January 25, 2025

Mark of The Beast 2.0 Is Upon Us

Posted on January 25, 2025 by ADMIN

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Mark Of The Beast 2.0 Is Upon Us.

We say The Mark 2.0 because the book of The Revelation opened and closed with “ do not seal the prophesies of this book for the time is at hand”. To mean it was meant for them back then, from when it was written. And then AFTER that phrase we are told that next “the bottomless pit would be opened” and Satan would be released to “deceive the nations one more time” or as some translations put it, “for a short season”.

But the book of “The Revelation of Christ” does not give us any new details as to how the final deception with Satan would happen. But you can be sure that the devil and his minions will use similar tactics with a few new twists. That because the fallen ones cannot create, they can only deceive and steal. For they, having been bound for 1000 years, to be released for “a short season” have had plenty of time to try to perfect their trade. And an obvious main feature is that like scripture says “the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom’s of our Lord and Christ.” To mean that “kingdoms and kings” of old, get replaced with designer types of governments to include republicans and democrats, socialists and such and any other such diversions of powers, so as to detour or deflect the Judgment of God from Kings and Kingdoms to the willing participants and subscribers. And we saying “willing” because they have submitted to terms and conditions, without thinking of the ramifications. That the willing participants of self governing sovereigns, that because they are made in the image of God, for them to in turn, submit to any other form of safety, health, wealth and comfort (think of the internet as a net of capture) and the net that is inner is also under and is the interceptor of ALL who would seek provisions that are naturally and freely given by God through the gospel. All the while they are giving away their ability to grow into understanding the full gospel, the good news of “the salvation of your souls” which is where the fall took place, for there were no broken bones, blood shed or bruises but just an inverted way of thinking.

That Adam being made in the image of God to live and experience godliness (likeness) back then. For him to in turn subscribe to to one who asked him “hath God really said”. To believe that account of God and not the account that God gave of Himself. This is where Adam fell into reversion. And “Reversion in real estate is a property law concept that refers to the right to regain ownership of land in the future.  Well when Christ came for redemption, the right for “Reversion” was put in place. However we use the phrase of “Redemption” and “salvation” instead of Reversion“, but they are synonymous.

And with the setting aside kingdom and kings for Democracies, Socialists, Republics and other designer Governments, it is the rulers that shield themselves much like Satan did with the Fall of Adam, to try and stand behind him in judgment, so too today, these designer governments deflect judgment from themselves to the general ignorant masses or public. So if you have wondered why God would judge Sodom and Gamorah for what is trite in comparison to today, is because of this factor. That with many being innocent and unaware, God is less willing to get them involved in His wrath. But it is to those who use humans as shields by making them elect for under the deception that they have to choose the best of two evils.

It is in this way that the rulers today, along with “the prince of the power of the air “waves, radio, tv, and “internet” which is an under-net and a net of capture between God and man, and the filtration process for the damned. Get out of that damn thing.

It is this way that people have been detained from receiving the gift from God to us found in Christ through scripture. That we would receive from Him one revelation after another until it can be said of you too, that “you are complete in Him and Like Him far above all powers and principalities in heavenly places in Christ, so much higher than the inner and under net. This is where we get our incites and confirm them from scripture that God is just!

That is what Scripture, the Word of God is for and not for holidays or to become a good person, “For all have sinned and fallen short of the “gift of the” Gospel. And it is partially because they continue to pass on their ability to become an Elect of God the Father, by electing sham and or ignorant politicians to act on their behalf.

That in this way they have inverted powers between them and The Creator God, and receive in themselves the judgment due for their apostasy. Electing other powers by contracts, elections is Spiritual adultery for God has said “you shall have no Gods before me”. But these here today click and subscribe away their God given gift of godliness by hiring surrogates. And not just one or two. Oh no, for they click and like and subscribe, not realizing that to subscribe, is to put yourself under another. And in a spiritual way, that is as if you rip a piece of your invisible private part, your eternal part called your soul and spirit, and you mate it with another and under another and infuriate the Creator God. For this reason we were told “ in your patience posses ye your soul “. Because at the end of your carnal, physical life as having been made in Gods image, then ripping it up and giving it away through all your submissions? In this way you loose your soul. And as for your carnal physical life, that needs all the carnal policies? The gods of this age make false promises for the empowerment’s they receive by doing so, to exceed just the monetary value but the hyjacking of the power of souls. Yes, it behooves them to play both sides of whatever topic to keep the uninitiated in the middle as they bounce people back and forth between two parties that are not really two. But just two feet on the same beast headed to perdition.

