jesus then the one in scripture that gave us the power of the resurrection.
As Paul prayed that “18 the eyes of your [f]understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, 19 and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power 20 which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all principality[g] and [h]power and [i]might and dominion, and every name that is named”.
They have a truncated gospel of select scriptures to substanciate their cause but are largely ignorant of Him who said “The Kingdom of God is at hand” but it is not in the basement, nor is it in that structure. It is in Spirit and Truth, a place that is unfamiliar to them.
It is the innocuous baby Jesus and the 2nd coming mindset that rejects the real Christ. The kingdom is already, but just not in their thinking.
Christ is in full glory in His Kingdom, in His heavenly city, on His throne waiting for you to acknowledge the truth. Just as the Jewish leaders were chided by Christ saying “you are entering into the Kingdom of God, but you are also keeping out those who are trying to enter, so your condemnation will be greater.
Are you content with a baby Christmas Jesus? Are you satisfied with a kingdom that is not yet that must come later after a tribulation and a rapture?
Beware of disregarding the eternal value of the gift of Kingdom of God as being pre existent having been finished from the foundation of the world. They twist scripture to their own musing and destruction and create an alternate reality for people to be contained, or better yet a fable and a side show of a baby Jesus to be occupied with, and a soon coming king to rescue planet earth so you can all live happily ever after when Jesus comes back to planet earth to be a king in a future kingdom called Jerusalem. And they believe that at that time their salvation will be complete and then they will be a new creation. 
I guess then all that Jesus secured at his 1st coming and the cross was an “I.O.U. a kingdom” coming later to be redeemed when the imminent charade brings on the conclusion of a second coming. A phrase not found once in scripture.
Here is probably the most concise verse I can offer you right now. But the whole of scripture changes when the veil of darkness of a kingdom later dissolves from your thinking.

2 Corinthians 5:13-21New King James Version (NKJV)

13  For if we are beside ourselves, it is for God; or if we are of sound mind, it is for you. 14  For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; 15  and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.

16  Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, (a man or a baby) yet now we know Him thus no longer. 17  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is (now) a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 18 Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, 19 that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.

20 Now then, we are ambassadors for (and citizens from)  Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christs behalf, be reconciled to God (not in the rickety rooms or the basement but where He is in His Kingdom now). 21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

I don’t know how someone could read this as something actuated at a 2nd coming for it is all past tense and actuated by the working of faith.


The fact is the first words out of the mouth of the man Jesus is still our starting point with Him “today!” if you will hear His voice. And that is? 

Repent! For the Kingdom of God is at hand.


The Lords Supper 8/17

Posted on August 17, 2014 by ADMIN

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The Lords Supper

Matthew 26.26 And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.

27 And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it;

28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.

29 But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.


Here we have at the Lord’s supper Him saying that He would not drink from it again until He drinks it new in the Kingdom. It is the bread and the wine that become new first. Simply put it is us who put off our old nature symbolized at baptism that become new to drink it with Him, for it is the bread and the wine of the new covenant which is in effect now that His blood has been shed. (Hebrews 9.15)

It is in this way that we drink it new. He nourishes the spirit not the man. It is our spirit that is new that allows us to drink it new in the Kingdom. His words are spirit and they are life and this is what we partake. This is the Lords Supper. It does not refer to a future coming kingdom that does not exist yet like those who suppose it to be at a 2nd coming of something yet to be fulfilled. It is filled full now. The Kingdom is preached and men are pressing their way into it. Luke 16.16

This is how we are filled now that we are new. We partake of His word and His spirit. It is not like meat on a BBQ to be cooked that you see but His holy word that is perceived so you can receive it by your new person. It is not His Kingdom that is being made new to have a grand opening at a second coming for it already is or Jesus could not have already said “The Kingdom of God is at hand”.

