September 19, 2024

Modern Day Mark of the Beast?

Posted on September 19, 2024 by ADMIN

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Modern Day Mark of the Beast.

We say Modern Day Mark because the book of the Revelation of Christ was given to that generation back then. As that book opens with “1The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to Him, to shew to His servants things which must shortly (quickly and hastily) come to pass; and He sent and signified it by His angel unto His servant John: 2 Who bare record of the Word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. 3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

Note in this verses and the next both refer to the “prophesy” to mean a singular collection of events unfolding as part of the one “prophecy” and not “prophecies plural’

And The Revelation closes with the angel “22,10 And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. And “18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the Holy City, and from the things which are written in this book. 20 He who testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come,

There are some pretty alarming warnings to those who mis-appropriate the events and purpose of this book. And if we have NOT provided to you enough proof that the expiration of the book of the Revelation WAS completed back then? Then we have these words from The Christ Himself saying (Matthew 16. “28 Verily I say unto you, There are some standing here (back then), who shall NOT taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in His kingdom.  After all, that is what the book is about, thereby negating any modern notion of a “second coming”, for you see “second coming” is not from scripture. It does not say second coming as believed today. Hence; The Kingdom of God is at Hand! Once again showing us with clarity, that to try to re-allocate the prophesies from the Old Covenant, the Gospels and up through the Book of The Revelation, especially on as wide of a scale as the second coming seekers do today, will actually put them under similar condemnation, because they do NOT believe The Gospel in its original content: You have been warned!:

And there are more quotes to support this, but these make the point that the Book of The Revelation, is just as expired as the law and the prophets. Bare in mind too, that the gospels are considered the last of the Old Covenant because those books bring you only to the institution of  The New Covenant by the blood and the cross of Christ. And it was with His blood as the sacrificial lamb to fulfill the Old Covenant to establish and put into effect, the New Will and Covenant “founded on better promises”. And Christs Cross, pretty much wrapped up the Old Testament with The Gospels, with the conclusion of the disciples being sent to the Nations, to “go ye therefor to all the nations preaching and teaching all that I have commanded you. Why? Because the old had reached its conclusion with the be-heading of John the Baptist, to make it all clear that, the Law era, the Gospels and the whole book of the Revelation, to include Christs return for judgment, to have happened to that generation back then, with only THIS one phrase left open. The book of The Revelation says that Christ took Satan  “3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, for him not to deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years were fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season”.

So now for us. Enter; “The Little Season.” as the only open ended prophesy to need to take place.  The final age of deception, which is like the previous era with a few twists and technological advancements. To mean that just a “chip in the right hand or forehead’ is child’s play today. And during this final “little season“, Satan would deceive the nations again by altering every shred of history (His-story) past so as to present enough variables to discredit the veracity of Scripture, to include the re-appropriation of “the thousand year reign” to be later, for the re-implementation of a “second coming savior” in this final era, which is also called, “The Little Season”. We also call this short season The flood of lies. So that in fact the last days started according to the New Testament book of Hebrews that opens up with; 1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spoke in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 2 Hath (already) in these LAST DAYS spoken unto us by his Son(as a foregone conclusion), whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom he hath made the worlds;    That there are only two covenants. And this too is just a sample of other verses that can make the same claim. For this reason Christ came preaching “The Kingdom of God is at Hand”, Because those who are “in Christ”, are in “The Kingdom”.

Now then, Enter the Short Season as the only left open prophecy as different then the last days, there were before Satan’s release to fool the nations one final time. We can ascertain that Satan will still work within his abilities and tools at hand to do so. That it was during Satan’s 1000 year sentence and imprisonment with the rest of the fallen angels, they had plenty of time to invent concepts of opposites of all that is true. And to try and re-employ and empower the old covenant kingdom with a modern day Israel, (we know to be “expired” with the Law the Prophets along with all the buildings, rulers and feasts). All of which are expired. (Expired is synonymous with being dead). And all that is being done today by presenting another Israel, with Jews and Jerusalem, is all done to try and discredit the scriptures we’ve just quoted as being expired in a bygone age, to promote the “lie of all lies”. But we were warned in scripture of “the coming one who is according to Satan with all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the Elect”. To mean another presentation of the Old Covenant kingdom, are the “with all lying signs and wonders”, with all their buildings offices and rituals (red heifer?), to be so believable to the general onlookers, so as to discredit Christs coming in “That Generation” BACK THEN, to expect Him to come again as we’ve just explained. So that the idea of The Savior still needing to come back as a man, would be the foundation of their gospel message to implement “the coming one” will be the fake Christ, “with all lying signs and wonders” (Meaning they try to back it  up by expired scriptures) as if possible to deceive the Elect.” to mean that there are those of us who know this, and have been equipt by Gods Word and Gods Holy Spirit, to unveil, and expose these liars and deceivers as working for Satan.

