May 2024

The Imminence of Christ, At Hand

Posted on May 29, 2024 by ADMIN

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The Imminence of Christ, At Hand.

Imminence meaning:    “The quality or condition of being about to occur. Something about to happen. The condition or quality of being imminent; a threatening, as of something (graspable, within reach) about to happen. (of something being “at hand), and time to occur (at any moment), being The imminence (to no longer be pending) of something (happening starting very soon (and the beginning of it).

The “imminent return” of Christ was the state of mind that governed the behavior of the believers in the time of Christ, after His death, resurrection and on to His ascension, as we read here from the Book of the Acts of the Apostles:

1 The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Christ began both to do and teach (after the cross), 2 Until the day in which He was taken up (ascended, after that He through the Holy Spirit (and NOT the flesh) had given commandments to the apostles whom he had chosen: 3 To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion (of His love for us as displayed at the cross) by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God (AT HAND): 4 And (Christ after His resurrection from the dead) being assembled together with them, commanded them NOT to depart from (that) Jerusalem (yet), but wait for the promise from the Father, (of) which (I have told you about). 5 For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. 6 When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Teacher, wilt thou at this time restore the kingdom to Israel? 7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to know times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. 8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Spirit has come upon you: then ye shall be witnesses unto me (starting) in Jerusalem, then in all Judaea, and in Samaria, then out to the uttermost part of the earth. 9 And when He had spoken these things, while they beheld, He was taken up; and a cloud received Him out of their sight. 10 And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two angels stood by them in white apparel; 11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Christ and Savior, which you have seen Him taken up from you into heaven, so shall He come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven.

This is the account written by those who had seen and talked face to face with the living Christ, after His death and resurrection from the dead, before His departure back to the Father

That you will see Him coming in the clouds with great power and glory” was promised to them back then as He spoke here .32 “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. 33 So you also, when you see all these things, (you) know that it is near—at the doors! 34 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.

These are the written accounts nobody wants to talk about, where Christ was seen after the cross, they saw Him Ascend into Heaven, who also had said “follow Me to where I am that you may be there also! (John 14)

And if the return of Christ was imminentt back THEN as He said to THEM of “this generation will not pass?” And if He didn’t come, then He would have falsely warned them of things that didn’t happen for them. Then He would then be categorized as a deceiver. But the deception comes from those who spread these lies today, because since those scriptures applied to them, for them to be repurpose again today speaks of another coming of an unauthorized savior. 

Here are three more accounts of Christs return to that generation to dispell the myth alive today that Christ will return in His former fashion “according to the flesh” because “flesh and bone does not receive the Kingdom”.

(Note: the term second coming is a made up phrase not found in scripture. He does however come again to each one of us in our own time.)

Matthew 24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

Matthew 26:64 Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, HEREAFTER YOU (a personal pronoun) SHALL see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.

Mark 14:62 And Jesus said, I am: and you shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.

For us now some supposed 2000 years later to expect to see what He told them that they would see back then, is taking scripture out of context and turning it into a lie and thereby spoiling the faith of many who have become hopeless and unable to hold on for another appearance of Christ when there is only one appearing left open ended to have to happen.

It is us, this many years later, when the gospel  has run it’s course, who are in the “short season” that we were told about at the end of the Revelation where it is said “he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more till after the thousand years were finished. But after these things he must be released for a little while. And ” Now when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released from his prison To deceive the nations once more. Meaning us today, with all lying signs and wonders” showing the believability of a false interpretation of Scripture and history. It is Satan that profits off of the second coming savior, a phrase not found in the accepted texts.

To be waiting for Peters warning that “all the earth and it’s works (and all that is in it) will be burned for the Eternal to remain”. There are now no other events necessary to be fulfilled before the burning takes place, otherwise Peter would not have written that back then.

Meaning that creation gets recalled and undone by the fire (all the earth and all it’s works) as the only event left to be fulfilled as the true conclusion of “end times” last days, final event, having NOTHING to do with an erroneous second coming.

There is not one place in Scripturpe that you can read of a “second coming”. There is no other saving person or event but “the gospel once and for all given to the saints.”

And the Book of Hebrews states that “God in times past spoke to the fathers by the prophets (to speak that way no more) has in these last days (meaning to do with the New and final covenant) spoken to us by His Son, thereby drawing a demarcation line between the covenants and defining the New Covenant, as also being the last, saying “in these last days”. To conclude when the New and last covenant, becomes as feabale as the expired Old Covenant.

