August 18, 2024

Unlocking Parables?

Posted on August 18, 2024 by ADMIN

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To you it has been given to understand the Parables and the Mysteries of God. These are the words Christ spoke to His disciples.

First the Purpose of Parables From Matthew 13.

10 The disciples came to Christ and asked Him, “Why do You speak to people in parables?” 11 He answered them, “Because it has been given to you (who are closest to Me) to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven (at hand), but to them (who do not know Me) it has NOT been given. 12 For whoever has (knowledge of them), then more (knowledge) will be given to them, and they will have an abundance; but whoever does not have (this type of knowledge)? Even what they think they have, will be taken away from them. 13 That is why I speak to people in parables, because seeing they do NOT see (My things), and hearing they do NOT hear, NOR do they understand (My things). 14 And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says: ‘Hearing (with their ears) they will NOT hear NOR understand, And seeing (with their eyes) they will NOT see and NOR perceive.

(Note; to see” is synonymous with perceiving and comes from the same Greek words and left up to the translators and conveyors to carry forward the original intent of the Author God. That to perceive is to see internally and is of faith and a matter of the heart where it counts. In the way that we see in God’s realm. Hence “from now on, you have known Him and you have seen Him, if you can perceive Him with your heart)It is in this way that we see and interact with the invisible Godhead body. Because if you wait for the physically visible fulfillment of Gods things? You are sorely misunderstood. Even as Christ said 15 For the hearts of this people have grown dull, and their ears have become hard of hearing, And their eyes (of seeing into the invisible) they have lost, because they see with their (physical) eyes and they hear with their (carnal) ears, (and they are stuck in the visible world). But if they learn to see and hear with their hearts and turn (INWARD), Then I would heal them.’ As Christ said. 16 So blessed are you if you see (perceive with the heart), and you hear (with your heart); (for you have the healing you need!!!

To mean, We have access to everything we need in to be raised back up in understanding from the fallen upside down perspectives we inherited from Adam. And just as there were no broken bones or blood shed when Adam fell. Their were no sutures or casts when you are raised back up. For since the Fall took place in the spirit of our minds, our understanding? For us to be raised back up is to have a renewed view with a renewed disposition and an upwardly, Heavenly call of God” in Christ”. This is opposite from the fallen, of those “in Adam”, who are ground bound and looking down at their circumstances around them. So that the calamities that threaten you? They disappear like ghosts that never existed, when you receive the truth.

This is true Salvation from “1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; This is what we find in the Scriptures. Our restored place with and in our Father where these all come together.

This defines the demarcation line between flesh and spirit, verses facts and faith, and further understood from the book of Hebrews 11.1 Now faith is the (invisible) substance of things (we have put our) hope in, being the (un-see-able) evidence of the things that are unseen. 2 For by (this kind of faith), the Elect have obtained repor with the (invisible to the naked eye) Father. This is faith!

And it is by this “repor” and this favor, that we have peace with God that calms the waves of life that were meant to test our resolve.

.Another parable Christ put forth to the disciples, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who planted good seed in his field (the field is the world); 25 but while men slept (and time progressed), his enemy came (along) and planted tares (to mean redirects) among the wheat and went his way (to remain invisible). 26 So that when (time progressed and then) the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares (crops) also appeared. 27 So the servants (the messengers of the covenant) of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and uproot them? (to remove the damaged translations from scripture?)’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest while you pull up the tares  you also uproot My wheat (the truths) with them. 30 Let then both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest (of the wheat and tares that grow together). Then I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in  bundles (through terms and conditions for freebie products and services that compete with the gospel, to make them feel godlike in their own lives affairs without the promises from the gospel) to burn them, then gather the wheat (as those to remain covenanted to Me for My services of health safety and true wealth without Mammon and money, the god of this visible age) into my barn.” (being the safety and savings and such as outlined in The New Will and Testament promises of Gods goods and services rendered to us and paid in full from the cross of Christ, (and outlined in the New Will and Testament). “For God has given us everything that pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who calls us to glory and virtue.” We do not need their temporary, empowerments that continuously need to update your disposition so as to weave more of the net into your invisible part called your soul and spirit, which belong to you to give back to God through faith and trust to meet your needs in the way that the impostors promise to protect and serve you. This is blasphemy against the angel of the covenant.

