July 26, 2018

*We are complete in Him part 2

Posted on July 26, 2018 by ADMIN

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We are complete in him who is head over all principalities and powers. Another view is, we are seated in the heavenlies in Christ. Having this puts us above and outside of reach of lower level turmoil (we call the internet as the under and not above). As scripture says “after you have suffered awhile may God perfect,  establish, strengthen and settle you” and for some of us He did.

Scripture also says God “has delivered us from the power of darkness, and translated us into the Kingdom of His Son of (the place of” His love. This is done as well. It is us “who all our lifetime had been held captive to the fear of death” who are fearful no more. Faith squelched that. Our “faith has made us whole” in such a way that carnal death cannot undo.
The fear of death is not a one-time dying but a continually dying by being led by the fear of dying, thereby losing of self by being driven by fear and spending yourselve by covering your fear in provisions of this world called policies, providers and apps through “terms and condditions”. It is these things that stabilize the part of you called the ego, or carnal center. We the elect have our own provider and coverings. We are in someone else’s good hands. We are protected under a different policy called “The New Covenant”. It is an over-arching all inclusive insurance policy. We have the most comprehensive coverage. Christ said “I will never leave you or forsake you”. That means it is eaternal needing no updates or future payments. 
We know “Everything that can be shaken will be shaken for the eternal to remain” so as to let us know what to hold on to. Lets hope to have attained to the gift given through the good news, which is? Gods own self, that gets replicated in ourselves one revelation after another. He is our sanctification and our forcefield. Also “God has given us everything that pertains to life and Godliness through the knowledge of Him who calls us to glory”. (2 Peter 1) This is the true struggle. To cover ourselves in Gods Word, and not things of this world that entice othes into spiritual adultery by multiple coverages of “just in case”.
Eternity is the consumation and the expiration of all matter and our manifest destiny defined in scripture, to renew our minds with to become of the Elect. Which is something that can be realized and actualized today but only by faith. For eye has not seen nor ear heard the things that God has for those who love Him, But He has (already) revealed them to us by His spirit”. This is only to be understood for those who are found “In Christ”.
Those who aquire this now are cal said to be “perfected” (Ehpesians 4.13) in “His fullness and likeness”. Nothing will be giving later to add on to, or supersede this gift already given as defined through the gospel of The New Testament associated with the shed blood of Christ to institute our inheritance from that moment on, the moment you beleif and confess. And the fact of the matter is, if we don’t discover and aquire this gift now, we won’t have the opportunity to acquire Gods things later, because the time is coming when it will be said “11 He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him [e]be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.” The day of salvation will be over, and the opportunity to change will be gone when the contrasts are gone and the facts are plain to see because faith will be over. The gift is “from faith to faith”. There is no reward for believing what us easily seen.
Once the eternal facts are without competition, choices cease and you will have made your own outcome by appropriating faith or fear. Therefore let us put on the things of Christ now lest we be found naked. (2 Corinthians 5) This is why we are called to “redeem the time, because the days evil” and whittling away. Today is the day of salvation. Today is our cross over point into the invisible, and physically portrayed in the New Covenant Baptism and the Old Covenant Passover. These are the two  visible witnesses of invisible realities to attain and to put on now, if you  are willing and able.
Therefor it is important for us to understand that “we are beckoned by the spirit to be transformed into Gods self same image today. Unless the gods of this age have you blinded you to acquire another image falsely called self sufficiency. But there are those who are seeking to fortify themselves here by clothing themselves with empty promises from the Gods of this age, and by doing so, they are forfeiting the gift of God called eternal life. What good does it do for someone to gain the world and loose their soul? But it is a choice you must excersize.
When the writer of Hebrews is talking about the fear of death he does not mean the one time act dying but the living in fear and protecting yourself from your fears with policies.
We have a choice. At each point we wake up to a new fear, we can fortify it with a provision of the god of this age, or a promise from Gods word. You can be in the good hands of an insurance company, or be found “in Christ”. God forbid that I be found in anybody’s good hands but His. For I dare not insult Him. He who said “I will never forsake you”, will not watch idly while something bad happens to you. If you wear His provision of His promises, and not relax or find solice in the promises of the gods of this age, be it health care, retirement, and multiple insurance policies. To be found “in Him” is the safest place to be. As scripture says “We know those who say they are rich, but they are poor blind and naked. That would be these people.