You have been warned! “You shall have no gods before Me”. You shall not make pacts, agreements allegiances, for even hiring other agencies for coverages and coverings, takes you out from under Gods protection, so that when you call out for His help, He says “I do not hear you from where you are from”. And in people’s persistants He will say “Depart from Me you workers of inequality, for when I called out to you, you ignored Me and went on with your clicks and your like and subscribes to as many as fit your fancy. You have forgotten everything I have ever told you. Therefore this destruction is upon you because when I called out to you, you were too busy working the system that is designed to wear you out. Where are your gifts to Me of your firstfruits, when you come to me drained and in need. You would not be there if you really knew Me. “ Let Me be your dread, let Me be your fear”.

Or fret and fritter away.

As we read from Isaiah 8 11 For the Lord spoke thus to me with [a]a strong hand, and instructed me that I should not walk in the way of this people, saying: 12 “Do not say, ‘A conspiracy,’ Concerning all that this people call a conspiracy, Nor be afraid of their [b]threats, nor be [c]troubled. 13 The Lord of hosts, Him you shall hallow; Let Him be your fear, And let Him be your dread. 14 He will be as a [d]sanctuary, But a stone of stumbling and a rock of [e]offense To both the houses of Israel, As a trap and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. 15 And many among them shall stumble; They shall fall and be broken, Be snared and [f]taken.” 16 Bind up the testimony, Seal the law among my disciples. 17 And I will wait on the Lord, Who hides His face from the house of Jacob; And I will hope in Him. 18 Here am I and the children whom the Lord has given me! We are for signs and wonders in Israel From the Lord of hosts, Who dwells in Mount Zion.

And we are not referring to the Zionist of today with their logo on the back of their currency. Currency, get it? Power?  Electricity? Gods Elect tri city of three? Yah maybe the god of this age who come to nothing. And their pyramid (scheme) with the golden cap that hovers above the pyramid of bricks? With a golden cap? Capitalization? States with “capitol buildings with golden caps? Do you see the coronation? That God told the first and only bonified Israelites, in Exodus 20 “when you build a stricter for Me, you shall not use hewn stone, for in the day tge you use tools on them, you have defiled them DO NOT ASSOCIATE ME WITH SUCH!!! But nevertheless not only is their pyramid made of hewn stone, so are their buildings in their imposterish Jerusalem today. Remember, Christ’s declaration of that Jerusalem was “And Jesus said to them, “Do you see these great buildings? Not one stone shall be left upon another, that shall not be thrown down.”

To mean a destruction that would be un-rebuildable, let alone be able to find a wailing wall or basement caverns. If you’ve given them credence today you’ve been duped, so now you can repent and “come out of her (again) My people lest you partake of their sins and receive of their judgements for God has them in mind with the coming judgment. Do not be partakes with them!!

Kings verses Prime Ministers and Presidents

Kings were non elected officials that usually spanned their lifetime. Elected officials get their empowerment’s from the people by them selecting their leaders through voting. Do you realize that when you vote for someone, you cast (as like a spell) your ballet and empower them with your power to represent or re-present you as if to be you, to stand in on your stead, instead of you. That in this way you are implicit, to mean implicated with them in what they do? That in this way you become their human shields from tge wrath of God who in times of The Book Of The Revelation, were subject to kings with kingdoms, so that judgement was quicker and more precise because the kings had 100% autonomy.

That is another reason why we are in The Revelation 2.0 because we do not live in a time of kings so much because of elections that produce shielding for them against Gods judgments . And you can be sure that because these revelations are coming out, it is for you to again as in old, “Come out of them My people lest you (continue to) partake of their sins receive of their judgements because (the day is near that) God has remembered them.” That a closing statement of The Book of The Revelation, said “Satan would be released for a short season” without leaving details, so that those who would be in that time, would have to press in to obtain fresh revelation as proper proof because that is tge fruit of healthy elect, is fresh revelation. And Gid did not nor does not do anything except what He reveals to His Sevsnts, prophets and the elect. So that we are kept fresh and up to date by Gods Holy Spirit and not the mediums in the middle, in the under called the internet-net of the mouth of lies akin to the flood of lies, like the flood of Noah that drowned out the truth from those not living in the Word of God called His Son and Christ. That we are in Christ, seated in Heavenly places, far above all carnal power’s and earthly principalities, for our discovery of impostors and imposers and sham artists working for Satan so as to stand clear.

Mark of The Beast 2.0, during the “Short Season “, the time after the book of tge Revelation.