It is us eating this new in the spirit of our mind that makes it new. But it is the silly Adamic nature that postpones the spiritual nourishment until a 2nd coming for a coming Kingdom that does not exist yet waiting to be finished that it may be revealed. Yet the Kingdom never was  not yet as though it still needs to be but only in our minds, this is where He builds it. You see then to drink it new in the Kingdom is not for a future kingdom. The newness has to do with us. It is us who are changeable and are changing. God and His Kingdom are not. So when we come together to eat the Lords supper, it is to eat it new in the Kingdom.

1 Corinthians 5.7 Therefore purge out the old leaven that you may become a new loaf since in truth you are unleavened.

This “drinking it new in the Kingdom”, the eternal kingdom is not as though it must be something later is not already.  It is as eternal as He is for it is His home and cannot change. Or where would He be King until His kingdom is finished. You think He is subject to time as though He is ringing His hands in heaven just hoping for His kingdom to be built. Everything about Him is timeless, hence “enter the Kingdom prepared for you from (b4) the foundations of the world (ages). So it is us that becomes new not Him.

And how do we do this? By partaking of Him any day and every day. To us who “love His appearing” not as something future but daily and continual. We “eagerly await His appearing”. We look to the author and finisher of our faith”. Not of a 1st and 2nd coming but to Him who delays not His coming. We do not forsake the assembling and so much more as we see the coming day. Till the dawn of the old and morning star of the eternal day that needs not a jump start except in our thinking and understanding.

This is “the Kingdom that comes not with carnal observation” as the 2nd coming seekers are stuck on. It appears not to the eyes in your head but the eyes of your understanding (Eph 1.18) He appears to our perception and this way we are renewed, we recieve, we become what we receive. This is our spiritual growth. Not like food for the carnal man that nourishes the human but a new nutrition for the new man who is raised incorruptible. For He says “My words are spirit and they are life”. So if we believe His words, we ingest them, and we keep them. We become what we eat. We put this on. We put Him on. We put on Christ. This is putting on the new man. We perceive Him as He is and we become like Him. Today!

And we do this before a 2nd coming as is taught by others for if you do not do this now you will be found naked. If you have washed off the old man by baptism what is it that you wear now if you expect your new garments at a 2nd coming?

This is why the 2nd coming seeker churches are “poor blind and naked”. They think a 2nd coming is the fulfillment but now we can be filled full. Till we become a perfect man” (Eph 4.13?) They are poor because they reject the true riches of which we speak. They are blind because they do not see the “Kingdom of God” which is “at hand”. And they are obviously naked because they cannot put anything on they perceive to be later. In this they condemn themselves.

1 Tim 4 the spirit speaks expressly that in the later days men will depart from the faith giving head to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons.” And again “after my departure you will be devoured by savage wolves. They have and they did. We are that.

They think to “drink it new in the Kingdom” is when they see it with human eyes, and this scoffs at the faith that pleases God. It is anti-faith and anti-Christ to ignore Him who speaks from Heaven now as though He must come in bodily form to appease our carnality and stand where we can see Him to believe.

But it is He who even now says, He who has been saying. Him whom you ignore “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door.” This is whom we ingest at the Lords Supper. “I will come into them and dine with them and them with Me.” This is drinking the fruit of the vine new in the Kingdom with Him. The new covenant is in full force, “the Kingdom is preached and men are pressing their way in” This is that which was from the beginning. Let that abide in you. Not a silly 2nd coming man you can see with the eyes in your head. What a powerless gospel with no transformation that leaves many disappointed and unchanged while they wait for something that is at their fingertips.

“For him who has ears to hear, hear what the spirit says to the churches” The words of this prophesy are not sealed for a 2nd coming. What I say to you I say to all watch. For if you do not watch, if you think I have delayed my coming, I will come upon you as a thief and take even that which you think you have. But to those who anticipate My coming, and love My appearing, I come quickly (unnoticeable to the carnal senses in the wink of an eye) and My reward is with me to give to each one according to their work. Blessed are they who do My commands for they have the right to the tree of life and enter through the gates into the City in the Kingdom. Yes, press into this. But outside are sorcerers, adulterers and whoever loves and keeps lies”

Where are you?


