March 13, 2022

**Does The Godhead have Feminine Attributes?

Posted on March 13, 2022 by ADMIN

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Does The Godhead have Feminine Attributes?

That question may seem strange but really, in reading scripture, you see few references relating to the female as important in comparison to the males, so much so in fact one may think eroniously of females being inferior. The “he” and “him” in scripture are far more prevalent  than “she” and “her”. This could affect how we view God and humanity in general. But as we look a little deeper into this we can see how this happened.

So first, let us go back to the beginning to the creation account where God said “let US make man in Our image and Our likeness”. And that’s what God did. He made man and called him Adam, and “in His image made He them (both) male and female made He Them”. (Genesis 3)

So you can see that the hyarchial structure that was divided into male and female counterparts, is not a matter of importance or preference of gender. And we know this to be true because Eve was not created as an afterthought but was hidden inside Adam in the beginning because of her importance and Adam didn’t even know it, or he would not have questioned why there was no counterpart for him like all the animals had back when Adam was naming the creatures.

Gods answer to Adam was but of course He had a counterpart, however she was inside of him, just behind the veil of human perseptions. From there she needed to be reveiled, or un-veiled for that question to be clearly understood. However God did NOT use another clump of clay to form Eve like He did with Adam.

She, meaning Eve was Adams first revelation (unavailing or revealing) of something Adam had but he did not know her yet. Like all of Gods gifts and revelations to us are but she was something that was within reach, as all of our giftings from God are. That is what “at hand” means. Eve was totally invisible and out of view from Adams outer carnal perceptions. But because Eve resided in Adam, she had not so much the outer person, that came next and she was introduced as “the rib”. But like all women do, she had inner perseptions, an intuitiveness, as well as inner cognitions and unctions the are uniquely feminine. She had things that the male counterpart did NOT have. For this reason Gods image was halved into equally important parts, “male and female made He them in His image”.

This relationship mirrors the Godhead and is to be used for demonstrative and learning purposes about the Godhead as we further discuss here.

The point here is that both the male and female attributes and persona’s, co-dwelled together and are unified in one body called the Godhead and only dimly portrayed in Adam and Eve.

From the Hebrew text Eve is called Havah and means the same thing inside out or by being read forwards and backwards showing Her continuity and purity, which points to the one who can penetrate and permeate all barriers and spaces. She can come and go as She pleases and none can stop Her or figure out Her ways. But we can know She is a cohesive partner and persona of the Godhead body.

Side note: This is why when Abram was tested he earned the name change of AbrAHam. The AH was added because he successfully obeyed the HavAH of God called the Holy Spirit, the thing Adam lost. This was Abr-ah-ams ahah! moment. Instead of having intel inside he was joined to the one Havah portrayed as being the affections of God.

There are many names with “ah” in them and even most countries have the “ah” added to them as well. Like Asia, American, Scandinavia, Australia, Antarctica, Africa, China, Korea, Indonesia, Nova Scotia, Argentina, and more reminding us that “the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ. However the battle of the last age and the hyarchial structure that “now works in the prince of the power of the air that works in the sons of disobedience in our day as the wheat and the tares mature together. So you need to grasp these Heavenly realities we present to you today lest you get caught up in all the distractions. Now back to Heavenly matters.

This is why before the Law was given, the testimony was that “The Lord our God is One God”. (Deuteronomy 4.9) The Hebrew word for One is “echad”. That is why marriage was given as a means of a restoration and a completed image of God saying “for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife. This is how the two to become one. That is why nestled inside the Godhead is a female. Not just any female but Thee original that all others are patterned  after.

So now that you got all that, we then ask, then why is scripture so male centric?  Well technically it is not, at least not in God’s eyes or it’s original Hebrew and Greek renditions as we will demonstrate. We will also point out here that God referred to Himself as a plurality of persons by saying of Himself as “let US make mankind in OUR image and OUR likeness”. And also Why the only Begotten said that “I and the Father are one”, referring to Exodus 4.9 “Echad” Who also said that “those who have seen Me have seen the Father” a claim Adam could not truly make because of the separation of the components where the sin got in.