As far as the “Mark of the Beast” as being a mark on your hand? Who needs a mark in your hand, when you have your cell phone in your hand  or in reach all the time. The battery has been weaponized to explode at the designers command, to mean on a whim populations can be wiped out with a single command that could have an 80% plus effective rate if a news alert was deemed important. Beware of siren sounds or buzzes like with tge warnings from the national alert system.

With the Mark of old being a chip, that no one can buy or sell without them. We have  R.I.F.D chips that are in most things so that anything that has one is trackable. And with them having the ability to single you out based upon a curtain number of them together, would be considered their tracking mechanisms and prints to more carefully select targets for different purposes so yes, “Mark of The Beast 2.0. For it was even the first computer made, because of the sheer size of it, they called it The Beast. So they knew what they were planting, to harvest humanity, and the main frame computer became a network of powers. It is a medium which means something in the middle. And that something in the middle is between you and your rightful inheritance of godliness, to mean god-like-ness, by diverting you to an alternate source of godliness that just glorifies the beast system that people cooperate and  incorporate with. And a corporation, from corporate and corpse, think of a human body here as a corps. Corporations are legal entities with equal rights as humans in a court of law, however corporations outlast humans in terms of years and can last multiple generations. And if you could live multiple lives as such, you would seem to be superhuman. Also, if you do your own research on corporations, especially as it comes to military, insurance and healthcare, you would find that many of them stem from WWII era manufacturing plants for war machines, cars and such but more sinister than that is German based chemical and pharmaceutical companies. Then tell yourself it’s not “The Mark of The Beast 2.0”. Then dig deeper into the Nuremberg trials. The men that were convicted were all fall guys so that the real culprits would continue their Satanic quest elsewhere.



We can understand that with the “one more time”, that the scenario would be similar as before because it would be an unrighteous judgment…
as a leopard does not change its spots, so too the anti Christ 2.0 may take on enough differences so as not to fit the timeline and previous prophecies exactly from it’s previous attempt to steal the souls, affections and efforts of humanity, but nevertheless it will have all submit. And in this case, it will be done a little more slowly and softly by people signing over their God given sovereignty to the beast 2.0 through submissions and terms and conditions.

What you have to understand is that to stay in and go along with the nonstop successive updates  is the soft sell unto submission and loosing ownership of your soul for your compliance to the use of and the continual access to the services, features, freebies and deals, along with all the fake news as “the flood of lies” that have people being carried away (like Noah’s flood, but this time with lies) These people with their own brand of crazy, which is not really their own because they don’t really own them selves but have subscribed to others views. These people escentially loose themselves for a false self, and they are subverted from the provisions for godliness, or God-likeness as delivered to us through the Gospel, to in turn receive a false sense of godliness from other service providers that are all just more enticements for personal protections services products and amusements, but the reality here is that no one is growing into their God given opportunity of His form of sovereignty. You will no if you are one of them if you are using there powers as services you have subscribed to to have their kind of power. And one of the most egregious errors you have succumbed to is when you submit for services by accepting terms and conditions, you sign away any legal representation of anybody outside of their body of services because they provide the arbitrator (traitor). They serve those who pay them and not you. And because another clause that they use is that it is written in their contracts with you that they can change their terms and condanytime they want. And they will, all at once because God will let them do that because you have alleged with The Mother of Harlots” because the internet is an under-net between God and man, that has been allowed to harvest the souls of those who reject the TRUE Gospel message from Gods Only Begotten which provides for whoever submits to the Gospel to retrieve the gift of God which is free for the taking but must be harvested. For you see it is much easier to just like and subscribe for all the freebies because YOU THINK they are free but the cost you your soul. You can gage for yourself how entrenched you are by how many idols you serve. It is as if you take your soul ( in your patience posses ye your soul) tare it in small pieces and give it away to the various names, brands services with deals for automatic with drawls and successive updates, which are all just excuses to sow another thread through your invisible you that you keep after your body expires. And if you have clicked and subscribed, all those who you’ve subscribed to, they are the ones who own you. And because God gave you a self governing sovereign like Himself, and you have whored yourself out for internet empowerment’s, just like with a marriage you become one with, in this case many providers and offended the creator that gave you a copy of Him inside you and you gave it away one click at a time until you became like the fairy tale legon from hulk era travels with the man who fell asleep and became bound up by multiples imps With twine to where when he woke up? He was bound up and could not move nor protect himself because of his binding clauses.