More on the Eternal Day

Posted on August 2, 2014 by ADMIN

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Hebrews 3.13 but exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. 14 For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end,
10.25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.
The main theme of the book of Hebrews is the “Rest of God, the true Sabbath where He is” This is the gospel, this is the message “Today! if you will hear His voice” Which is the voice that calls even today saying “refuse not Him who speaks from heaven”. This day being the eternal day, not the days of time and matter, but the everlasting day for the everlasting God, the day before creation where He rests from His creation to which we are of the called, hearing His voice to be with Him where He is before He ever spoke a word, before all creation. This place which has no night where Christ is seated right now and if we are truly “In Him” we are there now “in spirit and truth”. That is if you can see it and receive it, saying; there remains a rest to the people of God, and we who have believed have entered that rest” the place of time before the time of matter. We who have believed is the act of faith being the conduit by which we have received it.
So it is of this day that is not related to time as we know but to a greater reality which has no beginning or end like Melchizedek. This place is a place even higher than angels saying “for He has not put the world to come of which we speak in subjection of angels. And this world to come in which we speak is not in subjection to time either saying “Today” as it goes out even in our day.
Now “this world to come in which we speak” is pictorialized and memorialized throughout the scriptures but never meant to be earthly. For if it was of the earth “Joshua would not have spoken of another day” It is the carnal man and immature believers that see this in a linear time line to be revealed at a 2nd coming, meaning not “Today”
This mindset of looking for another day called the 2nd coming is a faithless testimony and confession. All the gossip, hoopla and energy spent investing “another day” a later day to be actualized by the human senses, is really quite a faithless act. (Heb 4.6) Thereby judging themselves being unbelieving, they receive nothing. “Be it according to your faith” and if you believe it is later then it is not “Today” for you. You have judged yourself unworthy of the full gift of God which is “in His Son”. We walk in the light as He is in the light” He is the light and “IN HIM” there is no darkness or nights at all.
But you say the Son will come later, but it is He who is coming now. As it was said back then so too in our time “There are some standing here today who will not taste death till they see the Son of man coming in His Kingdom with great power and Glory” and they did. So “Today” enter this. And He is coming not as a man, but in His true personage being eternal and invisible. It is the carnal mind hooked up to the senses of the flesh who are dead to Him who whisks about them beckoning them to “wake up”.
So cast off your ignorance and unbelief. Throw away the foolish notion that you cannot have Him now in His full Glory, that He must come again a 2nd time to do another work to the flesh to give you something you don’t have.
His visitations are many. Not just a 1st and 2nd coming.
It is He who stands at the door and knocks who always wants to sup with you, with your spirit for His words are spirit and they are life. Do not be like the evil servant who said “my Lord delays His coming” for He does not. It is you who get caught up in this life too much to enjoy Him who knocks, who is always coming. As He says “come to Me and I will give you rest” is “the world to come of which we speak” and is always coming.
Or would you rather gather with those of  a 2nd coming mindset and live in uncertainty and confusion? I mean really, who’s message do you think that is anyway?
From Hebrews 3.13 says we are exhorted to encourage each other while it is called “Today”. It does not say to exhort about another day like a tomorrow or like a 2nd coming. And Hebrews 10.25 furthers this concept saying to “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves as we see the day approaching” is not about a 2nd coming concept that is not said anywhere in scripture that it is a 1st and 2nd. The whole book of Hebrews speaks of the eternal day that was before time and matter as the place of our calling. 
The term from Hebrews 10.25 “so much more as you see the day approaching” is correctly rendered from the Greek as “see the day at hand” meaning at His fingertips. To give to you if you will receive it by faith. This is the same verbiage as “the Kingdom of God is at hand” And the place from 2 Peter 3.18 rendered  correctly in the Greek “To Him be the Glory both now and the eternal day” Again not a 2nd coming day as though it is not yet.
And again in Revelation “seal not the words of this book for the time is at hand” to enter now. What is not clear in your mind is settled in heaven. It is becoming in your mind not on earth. The things that are at hand are not the judgments and woe’s for those repeat themselves like with Antiochus Epiphanies and such. It is the revelation, the unveiling that is at hand. History repeats its self. Get your mind off things of the earth and seek that which is in heaven. In “that day” “Today!” the “eternal day” the time “at hand” the “coming day” that cometh not with (carnal) observation Luke 17.22. The kingdom finished from the foundation of the world, before God ever spoke a word. Settled in heaven.
Hebrews 4.3 We who have believed have entered. The Kingdom of God is at hand.


