Praying in The Name of Christ.
Praying in the name of The Only Begotten Son of God is to ask of our Heavenly Father as if you were Christ Himself. For He had said “ask the Father anything in My name (as if your were Me) and He will do it. And to pray in the name of Christ who many call Jesus. It is not about the spelling or the annunciation but about the meaning. What does the name mean?
In essence whatever language you pronounce Him in, it needs to mean Savior because that is the name of the project He had to do to restore Humanity back to the Father. That Adam was made into the image and likeness of God and fell. And there were no broken bones or concussions because he fell in the spirit of his mind. Therefore Salvation happens as the reversal of the wayward ways of thinking we adopted from the Adamic state of mind being ground bound and looking down at his circumstances, and responding to them as if those are in control.
After our conversion, opposite the inversion, we are “raised back up into newness of life” to be a way of thinking. To be lifted back up from the fall called the resurrection. To mean a new life different from the Old. That “we are a new creation in Christ”. As being created new again where the fall took place in our thinking and understanding.
We always use the analogy of a parrot loosing its grip on his perch to slip into an upside down way of looking at things. Down became up, up became down, most things became inverted to need to be restored. So we can see the restoration not as physically a new heaven and earth, but the reversal of the fall in an inversion to see things in a proper perspective. That yes, everything God had made is still “good very good”. But when you are inverted like the bird. To go up is really going down, and to hit your head every time you try to go up is you trying to live in Old Testament terms, using your carnal nature to be like God. As Paul wrote in Romans “the good that I wanted to do I could not do. Oh wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the law of sin and death” of banging my head when I’m trying to do right. This is where the good news called The Gospel comes in. “Who shall free me from this? Then I thank God in Christ so that with my mind I serve Him.
It is here we are jettisoned out of the old way of doing things and Into the New Will and Testament as being heirs and co-owners of what we use to try and work for as slaves to Lord under tge Law Covenant. To no longer Be beggars and slaves, but the sons and daughters of God as joint heirs of the things of God NOT at a future event of another creation. That “we are a new creation in Christ. Old things having passed away, behold all things become new”.
And again, Adam fell in his thinking, in the spirit of the mind. So that “now the life that I live I live by faith in the Son of God. If Christ died for any other way, He died in vain”.
So then with the reversal of the fall of Adam called the resurrection of being raised back up in understanding, in the spirit of the mind, to be able to talk, to hear and “perceive” (also translated “see” in scripture) So that we can ask, do you see what we are talking about. And if yes, then this is raised in understanding as seeing by perceiving. This is where the Holy Spirit operates, in the re-spirited mind of faith. That those who understand God like this, have the same spirit of the mind that Adam lost when he fell, so that now it can be said of you, that you too walk in newness of life, by interacting with the spirit of God in the spirit of your mind. This is called the reconciliation, as being the relationship restored to “that which is from the beginning”. This is what the restoration is and not an end times thing at all. For no no no, that is a fear fest that Satan capitalizes off of by keeping people ground bound and looking down waiting for a second coming Jesus to save them. Isn’t that a competitor? A counter Christ? An anti-Christ?
For all the partial services, cures, hospitals doctors and pharmacist (from pharmacia, the Greek word for which craft). There are more agencies services hospitals doctors and preSCRIPTions, (Scriptures) than anytime in the history of creation. The amount of people brought into bondage to that one entity, healthcare, has the gates of hell in full time party mode.
So now back to our title. Praying in the name of God. If you are using the world’s entities and cures and expect to get better, you are like the bird flipped on the perch. For every time it tried to do things right to go up, only contiued to go down for more badgering and bruising. And because you have spiritually bought into the lie that they can help you. You have the gods plural, that you’ve paid for. But in God’s economy, you cannot serve God and Mammon meaning money. And as the man in scripture who thought he could buy the gift of God to be told “your money perishes with you” because you cannot serve God and Mammon”. The gift from God is not measured by nor affiliated with any of the gods of this age. And where it is inscribed on the dollar bill “in God we trust” has nothing to do with the Creator God and His Son we call Savior.
So if you are doing that, you get what you pay for.
It was the Israelites first who applied the blood over their doorposts to have the angel of death pass over. Who later celebrated that protection of life during the feast of passover with a passover lamb sacrifice as a reminder of who and how they were saved, kept alive and healthy, all at the inauguration of their faith to be inducted into the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”. With sin to mean pain sickness, disease and death as all having to do with our passover Lamb. Thee “Lamb of God who takes away the pain, sickness disease and sin of the world. And if He had only paid for it for you in another life, then that is when He would have to pay for it. And then death would be past so as not to have to insure your life not only from health issues, but also from the death as having to do with your flesh.
But you see the death each one of us experience first, and what we’ve adopted from Adam is being dead to the reality that God is already. That “one must first believe that He is (or was and is and is to come, Eternally the same always) and that He rewards those that dillegently seek Him”. As if He was standing right there willing to “SAVE” be it by fear,health, misery and death. This is what a Salvation is and this is what a Savior does. And because He Gods Savior and Son is Eternal, and He is Word. Then when we seek God, it means to go to The New Will and Testament, the “Testament spells out what you have now as joint heirs to the things in the New Testament now.
So then in conclusion. If you can understand at least in part, and are willing to trade in your other authorization forms to your various agencies and take God at His Word, and relate to Him with His word sndyin communication with His Holy Spirit, this is the Salvation of God in progress. And the more people that would take the New Testament as a Will and Testament of the goods having been given for you to implement and use now. This is the gospel. This is the good news. This is the truth. This is The Kingdom of God at hand”. A phrase that has never been recalled… Yet. Please come out of the world and come back to Christ in this way