Now reeling forward to our time. Anyone believing the imminence of Christ to be applicable today any different then how it was back then, they are taking scripture out of context to do so. Christ never referred to a stretched out time of a later date of another other “last days” with another saving (rapture) in competition with the Cross, as do those who preach a second coming Christ to do something else for you as if the cross was insufficient. A “second coming” is an unscriptural phrase as we’ve clearly demonstrated. Primarily because His comings are many in the same fashion as the early believers experienced after the cross and at what they call “Pentecost”.

When New Testament documents addresses His coming again, it is always “at hand”, imminently and about to occur as happening to that generation back then. That is what “hand hand means”. Graspable, within reach and comprehendable.

He always spoke in present tense verbiage. For it was “the wicked servant that said his master has delayed His coming”, teaching us to detach from any such rumors, lest we be categorized as a wicked servant too for supposing a delay. He comes to us now as He is to who we are in the way He was before “the word became flesh and dwelled among us.

Phrases like “when you see”, was not intended to mean “when they see” and “I tell you the truth, all these things will happen to this generation”, and not to “that generation”. To have happened in their lifetime and not held over for us today. It is this simple.

And “What I say to you I say to all (back then), Watch!” This phrase was audience specific for them saying “you“. Not us later when all of them are gone. Not that the invitation is gone but that “The Kingdom of God is still at hand”, but with a small window of opportunities to do so, as evidenced of this lost reality to expect another coming to help us again because the word is sufficient.

It is those who try to represent it again today “with all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the Elect.” Because even now for a short time, some do enter in the fashion of which we describe, by faith. Otherwise faith is no longer faith, and fact is no longer fact, if you want facts to prove your faith. That is oxymoronic.

So do not be like the slothful Stewart who after recognizing the window of opportunities had closed, to hear the Heavenly voice say to him, NOT  “come up hither” as we still do, but to”depart from Me you workers of inequity. I do not know you where you are from.” Because the imminence of Christ was thought to be in a fashion to please their carnal nature, they missed out on knowing Him in His natural, And original state of Eternal Spirit and truth, “the Lamb slain from (before) the foundation of the world” Salah!

And some more words about the imminence of Christ from His testimony in the Bible.

“When you (back then) begin to see these things, lift up your heads for your redemption draws near.” And since back then we have had the redemption by His spilt blood at the cross, and the empty tomb. And to have as many of years to get to our day. All of Scripture has had its fulfillment with the exception of the “short season” from the end of the last book of the New and final Covenant. It is for Satan to be released one last time to try that final era, in the same way as the first, New Covenant believers were tried for their sincerity. And because God is righteous, it is only fair to be similarly put to the test.

This is why “the first shall be last and the last shall be first”, because we believe what they were suppose to believe.

And we do so without knowing Christ with His physical features and the reason we do not trust our physical features either. We have done it ALL by faith, being the tools and conditions for our age.

Proving The Immediacy of The Gospel for them.

For Paul said “29 But this I say, brethren, the time is short”, and “For the form of this world is passing away.”

As a warning to them back then.

For if indeed there was to be another 2000+ years for the fulfillment of something “at hand”, then these sayings from the scriptures are all false witnesses, and the rest of humanity has a case against such charges and any accountability to the rest of Scripture. Then any such charges of ignoring this warning, is baseless and irrelevant in any court, because the gospel can be categorized as deceptive if indeed “the Kingdom of God at hand”, was not back then to His audience He forwarded.

The modern day expositors are taking ALL such testimonies out of time and context looking for another coming Jesus, by breathing new life in expired scriptures. As we were warned of an alternate coming of “another Jesus” with “another saving”, “another coming” or rescue? This is the “with all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the Elect”. But we, the Elect, do not fall for those notions because of these warnings.

For scripture to address that generation with that warning, then not to happen, would mean that nothing in Scripture is true or reliable, and this “second coming” guy is a deceiver and we who say His coming already happened, and He did in the way that He said it would.