In My Fathers house are many dwellings

Posted on July 26, 2014 by ADMIN

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Jesus Christ in John 14.2 Says ” In my Fathers house are many mansions. If it were not so I would have told you so. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will Come Again and receive you to myself, that where I am you may be also.

And this He did. The mansion with the rooms were already there. The preparation was His word. This was accomplished by the word of God as was the first creation. Jesus Christ who spoke the creation of time and matter, spoke these words to the Father.John 17. I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word;21 that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. 22 And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: 23 I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me”.

These are the words of the new creation, if you are able to receive it. Just as certain as when He said “let there be light” and there was. So He too spoke saying “that they (meaning us) may be one as we are one”.

This is what it means to be “in Christ”. And as He said “I go to prepare a place for you”. And He did too. The same voice created the physical creation by His  word. One creation for the visible, one invisible as is He.

Christ is hidden and we are hidden “In Christ” as well. This is the new creation that is the same as “when Christ who is our life is revealed then we also shall be revealed with Him in Glory”. 

We have to learn to see Him as He appears with the eyes of our understanding, as He who always was, and we have to see him as He truly is for He was a man for only a short time. But His true person is better understood from the mouth of the Father who said in Hebrews 1.8-10 But to the Son He says “Your throne Oh God is forever and ever, a scepter of righteousness is a scepter of Your Kingdom, (the eternal, always was Kingdom) You Lord in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are a work of Your hands. They (all time and matter) will perish but You remain; and they will all grow old like a garment. Like a garment You will fold them up and they will be changed. But You are (always) the same and Your years will not fail”
Those are words from God the Father about God the Son, ascribing all things to Him, deserving of all Glory and honor, showing that Jesus did not become something He already wasn’t in the eternals, but just that He came here and walked it out as a man, for our understanding so that we could follow Him, that “where He is we would be also”. And “Father that they may be one as We are one” And this is as much an act of faith as your first confession of faith “In Christ”.
But eternity has never been under construction. It just is. This age we live in was made in 6 days and God in Christ rested from all His works to not create like that anymore. The only construction hence forth is offspring of His Kingdom. The only thing that changed was an earthly name which came with a path change.
You see the old way failed. “Father if there is any other way” And having expired the earthen model called “Jerusalem” where those went up for the feasts, Christ the new and living way being not patterns and pictures and earthen articles in an earthen city of “likenesses of the Kingdom of God. Christ being in heaven now to appear on our behalf is not waiting to come back here to build something. For that carpenters son is a Son of another carpenter, God. And the building they are doing is not in heaven, and not on earth, but in your heart and mind and soul.
So in the old model that people were walking out by going up to the feast of at-one-ment, was what should have been taking place in their hearts. “Father that they may be at-on-ment with us that they may behold My Glory”
