January 19, 2025

God’s Purpose and Control of Fallen Angels

Posted on January 19, 2025 by ADMIN

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God’s Purpose and Control of Fallen Angels.

In the beginning before God created, He ran through every scenario of anything and everything that could ever happen before He created. He did this to ensure that His objectives were accomplished. For you see, He wanted to replicate Himself for co-ownership and fellowship. To be one, and to have all things in common, to commune together. To “commune” is to communicate which is why we call Gods Son “The Word of God”, and why we “have all things in common” with Him. That as we grow in ability to appropriate word as He is “The Word of God” we become like Him.

He wanted to create images of Himself to share like in and mirror all that “He was and is and is to come”. These images were to be exactly like Him, or more clearly starting off with the potential to be so. For you see, if He made them without them choosing to participate “in such a great salvation” they would not be gods unto themselves but programed like a robot. There is no real relationship with that.

So now by trial and error, mankind would have to choose to grow into Gods images, that if they didn’t play a role in choosing first then to put on Word to be like Him, they would only be mechanical because they would have been programmed as such without choosing  to participate. Therefore He devised a plan whereby mankind would have to make choices, and put forth the effort to, like in our case “workout your own salvation with fear and trembling”. And with the salvation package offered by way of His Son, we can see Gods likeness in action so as to idolize Him to become like Him who is like the Father. This is a shared Glory that we learn to participate with. That “We are transitioned into His self same image from the Glory to the Glory as by the Spirit” because in “the Spirit” is the object of our Eternal dwelling. That Christ “In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God”. To mean Word already was before time started so that flesh was Him coming on our behalf.

From The Beginning.

It was the first man Adam, who was the test product and proof that we have to participate to grow into what we have been given. That the opportunity for Adam to become, was destined to make the mistake He made, and God designed The Savior for the redemption of the project.

That “Known to God from Eternity are all His works.” And like a big Chess game, every departure and disobedience from man and angels was played out to direct the desired outcome. That creation would be perfectly designed to let all the entities He made, be responsible for their own outcomes, and that the seemingly innocent and held back, would have their places of rewards and justice. That when the whole era of the 6 days of creation will have reached its conclusion, every angel, every man and beast in creation will have been judged, then rewarded or punished accordingly as each had done by taking everything into account. That all would know that God is exactly who God said He is, and God is just. Amen!

So our purpose here now is to explain angels and their fall because they are byproducts and secondary at best in Gods creation. They were given only to serve man on behalf of God as go between only. For you see, they do NOT own or inherit anything other than to serve Gods images, and not the other way around as internet messengers do today using contracts to sucome to them. For humans to bow, serve, submit or comply to any angel, is an inversion of purpose. They are only messengers and delivery agents. For you see scripture refers to the fallen angels as having “left their first estate, which is to work for and assist humanity. But in their jealousy of humanity, those made of dirt God called His images. That the angels were to play a roll in their maturation of God’s little images, that’s it. For this reason they are called angels only, because angels in and of themselves do not have any abilities but to relay and convey. They they have no ownership or reward but a job well done. They were always only ever meant to serve man for their good and godly development. When they stopped doing that is when they fell too. And as with Adam, to fall is to mean they became inverted in purpose. What they were created to do and be is the opposite of what they are doing, they are to submit to us, not the other way around, and why Christ said “get behind Me satan for you are not mindful of the things of God but man. That was the inversion.

So a human being in this sense is being, without doing where it counts. And the Angels? Were only deliverers and messengers.

That is what a messenger does, even like today they deliver something. And with God, He could not directly interact with what He created as such because what He created was physical and tangible. And it was mankind that was part physical and part God, but the man part was always only temporary. Man was part God as such because of their transitioning by choosing , and to choose, is to have options and options are only options if they have contrasts of either or, hence good or bad, light and dark. You get the picture.

so then because of the fall that in truth started with the Satans departure by lusting after what man had. In their rebellion they take on the role for those antagonistic to God and His offspring, but they do not participate in salvation because they were always only ever meant to serve mankind up to completion. So that now the angels that have fallen, do not get redeemed, but they still do get to temporarily serve as some resistance for the Elect to grow in their power over them. To mean that they are our sparring partners. But our outcome is ensured because of our  tutoring from The Holy Spirit. However we do not address them personally, for that gives them power which extends your battle with them. We do however put on new features. That with every new threat or tool of opposition from them, gives us opportunities to use our tools of God’s Word, or more specific words we call scripture. For it is the satans roadblocks that serve as redirects and opportunities to acknowledge more clearly for us how to apply the gifts of godliness, and then how and when to appropriate them. And it goes like this.

For every need we have or scary images and threats that are thrown at us to challenge our “gift of godliness” or gift of “gid-like-ness. Or we can cave in to serve them by buying into their fear driven threats for their services and cures for our fears. Or to instead choose to appropriate the promises from scripture that serve as a woven garment to cover us as our protection from the scary images presented to us by media and advertising. For us to be so seasoned with what to do, that the the Satans cower in fear as they behold us, their doom is looming. For Satan knows that his time is short.