And therein lies the truth. As the Christ of the Bible said, “I go to the Father and you see Me again no more and sorrow has filled your heart. However it is expedient that I go to the Father, for if I do not go, the Helper will not come”. This Helper that will be with you and shall be in you, the Spirit of Truth who will tell you all things. This one who will take what is Mine, and declare to you. That where I am you may be also. And just as Christ said “I and the Father are one” meant far more than to just in an agreement. But that their subsistencey and consistency are one and the same, verifying His claim that “I and the Father are one”, meaning, one and the same. Those who have seen Me, have seen the Father”. And now you have known Him and you have seen Him” was said to them back then, for us on “whom the ends of the age has come, to have even now what many back then refused to believe.

So that as the Father was in the Son and the Son in the Father. That we abide in Christ in this way we demonstrate. Theen we too have the Father in the same way the Son did, and as the Holy Spirit is the make up of the triune God in us. It is here we see that if we adopt these words, these truths, in this way that we become adopted into the very family of God, and continue to put in the promises of God as described in the The Will and Testament, that we become the “adopted” into the family of God, and I become part of the breed associated with the fall of Adam. To become “raised” back up from that fall. For our do over from where Adam left off after he frll

For “in the beginning was the word, the word was with (and in) God. And “”the Son (word) became flesh… It is now us who put on Word one revelation at a time, that become “complete in Him who is head over all principalities and powers”. Who are NOW joint heirs of the things that God has said called His Son. Then this is for you your second coming,,, if you are able, not only to receive it. But provided you learn how to apply “word” in your lifetime, to have it said of you. That you too are complete in Him”, in Christ, in The Word of God as we show you here.

The Kingdom of God it still at hand in the same way it always was, for ‘He was and is and us to come”? The “lamb slain from the foundations of the world?” for anyone and everyone to participate because the price was paid in full, and it was paid in advance. What are you waiting for to enter your rest to be seated with the Father “in Christ ” as opposed to being reconned dead “in Adam”. And from Scripture “although the works were finished from the foundation of the world”. Salvation was imminent back then too.

If you are still frittering over the images of modern media, (mediums, spirits and wizards) of our day, you are likely not getting this! Check mate.

The Kingdom of God is the most viable solution and conclusion even now. “For there remains a Rest to the people of God, there are those who must still enter. Amen


Know Ye Not We Shall Judge Angels?

Posted on May 6, 2024 by ADMIN

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Paul has this to say to the Corinthians “Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? And. 3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?

Showing us here the objective of our calling, and our training as having to do NOW with how much more things that pertain to this life? And as Jude had written, “Behold, God cometh with ten thousands of his saints, 15 To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed,

Showing us a coming time of implementation. We know not to engage now, however to observe and learn and be ready for a coming time when the earth has produced the full product of the elect, as those who are to occupy the Heavenly stations the Satan’s fell from. And the amazing thing about this is that, in their jealousy of what God created in man, that was the bait for their departure and the proof of the vacant expanses left open for our occupancy and our occupation.

Having this plan come into fruition, ensures that all rogue elements have been exposed, deposed and eternally contained, to be left as a reminder on how NOT to do it as described at the end of the book(  Isaiah 66.22-24). And because “all things are open and exposed to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do”. And that “ we have been given everything that pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who has called us (to this gift) by glory and virtue”. That we have the same incites as our commander and chief. “We are joint heirs” of the things of God “in Christ”. This is “the faith and patience of the Saints”. That we arrive “each one in our own order, to become one with “the cloud of many witnesses” (above the internet cloud), as those that arrive before some supposed second coming. That is part of “the lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the elect” that detain many and keep them wanting.

So for us to accept this gift and challenge, we have to realize that this is what we are here to learn and discover, of who we are in contrast with who the enemies are, and who are the innocent as having to do with the precious sheep Christ came to secure, which extends beyond the Elect.

It is our Heavenly Father that discloses and uncovers certain things for our training and coming to be. And since we are supposed to have this mindset, it is in incumbent upon us to get out from under the coverages and services of the gods of the present day and understand what they are up to. This is our discovery of truth, and recovery from the competitors and robbers.

They are detaining Gods images from developing their Heavenly powers by offering them cheap imitations that only work below the cloud called the internet. That is because there is an outer and an outmost, but they are the fallen ones who we describe as being “ground bound and looking down”. And because some of us have come out of that haze called the cloud and the internet, we receive our original, to be permanent powers that they imitate in a temporary way. And we say temporary because for them, it only pertains to this age of the flesh and the carnal mind they like to cloud with seemingly other “powers”, providers services and coverages.

