Posted on October 27, 2015 by ADMIN
“For what shall separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus neither height nor depth nor principalities or powers nor any other creative things shall separate us from the love of God”. Â Â It is the obstacles that we face in our life that are presented to us for the glory of God to be revealed, even as Christ had said with Lazarus when asked why he remained dead for 4 days? Jesus said to his disciples “didn’t I tell you that if you only believe you would see the glory of God?” Many of the obstacles
Posted on October 12, 2015 by ADMIN
Restoration of All Things We have spoke of redemption of all of creation that was portrayed by Christ wearing a crown of thorns symbolizing that redemption of creation happened at the cross and no longer is the curse of the earth yielding “thorns and thistles” in effect. So for those in their Adamic fallen nature? They are still subject to the curse of the earth yielding thorns and thistles. But it is for the redeemed person in Christ that the curse is reversed that receives a restored relationship with earth. Â Â We also discussed that in the fall of
Posted on October 6, 2015 by ADMIN
The definition of a prophet today is one who speaks forth things to come, like floods and catastrophes and future events but these are all fear based messages. The purpose of the prophet is to make plain the invisible things of God, to point to that element. But a prophet is still just a man. When he comes to the end of himself, he/ she is just human and of the nature of Adam, and that is as far as they can take you This is why they describe things in terms understood by Our Adamic nature of things understood
Posted on October 5, 2015 by ADMIN
ft] Eric Frawley 1/24/16 Continue writing | Delete The church of today has lost it’s vision and purpose. Christ sent the 10 out preaching the gospel. And the gospel was? The Kingdom of God is at hand. And you know what? It still is. That command was never retracted. But not rightly dividing the word of truth they put off the works of Christ and appropriate the works of God now in effect saying “TODAY! If you will here His voice”. They present another day for Gods gift to us of eternal life to commence and they call it a
Posted on October 2, 2015 by ADMIN
John 3.3 unless one is born from above he cannot see the Kingdom of God. John 3.5 unless one is born of the water and the spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. John 3.6 Â That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit”. John 3.8 The wind blows where it wishes and you can hear the sound of it, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it goes. So is everyone born of the spirit. Â The term being “born again” or correctly rendered from
Posted on October 2, 2015 by ADMIN
Godly Hope = godliness   Hope is a word generally used as a term of a desire or an anticipation. “I hope it’s sunny tomorrow”. It conveys a longing for an uncertainty. Maybe it will be maybe it wont. Time will tell. You can’t do anything about it. So there is a desire but no plan or action to pull it off. You cannot participate.  But this is not so for those who have their hope in Jesus Christ. It goes like this.   Colossians 1.5 5 because of the hope which is laid up for you in heaven,
Posted on September 19, 2015 by ADMIN
   God the Father upon completing creation at the end of the six-day scripture says  “and God saw everything that he had made and behold it was good, it was very good.  And the evening and the morning were the sixth day”.    “Good, very good”  is what we have in Christ in understanding the redemption of the world to our selves “for God sent His Son not into the world to condemn the world but that through him the world would be saved” and “we have seen and testify that God has sent His Son savior
Posted on September 14, 2015 by ADMIN
Redemption in 3 parts, creation. From Romans 8.19 creation is subject to futility but not willingly for the creation itself eagerly awaits the manifestation of the sons of God. For creation itself is delivered from bondage to the Liberty the sons of God now experience. In Genesis at the fall when Adam and eve were cursed and creation fell, there was no visible spectacular event with lightning and thunder and quaking but with a word they were sent out and with a word it is redeemed. Â Here we have again another misunderstanding by the Second Coming seekers who expect
Posted on September 12, 2015 by ADMIN
Redemption is in three parts and is incomplete without including creation. And that has happened for those who believe in scripture as is evident by these bible quotes. “Christ came to “redeem all things to himself”. God restored all things to himself through Jesus Christ and He is the propitiation for the whole world”, “for God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the world to Himself”. And “God sent His Son into the world not to condemn the world but that the world through Him would be saved”. If we are in Him it is. And last but not least; 1