That is why the man Jesus said to the Jewish leaders “you are not entering the Kingdom and you are keeping out those trying to enter”. They were in old Jerusalem and never had the kingdom but just an earthen model for instructional purposes only. To to learn of the invisible never changing reality in the spirit. The carnal mind idolized those buildings and knew not God of which Christ fulfilled all the the buildings artifacts and procedures passed on by the house of Moses and the house of David which shadowed heavenly, but the body is of Christ, not a future 2nd coming kingdom.
As the Lord said in Isaiah 1.11+ What is the purpose of your sacrifices to Me? I have had enough!, when you come appear before Me who has required this of you to trample My courts? Bring to Me no more futile sacrifices, your sacred assemblies I cannot endure, your appointed feasts My soul hates. How the faithful city has become a harlot”. 
These are pretty harsh words about a model that people want to return to. Rebuild Jerusalem so God can come? There is a certain curse for those who pursue this for this is the sin of what is spiritually called Sodom. (Isaiah 1.10 + Rev 11.8)
Jesus instructed us to “seek the Kingdom of God”. And in Colossians 3. Paul says “being raised with Christ, seek those things that are above”. And this is done NOT by laying out a chart of a timeline of how this jesus will come back to planet earth to set up a kingdom because “like a cloak you shall fold them up, but Your years shall not fail”. Seek Him, be “In Him’ be “In Christ” Seek this. Not a coming thing as though it had not been but that which always is “the kingdom of God at hand” ever present always open to the one of faith.
So these wall charts plotting out Christs return on a time line is a faithless thing that at heart does not know Him.
I understand that to some it is so ingrained that Christ will come in a certain way, to see the truth will take some time. It is those who taste the new wine, some like the old better. But new wine goes in new wine skins. You must be renewed in the spirit of your mind. This is where the building project of God takes place, not on earth.
The eternal cannot be created for it pre-exists all creations visible and invisible.
The 6 days of creation that exist now only serve the purpose for us to receive the Kingdom that “cometh not with (carnal) observation” (Luke 17.20) That we may seek the above for as the Father said of the Son, “You Lord in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, the heavens are the work of Your hands, they will perish, You remain, like a cloak You will fold them up and they will be changed.
That is why Jesus said of Jerusalem “not one stone shall be left one upon another”. Not that he foresaw a coming enemy and was sad but He being God, judged and expired that idolistic concept of Himself as being the enemy.
That which detained people was taken away for Him to establish another and He became a “new and living way” to the Father. This is your salvation already accomplished. Not Him coming back to planet earth to live here. That was never the intent of God. That too is an idolistic notion that separates you from God.
For all the law and the prophets were until John the baptist, now the Kingdom is preached and all are pressing their way into it. (Luke 16.16) Are you? Or are you waiting for a 2nd coming?
In My Fathers house are many dwellings. I go and prepare a place for you. And from there, Christ had a conversation with the Father. And this is the account in John 17. 24-26
24 “Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me, may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world. 25 O righteous Father! The world has not known You, but I have known You; and these have known that You sent Me. And I have declared to them Your name, and will declare it, that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them. 
This is the intent of God and our call to the eternal Kingdom of God “In Christ”.
If you are “in Him”, you are in the Kingdom and you must grow into a greater reality of this truth. This is the place He prepared for you is “In Him”. And it is not that the place is new. It is the realization in your heart that is new. This is the work of God, and this is why “the Kingdom of God is at hand.


