November 21, 2021

*Oh Adam what did you do? Behold The Lamb of God!

Posted on November 21, 2021 by ADMIN

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Oh Adam what did you do? Behold The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!

The account in the Garden of Eden was that Adam sinned and the relationship with God was eternally lost. We say eternally because what Adam lost was the life to live forever in exchange for a life of dying by being dead to the things from God. Adam was made in Gods image to then turn and “work the earth as a curse”. Work the curse, verses be at rest and be blest.

You see even the Law, and the obvious preprogrammed judgment of man, expects an equal value object in exchange for a loss, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Consider a mistake by a person that caused damage to someone’s ability to get from point A to point B. This one was now stranded and deprived of retrieving simple daily necessities. That they couldn’t even get the necessity to get basic necessities and therefore went without.

In this way they were stranded and this could mean a certain discomfort and a likely premature death. Anyone having an ounce of compassion would chip in to help bridge the gap in this shortfall or to help that one. But untill this person’s ability to get around was restored, justice could not be accomplished.

But the fall we are talking about is much greater then that. The dark and deafening void between God and humanity through that one man’s indescrepancy was punctuated from God with His words of “Adam  where are you and what have you done”. The reason why God inquired as such was not that God was surprised, but that He had to place the blame and the focus of the problem squarely where it belonged on Adam, he did it.

For the redemption of man in this way, required a payment of equal value of the damaged item to balance the indiscrepancy, a man for a man. But a man of equal value before the fall did not exist yet. The problem is that Adam being the first and only man do far, and him being the broken mold from which all like him would come forth in s broken condition, meant that the factory that God made with Adam to render godly or god-like offspring of those in the image of Himself, would now only render objects like himself having a broken relationship with the Creator. The break was in Adam and Adam had to be redeemed by a man.

This brokeness was the empty void in his head that once was filled with the breath of life called the Holy Spirit. This was Adams only eternal element. As long as Adam had Gods breath, he had the breath of life, but he was reduced to simple oxygen, a burnable, expendable element and burnable and expendable Gods Spirit is not, it is in-exhaustible.

If you remember the eternal law of “kind begats according to kind” you would understand that the assembly line for humans was broken as a result of the only man around was broke, and kind only begets according to kind and his kind was broken so that all of humanity was broken and needed to be redeemed.

You see God could just simply say to Adam, drop it, or forget about it, but Adams conscience could not forgive himself and the separation was a constant self condemnation. So when God said “Adam where are you?” God obviously knew where Adam was, He was just pointing out to Adam where the problem lie, not to condemn him but for him to own up to the problem and recognize his need to repent, a word that simply means to turn, or return, to go back to where he had fallen from, but he couldn’t do that. Adam had judged himself unworthy and condemned himself just fine.

Condemnation was Adams self imposed judgment He couldn’t get past by himself and needed to be redeemed. To be purchased back with something of equal value. God has had absolutely no satisfaction in any death or spilled blood of anyone or anything. (Isaiah 1) It is the mared conscious of humans that do. But because temporary things likes calves and bulls and turtle doves and such could not fix the deep psychological rift in the subconsciousness of man, a new man had to come along to restore Gods plan. That is why God had promised the Messiah and the Savior, same thing.

The prophecy came forth when God judged Satan for his working behind the scenes to steel Adam’s sovereignty he had like Gods. Inside himself he said “now I shall rule like God”. (Isaiah 11)

So God in His foreknowledge dealing with the problem before time  had a conference with the Godhead body and conferred together and the Word of God stepped forth first and said “here I am, send Me”. (Isaiah 6) He was to be the solution and the plan was complete. A new man would come forth from a women with a Father whose lineage was not associated with Adam. The only place an untainted image of God could come from was The Godhead body, who is the original Adam was to portray anyway.

This is why the prophecy of a savior (a person selected for the do-over) went out in the Garden of Eden before it was closed off that said “You shall bruise His heal but He shall stomp on thy head” speaking of Adam’s replacement called the Messiah/Savior who was foreordained for this cause before time began. It was Him that was to perform the salvation project of all of creation itself. But because it is mankind that all of creation was subject to and created for, to produce carnal copies of the originals in Heaven, not of visible features but invisible characteristics. That is why the gospel refurbishes your way of thinking and not what you look like outside. Even as Galatians concurs “there is no longer Jew nor Greek, male nor female, but you are all coequal in the Messiah and in Christ, in contrast with the old man manufacturing plant in the fashion of Adam, that was fractured and splintered all over the world

For this reason the Messiah and Christ is called the last Adam (1 Corinthians 15) because He did more than bruise Satans head. Christ took back into possession the crown God gave to Adam to pass on to us. That is why we are no longer to associate with the lineage from Adam but the Christ. This is what it means to be “in Christ”. The crown has been restored to all those who have stepped up to this invitation of “the kingdom of God is at hand” meaning your empowerment and royalty has been restored back at the coming of the Messiah/Savior.