Those who are under that cloud are ground bound and looking down the wrong way. We have a heavenly calling and gladly give up earthen empowerment’s for a temporary time of discomfort as outcasts in a fallen world, to be full recipients of the fulness of the gift in the gospel of the Only Begotten of the Father. It is only the re-generated and re-spirited mind of faith that can participate in “such a great salvation that was first spoken by Christ and confirmed by those who heard it”.

Did you get that? We didn’t have to pay anything or sign up for terms and conditions or sell out our souls by giving away our private parts for temporary carnal empowerment’s, that falsely assay the fears they promulgate. Unlike those who’ve succumbed to their academic disposition to fears and false religion. That is the sell out from the faith for being recipients of the things the Father said.

So then, “Know ye not we shall judge angels”? Technically they have already been judged and incarcerated for their common cause because of their “mutual imprecations” to join together in their attempt to overthrow the purpose of humanity, was their very own demise. Why? Because it was they who “kept not their first estate” to leave it open for us. They assumed that they had something to offer the Creator God, all the while they were exposed by their own adopted lust to steal creation. With that all being ma clear, then we can get on with Eternity in a way that any and all rogue entities that would ever be, having been dealt their fatal blow by the blood of “The Lamb Slain From The Foundations Of The World. Praise be to the Almighty God and Father who has foreordained the cause and the purpose and the plan, all before the 6 days of creation, to then sit down waiting for all His enemies to be made His footstool. How? By His offspring whom He had foreordained being us on whom the ends of the age have come. But He rested on the seventh day and called us to Himself, and many have joined Him there even as scripture concurs that “There remains a rest to the people of God. For there are those who have entered their rest as God did from His” and join Him in His seventh day called the Sabbath. There are those of us who know who have finished wrangling over the affairs of this life that we may be faithful to Him who has chosen (elected) us.” Our acceptances, lessons and pressing in are our empowerment’s. And we wear them proudly like badges for accomplishments, for battles fought and won in the past, not by what we fought, but us putting on the victory given and displayed in the Son at the Cross. That is our victory and trophy.

So until our final number is reached to fill the vacancies of the Satan’s who have blindly sold themselves out for the temporary, our number is not complete because we are the object of this age. So as not to give them any glory, power or credence. No! Get behind me Satan for you are not mindful of the things of God but man, and that is our point. And the proof of that is the internet “services” serve them first. The submission of terms and conditions with their choice of arbitration makes them think they have stolen jurisdiction from the Almighty God. And yes they do temporarily steal unsuspecting souls in this way because God made man in His image, when people “submit” to terms and arbitration for remedy, they have used their God given sovereignty to select other messengers to rule over them. And in doing so they reject, or disconnect from the creator. And just as the men in Sodom and Gomora were blinded bouncing off of walls tryin to get in, so it goes today. And just like seeing (physical) storm clouds rolling in, these people become so blinded by the (internet) cloud so as not to be able to see past it. These are who they glorify in that type of service and homage. Meaning the device in their hand and all the services supplied by the inner-net. So who serves whom and who controls who? And without seriously seeking and repenting (a word the means to turn, to do an about face) and submitting to the Gospel for the forgiveness’s for sin as being a mindset and not a set of acts, that until you are ready to embark on this journey away from your old self as being the appetites of the flesh, you are stuck underneath that cloud. For “flesh and blood does not receive the Kingdom, but the re-spirited mind of faith does, and it does it consistently, and grows in power and purpose for as long as you are “pilgrims and sojourners”, “working out your own salvation with fear and trembling”.

You need to understand that submitting to the gods of this age and glorifying them is their only hope, and their seeming safety in numbers, whereas in the previous reset, people had to take a one time mark for their separation from the Father. But today? His arms are open still because, if you can hear this, “Today is the day of salvation (from that wreckage), but tomorrow may not be.

For this reason all their efforts of news and adds of their services and carnal empowerments, are all meant to distract you, and detain you, for in doing so they extend their charade. For in truth, if this age does not produce reimaged specimens of God the Father. It was His edict whereby He said “let us make man in our image and or likeness”, will have been thwarted. But that is not going to happen because it was written “the first shall be last and the last shall be first”, So we are right on time, and the time is now.