So in disiphering the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave His servant John concerning things that must shortly take place”, to have that same book finish with “do not seal the prophecies of this book for the time is at hand. That also states that Satan would be released to fool the nations of the world one more time. To which you may ask Why. Because just like all harvests they have their seasons. So you will know when it is the end when the harvest season is over. And Gods harvest for souls .:!M ,

In your patience posses ye your soul “ Did you do that? Or did you bind it up for an elusive form of godliness to find out that it is all a trap called “the internet” that kept you from the outer and upper?

Christ was the messenger with the goods of the gift godliness. To as many as received Him, to them He gave power to become His children? That Gid so loved (the people) of the world that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life”? But whoever rejects that life by subscribing to other views deserve what they sign up for because in your own God given ability to make your own choices, 6ou likely chose the internet providers to care for you, and what they offer to give you gives them the permissions to take the vary thing that gives you any value. “In your patience posses your soul”? That is the only thing you were given that was eternal. “Come out of her My people lest you partake of Her sins and receive of Her judgements for God has remembered her and called her debts due.
come out from among her and be ye separate for God has remembered her. The flood of lies is carrying everyone away. The summer is ended the harvest is over and we are not savored., but instead have our souls diced up and dished out to various lessor gods


Flee to Your Holy Mountain Zion

Posted on January 25, 2025 by ADMIN

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“How can you say to my soul, like a bird ascend to Your Mountain, Your Holy Mt. Zion?”

(Psalms 11.1)

For you see Mt Zion is God’s Holy Mountain, the place of His City and His things. We know Her also as “Heavenly Jerusalem the Mother of us all, as described in the Book of The Revelation as the one that descends down from Heaven” who is built up for us a habitation of God in the Spirit, as speaking of the invisible.

And like with all Heavenly realities that are hidden “in Christ”. It is those of us who are “in Him” that know and experience this place even now! As is stated in Hebrews 12. That you have come to Mt Zion,  the City of  the living God, to an innumerable company of angels and to the spirits of those who are perfected and justified, who worship God in Spirit and Truth. This is “The Kingdom of God at hand”. As opposed to physical idealistic notions of the counterfeits made to entice your fallen nature. That is because “God is Spirit and truth and seeketh such”, that we are able to make this clear cut distinction from the 6 days of creation that had its expiration. That “if anyone is in Christ, they are (in the) New Creation. Old things having passed away, behold all things are new and all things are from God”. This is The Kingdom of God at hand.

To mean that of the first six days came after what already “ was and is and is to come” comes only on our understanding of a renewed mind of faith. Speaking of the forever gift of Eternal life that does not fade or wain, but “shines brighter and brighter unto the coming day”.

And from The Revelation again this “Heavenly place is “made up of the measure of a man who is of an Angel” referring to a persons invisible, inward parts, that they have acquired through their godly quest of putting on Christ one revelation at a time until we’ve reached this conclusion. Showing us that “The Kingdom of God (that) is within you” cannot be carnally tangible or assimilated. It exists only in the spirit of your mind, but it is everything Eternal. Even as scripture says to “ be ye renewed in the spirit of your mind, that ye my know what Gods good, acceptable and perfect will is”.

And because “God is Spirit and Truth and seeks such, you know what you have to put on to become one with, and what you need to use to have fellowship with The Godhead body. It is as you abide in word, spirit and truth, being two main descriptions of the invisible realm we are called to. This is fellowship with the Godhead body being God the Fathers Only Begotten called His Word, that is also accompanied, or coupled by, to be  wedded to Gods Holy Spirit, who is also described as the Bride of Christ come down from God in Heaven.

It is as they have this union in you, or this reunion in you because it is a personal event unlike a supposed 2nd coming. That God’s Word and Holy Spirit join together and become one and united in you, that you are their offspring, the “children of the wedding chamber”, that you are then in “The Kingdom of God at hand” because they have said “I will never leave you or forsake you”. These are the “sons and daughters of the Bridal Chamber” meant for family members of that union only. And this is The Union all other marriages faintly mimic.

For this reason “we walk not according to the flesh”, it’s appetites and needs, but “according to the spirit” as touching the invisible. This is why we use words or Word. That “In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and that Word was God” Gods Only Begotton. He was in the beginning with God” as were we as the “for ordained” and the Elect of God. Each one of us in our order in time of which we are able to receive it and not as the slothful stewards who sit and wait  and say “my Lord delays His coming”. No, no for they are the slothful.

We press in to lay hold of why Christ laid hold of us, as the persons in the mirror, we are transitioned from the Glory to the Glory as by the Holy Spirit and not some carnally visual event. This is the invitation to “The Kingdom of God at hand”.

That this is THE Invitation to, and the conclusion of the Gospel. That is for those who have entered into their rest as God did from His.