So then, the angels looked upon what God had made, and they took had certain choices to cooperate with the Creator or not. And God has equality planned for this on that just like a big Chess game, playing out the variables, He knew that one third of the angels would depart in purpose as their fall, which would be the same amount of the Elect and the chosen, that God would produce for Himself as a result of this skirmish that would take place between the fallen angels and the rising Elect, NOT from the dead but up through the ascension into “Heavenly places in Christ, Eternal in the Heavens” all the while we trample over the not so dearly departed who left vacancies in the Eternal realm from whence they had abode.

That the third of the angels that fell would be superceded by the Elect that not only arise from the dead by being born again, and “working out their own salvation” to be Godlike because of the redemption work of God’s only Begotten to coalesce with those who cooperate. To mean those who “worked out their own salvation” to cognitively put on Christ one promise after another, one revelation at a time to increase in the gift of godliness until we appear like The Father.

If you recall the Angel that John stooped to worship him, he in turn said “see that you do not worship me for I am one of thy brethren and of those who keep the Testimony of Jesus Christ, worship Him.” This one was a completed image as one who was able to assist John in his next step up the proverbial “Jacob’s ladder”, we know to be Christ Himself because both the Ladder and Christ were seen with the angels “ascending and descending upon them”. This is how it works for us. And however many “believers” their are who are waiting for another interjection from the only Begotten to help them, are no better off then the ones who have not woken up yet to salvation at all. For it is written that “it would’ve been better off NOT to know the Gospel message of Christ than to know it and turn from it. But as the true proverb was written that as a dog having vomited to go back and eat it, or a pig having been bathed to go back an wallow in the mire, so too these hang on to their old fallen self in rejection of the gift of life.

So do not be as one who beats the air (shadow boxes) but knowingly and willingly work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” as you doing your part, now that you know that the victory is not only assured but garanteed, provided that you “run the race with assurance looking to Christ the Author and finisher of our faith” as our helper and copilot.

This was the plan from the beginning. That every self governing sovereign, both man and angel, would have a chance to come into be through their own efforts. This spells out the human struggle of salvation because when the angels fell, they left a vacancy in the Heavens, and by doing so they left empty seats in the Heavens. That in their quest to go into the daughters of men and choose them to replicate. That in doing so, the fallen angels started the process of  their departure. And in their self quest, lust and flat out stupidity, they left their seats open in the Heavens, that just so happen to be the same number as the Elect called the 33 and a third. That yes, the Son of God who became man, became the first, or “first-fruits to God’s throne. And to as many from among humanity to receive Him, to them He gave power to become His Children”. And the number of the Elect is that 1/3, the same amount as the not so dearly departed, who in their lust to takeover humanity, opted to try and steal something that was designed from the beginning to be destroyed with the fallen angels in it. Hence, Isaiah 66.

So then you’ve caught a glimpse of the designed fall of angels who tried to take humanity with them. The designed coming to the if God’s replicas that the Satan’s were jealous of, for God to put an end to any and all rogue entities that would every be, to take place in an alternate reality from heaven, so that from the point of the end of that skirmish, there wouldn’t be nor couldn’t ever be anymore rogue entities in “The Heavenly places in Christ “. That the Heavens and eternity would forever be free from such rogue forces, rebels and falsely appropriated desires to negatively infect anything. Eternity remains pure.

And the other bonus for God the Creator, is the rest of humanity who would be judged and awarded according to their works. To mean the Mephibosheths of the less fortunate. God in His righteousness and compassion had that planned for the Elect, to not be haughty, but to do what the fallen angels chose not to do. And that was to be benevolent. And as we can see the love of God in His only Begotten, referring to Him coming from the Father for the redemption of creation. That the passion of Christ was and is the crossover for the week, innocent, feable and confused. To judge them according to their works”, with their abilities and limitations in mind (Rev 21)

Part 2 Fallen Angels

The fallen angels in their jealousy and lust, have no real power or benevolence. They were only deliverers. They were the mediums and deliverers only. Even now having fallen twice, the second time was their acting on behalf of God as God. But they didn’t have anything. They couldn’t make anything, they can only convey. For this reason they know that they can still deliver, for that is what messengers and angels do They can only take from one place to another as a go between agencies as deliverers only which is what a messenger is. A deliverer. They are not the owners of the goods they convey.

So they devised a plan to rob people from their potential to “rise” to the occasion of becoming “god-like” by circumventing from man by using the things they were to deliver to man, to in turn keep the god like things for man to serve them . Yes, they circumvent the purpose of God to make us like Him, for the fallen angels to offer to humanity surrogate services like Gods, with counterfeit forms of godliness, or god-likeness, by helping them feel godlike.

But it is Not the god-likeness from the God of Scripture. No, for their type of “God-likeness” gives them the feel of being like god over their human subjects affairs by getting them to subscribe to them. So when people accept their services to make them feel as such, it is as if those people who subscribe to them, they tear off pieces of their eternal, invisible souls, by subscribing to their surrogate services as messenger angels. But once again, these messengers didn’t have any powers but to deliver. But when people, made in the likeness of God, submit to other agencies, other powers, angels promising them services, it is as if to bow and worship any and all manmade images as having power over men who made them. In the same way, it is oxymoronic for any human made in the image of God to submit to anything, by putting themselves under others care. Yes, there is a need for cooperating and obeying as having to do with a person’s development and abilities, to include those most bereft. But those are like a poster child the fallen angels stand behind only to further their agenda with more deception.