Oh Jerusalem how I morn for you.
These were the words of Christ in His time to a people who claimed to be His according to the traditions and scriptures that had been passed on to them. But as He said to their leaders “you brood of vipers sons of Satan, who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come?”. And even as we have been told that “wicked men and impostors shall grow worse and worse deceiving and being deceived “, so too it is with us.
It is as “the wheat and the tares grow together”, that spells out a pretty bleak outcome, along with “when the Son comes, will He really find faith on earth?”
With these warnings we have to strenuously examine our faith lest we too fall into the same predicament. To think you are in the faith to then be found antagonistic to God, is the blind leading the blind, unforgivable and a mournful thing.
Oh Christianity, those who have succumbed to the status quo of being good people and getting along with everyone for the sake of unity and living like the world. Don’t you remember the warnings with Noah? That everyone went on with life as usual, eating, drinking and given to marriage all the way up to the Ark doors being closed? They were carried away by a flood of marrying and giving into marriage, to mean as if life goes on forever, but they missed out on the Wedding of Christ and His Bride. Now with the doors closing, the residual words whose echo never stops will be heard by many. The steward asked them why they were late to the wedding, and their excuse was that they went to the world for their wedding garments. To mean that the garments they needed were IN the wedding chamber, however for them, the garments from the world were more appealing. And what might they be?
It would be those who put on coverings of all sorts of which are all found in the wedding chamber. For you see for every promise of God given for our godliness of becoming more “godly”, can only have to do with putting on the coverages provided in the Gospel called promises. “For all the promises are yes and Amen in Christ”. He is our proverbial wedding chamber where we get our garments and coverings to include all the Garments in the chamber, that “we have been given everything that pertains to life and godliness according to the knowledge of Him who has called us to His Glory by virtue”. And virtues are invisible, but nevertheless our coverings are more sure and secure then the coverage providers of the world that deliver the opposite from what they sell you.
All of our coverings resemble Joseph’s coat of many colors, which were seen Again on The Only Begotten when the solders tore them up and took them to themselves. But these are just pictures for our understanding.
But the lesson here is that for all the scary things that could happen to you, are over embellished for profit so that there are insurance policies (police) and coverages for everything. And you can be sure that for every covering you subscribe to, you become blinded to the ones in thee gospel. That if “in Christ “ we have been given everything that pertains to life and godliness”, to mean those who are “in Christ”. To mean that what Gods Only Begotten has and the Heavenly Father has. Then yes even as the Psalmist wrote “I shall not be satisfied until I awake in your likeness “, to mean the gifts activated by faith and godliness is achieved. Yes “all the promises of God are yes and amen “in Christ”. And we are “in Christ” this is true. This is “the Kingdom of God at hand” that we preach.
This is what the gospel delivers, but the world has gone all out for coverages from all the potential boogie men of the age and forget the One in whose image they were made. And just as the wicked steward of the rich mans goods was asked for an account of his stewardship, how have you responded to the gift of God according to godliness?
Like for those who go to church and claim obedience to God? What did you do with His Only Begotten Son who was torn up and distributed throughout time for our retrieval to become godly.
If you have put on the coverings from the corporations and internet providers, you have your providers safeties, powers and gods of the age to take care of you. You have made your choices one after another until you have all your coverages and are all sown up into the innernet with terms and conditions that makes Adam and Eves coverings of a fig leaf simple infraction compared to your multiple submissions to agencies that give you control over your realm. You have bitten into multiple proverbial apples to cover yourself with for every conceivable fear. Have you read Gods New Will and Testament being the distribution of His coverages as the sole provider for all your shortfalls and ailments given to humanity to put on.
“To as many as received Him to the He gave power to become His children?” And God begat no slaves or servants to other powers?
Our God is a jealous God. And for those who reject the form of Godliness offer from the tree of life, to mean The Cross of Christ. That you reject and break faith by submitting to others? That you contract with them serve them with monthly payments?Those are your Gods.
You’ve got kaiser permanent which means eternal King, you are in the good hands with an all state, you have blue and red designer crosses to compete with Christ’s. You have got the golden calf grown up to be a bull on the wall street for your future provisions. Not to mention the demigods you have signed up to by accepting to play by their rules by abiding in terms and conditions instead of abiding in Christ who said “ask anything in My name and I will do it”. But for you, you submit to every messenger that asks you so as to feel godlike yourself over your affairs in this life. WHAT ABOUT HIM WHO SAID, I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU TO BE FORSAKEN!” So is it you who have broken faith? Is it you who think that you are rich and have need of nothing?
Woe to those who do this for you do not know your time of visitation is immanent? That “the wheat and tares mature together.” To mean when the tares are this obvious, the inner-net trap of capture has taken control and oversight of most things and have people already agreeing to terms and conditions that give them permission to change them anytime they want, and it is up to the user to check in to see if the terms are still agreeable, to wake up and find out it is too late. You have been warned. The inner-net is a net of capture.
but God fearing people are praying for their God to save them. Their saviors are the powers of today.
For this reason we were called to “Come out of Hery people lest you partake of these sins and receive of Her judgments”. This is mysterious Babylon. Babeling with terms, conducting, and contracts of many sorts. In there terms and conditions they have a clause that gives them permission to change the provisions and your obligations anytime they want, and it is up to YOU to check it from time to time to make sure it stays agreeable to you. They can give themselves permission to do whatever whenever and you have to catch it before they put it in play? You have bitten into the proverbial Apples,
They have you all sown up into the inter-net, a net of capture. The term “inter” infers that there is an outer and an upper that they detain you from. That “Satan has desired to sift you as wheat?” And of this Christ said “and I pray your faith does not fail”. To indicate that He has allowed this to try your intentions. Do you have faith and trust in Him? Then why do you keep accepting more freebie services?
That is right, you have used your God given likeness of having choices and a say so in who governs whom and have laid your soul out wide open to the enemy.
You have bowed to and empowered others, not just by just subscribing and abiding, but believing that they can save your health, wealth, homes, cars, job, retirement, income, or whatever imaginable boogie man you can think of, for them to cover you? And in putting on their coverages, your eyes for seeing truth and using the sensibilities God has given you have been circumvented…. And just like Issachar who bent down to carry a burden, you have become a bound up slave. So when you stand before God and He asks you what you did with His Only Begotton Son who shed His blood and “saved” you? What will you do what will you say?
Well we know what He will say to those in this predicament. I have given you everything that pertains to life snd godliness but you have insulted Me and the blood of My Only Begotton and let a bound up band of demons cover you and you have become blind to My provisions for you.
And as Christ said right before those sham believers killed Him. He said “Oh Jerusalem, the ones who stone and kill all My messengers and those who were sent to you, how I morn for you like a Father for a child. Now these things are upon you”.
The Kingdom of God is still at hand for a short while. Repent and believe the gospel. And of your current providers? Come out from among them and be ye separate (to mean divorced) Then I shall receive you and you shall be My Sons and Daughters (2 Corinthians 7)
Put off the deeds of the flesh the gods of the age feed off of. This is the Gospel Of The Christ who was given. To as many as received Him, He gave them power to become His children. Who also said “Come unto Me those who have no money. Why do you spend money for things that don’t satisfy. Come unto to Me and you will find rest for your souls. Take on My yoke for it is light and easy. Come taste and see