And what is being presented today is a massive carnal fest and presentation, intended to steal believers souls from worshipping the Salvation of the Christ of the cross, that is still offered. And those who received it back then were commissioned to “go ye therefor teaching and preaching that, “The Kingdom of God is at hand”, to mean, proverbially within reach but not of the elements of earth (,Revelation 21.2,)( Hebrews 12.22-23).

But these they deny and have bitten into the lie like a juicy apple

So to have the true gospel preached like this to you, puts the impudence upon you to believe, and  transform as scripture commands. That “you work out your own salvation with fear and trembling”. That “we are being transfigured from the Glory to be that Glory, as by the Spirit”. (2 Corinthians 3.18)

To make the case that “The Kingdom of God is (still) at hand”, and that, we are in that last”little season” where Satan has been released one more time” for the grand finale [to be up to his old tricks with a few improvements] “to deceive the people’s of the nations one more time? To offerwith softer forms of designer choices for controls and deceptions than the Mark of the beast, which they gladly comply to include accepting permissions and submissions, with terms and conditions to bind you up like in a net (Internet)., To even go so far to covenant with them through arbitrators (traitors) which strips you of any protection because your acceptance is legal and binding. And more alarming is that you anger a jealous God who does not share His affections with those who covenant with others for coverings, services and protections. That is what spiritual adultery is all about. For you to have too many saviors, providers, coverages and coverings to contend with the blood of the lamb anf His “New Covenant” signed in His blood and announced with His blood curdling call saying “IT IS FINISHED”. You have been warned!

Satan having been imprisoned for a thousand years, gave him and his minions enough time to go back through what they had done, to perfect their method, to better the “mark” and the “chip”, for they knew they would have one more opportunity AFTER the thousand years has expired, in their anticipated “Short Season”. And so they do.

Yes people already use a “chip in there hand” disguised as a phone or a credit card or other deceptive gimmicks. That “no one may buy or sell” without it? That “you cannot serve God and Mammon”? And we are at a time when one more virus could take away our few purchase options we still have that do not require a chip. You Have Been Forwarned! No physical force necessary for that today. Everyone upgrades to the newest phones and plans as soon as they come out. So that now, the chip is pretty much ubiquitous. The only thing still is, is that you have the choice, for a short while because they keep expiring older versions to push you into the new. Just to make the case that the one time “mark” is superseded, or even child’s play compared to what they are implementing today of what we will call “designer chips” and designer scan codes. And as far as contracts, terms and conditions are all forms and types of submissions to have you all sewn up. To then take various products and provisions to “bundle them all together? To mean that the internet, is the net of capture. That people bind themselves to for them in turn to be godlike over their own affairs. When in truth it is not JUST a false sense of godliness, but the contender of the Godliness offered through the Gospel Message of Gods Only Begotten, who purchased that plan for you to share His provisions as outlined in His terms and conditions, that DO NOT wane or fade or change colors or features, BECAUSE THEY ARE ETERNAL! And their “coverings”, (think of the fig leaf here) plays into the second coming jesus gospel just fine because he is gonna come and save you in the end with a rapture, or whatever one of the “designer” choices of savings you bought in to that keeps you happy just waiting for some other man named Jesus to save you later. And just as Noah and company were completely detached with the doors closed on his Ark. To then have the floods commence immediately. There is a specific number the Heavenly Father is waiting for to do the same thing, but this time with a flood of lies to carry away the disingenuous. To mean, right before the final escalation of destruction, the last call to come on board for the saving to be done, before the offer to be saved gets retracted. And just like the foolish virgins who had NOT entered the bridle chamber? They cried out to the Master of the feast “open unto us!. To hear the reply “Depart from Me you workers of inequity for I do not know you of where you are from”, And “you are not mindful of the things of God but the things of men”.