For you see we have a greater expectation than any generation because the word went out that “the last shall be first” as the final, because all of what the Elect go through is all by faith. And not only that, it is because of the gospels truncated and false representations “with all lying signs and wonders if possible t deceive the Elect”, that we have to fly solo. That for us to allege with any singled out or lifted up church or leader, is to worship them. But not only have we been warned, we were also told to “come out of her lest you partake of her sin and receive of her judgments”. In doing so, and following the Holy Spirits lead from their traps, not to wed with anything through their various types of allegiances called “benefits”, we stand aloof from them. And that is the point. To have received your copy of the Only begotten, you have to decline the various offers and false so called empowerments from the gods of this day, and rely solely on the hidden empowerment within you. That we have already “been given everything that pertains to life and godliness”. But even as with the walls of Jericho, they were instructed to wait for a specific que from their commander and chief, for them to all shout in unison for greater effect. So too, we are on standby in observation mode, waiting for the final numbers to come in. The parabolic number of 144 thousand. This is the great stone described by Daniel. Even as the king said “But if ye shew the dream, and the interpretation thereof, ye shall receive of me gifts and rewards and great honor: therefore shew me the dream, and the interpretation thereof.  Even as we have just shown you.

So with this parable given to unlock clues for our purpose and empowerment only appeals and applies to those for whom they are meant. All others will be appalled at such a boast because of their other gods they think serve them better, and maybe temporarily so. However their services described in terms and conditions spells out who is over whom. And We allege to services and providers from ONE! And just as their services can be described like a dinner table with all the various offerings to participate in, to receive various empowerments by signing up, by submitting even if only with a twitch of a finger. We out right decline allegiances with the gods of this day and welcome their exclusions.

Do you feel naked without them? That was the first accusation by their father in the garden of Eden of “has God really said” that led up to Adam and Eve waking up to a new feeling called fear, as seen by putting on leaves for coverages and coverings from other providers. It is the same forbidden fruit. The apple with the bite (bits of information) out of it? Yes, everything is a play on words, and the Greek word for “word” is “Logo”, and Christ is the Word and Logos of God the Father (John 1.3) . So don’t let the empowerments of today as seen by their “Logos”, don’t for safety, health, savings and such from their offerings detain you, lest you be found insulting the offering of God the Fathers Only Begotten given to as many as would receive Him, even still if you can hear. That God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him from back then and NOT given into the false hope of a second coming type of “savior” as though the cross was only a down payment or ceremonial. It is us who have faith in, and stay in, and grow in, and receive from Him. We shall not perish, go stale, rot, decay, get sick or die, but receive eternal, unending living, that only started with the flesh, but not subject to nor limited by the carnal body. For it is with the flesh and self preservation coverages, that keep you ground bound and looking down, that is the polarized reversal of the gospel that keeps people fighting for something they are suppose to “put off the deeds, expectation and safety mechanisms you have to protect your flesh because “flesh and bone does not receive the Kingdom”, but the re-spirited mind of faith does. And whereas some would entrench themselves in soft-wear to stay here, we put on hard-where called scripture to supersede carnal empowerments as something available now free for the taking as our new garments. Our new clothing. In this way we put on Christ. It is because “in the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word became flesh and dwelled among us”, So that we could in turn put Word on. Who is also called Christ, and savior as the only savings we need for the only thing that needs to be saved as your soul. That “in your patience posses ye your soul”. So we explain for you how to do it, however because we cannot show it to you in a way to please your carnal features because flesh can not add to nor take away from what we say,

The Kingdom of God, is at hand even still, because today is still the day of salvation from the wreckage of the fall from Eden. For us to then learn to ascend as Adam and Eve were given to before their fall. Having now the gospel to be “raised in newness of life”.

NOW we can reach out to lay hold of the gift of Godliness according to the creator and not the imitators. Why? Because we have been raised above that cloud called the Internet for the inner and the under. That we are already raised “far above all principalities and powers” by way of discovery, having been empowered by the true form of god-like-ness, paid for us by “The Lamb Slain from (before) the foundations of the world. This is a timeless eternal gift and the fruit of salvation for the willing recipients. This is how “we are in the world but not if the world”, restored, seated in Heavenly places in Christ “, having a Birdseye view as the events unfold. Hold on!

The Kingdom of God is still at hand