We can ascertain by this parable, that Gods seeds sown (called scripture) has some tainting. That “while men slept”, was as time progressed, an enemy came along and planted his doubts and ambiguities in scripture by way of designer interpretations to make Gods word more palatable and to apply to our daily circumstances and personal lives for religious reasons. That is NOT what scripture is for. That this alien seed would not be recognizable until the the time the wheat and tares have matured together (because they are both fed there), to mean that the same field (scripture) would nourish both the wheat and the tares (those born of the flesh verses the spirit), to offer two types of saviors. One for the spirit as we subscribe, or one of the flesh, that still has to happen (How many saviors are their?). And because the seed that was planted is word we call scripture, then the obvious conclusion is that what is called the word of God today is that word, and that word, has been slightly obscured to grow weeds too. But not to be alarmed because this is part of the Fathers plan, and because the good seed and bad mature from the same nutrients, of what is called “scripture”, it brings forth two categories of crops. Those who beleive the Savior came and saved, and those who expect a carnally visible savior and saving of carnal interests later. That “the enemy Satan, came along and planted his seed of doubts and ambiguities (against the Saving completed at the cross) as we have clarified here, to mean that there are carefully placed redirects for those who walk by sight and read into Scripture what  ever they want, to serve as not only one diversion, but as many as they can, for that is what Satan does and how he is given power over the disingenuous, is to “bind them together in bundles” in various contending denominations, a word that is admittedly a fraction of a whole.

This is to include those who’ve sold themselves out to the gods of this age for their empowerment’s from the internet. These are all among those in the fold, because “The wheat and the tares do grow together.” Those who use Gods promises for carnal reasons will be distinguish-ably different to and antagonistic so as to clash with true salvation “with all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the Elect.”

So then how do we know when we are approaching a harvest time? When the visible types of savings and services that feed the flesh, have those born of the flesh all bound up in documents of safety’s and services for about every need, with savings and back ups to make people feel godlike over their world. That they cannot see the hand of Him who is watching them. That just as Noah had warned of pending doom to those who would not enter the covenant, for the New Covenant is the proverbial Ark, and container of Gods Covenant and it’s safety’s services and provisions that sanctify us.

That “we have been given everything that pertains to life and godliness by way of the knowledge of Him who has called us to glory by virtue. That through His exceeding precious promises, it is in this way that  we are partakers of the Divine nature” NOW and not at the end of the world second coming Jesus, “having already escaped the corruption that is in the world through lusts”. This is the gospel.

It is this second coming Savior, who is “the coming one according to Satan, with all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the Elect, who have accepted the Christ of the Cross sufficient for all our needs not to need an encore presentation to deliver the goods, because IT IS FINISHED!!! . However those looking for Christ at another coming? That is the deceiver because the Cross is sufficient.

Our Authority.

You may ask, what makes us different? We have been directed that (John 7.17) “who so ever wants to do the Fathers will? They shall know weather the doctrine is from Christ, or if it is from another source of authority”. These are our credentials to speak as such. And we shall all stand before the Judgment seat of God to be rewarded for what we have done here good or bad. And with the wheat and the tares growing together, we should see the contrast.

What does it really mean to be saved? Those who seek to save their (carnal) lives will loose it. And those that loose their lives for My sake, says Christ, will gain an eternal one”. To be saved is to be developing our perfection in the spirit through knowledge and fully vested in the eternal age now, hence The Kingdom of God is at hand! And we have reached our goal when we see ourselves seated together in Christ far above all principalities in Heavenly places in Christ, and in Jerusalem come down of God from Heaven as The Holy Spirit and  the Mother of us all.” To mean those who are borne of the Holy Spirit. That we are transitioning from the glory to the glory as by the spirit”, and are not found wanting or waiting like the sloth full stewards who’ve said “my Lord delays His coming”. For then how else is the Kingdom of God is at hand if you are expecting something carnally soothing. You are missing the point.