Here is some concrete proof as to how Satan and his minions have been re-empowered for this final era. There are a few sources however the main pollution to the heavens (of the mind), came with the instituting the Hedron Collider, that is associated with the “tell-a-vision” and the “Internet” because that is where the “flood of lies” are spewed from. And that is where internet was invented or birthed. You can look these up for yourself. For other answers, read “Shiva, Apollyon and Cern; The Destroyers.  And the truth behind the “Hedron Collider”, looking for the “god particle?” Hmm!  ??? Playing with “anti-matter? Hmm! Toying with contrasts of the physical creation in hopes to offset its purpose? Hmm! Who do you think might be behind that?

Simply put, the chip is a micro-chip and can be placed in the hand or  multiple places to include purchased items. A preferred way today is still a chip in the hand. Think about it, you point and shoot with your “cell” phone to scan codes to open up a Pandora’s box of features, all of them are mesmerizing. If you have a phone in your hand and the phone has a chip in it? That don’t you have a chip in your hand? What can’t you scan and shoot to receive at the push of a button? Isn’t that you being a type of god over your affairs? And you don’t think that offends our Heavenly Father who offers you something eternally better?

And to further insult our Heavenly Provider, you accepted “terms and conditions”? They really only protect the “providers” you submit to. To have you using arbitrators (traitors) of the providers choosing because the providers pay them? That they work for the providers

That just like a snake coiled upto strike . g asleep. When everyone gets neck deep into the soft sell of this “tracking system”. It will turn on everyone. And because you bought into it, you used it, and you were presented the “terms and conditions” as well being warned about the “arbitration rules” that contractually negates you having your own legal representation. If you read in the terms and conditions, they all explicitly say that you are bound by these terms and conditions, without a neutral third party present. And worse than ALL that? Is that it is written in all of the terms and conditions that, they at anytime and for any reason may change their terms and conditions. And it is up to you to check it periodically as to whether you still agree or not”. When even in a court of law with representatives from both sides (in your case you don’t) their ability to make changes under those conditions is totally illegal and illogical. They can just change it to say, we will do what we want when we want, and to start with, we refuse to cancel your clause to contest, and your right to cancellation of policies or services. Because that is what you got yourself into. And to have your Heavenly Father turn from you? What will you do??

And just like kids in a candy store, you downloaded all those apps to your own chagrin. How do you like those apples?

I live yet not I. That Christ lives in me. The life I live now I live by faith.” Since Christ took on our old hard drive motivated and scripted by guilt and lack of sufficiency, it is only obvious that we should re-arrange some furniture (in the spirit of our minds) to fit His comfort factor so that when we get to the part where He wants to rely on our sacrificial body, that it suites Him for His purposes. So that we’ve recononned ourselves dead, That the new life I live I live by faith in the Son of God who gave Himself for me. That I have prepared a body for Him, free from reliance’s on the gods of the internet, a net of capture. An internet to mean it is under, but still above you blocking the “Light f the World”, the Son of God and Savior.

It is in this way that we share in the works of the family business. It is the transs-substanciation, or swapping of content, where when it comes time for our physical body to be sacrificed for the cause, that just like a tag team tap out. Where the weaker is replaced by the stronger. That Christ took on the weight of the sin of the subjects of creation, to mean each and everyone who would ever live, for them, the price was paid. That we are able to call due this claim “that on Him was laid the inequity of us all, and by His being stricken we have our healings, means He has got us covered. That the payment for sin is death, which Christ paid in full. That is unless you’ve decided to stay with your current providers from the internet who offer you contending providers. Seriously, look at the vernacular. They are the competators  and deceivers and antichrist’s. With all of them sown up into one net.

The Kingdom of God is still AT HAND, to mean graspable. But this is short lived. Read this next text and see how your second coming Jesus fits in.

9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. 11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, 12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? 13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. 14 Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless. 15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; 16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.

And when the final “illusion” arrives, “they will say, he is here or he is over there? Do not go after them for the Kingdom of God is within you. These are the lambs of His pasture and the recipient’s of His grace because the Kingdom of God at hand” is the Kingdom that is within you.