7/23 The Transfiguration. His and ours.

Posted on July 23, 2014 by ADMIN

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Matthew 16.27 For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works. 28 “Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.”  And this was almost 2000 years ago.


Jesus spoke these words to His disciples. That some then would see Him coming in His Kingdom. That they would see the Kingdom of God present with power. It was then that Peter, James and John witnessed Christs transfiguration. We think, how lucky they were to witness such an event. Wow! To see “his face shine like the sun, and His clothes become white as light, brighter than any launderer on earth can whiten”.
As it says in 2nd Peter that they “were eye witnesses of His majesty” where the Father said “this is My beloved Son”. Christ as He is seen here is the culmination of everything the law and the prophets had ever spoken or seen. The purpose of all the law the prophets and testimonies was of this. To see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom. Jesus Christ in His fullness just like His Father. A chip off the ole block, His spitting image, bone of His bone. “Him you shall hear!”
Wow! If we could have been there and seen that. Surely if that had happened to us, we would all have apostolic faith. We could go door to door, heal the sick and raise the dead. We could save the world in no time. Our ministries would be huge! Yes this is facetious.
In 2 Peter he talks of the transfiguration saying”we made known to you the power and the coming of our Lord” and “we were eye witnesses of His majesty”. They experienced the very thing some Christians see as the“2nd coming”. They saw a full revelation of Jesus Christ as “My beloved Son”. This Coming is not a one time event as some presume, and it is not just a future event except for those who do not understand yet and those who flat out deny. It is not an event but an eternal reality to experience. To understand this is to be awake and watchful.
Think of it like this. If it is not true now, then it is not eternal. It must come to be, and some of Christianity thinks it is a physical development to some day become a physical reality and that is the blunder.
How could this Jesus who is “the same yesterday, today and forever” become something He is not yet? You have the wrong Jesus if He is still coming or soon to be, then He has not been something, and is in the process of becoming and by this nature He is excluded from being of God. Right here many cults can nail you to the ground and make the case that Jesus was not divine, but just a man. And by that definition they are right. A becoming one is not an eternal one.
A main theme in the book of 1st John is that he who believes that Jesus came in the flesh is of God. He is not referring to a man but of Him “whose goings forth or from old and ever lasting. (Micah 5.3) Meaning “Him who always is. As he also teaches “that which was in the beginning” not that which will be at a 2nd coming but that which always was and is, and Jesus Christ does not change to have to become and be something for He already is.
2 Peter speaks that through this understanding of His divine power, that “He has given us everything that pertains to life (eternal) and God-like-ness (the power of transformation) through the knowledge of Him who calls us”. And adding to our faith,  “for so an entrance will be supplied abundantly to us into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ”. (2 Peter 1.11)  This is not speaking of a 2nd coming but an immediate reality to those who do this. It says”He who lacks these things is short sighted even to blindness and has forgotten that he is purged from his old self” ( Verse 9).
So we are supplied abundantly access into His Kingdom, this Kingdom which is “at Hand”. The eternal, the always was, always will be, never ending, having no beginning a place having the same make up and composition as the one who lives there in the time before time, or else where would He stay and wait like He has no home? He waits for a kingdom? Him who came and said “the Kingdom of God is at hand” also said “Heaven is my throne and the earth is My footstool. Where is the house you will build for Me?”  But He is where He was before a word of God was ever spoken. That is why the kingdom cannot come as such to those who want to see it like 2nd coming seekers. Whom do you seek? Him who will be or Him who was? Will the real Jesus stand up! And HE did and He is knocking.
This Kingdom Peter further expounds on saying that he would continue to remind them of these things. “For we did not follow cunningly devised fables (like blood moons and Nibiru) when we made known to you the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ but we were eye witnesses of His majesty”. This coming had nothing to do with what is described as His 1st coming as a baby then grown a man but Him is His eternal state in his eternal place, in Himself, for in Him all things exist. What they saw was not a preview as though it was still future. For how could they have been supplied abundantly access into the Kingdom if it was still becoming to be some day.
Now here is the point. Peter said “in doing these things an entrance will be supplied abundantly into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”. He didn’t say anything about waiting for a 2nd coming. Is he lying? Is there access to His Kingdom before He comes so we can see Him? Yes! This is the very place where He is transfigured.
Yes they saw Him coming in His Kingdom with great power, but peter goes on to say “but you (yes us) have a prophetic word which is more sure than what we saw, (yes more certain than the transfiguration)”. Meaning the prophetic words and the testimony of Christ will yield the same result. Wow! To see Him in His natural state without the flesh, in the place and habitation where He belongs, being Glorified and in full power. Him you shall hear! Yes! Hear His words.
So as it was said then and again has been accomplished to many throughout the ages and is still offered to us “TODAY” if you can hear His voice”. Even now it is just as true that there are some standing here today who will not taste death before the see the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom with great power and Glory”.
So this is our transfiguration, our “being transformed into His same full image” not at some 2nd coming but “from Glory to Glory as by the Spirit” in the here and now. What does that have to do with a 2nd coming? That happens now! Today! “He who will come is coming and he does not tarry! And it is by faith, it is from faith to faith and “if anyone draws back My soul has no pleasure in them; says the Lord. But we are not of those who draw back into the perdition of unbelief, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul”. Hebrews 10.37-39
Here is the danger that has befallen us in this 21st century. The promulgation of the faith of a Jesus at a 2nd coming denies Him who came and is coming and still at hand. We can lazily put off our change and our responsibility to believe for a hope that He will do it later.  The 2nd coming concept puts people in a perpetual state of forward looking thinking that says “Oh that His day would come and He would save us”. That He needs to still do something for us. Please take some time to process that. You see He already did that. 2 Peter 1.3 says “as His divine power has given us everything that pertains to life and godliness”. What exactly is it you need that you don’t have? Be careful what you answer for you shall have your reward. It is the evil servant who says in his heart; my master delayeth  His coming. What do you say?  
Yes, The Kingdom of God is still at hand.