But unfortunately for humanity, for every truth we are given, there are plausible counterfeits in the physical  world to take captive the carnal seeker because those lies appeal to the carnal nature . It is the carnal seeker that is looking for something more tangible. Like the Second Coming with “all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the Elect”. But plausible to those who sit and wait. That the coming which is according to Satan with all lying signs and wonders” is because it is a flesh fest for carnal senses that have to see to believe. But of us? “More blessed are those who believe without seeing because they shall receive what they’ve asked for”. And “ye have not because ye ask not. Then when you do ask, you ask for things that appeal to your carnal nature, and walk away empty handed and disappointed. But flesh and bone does not inherit the Kingdom, only those who are renewed in the spirit of their minds do.

To mean those born of the Spirit. Because of this place we are talking about, does not appeal to the carnal senses. That there are counterparts in the physical realm that only mimicks the eternal, that were given for instructive purposes only,and why those of the Old expired Covenant that started with Moses and sealed closed with the cross of Christ because the Old way did no produce. As it is written “there is none righteous, no, not one.

To the Israelites it was the whole Law era culture that did Not convert them into the Eternal and were condemned till “not one stone was left upon another that was destroyed”. And that is the proof  that they fell away. And “The Old Covenant” was dismembered because it became idolatrous as thinking it was the real. But those were ALL silly little play toys to teach of the. Heavenly Kingdom at hand even for them if they could have made this correlation BUT THEY DID NOT and were put out of business.

For this reason that the Israelites were called “children” nearly 1200 times in the Old. Because they just could not make this distinction. As it is written “All the Law and the Prophets (the custodians of the Old) were till Christ to in turn immediately proclaim that “The Kingdom of God is at hand”. To mean graspable, tangible, and attainable right then and there and NOT some 2000 plus years later. (To mean that type of Christianity is on par with the Jews of old and again in our time, to receive the wrath and decimation of the Almighty God, for them to use His words and concepts out of context to appease their carnal nature that scripture instructs them to put to death. That “I live yet not I but Christ live in me. And the life Live now, I live by faith in the Son of God who gave Himself for me. That if Christ died for any other cause or reason, He died in vain’. This is the gospel.

So then here we are in the year 2000 plus (so they say) in the year of our Lord A.D. To mean that the coming One with all lying signs and wonders, has infected the time frame of creation as well.

But as in the times of old, with each new king, time would be reset  and start over as seen with their coins. We are still in the year of our King and Lord of Lords. However that is infected as well.

We emphasize this point because all that we have explained up till now that is Eternal in Spirit and Truth, has physical counterparts again like in the Old Expired then destroyed, seemingly renewed to keep people ground bound and looking down for a Second Coming Savior. Of which the term “second coming” is not found once in scripture. This is The “with all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the Elect. But we are awake, and alert as watchers and holy ones, seated far above all powers and principalities in Heavenly places in Christ”. And our proof? Is this disclosure. It all only makes sense from this perspective.

So lets unravel some more of the lies of the “with all lying signs and wonders” that they employ “if possible to deceive the Elect..

They hide themselves in rebranded names and services outlined in scripture. They like to deny that the only real haulocaust happened when they, the Jews killed Christ. He was the holocaust which means “sacrifice”. And if Christ’s sacrifice was insufficient to produce, then yes more sacrifices would be needed for atonement, to mean to be made one, to be reconciled. How does their holocaust make anything perfect? It can only smear the truth in Christ, to present more lies. That God didn’t send His Son to save and must do so again? Sounds like the “all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the Elect” to me!

And for them to gene splice cows to produce an acceptable sacrifice to please God? Makes God seam dependent upon the Jews to save His reputation. Then who saves whom?

So now the Zionist’s of today are exposed because any use of the name and any name or construct as described of in scripture are to be  allocated to “The Kingdom of God at hand”, of the one Christ proclaimed, and not from the mediums (media) and wizards of today. But this one thing Satan and his minions know, is that they have to flood humanity with lies to keep them ground bound and looking down. And just like a catapillar cannot comprehend the life and flight of a butterfly. That a catapillar has the capacity to become a butterfly. But they have to convert. They have to invert in their thinking, not so much to look up or out. Oh no! For the Kingdom of God is within you” because all the carnal entanglements are in the proliforals.

How can you say to my soul like a bird to flee to your mountain” Holy Mt Zion, Heavenly Jerusalem, the mother of us all” who are borne by the Spirit, of whom and by whom we come and go. Amen}

The Kingdom of God is at hand still.
