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Kingdom at hand

*Answer of a Good Conscience. Peter 3.21

Posted on July 24, 2013 by ADMIN

ANSWER OF A GOOD CONSCIENCE 1 PETER 3.21 JANUARY 26, 2014  LEAVE A COMMENT EDIT Peter was speaking of the baptism in chapter 3 he says. there is also an antitype that saves us namely baptism. not the removal of the filth of the flesh but an answer of a good conscience toward God, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. who has ascended into heaven and is at the right hand of God, angels and authorities and powers having been made subject to Him.t Here is a remarkable truth. It is not necessary for God to need our bodies out of



Posted on July 10, 2013 by ADMIN

THE WISDOM SOLOMON MET. EXCERPTS FROM THE BOOK OF SOLOMON IN THE KING JAMES BIBLE MARCH 1, 2014 LEAVE A COMMENT EDIT I have found it unfortunate that steps taken by the church fathers to protect their form of religion and to promote their doctrines have truncated the word and purpose of God. Having seen the Holy Spirit in the bible as the comforter, another helper so you are not left orphans and as the gift given in place of Jerusalem, I decided to dig a little deeper and this is something I found to help me understand the 3rd person in


*Ex-Resurrection and the Ascention

Posted on June 24, 2013 by ADMIN

Ex-Resurrection, the Ascention Acts 4.20 We cannot but speak the things we have seen and heard.  These are the words of Peter spoke to Jews when they arrested him. Sounds like the words Jesus spoke to Nicodemus, that “We speak what We know and testify what We have seen”. Peter may have understood the plurality of God in himself as Jesus displayed as should we. Paul had first hand insight to the plurality of God dwelling in us. He knows when the plurality is present in him or if he just speaks on his own authority, meaning solo. Read I



Posted on June 24, 2013 by ADMIN

PILGRIMS We are Pilgrims. Yes we have an eternal hope, which means we are on a heavenly journey. This journey is pictured in scripture as, going up to Zion and going up to Jerusalem. It is growing in the understanding and the internal likeness of our risen Lord. He said to “follow me that where I am you may be also”. He said “tell the others that I have ascended to my God and your God, to My Father and your Father.” This is our journey and our pilgrimage. This is seeking the things that are above. “Where Christ is


Tomb where no man lay

Posted on June 22, 2013 by ADMIN

TOMB WHERE NO MAN LAY. FEBRUARY 6, 2014 LEAVE A COMMENT EDIT The eternal gift of life is timeless. What has been given to us “In Christ” cannot not be lost or taken away because it is not related to the creation of emc=square of time and matter or any of things made from the Big Bang. That is why we are instructed to not look at the things that are seen for the things that are seen are temporary but the things that are unseen are eternal. The gift from God can never be seen with human eyes. “Flesh and blood


In That Day

Posted on May 25, 2013 by ADMIN

IN THAT DAY JANUARY 29, 2014 LEAVE A COMMENT EDIT The Coming of the Kingdom, by faith or fact? Lk17.20 Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; 21 nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’[a] For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.” 22 Then He said to the disciples, “The days will come (like today) whenyou will desire to see one of the days of the Son of Man, and you will not see it. 23 And they will say to you, ‘Look here!’ or ‘Lookthere!’[b] Do not go after them or follow them.   John


The Calendar, New Moon or New Month?

Posted on May 24, 2013 by ADMIN

STRONGS #2320 NEW MOON? OR MONTH JANUARY 30, 2014 LEAVE A COMMENT EDIT I find it interesting that Judaism, Messianic’s, Ephramite’s, Nasarene’s and sacred namers for the most part use the lesser light of the night to rule their days, months and years. Doesn’t Islam, Wickans, Pagans, satanist and other cults do this? Let’s look at this. In the Strongs concordance from the Hebrew it translates chodesh # 2320 as months with the exception of when it is used for new moon only 8 out of about 250 times, and only in connection to the phrase “new moon”. Other than those 8


The Pre-existent Feminine of God in Scripture

Posted on May 21, 2013 by ADMIN

Proverbs 8 The Excellence of Wisdom 8 Does not wisdom cry out, And understanding lift up her voice? 2 She takes her stand on the top of the high hill, Beside the way, where the paths meet. 3 She cries out by the gates, at the entry of the city, At the entrance of the doors: 4 “To you, O men, I call, And my voice is to the sons of men. 5 O you simple ones, understand prudence, And you fools, be of an understanding heart. 6 Listen, for I will speak of excellent things,    (John 14.26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will