Posted on January 26, 2014 by ADMIN

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Ubiquitous meaning, existing or being everywhere at the same time : constantly. In other words every where, all the time, forever.

This is how I explain the Kingdom of God and Christ, also being heaven. This place cannot be defined as a single place and this place is not related to time. It is a timeless truth, hence, eternal. Meaning eternity past and eternity future. We usually think that eternity means from now forward but that is not true. To be eternal is to be timeless. Either God is or He isn’t. We know Him as alpha and omega, beginning and end and this doesn’t do justice to what eternal means either because it points to a start and an end. The truth is time has a start and an end but eternity does not.
Same way with the attributes and characteristics of God broke down for our understanding as seen in the law and the prophets, then seen more clearly in Christ in a human body, which is the mystery of God, the infinite, becoming a digit, a singularity, a man.
But this break down of the nature of God was for us to grow in an understanding of God. God never changed in who He was for that is impossible, but through the word we understand different attributes of God. So we can see Christ as the lamb of God and we can see Him as Son of God and many other aspects, but He is all these things simultaneously.God did not become anything or He was not God. Christ was made man for a little while so that He by the grace of God ,would taste death for every man. He laid aside His deity for this purpose, but He never un-became anything, and He never becomes anything. Hebrews 13.8 Christ the same yesterday today and forever.
Knowing God this way we can say of His eternal gift to us, that it is of His same nature and character that He is, or it isn’t really eternal. His reward is with Him. He is the reward or His gift would have a start and an end. Now this is hard for our brain to apply this principle when reading His word. We like to bring it down here and put perimeters on it, a beginning a timeline and an end.
There are two aspects of creation that define it. The beginning and the end. All of the ubiquitous aspects of God are not of the 6 day creation. They are pre-existent. The 6 day creation can only dimly describe it. But this is what we do. We lay the feast’s out and wait for them to happen. We do this with end time views too. We see on a timeline and think God is subject to that, and He is but not as it relates to time. Some people are under Gods judgment and others confess and are saved, while yet another receives His spirit and another receives the kingdom, but because these are eternal aspects of God, each person understands in his, or her own order. (1 Cor 15).
So Christ came in the flesh to redeem mankind, but there are those who were redeemed before Christ came, showing the timelessness of His gift being the lamb slain from the foundation of the world. As Abraham saw “The Lords Day” and was glad, before it happened in time. And John on the Island of Patmos was in the spirit on the Lords day before the end of the world. Christ died and was resurrected but He was the “resurrection and the life” before He died or Lazarus could not have been resurrected. Or what about the angel John went to worship, who was of those who “keep the testimony of Christ”? How does that fit our human timeline? That person had a glorified body.
Paul referring to Isaac and Ishmael said that the flesh has always persecuted those born of the spirit, meaning them way before Christ came, but in our timely, carnal thinking no one was born of the spirit until after Christ was on earth, putting God on a time frame. And teaching that no one received the Holy Spirit until the time of Pentecost, but Joshua and David and Daniel as others already had the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, for in their mind Christ was the already Glorified King. John 7.39 for the spirit was not given for Christ was not yet glorified, pointing to a revelation. You can’t prove this anyway, except with scripture.
Here is the truth of the matter. Yes Christ has to be Glorified in ones mind to receive His spirit but that relates to a sequence of revelations, if you are able to accept it, not a day a month and a year. Like when the disciples asked why the prophets say Elijah must come. He has come if you are able to receive it. Are you? We all have the same stages in our walk with Christ, but because one person knows Him only as having died on the cross does not mean that another cannot know him as being seated with Him.