Posted on September 10, 2015 by ADMIN
Death is commonly defined by as a lifeless body. Something that is unable to move on its own having no responses and no senses, cold and limp. In a state of decay. Â But God defines death in different terms saying to Adam at the tree “in the day that you eat of it you show surely die”. We know that physically his body lived on for some 900 years but in the day that he ate of the tree he surely died because he lost the Spirit of God. For it was God having created Adam from dust then
Posted on September 8, 2015 by ADMIN
HO– — USES From Hebrew 3 we see that Moses had a house and Christ has a house whose house we are if we hold fast to Gods invisible principles. You see the man Jesus had a house. Meaning Christ in His earthly mission and that was His disciples but of His eternal work? We are His living stones being built up a habitation of God in the Spirit. Â But the man Jesus knew as a young man saying ” I must be about my father’s business? Also knew his step father on earth was a parable by being a
Posted on September 6, 2015 by ADMIN
In the beginning after God completed the work of creating, He looked upon what He had done and said that “it was good,very good”. That creation would serve His purpose just fine. And that was? To bring many offspring to Glory. But Adam and Eve sinned and creation no longer treated them and their kind favorable for “by the sweat on their face” creation would yield thorns and thistles for them, and in pain they would have offspring. The creation they were to reign over, now reigned over them. In truth mankind is the creation, and all the rest
Posted on August 27, 2015 by ADMIN
We speak for the Glory of God to be revealed. This are the deeds of the Father. Romans 8.27 For what shall separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus neither height nor depth nor principalities or powers nor any other creative things shall separate us from the love of God. It is the obstacles that we face in our life that are presented to us for the glory of God to be revealed. Even as Christ had said with Lazarus when asked why he remained dead for 4 days. Christ said to his disciples “didn’t I tell
Posted on August 16, 2015 by ADMIN
We all have a surname and they are usually passed on to us by our fathers. In times past it was also the trade or business of the father that was his name too. With names like Gardner Baker Smith Shoemacker and such. It was common that a son took over the Fathers business. The name was what they did. Â It is from the first father Adam that we work in the” sweat of our face”. We do physically exertive tasks and spend physical energy for a ways and means. But there is a better way and it is
Posted on August 12, 2015 by ADMIN
Most people believe that all Scripture has equal relevance. Some see a difference between the  Old Testament and the New Testament. Some presume the Gospels to be part of the Old Testament for the blood was not yet shed, but it was Christ who said that “upon Me you shall see the angels of God ascending and descending upon”  equating himself with Jacob’s Ladder at Bethel which means the house of God being the Kingdom of God.  Christ being the Word of God being also in human form bringing with Him the Kingdom of God in God from. This is
Posted on August 9, 2015 by ADMIN
Animals were given acute senses which Adam had before the fall. When he called and named the animals he placed upon them features of his own. They were given to interact with him, he was the one with dominion over all, and he placed upon them small likenesses of himself much like Christ does to those who receive Him in this age. Adam gave physicalities he could relate to and invisible ones too. Like an eagles eye, or the memory if an elephant. Like birds and fish with the tremendous ability to navigate the sky’s and sea’s. Adam could only
Posted on July 21, 2015 by ADMIN
During creation God said that He created all the animals fish and fowl. That to them he gave plants and trees for food. Then peculiarly He says that ” because there was no man to till the earth that no rain was given to cause anything to grow. You see at that moment God the Father designed every plant and tree, leaf and fruit that would ever be from the earth till the end of the need for creation. That man was the need and purpose of creation be it plants or animals. Â It was for man to work
Posted on July 10, 2015 by ADMIN
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Posted on July 5, 2015 by ADMIN
Christ told the disciples while He was alone with them “until now you have asked for nothing in my name. And, In this the Father is glorified that you bear much fruit. If you abide in Me and my words abide in you”. You can ask the Father anything in my name and He will do it. It is here that we can assess our faith for accuracy. I mean the one who cannot lie said “ask anything in My name” and He will do it to us so is it true for us? If not, why not. Do we ask