For Christ is the remedy. “For God so loved the world” is not as clear as “For God so loved humans that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life, God sent His Son not into the world to destroy it but to save it”. And He did. (John 3.16-17) And because in the beginning God made man in His likeness male and female. Redemption is complete for all humanity with an appropriate exchange of a life for a life and the only man that was equally God and man like Adam before his indiscrepancy, was Gods very escence brought forth and provided with a body, or a sheaf and exterior like Adams, to interact in Adams realm in his stead to put humanity back on track.

Note: So you can see that the human body itself refurbished in Spirit, is not bad or antagonistic toward God, but is perfectly suitable to carry out Gods original plan in the flesh with the flesh like cooperators. Unlike religion, you do not have to debase yourself and bludgeon youself and plead for forgiveness because the first step of the Gospel should’ve cleared that up for you. This is why it is written in 1 John that “whoever sins has neither Seen Him or known Him” speaking of the Christ man and God the Father.

As the result of this, the assembly line of manufacturing images of God was reopened with the cross of Christ. And because this Messiah was and is eternal (Hebrews 13.8), His saving works equally well in the past, the presence and the future which is why He is called “The Lamb slain from the foundations of the world. It was already credited to His account because of an oath in which it is impossible for God to lie. No other type of payment can have this kind of power because no other payment of any sort is eternal and all the more the reason that the Christ was the Savior of the world for all time and eternity. Eternal beings do not do things temporary. Talk about doing things right. This is what righteous means. The Christ man was and is the only righteous of Himself. The rest of us aquire that by faith.

For this reason Gods Son was called the last Adam too because His life here on earth superceded the Adamic disposition. And more importantly because Adam chose to turn from God and lost his spiritual sight, mankind can choose to unturn, or return to God in the invisible realm of his mind by simply making a choice and profession. This is the creation restored to it’s original intent of producing us in His image made He them male and female” as it was in the beginning. This is the salvation offered to us by God.

But none of this can be understood or recieved untill the payment is recieved paid in full in the mind the hearer. The payment and exchange must take place and only by faith. That’s it, that “one must first believe that God is and that He rewards (or opens up) those who diligently seek Him”. Then with the gifts of God you can “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you for His good pleasure”.

If Adam hadn’t been holed up in his cell of self pity he may have emerged from it by himself. Good thing for us that we have the light of the gospel to help us emerge. If the guilty conscience can accept the trans-substantiation, meaning a substance of equal value in exchange for the broken one we were born with. When someone realizes their brokeness that they cannot fix, and see the payment for perfection offered up NOT to God, but to their own guilty conscience. That they, or you can really forgive yourself. God never condemned you. God never closed you out, He just redefined the new rules saying “you shall work the earth as a curse and it shall no longer have a good yield” pointing out the results of Adams own misfortune.

God doesn’t want to crush you. God doesn’t want you to fail. It is by your own feelings of unworthiness that you cripple yourselves. “God has given us everything that pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who calls us to Glory” first in the Garden then again at the cross. What more can He do? Offer His solution again by coming back for another round of saving? Does He need to pay for it again? Can you please see why God sent His Son into the world? That God so loved the world, meaning all the occupants without distinctions. The one caviat is that you put down your self preservation and pride to accept the free gift. If you try to help out with the gift, you insult the gift giver and likely end up without and lost in your own self righteousness. All such efforts are as filthy rags

Your own self conscious pronounces you guilty time after time. God doesn’t demand you to be perfect on your own merit because that is humanly impossible. If that were not true, no Savior was needed. That’s the wall of separation we built called excuses, offerings, services, good deeds, tithings and just trying so hard to be a good person to try and clear your own guilty conscience. Stop it! You say, God I’m doing all the right things, but no, you can’t. Without the using our God given tools of faith, the written word and Gods Holy Spirit it is impossible…. You can never appease the image in your soul, your mirror of Gods perfection by what you do. But if you can fully grasp the gift given not just once or twice but over and over.

The gospel was given because of Adams short comings passed on to us, to reverse the trend to built us up and make us all  co-equals and partners with equal share in “The Kingdom of God at hand”. Do you get it yet? Are you their yet? Then you should understand this, “that the gospel of the Kingdom is preached and the violent (or persistently aggressive) take it by force and all are entering”. And here the word “all” means regardlessly of nationality, skin color and such.