Hopefully this doesn’t make things too complicated , but to simplify the term “the Godhead body”, it is another phrase for a describing God as being a united plurality of persons. Meaning more than one of several co-equals. We explain the Godhead body into their common law co-equal members and at the core are three. All co-equals, equally important and equally powerful, equally eternal, forwards and backwards with no buttresses or divisions other than in vernacular for our understanding. Kind of like walking around an object to see its multifaceted features, but the same object.

Now as far as humanity being made in the image of God. The Godhead is a head such as we have, at least figuratively speaking because we can only know God figuratively with physical constructs to explain the invisible realities. And through our adoption and adaptation by us who become one with them by rebirth into the family of God (John 3)

In this way we can know, like Adam knew Eve, Gods Word and Spirit to call Them our own, we too become co-equal joint heirs of the things of God by our co-union and communion as those of the body of Christ. We are the children of God.

This is why the promise was given in The Revelation 3 that; To him (those) who overcome I will grant them to sit with Me on My throne, just as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne”.  Meaning that this is a co-union of many members who are cohesively “in Christ” called “The Body of Christ” also defined as “Heavenly Jerusalem” and Yaru-shalom, the Mother of us all”.  “according to the measure of a man, that is, of an angel”. (Galatians 4.26 and Revelation 21.17) Meaning us who are co-owners and active participants in “the Kingdom of God at hand”.

That is what ALL the law, the prophets and the New Covenant are intended to do. To make  visible invisible things of God, without taking on any real importance to themselves other than they were just teaching tools to convey invisible realities “in Christ”. Even King Shalomon (peace) with YahruShalom (city of peace) we’re for instructive purposes only for you to know more clearly the family and hyarchy of God in whom we reside. This is what it means to be “in Christ” and the family of God.

That is why when Christ was on trial for admitting He was King. He replied to the Jewish leaders “you have rightly said that I am King, however My Kingdom is not from here”, referring their Jerusalem that became an adulterous notion because they forgot and taught NOT about the Heavenly counterpart they were suppose to apply their affections to.

This is why the Female persona of the Godhead in Christ said “oh Jerusalem, the one who stones and kills ALL the prophets who were sent to her. Oh how I would’ve gather you as a Mother Hen gathers Her chicks but you were not willing! Therefore this destruction is upon you”. And further verified as scripture commands “by the mouth of two witnesses let a thing be established and Christ confirmed this to the disciples saying “Oh Jerusalem, not one stone shall be left in you that shall not be thrown down till not one is left upon another” as history (His Story) confirms.

That teaching tool with all the law and the prophets we’re expired in purpose and left in writing only for discovery purposes only and a testimony of how not to do it because we have “The New Covenant” that testifies against the old. As we are told, you cannot put new wine in old wine skins” so leave them be. Out with the old, in with the new.

That is why Paul said “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” Meaning that Jerusalem on earth was a silly little play thing whose purpose was to instruct people on Heavenly truths. Referring to our maturation in understanding the things that are invisible by way of carnally visual substitute teachers.

We however have “the Unction of the Holy Spirit” as our tour guide and teacher. So the Godhead simple put is an intellect with The Word of God and The Breath of God inside as our Intel inside of us on standby for dispatch. Much like how we have a head with similar features and cognitions to speak and do. Like God in the beginning said “let their be light”, we are still speaking it today as being “The Body of Christ” and His members “from whom each joint and ligiment receives nutrition”.

This is how we as humans are made in Gods image. But that is where it stops because humans take on a physical members and methods and God does not. Gods physicality in New Testament terms is intended to convey an inheritance like all “Will and Testaments” conveys to the heirs things to be owned and instituted after a death of the testator, which happened historically with Christ at the cross, but was also known as “The Lamb slain from the foundations of the world”. Because the Son is eternal, He saved humanity in an eternal non-linier way. For us to put in effect the truths that we know to become members of the Body of Christ, the family of God as being Their physical members and representatives as we re-present them today as They we’re from the beginning “Echad”.

