November 16, 2020

*If the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness?

Posted on November 16, 2020 by ADMIN

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­If the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness?

This question was presented by Jesus Christ to his followers, and if you are a follower you need to consider this as well.

You see there are those that present themselves as light and truth but inside are darkened souls. If you can imagine a soul as being round and having a cortex lining on its exterior for protection, and that cortex lining is your god-given protection, sanctification and personal sovereignty of being made in His image. That is what protects you, and that essentially nothing can happen to your insides without your permission. If you have used your god-given abilities to protect and line yourself, or better yet cloth yourself with Christ by wearing the things He has said, being scripture, the scribing on the soul. And that you have fed your self, the self-like god made brand new, with the things He has said, then you’re full of light.

“For God is light and in Him is no darkness at all”. And “in Him is no shadow of turning”.

For this is what the gospel provides. We have the light of life, of the true light that has come into the world, of the light that was in the Father from before He ever said “let there be light”.

However for those who give away themselves through fear, to another source of light called the Illuminati, on purpose or by default, they become full of darkness. They are believing the darkened souls presenting themselves as light.

And because they present themselves as light, this is the deception. Like a solar eclipse, being the sun darkened by the moon, or The Son darkened by a fairy tale of fallen fairies. For even the red spikes emitting from that ball resemble Ray’s of delivery mechanisms.

Laying down these simple truths, you can now see that the coronavirus picture itself is really just a logo of the un-illumined or in our day some called the Illuminati which is the false source of light and illumination. This is the fulfillment of “if the light that is in you is darkness how great is the darkness?” It is all consuming. God is light and in Him is no darkness” so you know the two don’t mix.

You have to know that the picture of the coronavirus is a picture of these darkened souls and all who accept the gospel of the coronavirus, open up their spiritual cortex protective lining and receive this lie, will be full of darkness and death.

Make no mistake about it. This is the killer, the spiritual killer and the mark and which those who willingly receive it are eternally condemned. That the darkened spirits have waged an all-out war against humanity to drag people down with them. That those who fight on behalf of the coronavirus in support of the coronavirus are sometimes unknowingly working for the beast system.

The beast system because it seeks to encompass all of the images of God for its control by making people part of the internet of things.

It is the www.eye in the sky that is the false god of this age and the all-knowing one, that makes sure that through its knowledge you know not the Creator God, the lover of your soul.

It is those of us who have faith in God, who have our cortex lining that protects us. Why? Because we have this faith. Fear is the weakened cortex lining whereby people drop their guard and expose themselves for putting their hope in another provider. However, “perfect faith casts out fear because fear involves torment”. But we the elect experience no torment at all and recognize quite fully who the enemy is.

We are in the day and age when the words of Jesus Christ will become true that say, those who seek to save their life will lose it, and those who seek to lose their life will save it for eternity. For we know whom we are what we have believed and what we have inherited. And it is not the things of this age. They haven’t obeyed the mandate to “come out of her my people unless you partake of her sins and receive over judgments”. Some of us have snipped off any and all ties that would have any claim on us.

The objective is that at thr point of our departure we will be paid up in full on all our debts, and have not a penny in our pocket. In doing so we know that the final pass-through has no hold on us and no harm on others. That is why at our baptismal confession we said that we were buried in the likeness of Christs death and raised a newness of life like His. That profession saves us because we have applied those principles for it to be true. Even as Jesus said “the God of this age comes and has nothing in me, period. And He was able to pass right through the midst incognito. That’s what He teaches us. And because the God of this age that cometh and has nothing in us, and we’ve already discarded the flesh, we let them have it. The flesh is of no value to who we really are anyway because if we have used Gods instrumentation to get to the other side, to pull off the flesh and dispose of it, really does not hurt at all. And having sought God for this moment and weighing out and measuring everything that’s important to our soul, and receiving his answer for these things, we have made peace with all things. and if it is said that our departure is at hand? Our preparation is complete we are packed and ready to go.

The bottom line here is that the coronavirus is a spiritual virus first. That if you are darkened inside full of fear, you will likely give in and obey fear. However if the light that is in you is of Jesus Christ, you’ve already passed from death to life. They have no hold on you.

As Jesus Christ instructed us how to walk incognito. That we being watchers and holy ones, the elect, we are then activated for action as spelled out here.

Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’ ” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them.”
And do we did. The Kingdom of God is at hand.