So every time we come to this point in our inner dialogue where fear asks us…. it is here we can grab a hold of something Eternal, or turn in fear and fortify the hole on your shield by buying into their schemes. Everything that they do for health care and for retirement for safety and security, are just provisions from the gods of this age who promise to fortify your existence here. Who knows my friend if you will be around to spend your retirement. As James said, Your riches[a]are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten.Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days. You are hoarding for yourself Treasures for the day of Wrath  and revelation of the righteous Judgment of God who renders to each one according to their works. But we have a more enduring inheritance in heaven, even now in the heavens of our mind.
“Those who love the world, the love of the father is not in them.” And “God has given us richly all things to enjoy” however hold on to those things loosely.
So when the scriptures say that Christ came to deliver us from the subjection (and imprisonment) of the fear from death all of our lifetime. That is what this means. But this is how we appropriate His word at that moment of fear. We step on that fear and replace it with faith. We reiterate the promises. And if this more enduring inheritance was only something to be experienced later, then it would be harder to hold out for and not be eternal. But because Christ has suffered at the cross for us, having taken away all the criticisms and condemnations and scare tactics, He shows for us here that because the payment is paid in full, the gift is rendered effective. And for this very reason not only does the fullness of the godhead body dwell in him, but we are complete in him who is the head over all principality and Power and have the Godhead too. And in truth, He is the Lamb slain from the foundations of the world” as being retroactive before anyone ever needed it.
Meaning we are not waiting for something to come later. We are not exchanging one physical element for another one, but visible for the invisible, and everything before time from which all things came. These things are sewn corruptible, then raised incorruptible in the spirit of our mind, which is the place of our new existence. As we’ve spoken many times before that the heavens that are carnally known as being filled with stars, these are not as large as the expanse of our mind which grows bigger and bigger by the expansion of the Holy Spirit, one revelation after another. And even as a catapillar cannot understand the life and flight of a butterfly, so then those who are driven by fear and controlled by fear and fortify themselves from that fear, cannot know or understand the life in flight of those who were born of the spirit called the heirs of faith. Even as Christ in his discourse with Nicodemus said, “for the wind blows wherever it wants to. You can hear the sound of it but you cannot tell where it comes and where it goes, so too are those who are born of the spirit”.
Such are we. We are not fortified here with the promises of the gods of this age for the supplicants of this age in the supplements of this age, oh no. Every time we have a fear we offer up to God his son the only sacrifice that is acceptable to him and where our exchange of old for new took place. His son is word. He has the word broken down and so therefore the promises of God in Scripture that find root in the linings of your heart and soul, so that when the fear comes, you offer that promise to God showing you are the sons of God. This is us “beholing in a mirror the Glory of God, are being transitioed from that GLory to that Glory as by the (Holy) Spirit”. In this way we are shown to follow the spirit of God and confirm our identity as Their children. He came to “deliver those who are all their lifetime subject to the fear of death”, we no longer fear those things. We no longer spend our time fortifying our self against the inevitability that we will lose our self.
So if we lose ourselves in Christ, we gain everything. For what profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his soul? Conversely, what is our profil if we gain our soul and loose the world? We gain everything that we’ve believed from the beginning”. From where it was said “let there be,,,.
It is those who have gained everything in in this age that have nothing in the next. And it is those of us who have nothing in this age that have everything in the next age. And just as Christ was seen writing as a peasant on a donkey up to Jerusalem, He was also filled with the fullness of the godhead body. In the same way, we who are walking incognito have these things that “the glory in the essence may be of God and not of ourselves” but still in ourselves. We have traded physical things for invisible things and only those of us who are Spirit born again can understand what we have received.
For those who are looking for another man from heaven?  These things are hidden from your site because the only source of hope and saving was the cross.