We said all this to show you that the female, God’s female, is hidden inside of Him, just as Adams hidden female was first announced as his rib. But it is not that Gods hidden female is hidden inside of Him. Oh no, for She was seen as a co-creator from the beginning as the one “who brooded over the face of the waters” as the impetus of word, being the Breath of God and a co-creator. But just like everything about God, They do not manifest Themselves to our outer receptors, but to our heart, mind and inner unction called your spirit.

As scripture says “For it is with the heart that one must hear and see with to understand the things of God”. Yes like with us when we speak, without our wind/air or spirit, our words would NOT come out of our mouth or be made manifest for others to hear these truths.

And another truth to be unveiled is that when God speaks, oxygen does not come out of His mouth but His Holy Spirit/breath does. So when Adam was told “in that day ye shall surely die” Adam did not die because he quit breathing oxygen but because the Breath of God called the Holy Spirit departed from him and he became dead to the things of God. Luckily for us when we are born again, We receive the Holy Spirit, We get what Adam lost and become alive again and pick up where Adam and Havah left off. Back to things being “good, very good” as God described His creation. And mankind was His crown jewel of His works, “male and female made He them in His likeness”. It was creation that was made to serve man because man was the object of God’s creation you could say mankind is Gods creation. Everything else that is made is really unimportant. If this were not true Peter would not have described the time where “everything that is made will be burned with a flaming heat for the eternal to remain”. And the writer of Hebrews would not have written that “all things that can be shaken will be shaken for the eternal to remain”. So hold on loosely.

As can now see that God is emphatically male and female and spoke in a plural form, “let us”. Like with Abraham and the three entities. Only two of them proceeded to Lot in Sodom, “let Us go down…”, showing us from what  direction they come from, up above in the regions of your mind.

So this should make it pretty clear the importance and the equality of both female and male and we would like to apologize for the mix up from those who translated these things without really knowing Them more clearly when speaking of The Godhead body. They had not had these revelations, meanings un- veiling. They were just trying to wipe the dust of time away from their view point as do we.

Scripture has been translated into several languages, and many of the translators did not understand many things because their decisions came from committees. We know how well that works because the eleven disciples in the beginning drew straws to replace Judas with whatever his name is. This was about like playing rock, paper, scissors. But Paul was God’s choice. So too, King James may have authorized a version but not with Gods consent but man’s, like the trick with the straws.

With this being said, we can take just one translational error and oversight from the Greek scriptures and turn nearly 3800 times a word was translated into “he” and “him” in scripture, to correctly re-interpretate it to “they” and “them” to include she and her. And it goes like this.

The Greek word “auto” is a gender neutral word and in scripture it has been translated into “him” 1952 times and into “his” 1084 times and into “he” 252 times and only used for a female 242 times???

Where is the rib? Where were the women when all this happened?

Here we show you the official stats for the Greek word “auto” directly from the Strongs Concordance.

KJV Usage: him (1,952x), his (1,084x), their (318x), he (252x), her (242x), they (121x), same (80x), himself (58x), misc (1,678x).
Occurs: 5785
In verses: 3774

As seen here out of the 5785 times the translators chose to make the word “auto” masculine over 3300 times. But they also realized that in 242 times the word “auto” had to translate into the feminine “her” because the surrounding verbage mandated that. There were plenty of other times “auto” should have been rendered “they” and “them” but they simply did not do that. This causes great consternation to women who should be regarded as equal in importance and value, that in some cultures they are regarded as less important. But in Gods economy they are to be highly regarded and protected as a preservation of a species.

The question to ask is, well then how many  times could’ve or should’ve the translators just made the word “auto”, meaning “that one” gender neutral like they did nearly 1800 times in scripture anyway.