From the Holy MT Sinai, to The Holy Sandals

Posted on May 15, 2013 by ADMIN

FROM THE HOLY MOUNT TO THE HOLY SANDELS JANUARY 26, 2014 LEAVE A COMMENT  EDIT Holy is a funny word. Sometimes we think it means to be pious or self righteous, a state of being perfect or clean or religious. But the truth is, simply put, holy means other dimensional, not of this world, unlike what we can comprehend naturally. Every time the Mosaic priest and those who did the temple services, washed themselves and put on clean turbines and white linens, they were not making themselves holy but making the point that what they were doing was acting out like


The Bride and Groom and John the Baptist

Posted on May 10, 2013 by ADMIN

The Bridegroom Has the Bride John the baptist’s disciples were asking him about Christ and he made the most peculiar statement. Jn2.29 He who has  the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice. Therefore this joy of mine is fulfilled. John was describing to his disciples God’s purpose and mission for him in this life. Which was to baptize Christ, the Son of God. As our Heavenly Father told John “upon whom you see the Spirit descending on and remaining on Him, this is He


We Speak What We Know

Posted on February 24, 2013 by ADMIN

WE SPEAK WHAT WE KNOW JANUARY 29, 2014 LEAVE A COMMENT EDIT “Most assuredly, I say to you, We speak what We know and testify what We have seen, and you do not receive Our witness”. At first glance we think “what’s the big deal?” The big deal is this, if somebody asked you about what you were going to eat and you said, “we are eating dinner then we will have desert after we sit down at ourtable. People would assume you were with somebody or that you were carrying passengers. (invisible friends) The thing is Christ said that, while He was talking to Nicodemus. There is no mention of other people being there and


Daniel 9 is Fulfilled

Posted on January 24, 2013 by ADMIN

SCRIPTURE SHOWING DANIEL 9 IS EXPIRED AND NOT FUTURE GALLERY JANUARY 30, 2014 LEAVE A COMMENT EDIT 1. “To finish the transgression,” – This was fulfilled. (Matt 21:33-45; 23:32,35,36,38; Luke 11:47-51; 1 Thess. 2:14-16) 2. “Make an end of sins,” – This was fulfilled. (John 1:29; Matt 1:21; Acts 10:43; Hebrews 9:12-14,26; 10:9-14) 3. “Make reconciliation for iniquity,” – This was fulfilled. (Romans 5:8-11; II Cor. 5:17-21; Hebrews 2:17; Col 1:12-21) 4. “Bring in everlasting righteousness,” – This was fulfilled. (Romans 3:21-26; 4:13; 5:17,18; 9:30,31; 14:17 (Isa. 51:8) ; Hebrews 9:12; II Thess 2:16; I Cor. 1:30; 2 Cor. 9:9) 5. “Seal up



Posted on January 5, 2013 by ADMIN

A STERN WARNING FOR SUPPRESSING THE TRUTH   The Lord continually reached out to a disobedient people. He gave them warning after warning finally saying “if after all this you do not repent I will punish you 7 times more for your sins”. (Leviticus 26) We see by the time of Christ He said “Oh Jerusalem I weep for you. If you only you had known your time of visitation. Now these things are upon you”. He came a thief in the night and they were left desolate. We think, how can this be? All those innocent Jews! The desolation


8th Day

Posted on March 25, 2012 by ADMIN

8TH DAY JANUARY 26, 2014 LEAVE A COMMENT EDIT The Sabbath and the Lords day are different days. The Sabbath is the last day of creation signified by 7′s. In Lev 23 at the conclusion of the 7th feast the people were given an 8th day. This was said twice marking the importance. The portrayal of the feast’s 1-7 had concluded it’s testimony. They would then repeat this 7 feast cycle every year, until?   Stick with me this gets good. Joshua having entered “the land” and dividing it up had not entered the true rest only signified by the 7th day,


Ekienos 2 and the plurality of God

Posted on December 14, 0201 by ADMIN

EKIENOS # 2 AND THE PLURALITY OF GOD. 3/19/14 MARCH 9, 2014 LEAVE A COMMENT EDIT In previous articles we discussed the nature of God as being a plurality. Some call this the trinity. This one God, or THEY who said in the beginning let US make man in OUR image and OUR likeness. And like Adam and Eve who “were made in Gods likeness male and female made He them”. They were split in half and portrayed 2 selves in one, the third part being the breath of life called God’s Holy Spirit. Ekienos is from the Greek word “autos” that