Here then is the error of time dispensational thinking. It makes it easy for the carnal mind to think that God became, or is becoming and must still do in this age. Leaving people looking for another move by Christ or to come later and be King another day, he has always been a king. But the Holy Spirit has repeated throughout time that “Today is the day” “in an acceptable time I have heard, I have helped” and “now is the acceptable time”. He was born King and never denied He was a king. This thinking puts people in a holding pattern in their relationship with Christ, making the eternal God a subject of His own creation, bound by time. Yes He is revealed through a sequence but of revelations not time. From Hebrews 4 “And in this 7th day they shall not enter His rest, although the works were finished from the foundations of the world”. It is the revelation that takes us closer to God, it is not as the event seen happen, for if it is seen it is not of faith. As with Isaiah, in the year that king Uzziah died he saw the Lord high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple. Many are still looking for this to happen in time as a 2nd coming.
We can take the same principle of “Ubiquitous” and apply it to the gift of eternal life, and us being joint heirs with Christ. God is, or He isn’t. The gift is or it isn’t. It is Him or it is not eternal. If it is locked into space and time it is not of Him.
When a species is born it is identified by it’s features, A fish by it’s fins, a bird by it’s wings. A human has specific features, a head, arms, legs, and a torso, having fingers and toes. After it is born it doesn’t grow new arms or add toes. As with us, we “are complete in Him who is the head of all principality and power”. And “now we are the children of God”. We each, individually as born again believers have His Fullness.
The point I would like to make is that as His offspring we are now becoming only in understanding not in nature. Meaning, we are or we are not. Now that we bear His image in the spirit, being born again, we put on this new man. That we grow in understanding and applying our new nature, the transformation of our understanding in the inward man being renewed day by day as or outward man perishes, but we have already been birthed or we are not born again.
So we ask, Whats the difference between growing and becoming. Well becoming indicates that He is not yet or we are not yet, that we are partial and limits our ability to understand and receive. But we are complete in Him who is the head of all principality and power. Of his fullness we have all received  And He has given us everything that pertains to life and Godliness through the knowledge of Him who calls us to glory. The work He is doing now is awakening us to this in the spirit, to these realities. As Paul says, I press on to lay a hold of that for which Christ laid hold of me
If we believe we are not yet and that Christ also must become, both being progressive in nature, we take the power out of our conversion and are enticed to lay things out in a time dispensational manner thereby distancing ourselves from some of the promises of God and God himself which is the very nature of our inheritance. . To wait for the work of God to happen like in a 2nd coming for our carnal senses of site hearing, taste and touch, to believe it? This is the very enmity of God by the carnal mind to subject God and His timeless eternal gift to the “time sensitive” created realm by which carnal man is uncapsulated in, not God, and not the new man. Hence “the kingdom of God does not come with observation.
As scripture says “as He is so are we in the world” and “we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the glory and the excellency may be of God”.
An invitation went out from the beginning of creation to enter the rest of God. This can not happen in a dispensational brain for it tell us it is later, being subject to the laws and nature of this creation we need to see it physically. This is the snare of eschatology. But we are a new creation, a timeless one,, a Ubiquitous one.
I challenge you at this point to think about what the Holy Spirit has shown you by revelation the things that are yours now by faith. If we are “seated with him in heavenly places”, what does that mean? To accept the cross and resurrection is really just the basics from baptism. Can we see past the cross? Let us go on to maturity not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works of faith of baptisms, laying on of hands and resurrection from the dead. Resurrection is a foundation doctrine, it is the milk of the word.
John 3.8 The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
So if we are waiting for another work of Christ, be it a “latter rain”, the “manifest sons”, a “rapture” a tribulation a resurrection or whatever, we make null some promises of God and put ourselves in “unfaith”, “unbelief”.
The old testament picture was to go up to Jerusalem. This should be our current focus in the faith. Colosians 3.1, if you are then raised with Christ seeks the things that are above. And I will add, seek not the things on earth regarding the faith.