So there were plenty of times that there were no accounts of females spoken of as being present, but that does NOT clear up the imbalance from the translators.

The same is true of the word “son” as shown here from the Greek word “teknon” which is in reference of a child including a daughter as well, but was chosen to be male 77 times out of 99 and 21 times as child and 1 time a daughter. Where is the rib?

And so this is with all gender neutral words they were predominantly translated male unjustly as seen here.

Greek: τέκνον
Transliteration: teknon
Pronunciation: tek’-non
Definition: From the base of G5098; a child (as produced): – child daughter son.
KJV Usage: child (77x), son (21x), daughter (1x).
Occurs: 99

And here we have the same blunder with what was translated as man, really means any human being. So anyone of them could have been “women” too, but they selected NOT do do so even once as seen again here;

Greek: ἄνθρωπος
Transliteration: anthrōpos
Pronunciation: anth’-ro-pos
Definition: From G435 and ὤψ ōps (the countenance; from G3700);
manfaced that is a human being: – certain man.
KJV Usage: man (552x), not tr (4x), misc (3x).
Occurs: 559
In verses: 504

Here we have the Greek word translated women that should’ve been translated as wife, a thing a man can’t be. They couldn’t mess this one up

Greek: γυνή
Transliteration: gunē
Pronunciation: goo-nay’
Definition: Probably from the base of G1096; a woman; specifically a wife: – wife woman.
KJV Usage: women (129x), wife (92x).
Occurs: 221

And here we have the husband. No questions here either, all male.

Greek: ἀνήρ
Transliteration: anēr
Pronunciation: an’-ayr
Definition: A primary word (compare G444); a man (properly as an individual male): – fellow husband man sir.
KJV Usage: man (156x), husband (50x), sir (6x), fellow (1x), not tr (2x).
Occurs: 215

Now if this is not enough to make plain the oversight and obscurities installed by the translators by ascribing nearly ALL gender neutral verbage to being male-centric by seeing this proof from the Greek New Testament. The same is true of the Old Testament Hebrew as well, but you should verify these things yourself.

Now we get back to our starting point and the real purpose for this expose’. Like Adam had an expose’ with the rib he named Eve, that expose’, or better yet, that revelation or point of revealing for Adam was really made for us to question; who is Gods Female? Who is the hidden one?

Well She “brooded over the face of the waters at creation as we’ve already stated. She also said as being in Christ as the one who brooded over Jerusalem saying “oh how I morn for you. Oh how I would’ve gathered you as a Mother Hen gathers Her chicks”. She was to never be exposed like Eve. Except that Eve was Her revelation. Oh yah, and the book of “The Revelation of Jesus Christ culminated with the “Heavenly Jerusalem come down of God, and from God, out of Heaven” with a Heavenly Glory” as being “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”, His hidden Rib and the title and purpose of that book and NOT the catastrophes. The catastrophes and calamities in that book were given to disperse the disenguous seekers. Like when Rehab sent the spies out another way. But We know what the book called “The Revelation of Yeshush/Jesus Christ is All about. His Hidden Rib and counterpart “Heavenly Jerusalem, the Mother of us All”, who are born of Them.

The one whom is referred to in Galatians 4.26 as “Heavenly Jerusalem The Mother of us all”. Meaning all of us who are “in Christ” because that’s where She is, we see Her perfectly as The Son of Gods hidden component. So we who are hidden in Christ are in “Heavenly Jerusalem, and our Mother, Comforter, Teacher and other parent because we were not left “orphans “. (John 16)

The last instruction Christ gave at the cross was for John the beloved to take care His earthen mother, he said “mother behold your son, son behold your mother. So His earthen mother was taken care of. But for us on the other side of what’s veiled from human perceptions, we hear “children behold your Mother. We know Her as Heavenly Jerusalem come down of God from Heaven”. Because we reside in Her and unlike John who was told to take care of Christs mother, we are taken care of here,. For those of you who get this? Welcome Home!!

This is how The Kingdom of God is at hand. Can you see Her???