So we would rather be counted as those who persevere and press through, then to be sitting waiting and just living for today as the rest of those look for another (second coming, not found once in scripture) as those who sit and wait do. But don’t forget the parable of the wedding feast, of those who went to the world to acquire the proper wedding attire. That when they had come back (to their senses)? The wedding doors were closed, and those who did not enter the bridle chamber where both the Word of God and the Spirit of God are ONE (John 3). They were told “depart from Me ye workers of inequity for I DO NOT KNOW YOU FROM WHERE YOU ARE FROM!” Because you did NOT enter to be “in Christ”. Our ark and our Covenant. To what you may say? The Ark of the Covenant? Yes the Covenant established by the blood of Christ that is our ark and our covering and all the protection we will ever need.

If you remember that it was in the days of Noah, that they were “eating, drinking and given into marriage”, all the way until the Ark was closed. That was their testing and their tribulation not to mean bad times but faith testings. When the ark doors were closed. That is when all Hell broke loose. To mean that those who wait for another event to try to enter Gods safety? By then, Salvation has come and gone! Just a remnant to stir up  the memories of could have, should have, now cannot have. Woe!! That is the hellish sensation of lost opportunities. As those who missed at of the bridle chamber.

But today even still. “Today is still the day of salvation”. Today you can still be saved by faith. And the measurement of you faith is your eagerness to come out of your culture and learn to live and survive in the promises of God. To be covered by word, love and abide by the provisions given here. So that when you are presented other services, many which claim to be free. Have you submitted for services? Do you let them put their cookies on you. You’ve been tagged? That tag is like the Marc and the chip of old. It may seem free and easy, but you’ve sold yourself and your soul by doing so. And even your cell phone has a chip in it. It may not be embedded but it has you in a cell. an invisible, spiritual one.

In your patience possess your soul? You have submitted out to services that operate on your behalf as you, in a temporary way to appease you carnal nature, all the while you are poor blind and naked from the provisions of God.

All the additional coverings and coverage’s, just take from you what they say they do for you. That is how Satan presents his counterfeits. That “God has given us everything that pertains to god-like-ness, through the knowledge of Him who has called us is to Glory through virtue “. That we participate in the “virtue” part by not giving in to the freebie empowerment’s of the service of the gods of this age. That you forfeit a piece of yourself every time you submit to terms and conditions. That is your new covenant that makes you feel invincible. That is the illusion with all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the Elect”. Because when they have all your things sown up, with you trusting in them, you will not longer be able to do anything without their permission. And because of the arbitration clause, you forfeited any legal representation for protection.

Early on is a soft sell of services. But after you have been fully been bound up in policies? And you cry out to the Father? These words will ring true for you. “Depart from Me you workers of iniquity, for you are not mindful of My things but your own carnal appetites”…. That is why you were given up. You were not mindful of My promises and My provisions for you. That My promise of “I will never leave you to be forsaken. But it was you who departed for your new lovers for you were given in to freebies and services, all for the simple price of nothing? No, it cost you your soul. If you have the cognitive skills to read this, you may still have time.

Repent! The Kingdom of God is still at hand as it has always been, except when the harvest is over. Have you entered the Ark of God’s covenants and provisions? Or did you whore out to multiple providers with contending offers and continually accepting newer features? The Heavenly Fathers were signed in blood and implemented at the cross, to need no updates, upgrades a or changed of terms and services because they are Eternal. And when the corps (to mean dead) called corporations have gobbled each other up as one? Where will you be found? I’d rather be found in Christ through any and every installation of features testings. Because one of the main promises we have with our terms and conditions as a result of the cross we call promises, is “I will never leave you or forsake you”. And “Lo, I am with you always even throughout the ages through to the end”. And as the wheat and the tares mature together, and the reaper burns the tares first? That means it happens even as our harvest takes.

The proverbial flood waters are rising as people are being swept away by the mediums and wizards of media. Just like in the days of Noah.

The kingdom of God is still at hand to save you from this wicked generation, not to save you in it or with it. Amen