February 2025

Thee Ark of The Covenant

Posted on February 7, 2025 by ADMIN

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Thee Ark of The Covenant.

Is obviously a vessel of Thee Covenant, to mean a place for the promises of God to us and how we relate to Him now and always. That we become an Ark for His Covenant as well.

It was said of Christ that He only spoke to the people in parables “for without a parable spake He not to the people.” And in truth, most of His actions was Him walking out parables as well. So that, everything about Gods Kingdom must be conveyed in such a fashion because “His Kingdom cometh NOT with (carnal) observation. For they will say, look here, and, look there? Do not go after them for the Kingdom of God is within you”. But never the less they sit and wait for a second coming as if the Cross was only ceremonial, when it comes to saving.

And like all parables, It is Gods Covenant that is placed in an ark, and a parable of what it is “in Christ” because Gods only Begotten, to mean the Son of His presence, is His Ark of His Covenant. To mean that to be “in Christ, is to be in that covenant. That all of our necessities are in our Ark of The Covenant. That the Arks, or vessels in Scripture, all have their fulfillment in Christ. The promises are all parabolic. Why? Because scripture says “all of the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ”. That any and every thing we could want or need as it pertains to eternal  life in the spirit, are found in Christ. That is why we pray in His name as if we are Him, because we ARE in Him. He is our Ark like Noah ark which pictured in parable form Gods promises of protection, health and our carnal needs.  And it is “The Heavenly Father who sees His own Son in each one of these little ones”. This is what it means to be in Christ, our Ark and the place of our Covenant from our Father. That Christ is The Word of God. Amen!

So then when it can be said of us that “in us dwells the fullness of the Godhead body” and “we are completed in Him who is head over all”. That we are the recipients as such a Testament, Covenant and covering of over lapping coverages.

THIS is what qualifies us as being in Thee Ark of The Covenant as well. And just as Christ was thee Ark of Gods covenant in the flesh for “in Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead body”. And all the promises of God are yes and amen in Him” for those who are “in Him”. And “you are complete in Him who is head over all”.

This is what it means to be “in the world but not of the world”, because we can be “in Christ” as we work these things out. To “work out your own salvation”, is is each individually to get in the Ark, Gods Ark and only Begotten where all the promises are true….


This is what makes us the arks of the covenant? Gods covenant of His words inside us. God’s word. Scripture. That we have received NOT prophecies as such of unfinished business. No! It is as we consume word, the word becomes the thing that is said. Why? Because at the cross and with Christ’s carnal last breath, for His temporary visitation to our temporary habitation. However, if you think the promises have to do with the protection of your carnal wants, needs and desires, you have to get those from Satan, the god and administration of the world, and his agencies will protect you. His coverages cover you…..

But because an Ark saved Noah and his family who was with him in the Ark. And an Ark saved Moses as a baby in a bulrush in the water.  Who later as the leader of the 12 tribes as God’s mouth piece…..? Moses and company took their Arc of The Covenant, filled with the articles of faith, went before the Israelites through all their trials, to try them as to wether they would abide in the promises and provisions from God, displayed to them through the Feasts and Holy Days teaching them the same lessons as us, to see if they would seek other forms of coverages and providers and services, hero’s and saviors for their short comings to make them feel complete. We know how that turned out for they were rejected by God and withheld from the “promise land”. Get it? A land of promises and not the very land itself because it was a walk of faith as following Gods Holy Spirit.

And “faith is the evidence of things hoped for, the SUBSTANCE  of the things that are unseen. By these the elders gained repor with the Father.” To mean by taking the written and spoken Words from the Godhead as actual, factual, reliable and activate-able, and NOT as having to do with some time in the future, but retroactive to the moment you first believed. And then on to every new boogie man threat, fear or ailment you face, you ward them off when you“ 14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the s-word of the Spirit, which is the word of God”.

Even as Christ battled Satan in the wilderness. With every threat hurled at Him He replied “No! For it is written…(fill in the blank yourself).

That in the same way you may be tried to make sure that each new gift of godliness given to you, has been installed properly and appropriated correctly in the crux of the battle. Because in the crux of the battle is your cruxi-fiction. To mean that you were able to ignore your fallen human instincts by operating like our protege and prototype we’ve Learned to put on in this way, the One we call “the Son of God” who is also “the Word of God” and also a son of man during His stint in the world for bringing many sons (and daughters) to glory. And He earned those titles by showing us how to do it. That we “press in to lay ahold of why God laid ahold of us”. Was for us to take on the Son one revelation after another, one trial and test after another. This is is “working out our own salvation”, by implementing the tools (word) and being tutored by the Holy Spirit.

It is the various arks throughout Scripture that teach us how to participate “in such a great salvation” being the shell around its inhabitants.

The only way something can get in is through fear of things that contradict the promises. And you are not subject to anything but what is common to man. And if you don’t understand the role you play in all this, you just become a victim of the time. And there is no glory in that. As a matter of truth, there are those heb 11

so the truth be told, we are His Arks of His Covenant by storing His Words in our hearts. So that the lessons of the Ark or arks, are all parables of us in human form. That just as Christ was filled with the Godhead body, that we too are complete in Him”.

because there are more than one, that they are all supposed to teach us of God, His promises and his we play our part.

It was Christ in the flesh, become Savior by providing a way to follow Him so that where He is, we would be also. And because He is Word, He is the sayings of God called Thee Covenant. That those who are in Christ, of those who have received the promises, these are the chosen vessels also called the Elect, as those who’ve accepted the invitation to “put on Christ”, and own the promises of God just by the sheer fact that we have accepted them. So then the lessons about arks are personal lessons with historical references but no other future fulfillment other than us. For “in Christ dwells the fullness of the Godhead body”, then broken down into sound bites we call Word, for our spiritual consumption. That as we adopt God’s promises we become adopted into the family of God so that we too live in His promises. So that when we are in His promises, we are in His Ark and safety.

It is in the Ark where all The promises of God are activated. And as we are told “not to grieve the Holy Spirit by whom we were sealed in the day of redemption. That if you are in covenant with God, you become that Ark of His Covenant because, He Abides in you as you abide in Him. To mean that we can take the lessons.

So then our insurance and assurance that we are in our Ark and Covenant of God is the measure of our disconnect from the social services and providers of this age that compete with the promises of God.

If you are addicted to click to “like, subscribe and submit”? You are underneath Satan’s counterfeit care providers and are covered by him. But if it is still the calm before the storm, like “in the days of Noah, there are still some seats available in God’s of of the Covenant. But there will be a time when it’s too late. “Come out of her My people lest you (continue to) partake of Her (Mystery Babylon) sins and receive of her judgements for God has remembered her”. Oh the coulda, shoulda, would ofs. That is the burning sensation of lost opportunities.

But,, The Kingdom of God is at hand, still.
